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As distances shrink, the world becomes a "global village", privacy dies out and total surveillance becomes a reality, the Site New Answers feature opens up ILX as never before and Matt posts a picture of baby son and himself on a "What Do You Look Like" thread, I wonder what the next major revolution in AAD will be:

Will Dude Steel join the greater ILX collective?
Will Aimless be the next Ask-a-Drunkite to join the WDYLL brigade?
Will Rex Sweeney ever return?
Will Heave Ho be outed as a Nude Spock sockpuppet?

Heave Ho, Friday, 9 November 2007 18:50 (sixteen years ago) link


Michael White, Friday, 9 November 2007 20:27 (sixteen years ago) link


Heave Ho, Friday, 9 November 2007 20:28 (sixteen years ago) link

Will Dude Steel join the greater ILX collective?

I don't know about that......

It's so dark and scary out there....

There are bright lights and loud noises.....

It's so quiet most of the time except at feeding time.....

plus..... there are so many weirdos out there!

еdë §téè£, Saturday, 10 November 2007 01:40 (sixteen years ago) link

I understand. The inky darkness and graveyard silence of AAD is rather comforting during those long bouts of disorientation and nausea.

Aimless, Saturday, 10 November 2007 03:08 (sixteen years ago) link

I have been disoriented ever since my return from Japan.... too much Sake?

еdë §téè£, Saturday, 10 November 2007 17:31 (sixteen years ago) link

You are probably aligned north-south. Reorient yourself along a perpendicular axis and you should recover.

Aimless, Saturday, 10 November 2007 19:13 (sixteen years ago) link

I thought part of Dude's social 'disability' stemmed from the fact that he was never covered to begin with.

Michael White, Monday, 12 November 2007 17:35 (sixteen years ago) link

As soon as I can gather the cash together I am planning to have myself covered with a luscious Brocade that I have on lay-away at the local upholsterers.

My current lack of covering IS due to a good and Noble cause.

One evening whilst out drinking, it became my turn to buy a round.

Seeing as I was flat broke at the time..... I sold my coverings to pay the tab.

Oddly, most everyone had had enough to drink and were ready to leave very shortly afterwards.

еdë §téè£, Tuesday, 13 November 2007 02:27 (sixteen years ago) link

Sofa so good

It was my son posting a picture of himself and me on the WDYLL thread. He's very precocious.

Matt, Tuesday, 13 November 2007 22:08 (sixteen years ago) link

I just want to take this opportunity, now that Matt has uttered the word, to say 'sofa kingdom'.

Michael White, Tuesday, 13 November 2007 23:32 (sixteen years ago) link

You speak strangely, sir, with your accents peculiarly misplaced.

Aimless, Wednesday, 14 November 2007 04:57 (sixteen years ago) link

Moi? Perish the very thought. I speak an urbane and fluent English with a mellifluous accent understood and even appreciated the world over.

Michael White, Wednesday, 14 November 2007 21:15 (sixteen years ago) link

psst: check out toastyzone @ blogspot

Heave Ho, Thursday, 15 November 2007 02:14 (sixteen years ago) link

Rex may take some time in returning to AAD. A substantial portion of him was quite unfortunately misplaced during a trial run of an experimental atomic transporter system. There was a software glitch, where an NAND operation was substituted for an XOR and consequently a fairish number of his atoms were sent to Coventry while the remainder were reassembled in Leith.

The technicians are working on it, but in the meantime, Rex is living in several rather large jars in a council house in the East End of London. He hopes to be reunited with his gall bladder and pancreas in time for Boxing Day.

Aimless, Friday, 16 November 2007 03:50 (sixteen years ago) link

As for my joining the WDYLL brigade, I think I can give satisfaction upon that head:

Here I am, joined by my uncle Feckless, going out for a spin. My top hat and tails were unavailable on this day, due to some rather savage stains that required a crowd of dry cleaners several weeks to subdue and capture.

Aimless, Saturday, 17 November 2007 17:42 (sixteen years ago) link

I have consulted a gypsy. (In truth, it was a dog with a bandana around its neck.) According to this unimpeachable source, the future of Ask A Drunk shall be similar to that of a flourescent greenish-yellow tennis ball that has been played with first by tennis players, then reused as a dog's toy, then lost in some tall grass. In gratitude for this prescient forecast, I crossed her paw with kibbles.

Aimless, Thursday, 22 November 2007 18:40 (sixteen years ago) link

eight years pass...

Seems like it was only yesterday....

Mikemikemike, Monday, 8 February 2016 19:24 (eight years ago) link

The gypsy dog was remarkably prescient.

a little too mature to be cute (Aimless), Monday, 8 February 2016 19:39 (eight years ago) link

three months pass...

For the present the future of ask a drunk shall be thus:

That there is strength in numbers everyone agrees. But no one has yet faced full on the question of which number would prevail in a contest of tossing the caber, or opening a pickle jar with a stuck lid.

a little too mature to be cute (Aimless), Thursday, 2 June 2016 20:26 (eight years ago) link

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