One of the minor characters was a homosexual pianist who killed himself
― Heave Ho, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 19:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― M. White (Miguelito), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 21:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― Rex (Rex), Wednesday, 8 March 2006 08:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― Gov. Jerry Brown (Uber Alles), Thursday, 9 March 2006 14:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― hurley (hurley), Wednesday, 15 March 2006 19:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Gov. Jerry Brown (Uber Alles), Monday, 27 March 2006 05:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― M. White (Miguelito), Monday, 27 March 2006 14:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― M. White (Miguelito), Monday, 27 March 2006 20:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― lacuna coil, Tuesday, 4 July 2006 16:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Heave Ho, Tuesday, 4 July 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link
it had "another notch on your barrow" i believe
A guy called tomo who sold Tong vases
― Heave Ho, Friday, 7 September 2007 03:06 (seventeen years ago) link
The book is 'Spring at the Winged Horse: The First Season of Rosie Carr' by Ted Willis
― Don'tYouWorryAboutIt, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 20:24 (eight years ago) link