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Imagine spending the first two years of your life in an incubator, then having to live eating only soybeans, rice cakes, sardines, and peanut butter with no hope of a happy future. This was the life of Brian & Shawn Chrisagis, twin brothers who are two of the most godly men in ministry today. They are known as the Chrisagis Brothers world-wide and have become a staple in the Christian industry as two men who live what they preach and preach what they say. They came from a godly Christian home filled with God's love, healing, and amazing grace that is unlike the world we live in. Today the Brothers illuminate the lives of others by sharing their miraculous journey to salvation and expressing their love for the Lord through their musical ministry, their wholesome family entertainment, and variety TV Series in the tradition of Carol Burnett, Laugh In, Donny & Marie, Sonny & Cher, Dolly Parton, Barbara Mandrell & the Mandrell Sisters, the Smothers Brothers & Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin's variety shows.


The Chrisagis Brothers Ministries have been in existence for the past 25 years without any scandal and have always held up high moral character and standards that go along with the Word of God. In the past year the Brothers have exploded on the web with videos, websites, music sites, fan sites, photo galleries, and the ministry has hit world-wide attention. They were named most Eligable Men on the web by a Internet Woman's Poll, they were named Top 50 Indie Artists for Christian Music, and their Videos were named best on the web & even appeared on MTV. But with all that popularity the Brothers have found the Web to be an evil place as well with hackers, stalkers and people who take their Ministry Music and photos and put them on Porno sites, Gay Sites, and Filthy Sites not suitable for Family or Christian Viewing. If you see any links of the Chrisagis Brothers, their videos, their music, their Ministry, or their likeness on any of these types of sites please understand they have not put them there nor do they endorse those types of lifestyles. The Brothers have always lived with integrity and stood against these types of websites and lifestyles. We just pray that whoever put these videos on these sites will change his or her life for Jesus & any who watch these videos will become Born-Again, washed in the Blood of Jesus, Delivered and Set Free from all the sin. God Bless You All.


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 20:45 (twelve years ago) link

quality jams

lag∞n, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 20:53 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 20:59 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 20:59 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:00 (twelve years ago) link


Features a Chrisagis in a Prince costume starring as Sherlock Holmes in this rapture-themed masterpiece.

polyphonic, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:03 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:03 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:04 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:05 (twelve years ago) link

The Chrisagis Brothers Ministries have been in existence for the past 25 years without any scandal


goole, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:05 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:12 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:35 (twelve years ago) link


⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:36 (twelve years ago) link

i like where this is headed

max, Wednesday, 7 March 2012 02:11 (twelve years ago) link

comments are disabled on all their youtubes

⚓ (gr8080), Wednesday, 7 March 2012 02:29 (twelve years ago) link

Oh shit this is magic

Thu'um gang (jjjusten), Wednesday, 7 March 2012 02:42 (twelve years ago) link

They were named most Eligable Men on the web by a Internet Woman's Poll

^ really loving this sentence fragment

A Little Princess btw (s1ocki), Wednesday, 7 March 2012 02:49 (twelve years ago) link

also the fact that according to that fb screencap up there their fans all use the word LOL in every sentence

A Little Princess btw (s1ocki), Wednesday, 7 March 2012 02:50 (twelve years ago) link


A Little Princess btw (s1ocki), Wednesday, 7 March 2012 02:50 (twelve years ago) link

six months pass...

Hi Gang,
We just found this page on us. We aren't sure if it is made to make us look bad or good. We are honored that anyone would even think of doing a Tribute site to us... The old saying is any publicity is good. But we don't really believe that. We wanted to come on and post something because we have several sites that have bashed us and our innocence. Gang, we are twin bros who are not perfect but we live for the Lord 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We have been misunderstood so many times in our lives because we are funny. We believe laughter is an awesome gift and that the Bible tells us "he who Laughs will sit in Heaven." That blesses us because we have laughed a lot even at ourselves but we also have made many folks laugh and forget their problems. Our ministry is very important to us our integrity is too. We stand up for what the Bible tells us is right and wrong. We believe every Word in it... basically all we want to say is that if we leave any kind of a mark in our life we want folks to say "They Lived For Jesus". We don't really care about anything else. If you love us - it is only because you see Jesus in us and if you hate us... well, that is fine too. We aren't trying to be the most talented, the best looking, most gifted or smartest. We are trying our best to walk out our faith and let us see and feel Jesus in what we say and do. We have just released a new Worship CD and we believe God is calling us to really bring people into a state of inner court Worship. We have been called to stir up the church and to draw in the world by our humor and fun videos - we catch the fish gang... then let God clean it. We always tried our best to help folks and sometimes we got bit by them but we still try to help others. We live in a world where good looks bad and bad looks good. We believe that we are throw backs from another generation but we are happy with who we have become and we really don't care for any praise from anyone on this earth. We are however excited to meet our Lord and hear Him say "Well done thy good and faithful servants." See folks, if you are laughing with us we appreciate but if you are laughing at us - shame on you. But like somebody once said - they are laughing all the way to the bank... well we aren't laughing all the way to the bank but we are laughing all the way to Heaven cause the JOY that He has given us is real in the midst of any nasty websites that go up against us. For all those who support us - we pray Blessings in Double portions upon you and all those who are against us - well, we pray for you. May the Lord reveal Himself to each of you in a new way. :) :)

Chrisagis Bros, Wednesday, 19 September 2012 23:05 (twelve years ago) link

valuable new posters

johnny crunch, Wednesday, 19 September 2012 23:24 (twelve years ago) link

Welcome Chrisagis Bros!

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Wednesday, 19 September 2012 23:33 (twelve years ago) link

if we post questions will you answer them?

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Wednesday, 19 September 2012 23:33 (twelve years ago) link

We have been misunderstood so many times in our lives because we are funny. We believe laughter is an awesome gift

that makes 3 of us :) welcome chrisagis bros!

the most astonishing writer on ilx (roxymuzak), Thursday, 20 September 2012 00:34 (twelve years ago) link

hey guys

max, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:00 (twelve years ago) link

Gr8080 - Thanks for the welcome. Yes, you can ask questions and we will try our best to answer you. Blessings to you.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:01 (twelve years ago) link

Max, How R U?? Is this our dear friend Max Cannon???

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:01 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Johnny & Roxymuzak,
Hope you both are well.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:02 (twelve years ago) link

nope, im another max, big fan though, excited to see you on this board

max, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:03 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Max,
Glad to hear you are a supporter. We hate the term fans. But thank you buddy for saying that. Glad to be here. Blessings to you and if you are on facebook please look us up. We do most of our social media there.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:04 (twelve years ago) link

hi chrsagis bros, i hope the Lord employs some flashy panache when revealing Himself to each of us in a new way so He doesn't get mistaken for a sock.

estela, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:17 (twelve years ago) link

estela, that is extremely silly

the most astonishing writer on ilx (roxymuzak), Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:19 (twelve years ago) link

it's just a hope, please don't tear it down.

estela, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:23 (twelve years ago) link

Chrisagis Bros,

Just wondering if there was a specific performance of "American Man" that you enjoyed the most. I know you played it at a lot of political rallies and stuff. Any stand-out memories of that?

the most astonishing writer on ilx (roxymuzak), Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:23 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Gang,
We didn't come on here to have you all being nasty with us. We really just came on to share our hearts. So we guess we will just say good night to each of you.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:25 (twelve years ago) link

Roxy, we sing that song everywhere we go but we would say singing it with the writer of the song at our CD release with actress Lindsay Wagner would be our greatest memory of it. It is always a huge blessing to see folks who we have looked up to support our music.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:27 (twelve years ago) link

So you know something... some of the pics on this website have got some great stories behind them. The one of us in jail in the blue shirts - that was a film that a school made and asked us to be in. We play two ding bats who are fashion models and who end up in jail for being scape goats for a bad guy. It was a fun film to make. As for the Christmas pic... we are always trying to make folks laugh. We are working on some TV stuff and we dressed up as Ralphie from the Christmas Story with Santa. The problem was we actually posed with a toy gun at a park and we didn't realize that state parks don't allow toy guns. So that one has a really funny story but hey we live and learn.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:31 (twelve years ago) link

Oh BTW. the pic of us at the Courthouse singing holding hands... we were singing 4 of our patriotic songs for the Soldier's. One was American Man and the others were The Walls of 911 and I'm A Soldier. The last one was the old song the Judds would sing called LOVE CAN BUILD A BRIDGE and we asked everyone to hold hands and to start building bridges of love with one another. That is why we are holding hands.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:34 (twelve years ago) link


buzza, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:37 (twelve years ago) link

chrisagis bros, a lot of people on this site love your music, I hope you stick around

iatee, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:37 (twelve years ago) link

I would say this site might have one of the biggest groups of chrisagis bros fans on the internet

iatee, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:38 (twelve years ago) link

Also we would like to explain the outfits from the song JUMP UP in that video. The TV station and program that had us on... well they wanted to make a beach type scene and asked us to come dressed in the clothes we drove in with. We were going to change into suits but they wanted a beach scene so we had to wear those clothes. We drove to Augusta in one of the hottest days and then we go on... they made a mistake and turned on the wrong song which we hadn't sung for a while and we had to go with it. Hhahahaah! The beauty of live TV. Also we aren't sure of your ages but we always try to do a bit of Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis in our sketches so if you see us acting stupid and stuff that is the reason. We are working on a new film... it is going to be a Christian Comedy.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:40 (twelve years ago) link

Iatee, we don't really believe any of you are fans of ours. We have support sites on facebook but we think you all just want to make fun of us. If you are supporters thank you. We try to make folks smile but we can't make everyone like us. We wish we could. But thanks for saying that. Blessings to you all.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:42 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Buzza, Thanks for stopping by. Iatee, Thanks for saying that a lot of you like our music. This year we are nominated for best duo in Christian music by the Heritage Awards. We are up against a lot of groups but we are going to the Awards in Nov. we don't think we will win but we thank God that we were honored with the nomination.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:44 (twelve years ago) link

bros, I play 'playing w/ life and death' for my kids all the time. it is a fantastic album. I don't really understand this site very well, I found it through google, but I think there are some other fans here.

iatee, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:45 (twelve years ago) link

Checkout the Reality Show that we were asked to do: ( http://vimeo.com/24886250 ) Several groups came to us for a show and this was the promo.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:46 (twelve years ago) link

hey chrisagis bros, good to have you on board!

call all destroyer, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:49 (twelve years ago) link

Thanks Iatee, we really appreciate you loving our music. That was a fun CD and it was a group of songs that we really felt had a message that God wanted us to share. We did fun music videos from that CD and even with them being campy like the old Monkeys stuff they got the point across. Then we did RANSOM which has American Man and Split Second on it... that was our Dream CD because it really was the type of CD we always prayed we would do and we worked with Bob & Jayne Farrell to bring to life some of their songs to a new generation. Now we just finished a Worship CD with some original worship songs that will truly take you into the throne room in your prayer time. We hope you will like the new one. Much Love to you and your family. Thanks for the support it blesses our hearts. Please look us up on facebook and please keep us in your prayers. We need a prayer team.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:50 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Call all Destroyer - glad to be here. Thanks for the welcome. :) :) We appreciate it.

Chrisagis Bros, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:51 (twelve years ago) link

I like the idea of a prayer team!

iatee, Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:52 (twelve years ago) link

I hope you didn't overdo it today LOL We are looking forward to you working with the youth tomorrow lol

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:07 (twelve years ago) link

Terri, we will be fine for tomorrow. We look forward to it.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:08 (twelve years ago) link

:-) How about I toss out the first question tonight.... With all the amazing shows you have done in the past, can you pick one skit that was your favorite?

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:10 (twelve years ago) link

Not sure if there is anyone on... we maybe should plan it for another night. Hhahahahaha! The other night when we joined the page everyone was on. Hhaahhaahah!

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:11 (twelve years ago) link

LOL Maybe they did not realize this was the time you would be here? The time stamp says that it is September 23rd at 12:11 am

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:12 (twelve years ago) link

Our favorite skit that we have actually done is a skit is one that used to be on the web but after having a stalker one year we had all our videos removed and just recently put them back up. But the name of the skit was THE FLUSHER. We wrote it and did a video on it. It was all about how there are so many who claim to be Christians and very few who live it.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:13 (twelve years ago) link

I would love to see that one day!

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:14 (twelve years ago) link

You maybe right Terri. As for the skit - it was a Game Show where Bourne Again was the host and he had to flush out the true Christian. Hahahahaha! We had a toilet on the set of the Game Show and we had 5 of 6 so called Christians that he had to question. We had a real studio audience and it was hysterical. Hahahahha!

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:15 (twelve years ago) link

We will have to refilm it. It was many years ago. Our favorite Music Video is SPLIT SECOND.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:16 (twelve years ago) link

LOL I hope you do refilm that one! It would be great to see! Split Second is an awesome video as well! As you know I am partial to American Man.

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:24 (twelve years ago) link

Terri, American Man has become one of our most requested songs and we sing it everywhere. Several folks think we should have done a crossover with that song. Who knows maybe one day we will.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:25 (twelve years ago) link

BTW. We are glad you love it - we have Soldier's and Vets come up and thank us for singing that one all the time.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:26 (twelve years ago) link

As much as I love that song I have never heard you sing it live ... we will have to fix that soon!

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:27 (twelve years ago) link

My next question ... you know how people put together fantasy football teams with players from every year imaginable? If you could put together a "Fantasy Variety Show" who would you love to have performing with you in it?

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:28 (twelve years ago) link

Terri, hahahahahah! You have to be kidding??? You weren't there for the 4th of July event at the Baptist Church??? We will have to fix that. We are doing something this Thursday at the Martins Ferry Coffee House Holy Grounds. Try to tell others about it.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:29 (twelve years ago) link

You know I will!! What time?

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:31 (twelve years ago) link

That is an awesome question... We really have a long list on that one... In the Christian realm we always LOVED Evie Tornquist Karlsson as you know. Hhahahahaha! So she would be tops on the list with Bob & Jayne Farrell who have been huge inspirations to us. Actually those two have become awesome friends to us but also probably our BIGGEST mentors in the ministry... and then there is Stephanie Boosahda who has been a truly amazing woman of God and we have worked with her many times... she really inspired us and we look up to her and her hubby Wayne as truly Godly examples to us. She is amazing so we would want all of them in it... But as for entertainers...

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:33 (twelve years ago) link

We would want to work with the original Charlie's Angels - Jaclyn Smith, Cheryl Ladd and Kate Jackson... Farrah Fawcett is already dead so we couldn't work with her... and really Carol Burnett has been a huge role model to us in the variety show arena. We are cousins of Carol through marriage but we have never met her as of yet...

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:35 (twelve years ago) link

The coffee house is at 8pm. It will be on our website.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:36 (twelve years ago) link

Just so you know ... I want front row seats for that show!

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:36 (twelve years ago) link

We also love to work with Tom Selleck as most people know we love his work and what he stands for. And there are a few others... we have worked with Erik Estrada for years and to us he is probably one of the nicest guys we have ever met. He is also very funny. As for comics - we don't know of any clean comics out there today but our favorite comics were Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Corman, Vickie Lawerence, John Ritter was very talented, Bill Cosby...

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:38 (twelve years ago) link

Thanks Terri. You are the BEST!!! Try to come for sure. We will sing American Man. We better call it a night sweetie. We will chat with you soon. Send us your email address so we can. Love & Blessings!!

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:40 (twelve years ago) link

Thank you both for spending your time chatting tonight! My email will be in your inbox! Love you both!

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:41 (twelve years ago) link

Thanks sweetie. Big Twin HUGZZZ to you!! Good Night.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:42 (twelve years ago) link

I'm not sure if anyone is here that is an admin but I have several people asking why they couldn't get logged in... I had a hard time too but I did make it in obviously... I hope we can reschedule another chat with the Brothers so those who couldn't make it would have a chance to talk with them too.

TerriG, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:50 (twelve years ago) link

terri, I believe it takes a while for admins to approve new logins. I think if people make them ahead of time, this will not be a problem for future chrisagis bros chats (of which I hope there will be many, really bummed I missed this)

iatee, Sunday, 23 September 2012 00:52 (twelve years ago) link


❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Sunday, 23 September 2012 04:04 (twelve years ago) link

Thanks Iatee, we appreciate your kindness and you getting back with Terri on this. We had several emails to our facebook about not being able to get on. We never realized that was the problem but we are grateful you got back with us on this. God Bless!

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 14:29 (twelve years ago) link

Not sure what you are laughing about. But it really wasn't funny that folks tried to get in but got their passwords too late. We don't really think we did anything that should call for laughter.

Chrisagis Bros, Sunday, 23 September 2012 14:34 (twelve years ago) link

Hi guys, I was just quoting you from earlier. I like how you use "Hahahaha!" so much when you're chatting with us.

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Sunday, 23 September 2012 18:20 (twelve years ago) link

I like it too, but I feel like we should not laugh too much when there are still people who cannot log in

can the admins please look into this problem?

iatee, Sunday, 23 September 2012 20:05 (twelve years ago) link

Thanks for explaining Gr8080. We appreciate you letting us know and thanks for liking the laughs on here.

Chrisagis Bros, Monday, 24 September 2012 01:19 (twelve years ago) link

Iatee, thanks for trying to help. We really thought this site would be set up for chats. But that is fine. We just are happy that you all aloud us to try. :) :)

Chrisagis Bros, Monday, 24 September 2012 01:21 (twelve years ago) link

You guys really enjoy chatting with fans, huh?

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Monday, 24 September 2012 01:26 (twelve years ago) link

Sad I missed the chat. I still think its a good forum for Q&As. I'm sure we can sort out the login issue.

the most astonishing writer on ilx (roxymuzak), Monday, 24 September 2012 01:55 (twelve years ago) link

We truly do enjoy chatting with people and love our supporters. We appreciate them and really care about them. Life is a tough place and if we can all share a little sunshine through getting to know others, praying for them, or making them laugh it makes all the difference. Thanks for the posts. Hope you will come back and chat with us again. Blessings to you.

Chrisagis Bros, Monday, 24 September 2012 06:26 (twelve years ago) link

Thanks for wanting to be a part of the chat. We are having a friend make a forum that would be really easier to chat on. We will still come and visit you all but we aren't sure that chatting with a group works well in this website. We look forward to doing it again though. Have a great night and hope to get to know you better in the near future.

Chrisagis Bros, Monday, 24 September 2012 06:29 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Guys, you around?

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Wednesday, 26 September 2012 23:08 (twelve years ago) link

guess not.

❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Thursday, 27 September 2012 01:18 (twelve years ago) link

Hi Gang

pun lovin criminal (polyphonic), Thursday, 27 September 2012 23:56 (twelve years ago) link

four months pass...


❏❐❑❒ (gr8080), Sunday, 3 February 2013 01:01 (twelve years ago) link

love these dudes

flag this post and die (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 6 February 2013 01:10 (twelve years ago) link

eight months pass...


Here's our schedule in the next few weeks. Nov. 3rd Jeff Garrison and us will be on Family Life TV from 8 pm til 10 pm in Kittanning, Ohio. November 7th we (the Chrisagis Brothers) will be doing a concert by ourselves at 7 pm til 8 pm at Paris Presbyterian Church 127 Steubenville Pike, Paris Burrgettstown, PA 15021. Following our concert will be the last sermon from the legendary Rev. Billy Graham "My Hope For America". Nov. 14th Ron Retzer and us will be doing a concert at the McClure Hotel in Wheeling for the Bus Tour. November 24th at 6 pm Ron Retzer and us will be in concert once again at the Tiltonsville, Ohio Methodist Church. Dec. 1st our dear inspirations and mentors Farrell & Farrell (Pioneers of Christian Music) be in concert with us at the Moundsville Baptist Church. Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" with us, Ron Retzer, Jeff Garrison, Jennifer Galownia, and Bob Wolfe at the Strand Theater tickets are $10 each. Please get your tickets early it is a night you will cherish bringing in the Season with music, joy, inspiration, and celebrating Jesus like no other Christmas concert around. So get your tickets now from us by emailing us here or at thechrisagisbroth✧✧✧@ya✧✧✧.c✧✧. or at the Moundsville, Baptist Church. Dec. 13th Open Door Baptist Church at Collier Way Weirton, WV. Dec. 15th with the Honkytonk Sweethearts at the Capital Theater Ballroom, on Dec. 20th Church Of Christ in Wintersville, Ohio, with our amazing Ministry team and Dec. 22nd we are at the Capital Music Theater Ballroom with the entire team (Ron, Jeff, Jennifer & Bob). As you can see Christmas is a busy time for us... keep us all in prayer & please come & enjoy the concerts. Much love to you all!

ᶓ͠סּᴥ͠סּᶔ ᶓͼ᷆ₓͼ᷇ᶔ (gr8080), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 16:15 (eleven years ago) link

Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" Then Dec. 6 The Chrisagis Brothers Productions presents "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii" "The Gift Of The Chrisagii"

ᶓ͠סּᴥ͠סּᶔ ᶓͼ᷆ₓͼ᷇ᶔ (gr8080), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 16:17 (eleven years ago) link

six months pass...


°ㅇ๐ْ ° (gr8080), Tuesday, 6 May 2014 17:11 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...


°ㅇ๐ْ ° (gr8080), Tuesday, 10 June 2014 03:44 (ten years ago) link

four months pass...


╲╱\/╲/\╱╲╱\/\ (gr8080), Saturday, 25 October 2014 18:13 (ten years ago) link

god bless you gr8080

polyphonic, Saturday, 25 October 2014 19:30 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

i say this too much but how did this thread get by me.

also, why did you post two dolls that both look like max.

pplains, Monday, 10 November 2014 04:11 (ten years ago) link

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