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Hello OiNK,

Sorry if I sound like a tool, I was just wondering if the lack of a reply to my application is an implied rejection. The form states an answer will be given 1-3 days after posting and it's been a week since I applied and I'm just interested in knowing if I was accepted or not because not knowing is almost torture. Thank you.


grandepois, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 05:33 (seventeen years ago) link

Well you're are not alone on that:P but as far as I understand they're having some problems with the invite system..

tobb3, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 09:38 (seventeen years ago) link

tobb would be correct.

We're doing the best we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience- keep the great applications coming!

:) :) :)

Oink Administrator, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 18:38 (seventeen years ago) link

Patience has its rewards!

Confounded, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 19:17 (seventeen years ago) link

“He that can have Patience, can have what he will”

B. Franklin


tobb3, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 20:36 (seventeen years ago) link

Can I reapply then? My views have changed on the deerhoof/sufjan subject.:)

grandepois, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 23:30 (seventeen years ago) link

I refuse to take part in this fad held by the common forum junkie. If you want to refuse me access based strictly upon this refusal, well you're entitled to that and I'll accept the rejection, but analyze it for a minute.

Dear "grandepois",

I can't say I think this attitude would translate well into our supportive pink community.

Thank you.

Oink Administrator, Thursday, 12 April 2007 01:55 (seventeen years ago) link

Hmm, you have a point there. I suppose it goes both ways though... I wasn't aware I was applying for a group of people so close minded that they would discriminate against others because an obsession with an artist isn't shared. I thought it was filled with open minded people who didn't force their beliefs upon one another. If I knew I was applying to the musical equivalent of the KKK I wouldn't have bothered. Sorry for being an asshole, keep segregating yourselves, you're good at it.

grandepois, Thursday, 12 April 2007 05:49 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh and I'm well aware how immature this follow up post is. Have fun complaining about me to each other.

Cat power sucks and really isn't hot. In every picture I've seen of her she either looks like a crack whore or looks extremely young. So that must mean all of you have disgusting fetishes, whether it be liking the anorexic type or being a pedophile, that's you're deal though and I hope you can cope with it. I just hope you all eventually kick your disgusting obsessions. Good luck.

grandepois, Thursday, 12 April 2007 06:10 (seventeen years ago) link


chaki, Thursday, 12 April 2007 06:35 (seventeen years ago) link

2 tru

Michael Servetus, Thursday, 12 April 2007 07:25 (seventeen years ago) link

Dear "grandepois",

Congratulations! You've passed the Oink adversity test, which probes how much musical independence you truly have!

Your invite should arrive in the next day or two.

Thank you.

Oink Administrator, Thursday, 12 April 2007 13:20 (seventeen years ago) link

First there was Gandhi, then there was Martin Luther King JR. Now a new hero emerges...grandepois. I can see it all now, "grandepois paving the way for indie kids everywhere." Yeah, I like that. Good stuff.

grandepois, Thursday, 12 April 2007 16:50 (seventeen years ago) link

dont get ahead of yourself.

Myspace Password Admin, Thursday, 12 April 2007 17:32 (seventeen years ago) link

Dear "grandepois",

I almost feel bad now. I was just jerking your chain.

Thank you.

Oink Administrator, Thursday, 12 April 2007 17:39 (seventeen years ago) link

oh, grandepois

Curt1s Stephens, Thursday, 12 April 2007 17:48 (seventeen years ago) link

I was well aware of that...You were sarcastic so I thought I would play off of that, sorry I assumed you were able to sense when someone wasn't being serious. Who would seriously compare themselves to Gandhi and Martin Luther King?

grandepois, Thursday, 12 April 2007 18:07 (seventeen years ago) link

grandepois, this is an A to B conversation, and you need to C your way out. Oink is not for you. Our community does not want you.

Oink Administrator, Thursday, 12 April 2007 18:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Hello Oink,
I have returned from my fishing trip...I am quite disappointed with the writhing fish at the end of my fishing line. We couldn't go to Lake Tahoe because it was snowing so we ended up in Lake Berryessa. My family only caught tiny babies and since it's Spring I'm guessing that there aren't many big fishes around.

Here's one of the fellas we caught:

And then there's Glory Hole:

crabcigar, Thursday, 12 April 2007 18:37 (seventeen years ago) link

better luck next time, CC.

Oink Administrator, Thursday, 12 April 2007 18:56 (seventeen years ago) link

if you have never heard of the Glory Hole before crabcigar's post and want to see more photos of it, doing a google image search for "glory hole" will not help you.

Oink Administrator, Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:03 (seventeen years ago) link


Confounded, Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh come on, I didn't mean that Glory Hole!

crabcigar, Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:20 (seventeen years ago) link

haha, your unfortunate google search literally made me LOL. now the people at the table across from me are giving me strange looks. anyway, a search for "glory hole lake berryessa" yielded slightly less shocking results: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=Rk4&q=glory+hole+lake+berryessa&btnG=Search+Images

hope that helps.

atomsforpeace, Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:32 (seventeen years ago) link

crabcigar, did you eat that fish?

Lingbert, Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:49 (seventeen years ago) link


crabcigar, Thursday, 12 April 2007 20:06 (seventeen years ago) link

did you catch and release it?

Lingbert, Thursday, 12 April 2007 20:13 (seventeen years ago) link

Pretty much; they were too small.

crabcigar, Thursday, 12 April 2007 20:21 (seventeen years ago) link

a) horselover_fat
b) ryan
c) 26
d) male
e) toronto

1) small brown bike - our own wars [1999/No Idea/mp3/256]
minisystem - madingley [2006/Noise Factory/mp3/256]
jenny piccolo - discography [2006/31G/mp3/320]

2) Rockism is a movement that was founded in the early eighties in a small suburb of toronto called oshawa. Unknowingly, as they tussled their frizzy locks cut to fit just right under their hockey helmets, blared '2 minutes to midnight' and 'rime of the ancient mariner' from their camaro's, and smoked copius amounts of shitty biker hash oil, the blue collar workers of this small burb were starting a movement. This paradigm shift in musical appreciation would echo throughout audiences worldwide, breaking down walls set up by prejudice and ignorance. Finally, it would be ok to be into dudes who dressed like chicks, and sing in falsetto with 'the guys'. It would reach so far as to influence guitar design itself, where companies such as Ibanez now designed the guitar to be as dandy as the star playing it. Some attribute this freak occurrence of cross-cultural suburban influence to, uh, bears. But it is undeniable that rockism can be seen even today throughout popular culture. It is an inevitability that once the no-wave fashionistas are tired of ripping on that, the next style to take on the dance party will be Rockism.

3) http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/030129/18144__catpower_l.jpg

4) It can be stated with pure scientific fact that sufjan stevens is indeed the second coming of Jesus Christ. One needs only to look at the sexy people that accompany him to play, pure Disciple material indeed. However, much like the first Christ, it’s pretty easy to get behind someone that says their the son of god. Sympathizing with the down-trodden American worker (‘with a pair of payless shoes’) in the lonely peninsula’s and isthmus’ of the northeast with delicate picks of a banjo and vocal harmonies is like shooting indie fish in a barrel for unit sales. And for awhile, I believed that Sufjan was my saviour, too. But album after album of that familiar formula that packs in the crystal cathedrals and concert halls began to wear thin. While harkening from the pulpit can indeed sway the congregation, once you’ve ascended to that place, whose shoes do you wear now? Mayhaps we need a Luther to bring Sufjan back to reality. Deerhoof, on the other hand, sings about the milkman. Who doesn’t like milk?

5) 1

ender, Thursday, 12 April 2007 21:34 (seventeen years ago) link

Do you have any invites left? I'll type up an application if you give me an ok.

RichyG, Thursday, 12 April 2007 23:41 (seventeen years ago) link

I was just typing the same question as RichyG....

belljaf, Thursday, 12 April 2007 23:46 (seventeen years ago) link

I am quite shocked by the fact that you mention Sufjan an equal to Christ. I am curious; would you care to elaborate further?

crabcigar, Thursday, 12 April 2007 23:58 (seventeen years ago) link

RichyG, belljaf:

we have plenty!

Oink Administrator, Friday, 13 April 2007 01:16 (seventeen years ago) link

a.) Anthony
b.) Anthony
c.) 18
d.) Male
e.) Mansfield, OH, US

1) a. The Fall of Troy- Doppelganar
b. Protest the Hero- Kezia
c. +44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating
2) Rockism is an ideology about real authentic music. Many people think that "pop" music is not a true artisic expression because of the mess of recording professionals and censors that water down the music. It is merely played by the performer. Rockism is wary of the use of technology, such as synthesizers and computer programs, used in the production of pop music. Rockism is based on the notion that real music is concieved from an artist and perfomed as a form of self expression, not a public display of music for the sole purpose of monetary gain.
3) <a href=http://www.celluloidandvinyl.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/_smoking_cat_power.jpg"></a>

4) I believe that both Deerhoof and Surfjan Stevens are exceptional artists. They both creat and compose music that does not fit the mainstraim pop structure. Deerhoof has extremely erroneous song structures and Surfjan Stevens has an ambient awe about it. Both of these fine artists represent what the music scene is all about; self expression. Music as an art is a practice kept alive by creative, non-molded projects like Deerhoof and Surfjan Stevens.
5) I only require one invite.

Anthony, Friday, 13 April 2007 03:44 (seventeen years ago) link

a) whipit
b) Dan
c) 29
d) Male
e) Sydney, Australia

1) Name three shared albums (+192kbps only) that others have successfully downloaded from you in the past week
Umek - Monoid
Mr. Scruff - Keep It Unreal
The Crystal Method - Tweekend

2) What is rockism? (answer in paragraph format, eight sentence minimum)
The concept of rockism is truly unique to music. The idea of a critical discourse warped by the values of one genre or school would be more difficult to imagine in film, for example, when asked “Do you take big studio ‘popcorn movies’ more seriously than other critics?” movie critic Roger Ebert responded: “I take all movies seriously. The term ‘popcorn movie’ is the kind of journalese that one would try to avoid. Movies are either good or bad, within their genres and spheres of intention, regardless of who makes them.”
Rockism doesn’t mean much to anyone outside of the small circles of music critics, the pseudo-critics, like yours truly, and those who populate the weblogs and chatrooms of the Internet. As a term, “rockism” is as much a buzzword to the music community as “meta,” “neo-liberalism,” and “heteronormism” are to academia. In the most simple of terms, rockism is the unofficial theory that popular music of the rock ’n’ roll persuasion is inherently more authentic, worthwhile and better than others. It’s the mindset that whatever is recorded on a primitive eight track is inherently more valid and worth of serious criticism than the lip-synching pop star supported by a corporation.Rockism is essentially a prejudiced attitude to any form of popular music that doesn't conform to the values of rock music (in the most narrow and conventional sense of the term.) The most obvious example of this is the tendency of middle-aged fans of 'classic rock' to describe any music that involves the overt use of electronic instruments as not 'real music'.

3) Post a link to your favorite picture of Cat Power
Pussy Power. Guaranteed to get you what you want, every time.

4) Which artist is better, Sufjan Stevens or Deerhoof? Why? (answer in paragraph format, eight sentence minimum)
Not being familiar with either of these artists, i'm just going to flip a coin to decide. Best of three. Heads is Stevens, tails and it's Deerhoof. First flip, heads. Second flip, tails. Third and deciding flip, tails. So there you have it. Deerhoof is better, by a tail.

5) How many invites do you require?
One please.

whipit, Friday, 13 April 2007 06:36 (seventeen years ago) link

Well, I wouldnt say that I said he's an equal to christ. my analogy was merely to shed light on notions of idol worship and personality cults that de facto rise out of "indie" culture...just using some free literary license yo...but if i could pander down that same road again, i'd say that what happens in indie rock is kinda similar to organized religion....people put out records, people then freak out and blog and write articles about what they think the artist was doing & meaning, and whether or not it should be played backwards or forwards, etc.. when really, people should buy music based on if they individually like it, rather than aquiesce to whomever particular publications have decided is going to sell them the most ad revenue. as if there is some sort of quantitative objective truth in opinion, as if there was one true religion. nah mean?

ender, Friday, 13 April 2007 15:30 (seventeen years ago) link

Ender: after that convincing argument, we have decided to bestow upon you the invite we were going to give crabcigar. Congrats! You will be recieving your invite shortly. We hope you discover much more christlike music as a member of the Pink Palace.

Oink Administrator, Friday, 13 April 2007 20:00 (seventeen years ago) link

a) binaryan
b) ryan
c) 24
d) m
e) washington, dc

Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted: Luxe and Redux
The Dirty Projectors - The Glad Fact
Brian Eno and David Byrne - My Life in the Bush of Ghosts

2) Rockism is bullshit. Rockism places value judgments where they don't belong, in the nebulous realm of music appreciation. Rockism creates borders inside an art that builds bridges. Rockism discards the authenticity of personal taste - as if personal choices need validation. Rockism is lazy criticism. It's somewhat natural but not inescapable. I'm often guilty. Rockism isn't worth the sixty seconds I just spent thinking about it.

3) This one's from a french mp3 blog

4) "Better" and "artist" are loaded words. I say that Sufjan is a better songwriter and a better musician, but that Deerhoof is the better artist. Sufjan works inside a time-tested musical framework to create beautiful music that uplifts and inspires masses. I don't use "masses" lightly - I saw his recent show at the Kennedy Center (backed by the National Symphony Orchestra) and the swooning crowds in the sold-out theater were tiny compared to the throngs that filled the lobby, balcony and courtyard of the building.
Conversely, Deerhoof makes challenging music that is inaccessible to most casual listeners. A truly random "man-on-the-street" sampling of 50 would likely turn up no Deerhoof fans. But these fans do exist. I last saw Deerhoof at the Warehouse Next Door, a tiny artspace in downtown Washington, DC. Like Sufjan at the Kennedy Center, this show was also sold-out, with a marked difference. Over half the members of the room were fellow musicians from our local scene. They were inspired, in part by Deerhoof, to create music of their own, and had to come to watch a band they admired create their art live.
Along with about 3,000 others, I waited 14 hours for tickets to that Sufjan show. Talked to a lot of people. About a fifth of them had never heard his music before; they were there because their girlfriend or brother liked him. They were there because camping out "sounded fun."

5) One, please.

binaryan, Friday, 13 April 2007 21:20 (seventeen years ago) link

a) bellstar
b) Josh
c) 19
d) Male
e) Leeds, UK

1) Chin up, Chin up - This Harness Can't Ridae Anything
The Jayhawks - Tomorrow The Green Grass
Jimi Hendrix - South Saturn Delta
2) Rockism is the idea that at some point in the past music was perfect (or at least close) and that all music produced since then is inferior in some way. This 'golden age' is often assumed have occured at some point during the 60's and 70's. The term itself is thought to have first originated in the british press in the Late 70's and 80's. It is an idea that can only credibly used in the critisism of music. If the principles of 'rockism' are applied to any other medium of art then people would become anoyed as the concept discourages the production of new art.
Rockist music typicly contains only Drums, Bass and guitar and frowns apon music that uses synthesisers and post production to create the song. One of the main critisms of Rockism is that it is a racist, homophobic and sexist ideology as the artists that Rockists identify with are White heterosexual males. There are however many examples of 'rockist' artists that defy this critisim, for example: Jimi Hendrix, Chuck Berry, Patti Smith and R.E.M.

3) [img][Removed Illegal Link]

4) Oooh, gonna have to say Sufjan as he is one of my favorite artists and for me would win most comparisons. That said if I had to take an artist as a whole (i.e. all their albums) then I would pick Deerhoof. Some of Sufjans stuff is a bit too harsh for me, especially enjoy your rabit whereas I could happily listen to all of Deerhoof. Sufjan has also had some shockers, I enjoyed the christmas album for the first day then the cheese nearley made me kill myself. So now I think about it I'm not too sure which I prefer. I thought this was going to be easy but I guess I'm going to have to go and re-listen to the both and then make up my mind...

Ok just relistened to the my fav tracks and I think sufjan still get's it. His song structures really appeal to me and I prefer his more chilled out instrumentation, especially the banjo.

5) How many invites do you require?

Just the one please

belljaf, Friday, 13 April 2007 22:57 (seventeen years ago) link

Awww...I was really hoping to get an invite and give you guys my music but I guess I lost my chance. Well, it was a pleasure submitting an application and sharing my fish with you guys. Take care.

crabcigar, Friday, 13 April 2007 23:03 (seventeen years ago) link

just realised my cat power link messed up so here it is again:


belljaf, Friday, 13 April 2007 23:13 (seventeen years ago) link

omg she looks so fat in that picture

Oink Administrator, Friday, 13 April 2007 23:51 (seventeen years ago) link


Oink Administrator, Friday, 13 April 2007 23:51 (seventeen years ago) link

belljaf, your ability to paraphrase Wikipedia is unmatched. good work.

atomsforpeace, Saturday, 14 April 2007 00:54 (seventeen years ago) link


So long, and thanks for all the fish.

g®▲Ðұ, Saturday, 14 April 2007 02:32 (seventeen years ago) link

what kind of fish

am0n, Saturday, 14 April 2007 03:34 (seventeen years ago) link

crabcigar, you can still be our friend. just because we won't oink together doesn't mean we can't roll together.

Lingbert, Saturday, 14 April 2007 13:56 (seventeen years ago) link


am0n, Saturday, 14 April 2007 14:29 (seventeen years ago) link

a) captaincurk
b) Johnny (Jonathan, actually) Hanson
c) 19
d) male (obviously ^^)
e) Germany, Cologne

1) Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds (embarassing, huh)
Jeff Buckley - Grace
Joanna Newsom - Ys

2) Since most people here have tried to exactly circumphrase "rockism", which to me is more of a slippery, less easily defined term, I will not do that again (sorry folks!). Although I do agree with rockism in many ways, it has a property, which troubles me, and here's why:

A couple of weeks ago we had a contest for newcomer rockbands of our area. The winning band was all styled up and stuff, but they could play their instruments! I was like "Yes, FINALLY! The return of the rockbands!" and a friend of mine said "No no, they are obviously posing. This is all commercial fake."

I am trying to show, how you can adhere to the "laws of rockism" and still be of a completely different opinion of an artist.

Please try me for using anecdotal evidence and not answering the question either, but this has been done so many times before!

3) http://img385.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cat20power2020the20mempul2.jpg

4) Errrr ... I have to admit that I have not consciously listened to Deerhoof recently, but I do like Sufjan Stevens, and here's why:

When I'm not clubbing around cologne, I like to listen to music, in order to either reflect on somthing or simply chill out and relax. And Sufjan's music is a pretty good match for both occasions. To me, Sufjan Stevens is like some sort of "Cat Stevens" of today. And I'd like to add (if I may) that his music sort of turns women on ("To be alone with you"), too!

5) Is there any reason why I would possibly want more than one invite? If so, I want many; if not so, I'll be happy with one :)

Please excuse any misspellings, I'm not a native speaker and kindof in a hush right now.

Enjoy the sun, people!

captaincurk, Saturday, 14 April 2007 14:30 (seventeen years ago) link

oh bugger!


captaincurk, Saturday, 14 April 2007 14:34 (seventeen years ago) link

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