Search and destroy: Neil Young

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Hi, I've only got basically I'm looking for recommendations!!

james e l, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search: Tonight's the Night. The only Neil Young album I can love. There's something so dark and tragic yet playful in it. And you can shout along with it brilliantly. Those songs on Harvest with the orchestra. Destroy: the rest. Whining bastard, guitar playing below par (solo on 'Cortez the Killer' is one of the most overrated solos in rockhistory), shite concerts with acoustic guitar & harmonica plus the dreaded reverence by old-fart rock-crits (yeah he's a dud!)

Omar, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


Destroy: the other half of DECADE.

AP, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

My recommendation is that you spend your money on something else, James ;).

Dr. C, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

SEARCH: The Buffalo Springfield stuff, almost everything 1969-1980. DESTROY: 'Neil Young'. I might say search or destroy some more except I've only heard one or two albums post-1980. Still not sure why.

Ally C, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

This board continually surprises me (guess that's why I'm here.) I was worried Elvis would get a right old slagging, but no, on the whole all v. respectful, whereas I thought pretty much everybody liked at least one alb by N. Young and would be rushing in to sing his praises, esp. as his vocal style has inspired loads of other whining indie boys (Mascis, Malkmus, Mercury Rev, etc.) But how wrong I was! Anyway, James, if you like 'Harvest' you'll probably dig the following just as much: Search: 'On the Beach', 'Tonight's the Night', 'Zuma', 'After the Gold Rush', 'Rust Never Sleeps', 'Decade' (one of the best 'Greatest Hits' sets ever released, imho.) Destroy: Anything with a 'tribute' to K. Cobain on it; CSNY.

Andrew, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search : Freedom (his least sloppy-sounding record ever)

Destroy : Time Fades Away, plus loads of records that I have no intention of buying to make sure they stink more.

Better than you'd think : Re-ac-tor, Trans.

Patrick, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search: Ragged Glory, Freedom, most of the early years Destroy: Everybody's Rockin', Mirrorball, Arc Undecided: Trans

Sean Carruthers, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

SEARCH: "Tonight's the Night" is one of the most gloriously, strangely f***ed up records I've ever heard. He just sounds like his hanging on the edge of complete mental collapse. But oddly indifferent to it. Most of his early solo albums have a similar kind of catastrophic feel to them. I think he's great for bad hangovers.

DESTROY: A lot of his later stuff probably. "Arc Weld" sounded like a self-indulgent rockfest to me, however much John Peel adored it.

Johnathan, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

neil young, like my sundry aunts and uncles, is someone i could live without but it's nice having him around anyway.

search: everyone knows this is nowhere, after the gold rush

i probably dunno enough about neil to suggest what to destroy without being crass and just saying "everything." though, hey, how about destroying that grunge thing?

fred solinger, Wednesday, 2 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Pre-2000: Destroy everything the man every recorded.
Now I am one of the obsessed fans that likes just about everything. So of course, I have to say "Search everything.".

Stevie Nixed, Thursday, 3 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search: like everyone sez, Everyone Knows This Is... and After The Gold Rush and Zuma. Destroy: Buffalo Springfield, J. Mascis

Sterling Clover, Thursday, 3 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search: After The Gold Rush, Live Rust (one of the greatest live albums ever made), Live Horse (see previous comment) and, strangely the newer one Silver and Gold.

Destroy: Sleeps with Angels, and most of the CSN&Y wank, except Our House of course ;)

achilles_last_stand, Sunday, 13 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search: Rust Never Sleeps/Decade/Ragged Glory/On the Beach/Hawks & Doves

Destroy: his 80s stuff/Harvest

Would he be better if he didn't sing like a constipated eunuch? Or is that part of the charm?

Scott, Monday, 14 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

YESSSS!!! Someone else is a Trans fan! The best thing he did in the Eighties IMHO. (I think Freedom is a "destroy" -- aged badly, sounds too much like a Big Eighties dinosaur-rockstar album for my tastes).

If you like Harvest, you might also want to check out Comes a Time, which is also country- and folk-flavored. Kinda gets lost because it was released in between Zuma and Rust Never Sleeps, but it's pretty good & a genuine sleeper.

Tadeusz Suchodolski, Thursday, 17 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

ten months pass...
Woah! Someone here said they **like** Trans! I really did think I was the only person who was able to get past how different it is from the folky-rocky stuff Neil Young usually does--which is also nice, but in a bit too much of a 60's style for me. I only owned the album on tape--which got trashed, so for the past 10 years I've only been able to play Sample and Hold in my mind.

Helen Nelander, Tuesday, 2 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I originally posted "undecided" on Trans, but I think I'm changing my vote to SEARCH, if only for the sheer balls of it, and the fact that I have very fond memories of "Computer Age". The legend has it that his strange computerized singing in there, and the general incomprehensibility of it was his attempt to mirror the communications problems he had with his disabled son, which really does make the whole thing a lot cooler from the conceptual point of view in addition to already sounding pretty avant garde for someone better known for crunchy power chords over folk-influenced numbers. I think I may actually go and get that album now.

Sean Carruthers, Tuesday, 2 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

eleven months pass...
Trans is indeed a very worthy artifact of a record. The songs on it are really pretty good - and they're written like standard Neil songs (silly rhymes, simple chord progressions, same time signatures, etc.) - it's just that they're filtered through this totally bizarre-o voicebox/synth framework that makes them much stranger and otherworldly than they would otherwise be. And yes, it is all about communicating with his son.

I've been on a big Neil kick lately, one which will probably reach it's apex when I manage to get my grubby paws on a copy of "On the Beach", one of the only Neil albums I haven't heard (the others being "Everybody's Rockin" and "Landing on Water").

Shakey Mo Collier, Wednesday, 5 March 2003 23:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

The two best Neil Young albums are "Deja Vu" by CSNY and "Again" by Buffalo Springfield.

However, "After The Goldrush", "Harvest" and "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere" are great. Out of his later material, "Harvest Moon" is the one sounding more like Young at his best than any of the others.
"On The Beach" is also great, but that one you will have to seek using Kazaa, as all searching for it in CD shops will be in vain.

Destroy: "Everybody's Rockin'", "This Note's For You" and the overrated "Tonight's The Night"

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:01 (twenty-one years ago) link

"as all searching for it in CD shops will be in vain."

What's a "CD"? I've been using these flat black round things that make noise when you put a needle on them.

Shakey Mo Collier, Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

S: "After the Gold Rush"
"Comes a Time"
A lotta people like "Time Fades Away," me, I'll take Big Star's "Third" ( I got to know it in its original PVC release my older bro had, so I'm not comfortable with these newfangled titles/track orders...).

I'm not really a fan. But those are all good albums, I mean I don't see how he ever much improved on "Cinnamon Girl," what an ace riff. As usual, I have to roundly disagree w/Geir: CSNY is an abomination unto the Lord. Buffalo S. is good.

Jess Hill (jesshill), Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

I love Neil. So much to search: Rust Never Sleeps, Tonight's The Night, Times Fades Away, ReAcTor, Comes A Time, Ragged Glory, Freedom, there's at least one good song on every album, which is why I'm not gonna say destroy. Though I'll admit I haven't bought anything of his after Year Of The Horse and Broken Arrow (too much sludge for just one boy).

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

What's a "CD"? I've been using these flat black round things that make noise when you put a needle on them.

In which case, you may find "On The Beach" in some used store, only it will costs you for sure. :-)

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

Btw. Managed to get to "collect" "On The Beach" using good old Audiogalaxy a couple years ago. All of the mp3s (apart from those copied and burned from my "Decade" CD) were obviously taken from vinyl (that you can hear), but it works.

Why isn't "On The Beach" available on high quality bootlegs like the stereo versions of the first Beatles albums are?

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

oh, I know it's pricey. I saw it for $20 once and later kicked myself for not immediately snapping it up. Not sure why it hasn't been widely bootlegged, pretty much all of Neil's stuff is widely bootlegged in some form or another...

Shakey Mo Collier, Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

all searching for it in CD shops will be in vain.

this is very not actually true. just like it seem geir likes to be. I found a CD! bootleg copy in atomic records in milwaukee and it wasn't too expensive. allyC has a proper looking [covers, disc printed on, etc.] copy from some german label.

I alternate between Tonight's the Night and On the Beach being my favourite--they are both incredible.

Rust Never Sleeps, too. Zuma in parts. Everybody Knows This is Nowhere is very good, also.

I have yet to pay enough attention to the buffalo springfield album allyC insisted I buy.

RJG (RJG), Thursday, 6 March 2003 00:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

ugh, I think the Buffalo Springfield stuff is generally pretty awful. Crappy production, too many cooks in the kitchen + bad LA folk-rock (one of the worst scenes EVAH) - I don't know what anyone sees in their scanty recorded output.

Shakey Mo Collier, Thursday, 6 March 2003 01:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

"Expecting To Fly" remains the one and only best thing Neil Young has ever done, and he hasn't even come close to the quality of that gem later on.

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Thursday, 6 March 2003 01:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Destroy: Everybody's Rockin, Reactor, Sleeps With Angels, Unplugged (Damm I hate that Organ), Harvest Moon, Mirror Ball, Stars and Bars, Hawks and Doves, Old Ways and Are You Passionate to start.
Search: Tonights The Night (worth all the praise)Zuma, Everybody Knows This Is NoWhere, Trans, Freedom, Ragged Glory, Decade, This Notes For You (for "This Notes For You"), Rust Never Sleeps, Time Fades Away, After The Goldrush and the DVDs Live in Berlin and Year of The Horse.

Honegro, will you please shut up. Your a parasite sucking the life out of any conversation.

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Thursday, 6 March 2003 01:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

haha, it's easy to ignore him. and laugh at him. look!:

the one and only best thing Neil Young has ever done

RJG (RJG), Thursday, 6 March 2003 02:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

Its having to ignore him when he is 2 out of 3 posts on a thread and 1/3 of the threads in the new answers. its not like he is adding anything except spouting off about his war against rhythm.

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Thursday, 6 March 2003 02:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

I saw it for $20 once and later kicked myself for not immediately snapping it up.

I paid $7 Canadian for mine (the dollar was worth a little more then, but not much), and that was the most I ever saw it go for. The only "proper" album I've ever bought that has artwork on the interior of the jacket.

I'd like to throw in a good word for one of the sides of Hawks & Doves (the "Folk" side, not the awful "Country" side), cuz no one else will.

Vic Funk, Thursday, 6 March 2003 03:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

two months pass...
I think that Zuma is probably my fave Neil Young album now.

jel -- (jel), Sunday, 11 May 2003 17:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

one year passes...
search: 'broken arrow', 'mr. soul', and the other one from the BS lp (his best song ever); the vocodered re-take of 'mr. soul' on trans; on the beach (but destroy most writing thereon, johhny rogan please sit down); tonight's the night; the strings on the second side of everybody knows....

destroy: harvest (exc. 'a man needs a maid') and after the goldrush (exc. actually listening to it.)

cºzen (Cozen), Sunday, 25 July 2004 08:56 (twenty years ago) link


has anyone ever notcied how much wany coyne sounds like teh neil jong?

nickalicious (nickalicious), Sunday, 25 July 2004 09:00 (twenty years ago) link

Search: Greendale the album (his best in years). Destroy: Greendale the movie.

Pete Scholtes, Sunday, 25 July 2004 20:42 (twenty years ago) link

Search: Everything up to Zuma, which encompasses the first nine albums -- all brilliant. And just about everything from Freedom (1989) on up, save for two records (Are You Passionate? and Broken Arrow). Some of his very best songs appear late in the catalog, imho ("Rockin' in the Free World, "Crime in the City," "Over and Over Again," "Western Hero," "Driveby," "Downtown," "Let's Roll," "Carmichael") Also, Trans, by far Neil's most underrated work.

Destroy: Nothing. Though I wouldn't recommend stuff like Everybody's Rockin', Are You Passionate?, Old Ways and Long May You Run ... they stand as fascinating miscalculations.

Chris O., Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:26 (twenty years ago) link

you could destroy most of Mirror Ball. It's not intriguingly awful and aside from "I'm The Ocean" (one of his finest, period) and some of the other fast ones its not that memorable. Shit like "Scenery" never needs to be heard again.

CeCe Peniston (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:29 (twenty years ago) link

Mirror Ball marks one of Neil's missed opportunities. If only they'd have WORKED on the damn thing a little harder. "Scenery" is the only bona fide peace of crap on it. Rest of it is really solid and really profund. But the album as a whole is messy as hell. That's what happens when you spend a mere four days on your shit.

Chris O., Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:32 (twenty years ago) link

Stuff like "I'm The Ocean" would have given Crazy Horse a coronary at that pace but Pearl Jam's rhythm section gets bored during stuff like "Scenery," which features Jeff Ament POPPING his bass.

CeCe Peniston (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:33 (twenty years ago) link

also half of Harvest Moon bores me to tears

CeCe Peniston (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:35 (twenty years ago) link

the performance of "Like A Hurricane" in Year Of The Horse makes me wish Sonic Youth never existed

CeCe Peniston (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:35 (twenty years ago) link

hahaha it's like the dad screaming "I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU!" at the kid!

CeCe Peniston (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 25 July 2004 22:36 (twenty years ago) link

one year passes...

Howard Dean, Wednesday, 19 October 2005 19:55 (nineteen years ago) link

"Powderfinger" is the best song ever recorded. And the album it's from, Rust Never Sleeps doesn't really have low points.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 19 October 2005 21:02 (nineteen years ago) link

Scour whatever downloading services you "patronize" for a copy of the Eldorado EP. Five songs, Japanese-only, totally ass-rapingly great sludge guitar fest. Two of the songs ("Don't Cry" and "On Broadway") are on Freedom, but it's "Cocaine Eyes" that you really need.

pdf (Phil Freeman), Wednesday, 19 October 2005 21:07 (nineteen years ago) link

Anybody got a YSI for Trans that''ll tell me whether I need to listen to the rest of the album or not? I got trepidation with that one (and Arc/Weld).

js (honestengine), Wednesday, 19 October 2005 21:11 (nineteen years ago) link

ass-rapingly great


my name is john. i reside in chicago. (frankE), Wednesday, 19 October 2005 21:16 (nineteen years ago) link

Really liking the new one.

Stormy Davis (diamond), Thursday, 20 October 2005 01:44 (nineteen years ago) link

In addition to On The Beach, Harvest, SOME of After The Goldrush, Rust Never Sleeps, Tonight's the Night, parts of Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, a couple others I'd search: Hawks and Doves, and "Bandit" from Greendale

Hurting (Hurting), Thursday, 20 October 2005 01:54 (nineteen years ago) link

xxxpost Albuquerque is so beautiful

iirc there's supposed to be an Archives series release covering the El Dorado/Times Square era, but you know, who knows when and if it ever comes out

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 14 December 2021 13:56 (two years ago) link

yeah there's something Neil's referred to as AMAZING FREEDOM (lol) which covers the 1988-89-ish period. I think it'll probably end up being a disc on a future archives box. there was a sneak preview of "fuckin' up" with the SNL band a little while back, sounded killer.

tylerw, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 15:54 (two years ago) link

amazing freedom is too funny

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 14 December 2021 17:01 (two years ago) link

omg @ Amazing Freedom.

When's Lionel Dreams being released?

ma dmac's fury road (PBKR), Tuesday, 14 December 2021 17:40 (two years ago) link

So I think there's something to "Chrissie Hynde and Crazy Horse," along with other mentions of Crazy Horse in comments on Bandcamp page for Rosali's 2021 No Medium---although she doesn't emphasize the tremolo like Hynde w Pretenders, sounds more like the Hynde Dylan covers set, also doesn't warble like Neil (and this CH, provided by "members of the David Nance Group." and sometimes War On Drugs dude. on good piano and organ, is kept on a medium-sized leash, no caveman stomps, though vivid enough)--but mainly I'm struck by how she can indeed produce some striking Young Neil-worthy vocal melodicism, esp, on opener and closer: can even be--exquisite, yeah I said it. Maybe too much of the same thing at medium tempo etc., but more to choose from for keepers---just see what yall think:

dow, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 18:36 (two years ago) link

omg @ Amazing Freedom.

to be followed by Glorious Ragged Glory

Chris L, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 18:39 (two years ago) link

Rosalie is great

David Nance Group probably comes closest to capturing the Crazy Horse vibe of any band on the planet right now, great records, amazing (freedom) live

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 14 December 2021 19:04 (two years ago) link

Yeah that Rosali album is really great, definitely Crazy Horse vibes all over that (as ums points out, due to Nance's group backing her up).

a superficial sheeb of intelligence (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 14 December 2021 19:20 (two years ago) link

Times Square could have been a pretty good album but the sequencing is insane. "Cocaine Eyes" is the album opener of all openers; to put it next-to-last like that is something only Neil would pull. I would probably sequence it like this:

Cocaine Eyes
On Broadway
Crime In The City
Box Car
Don't Cry
Heavy Love
Wrecking Ball

but also fuck you (unperson), Tuesday, 14 December 2021 19:59 (two years ago) link

Pleasant surprise, I actually like the new one quite a bit. It's a really good "old master" record, what I would realistically hope from someone of Neil's stature who's also closer to 80 than 70. At that age with so much work from the previous decade setting expectations, it's unlikely Neil's going to bust open a lot of new territory, and just physically he's not going to be raging like he was 50, 40, 30 years ago. An A- seems more about right, but xgau isn't far off either.

birdistheword, Wednesday, 15 December 2021 00:45 (two years ago) link

Will have to check it out, esp. since I've been listening more to Rosali, who now sounds even cooler, like Hope Sandoval, or even Karen Carpenter--times Crazy Horse, yes, and it's a fine balance, and I no longer wonder it's too much of the same thing: there are fine differences, as they continue to get their groovy groove on, across the prairie, street, and Great Divide---yeah, some The Band slipping by toward the end, or at least, "Tender Heart" has a Young Neil-Richard Manuel touch, while getting psychedelicized--

dow, Wednesday, 15 December 2021 01:15 (two years ago) link

Karen Carpenter and Crazy Horse--Where was that Christmas Special?

Precious, Grace, Hill & Beard LTD. (C. Grisso/McCain), Wednesday, 15 December 2021 01:22 (two years ago) link


dow, Wednesday, 15 December 2021 01:27 (two years ago) link

Have we discussed the weird 420 reference on "They Might Be Lost"? I can see Neil not realizing what it is a weed thing and just calling out the time as 4:20 and I can equally see Neil making it as a pointed reference, who knows

I generally like the record more than I thought I would, though it sounds a little weird to me, the mix feels slightly off in a way I have a hard time articulating

chr1sb3singer, Wednesday, 15 December 2021 18:10 (two years ago) link

Well, as ums pointed out the other day:

I used to attribute it to him quitting weed but I just looked and I guess he stared up back in 2019.

a superficial sheeb of intelligence (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 15 December 2021 18:13 (two years ago) link

100% that's a weed reference. the venn diagram of people who tell large audiences people about honey slides and people who know about 420 is a complete overlap

my hands are always in my pockets or gesturing. (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 15 December 2021 18:17 (two years ago) link

I mean was pretty sure Neil was "420 friendly" it just is kinda of a jarring to hear him sing it

chr1sb3singer, Wednesday, 15 December 2021 20:21 (two years ago) link

neil is definitely smoking plenty of pot in the BARN documentary. I think he says something like "I'm addicted!"

tylerw, Wednesday, 15 December 2021 23:45 (two years ago) link

weed barn

Nedlene Grendel as Basenji Holmo (map), Thursday, 16 December 2021 00:10 (two years ago) link

Yeah--well, if I'm catching his mumble right, the uncertainty of this delay seems to have spread to "the jury's still out," and he can't remember what he forgot or something like that---now he's got me doing it----which is a good idea for a song: the book that's been sitting on the shelf since '85--right here between this one and this other one, the book I was probably gonna read over Christmas---is gone. Looking and looking for it and I QUESTION MY LIFE man
---But this song is just standing around and mumbling, not freaking out, not nothin much---maybe it's very very special weed, dusted with powdered elixir--maybe he paid very much up front and now it's gone solid gone---so, put out another deluxe from the vaults, recoup and reinvest, try again, so what.
Several others just seem like run=throughs, low-impact stylistic exercises, despite the evident, also predictable, sincerity---but cherrypickin' tyme is no surprise, and I do find freshness, of little turns and sufficient definition, even some flair, as written and played, in "Change Ain't Never Gonna Come," "Shape of You," "Tumblin' Through The Years, "Welcome Back,"---that's my fave---and "Don't Forget Love." "Camerican" is pretty good stylistic exercise. but ends soon and abruptly, like several others

dow, Thursday, 16 December 2021 00:38 (two years ago) link

a lot of the fade outs on this record are weird and abrupt

Paul Ponzi, Thursday, 16 December 2021 00:59 (two years ago) link

...“We have recently found a collection of originals from 1987 named Summer Songs at the time of recording,” Young explains on his website. “That time was about 35 years ago. We are not sure of the exact original dates of these recordings yet. They were all given the same date in the NYA Vault’s records, but they all have a very similar unique sound. To give you an idea of place and time, Farm Aid and the Bridge School Concerts had just begun their long runs.”

“This group of songs had just been written and put down in the studio at Broken Arrow (as far as we can figure),” Young continued. “We cannot completely be sure of the engineer who was recording these, and I don’t remember the sessions at all! Every song in the collection was with acoustic guitar or piano and simple added embellishments — sketches of arrangements we made to preserve the initial ideas.”

“These originals were first introduced in their final master versions on the albums Freedom, American Dream, Psychedelic Pill and Harvest Moon. They will be included in NYA Volume 3 and may be released as a separate Archive album before that. It is a beautiful listen, created over a short period of time, that influenced four albums.”

Young provided the list of songs that will appear on the new release: ‘The Last of His Kind’, ‘For the Love of Man’, ‘American Dream’, ‘Name of Love’, ‘Someday’, ‘One of These Days’, ‘Hangin’ on a Limb’ and ‘Wrecking Ball’. Young also adds that “The words of these originals are significantly different from their subsequent master album releases in many cases. Several completely new and unheard verses are found in the songs of this collection.”

Summer Songs doesn’t yet have a release date, as research is still going on to decode some of the information regarding the sessions. Still, you can listen to the later versions of some of the album’s tracks as they appeared on future albums and live performances down below.

dow, Sunday, 26 December 2021 20:32 (two years ago) link

Archive subscribers can listen to at least some of it, dunno how much.

dow, Sunday, 26 December 2021 20:33 (two years ago) link

two years pass...

Another list but some pretty good writing:

poppers fueled buttsex crescendo (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 4 April 2024 17:35 (six months ago) link

Hyden is good at hiding a reasonable piece of criticism in the form of a list.

Halfway there but for you, Thursday, 4 April 2024 17:38 (six months ago) link

I'm laughing now at the thought of a Neil novice checking him out on the basis of the list and the first thing they hear is 9 minutes of "T-Bone".

Halfway there but for you, Thursday, 4 April 2024 17:41 (six months ago) link

Well he's completely wrong about "T-Bone", that guitar tone is monumental.

The Prime of the Ancient Minister (Tom D.), Thursday, 4 April 2024 17:43 (six months ago) link

I'm laughing now at the thought of a Neil novice checking him out on the basis of the list and the first thing they hear is 9 minutes of "T-Bone".

― Halfway there but for you

I wish that had been the case when instead I heard goddamn "Tell Me Why"!

poppers fueled buttsex crescendo (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 4 April 2024 17:46 (six months ago) link

aw I love tell me why :(

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 4 April 2024 17:52 (six months ago) link

Tell Me Why fuckin rules

maybe his best opener

a (waterface), Thursday, 4 April 2024 18:01 (six months ago) link

hyden and i just experience music in entirely different ways (thankfully). i can't imagine listening to "tell me why" and thinking "he sure is showing those suckers cs&n"

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Thursday, 4 April 2024 18:24 (six months ago) link

Tell Me Why is incredible.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Thursday, 4 April 2024 18:26 (six months ago) link

Everyone on this thread needs to hear his 1987 medley "Tell Me Why (That I Got Mashed Potatoes But Ain't Got No T-Bone)"

Halfway there but for you, Thursday, 4 April 2024 18:40 (six months ago) link

why does he start a list and then start another list going in the other direction within the list?

budo jeru, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:07 (six months ago) link

That seems like an appropriate format for Neil Young

Halfway there but for you, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:08 (six months ago) link

hyden and i just experience music in entirely different ways (thankfully). i can't imagine listening to "tell me why" and thinking "he sure is showing those suckers cs&n"

― the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Thursday, April 4, 2024 1:24 PM (two hours ago) bookmarkflaglink

lol for real

budo jeru, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:10 (six months ago) link

No motion pictures for carrie

H.P, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:11 (six months ago) link

No credibility

H.P, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:12 (six months ago) link

That's a favourite of mine that didn't make his top 100. Also "Will to Love" and "Last Dance".

Halfway there but for you, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:14 (six months ago) link

That seems like an appropriate format for Neil Young

that's kind of what I thought too. of course, to really do this in true Neil style, he would have to publish the list in two parts and constantly push the publication of the second half in favor of continual updates/rewrites to entries in the first half.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:17 (six months ago) link

hyden and i just experience music in entirely different ways (thankfully). i can't imagine listening to "tell me why" and thinking "he sure is showing those suckers cs&n"

― the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Thursday, April 4, 2024 1:24 PM (two hours ago) bookmarkflaglink

lol for real

not that it matters because it's just hyden doing a glib rockcrit thing, but the first live performances of "tell me why" were with CSNY. They probably had a little something to do with the arrangement on the harmony that ended up on the record

intheblanks, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:22 (six months ago) link

He'd publish the second half of the list first, abandon the first half, then release three collections of drafts of the second list featuring several unreleased tracks from the first list.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:23 (six months ago) link

oh man, everyone OTM about tell me why, one of my favorite songs period

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:24 (six months ago) link

Only two notes, really:

1) No "Cocaine Eyes" is the difference between me and Hyden, and our definitions of the verb "to rock," in a nutshell;

2) The version of "Like a Hurricane" on Live Rust is better than the version on Weld.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:28 (six months ago) link

definitely not denying that his time with csn influenced the harmonies on that record and his approach to harmonies in general. hyden's particular flavor of bill simmons-y music is sports brain is just nails on chalkboard to me

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Thursday, 4 April 2024 21:29 (six months ago) link

me as well, I totally agree with you and was trying to take a shot at hyden's tossed-off received wisdom brainlessness, but i probably wasn't being clear there

intheblanks, Saturday, 6 April 2024 05:06 (six months ago) link

just gotta chime in, on team "tell me why" 100%

he/him hoo-hah (map), Saturday, 6 April 2024 19:42 (six months ago) link

me too, although at this point it's hard to say i don't have a pavlovian response to it, since it heralds yet another time i get to listen to one of my very favorite records

budo jeru, Saturday, 6 April 2024 19:52 (six months ago) link

"Cocaine Eyes" is in my top ten Neil Young songs."

Re "Tell Me Why": I've grown to like it but it...took a while. I needed Zuma to loosen me up.

poppers fueled buttsex crescendo (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Saturday, 6 April 2024 19:56 (six months ago) link

was it hard to make that arrangement with yourself?

the defenestration of prog (voodoo chili), Saturday, 6 April 2024 20:17 (six months ago) link

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