Why not? All the kids are doing it...
Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway
Luther Vandross - Never Too Much
Amerie - Because I Love It
― The Reverend, Friday, 23 April 2010 22:36 (fourteen years ago) link
too many threds
― yo gotti or notti (J0rdan S.), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:37 (fourteen years ago) link
i'll actually fuck w/ this one cuz i'm not bored of r&b -- what's the deadline?
― yo gotti or notti (J0rdan S.), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:39 (fourteen years ago) link
― The Reverend, Friday, 23 April 2010 22:39 (fourteen years ago) link
alright word
― yo gotti or notti (J0rdan S.), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:41 (fourteen years ago) link
I should probably actually d/l the Flack/Hathaway. I only have it on vinyl and that's not here with me.
― The Reverend, Friday, 23 April 2010 22:41 (fourteen years ago) link
My mate might have the cd of that, i should borrow it.
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:42 (fourteen years ago) link
Shite its been taken off Spotify http://open.spotify.com/album/4cNXauC0sitXWsOmuOtGvg
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:46 (fourteen years ago) link
Rev, I hope you dont mind me providing spotify links for the euros
Luther Vandross - Never Too MuchAmerie - Because I Love It
sadly the Flack/Hathaway has been removed.
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:49 (fourteen years ago) link
i will be taking part in this one. been jamming that luther v album a few times this month already. i just picked up a cherrelle album today so looking forward to some flyte time coming up in this thread
― hotel califor.nia (r1o natsume), Friday, 23 April 2010 22:50 (fourteen years ago) link
did because i love it ever get released in the u.s.?? spent mad $$ on the import in '07 gettin' impatient
― hobbes, Friday, 23 April 2010 23:02 (fourteen years ago) link
i know you guyz hate youtube links so i'll x out the address, but you should really check out this house track that loops a bar from "never too much"... over and over again
so good
kinda funny that luther was the break out talent from change. he's got a great voice obv but as a personality he does nothing for me whatsoever
― hotel califor.nia (r1o natsume), Friday, 23 April 2010 23:05 (fourteen years ago) link
youtubes are ok just don't go berserk w/ them
― The Reverend, Friday, 23 April 2010 23:53 (fourteen years ago) link
thank you. i know + love the amerie but my r&b game is pretty weak in general. will try to get both of the others
― pollos da don (tpp), Saturday, 24 April 2010 10:00 (fourteen years ago) link
i really like ppl posting youtube links with the song name as the URL.
― pollos da don (tpp), Saturday, 24 April 2010 10:06 (fourteen years ago) link
― it ain't trickin if yo gotti (The Reverend), Saturday, 24 April 2010 10:08 (fourteen years ago) link
― it ain't trickin if yo gotti (The Reverend), Saturday, 24 April 2010 10:10 (fourteen years ago) link
you know, watching that and amazing anyone ever believed he was straight haha
― it ain't trickin if yo gotti (The Reverend), Saturday, 24 April 2010 10:15 (fourteen years ago) link
btw sign me up for a week of this
― surmudgeon (some dude), Saturday, 24 April 2010 14:25 (fourteen years ago) link
nice, the Vandross album is only 7 credits on eMusic
― surmudgeon (some dude), Saturday, 24 April 2010 14:31 (fourteen years ago) link
this is a good idea, this club
― la senora (surm), Saturday, 24 April 2010 14:37 (fourteen years ago) link
i'll grab a week of this :) although i may spend the whole week bitching that my copy of fanmail doesn't have left eye's no scrubs verse.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 24 April 2010 14:46 (fourteen years ago) link
well, i guess i'll throw down here as long as we keep proliferating.
― forksclovetofu, Saturday, 24 April 2010 14:47 (fourteen years ago) link
i'm listening to the flack & hathaway. first 10 seconds of 'be real black for me' is THAT sample..amazing
― pollos da don (tpp), Saturday, 24 April 2010 18:11 (fourteen years ago) link
yup. first heard this album within months of that song dropping and I was like.... oh, damn. great thing is "Be Real Black For Me" is prob my favorite song on the album
Aight, I'mma base the schedule here on Mondays, so:
5-3: Ship5-10: Sam-I-am5-17 Forks
― it ain't trickin if yo gotti (The Reverend), Saturday, 24 April 2010 18:18 (fourteen years ago) link
put me down 4 a week please! cheers
― لوووووووووووووووووووول (lex pretend), Saturday, 24 April 2010 18:39 (fourteen years ago) link
Ok this Amerie is so good I feel ashamed I have never listened to it before.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 24 April 2010 19:02 (fourteen years ago) link
This may be the first record of the listening clubs I feel compelled to buy the week I hear it.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 24 April 2010 19:08 (fourteen years ago) link
5-3: Ship5-10: Sam-I-am5-17 Forks5-24 lex luther5-31 The Reverend Strikes Back
― it ain't trickin if yo gotti (The Reverend), Saturday, 24 April 2010 19:13 (fourteen years ago) link
So this is what post-All For You Janet should have sounded like, right? Hell, tack Doesn't Really Matter, Someone To Call My Lover and... 'the other song I really like from that album I currently can't remember the name of' on this album and you can knock off All For You.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 24 April 2010 19:14 (fourteen years ago) link
oh damn, that Amerie song is amazing.
― karl...arlk...rlka...lkar..., Saturday, 24 April 2010 19:14 (fourteen years ago) link
Want to be in as a listener and maybe as a curator later (hater)
― I see what this is (Local Garda), Saturday, 24 April 2010 19:47 (fourteen years ago) link
this is excellent ... i adore the luther and the flack/donny already
― out comes stanley, Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:46 (fourteen years ago) link
This is the only Vandross studio album you need own.
― Throwing Muses are reuniting for my next orgasm! (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:50 (fourteen years ago) link
I know the singles from Radio growing up but had never thought the album would contain so many gems ! This will get some play round here this summer
― out comes stanley, Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:53 (fourteen years ago) link
listened to flack & hathaway this morning and was def feeling it - oddly the one that made me sit up and pay attention most on first listen was "come ye disconsolate", which i assume is a reworking of a hymn of some kind?
― لوووووووووووووووووووول (lex pretend), Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:53 (fourteen years ago) link
No, The Night I Fell In Love is essential too. "Never Too Much" is the perfect Luther song, though and that video is a beautiful snapshot of city life circa 1981.
(nostalgic sigh)
― are we human or are we dancer (m coleman), Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:57 (fourteen years ago) link
one of my failings as an R&B fan (and possibly as a human being) is not liking Roberta Flack. finally came around on Donny Hathaway a few years back.
― are we human or are we dancer (m coleman), Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:58 (fourteen years ago) link
This takes care of all my Vandross needs (except it doesn't contain the Change collabs):
― Throwing Muses are reuniting for my next orgasm! (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 25 April 2010 12:58 (fourteen years ago) link
The Best of Luther/The Best of Love from 1989 has Change and more...definitive double-vinyl compilation.
tried to link my Rolling Stone review of above only to discover it costs $ to access the archives now. awaiting that check LOL
― are we human or are we dancer (m coleman), Sunday, 25 April 2010 13:06 (fourteen years ago) link
i haven't listened to this Amerie album in the longest time, overall i think All I Have is still her definitive album, but this is good too. almost forgot that "Gotta Work" and one other track were done by a Baltimore producer (Nieze of One Up Productions) that I was actually just hanging out with last week! great song, wish it had taken off in the states.
― surmudgeon (some dude), Sunday, 25 April 2010 14:10 (fourteen years ago) link
Is Amerie rich, do you think? I often wonder about these talented singers whom I've liked and who aren't flops, but don't quite make it as stars, do they have to go out and get normal jobs afterwards?
― Ismael Klata, Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:10 (fourteen years ago) link
I think she's probably doing alright, just signed a new contract with Def Jam for the album she released last year, which wasn't a big hit but at least got released in the U.S., unlike Because. she probably could make good money doing club shows or singing hooks on rap records if she ever got hard up for cash.
btw i still think of this (otm) post every time i see the cover of that album:
and what wrote this on thread Rolling R&B Thread 2007 on board I Love Music on Mar 26, 2007
i would have sex with all this ameries
― surmudgeon (some dude), Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:16 (fourteen years ago) link
She's more popular overseas I think.
― forksclovetofu, Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:26 (fourteen years ago) link
What do you mean 'normal job'? Because yeah I'm sure she wouldn't do badly as a voice coach or back-up singer or whatever.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:33 (fourteen years ago) link
if she worked as a barista in my local Starbucks she'd rake in the tips.
― Throwing Muses are reuniting for my next orgasm! (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:34 (fourteen years ago) link
I'd tip her. I was just wondering if maybe there's a secretarial agency somewhere with her, India Arie and Imani Coppola on its books.
― Ismael Klata, Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:42 (fourteen years ago) link
oh god Imani Coppola. I interviewed her two summers ago -- perky and voluble, with New Age maxims coming out of her ears.
― Throwing Muses are reuniting for my next orgasm! (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:43 (fourteen years ago) link
Rev, can I get a week to introduce Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis to the discussion?
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:53 (fourteen years ago) link
I might beat you to it.
― forksclovetofu, Sunday, 25 April 2010 16:05 (fourteen years ago) link
thx bro
― couldn't think of anything to write instead of 'steendriver' (some dude), Monday, 17 May 2010 06:38 (fourteen years ago) link
These three are perhaps a bit overly obvious; rather than aiming for the obscure, I shot for three albums that have brought me continuous pleasure from the moment I first heard them (and, not coincidentally, that show up early in an artist alphabetical search on itunes). For those who have bumped these albums to death and back, go back and give em one more spin. For those who have NOT heard any of these, goddamn are you in for a treat.Please feel free to post Spotify/streaming links to supplement.
1: Prince – The Love Symbol Album (1992)http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/ecnirp2004/Prince/LoveSymbol92.jpg
Pretty much equally spectacular and corny from front to back. High points include:- ‘My Name Is Prince’ – Self referential in every way; who but Prince would have the balls to interpolate his first hit into an album kickoff in which he announces his new name by announcing his old name?- The underrated gently affectionate jams ‘Love 2 the 9s’ ‘The Morning Papers’ and ‘Sweet Baby’- The slow-churned reggae of ‘Blue Light’ featuring the timeless line of I’ll be/ a hundred and seventeen/you’ll be still sayin’ “Baby, not tonight”- Wonky to the point of near self-parody nerd dancefunk classics ‘Sexy MF’, ‘The Max’, ‘Wanna Melt With U’, ‘The Continental’, ‘The Sacrifice of Victor’- Genuinely beautiful ballads ‘And God Created Woman’ , ‘Damn U’ and ‘7’All this sandwiched in a batty storyline told in segues wherein intrepid, unethical reporter Kirstie Alley (?!?) stalks our hero through the labyrinth of his complex public and artistic persona. It’s a definite top ten purple album pick and one that I find myself returning to at least once a year.
2: Allen Toussaint – Southern Nights (1975)http://991.com/newGallery/Allen-Toussaint-Southern-Nights-432295.jpg
Dad used to play this around the house constantly while I was growing up and it soaked into my brain and lay there for maybe a decade or two until I had the good fortune to see Toussaint play about twenty times during a residency at a club I was working at. He played every track on this seminal album a few times (though I had to specifically request ‘Worldwide’) and I feel blessed every time I get to return to Southern Nights. Many of the songs on here, title track included, have been covered to death but nothing compares to the original. The music is wonderfully crafted, deeply funky, heartfelt and amazingly performed by what amounts to a 70’s all-star New Orleans superband. If you’re new to this one, I recommend starting with ‘Country John’ (swamp rat Scott-Heron-esque), ‘You Will Not Lose’ (truly vast psychedelic uplift) and the indispensible diptych of ‘Last Train’ and the aforementioned ‘Worldwide’.
3: Anthony Hamilton – Comin’ From Where I’m From (2003)http://image.lyricspond.com/image/a/artist-anthony-hamilton/album-comin-from-where-im-from/cd-cover.jpgIs it possible for a platinum album to be underappreciated? Or an artist this universally known to fly under the radar? Perhaps the clear debt Hamilton owes to his unassailable soul ancestors makes him seem easier to disregard? Or that the inevitable weaker half of all his LPs tend to blend together? Whatever: I’m hard pressed to name five better current vocalists with the chops of Hamilton and Comin’ From Where I’m From is as strong a collection of his talents as I’ve yet heard. Good starts for the neophyte: the title cut, ‘Mama Knew Love’, ‘Cornbread Fish and Collard Greens’, ‘Lucille’, ‘Float’ and ‘I’m A Mess’
― forksclovetofu, Monday, 17 May 2010 15:51 (fourteen years ago) link
that train whistle harmony that Hamilton multitracks around 2:31 on Mama Knew Love is one of my favorite musical sounds of all time
― forksclovetofu, Monday, 17 May 2010 16:02 (fourteen years ago) link
oooh, i always meant to listen to that hamilton album and then... forgot it existed.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Monday, 17 May 2010 17:23 (fourteen years ago) link
Hamilton spotify
other two aren't on there unless the prince album is and i just can't search the symbol.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Monday, 17 May 2010 17:26 (fourteen years ago) link
i heard the love symbol album in a friend's car exactly once ten years ago and can STILL remember how "the morning papers" goes, always meant to pick up that album.
― couldn't think of anything to write instead of 'steendriver' (some dude), Monday, 17 May 2010 17:31 (fourteen years ago) link
Prince's stuff simply isn't available to stream afaik; he's very adamant about maintaining control of his image on the internet and is fast to litigate.
― forksclovetofu, Monday, 17 May 2010 17:37 (fourteen years ago) link
Ha, you can get most Prince albums on Spotify! Just not ones where you have to search squiggy lines to get to it.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Monday, 17 May 2010 18:01 (fourteen years ago) link
oh yeah? must be a uk/us thing cuz he's a real online nazi out here.
― forksclovetofu, Monday, 17 May 2010 19:14 (fourteen years ago) link
incidentally, the acknowledged title of that album is "love symbol", not O[-+-> or anything.
― forksclovetofu, Monday, 17 May 2010 19:15 (fourteen years ago) link
I like that A. Hamilton album, I just never think about it. Some serious joints on it tho.
― The Reverend, Monday, 17 May 2010 20:52 (fourteen years ago) link
at one point i was listening to southern comfort so much at work that a coworker specifically asked me not to play that album ever again.she said she liked the "sexy senior smiling" song, which turned out to be Magnolia's Room: "Been awhile/since I seen ya smilin'"
― forksclovetofu, Monday, 17 May 2010 21:07 (fourteen years ago) link
― couldn't think of anything to write instead of 'steendriver' (some dude), Monday, 17 May 2010 21:37 (fourteen years ago) link
this still going on? 'cos I got my Jam & Lewis ready and waiting.
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Thursday, 3 June 2010 01:00 (fourteen years ago) link
Forgot this one was even happening! That Toussaint looks great, have to pick that one up. From the Hamilton, I really dig Cornbread Fish and Collard Greens, and completely love the title track. Is it just me, or does that song have a ton of echoes of Across 110th Street? That Prince record's the last one I heard, I liked it fine; another half-or-so great Prince album, same as Diamonds & Pearls. Has he done any records at least as good as those two since?
― dad a, Thursday, 3 June 2010 01:34 (fourteen years ago) link
i'm guessing since the only week we missed was Rev's and he started the thread we should wait for his say-so before moving on, but i think people are excited about Jam & Lewis so maybe if we don't hear anything soon you should just go for it
― cank me later (some dude), Thursday, 3 June 2010 02:04 (fourteen years ago) link
go for it; i guess mine made an echo when it hit.
Dad: The Touss is really solid gold and undeniable; it's something I'll listen to till I die.Hamilton is definitely a disciple of GSH but he's got a much more cultured voice.For my money, the last great Prince album could be culled from the three discs of Emancipation; prior to that, Gold and Come are really underrated.
― I have been forks-style since day one (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 3 June 2010 03:24 (fourteen years ago) link
Right, I'm thinking of doing this now 'cos I've got a busy weekend and I'm bored right now
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Friday, 4 June 2010 10:53 (fourteen years ago) link
JIMMY JAM & TERRY LEWISOver 25 #1 R&B singles, and over 15 #1 Pop hits. Nominated as Producers of the Year by the Grammy Awards SEVEN times. Awarded their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Considered the most successful production duo in contemporary music history. Original members of The Time. Got fired by Prince. Masters of working the TR-808. Written and produced hot hot hit after hot hot hit for Janet Jackson, Usher, Mariah Carey, Mary J Blige, Boyz II Men, The Human League, etc etc etc minor and major R'n'B stars for the last 25 or so years.
Their greatest work remains pretty much everything they touched in the 80's - I find few of their tracks post-mid-90s enjoyable, except a good bunch of Janet's stuff.
They specialized in pop-funk with swagger and sophistication that coaxed a whole lot of feeling out of machines. Swift synthesizer-bass patterns acted as melodic anchors; layers of keyboards alternately seared and sparkled; drum machines thumped, strutted, and stuttered with unmatched grace. They either enhanced or made the careers of dozens of vocalists and groups. The selections might seem dated, since so many elements signify that specific period, yet they are no more traceable to their era of release than the Ronettes’ “Be My Baby” or the Rolling Stones’ “Let’s Spend the Night Together.”
For anyone interested, here's long, long list of songs they've produced: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_songs_produced_by_Jimmy_Jam_%26_Terry_Lewis - which is not entirely comprehensive, as it doesn't list numerous great album tracks from the 80s. (such as "Innocent / Alex 9000 / Innocent II" )
http://static.rateyourmusic.com/album_images/468ff5f62ab8e1900033211d645da91f/2719299.jpgEMI presents Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis the Hit Songs (1996)
At 78 tracks long (here's the entire track listing), and quite a few turgid ballads in there, I'd question the sales figures for some of these tracks that were used to justify the "Hit Songs" label.
But a good 1/3rd of the material is classic. It's not on spotify and since 80's music videos are eternally awesome fun to watch, here's a YouTube playlist of the tracklisting (plus some additional extended remix versions thrown in, 'cos that's where they really get to work with their 808, DX-7 and OB-8). --- >
---> YouTube playlist: Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis the Hit Songs
AMG published in 2008 a great little piece celebrating J & L, which included a proposed tracklist for a single-disc compilation that will never happen and which concentrates on the duo’s first several years, when their material was at its most prolific, distinct, and innovative. This makes for a more digestable run of tracks and it rightly avoids their less great 90s material: http://blog.allmusic.com/2008/06/13/compilation-desire-jam-lewis-82-88/ (it comes with links to YouTubes of the suggested 13 tracks, but I haven't tested them)
Jam & Lewis conceived a massive song cycle spread across piles of albums. Many women are heartbroken, a few men are horny, and the relationships do not often work out, but the music is always sweet to some degree, whether in sugary or bitter ways. With the S.O.S. Band, for instance, they came up with the baddest sad club hits of the ’80s. Throughout “Just Be Good to Me” (“I don’t care about your other girls/Just be good to me”), you want to tell Mary Davis to snap out of it, but when “Just the Way You Like It” came out (“Whenever you get bored/I will give it to you, just the way you like it”), you were ready to hijack the S.O.S. Band’s blimp and whisk her away, or write a song titled “Please Do Cramp My Style” (even if you were in grade school and completely lacking in anything that could be cramped).
This mix shows you this, and features some of my favourite 80's Jam & Lewis joints. Enjoy, download, pass it on.
http://www.chromogenik.com/misc/jam&lewisfront.jpg I DID MEAN TO TURN YOU ON - Produced by Jam & Lewis / Mixed by American Booze DJsDownload / Stream
01. Cherrelle & Alexander O'Neal - Saturday (Extended mix)02. Cherrelle - I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (Special Mix)03. Alexander O'Neal - A Broken Heart04. Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goes05. The S.O.S. Band - No One's Gonna Love You06. The S.O.S. Band - Just The Way You Like It07. Alexander O'Neal - All True Man08. Karyn White - Romantic (Moonlight Mix)09. Cheryl Lynn - Encore (12" mix)10. Change - Change Of Heart11. Alexander O'Neal - Fake12. Cherrelle - Affair13. Herb Alpert - Keep Your Eye On Me14. Herb Alpert - Diamonds (feat. Janet Jackson)15. Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately16. The S.O.S. Band - Just Be Good To Me
54min 50secs
....listen to the sneakily familiar rubbery bounce of the Neptunes at their most mischievous, or indeed the vast, uninhabited pop citadels of later Xenomania - Jam and Lewis are all around us
Here are 2 albums if you got the time (the reviews are either wiki or amazon user)
http://sparkleshock.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/janet-jackson-control.jpgJanet Jackson - Control (1986)
The song "Nasty" is one of the primary examples of what inspired the new jack swing sound, mixing funk with contemporary R&B in addition to its triplet swing beat; Her collaboration with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis resulted in an unconventional sound: a fusion of rhythm and blues, rap vocals, funk, disco and synthesized percussion that established Jackson, Jam and Lewis as the leading innovators of contemporary R&B. It enabled Jackson to transition into the popular music market, becoming one of the defining albums of the 1980s and contemporary music.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BNyLUCu-L._SL500_AA300_.jpgAlexander O'Neal - Alexander O'Neal (1985)"Innocent / Alex 9000 / Innocent II" is 11 minutes of non-stop funk.
This Minneapolis soul man cut his teeth in the Time but was bounced (for looking "too black") before they signed with Warner Brothers. His tough, ballsy voice has the same grain and range as Otis Redding's. Like that master, Alexander O'Neal is comfortable with pumping dancefloor burners and slinky couch-cuddlers. He's certainly the best singer Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis have ever produced, and the strength of his material and his robust voice can be heard on releases including 1986's Hearsay, 1991's All True Man, and 1997's Lovers Again. He relocated to Britain, where his efforts had always been better received, and began to set up permanent shop there. HFrom the dream-like and seductively sweet melodic opening track "A Broken Heart Can Mend" to the futuristic pulsating R&B rhythm, lyrics and hooks on "Alex 9000" suite and closing track the music is awesome ! Also, the slow romantic jazzy jams were placed first and then the party jams in the second half of the recording; this was unheard of back in 1985 for R&B artists or pop artists to do this in the 80's ! Today that would be considered marketing suicide. Yet, it worked. This recording was released a year before producers Jam and Lewis would release Janet Jackson's mega hit seller Control album. Lewis and Jam had previously collaborated with Cherelle, S.O.S. Band (another treasure of an R&B 80's group). But their most soulful and powerful vocal talent under the Flyte Tyme/Tabu record label was Alexander O'Neal's album output.This is one title not to be missed
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Friday, 4 June 2010 11:59 (fourteen years ago) link
so excited :D summer music :D
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Friday, 4 June 2010 12:06 (fourteen years ago) link
that mix looks hella good
― I have been forks-style since day one (forksclovetofu), Friday, 4 June 2010 17:23 (fourteen years ago) link
quick *bump* before I take Janet and Alexander out into the sunshine with me (it's my birthday!)
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Saturday, 5 June 2010 09:34 (fourteen years ago) link
srsly, no one gotta anything to say about Janet, Alex O'Neal or Jam & Lewis? Props to the 10 or so people that listened/downloaded the mix.
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Tuesday, 8 June 2010 08:42 (fourteen years ago) link
...gotta anything....
I've listened to the Control album about a million times by now. My favorite non-single song is "He Doesn't Even Know I'm Alive" which is very much does not go along with the tough image she portrayed during the time. It's a great 80s rnb song even with the cheesy sax solo. Her voice is amazing on it. She doesn't sing like that anymore and probably can't because she uses her chest voice more now.
I'm going to give Alex O'Neal a listen because I remember loving what I heard. Is it really true that Prince ousted him from The Time because he was darker skinned? Prince is always doing some fuckery.
Plus, I think people are sleeping on this thread because the title isn't updated. Maybe that will prompt people to respond. Nonetheless, how can you guys sleep on the great work of JJ&TL? They even made Usher's best song on Raymond vs. Raymond.
― lilsoulbrother, Tuesday, 8 June 2010 17:08 (fourteen years ago) link
tbh i dont think even usher listened to raymond vs. raymond a second time.
― tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Tuesday, 8 June 2010 17:15 (fourteen years ago) link
Haha. Yeah you might be right about that one.
― lilsoulbrother, Tuesday, 8 June 2010 17:18 (fourteen years ago) link
I think there have also just been a number of other Jam & Lewis threads, but that said, there can never be too much discussion/music streams on J&L.
― rim this, fuck that (Eric H.), Tuesday, 8 June 2010 17:19 (fourteen years ago) link
that mix is great!
― fit and working again, Friday, 11 June 2010 18:49 (fourteen years ago) link
Hugely prefer the "cool summer mix" of "Diamonds" to the radio mix.
― rim this, fuck that (Eric H.), Friday, 11 June 2010 19:02 (fourteen years ago) link
that mix is great!― fit and working again, Friday, 11 June 2010 19:49 (4 days ago) Bookmark Suggest
― fit and working again, Friday, 11 June 2010 19:49 (4 days ago) Bookmark Suggest
thanks!! : )
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Tuesday, 15 June 2010 16:14 (fourteen years ago) link
i'm way behind on these but thanks everyone for the suggestions. i've made a list of everything so far and i'm going to listen to all of them. starting with this jam & lewis mix which is amaaazing!
― hoes on my dick cos my groceries bagged (tpp), Sunday, 20 June 2010 13:58 (fourteen years ago) link
looks like I'm up tomorrow
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Sunday, 20 June 2010 15:16 (fourteen years ago) link
Will post mine shortly, just looking for links
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Sunday, 20 June 2010 23:26 (fourteen years ago) link
My 70s week picks. Obvious?Probably. Awesome? Definitely!
#1Al Green - Let's Stay Togetherhttp://thehelplessdancer.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/lets-stay-tobether.jpg
Prior to this album, Al Green never had a number one song. The title track, "Let's Stay Together," achieved that status and held it for nine consecutive weeks. Green's ingenuity produced one of the all-time classics, which has the bounce of a dance cut and the passion of a ballad. The dynamic soul singer's whispers, animated cries, and riffing enhance his already stirring delivery. This album was sold on the strength of the title track as there were no other selections to grace the Billboard charts. However, this album includes the timeless gem "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart" and lesser-known beauties like the exulting "Judy," the cookin' testimonial "I Never Found a Girl," and the soothing blues effort "It Ain't No Fun to Me." The Arkansas native and his creative partner Willie Mitchell season these selections with lucid rhythm arrangements complemented by the faint strums of a guitar and brawn, unchiding horns.
Spotify Link
#2Smokey Robinson - A Quiet Stormhttp://soulclassics.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/smokey-robinson-a-quiet-storm-front.jpg
The genius of William "Smokey" Robinson is immeasurable. As many of his prior songs had shaped R&B and pop music, this album would have a similar effect. The title track became the namesake for a music format. The album itself had three singles hit the charts. Arranged in an intermittent rhythm, "Baby That's Backatcha" ran up the Billboard R&B charts to number one inside 16 weeks. It was Robinson's first number one single since leaving the Miracles. The lyric of the ballad "The Agony and the Ecstasy" hit the Top Ten at number seven, and it was followed by the masterpiece "A Quiet Storm." Although it only managed to seal the Top 25, it has since made a greater impact on the music charts and music industry. Briefly, radio mogul Cathy Hughes, owner of Radio One, was the general manager at Howard University radio WHUR during the early '70s when she created the format "the quiet storm." She used Smokey Robinson's composition as the theme song. Before long, it caught on around the country and evolved into a new market. This album also features the "Wedding Song" which was written for Hazel and Jermaine Jackson's wedding and the "Happy" theme from the movie Lady Sings the Blues.
#3Commodores - Machine Gunhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pyIBhtN_0F4/Rg-JbVvciQI/AAAAAAAAAC8/b3WO6vonTzg/s320/Commodores+--+Machine+Gun.jpg
Before the Commodores started having major adult contemporary hits like "Three Times a Lady," "Easy," and "Still," they were happy to be a full-time funk/soul band. The Southerners became increasingly pop-minded in the late '70s, but when their debut album, Machine Gun, came out in 1974, their music was unapologetically gritty. This was, without question, a very promising debut -- Lionel Richie and his allies really hit the ground running on sweaty funk items like "Young Girls Are My Weakness," "The Bump," "Gonna Blow Your Mind," and the single "I Feel Sanctified." These songs aren't funk-pop or sophisticated funk -- they're hardcore funk. What you won't find on Machine Gun are a lot of sentimental love ballads. In the late '70s, the Commodores became as famous for their ballads as they were for their funk and dance material, but believe it or not, there are no ballads to be found on this consistently funky, mostly up-tempo debut.
Hope you all like the 3 albums I picked and look forward to reading what you all think of them.
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Sunday, 20 June 2010 23:36 (fourteen years ago) link
And shouldn't the title be changed to rolling... new picks every monday?
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Sunday, 20 June 2010 23:41 (fourteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 21 June 2010 12:13 (fourteen years ago) link
Great choices, these are literally three of my favourite albums ever.
The Commodores are just the most underrated soul band ever. Machine Gun is a brilliant debut, so far away from the later smooth ballads they are probably best known for. The Zoo (Human zoo) is a real contender for my top ten songs ever recorded. I still remember the first time I heard that ridiculous intro which then turns into three different songs that all somehow fit together and sound so amazing. The Assembly Line is another classic, such a great summer song. When praising this album I choose to ignore Young Girls are my Weakness, what was is with the 70's and that theme?
Smokey's Quiet Storm is an absolute classic. Obviously his work with the miracles in the 60's is just about all classic, but I really love a lot of what he did after. Smokey, Where There's Smoke and Warm Thoughts are all worth checking out but A Quiet Storm is the best album I've heard of his. It's almost like his version of What's Going on? It's such a beautiful album all the way through and it flows so well. Love Letters or the title track would be my picks.
Not much to say about Let's Stay Together. I have a friend who claims there has never been a bad Al Green song. I haven't heard a lot of his work after the late 70's but from 1969 to 1975 I'd say that's probably true. I'd say I'm Still in Love with you is my favourite album of his but this a close second. I just flicked through this album to try and mention a favourte song but it's too hard to choose.
― Kitchen Person, Monday, 21 June 2010 12:32 (fourteen years ago) link
Nice post. I don't think people realise how great early Commodores were (bit like Kool & The Gang and Earth Wind & Fire in that they were nothing like what they are best known for later on). Machine Gun started off many a funk/soul mix-tape/cdr. I think even modern RnB heads will really dig these albums.
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 21 June 2010 14:44 (fourteen years ago) link
thanks mr mod-dere
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 21 June 2010 15:22 (fourteen years ago) link
I don't want to post links to d/ls of these albums as they're all on a major, but I don't think they will be too hard to find.
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 21 June 2010 20:19 (fourteen years ago) link
heh, i get the feeling these picks are too old for some?
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 21 June 2010 23:31 (fourteen years ago) link
more like i'm about 5 weeks behind with not a great deal of "new music listening time" in the foreseeable :(
i definitely intend to work my way through this and other similar threads though, so everyone should keep on, but idk how much posting i'll have time to do
― لوووووووووووووووووووول (lex pretend), Tuesday, 22 June 2010 08:31 (fourteen years ago) link
I can only listen to stuff on burnt CDs right now and have a limited supply of them until I can round up some spare cash. Only one of these I've heard is Smokey and I don't have much to say about it other than I didn't get much into it other than the title track, which really makes me want to cuddle.
― The Reverend, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 08:44 (fourteen years ago) link
I did this photoshop once when a certain ilxor was being a donkey:
― The Reverend, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 08:51 (fourteen years ago) link
That is somehow a totally different picture on the cover from the one you posted upthread.
― The Reverend, Tuesday, 22 June 2010 08:52 (fourteen years ago) link
haha yes
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Tuesday, 22 June 2010 23:25 (fourteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Friday, 25 June 2010 15:46 (fourteen years ago) link
rev your turn on funk club on monday btw
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Friday, 25 June 2010 16:23 (fourteen years ago) link
heh, this was successful..
― pfunkboy (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 28 June 2010 14:08 (fourteen years ago) link