Do you have a computer in the chain somewhere to control it?
― o. nate, Thursday, 11 January 2024 19:20 (one year ago) link
i really should back everything up better than i do but not sure buying a 12th(!) external drive is wise and it's time to look into a proper NAS.
― koogs, Thursday, 11 January 2024 19:21 (one year ago) link
xp oh yes, sorry, a Mac Mini, USB-C out to Dragonfly
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Thursday, 11 January 2024 19:26 (one year ago) link
This sort of blurs piracy/preservation, but are there backup pools where enthusiasts back up each other's personal collections through some kind of distributed scheme (other than private bittorrent, ad hoc soulseeks, etc...)?
― Philip Nunez, Thursday, 11 January 2024 19:53 (one year ago) link
I don't have the ability to synchronize multi-room playback anymoreDoesn’t Airplay take care of this automatically now?
Doesn’t Airplay take care of this automatically now?
Alas, the only Apple devices involved are my iMac and (potentially) my phone ... the TVs/home theater systems I'd like to synch use Roku in one case and Chromecast in the other, so I can send different Plex streams simultaneously to each with no problem, but I don't see a way to get them on the same page.
― Brad C., Thursday, 11 January 2024 20:13 (one year ago) link
My setup is similar (2011 Mac mini, iTunes, 4TB of lossless ALACs) but I send it locally thru optical out to a component DAC in my stereo, and across the network to old Airport Express routers as Airplay sources. Very clean lossless outputs, can be synced, etc. Controlled from apps on the phone, iPad, and remote screen from my laptop; Mini also accepts basic play and skip commands from one of those white remotes that used to come with iMacs. It's been a long process but I nailed it about 3 years ago and nothing has changed since.
― assert (matttkkkk), Thursday, 11 January 2024 23:04 (one year ago) link
AirPort Express routers still work / supported? Wow
― calstars, Thursday, 11 January 2024 23:30 (one year ago) link
Yep, somewhat embarrassingly I run the entire house on a wired network of Airport Extreme / Time Capsule / Express units, they work without a hitch and seamlessly hand over from area to area. They were cheap to pick up after discontinuation and the last gen Express audio out is impeccable. Might be a security concern, the last software update was maybe 2021.
― assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 12 January 2024 00:14 (one year ago) link
These do the same thing fwiw
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Friday, 12 January 2024 04:33 (one year ago) link
any thoughts on maintaining a subscription based digital "collection"?
i find I'm still collecting with streaming, in a way more than ever, always exploring and filing into folders and playlists
i used to have more or less one massive playlist for my singles collection, but recently i've started branching out, so I'm doing dedicated mood/genre/period lists
every once in a while I come across something that doesn't fit any list but that I can't let go off, some kind of collector mania - and so I'll file it under "uncategorized"
this collection is of great importance to me now, some years ago my account was hacked and the person who did it deleted all my playlists, I was shocked... thankfully support was able to recreate them... sometimes i think abt converting them all to some other format but... that's a lot of work
― corrs unplugged, Sunday, 14 January 2024 11:41 (one year ago) link
my whole thing is curation
the main thing i lost when i had my recent hard drive crash was the last three years of my music library, everything else i'd migrated to the nas
but in truth it wasn't something i had the time or motivation to really maintain anymore
my relationship with music has changed so much in the last few years... i guess like having a collection, a library, is something that... isn't important to me? like it feels like imposing order upon chaos and it's just... not something i'm up to do, making a coherent narrative out of my life through music
― Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 14 January 2024 16:06 (one year ago) link
to answer the question from the original revive, it sounds like Roon might be the easiest solution to what you want to do, although it costs about the same as spotify per month (there is a "lifetime" option but that costs $830). roon will also sell you the streaming box you want to stream music to your hifi.
if you're a little more DIY-inclined, you can set up your own music server with a NAS and an application like navidrome or plex. there's a small period of configuration hell but that builds character, per prior posters. sample plex instructions are here, if this makes you want to faint from terror give roon a try instead.
between plex and navidrome, plex is not really music-native (i.e. it was originally designed for movies/tv) but plenty of people use it for music and it has the advantage of being accessible outside of your network, i think you can stream from your phone when you're away from your house for example with ease. plex also has the advantage of being supported by a ton of streaming players.
you can do that too with navidrome but it's more involved and you risk opening your nas/network up to the outside if you don't know what you're doing. navidrome is based on the subsonic protocol so you'll have to look for players that support that protocol if you want to stream to a standalone player etc.
whatever you do, make sure you have 2-3 backups of your music collection, preferably following the 3-2-1 backup principle. and here's your daily reminder that RAID is not a backup, a NAS is not a backup, etc.
― 龜, Monday, 15 January 2024 16:53 (one year ago) link
something like this looks like a no-fuss, not-hugely-expensive digital player (and cd and tuner...)
but then you read the manual and it says 'Browse the music on your PC/NAS and select something to play.' but how is scrolling through 3000 lps on a 3-line display going to work?
(also, no ogg support so...)
"If the image size (pixels) of an album artwork exceeds 500 × 500 (WMA/MP3/WAV/FLAC) or 349 × 349 (MPEG-4 AAC), then music may not be playedback properly."
― koogs, Monday, 15 January 2024 18:23 (one year ago) link
you'll need something with a decent control appI'm on a bluesound powernode, node will do fine if you prefer your own ampit let's me browse the music on my nas, also whatever I put on a thumb drivesupports roon
― corrs unplugged, Monday, 15 January 2024 19:45 (one year ago) link
I'm using MALP (mpd client) on my phone for the pi setup i currently have and that works fine, can scroll to the bottom in seconds. am also rolling my own web-based interface i can use with the pi connected to the TV and a wireless mouse - grid of album covers (needs more work because it struggles with 3000 images on a page)
i guess the denon could have something similar, or might expose an API that'd let other people write one
― koogs, Monday, 15 January 2024 21:21 (one year ago) link
I know stems are popular with the remix crowd, but does anyone use them for personalized playback setups (e.g., panning drums to dedicated "drum" speakers, dropping vocals that are unfortunately at the resonant frequency of your coffee table)?
― Philip Nunez, Monday, 15 January 2024 21:50 (one year ago) link
why is a NAS not a backup? why is a RAID not a backup?I have a local drive on my music Mac which holds the whole collection. Regularly backed up to the NAS, which is regularly backed up to an external RAID drive. Three copies (admittedly nothing offsite but I will address that) running on independent hardware. I've had drives fail in the NAS and the RAID and they've been rebuilt successfully. What am I not getting?
― assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 15 January 2024 22:10 (one year ago) link
with RAID i think they mean that just because you’re mirroring with RAID 1 it doesn’t count as a backup of because data corruption would affect both disks equally and there’s no rollback mechanism
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Monday, 15 January 2024 22:20 (one year ago) link
I think it's supposed to mean that even though (in most configs) a disk in the array can fail without you losing data, you could still e.g. accidentally delete a directory and then you wouldn't be able to restore it. You can absolutely use a RAID or a NAS *as* a backup (eg as a second disk that you back files up to), but if it is your *sole* storage for those files, they aren't backed up.
― stet, Monday, 15 January 2024 22:25 (one year ago) link
lol yes that’s an actually comprehensible version of what i was trying to say
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Monday, 15 January 2024 22:47 (one year ago) link
with your typical 4-bay NAS that's set up in RAID 5, one drive can fail and you're still OK provided that the RAID rebuilds the replacement drive before another drive fails.
however, suppose when you bought your NAS and the drives that 2 or more of the drives left the factory with the same defect that will cause them to fail in 3 years. if both drives fail at or roughly the same time, before you have a chance to rebuild the array, you are.... hosed
therefore, even if you have a NAS, that NAS should be backed up (maybe to another NAS, and to the cloud as well)
― 龜, Monday, 15 January 2024 23:35 (one year ago) link
you might also be thinking, what is the likelihood that 2 drives would fail at once. great question! suppose you have just bought your first 4-bay NAS and you're just rarin' to fill that baby up with drives. you find out that there's a good deal on WD 14TB red's so you figure aw hell, why not and buy 4 at once. greater than 0 chance that those 4 reds came from the same batch from the factory! and what if that batch did have a defect. these horror stories exist. it's a good thing that the market for hard drives isn't subject to the same consolidating monopoly forces that other markets are and we have more than 2 manufacturers to choose from, right?
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 00:18 (one year ago) link
also you know, a power surge can fry every drive in the NAS along with the NAS itself.
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 01:22 (one year ago) link
stop scaring me
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 01:24 (one year ago) link
brb encasing my offsite backup in a Faraday cage with UPS
― out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 01:48 (one year ago) link
coincidentally i had to replace a failing drive in my RAID this weekend, at this point i think it's a RAID of Theseus
― butch wig (diamonddave85), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 02:33 (one year ago) link
True, I know all that, but I use a Synology format and when one drive failed and I accidentally hosed another, it was still able to reconstruct. But yeah the other drives are in separate devices. I’m backed up pretty solid (phrasing) I think.
― assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 02:59 (one year ago) link
Synology's backup to USB disk feature seems pretty good. Of course i haven't had to restore yet.
― maf you one two (maffew12), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 11:58 (one year ago) link
all my media files are on an external drive that ONLY gets backed up remotely via backblaze.. but i don’t feel i’m living that dangerously w this? chances that BB has a problem at the same time the drive does seem infinitesimal?
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:26 (one year ago) link
good job i'd say. do that cost much?
― maf you one two (maffew12), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:29 (one year ago) link
The idea is that restoring from online backup is slow, so good to have a local backup to restore quickly from, and only resort to the online backup when both of them fail.
― Siegbran, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:29 (one year ago) link
Tracer I’m glad that your post had a duplicate for backup
― assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:37 (one year ago) link
lol you can’t be too careful these days
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:59 (one year ago) link
maf it's 10 bucks a month
Siegbran otm, but nothing on that external drive is time-sensitive. unless you count S03 of reservation dogs. my mac mini's internal drive gets backed up via Time Machine as well as BB
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:03 (one year ago) link
where does the mac mini get backed up to - the same external drive with your media?
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:34 (one year ago) link
i think backblaze is probably fine for your use case, it doesn't sound like you are a power user. you can google aroundfor 'backblaze restore experiences' and find plenty of horror stories natch. apparently backblaze needs to see a file at least once every 30 days or it will delete it. shouldn't be a problem if you're backing up every night but if you have an external drive you only plug in once every couple of weeks could be a problem. i'm assuming you don't have so much data that you'd want backblaze to mail you your data on a drive, which is a service they offer.
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:36 (one year ago) link
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:37 (one year ago) link
I think it's supposed to mean that even though (in most configs) a disk in the array can fail without you losing data, you could still e.g. accidentally delete a directory and then you wouldn't be able to restore it.― stet, Monday, January 15, 2024 5:25 PM (yesterday)
― stet, Monday, January 15, 2024 5:25 PM (yesterday)
i'm getting way ahead of my skis here but i *think* if you have your synology NAS set up in btrfs you can use the snapshot feature to mitigate this, which works kind of like time machine.
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:38 (one year ago) link
“not a power user” rip tracer hand, was good to know you
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:39 (one year ago) link
so your internal drive is important enough it gets its own local backup drive, but your external media drive doesn't? it's all just commercial media on that drive, yeah? no home movies, precious photographs of your kids, etc.? xp
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:39 (one year ago) link
all my photos, many precious memories yes
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:40 (one year ago) link
“apparently backblaze needs to see a file at least once every 30 days or it will delete it”i cannot believe this is true
Disclaimer: I work at Backblaze and wrote a lot of the Extended Version History functionality on your client.... Now, in this Version History (30 days) if you unplug an external hard drive for more than 30 days, not only can you not retrieve your files from that hard drive's backup, but if you plug the drive in again you will need to upload all of the files again. After 30 days, Backblaze treats it as if the drive will never return and purges the files from the backup in the Backblaze datacenter.
Now, in this Version History (30 days) if you unplug an external hard drive for more than 30 days, not only can you not retrieve your files from that hard drive's backup, but if you plug the drive in again you will need to upload all of the files again. After 30 days, Backblaze treats it as if the drive will never return and purges the files from the backup in the Backblaze datacenter.
fun eh?
from reading around, i think the caveat is that if your entire system is disconnected from backblaze for more than 30 days, you'll be fine as backblaze will simply preserve the last backed up state. but if for whatever reason you connect part of your system back to backblaze without the other parts - i.e. let's say you are a laptop user and are traveling with your laptop but not with your external drives, and your laptop is backing up to backblaze every night but your external drives remain at home - then you will be thrilled to learn about the 30 day rule and even more thrilled to learn that you can pay them more money to extend the 30 days to 1 year.
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:48 (one year ago) link
also you know, a power surge can fry every drive in the NAS along with the NAS itself.― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Monday, January 15, 2024 8:22 PM (yesterday)
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Monday, January 15, 2024 8:22 PM (yesterday)
so the apartment i've been living in for the past few years is pretty stable power wise, i can't recall ever having a loss of power. well, guess what happened over the weekend - apparently the circuit breaker that my synology lives on decided to go crazy and would power flicker if anything on that circuit were turned on/off, such as a power-hungry 10-watt led bulb. my synology lost power and when i turned it back on after replacing the breaker it sent me a strongly worded email to buy a UPS.
Morphy ran into a problem and was shut down improperly. This could be caused by power failure or other reasons and may result in severe data loss. Therefore, we highly recommend using an SNMP or USB UPS to protect your device and data if you don't already have one installed.
the synology is on day 3 of data scrubbing but hopefully i'll be ok. i'll be picking up a UPS soon.
― 龜, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:55 (one year ago) link
ah i see. that does suck. in my case my external drive is always plugged in and mounted so i don't think i would run into this but good to know about if I ever decided to back up a portable drive that i only plug in from time to time
― Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 14:25 (one year ago) link
I've got two 4-bay NASes, once which serves as a quarterly backup device which I store at my office and then I have a set of hard drives that serves as my onsite backup. Got about 35TB of data and not much upstream bandwidth so the online backup service is just for my main system and personal files - it won't work for the giant archive of audio and video files.
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Tuesday, 16 January 2024 15:35 (one year ago) link
to answer the question from the original revive
― lefal junglist platton (wtev), Saturday, 20 January 2024 20:25 (one year ago) link
i had a decent surge protector on my computer, but after finding out the electricity to my place sucks (it's undervoltage, apparently, to an extent that my computers were crashing periodically) i grabbed a UPS... it's definitely given me a lot more peace of mind during the ice storms. i didn't have a full power-loss but i had lots of flickers.
i am trying to figure out how to get my NAS documents folder to backup to the cloud, like, all the stuff i've written... it's more difficult than i thought it would be. honestly at this point if i lose all my audio and video files i'm copacetic about it. i lost three years of my curated music library and playlists and ehhh i don't actually give that much of a fuck. i've gotten into the "embrace the impermanence of all things" mindset lately.
― Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 21 January 2024 02:19 (one year ago) link
Hmmm this looks nice if my AirPort Express ever dies
― default damager (lukas), Wednesday, 24 January 2024 23:57 (one year ago) link