why isn't there a thread about kd lang's Watershed album?

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i just searched, and the last reference to kd on ilm was about 3 years ago.
i'm actually really enjoying this album - though it's not Ingenue, it's a great offering to 2008 and feels awfully grown-up and genuine at the same time. and her voice sounds better than ever, in fact.

anyone else heard this? what'd you think

rentboy, Wednesday, 8 October 2008 18:12 (sixteen years ago) link

sixteen years pass...

Found this for $4 at a thrift store and it’s great. A lovely listen; the arrangements are perfect and her voice moves through them with grace.

Fans of her work on the Case/Lang/Veirs album would probably like this.

Cow_Art, Tuesday, 14 January 2025 20:31 (three weeks ago) link

Bubble bath music in the best way.

Cow_Art, Tuesday, 14 January 2025 20:34 (three weeks ago) link

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