Underworld - Classic or Dud?

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I've always been under the impression that, a few slammin' singles aside, Underworld was the epitome of style over substance. However, hearing "King Of Snake" for the first time and going gaga over their live album is forcing me to reevaluate.

Therefore, I turn to my peers. What say you - is Underworld fab or foul? Beauty or booty? Wonderful or worthless?

Dan Perry, Tuesday, 17 October 2000 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Eh? Style over substance? Weren't you one of the people who heartily recommended _dubnobasswithmyheadman_ to me a month ago? :)

Josh, Tuesday, 17 October 2000 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Um, yes. This was after spending THREE YEARS trying to get into the damn thing. I now like it a good bit, but I'm not nearly as passionate about that album as I am about many of their singles, such as "Dirty Epic", "Mmm Skyscraper I Love You", "Born Slippy (original)", "Pearl's Girl", "Cups", and "King Of Snake".

I recommmend _dubnobass..._ because that's the best Underworld album and it's a genuinely good album. _Second Toughest..._ isn't nearly as strong and hearing "Push Upstairs" and "Jumbo" put me off of getting _Beaucoup Fish_, which I'll admit might have been a mistake because "King Of Snake" and "Cups" both rank up there among the best songs they've ever done. (But is it another case where the single is stormin' and the album is limpid? I don't know.)

Dan Perry, Tuesday, 17 October 2000 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Dan, the thing with Underworld is that they have very consistent production and arrangement skills, which means that really you're gonna like each song based on how strong the tune is. Hence the singles seem fab, and everything else comparatively drab.

But "Beaucoup Fish" is worth getting. Both "Push Upstairs" improve the more familiar you are with them - both seem insanely repetitive to begin with, but I found both grew on me enormously once I went walking around the city with them on my headphones. Plus, you're missing out on "Cups" (deep house par excellence), "Bruce Lee" (hip hop meets Detroit techno), "Kittens" (a storming epic), "Something Like A Mama" (jungle-inflected track like "Pearl's Girl" with its tongue in its cheek) and of course "King Of Snake". It's a strong album.

Tim, Tuesday, 17 October 2000 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I never really had a problem with Underworld being style over substance--more power to people and bands who can pull that off as consistently as they have. So, finding out (via numerous listens and re-evaluations and re-re-evaluations--I'm thinking of "Second Toughest..." here, an album I literally didn't listen to for over a year because it seemed to be such an unworthy follow-up to "Dubnobass...") that "Hey, there might be something more here than just a storming tune or some nice atmospherics" has just been the icing on the cake (or maybe the lovely dense cake hiding under the sweet and pretty batter?). The live album has certainly helped in this assessment, but it has also made me wonder lately why so many folks slag off "Jumbo," which is really a beautiful and (I think) quite emotional song (despite the standard Hyde lyrical meanderings, which I wouldn't have any other way, of course). So many reviews of "Everything Everything" have inexplicably picked on my dear "Jumbo" as the dud track, and I have to wonder if it's because it simply lessens the momentum of the album (albeit briefly) or if I have been hoodwinked into liking a song that might, upon further reflection, just be a cute little toss-off ditty that will eventually fade in comparison to the admitted genius of "Cowgirl" or "...Skyscraper..." Whatever the case, "Jumbo" is what elevated "Beaucoup Fish" from good to great for me, and served more than any other recent track (yes, even more than the overrated "Born Slippy") to reaffirm my belief that Underworld are fab, beauty, and most assuredly wonderful.

Max Jones, Wednesday, 18 October 2000 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Underworld for me have always fallen down due to Karl Hyde's lyrics - back-of-a-fag-packet undergraduate cut-up nonsense which at best just distracts and at worst actively spoils the music, turning it from wide-ranging and danceable into a nasty urban noir mess. And his wannabeatnik delivery nobs me off, too.

Tom, Thursday, 19 October 2000 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

one month passes...
I kinda fall between the stools here...there albums are slightly dissapointing (with the exception of Beaucoup Fish)...a fair amount of their output is wank...but stuff like "Rez" and "Jumbo" are those moments when dance music just transcends itself...stunning......probably because Karl Hyde cuts out that annoying gibberish

Michael Bourke, Monday, 4 December 2000 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

*Underworld*? Mmm...yes, well, Josh was kind enough to send it to me but I haven't read the damned thing yet. Well, actually, I read the opening section yclept "The Triumph of Death" when it appeared in Harper's (see, there's Harper's and death again...that's why the mag's so goth), and I liked *White Noise* quite a bit as you all know so I can't imagine any recent Delillo not being any good, you know?

Michael Daddino, Monday, 4 December 2000 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

two weeks pass...
I thought underworld was just crap cause of the lyrics. but man, after hearing Jumbo, i beleive these guys to be masters of the art thaat is music, if not Gods. So much can be said for a single track to cause such revelation. by the way as cryptic as these lyrics are, why do all songs have references to "the city"? am i the only one that's noticed that.

Keyur Patel, Saturday, 23 December 2000 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Because they are like so urban and hip.

Josh, Saturday, 23 December 2000 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

three weeks pass...
Underworld, very tricky proposition. When they're good they are well amazing (Rez, Skyscraper, Cups, Juanita), and it doesn't depend on the vocals/no-vocals division of tracks, see for instance Cups which has lovely vocals. The long-players have all been patchy, usually the first 3 or 4 tracks are storming and then anything can happen. The 2nd half of Dubnobass...has some great stuff (Dirty Epic, Cowgirl), Secondthoughts never recovers and Beacoup Fish has Kittens, which is...is...the sound of taking lots of drugs and feeling very expansive :) So between classic and dud, leaning on the classic side.

o.munoz, Thursday, 18 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

After "Rez" I could just about forgive them anything.

Stevo, Thursday, 18 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

"Kittens". I heard a RealAudio excerpt of this when _BF_ came out and was suitably staggered. I was all set to run to the store to buy the album when I heard "Push Upstairs"... ew. (I've since grown used to that song, but I don't see anything overly special about it.)

Dan Perry, Thursday, 18 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Underworld have never struck me as self-consciously hip. When I listen to their music, I hear genuine angst, not posturing. Of course, if you don't *like* angst...

Snow Dog, Thursday, 18 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Well, okay. Having had an opportunity to at least listen to the first half of _Beaucoup Fish_, I'm somewhat staggered by how much I actually LIKE it! Granted, it's all stuff I've heard before, but if the rest of the album holds up, I'm going to have to temper many of the negative things I've said about them.

Dan Perry, Friday, 19 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

So, after that initial euphoric burst, I've come down somewhat on encountering "Winjer", although I note that as far as vaguely-ambient Underworld nonsense goes, it's pretty damn cool. So, we're still in the plus column...

Dan Perry, Friday, 19 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

four months pass...
It's obvious none of you were there in their 80s days, nor early 90s. Unfortunately, there are a lot of new fans of theirs with the release of BF, many of which don't understand them. You need to listen to an album fully (especially the 2 earlier ones), and repeatedly, and definitely see them live a couple of times. I find Karl's lyrics to be soothing oftentimes, and can sit around interpreting them for hours (even though they are, self admittedly, nonsense). There are other commercialized techno bands/groups/DJs where the lyrics distract a LOT more (Fatboy Slim? Daft Punk?) - and many are more repetitive than much of U/w's stuff. If you're listening to them to find dance music, find something else. Much of their stuff has been, and still is, ambient & moody, with the occasional club anthem strewn in. I find them a unique and rare band (well 2 of them, now), one which actually tries to innovate & mix their own stuff (look actual guitars).

Admittedly, I am biased (met them live several times) and I am more of an ambient/idm fan (ala FSOL & AFX) & some trance (Juno Reactor), and have been for over a decade, so there's your caveat and explanation of my fangirl-ishness.

UW_fangirl, Friday, 25 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

They're great live and they're great to dance to when you're off your nuts. What more do you want?

Dirty Dirty Dirty Dirty Vicar, Friday, 25 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


I could listen to that all day. Or at least for about 4 minutes, when I'd get really irritated and want to bust up something. Still.

For the most part I find Underworld a bit boring but I still have their CDs because I like some of the songs. They're really not a classic or a dud, to be honest. They're more an existance.

Ally, Tuesday, 29 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

eight months pass...
rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez rez

rhamnose, Monday, 18 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

one month passes...
Underworld for me have always fallen down due to Karl Hyde's lyrics - back-of-a-fag-packet undergraduate cut-up nonsense which at best just distracts and at worst actively spoils the music, turning it from wide-ranging and danceable into a nasty urban noir mess. And his wannabeatnik delivery nobs me off, too.

Strange - that's what initially attracted me to Underworld; and was the first step I took towards electronic/dance music - I hadn't heard any interesting throwaway cutup soundbytes-strung-together fractured- narrative stuff before, and the music seemed to be the perfect accompaniment to this - I couldn't imagine Karl Hyde-isms succeeding over a guitar backdrop etc. And as someone a very long way away indeed from Underworld's BritCity; it seemed oh so very exotic&mysterious&sexy. Inauthenticity of musical tourism, and all that guff; but Underworld were something I could be palpably excited by; and a doorway to a whole new world of music, apologies for RAGING CLICHES.

Ess Kay, Friday, 12 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

one of the things I like about Underworld is the different moods on the albums. Cowgirl vs. Tongue. Pearls girl vs. Blueski. they do both the rock-out and the chill out pretty well

Ron, Saturday, 13 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Classic, classic and more classic. As classic as they get. Once in a while I feel compelled to go back and play everything I have by them: all the albums, seven bootlegs, ten singles. I sometimes have to dig out their remixes too. There's nobody else where I do this.

And I love Karl Hyde's lyrics.

Martin Skidmore, Saturday, 13 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

curiously enoght it was through underworld that i found this site. i frequently post on the foums at [url]http://www.dirty.org[/url] and fellow poster [b]girlthursday[/b] (minna) posted a link to this site.

i like all of their albums but [i]dubnobass..[/i] is defintely my favourite. i love the fact that the albums contain pure dance floor killers next to more downtempo tracks like [i]dirty epic[/i] and [i] m.e[/i]

they are also jaw-droppingly fantastic live - i've seen them seven times - and they were really the pioneers of taking dance music into the live arena and in so doing paved the way for bands like [b] orbital, chemical brothers[/b] and [/b]the prodigy[/b] to follow in their footsteps.

there's plenty of their live gigs available on audiogalaxy including the superb european club gig. fans should also check out [url] http://www.underworldlive.com[/url] which is an official site where you can download soundboard recordings of some of their gigs as well as some recent studio stuff such as the blue mountain sessions.

matt, Saturday, 13 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

NOONE HAS MENTIONED "DARK AND LONG", NOONE. Well maybe someone, but it's a classic too.

Ronan, Saturday, 13 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

does anyone else hear the chords to Brian & Roger Eno's "Always Returning" in "Born Slippy"?
since "Deep Blue Day" (also from Apollo) was in the movie, is this a connection/(not so)hidden-reference?

Paul, Saturday, 13 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

five months pass...
'luetin' was playing on the radio as i drove home, and afterwards the dj said "Hardcore electronica from Underworld!" which i thought was funny

ron (ron), Friday, 20 September 2002 00:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

Has anyone listened to "Tiny Clicks" and "Headset", the two "vaguely-ambient Underworld nonsense" (as Dan puts it) b-sides on the "Two Months Off" single? Both excellent - "Headsets" in particular is pretty fabulous - and they'd be about the first time I've really warmed to Underworld's non-dancefloor biznizz. Will have to think about getting "A Hundred Days Off" now.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Friday, 20 September 2002 03:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

The hilarious thing is that "Winjer" is now one of my favorite songs off of _Beaucoup Fish_!

Those two tracks are great. I think I need to live with them a little more before they really sink in, but so far they're much better than, say, the ambient tracks on the "Pearl's Girl" single. (None of them can touch "Tongue", though.)

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Friday, 20 September 2002 12:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

CLASSIC of course, Karl's lyrics and delivery an' all but again i urge you to seek out Underworld's early material if you like a larf...'change the weather', 'underneath the radar' esp. - i can almost see them supporting Talk Talk with It Bites on tour in 1987 hahahaha

blueski, Friday, 20 September 2002 12:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

Ronan, Dark & Long dropped into their live sets gets me going.

Alan (Alan), Friday, 20 September 2002 12:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

maybe we should do a Taking Sides - 'Dark & Long' vs 'Dark & Long (Dark Train)'

blueski, Friday, 20 September 2002 15:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

"Dark & Long" any day. That bass line is to DIE FOR.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Friday, 20 September 2002 16:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hmmmm they played Dark Train last time and it was pretty amazing.

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 21 September 2002 09:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

they never played Dark Train or Dark & Long the times i saw them - bastads

blueski, Saturday, 21 September 2002 13:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

three months pass...
can anybody give me an explanation over the song born slippy? Tell me what is behind the lyrics... thnx

bart, Saturday, 18 January 2003 16:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Born Slippy is about placentas.

now, on to my ancedote, which is about how the promo vinyl we got for 'King of Snake' was a 12" and os I put it on at 33 and it was SUPER FUNKY like WOW until Karl's vox came in and it sounded like he was a dying robot from planet Opium. So I put it on 45 and it turned into house music, which while quite good was not nearly as enjoyable as the 33 version.

Tom Millar (Millar), Saturday, 18 January 2003 17:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

eleven months pass...
Dubnobasswithmyheadman- is tHe bEST underworld album. Fav track: Dirty Epic. anyone that don't like that song's gotta be heartless.

whoever (whoever), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 07:26 (twenty years ago) link

My fav one is Beaucoup Fish. Jumbo sounds more like Wire than Elastica ever did.


mark grout (mark grout), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 09:16 (twenty years ago) link

I thought "Spoonman" off "Dubnobass..." was flippin' ace!!! No one I know seems to like it!!!!! Mind you, I like repetitive techno bollox!!!!!!

I also went to one of the concerts (Broadcast on Radio 1!!!!!) at around the time of "Dubnobass...", (The same night as they found the body of Kurt Cobain!!!!) and it was grebt/GRATE/etc!!!!! Unlike the recent "live" album, it was one big long DJ mix style jam, mixing in various bits of their songs. The track on the live album which mixes "Cowgirl" and "Rez" is nearest equivalent- imagine a whole concert like that with most of the tracks from "Dubnobass..." and an early version "Born Slippy"!!!! (I've actually got a tape of it somewhere, taped of the radio...)

Old Fart!!! (oldfart_sd), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 10:27 (twenty years ago) link

OMG! I did the same 33-45 mistake with the "Kittens" promo, with the same effect: the slow version easily trumped the "right" version.

Anyways, Underworld is still classic because did I mention that "Tin There" is basically my favorite techno barnburner ever?

Eric H. (Eric H.), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 17:27 (twenty years ago) link

I don't care how much everybody hates it, I think "Underneath the Radar" is a fucking GREAT 80s pop song.

The kickass house/blues romp "Big Mouth" (with some guy named Philadelphia Slim whom I've never heard of on harmonica!!) is another awesome underrated early Underworld song. Underworld kicks ass.

Mr. Snrub (Mr. Snrub), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 17:32 (twenty years ago) link

total classic. however, i was one of those american kids who was rather impressionable when trainspotting came out and when record labels were trying to push 'electronica' down everyone's throats.. but stuff like dubnobassman, second toughest and the pearl's girl maxi single kept me around for good. second toughest is one of the albums ive played more consistantly than anything else over the last 5-6 years.

bill stevens (bscrubbins), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 18:04 (twenty years ago) link


(I'm sorry I won't pimp out that article ever again, this is the millionth time, prob haven't written anything decent for free since, it was 18 months ago)

Ronan (Ronan), Wednesday, 7 January 2004 20:36 (twenty years ago) link

Classic. They're one of the only bands my brother ever turned me on to. Second Toughest, I have to agree, is killer.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Thursday, 8 January 2004 06:56 (twenty years ago) link

four months pass...
I am listening to _Beaucoup Fish_ right now and realizing that the only song on it that I dislike is "Bruce Lee".

VengaDan Perry (Dan Perry), Thursday, 20 May 2004 15:36 (twenty years ago) link

the thread about electronic music that moves you reminded me of this band.

bill stevens (bscrubbins), Thursday, 20 May 2004 15:49 (twenty years ago) link


24 hours with the King of Snake. (SNAKE!) (ex machina), Thursday, 20 May 2004 15:53 (twenty years ago) link

i love Bruce Lee, where does that female monologue come from?

stevem (blueski), Thursday, 20 May 2004 16:07 (twenty years ago) link

Hyde's lyrics are starting to annoy me more here and there these days, particularly on Luetin tho that is a fantastic track (a classic case of a track you are just casually listening to, a few minutes pass and then you just hit a moment and realise where you are who you are what's going on etc.)

stevem (blueski), Thursday, 20 May 2004 16:09 (twenty years ago) link

I've always liked his lyrics. maybe it's because I got into this band at the age of 13. I never thought they were that weird because I didn't know that much music. ditto for like, the guy from Cake, where it's really only now I realize how odd they were. I get why people don't like his lyrics but they do capture something pretty unique I think, particularly that night out feeling meeting people you'll never see again, always thinking what if...

frogbs, Thursday, 7 December 2023 00:09 (nine months ago) link

that night out feeling meeting people you'll never see again


Deflatormouse, Thursday, 7 December 2023 01:16 (nine months ago) link

not having roots

Deflatormouse, Thursday, 7 December 2023 01:18 (nine months ago) link

are you listenin?
can you hear?

fifteenth december pic.twitter.com/U6Ngxvkhq8

— Underworld (@underworldlive) December 10, 2023

groovypanda, Sunday, 10 December 2023 18:57 (nine months ago) link

This was better than I thought it would be.


Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Tuesday, 12 December 2023 01:55 (eight months ago) link

Underworld x Kettama


Xgau Murder Spa (nikola), Thursday, 14 December 2023 12:53 (eight months ago) link

two months pass...


another one with Kettama, doesn't really sound like UW but it's pretty sweet

frogbs, Thursday, 7 March 2024 14:25 (six months ago) link

I had a load of marking to do tonight and put on Everything, Everything to make it more bearable, and the version of Moaner on the DVD is fucking incredible isn't it I am only used to the CD, why the fuck was it not on the CD?

You've all heard this a thousand times I'm sure, but I hadn't until just now, because some brilliant person put the whole DVD on youtube a year ago:


This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 7 March 2024 23:05 (six months ago) link

the whole Pinkpop 1999 show where that version of Moaner was filmed is on YT if you want more of a concert experience - (oh, look for Palladium Koln 1999 there as well for another treat)

StanM, Friday, 8 March 2024 01:37 (six months ago) link

it wasnt on the CD because it's already 80 minutes long and they had to cut something

god I hope we get a vinyl reissue of it one day, I still don't think anything's captured the pure euphoria of live electronic music as well as this album does

frogbs, Friday, 8 March 2024 16:14 (six months ago) link

A remastered / expanded double CD would be just fine.

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 8 March 2024 16:20 (six months ago) link

five months pass...



maf you one two (maffew12), Tuesday, 13 August 2024 16:26 (four weeks ago) link

three weeks pass...

What's this then


omar little, Thursday, 5 September 2024 16:36 (six days ago) link

Looks legit going off some of the posts on the Underworld Drift FB group

groovypanda, Thursday, 5 September 2024 16:55 (six days ago) link

oh nice!

had seen some buzz about people finding the title and Oct 25 release date, but the full tracklist and artwork are new. 15 tracks!

"Black Poppies" uploaded to Youtube a bit ago but now unavailable, here

maf you one two (maffew12), Thursday, 5 September 2024 17:25 (six days ago) link

Just realized the last Underworld album I really loved came out in 2002. (Well, that and the Japanese live album from 2005.) Still, I'll definitely listen.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Thursday, 5 September 2024 17:27 (six days ago) link

Denver Luna AND the acappella ? wow

frogbs, Thursday, 5 September 2024 18:30 (six days ago) link

I thought “Barbara” and the Drift series were the proverbial roaring return to form.

Bad Bairns (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 5 September 2024 19:02 (six days ago) link

actually between the acapella and "Stick Man Test" I'm guessing 11-15 are bonus tracks, though "Gene Pool" is def good enough for the album based on what we've heard live

really looking forward to this, you'd think Drift would've given us enough to chew on over the pandemic but nah, I want these guys to make as much music as they possibly can

frogbs, Thursday, 5 September 2024 19:05 (six days ago) link

Barking is a fantastic album

laughter is the best weapon (DJP), Thursday, 5 September 2024 19:32 (six days ago) link

funny, was gonna reply to Boring that Barking is about the only agreed upon lowlight. Personally I can't really be bothered with Hundred Days Off

maf you one two (maffew12), Thursday, 5 September 2024 20:00 (six days ago) link

(the aforementioned 2002 record... though love Two Months Off)

maf you one two (maffew12), Thursday, 5 September 2024 20:00 (six days ago) link

I'll also rep for Barking.

OWB is my personal lowlight

groovypanda, Thursday, 5 September 2024 20:08 (six days ago) link

I think out of obligation to a band I once considered one of my favorites I listened to every album that came after Beaucoup Fish a couple of times even though I didn't really enjoy them much, but they totally won me back with Barbara Barbara and Drift. Looking forward to this new album.

silverfish, Thursday, 5 September 2024 20:32 (six days ago) link

Barbara Barbara was a real stumbling block for me. Haaaaated that record. But some of Drift was really good, especially the stuff with the Necks.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Thursday, 5 September 2024 20:53 (six days ago) link

Barking I really did like, still think a 'finished' version minus the guest producers might've been even better. lotta cool things were going on in these tracks that the guest producers just kinda smoothed over.

OWB has grown on me a lot lately, middle section is still a bit dodgy but the first 4 tracks are incredible, as are the last 3

frogbs, Thursday, 5 September 2024 21:03 (six days ago) link

oblivion with bells = perfect masterpiece imo

ivy., Thursday, 5 September 2024 21:12 (six days ago) link

Black Poppies now on Spotify in some regions so assuming out everywhere tomorrow

groovypanda, Thursday, 5 September 2024 21:29 (six days ago) link

Beginning of OWB = outstanding

“Ring Road” = unmitigated horseshit

rest of the album = who knows, i can never make it past “Ring Road”

laughter is the best weapon (DJP), Thursday, 5 September 2024 21:30 (six days ago) link

qobuz has the track times. looks like mostly short tunes though "Gene Pool" is 9 minutes


frogbs, Thursday, 5 September 2024 21:30 (six days ago) link


Lot to parse on that tracker.

Robespierre Delecto (sic), Friday, 6 September 2024 10:31 (five days ago) link

rest of the album = who knows

god, what are you doing, “best mamgu ever” is on there

ivy., Friday, 6 September 2024 11:17 (five days ago) link

Faxed Invitation too, man did that track grow on me

frogbs, Friday, 6 September 2024 11:38 (five days ago) link

Don’t blame me, blame “Ring Road”

laughter is the best weapon (DJP), Friday, 6 September 2024 11:50 (five days ago) link

i really like “ring road” bc there’s something wrong with me

ivy., Friday, 6 September 2024 11:55 (five days ago) link

"Techno Shinkansen" is on a game soundtrack, so we're able to hear all of side A now


maf you one two (maffew12), Friday, 6 September 2024 12:07 (five days ago) link

xp Lol I actually don't mind the vocal as much as Boy Boy Boy's. Anyway I like the whole album. I just can't get with the moodier bits of Hundred Days and Beaucoup Fish.

maf you one two (maffew12), Friday, 6 September 2024 12:07 (five days ago) link

website's updated. iifu.club domain is live ("i'm in fucking underworld" - i think was on a recent tour shirt?) but is just a mailing list signup form. New merch that doesn't yet make any sense without hearing the new songs (no strawberry jam girl shirts??). Nice looking double vinyl but no super duper not-sold-in-stores editions. Wallet safe for today.

maf you one two (maffew12), Friday, 6 September 2024 12:15 (five days ago) link

ya Techno Shinkansen rules. i can't wait to play it on the Shinkansen someday lol

maf you one two (maffew12), Friday, 6 September 2024 12:16 (five days ago) link

very glad to be wrong about 11-15 being bonus tracks, I really do want "Gene Pool" on vinyl, that track is gonna be amazing

frogbs, Friday, 6 September 2024 19:19 (five days ago) link

listening to Underneath The Radar for the first time. well ... I like the cover.

default damager (lukas), Friday, 6 September 2024 21:31 (five days ago) link

I Need a Doctor is a fun song

The two Freur albums are definitely worth a listen, that second one especially has some damn catchy tunes on it

frogbs, Friday, 6 September 2024 23:47 (five days ago) link

yeah that's the one song I liked

default damager (lukas), Saturday, 7 September 2024 02:25 (four days ago) link

did they ever do any of the old stuff live?

scanner darkly, Saturday, 7 September 2024 17:56 (four days ago) link

No although Karl did do Doot Doot live during his solo shows

Would be hilarious if they just broke out “Stand Up” or something though. I still love that song.

frogbs, Saturday, 7 September 2024 18:03 (four days ago) link

wonder if there's gonna be any deluxe stuff on this. something I love about their 93-96 period is that they've released so much material from it (or it's been otherwise discovered), you get to hear how different songs developed, but all the in-between versions are good in different ways. you can really hear all the different guises their music can take using the same elements. I mean just look at how amazing all the "Dark and Long" stuff is. part of why I loved Drift is because it sorta got back to that

frogbs, Sunday, 8 September 2024 04:35 (three days ago) link

i saw some speculation that IIFU is going to be some kind of extra release thing, new and/or archival. One of the new merch things has "iifu mix" of one of the new tracks written on it. So there's something there.

i signed up for the list on iifu.club but no idea if that's just the existing newsletter.

maf you one two (maffew12), Sunday, 8 September 2024 12:39 (three days ago) link

I’m not liking the newish post-Drift songs :(

Bad Bairns (Boring, Maryland), Tuesday, 10 September 2024 14:11 (yesterday) link

what were your fave Drift bits? Curious. Every record does feel like something new. But Drift was so all over the place that none of the newer songs would've been out of place there, for me.

for an act that's put out some seriously moody records, i think of them overall as so euphoric. I adore the new "single". I can't get enough of "Two Months Off" these days during workouts. The live version and (new) old version they put out a year or two ago are immense.

maf you one two (maffew12), Wednesday, 11 September 2024 14:32 (one hour ago) link

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