Mary Timony

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A friend lent this too me saying that it would soundtrack my rainy month of January. I like it. Folk-singer on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Is there anything else I should look into?

ACK, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

By her? Helium's "The Magic City". She was better w/Ash Bowie doing part of the work, Polvo would've been better w/her around too prob

Silly Sailor (Andrew Thames), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:25 (twenty-one years ago) link

Nix "The Magic City" and get the "Pirate Prude" ep. Her pre-"unicorn" stage was much betta.

Johnny Fever (johnny fever), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

The Superball EP is the highlight of her career.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

I think 'The Golden Dove' has cool proto-elements of british folk psych of 'The Third Ear Band' and 'The Trees'. Seeing as I prefer 'Third Ear Band' and 'The Trees' - which Timony stuff should I investigate?

ACK, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

I like the other Helium records a lot, but I think the most consistent Helium release is The Dirt Of Luck. That's the most essential Timony release as far as I'm concerned - "Pat's Trick," "Trixie's Star," "Baby's Going Underground," "All The X's Have Wings," "Superball." Aside from the title track, the only really amazing song on the Superball ep is "What Institution Are You From?"

Overall, I think her single best song is "XXX" from Pirate Prude, though.

Matthew Perpetua (Matthew Perpetua), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

Is there a difference between solo Timony and Helium? And if so - what is it?

ack, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 14:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

Timony's solo music is far less rocking, and sounds a little too Renaissance Fair for my tastes, on the whole. Mary's career can be broken down into two distinct eras - from the start of Helium up through the Superball EP, she wrote songs about prostitutes and sex abuse victims. From Helium's The Magic City up til her current work, she writes mostly about fantasy.

Matthew Perpetua (Matthew Perpetua), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 15:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

So, Magic City would be worthwhile to pick up, then?

ACK, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 15:03 (twenty-one years ago) link

I like The Magic City a lot. It's not perfect, but it has a lot of good songs on it.

Matthew Perpetua (Matthew Perpetua), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 15:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

Wrong thread, but here's my Rough Guide To Mary Timony

Hole In The Ground
I'll Get You, I Mean It
Pat's Trick
Trixie's Star
Baby's Going Underground
What Institution Are You From?
Leon's Space Song
Lady of the Fire
Ancient Cryme
Devil's Tear
Silver Strings
Poison Moon
I Fire Myself
Hour Glass
Dr. Cat
Musik And Charming Melodee

Matthew Perpetua (Matthew Perpetua), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 15:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

Woah! Mary Timony is also very cute! A cute prog-folkster. Weird.

ACK, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 15:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Talent and looks ... I'm going to stop before this turns into a C_Man thread - which would be weird considering it is Mary Timony.

I'm going to hunt down the Helium album. I think it would be interesting to hear her work within a group and without the Phil Spector-like Mark Linkous all over the house.

ack, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 15:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

Which solo album do you have? If it's Mountains, I'd recommend The Golden Dove which I think is much better. Personally, I'm more partial to the rockin' stuff; the Pirate Prude ep being my favorite.

rainman (rainman), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 16:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

The Golden Dove was the first CD MT has been involved with that sorta let me down. It just struck me as, I dunno, not very inspired, lyrically or verbally. 3 good songs, two great ones, and the rest was just there.

Raymond Cummings (Raymond Cummings), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 16:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Its the Golden Dove - does Mountain and Magic City rank over it - considering that I love the sound of the Golden Dove?

ack, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 16:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

The Dirt of Luck > Magic City > Mountains > Golden Dove

Diminishing returns, basically.

Matthew Perpetua (Matthew Perpetua), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 17:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

Search: Autoclave(early punk band), Mountains, Golden Dove.

kephm, Tuesday, 20 January 2004 21:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'd go with The Dirt of Luck (Helium) and Golden Dove (solo) to start. I probably love her solo stuff more than most.

Catherine (Catherine), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 21:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

Since everyone else has beat to me to everything, MT is hott (sorry!) and pretty much all her stuff rocks. I especially treasure Pirate Prude and Mountains, however. I don't have any concrete reasons, those are just my sentimental favorites.

Search her French radio session performance of ye olde folk song "The Outlandish Knight", "Ligeia" with Team Sleep, and the Hole in the Ground 7" also. Yeah, and Autoclave...

I like the Golden Dove a lot, I think the letdown factor is just that it's very similar to Mountains so it's kinda like Mountains pt. 2. There are some fantastic songs on it though.

Blood and sparkles (bloodandsparkles), Tuesday, 20 January 2004 22:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

Pirate Prude is definitely the best thing she's been involved with, followed v v closely by the Lucy/Hole In The Ground 7"

the surface noise (electricsound), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 01:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

i remember liking her debut 7" a lot too ("the american jean"?)

gygax! (gygax!), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 01:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

yeah, that's a good one too

the surface noise (electricsound), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 03:03 (twenty-one years ago) link

yet another talented lady i wish i was

The Lady Ms Lurex (lucylurex), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 04:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

But you is yer own cool talented lady, so no complaining!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 05:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

awww ned thanks :-)

The Lady Ms Lurex (lucylurex), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 07:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

The first two Helium 7" singles were excellent - especially "Hole in The Ground/Lucy". And I still feel that "The Dirt of Luck" is one of the best things Matador has ever released.

Her solo albums are pretty good too, but they don't seem to hit as many highs as she did with Helium.

Michael F Gill (Michael F Gill), Wednesday, 21 January 2004 11:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

i was at a smog show last year and when bill started "cold blooded old times" mary started jumping up and down maniacally, bumping into me and spilling my cup of beer on my shirt. magic. get jiggy wit it

kephm, Wednesday, 21 January 2004 19:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

one month passes...
I like Mary Timony A LOT. I went to see her again last night and she totally rocked. She was jumping all around and screaming. There was also a lot of jamming involved. It was the total anti-thesis of the other time I saw her when she was completely subdued and shy looking. But I loved both shows.

Sarah McLusky (coco), Thursday, 26 February 2004 22:25 (twenty years ago) link

mary do u have a girl
u r my inspiration well i gotta goe keep it realz PS email me if u read dis
ur gretest fan

Blood and sparkles (bloodandsparkles), Thursday, 26 February 2004 23:26 (twenty years ago) link

eight months pass...

please be in the age range of 13-18, otherwise, i think lawsuits will be in yr future...

eedd, Saturday, 20 November 2004 17:39 (twenty years ago) link

one month passes...

Former Helium frontwoman Mary Timony has signed to Lookout! Records, which will release her new solo album, "Ex Hex," in mid-April. The indie veteran has released two solo albums on Matador Records, also the home of Helium. The most recent was 2002's "The Golden Dove."

Produced by Fugazi drummer Brendan Canty, "Ex Hex" features Timony on guitar and vocals and Devin Ocampo of the Medications on drums. As previously reported, Medications appears on Canty's new live DVD series, "Burn To Shine," which will be released later this month via Trixie.

Michael F Gill (Michael F Gill), Friday, 14 January 2005 04:16 (twenty years ago) link

She went to my high school and studied with my guitar teacher, or so I am told.

Hurting (Hurting), Friday, 14 January 2005 04:21 (twenty years ago) link

i love mary timony.

maria tessa sciarrino (theoreticalgirl), Friday, 14 January 2005 05:57 (twenty years ago) link

Having another drummer when one of the best in rock's producing seems um kinda stupid, maybe this other guy's great tho

Andrew Blood Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 14 January 2005 06:02 (twenty years ago) link

He is! Ocampo's been in a few Dischord-affiliated bands - Faraquet (prossibly the best place to go to re: his drum chops) (are they called chops on the drums?), The Beauty Pill, Smart Went Crazy & a handful of others.

David R. (popshots75`), Friday, 14 January 2005 06:13 (twenty years ago) link

another 'shame about ________' thread.

what ever happened to her?? what made her lose the finely crafted 'dirty Helium' and go into 'rainbow land Helium'?

my guess, the meds.
too much. too much. too much.

eedd, Friday, 14 January 2005 14:53 (twenty years ago) link

what ever happened to her?? what made her lose the finely crafted 'dirty Helium' and go into 'rainbow land Helium'?

i dont know if you've noticed the trend of hipsters going folky, but i think mary was ahead of the game on this one. now she's back to rocking more, so i have a feeling in 2-3 years, indie rock will "rock" once more.

also, i never liked her D&D turn originally but in listening to a lot of the helium b-sides & whatnot, its not an especially new concept with her. you may even consider the sluts & whores of her pirate prude days to be symbolic princesses & witches.

maria tessa sciarrino (theoreticalgirl), Friday, 14 January 2005 15:42 (twenty years ago) link

I don't have anything interesting to say about Mary Timony except to agree that she is hot in the extreme.

The Mad Puffin (The Mad Puffin), Friday, 14 January 2005 16:11 (twenty years ago) link

Yes, I think she's attractive too, but this picture bugs me. What the hell is she doing with the headphones there? Cause she's twiddling the bass knob on a Silvertone Twin Twelve amp head. That's not some vintage hi-fi, it's a damn tube guitar amp, and it doesn't have a headphone output... So what the hell is she doing?!

martin m. (mushrush), Friday, 14 January 2005 17:58 (twenty years ago) link

clearly objects in the photograph are merely props. god, you people...

maria tessa sciarrino (theoreticalgirl), Friday, 14 January 2005 18:08 (twenty years ago) link

Props is one thing, but I'm thinking that Mary actually knows the correct use of that prop given that she's a guitarist. "Oh, you want me to do something that makes no sense? Sure, Press Photographer, you know best!"

martin m. (mushrush), Friday, 14 January 2005 18:20 (twenty years ago) link

Dude, it's called "suspension of disbelief."

To the majority of people looking at that photo, it's a cute girl listening to music on headphones.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Friday, 14 January 2005 18:23 (twenty years ago) link

Whenever I needed a picture of her in my newspapering days, I used this one:


The Mad Puffin (The Mad Puffin), Friday, 14 January 2005 18:24 (twenty years ago) link

Erm, here


The Mad Puffin (The Mad Puffin), Friday, 14 January 2005 18:26 (twenty years ago) link

Maria is 100% OTM about the conceptual continuity of "prudes & sluts" ---> "princesses & witches."

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Friday, 14 January 2005 18:27 (twenty years ago) link

Helium were at their best when they played fantasy novel rock. Also her eyes are too far apart.

adam (adam), Friday, 14 January 2005 18:29 (twenty years ago) link

I hate the sound that the distance between her eyes makes on all of her recordings.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Friday, 14 January 2005 18:30 (twenty years ago) link

Production-wise it *is* weirdly muddled in places - compare the "Hot & Cold" from the 7" to the album version and it's so much thicker.

Your Ribs are My Ladder, Monday, 13 October 2014 16:04 (ten years ago) link

New video, this is prob my favorite track on the album:

Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, 13 October 2014 16:08 (ten years ago) link

That video is fuckin' awesome. Alec MacKaye getting laser-blasted!

This track was an iTunes bonus track on the Wild Flag album and *totally* sounds like it could fit on Ex Hex:

Your Ribs are My Ladder, Monday, 13 October 2014 16:22 (ten years ago) link

I'm not really into the Ex Hex album :( The songs are too simple and referential and I'm not crazy about the production. It didn't help that I went back and listened to "Magic City" this weekend, which is so much better.

― Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, October 13, 2014 10:26 AM (2 days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

Ha, I listened to this yesterday and was surprised at how much I liked it. But I'm not as invested as you are in Mary Timony specifically or this type of thing generally.

jaymc, Wednesday, 15 October 2014 16:01 (ten years ago) link

very excited to be playing with ex hex and speedy in november :^) RIPS is great

ET sippin the wig (spazzmatazz), Wednesday, 15 October 2014 16:17 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Just listened to the Ex Hex album this morning and really enjoyed it. Love Timony's tone and lead guitar lines.

EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 3 November 2014 15:15 (ten years ago) link

(Admittedly, I was totally listening for Timony's playing. The songs are pretty simplistic so I guess I'll see how well the album holds up for me over time. Seems like fun right now, though.)

EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 3 November 2014 15:34 (ten years ago) link

I've completely forgotten to check it out myself! Thanks for the reminder.

Evan, Monday, 3 November 2014 16:49 (ten years ago) link

this is good!

example (crüt), Monday, 3 November 2014 23:28 (ten years ago) link

Album has grown on me a lot. It did seem too simplistic at first, and the guitar tuning is so straightforward and un-Timony-like, but around listen 4-5 it clicked for me. I wonder if the male character in "Waterfall" is the same as the one in "On The Floor." So many ex-boyfriends passed out on the kitchen floor....

Michael F Gill, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 01:20 (ten years ago) link

Maybe this is obvious but it reminds me of a lot of late 70s/early 80s stuff like the Cars, Blondie, Go-Gos.

EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 20:16 (ten years ago) link

My initial take was a Cars/Ramones mashup.

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 20:42 (ten years ago) link

Feel like Jonathan Richman's "Roadrunner" is quoted differently in two tracks too.

Michael F Gill, Friday, 7 November 2014 00:21 (ten years ago) link

I fucking love this Ex Hex album.

Matt DC, Monday, 17 November 2014 21:24 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

I saw Ex Hex last night. Really fun set, played basically the whole record.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 10 January 2015 20:54 (ten years ago) link

this record is definitely a much better version of wild flag

Wu-Tang Clannad (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 12 January 2015 17:01 (ten years ago) link

man I totally missed that Timony was part of this band, will investigate

some kind of terrible IDM with guitars (sleeve), Monday, 12 January 2015 17:03 (ten years ago) link

six months pass...

Good livestream at the moment:

dow, Saturday, 1 August 2015 19:33 (nine years ago) link

Ex Hex, that is

dow, Saturday, 1 August 2015 19:33 (nine years ago) link

I once hitched a UK tour with her, trying to think who the band was. That is to say she was with a few people doing the hitching following another band around not that we were hitching following her.
Would be some point towards the end of the 80s anyway.

Stevolende, Saturday, 1 August 2015 20:25 (nine years ago) link

My 8yo daughter is OBSESSED with Mary T. My fridge is plastered with pictures of her. She has a Spotify playlist which is just Ex Hex and Wild Flag ("but you can just put the LPs on... Your sister has lots more in hers..." "NO").

I'm a Betsy Wright man myself.

Michael Jones, Monday, 3 August 2015 13:10 (nine years ago) link

Does she know about Helium? Haven't checked Spotify for them.
the xpost livestream set was so cool, kinda laid-back at times, but guitars kept careening over the top, then back to the groove, where I waited for the next payoff (rock kindergarten, teaching me patience). Nice!

dow, Monday, 3 August 2015 14:17 (nine years ago) link

I think she has some Helium singles. I'm not sure what she'll make of MT solo. Hearing her absent-mindedly harmonise with the middle eight of "Glass Tambourine" was my Saturday morning highlight of the year.

Anyway, back to Mary.

Michael Jones, Monday, 3 August 2015 15:42 (nine years ago) link

Mary's songwriting seems to be at its best when she is a band, presumably bouncing off ideas and not being backed by just herself and drums/keys. But if you'd put all the best tracks from her four solo albums together, it would be as good as Helium.

Michael F Gill, Tuesday, 4 August 2015 01:34 (nine years ago) link

I'm a Betsy Wright man myself.

― Michael Jones, Monday, August 3, 2015 6:10 AM

alpine static, Tuesday, 4 August 2015 06:42 (nine years ago) link

six years pass...

On Instagram Mary Timony says she is recording a new solo album

curmudgeon, Tuesday, 18 January 2022 03:42 (three years ago) link


Legalize Suburban Benches (Raymond Cummings), Tuesday, 18 January 2022 10:21 (three years ago) link

one year passes...

i like it! very nice minimal arrangement

reminds me (musically not vocally) a bit of The Evens

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 9 November 2023 18:53 (one year ago) link

I like the minimal straight forward pop of that song too. Sometimes she’s too prog & old school art rock for me , but not on that dominoes song

curmudgeon, Thursday, 9 November 2023 20:16 (one year ago) link

Really nice stuff

Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 9 November 2023 20:22 (one year ago) link

2024 tour date tickets go on sale at 10 am ET today

The Triumphant Return of Bernard & Stubbs (Raymond Cummings), Friday, 10 November 2023 11:29 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

New track, “The Guest”

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 4 January 2024 17:53 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

First date of the tour tonight in Baltimore. Sweet, short set, heavy on the new album with two Helium cuts. There were some nerves and a missed lyric cue or two, but a really strong band, having fun up there. Timony’s solos on “The Guest” were especially on fire.

See ‘em when they come to your town

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 29 February 2024 04:14 (eleven months ago) link

I was there too. I liked Anna on the pedal steel, but must confess to get bored at times by Timony and Betsy leisurely jamming on so many songs . Felt like circa 1972 rock with not enough energy and rhythm. I liked Timony vocals and how songs started but some just didn’t hold my attention. Maybe I am not the ideal audience member for this tour.

curmudgeon, Thursday, 29 February 2024 16:16 (eleven months ago) link

getting bored

curmudgeon, Thursday, 29 February 2024 16:16 (eleven months ago) link

Yeah, the jamming was definitely the point to a large degree - the vocals acting as a starting point/tee for glassine guitar riffs and extended vamps. Not for everyone, but it’s possible that this will change as the tour proceeds and she gets more comfortable in the role of singer/bandleader/guitarist - with Hammered Hulls she just had to be the bassist, which was probably a relief.

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 29 February 2024 17:17 (eleven months ago) link

The openers were OK but I was kinda patiently waiting for the main event - it’s always been that way but even more so as I age.

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 29 February 2024 17:19 (eleven months ago) link

I get that. I had seen them before and kinda liked them, so was fine with seeing em again even on a midweek work night. But yeah, was glad there weren’t too many delays.

curmudgeon, Thursday, 29 February 2024 18:56 (eleven months ago) link

Birthday Girl are a good band but as I was texting some friends during that set:

“They make me a little nostalgic for a time when I listened to a lot of music like this (in a different century, mostly)”

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 29 February 2024 19:01 (eleven months ago) link

I hear Birthday Girl DC as a throwback to one style from the last century, and Mary Timony’s current live approach a musical throwback to an even earlier style ( even if both of them are using lyrics that relate to their own 21 century issues)

curmudgeon, Thursday, 29 February 2024 20:02 (eleven months ago) link

I like the Mary Timony album better than I liked the live show. The guitar vamps don't go on as long.

curmudgeon, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 03:31 (eleven months ago) link

At one point, Mabel Canty (before I knew her full name) announced their parents were actually accompanying them on tour, and I was like "aw, that's so sweet - every parent should be like that" and then someone informed me who their parents were - had no idea!

birdistheword, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 03:50 (eleven months ago) link


mookieproof, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 03:58 (eleven months ago) link

lol her bassist is Isabella MacKaye

mookieproof, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 03:59 (eleven months ago) link

That is Alec Mackaye's daughter. Mabel Canty is 16 . Mary Timony gave Mabel Canty some lessons and produced their music

curmudgeon, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 04:24 (eleven months ago) link

three months pass...

Ny Times on Mary Timony guitar teacher to Mabel Canty , Snail Mail’s Jordan, & others

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 26 June 2024 18:22 (seven months ago) link

Coincidentally was just about to mention Untame the Tiger in the 2024 AOTY So Far thread; I think it’s probably my most-listened-to of the year at least.

early rejecter, Wednesday, 26 June 2024 18:40 (seven months ago) link

six months pass...

Mary Timony was just recording at Tonal Park in Md with Amy Domingues (cello player for Garland of Hours & once played on a Fugazi song) , Mark Cisneros (guitarist w/ Kid Congo; Hammered Hulls & others), Winston Yu, Job Cain (David) who toured in Timony's band on recent tour

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 15 January 2025 18:07 (three weeks ago) link

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