The American Smiths

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I think Jarvis Cocker is one of the few souls who's executed a worthwhile modus operandi for appearing alongside M. Jackson.

tnd, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Christ, Calum, I don't even like Guns n' Roses but you're once again being so provably, offensively wrong that I can't help wasting time pointing it out (the idea here being that unless you're even thicker than I think you are eventually you'll realize that actually no, not everyone thinks middling Britpop is the center of the universe) (and Christ, when I of all people think someone is too into middling Britpop then something is desperately wrong). Let's go through:

"I can't believe anyone thinks that Guns n Roses even produced one good song" translates, in objective critical terms, to "I am so mindlessly and carelessly convinced that Guns n Roses are undeserving of my attention that I'm unable to actually listen to 'Sweet Child of Mine'" -- to which, by my count, we can add "Welcome to the Jungle," "It's So Easy," "Don't Cry," and "You Could be Mine," and that's coming from a person with little-to-no familiarity with their proper album tracks. (Here's a fellow I went to high school with discussing "Sweet Child of Mine" on AMG.)

"I'm glad that they are seen as a joke." -- please navigate the AMG (or actually read the thread you're posting to for once) for evidence of the massive falsehood of that statement.

And on and on: "The Smiths inspired lifes [sic] with their lyrics," as did Axl, for better or worse (and as did Cobain, even when he was accidentally inspiring rapes -- is this really an effective route to judging music?). Or they "wrote some of the most amazing ... tunes ever," which reads fine as a declarative statement but it's very convincing as an argument -- I think we all already know you enjoy the Smiths.

Your guilt-by-association with regard to Michael Jackson and Elton John and money and popular-film would be a lot more convincing if your argument for every band you like didn't at some point include "oh, they were important" and "the bands you like are obscure and no one cares about them" -- you need to either sort out your appeals to popularity/relevance or just admit that only middling- popular Britpop gets through the gates of your musical universe. (Were you not just hours ago taunting Julio that Skullflower would sell out if given half a chance?)

No, what bothers me most here is this: "They were/ are/ always will be a joke. Except to some Americans who 'still dig them cos they wrre, like, cool and stuff'," especially after your pointing out that I've never set foot in the UK based on my having a better understanding of the UK indie industry than you -- your caricatures are so far off the mark that it often seems like you just imagine various bands' fan-bases. Seriously, navigate that AMG entry in full and you'll work out precisely what the current US music- fan reaction to GnR is: that much as a lot of us indie-inclined folk were politically obliged to slag them at the time, it becomes clearer and clearer in retrospect that they were an intially-spectacular band, and that even their long decline into bloated, mysterious ridiculousness was a marvelous and occasionally brilliant thing to observe. Few of us want to actually admit that they were "cool" -- we're just forced at the moment to concede that they did indeed Have It for a little while. And for the millions upon millions of people who never had to "concede" that because they were with it from the beginning -- well, your typical dumb appeals to one band being "important and influential" and another being "irrelevant" aren't going to work here: GnR's influence was, for better or worse, far more massive in human terms than the Smiths' ever was. In fact one could make a good case that a lot of the credit given to Nirvana for ushering in the big rock flip-over of the early 90s belongs to GnR, the first step of a three-step walk: people who thinks GnR have everything to do with 80s hair-metal and nothing to do with 90s grunge need to either work on their mental categorization or figure out something good to say about Shannon Hoon.

As for Axl looking like "a walking thug" have you any idea what the word "thug" actually means? I say that not only because most of them are able to walk but because if you stripped off the attitude and the cultural associations and just went by visual inspection, you'd probably conclude that Moz could take Axl in a fight.

(And have you honestly never noticed how often Axl looks entirely like a woman? And not in the hair-metal sense but in an honest-to-god feminine sense?)

nabisco%%, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Also, why would a money-grubbing radio-friendly pandering rock bands would do things like: (a) releasing bloated mystifying incomprehensible double-albums, (b) starting big expensive unfathomably symbolic video series with personal relations appearing in them and then have personal relations explode so messily that they can't finish the series, (c) carry around a surly prima donna who cancels shows on whims, leading to the wholesale demolition of venue interiors, (d) go out on a limb with their between-albums stopgap by making the entire second side a bizarre radio-un-friendly voyage through really disagreeable portions of their singer's personality, or in general (e) ignore the entire industry standard of smooth-going record selling in favor of a constant messy whirlwind of overblown dramatically-bad decisions and surly controversies and bloated ill-organized nonsense?

I ask because precisely what a lot of people were getting out them -- there at the tail end of the hair-metal moment -- was a band who honestly didn't seem to be selling, and band who had some bizarre over-inflated image of something they seemed to mean and didn't care much about whether that made sense or not. (And it didn't make sense, but trying to parse it was intensely captivating to a whole lot of people.)

nabisco%%, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Number 1: I got into some arguements on Britpop sure, that was the music I got into music with - but before that I bought a lot of glam/ 60s and even stadium stuff (Madonna, Queen)... which I am embarrassed about. My music taste is huge. And right now I'm listening to Joy Division, and next you'll be telling me Axl has more soul than Ian Curtis right?

Number 2: Even my current music taste does not evolve around what you want to be able to slag me off over (i.e. Britpop) and I have probaby attended more gigs in my time that you have. Gosh, I even recall seeing the likes of The Beastie Boys live at one time. Though heaven forbid I should like anything that isn't rooted in 1995 chart indie world right?

Number 3: I happen to hate Guns n Roses. I'm glad that the Americans are into them and still believe they had something to say. If I could be assed I'd post a link to another music forum I post on where someone made the mistake of mentioning Guns n Roses to a bunch of Stone Roses/ Smiths fans and was eaten alive. Point is?

Number 4: Yes they are a joke. I have yet to speak to anyone over here who takes them seriously and my friends are not into the same music I am either. One of my mates still loves them and he's going to see them live later this year in Leeds, but he also loves The Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, The Lemonheads, Weezer etc

Number 5: Morrissey wouldn't fight anyone. He's got too much class.

Number 6: Guns n Roses are everything that's wrong with stadium rock - no class, no meaning, no point except sex, groupies and $$$$. I want to see a band I can at least, even slightly, identify with. Guns n Roses plain stink. The Americans loved them. Well great. The Americans also bought into Bush and The Cranberries and made a star out of Eddie Veder. Now what do you want me to add to that?

Maybe I should point out that your best bands of recent years have been discovered by us first (The White Stripes, The Strokes and Mercury Rev come to mind).

Calum Robert, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What about Ludacris?

Sterling Clover, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Americans also bought into Bush and The Cranberries and made a star out of Eddie Veder. Now what do you want me to add to that?

The Lighthouse Family, Craig David, Moloko, Ocean Colour Scene, Coldplay, Toploader and the motherfucking STEREOPHONICS for one.

Daniel_Rf, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Calum, it's stuff like saying "I have probaby attended more gigs in my time than you have" to someone you have never met or spoken to -- apropos of basically nothing -- that makes me wonder if you're a day older than 12. My estimation of your literacy sinks ever-lower: it would be ever so nice if you were only able to read and actually understand a single thing I've said to you during your time on this forum, rather than simply making wild assumptions about what I might, being American, possibly mean. If you were slightly more attentive or slightly less thick you might have noticed that (a) I quite like middling British indie, and (b) I don't much like Guns n' Roses either. In fact, it's my strong suspicion that you have very little idea what I'm actually disagreeing with you about. It's worth noting that you're also doing your stupid "I don't like Americans" thing again and your stupid factual-inaccuracies thing again (re: De Stijl) and your whole generally living in a world that consists solely of charting rock bands, one in which liking Weezer is some sort of massively different proposition than liking Sleeper, and Mogwai are some sort of far-flung esoteric avant-garde outfit and the Beastie Boys are so far from all of that as to be credibility-lending. Not that that would be such a bad thing if you weren't quite so thick about it all the time -- I mean, I know far less about music than most on this forum, but that's part of why I can't imagine myself acting too much like you.

I really don't know what it is about you in particular that makes me want to tear out my eyeballs and spent all day desperately trying to drag you screaming out of your own idiocy but I really must make myself stop it. Especially since you're consistently too dim to have even the most rudimentary comprehension of what I'm actually arguing with you about anyway.

Sorry, everyone for acting embarrassingly like Julio and even bothering to engage over this one.

nabisco%%, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

So.. Who wants to talk about Journey, then?

Keiko, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

No, you see you might THINK you are more intelligent than me, but calling me dim tells me only one thing:

You are American.

I'm not trying to be outwardly nasty, but I lived with three of you while doing my masters last year (I'm finishing it right now which should indicate to you I'm not dim) and it shocked me that in the States you can get a degree simply by playing football or wrestling another half naked guy. And the Americans I lived with about shat themselves when they found out they actually had to 'like, write essays and stuff'.

My fave comment by an American ever is when one of me beloved flatmates (I moved out when my brain couldn't take any more) came back from a visit to Scotland and said (quite seriously): 'You know what I hated about Scotland? That you guys have so much history up there'.

I'm glad you feel like ripping out your eyeballs when you speak to me, that means I make you think and that is what all Americans need more of, don't you think? I'm also gald that you can call me dim, when - with all seriousness, you DID try and make a link between Guns n Roses and The Smiths.

Try that at my uni bar pal. See where it gets you.

Calum Robert, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Can I ask another question - when the horrific tragedy of Sept 11th happened did you automatically want to 'nuke the fuckers' like every other American I met at the time?

Just curious.

Calum Robert, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I was quite surprised to find that you weren't Australian, Calum. For some reason I assumed you were - you sound like one.

electric sound of jim, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Nah - Aussies hate everybody, I hate no one. I just wind folk up.

Calum Robert, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

(Actually, Calum, this is another instance where actually having read the thread would have provided you with particularly relevant information about my level of American-ness. Congratulations on a successful wind-up, too: I'm having to look at pictures of emo girls in their underwear to relax and leave that piece of bait alone.)

nabisco%%, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I lived with three of you while doing my masters last year (I'm finishing it right now which should indicate to you I'm not dim)

Masters' degrees have little to do with whether or not one is 'dim'

geeta, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

A few more points, as I'm tired, and I'm not entirely convinced that you're not just another troll:

1) Forming your opinion of a country based on the nationality of your flatmates is the textbook definition of 'dim'.
2) Arguments about the relative merits of British vs American universities could get ugly fast.
3) G'n'R in their heyday were a lot better than you're giving them credit for. In my early teen years I despised G'n'R and loved The Smiths. Years later, I took my dreary indie blinders off, gave "Appetite" another listen, and realized how much I enjoyed it. Now, well into my twenties, I like both bands a good deal. I do agree, though, that late-period G'n'R was pretty bad (almost as dreadful as late-period solo Morrissey, but not quite)
4) 'History' is overrated. Embrace the new.

geeta, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

But Geeta, surely the average ILM troll would realize that Americans don't call people "dim."

nabisco%%, Thursday, 27 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm also gald that you can call me dim, when - with all seriousness, you DID try and make a link between Guns n Roses and The Smiths

calum, it was actually me who started the thread with the idea of some commonality between guns'n'roses and the smiths, not nabisco. it was something i wasn't sure of, but i've come to see it more (perhaps not in a literalist sense, no, but on an intuitive level, for me, yes). anyway, i read that article yesterday, and wasn't that impressed with it, the similarities in that were superficial/humourous, i definitely think its something along the lines of punk and glam, but then making music that doesn't particularly fit into either

calum, is it ok if we don't have the 'americans are wankers' type stuff on this thread, i am interested in the premise of the question and i'd prefer it if it didn't get sidetracked by abuse and stuff. (we could just start an 'americans are rubbish' thread if you like?)

gareth, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

gareth's question is of course smart and interesting: calum's "uni bar" is presumably full of the same prats that *all* such places are full of, across the entire world (the ppl whose opinions matter here are the ones in his uni LIBRARY heh!)

more of us shd wear union jack tea-cosies on our heads in my opinion

mark s, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oh but Americans are so much fun to wind up...

Listen - funny story, I lived with this total ugly Texas henk and she was sooo thick. She sat down to the news one day and said:

"These guys in Afghanastan are so dumb. I mean, if someone was going to bomb England I'd just get ona train and go elsewhere."

She said this with a straight face. How the hell does that get a degree let alone become accepted for a masters??? OK, so I know the answer ($$$$) but it's a sham.

I used to invite my friends from Scotland and London to my house at this point just to meet them because words would just not do the Americans justice. You HAD to meet them. They had the social skills of a retarded hyeena.

Calum Robert, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Maybe you attract idiots like moths to a flame. You're really being so remarkably blockheaded here. What exactly is your problem here? That your mighty Smiths were mentioned in the same breath as G'n'R? I hate G'n'R too... But I still can see the worth in the parallel. You say your taste in music is "huge", but you also seem to imply that it is immovable and above all, RIGHT. I cannot see how one can love music but be so adverse to being challenged, and resistant to flexibility. You came with your mind made up, and will not even acknowledge when people challenge your position. You are not here to discuss music, but to rain down your righteous opinion upon the needy. Thank you very much, but we don't have much need for your useless proclamations.

Melissa W, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

according to my inner formalist, all aermicans are wankers thread must go over on ILE - if you'll jsut step this way....

Now,a s to GNR = Smiths, Morrisey articulated the inner angst whilst Axl projected the outer angsts of many a suburban queer confused white boy in the big city, disguised in lyrics on impersonality - listen to Estranged, or (if you can) ignoring the homophobic racist shtick of One in A Million, listen to the imploring, the attempts at reaching out slashed down by rejection (bad verbage I know). As to the band itself, not being familiar with the Smiths chronology of death, I can only say that I imagine the relationship between AXl-Slash and Morrisey-Marr to be similar - Axl appears with Elton, Morrisey with Siouxe (yes?), whilst Slash appears with wacko Jacko and Marr with Oasis or Primal Scream or whoever those tossers are.

Queen I am neither Buffy nor the Messiah G, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

"Definitely. In the same league as Def Leppard, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, AC/DC and Queen. Stadium rock/hardrock." Sorry but this is the funniest thing I've ever read. Are you American by any chance?

No. But elaborate, what is so funny about placing G'nR in this list?

I think we can safely say that both bands are among the best in their genre, but personally, I think both genres are equally worthless and of limited use outside their target audiences of alienated teenagers and pathetic adults stuck in their childhood. Regarding both The Smiths and G'nR, I can't think of ANY band worth listening to that has taken these bands as influences. Just like Michael Jackson: he was arguably pretty good at what he did, but thank the Gods that there's only one of him and music considered him a dead end.

Siegbran Hetteson, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link


Sterling Clover, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

How about - CalumN SHEARER to thread?

the pinefox, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What really bothers me isn't necesairly that Calum is a wrong-headed brit elitist, but that he does such a piss-poor job of it. Surely any arrogant Britton worth their salt would prefer "takin' the mickey" over "winding you up"? And- for shame- he forsakes the sacred "mate" in favour of "pal"!

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

No. But elaborate, what is so funny about placing G'nR in this list?
Well, Calum Robert can't seem to see that -- despite the obvious differences -- GnR and the Smiths filled similar niches. Granted, the fact that one band is made of Americans (ergo, smelly uncouth barbarians) and the other is British (ergo, classy sublime superhumans), we are not permitted to mention them in the same breath.
Were not even allowed to mention them in the same breath as AC/DC, who, being Australian, are completely better than GnR. Ho Ho Ho.

Lord Custos III, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Look it's this simple:

Guns n Roses sound nothing like The Smiths, they look nothing like The Smiths, the lyrics are not even comparable (Morrissey being great, Axl being slightly less than great or even passable) and they appealed to different types of people. Plus one was a stadium rock outfit who were in it for the money the drugs and the groupies. One was an indie group that changed people's lives and changed the course of British music.

Now do you understand? The two have nothing in common. And I repeat: they didn't even sound alike. AND whether you like it or not, The Smiths are still seen as great, brilliant etc, Gunsn Roses are seen as crap, a joke band etc.

So the two have even left different legacies.

If you still like Guns n Roses in the year 2002 you must be American in which case aren't you better off attending Counting Crows concerts and nuking third world countries or building McDonald's in developing nations than debating this thread?

Calum Robert, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

But what's mind-boggling is if the Smiths and the UK = classy/sublime and GnR and the US = smelly/uncouth, surely Calum should be agreeing with the proposition that GnR are the American Smiths!

Q.: How the hell does that get a degree let alone become accepted for a masters?

A.: Evidently she goes to the UK, and applies for the same masters program as you.

nabisco%%, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

calum, have you ever been wrong about anything ever?

gareth, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Whoa, whoa, whoa, how come no one noticed THIS before?

"I will say this as well - The Manics are not best suited to be compared to Guns n Roses either. A far better band that changed lives and kicked ass on stage."

But That Bloke Out Of Manic Street Preachers admitted himself that he wanted his band to be a mix of Guns 'N' Roses and Public Enemy!!

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link


Lord Custos III, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

interesting point. its correct that the manics wanted to be a like gnr, but they were trying too hard to be like another band for that to work. initerestingly, for me, both gnr and the smiths had elemetns that wanted to be like the new york dolls, but then this didn't really come out in their music that much at all, or at least, it wasn't immediately obvious - ie they were both punk bands, but fans of both bands didn't know this. the irony that the fans of both bands would hate the other is quite amusing too

gareth, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

"calum, have you ever been wrong about anything ever?"


P.S. Yes you're right - the Manics did actually want to be a UK Guns n Roses/ Public Enemy. They were far too good to be the former in my humble opinion.

P.P.S Funny yank story no.987 - I switched on Brass Eye one night and was killing myself laughing when one of the Americans got up and left, having neither laughed nor been offended. 'You know I don't think I get this type of humour' she said in her vacant Texan growl.

Calum Robert, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

the fact that morrisey went to live in los angeles was always an inevitablility as well, because if he was going to go to america, which he always was, then los angeles was the only possible destination for him

gareth, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

ahem. i'm putting in my obligitory mention of goat wank for this thread.

doom monger, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sports Comentator 1: For those of you keeping score, its Goat Wank: 17, Spackle: 6.
Sports Comentator 2: Well, lets hope that Polyphilla Polytechnic rallies in the second half or else it'll be a veeerrry messy defeat.

Lord Custos III, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

haha this thread is just making me want to go rebuy 'appetite' for the first time in years

Josh, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

the fact that morrisey went to live in los angeles was always an inevitablility as well, because if he was going to go to america, which he always was, then los angeles was the only possible destination for him
So where's Axl's destined British destination?

Lord Custos III, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Why the House of Lords, of course. "Sir Axl" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

s woods, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

S-s-s-s-s-surely Calumn's uni bar?

DG, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I can't answer this coz I don't know much about the Smiths.

jel --, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Smiths are still seen as great, brilliant etc, Gunsn Roses are seen as crap

Why the emphasis on "how they are seen"? I mean, Michael Jackson is widely seen as the King of Pop. While I wouldn't even want to be seen touching any of his albums with a ten foot pole.

Mind you, while G'nR are quite uniformly (and rightly) ridiculed, the amount of The Smiths haters can not be underestimated. 50,000,000 Smiths haters can't be wrong.

Say, that actually sound quite good...

Siegbran Hetteson, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes, Imagine the album cover. 100 Mozz's in gold lame suits, grinning widely and covered with splatters of rotten tomatoes.

Lord Custos III, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Cornershop to thread!

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 28 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

i am not american, and i am still horny over the september reelease date for chinese democracy

Queen I am neither Buffy nor the Messiah G, Saturday, 29 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What an interesting parallel, Gareth. I would've never thought of putting guns and roses and the smiths in the same sentence but here we are.

I think that having read the thread there seems to be far more of a connection than I would've thought abt before but I have never given much thought to Guns and roses (its just time and place, I guess).

Both bands are something you grow out of but you'll always remember the happy memories they gave you. In terms of sound it's different and the same. I definetely get the stones' comparison to both and lyrically they did appeal to adolescents, just like every other band who had some degree of success. Guns n'Roses are surely more in the minds of other bands because they were huge. The smiths had a few chart hits in the UK but were a cult following.

Nirvana's seuccess of course, is due to the use of the power chord. they were a heavy metal band with diff. lyrical themes (though maybe not so far from the Roses). grunge is what you get when you splice punk w/heavy metal.

Its amazing to think Calum has a degree. He is acting like some bad comedian out of the 1970s (Bernard Manning comes to mind). No wonder Mark E Smith hates students. Like nabisco, i thought he must have been 13 or so. It boggles the mind.

''Sorry, everyone for acting embarrassingly like Julio and even bothering to engage over this one.''

Oh, come off it Nabisco...the way ILM is constructed, you can get into arguments that just snowball. You have argued at quite a lenght too and so have quite a few on the Sleeper thread. But yes, it is time to stop and get back into more constructive, thought-provoking discussions.

Julio Desouza, Saturday, 29 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Appetite for Descrution is only £4.99 in the HMV sale! It's worth getting!

jel --, Saturday, 29 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

'descrution'!!!! that rulez!! other 4.99 bargains: 'meat is order', 'the queen is kind of dead'

geeta, Saturday, 29 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

descrution should only be performed by a licensed vet with special tools and a sterile dropcloth.

Lord Custos III, Saturday, 29 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

oh no! not another pinketron type incident! hehe! :)

jel --, Sunday, 30 June 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

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