'Loathsome New Yorkers'?: Strokes, Nas, Jay-Z & Patti Smith

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damn rockists.

mitch lastnamewithheld (mitchlnw), Friday, 28 March 2003 23:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

haha Vecsey is a turd.

Mr. Diamond (diamond), Friday, 28 March 2003 23:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

36 That Guy in the Huge Calvin Ad at Houston and Broadway, Pretty Boy

He’s four-hundred-feet tall, he’s got flowing blond locks, he’s shirtless, his pubes are showing and you can almost hear him saying: "Yeah, and what are you going to do about it, bitch?" Life in this city is difficult enough without having to navigate a path to work every morning through a forest of giant, pouting supermodels.

how could the authors(s) survive in LA?

Vic, Friday, 28 March 2003 23:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

The punk oral history Please Kill Me exposed her as a careerist.


Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Friday, 28 March 2003 23:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

36 That Guy in the Huge Calvin Ad at Houston and Broadway, Pretty Boy

isn't he australian anyway? or can you be included on the list if you even thought about NY one time in your past?

phil turnbull (philT), Saturday, 29 March 2003 02:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

OK, how much do you want to bet that everything music-related on that list was written by J.R. "bastard child of Cheddy and Ann Coulter" Taylor?

Nate Patrin (Nate Patrin), Saturday, 29 March 2003 02:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

36 That Guy in the Huge Calvin Ad at Houston and Broadway, Pretty Boy

I believe he's included because his image is inescapable.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 29 March 2003 02:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

well worn snatch?

electric sound of jim (electricsound), Saturday, 29 March 2003 02:39 (twenty-one years ago) link


Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 29 March 2003 02:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

so the ny list is part of the propoganda spin -- of course they're gonna go after her for being a new yorker having the balls to take rock to the peace marches (who bob dylan approvingly tours with in this part of the world) -- y'know, ["she's not exactly with you so she's against you"]

and anybody who can make a career like that (ie doing what she does as well as mother, homemaker, wife etc. etc.) is doing more credibly than ny "careerist" journalist stymied by their own editors -- surely these journalist are (privately) joking so as to specifically re-draw attention to what patti smith has been able to achieve recently, which would be a hard act to follow for most "careerist" media types -- given the mccarthy-esque landscape, these journalists' careers might well be at risk, so isn't this the only way they can actually put patti smith up in lights ?

george gosset (gegoss), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, but Patti Smith does suck.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

george: huh?

M Matos (M Matos), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

at least he didn't indulge one of his sonic youth conspiracy theories.

dylan tours with patti smith in this part of the world too. he tours with jewel in this part of the world also.

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

did george read the list? how is calling steinbrenner an ass or going after maxim part of the new mccarthyism?

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

i liked her at the Q awards in London -- she says stuff no-one else does -- y'know, rock'n'roll elder statesperson (heh, like boNo, who got most honourable boZo mention at said Q awards, unlike m. stipe who is apparently at least capable of something resembling appropriate adult diplomacy)

george gosset (gegoss), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

heh, I sold Stipe his copy of Rooty

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

considering the role ol candy slice had in getting Bush elected, suggesting she shut up isn't entirely off the mark

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

whatever re Gossett's latest rant: smith has been a commercial nullity for the past few decades and her endless flogging of "people have the power" at every political get-together would be funny if it wasn't so ultimately sad -- her latest schtick is infantile and preachy even by the standards of her newfound Naderite cohorts (and being more infantile and preachy than a Naderite is quite a significant "accomplishment.")

and ditto to what mr. blount said -- how is a list where Ann Coulter is (rightly) skewered evidence of "neo-mccarthyism"?

Tad (llamasfur), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

Bashing Yoko Ono is pretty much as lame as it gets. Sure she's a bit loopy sometimes but pick other targets PLEASE!

Justyn Dillingham (Justyn Dillingham), Saturday, 29 March 2003 09:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

agreed, except for the "Home Movies" where the little girl says to the new girls who thinks (rightly) the others don't like her "maybe you should learn your lines, yoko"

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 10:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

clearly there will be deserving people on that list, and i know nothing about internal ny politics and little about us politics except that speaking out against the establishment in established ways (eg rock protest music, the music of your cruising middle-aged voters) is not seen as consistent with the seemingly generic patriotism right now (as evidenced by the "smart" audience wearing black at the academy awards confused as to how to react to M Moore)

how else would smith get mentioned ? won't ny city dwellers in particular be pushed the iraq as revenge angle most by the media, even if the people don't like it ?

isn't it easy to find trivial ways to discredit smith ("old rocker", "careerist sellout", "recycling the same material" ..).. all hopeless hack cliches

maybe the same old history is repeating itself ? is there something wrong with her merely suggesting these things ? don't you pride yourselves on your world-distinguished "democracy" ? and was she wrong the first time ?

another name thrown into a maybe somewhat credible list -- this proves nothing about that person -- guilt by mere editorial association -- and "commercial nullity", jeez there's a really important consideration

and, just a tad more,
"rants" serve a purpose, if we presume that's what you think this is, even if you might believe (using the same criteria ?) that what you've said isn't

didn't patti smith show that sometimes "babbleons" or "rants" have there place (even if she's meeting you half way by using those overloaded words in the first place) ?

patti smith might be the same old news ("the u.s. is the imperialist aggressor/ invader/ cynical warmonger"), but isn't it just that it's so uncomfortable for u.s. citizens to admit that it might all still be true that some don't like discussing it ?

george gosset (gegoss), Saturday, 29 March 2003 10:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

By this point, Patti Smith might as well be reciting recipes for egg salad. She's reduced herself to such a haggard cliché that exactly what she might have to say has already lost all its potential impact.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 29 March 2003 10:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

i met p smith recently at a music policy conference -- she said something to the effect of 'why are we discussing things like music copyrights, given the current geopolitical situation' or something and then gave a rousing speech to the troops (a ragtag bunch of other musicians, academics, critics, and music industry goons) about fighting the war against war

i respect her as a person, but i never liked her music much.

geeta (geeta), Saturday, 29 March 2003 10:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

george - have you bothered to actually read the list? how is steinbrenner a political figure in 2003? is maxim 'tellin it like it is brotha' hence the snipery? get your head out of your ass please george. I can't tell if you forty or fourteen. am afraid to guess.

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 10:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

gosset - do you think Patti Smith has sold more or less records as a result of her posturing?

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 29 March 2003 10:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

firstly, i would have thought it irrelevant how the whole list demographic whatever comes down, and i have no way of understanding most of the u.s. entries -- maybe the u.s. is bored with patti smith, but new zealand isn't

i love some music, and when we can see patti smith using music however boringly to try and do something or say something or just present some opinion about what the u.s. is doing right now, whether for domestic u.s. consumption or to show that the media/rock machine can have some performer from the Vietnam times consistent and so maybe somewhat more credible than in a simply cynical industry/protest sense simply getting up and taking the flak for saying something controversial, that's good, even if you don't agree with her

look at hollywood not knowing how to handle it's demographic during the moore speech -- i'm sure smith would sell more records if she was for the war, and i'm sure rumsfeld would love some rock star to come forward and take a pro-war position, but she hasn't and can you think of anyone that has ?

a dixie chick gets records burned in the u.s. for simply offering an opinion -- isn't that what democracy is all about ? these record burnings resemble witch burning from the middle ages or something from the taliban -- while the u.s. is doing illegal unilateral invasions, selective uses of the geneva convention, "with us or against us" bully boy rhetoric and seemingly doing everthing possible to de-stabilise the middle east, one wonders whether it is so cool to venture an opinion about this openly in the u.s.

u2 always wanted to save the world, but they're always sitting on the fence when it comes to their backbone constituency in the u.s. -- however effective an advocate you find patti smith, i find i have to at least admire her bravery
(given the climate the u.s. is pulling down on the u.n., the e.u., turkey/ syria/ russia /saudi arabia etc. etc.) -- who's next ?

what's "head in my ass" mean ? cowboy talk ? can't you think of a more polite and precise way of explaining what you think ? you're talking to someone from another country/culture here -- how about just a suggestion more care when it comes to non-americans ?

george gosset (gegoss), Saturday, 29 March 2003 11:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

i don't support the war in iraq and i don't like dubya. but i also don't like being preached or spoken to in a condescending manner, even by people who also don't support the war in iraq and dislike dubya. nor will i automatically like an artist who doesn't support the war in iraq and dislike dubya if i find that their artistic product is inferior. i find patti smith to be guilty of being preachy, condescending, and producing inferior art. i am not alone in holding those views, nor do i see how holding those views puts me in the same league as the knuckle-draggers who are melting down dixie chick cds.

i also fail to see how what patti smith is doing is particularly "brave," since patti smith is commercially and artistically irrelevant (unlike the dixie chicks) and in any event confines her schtick to the already-converted (again, unlike the dixie chicks). and even if ms. smith were "brave," that still doesn't mean that her art is worth a hot damn nor does it mean that she's above reproach in any way.

Tad (llamasfur), Saturday, 29 March 2003 12:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

clarification: i'm not saying that i like the dixie chicks' music very much, either. but it took more guts for them to say what they did -- given their audience (shit, given the fact that they have an audience at all) -- than it takes for someone whose audience is a fraction of theirs and largely predisposed to her way of thinking in the first place.

Tad (llamasfur), Saturday, 29 March 2003 12:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

dude, you sold Stipe Rooty? cool!

M Matos (M Matos), Saturday, 29 March 2003 12:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

i pretty much assume that p smith would be preaching to the converted with lot's of stuff we've heard before, to some extent

however, to the extent that she elucidates something to an audience using rock'n'roll means, in these circumstances (the message is important), i think the end possibly justifies the means

i'm not a big fan of smith's music, but to the extent that it engages a maybe hitherto ambivalent rock audience in these issues with maybe different perspectives i think has to be justified -- ok if her message somehow convinces no-one or even alienates, annoys or palls, ok it it completely fails then that's a bad thing for the media, the public, the truth etc. -- but if it falls short of completely failing then it must be doing a good thing, even in a small way, ie it must be going in the right direction

it is hard to imagine smith of all people cynically milking this stuff, and all her behavior over the years seems to indicate passion first and foremost, with little evidence of cynicism except to the extent that she will try and push an issue into the rock media as any passionate person would using all means possible ie i don't care how well she's doing it, just that she is doing it

in the environment evidenced by what happened to the dixie chicks, let's say then, ok forget p smith, who's going to tackle this issue in light of what happened to the dixie chicks ? preaching to the converted provides the base of strength that the dixie chicks didn't have to take these issues to the public -- a catch 22 perhaps, but who else can you point to that's even trying to handle this issue musically ?
i ask this because during the vietnam war protest music was amost common compared to these ultra-conservative times -- today the music industry is so de-radicalised and normalised, so generic, are there real artists ? do we have to rely on an "old punk" because hollywood/music are more interlinked and trenchant now than ever ? because it's a "psychological war" ? because propoganda can include pop music ? because media on both sides are complying to military demands to win hearts and minds ? to what extent did these entrenched patriotic considerations within the media effect precisiely the sort of pre-emptive strike on smith that this list inclusion could be seen to be ?

and where are the rest of the artists ? do you keep your head down ? this war is as wrong as Vietnam or Palestine, but u.s. artists shy away from the Palestine issue consistently -- is criticism of the israeli regime simply commercial suicide in the u.s. ? by extension, is artistic reaction to this campaign in the middle east to be left to people like smith, who you might say have nothing left to lose ?

george gosset (gegoss), Saturday, 29 March 2003 13:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

GG, I would hardly equate the act of some people destroying Dixie Chicks CDs with burning witches during medieval times. What happened to the Dixie Chicks is, I think, peculiar to country music -- no Sonic Youth fans got upset at Thurston Moore for starting protest-records.com; no one destroyed Sheryl Crow CDs after she wore a "No War" guitar strap or whatever at the Grammy awards. When Fred Durst made some statement against the war, nobody set fire to their Limp Bizkit CDs. Same goes for System of a Down, DJ Shadow, etc. The Beasties came out with an antiwar song -- cool that they did, maybe, but did that really surprise anyone?

The Dixie Chicks = a group with ridiculous amounts of commercial appeal (over 850,000 tickets have been sold for 26 upcoming U.S. Dixie Chicks concerts, with each arena selling out in less than an hour), not to mention that their latest album has probably sold more copies than all of Patti Smith's recorded output put together. They've got widespread recognition among (I would hazard a guess) a largely conservative demographic. Natalie Maines' antiwar statement was far more potent and revolutionary and anti-establishment than anything Patti Smith could have ever said. (Too bad the Dixie Chicks had to eat their words later, though.)

geeta (geeta), Saturday, 29 March 2003 13:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

Ignoring this whole thread, I'd like to get to the point: Rock N Roll Nigger is one of the best songs ever.

David Allen, Saturday, 29 March 2003 14:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

Patti's from New Jersey isn't she? That doesn't qualify as New York in my book.

Dadaismus, Saturday, 29 March 2003 16:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

Rock N Roll Nigger is one of the best songs ever.

It's really not though (and I like P Smith).

Jody Beth Rosen (Jody Beth Rosen), Saturday, 29 March 2003 16:26 (twenty-one years ago) link


35 Jason Sehorn, Athlete

The underperforming underwear model with declining skills is soon to be an ex-New Yorker, having been cut by the Giants few weeks back. Sehorn was the poster child for the phenomenon of overpaid athletes who want all the idiotic trimmings of sports celebrity without having to do the very occasional "hard" part—in his case, providing run support on 2nd and 6. While more than happy to let Michael Strahan and Kenny Holmes do the dirty work up front, Sehorn never missed a chance to be in a shirtless workout video, ring the starting bell at the Nasdaq or show off his coif while bopping around town with his hideous non-actress wife, Law & Order catastrophe Angie Harmon. The cornerback position apparently being insufficiently glorious, he once begged for a job returning kicks in pre-season and immediately ripped up his knee, dooming his team’s defense for the season.

FUck you Seawhore!

Sorry, I have nothing to say about the Strokes, the rap feud, or Patti Smith so I'm resorting to making fun of athletes.

Ally (mlescaut), Saturday, 29 March 2003 20:04 (twenty-one years ago) link


One of the first thangs I wrote ever. About patti smith.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Sunday, 30 March 2003 00:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

And by thangs I mean "music-crit-type thangs".

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Sunday, 30 March 2003 00:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

"Tibet the fallen star. wisdom and compassion crushed in the land of shangri la". Maybe I would think they were less insepid (the lyrics) if I didn't think the whole thing was stupid.
yes, it is a drag, yet that is what the subject Tibet feels like

you point out the feeling of death popping up at times throughout this smith album -- if it's about these harsh realities, then such an album will feel directionless or bothersome -- the need for music to balance the words and somehow make the experience of listening palletable versus the need to reflect or carry the words, so that the words ring true

i think p smith is impassioned with pointing out these things accurately, truthfully -- being a rock "punk" "poet" is to be honest, so the story the journalist is reporting here doesn't sound fun -- it isn't -- but sterling seems to be noting that the feel of the music works for the words, so the message feels right

being a punk poet might sound fun (and i take "rock n roll nigger" to be an advertisement or life-style job description of it, as well as an admission that the other side of sex/rock/art is the harder fem-rock job of nururing, cultivation, creation, motherhood), but being a cultural inbetween reporting such truths that it is often polite to avoid in conversation will leave you in the "rock n roll nigger" position -- she's quite right (i presume)-- a hard job

(and thanks sterling -- so few patti smith albums in the first place, so not wishing to satiate myself in smith-ville (hang in the moral high ground to the extent that i don't properly notice these political intractibles, or maybe i'm scared to really hear it ..) i've not got around to hearing the album you're reviewed, and now i feel like i've been there as a tourist (yeah, must listen to that other "gang of four" album one day too)

george gosset (gegoss), Sunday, 30 March 2003 01:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

Gosset still hasn't read the list.
I wanna be a cowboy and you can be my cowgirl.

James Blount (James Blount), Sunday, 30 March 2003 01:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

and why is it that anytime anyone points out you don't know what the hell you're talking about your defense is 'I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, but you can't call me on it'.

James Blount (James Blount), Sunday, 30 March 2003 01:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

people don't like career politicians here when they are seen as pursuing a tired bandwagon -- so patti smith has still got plenty to complain about and maybe that is her job -- the world is quite split as to the merits of what the americans are doing right now

clearly 'mccarthy-ist' is a fair measure of the hard-talk coming from the bush administration, especially after 911 and expecially in the pro-war propoganda double standards (like the parading of iraqi POWs on u.s. tv) -- it's a term for the atmosphere towards perceived un-patriotic behaviour -- so it doesn't have much to do with the rest of the list, so what ?

the list itself is as much fashion as fact, as you'd expect from weekend papers -- i don't think the list on smith (as completely reprinted in the header to this thread) has anything particularly informed, interesting, new or revealing to say, but the i wouldn't have expected anything better from an editorial smear sheet masqerading as a somehow "informed" or "anecdotal" "poll"

maybe people do like her elsewhere more than in her hometown -- it still has resonance for people, and people still like her '70s work for what it did -- the supposedly credible female rock message most people i know are bored with is kim gordon's -- in this part of the world, patti smith hasn't overstayed her welcome -- she's an american who seen as not afraid to criticise the generic patriotism that often seems to be the root cause of the bad stuff america does (stuff like "home of the brave" or [america is the greatest democracy in the world])

the way i see things, the ny post finding another new take on john cage is a much greater example of old rope, but then you'd expect me to be bored with gordon and cage wouldn't you ? but america "putting the world to right" invading one country and ignoring the 50 year old human rights abuses and un resolutions relating to just-about neighnour israel is worse than boring -- and the u.s. media is complicit in this !

smith being anti-war is nothing if not consistent -- america turning on her when convenient and lumping her in with what look to be really quite bad people however.., jeez, why do you think it so easy for iraqi people to distrust the u.s., and for them to believe the real motivation is zionist ?

george gosset (gegoss), Sunday, 30 March 2003 05:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

how does what your ranting about relate to the topic of this thread, examples from the list (ie the topic of this thread) please

James Blount (James Blount), Sunday, 30 March 2003 06:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

am only interested in the "patti smith is a loathsome new yorker" 1/3 of it -- as it relates to that, what i've said seems to make sense -- is it a rant ? does that mean it's not worth addressing ? should i be concerned with the other 49 people on the list ? well, only 3 list entries are up there, so i'll stick with the one of them i know something about.

george gosset (gegoss), Sunday, 30 March 2003 09:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

So anyway, what revolutionary effect has the Dixie Chicks' statement had so far?

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Sunday, 30 March 2003 10:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

Patti Smith ain't nothin' but a barefoot hippie.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 30 March 2003 15:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

Patti Smith has an amazing voice but has always had patchy material. (I love "Gloria" but that spazz-rant trick worked just that once.) Easter is best because she gets to mostly stick to solidly constructed songs, especially the glorious "Because the Night".

sundar subramanian (sundar), Sunday, 30 March 2003 17:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

Contrary to popular myth, my mouth simply isn't big enough to achieve the yawn that Patti Smith's music demands of me.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 30 March 2003 18:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

six months pass...
was she right about the war ?

george gosset (gegoss), Monday, 6 October 2003 15:31 (twenty years ago) link

jay-z's a he

cinniblount (James Blount), Monday, 6 October 2003 15:47 (twenty years ago) link

unless you stop to think about it, you never notice how it's strange that Patti spells her name with an i rather than the way most Patties do, with a y

Vic (Vic), Monday, 6 October 2003 16:18 (twenty years ago) link

four years pass...

does gosset still post here?

gershy, Sunday, 21 October 2007 05:06 (sixteen years ago) link

Bashing Yoko Ono is pretty much as lame as it gets. Sure she's a bit loopy sometimes but pick other targets PLEASE!

I heard Yoko Ono had a piece in MOMA that was a camera pointed at the sky outside going to a TV. If that's true, I really don't mind if she gets made fun of, that's the most didactic bullshit I've ever encountered.

trashthumb, Sunday, 21 October 2007 05:10 (sixteen years ago) link

How is that didactic?

dan selzer, Sunday, 21 October 2007 07:57 (sixteen years ago) link

How is that didactic?

Even though it's not explicit, it just seems like a terribly heavy handed way of saying 'go outside.' Maybe there's more to it, but ughha.

trashthumb, Sunday, 21 October 2007 08:16 (sixteen years ago) link

Actually I read about it and it says it's about looking at the sky for hope or something? I don't have a problem with Yoko, I'm not familiar with her at all, that just seems really inane to me.

trashthumb, Sunday, 21 October 2007 08:22 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah, but her pop albums kill!

I know, right?, Monday, 22 October 2007 19:06 (sixteen years ago) link

I heard Yoko Ono had a piece in the MOMA..

I heard Yoko Ono drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.

sanskrit, Monday, 22 October 2007 20:51 (sixteen years ago) link

I heard Yoko Ono drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.

Whatever, man! I've got more important things to do than argue, like apply more lip balm.

trashthumb, Monday, 22 October 2007 20:56 (sixteen years ago) link

"I heard Yoko Ono drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls."

I heard she broke up the Rolling Stones.

I eat cannibals, Monday, 22 October 2007 21:00 (sixteen years ago) link

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