Ned, let's talk about your 136 Albums of the 90s.

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He's reviewing hip hop from a rock critic's perspective - thus all the criticisms of Jim Dero for considering PM Dawn to be the height of hip hop...


Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:43 (twenty years ago) link

Only thing wrong with the Afghan Whigs' "Gentlemen" on the list is that it's not in the top 10.

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:45 (twenty years ago) link

I might actually rank that higher these days...not that high, tho.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:46 (twenty years ago) link

Heh, and I didn't even mention Illmatic.
I don't think the issue is of you having heard them...I don't doubt that you've done your research.
I would just have trouble saying that Oasis has released an album better than 99% of the hip hop released the 90s.
Of course, as you said, its your "favorite" albums...there's something that doesn't strike me right when someone can hear Illmatic and say that Oasis' "Definitely Maybe" is more memorable to them. Are you giving YOURSELF a fair chance to listen to hip hop? This is what I was talking about in the other thread - exploring the culture and musical history behind the music gives one a greater understanding, and therefore appreciation, of different kinds of music...

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:49 (twenty years ago) link

"He's reviewing hip hop from a rock critic's perspective - thus all the criticisms of Jim Dero for considering PM Dawn to be the height of hip hop...

Explain yourself.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:49 (twenty years ago) link

Ned's picks that I...

...used to have but sold (don't much care for any more): 6, 16, 24
...used to have but lost (wouldn't might having again): 8
...still have but rarely listen to: 53, 85
...still have and like: 86

...have never owned and probably never will: pretty much the rest

Conclusion: Not much overlap with my tastes.

o. nate (onate), Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:50 (twenty years ago) link

haha, Tweezerland

Curt1s St3ph3ns, Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:51 (twenty years ago) link

there's something that doesn't strike me right when someone can hear Illmatic and say that Oasis' "Definitely Maybe" is more memorable to them

It's called 'opinion,' see... (While I see what you're trying to get at, might I also note that I could argue that 'if you knew the cultural and musical history behind British created rock and roll then you would see that blah blah blah,' but I would also sound pretty goddamn ridiculous.)

haha, Tweezerland

I just love that mistake! I refuse to correct it.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:52 (twenty years ago) link

would just have trouble saying that Oasis has released an album better than 99% of the hip hop released the 90s.
Of course, as you said, its your "favorite" albums...there's something that doesn't strike me right when someone can hear Illmatic and say that Oasis' "Definitely Maybe" is more memorable to them.

Main Entry: 1sub·jec·tive
Pronunciation: (")s&b-'jek-tiv
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
1 : of, relating to, or constituting a subject : as a obsolete : of, relating to, or characteristic of one that is a subject especially in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness b : being or relating to a grammatical subject; especially : NOMINATIVE
2 : of or relating to the essential being of that which has substance, qualities, attributes, or relations
3 a : characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind : PHENOMENAL -- compare OBJECTIVE 1b b : relating to or being experience or knowledge as conditioned by personal mental characteristics or states
4 a (1) : peculiar to a particular individual : PERSONAL (2) : modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background b : arising from conditions within the brain or sense organs and not directly caused by external stimuli c : arising out of or identified by means of one's perception of one's own states and processes -- compare OBJECTIVE 1c
5 : lacking in reality or substance : ILLUSORY
- sub·jec·tive·ly adverb
- sub·jec·tive·ness noun
- sub·jec·tiv·i·ty /-"jek-'ti-v&-tE/ noun

Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:53 (twenty years ago) link

"It's called 'opinion,' see... (While I see what you're trying to get at, might I also note that I could argue that 'if you knew the cultural and musical history behind British created rock and roll then you would see that blah blah blah,' but I would also sound pretty goddamn ridiculous.)"

See, but I don't think it is particularly ridiculous. I think if someone wanted to really understand music, they would make some sort of attempt at learning the backgrounds of other groups and cultures. What made you decide to listen to the music that you have listed here? A certain number of socioeconomic, cultural and geographic and era-based influences. Different factors went into it - largely who you've discussed music with and the people you learned about music from. I'd advocate learning about other musical forms from the ground up - evaluating them based on the aesthetic by which they are judged by those who are a part of the culture, and THEN bringing your own bias into it, rather than deciding based on a preconcieved set of notions about "good" music. I certainly don't consider myself to be a picture of this judgement myself - I basically listen to Jazz and hip hop, and am learning about other music now (I just heard Can for the first time the other day) - but on the other hand, I'm not the one creating the big-ass list.

Of course, I suppose these kinds of lists are going to be suggestive of what you've been exploring musically...but if you HAVE heard these albums, my question is - why do you think it is that you feel Oasis is the better band?

Oh, and Nicolars - look up, something just flew over your head.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 21:59 (twenty years ago) link

Geir at last has a spiritual relative!

Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:01 (twenty years ago) link

(FYI, Pitchfork was in the process of redoing that godawful Top 100 of the 90s when I quit).

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:01 (twenty years ago) link

urge to kill...rising

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:02 (twenty years ago) link

The guy in Boogie Nights that they try and rob, the creator of "My Awesome Mix Tape #6", is what I imagine Jess Harvell to look and act like.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:04 (twenty years ago) link

ott, i was thinking this the other day: do you own any music made by black people?

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:05 (twenty years ago) link

Geir at last has a spiritual relative!

I think it's closer than that.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:07 (twenty years ago) link

What caused you to think that, Jess? And do you think there's an inherent value to a particular music simply because it was made by black people?

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:07 (twenty years ago) link

one of your former pitchfork staffers linked me to a website where you detailed your record collection. quite detailed. and i just didn't remember seeing any. odd, is all.

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:10 (twenty years ago) link

ott, if it's not too personal a question, why did you leave Pfork?

Felcher (Felcher), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:10 (twenty years ago) link

"Geir at last has a spiritual relative!
I think it's closer than that."

If you're suggesting I am this person, you are wrong-o.
I post as djdee2005 on sound opinions.
I'm not trying to get in a fight hear.
Just bouncing ideas around.
People need to relax.

"What caused you to think that, Jess? And do you think there's an inherent value to a particular music simply because it was made by black people?"

I hope this isn't directed at me in some way...because this is far from what I'm suggesting.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:10 (twenty years ago) link

And of course by "hear" I mean "here."

What a clever unintentional pun.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:11 (twenty years ago) link

"I hope this isn't directed at me in some way"
it's not it was in response to "ott, i was thinking this the other day: do you own any music made by black people?"

Felcher (Felcher), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:12 (twenty years ago) link

People need to relax.

Sure do!

What a clever unintentional pun.

Good god. I just read that, didn't I.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:12 (twenty years ago) link

(i think the funniest thing is that my last comment before chris took a potshot at me wasn't even directed at him.)

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:13 (twenty years ago) link

HAHAHA! I was thinking that myself!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:13 (twenty years ago) link

Have I made an enemy?

"Good god. I just read that, didn't I."

Tongue firmly planted in cheek sir.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:13 (twenty years ago) link

back to the original question, what would you change now ned?

Felcher (Felcher), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:13 (twenty years ago) link

What is so terrible about Boyzone is the extremely feminine and
oh-so-"emotional" vocal style. Plus at least some of the other boy bands
have good production.

As for Beatles there is absolutely NOTHING about Boyzone to make them
deserve a comparision to The Fab Four.

Never EVER has ONE single Beatles member EVER written something that is
even remotely close to a MOR ballad. Paul McCartney is into clever chord
changes, and has always been able to stay away from the cliches always used
by the likes of Boyzone.

Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:14 (twenty years ago) link

Have I made an enemy?

No. Three. But we're not your enemies. We LIKE you.

I'll probably get to that some time tonight, Felcher, fret not.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:15 (twenty years ago) link

I'm confused. Who are my enemies.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:17 (twenty years ago) link

People with senses of humor.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:18 (twenty years ago) link

Oh, so your list of favorite albums is a joke?

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:19 (twenty years ago) link

I repeat the previous statement.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:19 (twenty years ago) link

"Melodies can't be complex AND simple. They can be complex and catchy
though, and that's how I want them."

Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:19 (twenty years ago) link

Well that would be my bitter, paranoiac underling Brent DiCresenczo, or however you spell his last name. He spends an inordinate amount of time worrying that I'm smarter than him.

What you saw was a catalog of the CDs I bought in (and brought to) college, which I had in an Excel spreadsheet; my roommate from last year converted it to a graphical web DB testing out his MySQL and PHP skills. So yeah, it was mostly white indie and electronic bands from the laet-80s/90s. Off the top of my head though...Tricky, Jeru, Busta, N.W.A., Public Enemy, and Eddie Floyd were in there. James Brown and Bob Marley I had on tapes, for my walkman-- I used to bring it to the studio to drum along to. Feel better now?

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:20 (twenty years ago) link

bust that paradigm!

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:21 (twenty years ago) link

(just playin)

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:21 (twenty years ago) link

And of course I'm black but that's beside the point.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:23 (twenty years ago) link


M Matos (M Matos), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:24 (twenty years ago) link

hey we're all pink on the inside, brah.

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:24 (twenty years ago) link

Only if the meat isn't cooked thoroughly enough.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:25 (twenty years ago) link


strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:25 (twenty years ago) link

"hey we're all pink on the inside, brah"

and bloody.

ddrake, Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:25 (twenty years ago) link


Conor Smedley (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:28 (twenty years ago) link

Back to the list, I liked that Strangelove's Time for the Rest of Your Life was on it as I was listening to it the other day for the first time in years and I'd forgotten just how great it was. Really. It is.

I love about half of the albums on that list, like a lot more, and hate the Smashing Pumpkins.

ailsa (ailsa), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:28 (twenty years ago) link

"and hate the Smashing Pumpkins."
'tis a shame

Felcher (Felcher), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:29 (twenty years ago) link

i am surprised to find i have owned 40 of those albums at some point!

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:32 (twenty years ago) link

You probably shave your sideburns too.

Nicolars (Nicole), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:32 (twenty years ago) link

Only part way up.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:33 (twenty years ago) link

i kill you with guns

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 30 October 2003 22:33 (twenty years ago) link

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