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Richard Jordan 24, Devizes(Wiltshire) UK

I am a Student Teacher (RE) Studying at Bath Spa Uni.

I have to admit I lurk more than I post here but with the current state of the British Music press there's nowhere better for intelligent music criticism.

Likes: 2Step Garage, Early 90's hardcore, jungle when it was good, R&B, Hip Hop(Outkast and Mos Def are the best) Post Rock, Spiritualised, Kelis, Destiny's Child. Karl Marx, Weber, Keynes, Simon Reynolds, Doug Henwood, Erik Davies(Check out Techgnosis awesome book) cool Sci-fi, The Sopranos(Genius!) and too much other crap to mention.

Dislikes: Coldplay, Travis et al. Indie bores/snobs, Nu Metal sheep, NME, neo- classical economics. Religious Bigots/fundamentalists, OFSTED, Utilitarians(of all varities) oh and not forgeting the conservative party.

Umm that's it!

Richard Jordan, Sunday, 4 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

My name is Jens and i´m 20 yrs and living in Sweden. I´m currently study at a university, Gender issues.

current favourite songs: billie ray martin - "your loving arms", the gerbils - "crayon box", throw that beat in the garbagecan! - "a kiss from you", the go-betweens - "people say", lil kim - "suck my dick", television personalities - "favourite films", kicking giant - "fuck the rules" bratmobile - "cool schmool" ´lew kirton - "heaven in the afternoon" sea & cake - "afternoon speaker"

favourite bands: erics trip, jonathan richman/modern lovers, daniel johnston, b&s, tindersticks, skinned teen, field mice & other sarah stuff, lou barlow stuff, noise addict, helen love, teen anthems.

i don´t like: most jazz stuff (that i´ve heard), metal, too cheesy new romantic...well i like most stuff. oasis, stones (except one or two songs) the who, phillysoul, westcoast hiphop, FUNK....

Jens, Monday, 5 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

My name is Simon and I am not Cool.

simon, Monday, 5 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

oh right, yeah, sorry, i didn't notice this bit before. i'm 19, from brighton in england - i live in denial about my base instincts to love nothing but b-movies and rock'n'roll garage music by reading clever things like freeeky tigga and listening to low. i have posted about twice but i read most of it, even the crappy threads! i have a shitty weblog, its cheap and lazy, go there!

joel, Tuesday, 6 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm just a guy who likes music.

David Nicklaus Turner, Tuesday, 6 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm actually Ian Moore. I thought the pihkalboy pseudonym would make me sound more interesting. I'm thirty three and a third yrs old, I live in Ireland, I like music. At the moment I'm listening to a lot of Magnetic Fields, B&S, Fields of the Nephilim and stuff. The last gig I went to was Will Oldham, the next will be Babes In Toyland or maybe Goldfrapp. The last record I bought was the JJ72 single. It was shite.

Pihkal Boy, Friday, 9 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

18. hazel eyes. like 7 artists now, get around an album a week. from milwaukee

Kevin Enas, Saturday, 10 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I am from London. I am 24. I like a lot of different music. Some of it is probably not very cool. Maybe once I was a music snob. I like some old metal bands, some 'classic' groups, Elepant6 stuff, some indie, some electronic stuff. I'm in a band called "the Various Artists"...lo-tech toy noise. Thats it. goodbye.

james e l, Sunday, 11 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

i am richard, i am currently in the vicinity of nottingham, but am (in a week) about to sod off to Australia/New Zealand for a good long time. i'll be back though. FT is one of the better web pages i've found in a while.

musically, i'm all over the place. in my cd player right now is aphex twin, but we can also talk pink floyd, belle and sebastian, radiohead, godspeed you black emperor!, manics (old), rem, smiths, nirvana... hell, you get the idea. i'll buy anything, and like most stuff thats not manufactured.

i have a webshite, but its crap and redundant. i'll build another when i get a moment...

oh, i'm 28, got a fantastic personality, am devastatingly good looking, and oooze charm and wit... or something...

Richard H., Wednesday, 14 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Hey, Toronto, Ontario here. I'm 29 (30 on St.Pats). I'm fascinated by small shiny objects. I like a lot of things. I hate a lot of things.

Eighties music trivia is my superpower (or so my friends believe). I even know a non-top 40 song or two from since then. I'm probably cooler than I think I am. Or not. Hi.

Kim, Wednesday, 14 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Who am I? 31, Welsh, sometime manic depressant, lover of music from an early age, first love the Beatles and Andy Williams (blame the parents), second love early synth stuff (Kraftwerk, Eno, OMD, JM Jarre), third love indie music (from late night listening to John Peel - typical eighties indie, Factory, 4AD, Creation, particular love for Durutti Column, Teardrop Explodes, AR Kane, then onto Sarah Records type stuff, then post-rock and then anything interesting) I suppose to give an idea, here's what CDs are in my Walkman pouch today - "Mark Hollis" - Mark Hollis, "Classic Yes" - Yes (bought to see if I like it, I sort of do), "Absolute classic masterpieces" - Felt, "Freaky trigger" - Win (Ha! I didn't even think about it...), "Sunflower" / "Surf's up" - Beach Boys, "Further" - Flying Saucer Attack, "Echoes in a shallow bay" - Cocteau Twins, "Home XIV" - Home, "Kid A" - Radiohead (Heck, it sounds like the great lost album Insides should have made in 1994, how come nobody else loves it?)

I don't have a website, I do have a band and THEY have a website... we are the Cloud Minders, go to and you'll see bugger all, because we've not had time to do anything to it yet. Try seeking us inside the labyrinth of (we ARE there HONESTLY) and you'll hear what we sound like, you could even buy our EP, and we're making another one, and I'm making a solo album, but there's another story too.

I've only just scratched the surface of my musical loves, and I've only just scratched the surface of this website - any site named after a Win album is fine by me. I hate the way I lapse into American style writing when I'm saying stuff on websites. Keep up the good work, I love you guys. Can I write for you sometime?

Rob M, Friday, 16 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

::stands up:: Hi my name is Mog and i'm an alcoholic,.... oh wait wrong room ,... damn humor i just couldn't help that ::slaps hand:: BAD MOG!,.. er i mean,... my favorite band is Our Lady Peace, but i manly listen to metal, and not this new rap rock crappy genre "metal",... ::sigh:: oh well Mog needs an advil,...

Mog, Monday, 19 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I am an enigma. Not Enigma. The last year has been one constant battle against a Fleetwood Mac obsession (probably God taking revenge on my love for Prick Decay). I was cured by a Neil Young mix-CD.

nathalie c-c, Tuesday, 20 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I definitely qualify as a musical wh--err eclectic. Started off as a hard-core 'classic rock' fan, and although I've matured beyond that, I'm still willing to put up a fight for the Doors, Beatles, Pink Floyd etc.

Still, I hardly ever listen to that stuff anymore. I'm always on the look for new and interesting music, and so freakytrigger is an incredible resource. A few years ago, I never thought I'd like hip- hop, but now I'm a convert (I admit I'm a bit of a backpacker, Black- Eyed Peas Jurassic Deltron etc). I never thought I'd like electronic music of any kind; Now I'm a huge fan of Orbital, Two Lone Swordsmen, Innerzone etc. Always open to new suggestions, thanks for being here for me!

Jack Redelfs, Wednesday, 21 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Ally, 22, layabout sod. Just realised I was described in this forum last year as a 'Glaswegian smart-arse' by Mr Michael Jones, which possibly sums it up. Enjoy being called a twat in public, and dancing on my own. I'm sure I'm a quiet boy, but people seem to laugh when I say this. Ho-Hum.

Ally C, Thursday, 22 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

matthew, 25, computers but maybe not forever. i have a website at that nobody understands. sundays, i like to watch golf on mute.

matthew stevens, Friday, 23 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm going to start trying to contribute to I Love Music occasionally (if I remember), so here goes . . .

Vaughan Simons, 29, living in West London, working for BBC Online (but not techie or geeky - a computer's a computer, and that's all I know). Music - used to be severely alt-indie-leftfield in the early 90s, when I was at university and then unemployed and had time on my hands. Now, I don't keep in touch with any of the latest trends, hardly know what's Number 1 in the fabulous pop charts from week to week, like everything from Gavin Bryars thru to David Gray (I know, I'm sorry), via Ute Lemper, Phil Spector and sixties girl groups, chill-out electronica (my friends think I'm stressed - I got about ten CDs that could be classified as 'chill-out' for Christmas), Magnetic Fields. Basically, anything and everything, and a lot of nothing. The favourite hidden corners of my music collection will always be inhabited by Disco Inferno, Furniture and David Sylvian though, I guess.

Vaughan, Saturday, 24 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I don't know if anybody's gonna make it this far down the page, but here we go... I'm Patrick Hould, 28, I'm a French Quebecer living in Montreal, and I work for the city's income security department. My meat-and-potatoes Clash/Stones/Springsteen tastes make me a bit of a dad-rock type by Freaky Trigger standards, but really I have a huge appetite for music old and new, as well as a curiosity that my income can't possibly keep up with. Also, I hate my ancient pre-Pentium PC for not being powerful enough to play MP3s.

Patrick, Monday, 26 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

From Austin, TX, mid 20sish, working at an audio/visual library still, loading/cleaning projectors and filmstock, surfing the day away. I was once a regular here before here existed, but that all changed. I miss some of you people, even though I don't really know you, and all the new faces... Little Freaky is a big baby now. Otie's Fahey tribute was really swell btw. I write about music sometimes, but not near well enough to get paid for it (or contribute to this site). I'm an elitist. Recent purchases: Stones "Sticky Fingers," Hall of Fame "S/T," Low "Things We Lost in the Fire," Ex "Pokkheherie," Air "Moon Safari," Boredoms "Vision Creation New Sun"...I like most music, have trouble with some of Tom's more mainstream dance-pop stuff. I know very little about "techno"...I am punk rock. Hello Kathleen...been a while *tips hat*

Lee, Tuesday, 27 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Is anybody going to read this? No. But anyways, I live in a small town. The last 5 records I listened to were Wowee Zowee, In A Priest Driven Ambulance, Tonight's The Night, The Queen is Dead, and Enter the Wu-Tang. I like bread.

Jake Becker, Tuesday, 27 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

what the hell--my name and email should have been on that last post.

Is anybody going to read this? No. But anyways, I live in a small town. The last 5 records I listened to were Wowee Zowee, In A Priest Driven Ambulance, Tonight's The Night, The Queen is Dead, and Enter the Wu-Tang. I like bread.

Jake Becker, Wednesday, 28 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

are people still reading posts this far down the page?! Oh well, here goes. i'm in working in london as a sound engineer but my heart is in belfast, northern ireland. used to do a proper fanzine called weedbus, i'm now setting up a fledgling zine at left-field indie is mostly what i'm into - last few records i've bought have been Arab Strap, the Strokes single (The Modern Age), Low ('Things we lost in the Fire'), and the Kings of Covenience album.

That's all for now...

Jonathan, Friday, 2 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I still read all the new answers to this question. So there.

Tom, Saturday, 3 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm resubmitting my answer! I am a postgraduate student studying Mass Communications, I'm going to be writing a dissertation on on-line diaries dealing with issues such as identity and community. After I graduate I am faced with the prospect of work, though ideally I'll do some sort of research/academic job. I like lots of music. I have about 450 Cds and 200 tapes and 70 seven inch singles. That makes me kinda geeky? so I'll keep quiet about my comicbook collection!:) Ok, have fun! bye bye!

jel, Wednesday, 7 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

hi. 30 something support analyst. obbsessed with music. a lo-tech website easier to maintain. too many genres hit the spot to isolate specifics, but to start - on- u sound,turntablism,indie rock, foetus, mo-wax,fax the usual suspects basically. time consumed by fatherhood and so music is third in priorities.thankyou

mark emsley, Tuesday, 13 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

hello, last weekend a strange man in a pub told me that i should go to freaky trigger, and i never ever ignore the advice of strange men in pubs. they know too much.

here is the requisite information about myself: i am approximately thirty one and four fifths, and though it seems to be a popular method of introduction, i do not have a 'favourite' band, so for the sake of this posting i shall pretend that i do, and that my favourite band is transvision vamp. i derive great enjoyment from the between song banter on local radio stations, and the juxtaposition of classical music and platform announcements in the bar at birmingham new street station.

that is all.

kevan, Tuesday, 13 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Age: 28 Location: Baltimore, MD, USA

Work: I do software programming/engineering for $$$, which is why I spend much of my time internet browsing!

Bands that I am: Roads to Space Travel, Slow Jets

I enjoy lots of bands/artists but I have serious interests in: British Punk/"Post-Punk" (from about 1976-1982); 80s "New Wave"; 60s- 70s Jamaican Ska/Rocksteady/Reggae/Dub; and I have a soft spot for 80s synth pop.

Newer, smaller bands I would vouch for: Spoon, Candymachine (RIP), Enon, Les Savy Fav, Lifter Puller (RIP), The Fuses, The Glands.

Interests: Musical gear/instruments/recording ( ); Vintage analog and newer, cheap, digital synthesizers; BMW motorcycles (preferrably 70s boxers, I own a '77 R75/7); Saab 99/900 autos (up to 1994); My dog Benny; Basketball; Football; Driving too fast; War Movies; Behind the Music; Drug Legalization (not for my own purposes, however).

Dislikes: Most music journalists; Record Labels; Most Booking Agents; Promoters; Record Reviewers.

Tim Baier, Thursday, 15 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

maura mae deedy, 19, short pixie hair with wispy bangs.

mauramae dot com. i am AICON 14! sophomore in college, wheaton college, near boston, too poor to ever get out there to do anything and when i do. i spend more money. i am studying anthropology and women's studies, doing astronomy in my spare time.

i am into neutral milk, and apples in stereo, liz p, bjork, just bought le tigre and LOVE it. prince (!), elliott smith. i really hate writing all the bands/artists i listen to cause i always forget something. i should just catalog my cd collection. i adore mix tapes, and those are my favorite things in the whole wide world. i love making mixed.

i don't like pretentious elitist hippies, and recently i don't like being touched when i am sleeping. i like silver bangles and fun clothes. i have a coat, hang bag, scarf fetishes. i like to cook. my dad and gramma are both sick and 2001 has been the worst year of my life so far.

mauramae, Monday, 19 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm a 38 year old, almost completely asocial ex-junkie living close to the ass end of the world. (Does that make me sound cool?) ('cause it's meant to).

Duane Zarakov, Tuesday, 20 March 2001 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

writer now and then first in UK to interview youssou n'dour inadvertently outed the late billy mackenzie as bald attended ut's last ever show first to develop theory that daphne and celeste's appearance on never mind the buzzcocks was this millennium's answer to the sex pistols and bill grundy (it was certainly funnier) favourite movie: mabaroshi favourite inexplicable use of a smiths song: "how soon is now" as themetune to charmed favourite improv guitarist: john russell favourite member of hear'say: myleene, obviously

mark sinker, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

A 33 year old news desk editor for a weekly news magazine based here in New York City and freelance writer on the side. LOVES: KILLING JOKE, Cop Shoot Cop, Firewater, Gang of Four, the Stranglers, Iggy & the Stooges, Buzzcocks, (vintage) Kiss, Motorhead, XTC, Julian Cope, Pussy Galore, Skeleton Key, the Ramones, Television, Jeff Buckley, lots of old metal and (sheepishly) old goth, Gavin Friday, Talk Talk, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Cocteau Twins, Massive Attack, Robyn Hitchcock, the Modern Lovers, Velvet Underground, (vintage) Devo, Berlin-era Bowie, classic American hardcore (Minor Threat, MDC, Circle Jerks, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys), the Wonder Stuff, (vintage) Alice Cooper, Kraftwerk, Laika, This Mortal Coil, Prong, the Saints, Public Image Ltd., and loads more.

LOATHES: The plague of self-styled so-called 'divas' (Mariah, Whitney, and their vile ilk), contemporary cheeze-whiz r'n'b (Sysquo, Destiny's Child, R.Kelly), teen pop in all its vaccuous manifestations (N'synch, Backstreet Boys, etc.), lowest-common-denominator-fueled hip-hop that is obssessed solely with the acquisition of easy wealth and "booty," unforgivably mookish rap/rock bands like Korn, Bizkit, deplorably self-righteous and self-congratulatory Lilith women like Paula Cole and Jewel (and to the same extent, Ani Defranco) and yawnsome fraternity rock like Dave Matthews, Phish, Hootie, etc. etc.

Alex in NYC, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


Geordie Racer, Friday, 30 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I like hearing music unannounced best of all - on a dance-floor, from a turn of the dial, in a lift, on random shuffle.

I live in London where I once snogged Billy Mackenzie.

Guy, Sunday, 1 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

guy, you've probably made tom more jealous than you'll ever know. ;)

fred solinger, Sunday, 1 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

should have done this ages ago i guess...

i'm gareth, i like pop music (well, i'm here aren't i, so i spose thats obvious). live in london, but originally from oop north.

i'm probably supposed to insert a big and exciting list of eclectic music here or something.

i run surface vs depth/1471

the self publicity is now over

gareth, Tuesday, 3 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

This is my 100th ILM posting, so it seems appropriate to splash my baby-bio all over this thread at last.

Born in '68, earliest musical memories: "School's Out", Lt Pigeon's "Mouldy Old Dough", "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep", "Without You" (the last two equally moving). Pop-life shaped early on by older brother (born '58). Preferred my Abba records to his "Brain Salad Surgery", but after being singed by the cleansing fire of punk in Sixth Form, his tastes got more interesting. As a result, Joy Div and Magazine transport me back to Mr Odell's RE class as keenly as Blondie or BA Robertson. Fave record of 1980: Lipps Inc - "Funky Town".

"Boys with toys" sneers future thesp R Delamere in Physics one week, as we enthuse about the latest Fiction Factory release. He has a 'Smiths session' on tape... I'm not sure what this means. Moz with flowers in his pants makes a big impression, but so does Mr O'Dowd in a kimono and lipstick - the Stephen Patrick obsession starts much later. Mostly, it's the Bunnymen and China Crisis, Frankie and the Icicles. Y'know, local boys come good. Don't stray too far from chart territory because, after Kid Jensen, it's all gets a bit strange. German metalbashers? Nein danke.

1984-87: the wilderness years. Bro' leaves home, I start buying 'Q' and Joni Mitchell LPs. Melody Maker have someone I've heard of on the cover - 45p later, Stubbs, Reynolds & co have me snared. There's an inspiring South Bank show on a Mancunian ex-quartet - oh, I know they were magnificent all along, I just, er, taped the singles off the radio... If 4AD offered season tickets, I'd buy one at this point; Black Francis screams on the Late Show and things turn upside down. Coast through the latter under/postgrad years, comfy with post-MBV indie dreamers. My guitar-pop conservatism reaches some kind of apotheosis/nadir in '92; "Mixing It" on R3 play some of that daft dance music - scandalous that this context should 'legitimise' it for me, when extended rave blasts in East Midlands nightclubs on 'alternative' night never did - but suddenly, my ears are open. So, somehow, Penderecki leads me to Aphex Twin.

Mid-90s: on an overgenerous income in a remote coastal town with a nice flat, a nice stereo and no pals within 200km. Expand nervously into 70s Miles, 60s Coltrane, more austere electronics... Tricky and Laika rule and I've never heard anything like "Sour Times" before in my (sheltered) life. Mark Radcliffe plays a song called "The State I'm In" by some band named after a kids' show and my life *literally* changes.

Move to London, meet some stellar folks on top of a hill, turn 30, exchange marriage vows in a Lambeth registry office. My pop-life has pulled me to the place I live, and introduced me to the people I know. What would've happened if it had been hang-gliding, or kick- boxing? I'll name five good records beginning with 'T' and then stop: "The Fat Skier", "Tri Repetae", "Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima", "Tigermilk", "Thixty-Nine Luff Thongs".

Michael Jones, Tuesday, 3 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I've barely said a word, but I've been reading I Love M for some time. I usually join parties just as everyone's yawning and thinking about bed, but this one still seems to be going strong, and what a vibrant, thoughtful place this is. I was about to mail saying "I'm older than all of you!" which has become something of a self-denigrating personal mantra recently, but I'm thrilled to see I'm not the oldest. Bless you. This also means that I can't fall back on "hey I'm old and I'm not listening to Eric Clapton and moaning how great music was in 1978!" and feeling I deserve some sort of Longevity Award. Brave New World...

Let's say I'm 30-*, with the emphasis on the asterisk, I live in Edinburgh, I know some of you :) and it's nice to be here, although I'm a bit scared to post, honestly. I think I found this place after Tom's "Why we hate indie kids" was posted rather mischievously elsewhere, with some nice consequent fallout displaying a total lack of irony. Currently (Monday, 4pm, it changes that quick) simmering with gentle obsession over Life Without Buildings's "Let's Get Out" although I'm not sure quite why, or whether I'm making a terrible social faux pas. Oh heck, I'll just hit Submit.

Honey, Monday, 9 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Duane wrote: living close to the ass end of the world

Ok Duane, well if you're near it, as our ex-PM said, I'm in it. 26 yr old post-queer Aussie writer, author and freelance media whore (email me if you want to know where my novel Fuct & Fiction's available from). Grew up in Buttfucke, Queensland, won a scholaarship to Argentina when I was 17, landed in Buttfuckette, Argentina, for a year which I dedicated to the pursuit of weight gain via alcoholism. Returned, fucked up a lot more, thought I was Rimbaud in bad nailpolish, then stopped writing poetry when I realised I was lying to myself. went back to Arg, came back to Oz, had a break down, spent 4 months in a psych clinic trying to decide why life was worth it, and cleaniing my system out of the chemicals I'd put into it. Kicked the booze in 98, finished my BA in 2000, and am now working on the 2nd novel. Likes: Magnetic Fields, Lou Reed, VU, Patti Smith, Cafe Tacuba, Illya kuriaki and the Valderramas, Ryan Adams, Avalanches, Dylan, RHPs and Mark Kozelek, Elvis, Shellac, Big Black, Eminem etc. Literature of many types, sizes etc, and of course, a nice bit of cocksucking to pass the time. Dislikes: Commercial pap, though I do have a recent hankering for the Pet SHop Boys and Madonna.

Geoff, Tuesday, 10 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I remember reading some of the folks here on a.m.a. way back in the day. Anyway, I am always looking for people to talk music with and especially to tip me off on anything good that's come out. Especially since I graduated last year and fell out of the college radio loop. Ah, but I start my new show at my graduate school (Sarah Lawrence) next week. Lately I have been digging Sigur Ros (who's show sold out in 3 minutes today grrr), Clinic, Delgados, Damien Jurado, Richard Buckner, the Czars, New Year... And I just got tickets to see Grandaddy and Autechre. So that is good.

bnw, Friday, 13 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

when i said that thing about the ass end of the world, i wasn't trying to give this place a bad-rap. i live here 'cause I like it here.
The effect I was going for was more like, I live a long way from the percieved cultural centres of the world because cities are full of fraudulent shit that I'm trying to leave behind & rise above.
You know, a romantic distortion of the truth to (like I said) make myself seem really cool.

D."Getting it together in the country" Zarakov, Saturday, 14 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm 28 and have been looking for my true vocation in life for quite a while now... unfortunately I spend too much of my time engaged in philosophical and mystical quandaries. The music I listen to while doing this: loadsa reggae/dub, P-Funk, Leonard Cohen, assorted Minimalists, Nick Cave/The Birthday Party, Pinkie Maclure, Donna Summer, Aphrodite, Chic, The Fall, Thee Madkatt Courtship, Coil, Stevie Wonder, NWA, This Mortal Coil, Can, Thomas Koner, Boney M, Nick Drake, Ween, Ash Ra, Kraftwerk, Daniel Johnston.... you get the picture. Authors I sometimes enjoy: Henry Miller, Phil K. Dick, Knut Hamsun, Graham Greene, Alan Warner, Dostoyevsky, Jim Thompson, James Ellroy, Kurt Vonnegut, Hermann Hesse... you get the picture. Food/beverages: Guinness, Nettle Tea, Nettle soup, raw vegetables, nuts, rye bread, oat cakes, tahini... Films: Buffalo 66, Naked, Wizard of Oz, Raging Bull, Wings of Desire, Laurel & Hardy, Thin Red Line, O Brother! Where Art Thou... you get the gist. That'll do for now, folks.

Johnathan, Sunday, 15 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Why's it all gone italic? I forgot to mention fave TV: Married With Children.

Johnathan, Sunday, 15 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Maybe this'll cure the italics. Anyhow, I love music. What more needs to be said? Don't make me name names. I'm in Toronto, am a writer (both The Computer Paper and, and try to do my own webstuff on a semi-regular basis, but fail on the semi-regular part. See for the sordid details. My favourite colour is black. I am an Aries. I include the 'u's. I may or may not be older than you.

Sean Carruthers, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Guess not. Oh, also, I like italics okay, but I prefer to use bold for emPHAsis because italics make the world look like it's leaning sideways.

Sean Carruthers, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Time to stop them damn italics.

Tim, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I don't even know how to start them.

DG, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

oops,sorry 'bout that.

duane zarakov, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Former music magazine editor, former men's lifestyle magazine editor, former adult magazine editor. Looking for something new to become former in. Very occasional freelance writer. Last online piece: Just turned 30. I find posting to I Love Music quite therapeutic. So excuse me if I often sound like I'm talking to myself.

AP, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm 25 unfortunately. At present I'm in the musical backwater that is Australia, where Leanne Rimes, Powderfinger and Crazy Town rule the airwaves.Out here on a work visa, actually from Liverpool. Got into house and techno in 1987 via the much travelled route of M/A/R/R/S through Chicago, (the city not the group) into Detroit, and these were the holy grails for me in my formative years: stuff like 'Illusion' R-Tyme; 'Promised Land' Joe Smooth; early Mr Fingers,Reese,Knuckles and followed its developments VERY closely up to and including today. Still my first love, but now I'm also getting more and more excited by the stuff many music writers dismiss as light and insubstantial, you know, the records which get discussed a lot on this site: Max Martin style pop, r+b, U.K garage. Good songs, out of this world, futuristic production. Proper shiny, visceral, stimulating music. This stuff is about making people actually ENJOY music, as well as apreciate it. A quick list of favourites: Carl Craig, Timbaland, 'I Feel Love', 'Ain't Nobody', 'Wichita Lineman', Daft Punk, Bola, Boards of Canada, Britney, Neil Young, Pepe Bradock, early PSB, all BSB, 'Technique', Rakim, UR, MAW, '76.14' etc.etc.etc.

michael wells, Monday, 23 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


Shepherd's Bush/West London - from The North, grew up abroad and lived all over UK. late 20s - Freelance whatever?

likes getting lost, ignoring phones, playing dumb, Chris Marker films, having a pen handy, repetition, pressing the square root button, using the optimise function on cubase, filming with digicams then watching it back with friends, driving cars at night, seam, listening to Hip-Hop in city traffic,, hallucinogens, The Wire's Xmas Like and Dislike interviews, napster, dancing, airports, recordable MDs players, more dancing, film sets, Artangel projects, extropian urges, crisis, documentaries, surrendipity,, Burroughs, reflexivity in art, CDs full of MP3s, the cinema of Wong Kar-Wai/Tarkovski/Koreeda, psychogeography, Bill Viola, paradoxes, motorways or any huge bits of concrete in the countryside, riding very fast down Oxford Street through all the traffic, laughing at the TV, keyboard shortcuts, Erik Davis, the tube system, corresponding with artists, Steven Shaviro, typing..I mean, writing and music

dislikes missing the beginning of films, comedians, ignorance, national attention deficiency disorder, institutionalised religion, people grew up with access to good records, slow moving intricate things, not having a car anymore, anyone who seeks to restrict freedom of information, the guy who slept with my girlfriend, and people who dislike missing the beginning of films

K-reg, Tuesday, 1 May 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

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