Panda Bear- Person Pitch

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sexyDancer (sexyDancer), Friday, 26 January 2007 17:23 (seventeen years ago) link

A lot of Panda Bear records make me wish I did drugs

brokenfuses (brokenfuses), Saturday, 27 January 2007 01:36 (seventeen years ago) link

This better be good. (I'm reviewing it for the AMG.)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 27 January 2007 01:44 (seventeen years ago) link

omg Ned, u r such a namedropper

Wrinklecause for Applause! (Wrinklepaws), Saturday, 27 January 2007 03:22 (seventeen years ago) link

this is fucking awesome. i hear a kraftwerk 2 sample in "good girl/carrots"

am0n (am0n), Saturday, 27 January 2007 04:51 (seventeen years ago) link

I like this better than any Animal Collective releases--and I'm an AC fan. It's an early contendah for album of the year.

brettino's bounce (Da ve Segal), Saturday, 27 January 2007 21:20 (seventeen years ago) link

omg Ned, u r such a namedropper

I love me.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 27 January 2007 21:30 (seventeen years ago) link

On the first three tracks alone this is the best thing I've heard in 2007, asides from Deerhoof, and I heard that in 2006. Brilliant artwork too.

beaux knee (boney), Monday, 29 January 2007 14:09 (seventeen years ago) link

i didn't even know Animal Collective had the "People EP" until today. I'm such a crap fan.

wogan lenin (dog latin), Monday, 29 January 2007 14:14 (seventeen years ago) link

'Tikwid' off the new AC EP is brilliant, if very Feels-y. Which is fine I s'pose as it was recorded in the same sessions.

beaux knee (boney), Monday, 29 January 2007 14:17 (seventeen years ago) link

this is wonderful, yes

acid waffle house (dubplatestyle), Monday, 29 January 2007 14:18 (seventeen years ago) link

This should be greater than it is.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:08 (seventeen years ago) link

I mean, I appreciate that AC seems to be one of the only bands (maybe *the* only band) that tries not to let their late sixties Beach Boys worship get in the way of actually listening to things from later decades up to the present. Elephant-fricking-6 it isn't. But "Bros" aside right now I'm not feeling this much.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:10 (seventeen years ago) link

My 2007 favorite so far.

M. V. (M.V.), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:36 (seventeen years ago) link

I would love an instrumental mix, honestly.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:38 (seventeen years ago) link

Would you leave in the backwards vocals?

M. V. (M.V.), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Depending on the song. ("Ponytail"'s all right.)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:40 (seventeen years ago) link

The line6 (i think they use this live -- not sure about studio) vocal delay is going to be one of those things that will date these records eventually. (Also black dice)

UART variations (ex machina), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:42 (seventeen years ago) link

ponytail is the dud for me, the rest is golden

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:46 (seventeen years ago) link

I wished I liked this more. The vocals are very sweet, and these songs are for the most part nice, but I guess I just wish they exploded, like some of the stuff on, say, Here Comes the Indian or Sung Tongs. This record seems pleasant, and I wish it was amazing.

Dominique (dleone), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:47 (seventeen years ago) link

take pills ned!

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:47 (seventeen years ago) link

Dominique says it better than I could!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:49 (seventeen years ago) link

And it wasn't "Ponytail," I realize, it was "Search for Delicious." Two track EP of that and "Bros" = golden.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 04:50 (seventeen years ago) link

actually bro's almost sounds like a different mix here than on the 12"

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 05:05 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm having mixed feelings about some of it, but listening to Bros, Im Not and Carrots all in row is fantastic, and takes up 27 minutes by itself.

Z S (Zach S), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 05:33 (seventeen years ago) link

"Search for Delicious." Two track EP of that and "Bros" = golden.

this gets it right on the head, after a bit longer listening to it. i'm not/comfy.. is great still, but those songs were way early last year on constant repeat for a few days straight. search for delicious and bros are totally fucking awesome. bros is like one constant explosion of muddy crystal if you ask me.

the table is the table (treesessplode), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 06:30 (seventeen years ago) link

you all must be fucking kidding me.

jeffrey / secret eye (jeffrey secret eye), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 06:41 (seventeen years ago) link


the table is the table (treesessplode), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 06:44 (seventeen years ago) link

this is just how i wanted it! it's better than i thought it would be

rizzx (Rizz), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 10:13 (seventeen years ago) link

whoah @ those explosion sounds. I need to listen to this again immediately.

sleeve (sleeve), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 15:50 (seventeen years ago) link

i'm pretty sure he samples those engine noise whooshes from the sand hot rods in phantom menace star wars

the kwisatz bacharach (sanskrit), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 16:27 (seventeen years ago) link

ok so let me get this straight

I'm Not/Comfy In Nautica was the single.

Bros is the 12"

and Good Girl/Carrot was on the split with Excepter?

I hope this is released on vinyl, I think I like it more than Feels (which I liked a lot). It's spacier and more abstract.

sleeve (sleeve), Thursday, 8 February 2007 19:09 (seventeen years ago) link

I wish this album was influenced more by the Smashing Pumpkins.

cousin larry bundgee (bundgee), Thursday, 8 February 2007 19:15 (seventeen years ago) link

the love for this album is a little baffling...i'm with d leone and ned--this is decent, but i think avey makes a good foil for his sweetness, which is why AC stuff tends to work better than either of their solo-project stuff.

also, young prayer has...well, a lot more invention.

mike powell (mike powell), Thursday, 8 February 2007 19:16 (seventeen years ago) link

sleeve, yeah, you got it. all that stuff is still able to be found if you want the vinyl.

also, i think this wins over avey's solo stuff, but i always like the bear over the tare.

the table is the table (treesessplode), Thursday, 8 February 2007 19:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, I wish this was more difficult it was fuckin' OUT MUSIC, MAAAAN. *blorp*

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Thursday, 8 February 2007 20:01 (seventeen years ago) link

I think I like this because it has a lot more of the Jane sound in it than Young Prayer did.

sleeve (sleeve), Thursday, 8 February 2007 22:26 (seventeen years ago) link

I don't think it's surprising that this is more tame than Sung Tongs/Here Comes The Indian...Panda Bear has always been the melodic base for AC and he's now married with a child in Lisbon (even a song called "take pills" appears to say, "I don't want for us to take pills anymore") the wise, peaceful aura is fitting...this is much better than Feels which was initially interesting but eventually felt annoying and contrived (probably due to its lack of lasting melodies - it always felt like more of an Avey Tare effort)...It's not quite as good as Sung Tongs though, which may prove that the collaboration doesn't hurt

Space Is the Place (Space Is the Place), Thursday, 8 February 2007 23:08 (seventeen years ago) link

I like it at least as much as Sung Tongs, otherwise otm. half feels like a lost masterpiece from a narcotized Russian Futurists and the other half is just a hazy restless womb of perfection. I'd love to hear how a lot of other bands would sound with the prickly pits excised, but that's my 'thing' i guess.

tremendoid (tremendoid), Saturday, 10 February 2007 06:21 (seventeen years ago) link

Feels which was initially interesting but eventually felt annoying and contrived
Feels which was initially interesting but eventually felt annoying and contrived
Feels which was initially interesting but eventually felt annoying and contrived

the table is the table (treesessplode), Saturday, 10 February 2007 06:25 (seventeen years ago) link

ok now that's otm, no need for politeness. didn't 'feel' shit amirite?

tremendoid (tremendoid), Saturday, 10 February 2007 06:36 (seventeen years ago) link

one month passes...
Reviews Pour In

M.V., Tuesday, 13 March 2007 18:43 (seventeen years ago) link

I think what makes me laugh the most is the first complaint is from Pacific Grove (which everyone knows is inferior to Carmel). As for my reviewing style, nobody is more dissatisfied with it than I am, in that I always think I can do better!

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 19:23 (seventeen years ago) link

I am still liking this more than anything else from 2007 so far.

sleeve, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 23:24 (seventeen years ago) link

damn, 9.4, pitchfork went off.

this will be a good time to watch how much they can influence a record's ubiquity even when it's "out."

(and for the record, i really like this album, although it could have been a perfect EP.)

poortheatre, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:42 (seventeen years ago) link

this is tight yo

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:28 (seventeen years ago) link

It justifies the hype.

It's pretty fuckin' great.

Sum Fitch, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:39 (seventeen years ago) link

i love it.
I don't think it's a 9.4
maybe if he'd kept the "edits" which are much more concise and listenable then the 12 minute album versions , being that they are just one loop over and over again, and had he replaced Search For Delicious with an actual song, maybe a 9 would be appropriate but for all the great moments, there are still some self indulgent snoozes too

tornup_andhurt, Thursday, 22 March 2007 21:42 (seventeen years ago) link

I like this album a lot, and I hate everything.

Hurting 2, Friday, 23 March 2007 02:57 (seventeen years ago) link

damn it guys why were you all talking about dance music up there, i finally bought this and it isn't like dance music at all!

jabba hands, Saturday, 2 February 2008 02:04 (sixteen years ago) link

All music is dance music, white boy.

Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Saturday, 2 February 2008 02:08 (sixteen years ago) link

Im starting to get into the second half more than the first, because they have this on vinyl @ work. It reminds me of orbital

filthy dylan, Saturday, 2 February 2008 08:36 (sixteen years ago) link

every time i open this thread all i can think is DAMN GIRL WAY TO MAKE BOOBS UNSEXY.

Cosmo Vitelli, Saturday, 2 February 2008 08:49 (sixteen years ago) link

yay Maryland. i totally live there. i'm glad Baltimore's hip now.

circa1916, Monday, 4 February 2008 02:35 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah I saw that pattern and I felt a lil burst of civic pride.
(halfway through season four of the WIRE it could use a boost)

Drew Daniel, Monday, 4 February 2008 02:56 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

<em>To quote my friend Nick, "it's more like wanna-be Warn Defever circa '94"</em>

turangalila's friend otm. sounds like something he woulda done had he put together <em>king of sweet</em> around the time of <em>stars on esp</em>.

john. a resident of chicago., Sunday, 9 March 2008 17:24 (sixteen years ago) link

that hat is a bit much

braveclub, Sunday, 9 March 2008 19:05 (sixteen years ago) link

four years pass...
three years pass...

a lost classic- this, 'laughed for a world filled with fantasy,' and 'boneless' are all better than p much anything on person pitch. but maybe i've just played it out

flappy bird, Friday, 2 December 2016 07:15 (seven years ago) link

I wouldn't say they're better, but they'd make a nice deluxe edition of Person Pitch if you added them in. The best one is Song For Ariel, which later became Guys Eyes on MPP. The solo version is based on a sample that sounds a lot like Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, but is actually Leave Me Be by The Zombies:

There's also this little sketch from a 2007 compilation:

For completeness, here's Laugh for a World Filled With Fantasy:

and Boneless:

the_ecuador_three, Friday, 2 December 2016 13:44 (seven years ago) link

Song for Ariel is the one I'm sad for not making it into PP.

Moka, Friday, 2 December 2016 14:13 (seven years ago) link

boneless is especially awesome for being a 'remix' of a song that contains no elements, melodies, lyrics from the original at all

flappy bird, Friday, 2 December 2016 21:53 (seven years ago) link

two weeks pass...

sweet new hour-long interview with Noah about the making of Person Pitch. this group is reissuing the record on vinyl next month

flappy bird, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 19:11 (seven years ago) link

five years pass...

panda bear's new song with sonic boom is the most brian wilson-y thing in a long career full of brian wilson-y things

in places all over the world, real stuff be happening (voodoo chili), Tuesday, 9 August 2022 15:38 (two years ago) link

new album is very much a person pitch throwback with its focus on loops, samples & extremely beach boys vocals

sometimes the repetition is a bit too much but it's pretty solid overall, certainly the best panda bear album since person pitch & easily one of the stronger animal collective-related albums in the past 12 years

ufo, Sunday, 14 August 2022 07:38 (two years ago) link

Yeah it's a fantastic album. My favourite Anco thing in a decade or so.

you can see me from westbury white horse, Sunday, 14 August 2022 07:50 (two years ago) link

This feels like Person Pitch 2 in a good way. Need to spend more time with it but liked a lot what I heard on first listen.

✖✖✖ (Moka), Sunday, 14 August 2022 09:06 (two years ago) link

It should probably also be noted here that he sang on my favorite song of the year so far.

Chris L, Sunday, 14 August 2022 10:16 (two years ago) link

Agree with you on that one. Song of the year.

✖✖✖ (Moka), Sunday, 14 August 2022 12:47 (two years ago) link

really what "doin it right" should have been

ufo, Sunday, 14 August 2022 13:05 (two years ago) link

really liked the new album as well, especially the scott walker-y spanish-tinged one near the end

mr. weird al and the box squeezers (voodoo chili), Sunday, 14 August 2022 13:07 (two years ago) link

I'm not a big Panda Bear fan — a little usually goes a long way for me — but I do like the new one. Peter Kember is a good partner for him, I think he opens up the mix more, lets it breathe.

He is having a hell of a year. Time Skiffs, that incredible "Step by Step" track above and now this truly lovely album with Kember. Wow.

gman59, Monday, 15 August 2022 21:25 (two years ago) link

totally forgot there was a new anco album this year lol

comedy khadafi (voodoo chili), Monday, 15 August 2022 21:36 (two years ago) link

You’re in luck, it’s amazing

frogbs, Monday, 15 August 2022 21:49 (two years ago) link

I love that Braxe EP

I enjoyed the couple times I've breezed through the (seemingly very short) Noah/Sonic album! It is so so so Brian Wilson-y like even more so than before but that's OK

flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 15 August 2022 23:05 (two years ago) link

two weeks pass...

this is pleasant, seems like it's a good year for panda bear collabs

ufo, Wednesday, 31 August 2022 16:40 (two years ago) link

three months pass...

Also available on his Bandcamp

mizzell, Friday, 16 December 2022 18:44 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

grabbed it today and came to the realization this album is his Olias of Sunhillow

frogbs, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 05:12 (one year ago) link

It is! I know people compare them in terms of sound but also it's there in regards to them being sorta busman's holidays that are even better than anything they was doing with their main groups.

you can see me from westbury white horse, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 08:11 (one year ago) link

haha wow, good call

sleeve, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 15:11 (one year ago) link

Overrated. Beach boys for the pitchfork generation

CerebralCaustic, Thursday, 26 January 2023 15:22 (one year ago) link

this thread is how i first came across ilx. lol

J0rdan S., Thursday, 26 January 2023 16:15 (one year ago) link

Still sad after all these years “song for ariel” didn’t make it into the album, more songs should have The Zombies samples

I know the song got repurposed for Guys Eyes but that one is nowhere as good as this one.

✖✖✖ (Moka), Thursday, 26 January 2023 18:33 (one year ago) link

three months pass...

"Livin' in the After" is so great, can't believe it's under 3 minutes. should be the longest track on the album

frogbs, Wednesday, 24 May 2023 02:46 (one year ago) link

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