Do we have a PAZZ AND JOB 2009 thread yet?

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Perhaps what we're seeing the real "triumph of..." over time is not some specific notion of indie but just indie values across the board, only now so finely and carefully massaged into every crevice and wrinkle that it's not even obvious any more. "The indie version of dance" is no longer just IDM and its equivalents but an entire mode of approaching dance music that seeks, like indie perspectives, to celebrate a certain model of educated aesthetic individualism*, such that, near paradoxically, even music designed specifically for the dancefloor gets framed in these terms.

* Of course these are also techno values - but, if you'll allow me to be glib for a moment, techno was always already the first indie manifestation in dance music. Which is why this "takeover" has been so subtle and so successful.

but then how is that not hermetically sealed? or at least constricted? what i mean about reaching out and engaging is, is animal collective unexpectedly intersecting with people's lives in the way that what we (or i) think of as "pop music" does? in a way that could justify anyone calling "my girls" a single-of-the-year? maybe they are, i don't know. but if they are, i certainly don't know it from anything i've read about them, critically speaking. which is the thing, the criticism tends to be sealed off too. it engages with the music, but not with how or whether the music engages with anything outside of its own hipster-runoff universe. if there are 20-something paralegals in omaha getting turned onto mpp at some 4th-of-july cookout, i'd like to know about it, but there's no sense of that at all in how the music is presented or considered, as far as i can tell.

Tipsy, what music crit are you comparing this to??? What music crit about which music would make me think "gee, 20-something paralegals in omaha are getting into this and this makes me feel like I click with them and understand what they feel" - or even some non-joking version of same...

If all you mean to say is: "nothing I've read about Animal Collective suggest that they're being enjoyed by people not predisposed to like indie music". If so, well, duh. For the most part music that "unexpectedly" intersects with people's lives tends to do so in a way that reinforces their prejudices rather than breaks them down - see "Hey Ya".

Also I and I suspect most AnCo fans probably have never read HipsterRunoff. I have a vague notion of what it is but I think you really mean "anything outside of its own mainstream music press universe."

Tim F, Friday, 22 January 2010 07:25 (fourteen years ago) link

I was a 20 something paralegal in Australia in 2006 when I started getting into this band, if that helps you to feel more in touch with the wider world at all. I believe it was watching Shortbus that won me over!

Tim F, Friday, 22 January 2010 07:28 (fourteen years ago) link

Ha, I was a 30-something paralegal in Richmond, Virginia, when I started listening to Animal Collective.

Mark, Friday, 22 January 2010 07:29 (fourteen years ago) link

It's funny watching AC haters frothing at the mouth isn't it? They can't help it, their loathing is so visceral, such an uncontrollable gut aversion to the sound: its maculate, confusional qualities seem to be intolerable, a real affront to sensibility--the way the music mixes levels, categories, registers like so much spin art (or more apposite in this case, like tie-dye). Yet there also seems to be a principled aspect to the revulsion, a real concordance of aesthetics and ideology, taste and social allegiance. It reminds me a bit of those people in the UK who hate hate HATE crusties, on principle, which really means squeamishness sublimated, elevated with a gloss of quasi-pro-workerist indignation ("bloody trustifarians", "soap-dodging layabouts" etc). In the UK that often seems based in the mod thing of "clean living in difficult circumstances" and the accompanying sharp, clear sound-aesthetic; the ressentiment the lower middle class are structurally led to feel towards that fraction of the upper middle class who aspire downwards, who step off the career track. See also attitudes to psy-trance and (most relevant to AC-disgust) jam bands. It's not quite the same in America, where there isn't really an equivalent to the mod stratum in society. But something similar is going on. You just think "why not funnel your hate towards something actually... hate-worthy?". Of course anybody's entitled to simply not like the records, but there does seem to be something more going on a lot of the time, like it's one of those instances where aesthetics and ideology, sonics and the social, conjoin very tightly. Judging by the intensity, the virulence, of the anti-reactions...

┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐ (Steve Shasta), Friday, 22 January 2010 07:48 (fourteen years ago) link

The chuck eddy essay is the most annoying thing I've ever read. So if Brad Paisley, kid sister and Lady Gaga were in the final top 10 you'd feel better about the state of music?!?! For a change it's nice to see artists that DON'T sell millions of records top the poll, if you want to see rich people who sell millions of records and put out mediorcre albums, watch the grammy's. You'll be surely happy there....

Emily's Cheese, Friday, 22 January 2010 08:57 (fourteen years ago) link

ok, kid sister doesn't sell millions, but she sucks nevertheless

Emily's Cheese, Friday, 22 January 2010 09:08 (fourteen years ago) link

Speaking of the Grammys, was a DMB album really nominated for Best Album of the Year? What's up with that?

Mordy, Friday, 22 January 2010 09:34 (fourteen years ago) link

It's funny watching AC haters frothing at the mouth isn't it?

I don't ever really feel hatred of music any more, if I ever did (and always it's been more a dislike of certain types of fandom/criticism - e.g. I was very annoyed back in 2000 when all my friends loved Travis but I was indifferent to Travis mostly and even rather liked a song or two), so I simply don't understand that kind of froth reaction and, for that reason, vaguely respect it (what annoys me rather is when I see people let their hatred of stuff cloud their vision and their logic, leading them to say stuff the obvious wrongness of which they would jump all over otherwise).

Tim F, Friday, 22 January 2010 09:46 (fourteen years ago) link

re: singles - i like that these polls are open to "tracks", just because a track can so often function as a single without ever getting an official release as one. voting for deep album cuts if they don't make sense in isolation is missing the point though, yeah. contra jaymc i don't trust artists or record labels to pick the right singles in the slightest - though i think indie acts are actually way better at this than r&b or pop acts these days, weirdly.

I think a bit part of it is also cultural perception. Indie has becomed perceived to be "educated" music

think this is otm, sadly.

good thread to catch up on!

لوووووووووووووووووووول (lex pretend), Friday, 22 January 2010 11:04 (fourteen years ago) link

For a change it's nice to see artists that DON'T sell millions of records top the poll, if you want to see rich people who sell millions of records and put out mediorcre albums, watch the grammy's. You'll be surely happy there....

ah youth

Blue Fucks Like Ben Nelson (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 22 January 2010 12:15 (fourteen years ago) link

What music crit about which music would make me think "gee, 20-something paralegals in omaha are getting into this and this makes me feel like I click with them and understand what they feel" - or even some non-joking version of same...

what i mean -- and this is a phenomenon of the internet, which i think is what "pitchfork" is really being used as a stand-in for here -- is that a lot of this music seems exist almost in some virtual realm. the indieverse. it moves from myspace pages to small music blogs to big music blogs to pitchfork or whatever (passing through ILM and such places on the way), achieving a sense of ubiquity and significance within a densely connected but actually relatively limited sphere, and an awful lot of the writing about it doesn't manage to look very far outside that sphere. (neither does a lot of the music, for that matter.) you could argue that this is all just a digital version of the college radio-zines-clubs world of our band could be your life, and obviously it serves a lot of the same purposes (including helping bands find living-room floors to crash on), but there's a step of removal from the "real" world that i think has a real and insulating (and in a lot of ways deadening) effect on how the music is received and talked about.

and btw i like a good handful of animal collective albums, just not the awful cluttered overstuffed recent ones. which is neither here nor there, i don't care that i don't like mpp, i'd just like to read more considerations of it that give some sense of its cultural location outside of six blogs.

hellzapoppa (tipsy mothra), Friday, 22 January 2010 13:30 (fourteen years ago) link

animal collective is that band i saw twiddling dials at south street seaport with people standing around distractedly, yapping into their phones? That's the animal collective that's causing all this commotion? OK, there were a dozen people up front feigning enthusiasm. Maybe they write all the reviews.

Thus Sang Freud, Friday, 22 January 2010 13:49 (fourteen years ago) link

Ha, I was a 30-something paralegal in Richmond, Virginia, when I started listening to Animal Collective.

to complete the loop, our publisher was a 20something from Omaha when he started listening to AnCo. chris k + mark r = that comment.

there's a step of removal from the "real" world that i think has a real and insulating (and in a lot of ways deadening) effect on how the music is received and talked about.

I ask again, to anyone: What don't we cover that is so great in the real world? Is it John Mayer? Is it BEP? What are we missing that is so good that appeals to "the real world"?

One thing your comment does highlight however Tipsy is how hermetically sealed off part of the real world are. Williamsburg/Greenpoint is like a freakin' snowglobe, and here in North Chicago-- and in college towns, hoods in large U.S. cities-- the stuff in bars, cafes, shops, boutiques, restaurants that is played is "stuff Pitchfork covers" whether it's Spoon or AnCo or Kanye or Lily Allen or Grizzly Bear. Or classic rock. One of the two, and that's it. This IS our real world.

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 13:53 (fourteen years ago) link

look at it another way:

There are a few big, decent superstars around-- beyonce, rihanna, jay-z, kanye, gaga-- i.e. they are also the superstars we cover, i.e. the ones that make our year-end lists, i.e. the ones everyone likes.

Then subtract the obvious dreck from the charts, the real crap.

The next biggest-selling pocket of music left would be cult or established hip-hop/R&B acts - rae, cudi, mos def, maxwell, which we cover. And make our year-end lists.

And next, I would guess indie-- Neko, Phoenix, VW, Spoon, AnCo, A Bird, Grizzly Bear, which is selling between 150-500k basically, a pretty solid 'real world' return these days

What else is there in the real world? What is selling more than 200K that Pitchfork a) doesn't cover and put into year-end lists, and b) is good?

As I've said before I don't think we're an indie mag, we're an independently run general music mag. And rock is as large a part of our pie chart as it was for other general music mags. The difference is that rock-as-marketing-term is indie these days, if only by default. In another day a lot of these bands would be on Sire or Columbia and just be called rock bands.

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 14:07 (fourteen years ago) link

"I don't ever really feel hatred of music any more… so I simply don't understand that kind of froth reaction and, for that reason, vaguely respect it."

So true. I've used up all my hatred on more deserving targets. Whereas a film, like Taken, can still enrage me for reasons which click with things that enrage me in the real world, the most I can muster with records now is "I don't get it."

Dorian (Dorianlynskey), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:11 (fourteen years ago) link

I, for one, would laugh my ass off at a Ke$hastravaganza in Pitchfork.

Vajazzle My Nazzle (HI DERE), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:13 (fourteen years ago) link

well that's an interesting way of putting it, and i think it reflects some of what i'm talking about: that it is possible at least some places to consume and consider all of this stuff in a limited virtual realm, and then to go "out" mostly to bars/clubs/thrift stores/etc that serve as basically an extension of the same realm. and yes of course there's always an insularity to any scene or genre or whatever, but i think the internet (and in the case of "indie" in particular) has given that a new dimension.

What don't we cover that is so great in the real world? Is it John Mayer? Is it BEP?

sure, why not? i think there's plenty of interesting things that could be said about either of them. ("covering" =/= "liking" or "approving of.") but even just within the parameters of GAPDY, i think there's a lot of other ways to write about it than the ways it tends to get written about (anywhere, this isn't by any means a pitchfork-specific issue). like i said, i have very little sense of what it means that mpp is the "best album of the year." the voice essay goes a little way there by hooking it up to spike jonze, but settles for a sort of vague psychological gloss -- "coming to terms with being an adult" -- that doesn't say anything very specific about the culture and sensibility that produced both works. why does mpp sound like it does? what does that sound mean? what does the indie arrested-development sensibility of the past 15 years or so signify about the economic situation of the american middle class? i think there's a connection between animal collective, a flat wage curve and 10 percent unemployment, but the music rarely seems to be talked about in any terms outside its own aesthetic. and i think it's hard to consider that aesthetic in any really insightful way from the inside.

hellzapoppa (tipsy mothra), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:16 (fourteen years ago) link

(oops, that needs an xpost -- the first part of that post was coming off of "This IS our real world.")

hellzapoppa (tipsy mothra), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:17 (fourteen years ago) link

That's an interesting thought. Some albums are so much easier to hang sociopolitical significance on, hence endless essays on how MIA reflects The Way We Live Now, or what [fill in major 00s indie album here] tells us about 9/11. But MPP comes from the same cloistered psychedelic universe as, say, The Soft Bulletin and that's harder to analyse outside of its own terms. I don't know enough about the US middle class to know if your hypothesis is right but it sounds worth exploring.

Dorian (Dorianlynskey), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:23 (fourteen years ago) link

scottpl, you're pretty much begging for a list thread of great records and contemporary artists that PF has never covered. and it would be a very, very long list.

stupidities and swagga beefs of the fruity class (some dude), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:27 (fourteen years ago) link

don't get me wrong, PF covers a whole lot of music of a pretty wide range, but saying that there's no worthwhile non-indie you don't cover is like people who go "I listen to every genre, but only the good stuff."

stupidities and swagga beefs of the fruity class (some dude), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:33 (fourteen years ago) link

What else is there in the real world? What is selling more than 200K that Pitchfork a) doesn't cover and put into year-end lists, and b) is good?

I'm not even going to get started here. (See, I do have self-control, after all.)

xhuxk, Friday, 22 January 2010 14:38 (fourteen years ago) link

i don't get people who can't hate music passionately

لوووووووووووووووووووول (lex pretend), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:38 (fourteen years ago) link

i find bad music personally offensive, no hyperbole

لوووووووووووووووووووول (lex pretend), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:38 (fourteen years ago) link

I never would have guessed!


Vajazzle My Nazzle (HI DERE), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:39 (fourteen years ago) link

I think my inability to feel hatred of music extends to art and books and films too actually. Everything exists on a continuum of "bored" to "passionately in love".

Tim F, Friday, 22 January 2010 14:42 (fourteen years ago) link

A bad novel can still throw me into a rage - I guess because it's taken up more of my time, and a bad sentence is offensive whereas a bad lyric just strikes me as funny. A book or film can convey a whole worldview that I find aggravating in a way that a song can't.

But all power to you, Lex. It's bracing precisely because I don't share it.

Dorian (Dorianlynskey), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:48 (fourteen years ago) link

I sympathize with Lex. It's so fun to hate!

As scott no doubt remembers, what distinguished Stylus from its competition was taking Lee Ann Womack and Nickleback seriously. I couldn't predict how or if PFM's hit count would increase if it started reviewing these artists, but I'd like to see a publication with PFM's clout and its ratio of good writers seriously wrestle with lots of mainstream artists who sell bucketloads more than Vampire Weekend ever will.

Blue Fucks Like Ben Nelson (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:51 (fourteen years ago) link

xuxhk, if i start the thread idea i mentioned, you'd fill it up, right? I'm counting on it (also what would be a fair timeframe, scott? since 2003? 2005?).

i'm not saying that Pitchfork SHOULD cover everything (or anything) that they don't already, obviously they need to make choices. but the implication that there's nothing good and popular that's escaped their notice is insane and needs to be challenged.

stupidities and swagga beefs of the fruity class (some dude), Friday, 22 January 2010 14:54 (fourteen years ago) link

don't get me wrong, PF covers a whole lot of music of a pretty wide range, but saying that there's no worthwhile non-indie you don't cover is like people who go "I listen to every genre, but only the good stuff."

of course there is, but I didn't say that.

I was only specifically addressing popular artists. And I do think we could better with the sort of mixtape rap that gets around the sales I was thinking of, i.e. boosie, etc. we used to do a bit better there than we do

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:00 (fourteen years ago) link

I'd like to see a publication with PFM's clout and its ratio of good writers seriously wrestle with lots of mainstream artists who sell bucketloads more than Vampire Weekend ever will.

Sure YOU do. But like I said upthread nobody cares. Not in any substantial numbers. The number of people hungry to read about Nickleback and Leann Womack the way you want them covered is miniscule. Hell, unless there are tons of them not adept at locating pockets of the internet that share their interests, you could probably name a lot of them.

It's the same reason we don't cover BEP, to answer Tipsy's question: Almost nobody cares about anything to do with them that isn't their music or their celebrity. And only two of them are even celebrities really. So it would be a waste of resources and manpower; it would be, for the most part, a dishonest engagement with them that only serves to tell our readers what they already knew by listening to their two godawful radio singles from the new lp; it would be us moving from being a publication that sets its own editorial agenda outside of the machinations of the music industry to one that covers shit just because it's popular (i.e. one that turns its back on its own principles/integrity/honesty).

A lot of the reasons may seem abhorrent to some people I guess, if you actually think the monied interests of the major labels and dollar votes should determine what you critically engage with, but I think setting our own agenda and maintaining a level of self-policed integrity/standards is working out OK for us.

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:09 (fourteen years ago) link

it would be us moving from being a publication that sets its own editorial agenda outside of the machinations of the music industry to one that covers shit just because it's popular

Does anyone else immediately start looking for ways to deflate this type of statement whenever it is written?

Vajazzle My Nazzle (HI DERE), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:11 (fourteen years ago) link

I couldn't predict how or if PFM's hit count would increase if it started reviewing these artists

You really can't predict that?!? It would go down. Way the fuck down. Because nobody cares, and we'd be seen as another bullshit corporate magazine that just covers what is popular solely because it's popular. Are there any music media outlets of any note that give a shit about Nickelback? So why would you think that's some kind of food for hitcounts?

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:13 (fourteen years ago) link

and we'd be seen as another bullshit corporate magazine that just covers what is popular solely because it's popular

dude, hate to break this to you, but your decade in music piece was sponsored by an ice cream company

that sex version of "blue thunder." (Mr. Que), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:16 (fourteen years ago) link

not really the same thing

mdskltr (blueski), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:17 (fourteen years ago) link

i was talking about the corporate part

that sex version of "blue thunder." (Mr. Que), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:17 (fourteen years ago) link

I don't see how having advertisers is the same thing as being independently owned and being willing to ignore platinum artists and cover niche artists. Nobody is denying we are a small business.

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:19 (fourteen years ago) link

scott the part you quoted was a comparison, not me interpreting your words to mean just that. but seriously, name your terms for my thread, just so I can be fair about it: over 200k sales, in the past how many years?

stupidities and swagga beefs of the fruity class (some dude), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:19 (fourteen years ago) link

2005-, and I think I said over 200K sales, didn't make a year-end list (miranda lambert did btw) or get reviewed.

I bet I agree with most of them too. No doubt we miss things. Actually most of them will be regional hip-hop artists plus whatever some people here want to cover in Alfred's Nickleback Contrarian Daily magazine. ;)

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:25 (fourteen years ago) link

I sympathize with Lex. It's so fun to hate!

And I know the first thing you thought of as a reference point too. (Just like I did.)

A peek into the past: Neil Tennant on the power of hate

Ned Raggett, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:26 (fourteen years ago) link

Alfred's Nickleback Contrarian Daily

Any ideas for which advertisers I should hit?

Blue Fucks Like Ben Nelson (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:27 (fourteen years ago) link

ben and jerry's

that sex version of "blue thunder." (Mr. Que), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:27 (fourteen years ago) link

^^indie rock of the ice cream world

that sex version of "blue thunder." (Mr. Que), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:28 (fourteen years ago) link

Any ideas for which advertisers I should hit?

You'd have to ask business not editorial, but I do know you'll need readers first.

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:29 (fourteen years ago) link

The number of people hungry to read about Nickleback and Leann Womack the way you want them covered is miniscule.

Unless "on Pitchfork" is inserted somewhere in that sentence, no, that is not true.

Andy K, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:34 (fourteen years ago) link

I will tell you where I would hope to find an intelligent, critical, well-written article on Nickelback, why they're big, who likes 'em etc: a newspaper or something like the New Yorker. Or Rolling Stone even! Or Salon! Pitchfork shouldn't be expected to cover everything just because long-form generalist writing has collapsed elsewhere, surely?

I do think P4K should have reviewed "The E.N.D." but then I liked both the singles a lot. And obviously I didn't think so strongly enough to pitch it or anything!

Groke, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:39 (fourteen years ago) link

wasn't there an article about re-evaluating nickelback on slate or something and it was pretty much retarded?

call all destroyer, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:41 (fourteen years ago) link

I could see that for an aggregator like allmusic (esp one w/factual and biographical info; one who reputation isn't built on what it covers), but I think Alfred is talking a pub that works more as a filter. And I don't think I could name any of those covering Nickleback with any degree of success.

scottpl, Friday, 22 January 2010 15:44 (fourteen years ago) link

It's weird to claim that excellent writers tackling major artists would be a turn-off. I don't know if P4K covered the Brad Paisley album - and it's not my cup of tea at all - but the way Jody Rosen writes about it on Slate is eye-opening and compelling, and I can't see why there wouldn't be room for that anywhere. Obviously you'd have to be selective but come on, there's great stuff to be written about the Black Eyed Peas, from all kinds of angles. P4K has a phenomenal talent pool and I don't think that more astute engagement with pop would diminish the site's other role as an agenda-setter. Unless the readership is in fact the close-minded indie Taliban that its detractors claim.

Dorian (Dorianlynskey), Friday, 22 January 2010 15:47 (fourteen years ago) link

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