ILX Screenwriters Presents 'It was all Yello: The Coldwerk Sessions'

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[Scene: The Yello studios. Chris and Gwyneth and Apple are all asleep on what appear to be hospital beds. Dieter is smoking a cigar while Boris is inspecting Apple's ear with small forceps.]

Boris [to himself]: Carefully now, Boris, such a delicate creature... Aha!

[Boris pulls a small electronic gadget out of Apple's ear.]

Boris: Did I not say we were being followed? This is the proof!

Dieter: Yes, it must have been those holier-than-thou piston ballerinas who placed the device into the child's ear! Nevertheless, we are still miles ahead of them, and they shall not follow us further than this.

[Boris places the tracking device into a small container surrounded by huge loudspeakers. He pulls a switch. The deep rumble of that famous Yello bass begins to emanate from the speakers. The plugging device trembles and then shatters into thousands of pieces.]

Dieter: Now, we must prepare for the trip to our final destination.

Boris: Yes. By the by, Dieter, you left this at the auto we rented. [Picks up a green scarf.]

Dieter: Boris, that is not mine. Where did you find it from?

Boris: From the trunk. Perhaps it was left the there by the previous rentee?

Dieter: Perhaps. But now that I look at it, it does look familiar... [Strokes his moustache.] Is this not the scarf Jean-Herve was wearing while we met him?

Boris: It is! And that must mean...

Dieter: Jean-Herve, that vile devil! Instead of running away he must have hid inside the automobile trunk!

Boris: He could have heard everything! About our plan, about your villa in the Alps...

Dieter: We must assume he could have.

Boris: Then again, the man is totally and wholesomely cuckoo. What could he do with the information?

Dieter: Cuckoo he may be, but that means he is also unreliable. Were he to meet those dastardly boyscouts of Der Kraftwerk... I think now might be the perfect time to contact Herr Flür.

[Dieter picks up a cellular phone and dials a number.]

Dieter: Wolfgang? It is Dieter. Remember our discussion earlier? It is time we three meet again. Do you possess an autocar? Good.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 21 January 2005 09:44 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: A lone mountain road slightly covered with snow. Everything is silent. Gradually we here the sound of a car closing by. The car comes into sight: Dieter is driving it, Boris sit nexts to him holding Apple in his arms, Chris and Gwyneth are on the backseat, still asleep. The car disappears into the distance.]

[Cut to: The same mountain road, somewhat later. Another car is seen driving into the same direction as Boris and Dieter. The driver is Wolfgang Flür. As the second car goes out sight, we see yet another car, apparently following the Wolfgang's car from a distance. This car too has only person in it, but the face of the driver is left into shadow. The third car goes off-screen. The road is silent again.]

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 21 January 2005 11:45 (nineteen years ago) link

Scene [Wolfgang, driving a car somewhere in a mountainous region of Switzerland]:

[to audience}
I knew he would call. This was completely expected on my part -- insurance policy, ha! Dieter may have believed that he could handle Kraftwerk on his own, but I knew better. Kraftwerk cannot be trusted, only a man such as myself is capable of handling them. I know their thoughts and their fears, for I know them better than they know themselves. Ralf and Florian are like black ice on the roads of the Autobahn. To most people, the road is expansive and inviting, much like the lush cover art on our album of the same name. However, black ice can unravel this drivers utopia in an instant. One minute you are driving, the next, you are slipping off the road and bound for unavoidable carnage. This is what dealing with Kraftwerk is like. Dieter thought his plan was foolproof -- but no! -- the icy hand of Kraftwerk can snatch defeat from victory in an instant.

And how could I resist a trip to the Swiss Alps! There will surely be many Italians where we are staying. I relish every oppurtunity to celebrate my Italian heritage. Italians love to eat, drink, meet women, party, and go to discos. So do I. I have no doubt that this endeavour will be beneficial in stimulating my creativity. Adventure is the greatest source of creativity.

Dieter and Boris treat me so well. Better than Ralf and Florian ever did. A chartered plane to fly me to Zurich! A car waiting for me at the airport, with instructions to meet them in a secret mountain location! My arrangements has been impeccably organized -- this is Swiss efficiency. With Kraftwerk, I spent eight years fixing a synthesizer. They do not know how to work efficiently. Well, I will show them. I don't know what Kraftwerk are planning to do, but it is sure to be dastardly, and I will foil it.

I wonder what Dieter meant when he said that my help would be "rewarded through musical investment"? Perhaps we will collaborate on an album? I wonder who will be there to work on this album? I am feeling considerable inspiration from this drive, perhaps the new Yamo album can have a mountain theme as well as a flower theme?

(lyrics by Wolfgang Flur)

Coming down the mountain ...
Into your waiting arms
How pretty is the snow!
It can do us no harm!

We embrace the mountain
Its snow-capped peaks
Rounded like the perfect breast
Or your rosy cheeks

[continues driving]

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Friday, 21 January 2005 16:22 (nineteen years ago) link

You wonderful man.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 21 January 2005 16:30 (nineteen years ago) link

Thanks, Ned!

[scene: the Kraftwerk minivan. Two days have passed since we last saw them. Peron is driving and is quietly bickering and chatting without himself. Ralf and Florian are amongst the piles of equipment in the back. They are recording Billy's voice.]

Billy (knee-bending falsetto):

Oh, woe!
Woe, oh!
My woe!

Woe is
Woe was
Woe will be


Florian: This is oustanding.

Ralf: Yes, Mr. Martin, excellent work. I am greatly moved by the sadness and emotional vulnerability of your vocal performances as of late.

(Billy sighs and turns his head to stare out the window)

Florian: Assigning the driving duties to Mr. Peron was the turning point in the making of this album.

Ralf: Absolutely. Now we can both work on the recordings full-time. What a fantastic use of our time this is.

Florian: Yes, there are a multitude of musical rewards at play here. I have even sampled Mr. Peron's kazoo playing and random murmuring for use in a sound collage piece on the record!

Ralf: He puts us in touch with our earliest recordings as Kraftwerk, the days when we used flutes and actual percussion instruments. Perhaps we should re-release those first two Kraftwerk albums after all!

Florian: I must admit that I didn't expect him to be such a good driver. He follows instructions very well, we save money on resources since he never eats, and on top of that, our music benefits!

Ralf: He is the perfect employee! (looking outside at the countryside for a moment) I believe I have never been to this part of the country. Perhaps Mr. Peron wants to see the map?

Florian: He doesn't need the map, he is following the tracking light from the sensor I implanted in the fruit child. It is a simple task for him to follow.

Ralf: Yes, of course, if he follows the light then he'll be fine [peers into the front seat and looks at the tracking apparatus installed into the dashboard] ... wait, Florian, the tracking light isn't on!

Florian: Impossible! [sees for himself] Oh no, you're correct, Ralf!

Ralf: This is a nightmare! How long has the light been out?

Florian: I haven't a clue! I haven't even bothered to check it in two days, every since we assigned the driving duties to Mr. Peron! We have been so busy working back here that I didn't even think of it!

Ralf: And yet, he has never complained once. He has been driving, very likely for two days, without any directions. How does he know where he is going?

Florian: I don't know Ralf, I don't know ...


MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Friday, 21 January 2005 17:13 (nineteen years ago) link

Interesting ... but how to write Peaches into that portion of the story?
If Yello hire her to work on the video, then Wolfgang will be furious with Yello once he is eventually summoned by Dieter and finds out that they've "stolen" Peaches from under his nose.

-- MindInRewind

The way I see it is, Felicity Publicity persuades Peaches that her rock schtick is all played out, and for her next album she'd be better off collaborating with Yello. She gives them a visit and finds them on the set of the video. She just basically takes charge. Later, she is hired by Kraftwerk It's a further slap in the face for poor Wolfgang.

thee music mole, Saturday, 22 January 2005 00:50 (nineteen years ago) link

Ralf and Florian are finishing their roast beef and edamer cheese sandwiches mit Hutzelbrot, along with a thermos of coffee.

brief suggestion for accuracy: i'm under the impression R&F do not consume meats.

i.e., and a few interviews alluding to this preference.

smokris (smokris), Saturday, 22 January 2005 01:15 (nineteen years ago) link

You guys should work this in somehow:

In an interview, published in today's Sun newspaper, Coldplay's Chris Martin talks about a terrifying plane landing. Martin was on his way to Ghana with Oxfam to publicise fair trade issues, was coming into Tamale Airport when disaster struck. "I couldn’t see the ground and as it turns out, nor could the pilot. I found out we were about 200 metres up. The plane dropped off violently to the right then way over to the left it. It was lurching all over.

There is a Radiohead song called ‘Airbag’ which says that every time you get out of a car you should celebrate that you are alive. I felt that getting off the plane. But it fired me up for the trip. I thought, ‘I’m going to learn as much as I can and meet as many people as possible.’"

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 22 January 2005 04:02 (nineteen years ago) link

Yes, Ned! Obviously we must find the lyrics to 'Airbag' - and if we can't, then we must imagine them. There appears to be potential for the concept behind 'Airbag' to inspire Kraftwerk - it is, after all, a song about a useful gadget.

The techno community on Little Detroit has found the thread:

Perhaps some of them will feel inspired to contribute to the script?

thee music mole, Saturday, 22 January 2005 06:10 (nineteen years ago) link

She gives them a visit and finds them on the set of the video. She just basically takes charge.

I really like this idea because then we'll get to see two drastically different visions of the video -- Yello's and Peaches'. I don't know about Kraftwerk hiring her at the end though ... can't we allow Wolfgang a bit of happiness. He will always revert back to hating Kraftwerk in future stories.

brief suggestion for accuracy: i'm under the impression R&F do not consume meats.

Yes, you're right, and thanks for the link! This can be easily fixed by striking the words "roast beef" from their meal.

I have the feeling that Tuomas has something in mind for the first scene in the Alps, i.e. who will be there in the beginning and how they will convince Gwyneth and Chris to cooperate with them. Once that scene is complete, it's on to the video! Clouds, angels, and floatation tanks! Newer, hallucinatory lyrics! etc.

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Saturday, 22 January 2005 06:52 (nineteen years ago) link

alright, no cruelty to Wolfgang.

thee music mole, Saturday, 22 January 2005 07:01 (nineteen years ago) link

Don't worry, I'll write the pre-video shoot scene today.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Sunday, 23 January 2005 11:30 (nineteen years ago) link

Clouds, angels, and floatation tanks! Newer, hallucinatory lyrics! etc.

It seems I took very recently to the idea of just calling him Christ Martin on another thread. Just for flippancy's sake. Perhaps he can star in a rock and roll biblical epic.

Bimble... (Bimble...), Sunday, 23 January 2005 11:39 (nineteen years ago) link

I wrote a good chunk of a new scene with Peaches (which provides a decent way to formally enter her into the main story), but I'll wait for the next video shoot scene before posting it, to make sure there's no contradictions.

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Tuesday, 25 January 2005 06:26 (nineteen years ago) link

I must apologise for my absence from this thread - I have started a new job with a large workload.

thee music mole, Tuesday, 25 January 2005 06:29 (nineteen years ago) link

scene: Boris and Dieter, still driving the Yellotron through the mountains. soundtrack: Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" side three

Dieter is driving with one hand, sipping a cappucino with the other. Boris is locked in a silent staring contest with Apple. Chris and Gwenyth are now asleep.

Boris: You know, Dieter... I've been thinking...

SUDDENLY a figure appears from nowhere on the road before them wielding a flamethrower, and dissapears behind a blinding torrent of apocalyptic fire. Dieter brings the car to halt, narrowly missing being engulfed. The flames recede, to reveal CARLOS PERON, dressed head to toe in disturbing leather gear: he throws the flamethrower to the ground, and turns his back to them, revealing the words "Erotic Projects" written in studs across the back of his jacket. He turns his head to address them over his shoulder.

Carlos: Dieter... Boris... it has been too long.

Boris (quietly to Dieter): Is that...

Dieter: Claro que si. Carlos! We have been meaning to send you a long overdue royalty check.

Carlos: Oh I will just bet that you have. Don't make me angry, Dieter. I have come here to discuss more solid pleasures.

Dieter: Now may not be the best time for that, Carlos. We are running a tight... professional schedule.

Carlos: But I have come on business. Behold!

Carlos whips out a thirty page contract from beneath his jacket, and turns around to reveal it fully: it glows. Clearly visible is the Mute Records insignia.

Boris (impressed): Hmmm. Unexpected.

Carlos: Although my flourishing, ever expanding solo career is more than enough to content myself with, Hardy has once again expressed his desire that the original Yello reunite for another album on Ralph Records.

Dieter: Ah Carlos. We've long since outgrown that avant stable.

Carlos: THE AUDIENCE has long since forgotten your last chart hit! Renounce your bland euro disco, and let us return to the impossible sounds of our first three albums!

Boris (whispering to Dieter): This may not entirely be a joke... Ralph is already preparing to distribute the Residents' back catalog...

Dieter pauses for a moment. He glimpses in the rear view mirror, and catches view of the front of Wolfgang's car, peeking timidly around a mountain corner.

Dieter: We have much to discuss, it seems. But I repeat.. this is not the time.

Carlos scowls. Then punches a code into his wrist computer, which sounds with the electro bassline from "The Evening's Young". He points the flamethrower at the ground and launches himself into the sky, a pillar of flame extending itself into the night.

(Jon L), Saturday, 29 January 2005 00:34 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...
*Joe returns to seat, popcorn in one hand, Milk Duds in other*

OK, what'd I miss?

Joseph McCombs (Joseph McCombs), Wednesday, 23 March 2005 21:59 (nineteen years ago) link

can someone post a so far plot summmary?

mullygrubbr (bulbs), Wednesday, 23 March 2005 22:07 (nineteen years ago) link

No kidding...that would probably help as the storyline's really lost me now.

What we want? Sex with T.V. stars! What you want? Ian Riese-Moraine! (Eastern Ma, Thursday, 24 March 2005 01:30 (nineteen years ago) link

I haven't forgotten about this ... in fact, here is the next scene. I wrote it a couple of months ago but forgot to post it.


[scene: a flat in Berlin. A dishevelled Publicity Felicity is on the phone and appears frustrated. Peaches enters the room, carrying shopping bags bearing the brand name "Kunstleder und Kink"]

Publicity: Where the fuck have you been, Merrill? The phone's been ringing off the fucking hook, you were supposed to be here an hour ago!

Peaches: Relax, I had to wait in line at "Kunstleder und Kink" to be fitted for my new PVC wig.

Publicity: Well pick up the phone quick, your father's on the line.

Peaches: Again? I just spoke to him last night!

Publicity: Take it up with him, babe, he's been talking my ear off for the past fifteen minutes.

[Peaches picks up the phone]

Peaches: Hello?

Rabbi Nisker: Hello bubbele, what's new?

Peaches: Daddy, I just spoke to you 12 hours ago! Nothing is new, I'm fine.

Rabbi Nisker: We were talking about Pesach this morning, your mother and Rose Greenbaum are going shopping for the meat tomorrow. Do you think you'll be home this year?

Peaches: Daddy, I told you last week -- I don't know. I always play a lot of shows that time of year.

Rabbi Nisker: It would nice to have you home. We're having the Kaplans over this year. You know, Sauly Kaplan's son is in the music business, he helped to arrange the Ashkenaz festival last year. Maybe he could arrange to have you play this year?

Peaches. Daddy, I'm not interested in playing the Ashkenaz festival. That's not my scene. I'm playing lots of shows here, I don't have a problem finding places to play.

Rabbi Nisker: Places, feh! What kind of places would let you play with that crazy name? I should live so, I never heard of such a thing.

Peaches: There's nothing wrong with my name, it's just a stage name.

Rabbi Nisker: Why can't you just be Merrill? I don't understand why you can't be Merrill. [in the previous sentence, the sound of a hand slapping a table in time with each word is clearly audible over the line]

Peaches [growing increasingly agitated]: Because I'm Peaches. I choose to be Peaches. That's just the way it is.

Rabbi Nisker: That isn't a name, that's a fruit. Are you a person or are you fruit?

Peaches: Daddy, don't be silly ...

Rabbi Nisker: What kind of Jews have fruit for a name? You can't name me one Jew who has a fruit for a name!

Peaches: Who cares? Who cares!! It's just a name.

Rabbi Nisker: [listening to muffled voices in the background] You know the O'Briens from across the street? Well, they made a trip to Wal-Mart yesterday and your mother asked them to look for your album while they were there. They said they looked everywhere and couldn't find it. The girl working there had never heard of "Father Lover".

Peaches: I don't think Wal-Mart sells my album ... listen Daddy, I really need to go, I'm -- uh -- getting my nails done in an hour.

Rabbi Nisker: OK sweetheart, have fun, we'll speak to you soon.

[hangs up]

Peaches: AAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't fucking take this shit anymore! He calls every fucking day! I've got to get away from my father before he drives me crazy!

Publicity: Merrill, he's driving you crazy and to be frank, you're driving me crazy. You know that Flur guy who keeps bugging you about a collaboration? I spoke to his people today, and he's at a recording session in Switzerland now. I'm sending you there. It'll be good to get out of the city for a while, away from your father's constant phone calls. Flur can't be any worse than your father.

Peaches [fed up with everything]: OK, whatever. Sounds good. So they're expecting me?

Publicity: Er, yeah. Sure they are. Um, I'll call you a cab while you pack your things ...

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Thursday, 24 March 2005 05:45 (nineteen years ago) link

(brief) plot summary:

Our Dusseldorf heroes reluctantly begin a musical collaboration with Chris Martin of Coldplay (who was to know that the real life Coldplay would rip off "Computer Love" on one of their new tracks? Not I). Life in the studio soon becomes a living hell for Ralf and Florian, who quickly tire of Martin, his wife Gwyneth, and their baby Apple.

Independently, Yello decide to co-opt Coldplay for themselves, molding them into a boy band that projects the artistic values that they (Yello) hold dear. Once they discover that their arch-enemies Kraftwerk are working with Martin, They concoct a plan to steal Martin for themselves, while replacing him with a doppelganger in the form of the resurrected (and still horribly depressed) Billy Mckenzie.

Their plan succeeds and they make their way to Switzerland, where they plan to film a surreal video for "Yellow" (as revealed via a dream sequence).

Kraftwerk eventually realize that something is up with Yello, and they set out for Switzerland in a van along with all their recording equipment and Billy (who they believe is Chris). Recording on the road proves fruitful for Kraftwerk once they pick up Jean-Herve Peron, who assumes the driving duties. Peron seems to know exactly where he is headed, although the others do not yet understand why.

Yello also enlist the help of Wolfgang Flur, who is still looking to get even with Kraftwerk.

Yello/Chris/Gwyneth/Apple are in Switzerland, and the video shoot will soon begin. Flur is headed there, Peaches is now following Flur, Kraftwerk/Billy/Peron are still a few days behind, in their van ...


MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Thursday, 24 March 2005 06:05 (nineteen years ago) link

scene: a barely lit and severely sad lowrent flat in the dusseldorf suburbs. views from ugly and decrepit windows show endless grey high rise flats.

czukay (in a leather vest): we have zem where we want zem.

off camera female voice: holger, we can't continue like this.

czukay (obviously distracted): vas? (peers out of windows and makes plucking gesture with fingers)

female voice: they'll find out about the robot the minute they try to remove the clothing. the skin texture on the face and hands is good...but the torso is mere latex stretched over tin.

Sami J, Thursday, 24 March 2005 09:23 (nineteen years ago) link

I can't wait 'til Peaches meets Apple.

Joseph McCombs (Joseph McCombs), Friday, 25 March 2005 15:40 (nineteen years ago) link

I can't wait 'til Peaches meets Apple.

Yeah, I love the fruit child parallel!

two months pass...
someone please revive!

I know some come from the reality (wetmink), Friday, 24 June 2005 01:48 (nineteen years ago) link

You know what, I think that Peaches needs her own ILE spin-off reality show thread - 'At Home With the Niskers'.

moley (moley), Friday, 24 June 2005 02:56 (nineteen years ago) link

that would dilute the fruit child parallel

milton parker (Jon L), Friday, 24 June 2005 03:51 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...
Shit, I remembered this morning that the script was never finished... But I also had a perfect vision how the story will end, so if you'll just allow me to do the final scene... You can do whatever you feel like with the story, all I need is for the characters to be in the same place at the end. I'll promise to get back to the script tonight, when I have more time.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 11 August 2005 07:31 (nineteen years ago) link

NO WAY did I think anyone was game enough to kick this one back into play. I certainly wasn't. Tuomas, you have the true fearless heart of a lion. Good luck, sir.

moley, Thursday, 11 August 2005 07:49 (nineteen years ago) link

Guys, seeing as this thread contains many exegetical, introspective moments of panicky backstage discussion among the scriptwriters, I'm sure you'll forgive me one more diversion. I want you to tell me honestly: Did my script for Metal God: The Judas Priest Story not make the grade, quality wise? Or was it just that you didn't know enough about metal/Judas Priest to carry the story (I think milton gave the corpse a couple of kicks, and he was very funny)? Cos I can't help noticing that it really didn't float your boat like the Kraftwerk scripts. And yet, I was raring to go. This was over a year ago but I'm still smarting. I mean, it was my personal Brown Bunny.

moley, Thursday, 11 August 2005 08:02 (nineteen years ago) link

I think I derailed the Priest script by making it all about teh gays. Sorry.

aldo_cowpat (aldo_cowpat), Thursday, 11 August 2005 08:34 (nineteen years ago) link


[Scene: Dieter, Boris, and are standing in the middle of an enormous hall room. The room is staged to reproduce the dream sequence Dieter envisioned earlier on, and the trio is wearing the costumes from the dream. On a balcony stands the figure of Wolfgang Flür, operating a movie camera. Through a window on the back wall we can see the snow-covered Alps.]

Dieter: It tooks us three days to arrange this setup, but it is worth my every Vistavision dream! My only grievance is that I cannot shoot the film myself, but thankfully Herr Flür has proven to be resourceful cinematographer.

Chris [looking at his clown suite]: Okay, I'm getting some bad vibes from all this. I know there was supposed to be a surprise, but this getting a bit weird. What are we supposed with all this stuff?

Dieter: Mr. Martin, what we are asking you to do is simply to reproduce the vocal parts of your hit single inspired by us, while we're filming a new scenario set around it.

Chris [baffled]: Inspired by you? Listen, I'm still not sure exactly who you are, so how can I...

Dieter: You know the ditty I'm referring to, the one named after us. "Yello".

Chris: "Yellow"?! You want me to reshoot a two year old song?! Why, I wouldn't be a true artist if I were to repeat myself like that. I'm always in search of a new thing, a new muse, a new shooting star. There's no way you can make me...

Dieter [interrupts]: I feared it would come to this. Look, Mr. Martin, it may not be clear to you yet, but there's not the alternative of a refusal. This is why.

[Dieter presses a small electronic gadget in his hand. A video screen opens up on one of the walls. We can see the image of Apple, sleeping in a cradle, inside a room with metallic walls and no other furniture.]

Chris [shocked]: Apple! Baby Apple! You said you'd put her to sleep, somewhere safe...

Dieter: And safe she is! Unless I choose to press this button. [Points at a red button in his gadget.]

Chris: What's that?

Dieter: The room your child inhabits is hermetically sealed. Inside it's walls is located The Three-dimensional Censurround Yello Speaker System, developed by my friend Boris here. [Nods to Boris, who nods back.] Were I to start up the speaker system, it would begin to emanate the famous Yello bass sound, set in such a frequency that it would completely reprogram the brain waves of your precious love-child. As a result, when she'd grow up, you wouldn't even be able to recognize her, as she would become a... [Dramatic pause.]

Chris: Become what?! Say it, you bastard!!

[Dieter whispers something into Chris's ear.]

Chris: NOOOOOO!!! We had such special plans for her... Born of our union, she would become the greatest person on Earth.

Boris [whispers to Dieter]: You are bluffing, my good friend, aren't you? Surely you wouldn't do that to an innocent child?

Dieter [whispers back]: You worry too much. Of course I wouldn't do it. Trust me.

Dieter [to Chris]: So you see, Mr. Martin, you have no alternative but to succumb to our command.

Chris [his spirit broken]: You win, you sick old moustache-men...

Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 11 August 2005 18:17 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: again we see the mysterious car that drove down the mountain road towards Dieter Meier's Alpine mansion. The car seems to be broken, and the shadowy figure we saw driving it is bent over the motor. The camera closes in, and we realize that the shadow figure is none other than Peaches herself! On the car stereo the music of Yamo is playing.]

Peaches [to herself]: Finally! I think it should work now! [Stops to wipe the sweat off her brow. Suddenly her eyes get all dreamy.] Hmm, the more I listen to the music of this Flür guy, the more I like it. In fact, I think I'm starting to fall in love with him. Maybe this collab isn't such a bad idea after all...

[She tries to start the car engine. At first it just coughs, but eventually she gets it humming.]

Peaches: Success! Wolfgang Flür, you Teutonic dreamboat, here I come!

[The car speeds into the distance.]

Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 11 August 2005 18:28 (nineteen years ago) link

I'll take a break now, so if someone wants to take up Kraftwerk, feel free to do so.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 11 August 2005 18:33 (nineteen years ago) link


Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 11 August 2005 18:56 (nineteen years ago) link

Or was it just that you didn't know enough about metal/Judas Priest to carry the story

Yes. There is plenty of promise in a JP story, but I'm not the person to tell it :)

I will have to read the story over again to refresh all the details. Colin, we need your Big Lebowski-esque surrealistic dream sequences!

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Thursday, 11 August 2005 19:01 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I think Dieter might've come up with changes in the video, if you don't want to repeat yourself. Or perhaps an altogether new video? I need Kraftwerk and Peron in the mansion for the finale, but how they get there is an open question. The mansion could have a tight security system or something, if you want some action scenes.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 11 August 2005 19:07 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm in a new job where we actually work. I can't contribute like I used to! I'll do my level best though.

moley, Thursday, 11 August 2005 21:33 (nineteen years ago) link

Incidentally, for the next script, I was toying with the idea of a day-in-the-life style documentary about the two members of UK power noise band Whitehouse. The idea would be that they lead a very normal suburban UK existence, except that when something goes wrong, like if the bus is late, they launch into obscene tirades. Do you like that idea? You only really need to know what they sound like, what kind of lyrics they write. It's sort of a one trick pony idea, but good for a few laffs.

moley, Thursday, 11 August 2005 21:43 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: an empty fieldside road on the Swiss countryside, near the Alps. On the sky, dark clouds are clustering. A lone, bearded farmer is standing on the field, gathering rutabagas. A silent hum is heard in the distance. The farmer puts the rutabaga he's holding into his casket and stares at the road. A minivan is closing in.]

[Cut to: inside the Kraftwerk minivan, Jean-Herve Peron is still driving. Ralf, Florian, and Billy sit on the backseat.]

Florian: I have little idea of our current location, but he [points at Jean-Herve] seems to have a concept of where we're going. Maybe he knows more than we do. Intuition tells me...

Ralf [interrupts]: Intuition? Bah! I have never trusted this intuition of yours. In the past it has brought us nothing but complications. A true Sachkenner depends not on such flimflam.

Florian: We can discuss about this later on. Do you see that Swiss peasant idling over there? [Points at the rutabaga farmer.] Maybe he can tell us where this road is leading us.

Ralf: Jean-Herve, stop the automobile!

[The car stops in front of the farmer. Ralf opens the rear window.]

Ralf: Allo, my good Schweizer! Can you tell us, if we were to continue on this road, where would it lead us?

The farmer: This road? No... You don't want to continue on this road. There's nothing for you there. This road leads to... [lowers his voice] the mansion.

Ralf: The mansion? What is that?

The farmer: It is an evil place, up the mountains. No site for such decent-looking Deutschen like you. Wicked things take place around that house!

Florian: What things? Do tell us.

The farmer: Well, for example, one day my son walking a mountain road, and by accident came too near the mansion. Then he heard some noises behind him, and thank Gott im Himmel was quick enough to hide in the bushes before they spotted him!

Ralf: They?

The farmer: They. Along the road came a succession of half-naked men and women, their skin painted purple, all carrying bowls of water with a single goldfish in all of them. My son watched them walk towards the mansion, and then, when they were out sight, ran home as quick as his legs could carry him.

Ralf: Quite interesting.

The farmer: There are many more stories like this. There is the flying man, for example.

Florian: The flying man?

The farmer: Yes. Sometimes, on dark cloudy nights, a moustachioed man comes flying dow the mountains; he often makes several rounds above my village, screaming indescribable words. On his back he has wings dark as ebony, and his eyes burn with red fire.

Ralf: Yes, quite interesting. [To Florian:] Are you thinking of the same thing as I am?

Florian: Der Fledermaus?

Ralf: No, Dummkopf! Dieter! Dieter Maier!

Florian: Ah.

Ralf: Clearly the mansion must belong to Herr Maier. With a few simple tricks, such as a disguised hang-glider and a pair of luminescent goggles, he has managed to trick these superstitious Swissmen, making sure no one comes close his house.

Florian: Yes, I see.

Ralf: So we are on the right path after all. [To Jean-Herve:] Start the car. We'll continue.

[The car engine roars.]

The farmer: Did you not hear what I said? You do not want to go further!

Ralf: I think we will take our chance on your haunted mansion!

[The car speeds away.]

The farmer [yelling at Ralf and Florian, who cannot hear him anymore]: Haunted mansion?! Who said anything about a haunted mansion?! That place is infested with perverts, sex-freaks and, and... performance artists!!

The farmer [to himself]: Damn those Germans! Must have been a regular bunch of perverts themselves...

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 08:38 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: Inside the hall room of Dieter's mansion. Dieter and Gwyneth and Paltrow are standing next to each other, dressed up as a bride and a groom - exactly as in Dieter's dream. Boris and Wolfgang lurk behind the movie camera, and Chris stands on the background, looking disgruntled.]

Gwyneth: I have to say, this isn't exactly the happiest day of my life.

Dieter: I'm sure it isn't, Ms. Paltrow. But think of it like this: an oyster of the sea can take a hundred years to conceive the perfect pearl of wisdom, and often it is the oldest and worldly-wisest of roosters that lays the goldenest of eggs.

Gwyneth: What the hell are you talking about?

Dieter: Think of your child, Ms. Paltrow.

Gwyneth: My child...

[The sound of a bell is heard.]

Boris: The doorbell!

Dieter: How is that possible? We haven't invited any more guests here!

Boris: I'll go and see.

[Boris leaves the room. There's an awkward silence, as Dieter keeps staring at Gwyneth. Boris returns.]

Boris: Uh, there is someone at the door...

Dieter: Impossible! How did he get through my intricate security system?

Boris: It is not a he, rather than a lady. And she is here to see you, Wolfgang.

Wolfgang: Me?

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 09:54 (nineteen years ago) link

(Suddenly, Peaches bursts through the door, followed by a nervously scurrying Felicity Publicity, holding a clipboard)


Yes, you, motherfucker!

(She presses a button on her MC 505, and we hear a dry rhythm and bassline. There is also a giant hiss, and also the snares seem to be flamming every eight bars)

Grow some hair down there
Are you a boy or a bear?
I'm a diva with a beaver
And you're fresh out of Shiva
With a beaver fuckin cleaver

(Felicity's phone rings)

Felicity: Hello? Awww Lord Sony! How are you? What? Yes. Yes. OK. Yes I know, I tried to... (dispirited) Yes sir. Yes, I'll tell her. Ok. Ok, bye.

moley, Friday, 12 August 2005 10:08 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: Outside the Dieter Maier mansion. Night has fallen, and we see the dark outlines of the mansion in the distance. The minivan has been parked, and Ralf, Florian, Billy, and Jean-Herve stare at the massive, 15 feet wall that surrounds the mansion. Both Ralf and Florian have rucksacks on their back.]

Ralf: Looks like Herr Meier has set up some sort of a protective system to keep off unwanted guests.

Billy: Yes, and it seems to be working quite well. Listen, guys, I appreciate all that you've done for me, but maybe we should just give it up. There's no way we can get inside.

Ralf: Nonsense!

[Ralf picks up a Batmanesque hook pistol from his rucksack and shoots a small hook, followed by a long rope, at the top the wall. The hook sticks.]

Ralf: No laughable Swiss contraptions can stop the true workmanspirit of a German with a mission. Follow me! [Climbs on top of the wall and jumps on the other side.]

Jean-Herve [follows Ralf]: Woo-hee!

Florian [grabs the rope and starts to climb]: Come on, Mr. Martin. [Gives his hand to Billy.] It's you wife and child we're talking about here!

Billy [to himself]: Since we've gotten this far, I guess there's no choice but to follow this tragedy to the bitter end...

[Billy grabs Florian's hand. Together they climb over the wall.]

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 10:41 (nineteen years ago) link

glad to see carlos peron make his entrance.

frenchbloke (frenchbloke), Friday, 12 August 2005 11:33 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: a dimly-lit passageway inside the mansion. Ralf, Florian, and Billy are sneaking through it, talking in low voices.]

Ralf: Getting through the backdoor was almost too easy. There has to be some sort of alert system inside the house as well.

Florian: Stop! [They all stop.] Listen! Do you hear a hum...

Ralf [listens]: Yes. It's almost below the human perception level, but I sense it. Could it be...

[Florian opens his rucksack, and picks up an object that appears to be a spotlight. He points the spotlight into the passageway before them, and turns it on. The object emanates no visible light, but suddenly we can see several thin, previously invisible beams of light crossing the passage in different angles.]

Florian: I knew it! Ralf, do you think you can handle it, or...

Ralf: Yes. It is a good thing I have kept this middle-aged body of mine in perfect shape through rigorous exercise and hundreds of hours of bicycling, so it still functions like a well-oiled Mensch-Maschin. I can do it. If you just point the light for me, Florian.

[Ralf reaches for his rucksack, and picks up a can of talcum powder. He removes his shoes and socks, and applies the powder to his hands and feet. He stretches his legs and arms two times. Then he does an amazing series of jumps, cartwheels and somersaults, leaping through the passageway without touching a single beam of light. He ends up on the other side of the beam grid.]

Ralf: I think there is a switch here. [He pushes something on the wall. The beams disappear.] Yes. Come on through.

Dorian: Excellent.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 11:57 (nineteen years ago) link

I think the finale is right around the corner now... I have to take a break, but if it's okay with you, I'll write it later today.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 11:58 (nineteen years ago) link

no mention of dieter meier's ability to speak in swiss-german which allegedly few people can speak ? although there were promotional yello cycling shorts - no kraftwerk ones though.

frenchbloke (frenchbloke), Friday, 12 August 2005 12:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Huh? German is the most popular language in Switzerland, I've always assumed that's what Dieter and Boris speak. Or did you mean Ralf's ability to speak to the farmer? There's an easy answer to that: as you can see from the script, they were talking English with an German accent, like foreigners always do in Hollywood movies - even when they're speaking with each other.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 13:08 (nineteen years ago) link

[Scene: The Hall Room of the mansion. Peaches is hurriedly barking orders at everyone around her.]

Peaches: You, cameraman! Get me a fucking whiskey and water! What? OK, tell that guys to get it for me. I'm fucking thirsty you assholes!

Makeup! We need more makeup on that blonde bitch in the bikini. I want to brighten her lipstick one shade as well. Where's my drink? Fuck all of you assholes!

[The video shoot has been hastily reassembled creatively. Gwyneth is wearing a green string bikini and a black bridal veil. The words "freak fucker" are scrawled on her stomach in purple lipstick. She is accompanied by a dwarf wearing a pale blue tuxedo, sporting a mohawk that is dyed orange. He is apparently the new groom for the shoot. Chris is standing off to the side, biting his nails and sipping on a glass of water. Dieter and Boris are lurking behind the cameras, stroking their chins]

Boris: I must say, I have great respect for her artistic vision, despite her unorthodox directorial style.

Dieter: Yes. I am finding all of this to be very arousing.

Boris: I thought we were doing fine without her, but she is a difficult person to refuse. Plus, I hate to interfere with creative inspiration that is as fervent as hers.

Dieter: Agreed. Plus, she has a strange hold over Flur. He respects her immensely. This sort of control can only benefit us in the end.

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Friday, 12 August 2005 13:12 (nineteen years ago) link

Whoa! If you want to do a scene with this video shoot, that's cool. I have in my mind outlined one more scene, where Ralf and Florian and Billy find Apple, and then they should get into the great hall (during the video shoot, probably), and then it's time for the finale. I hope no one minds if I do the finale too, because I have it planned already and it should bring all the story threads together.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 12 August 2005 13:25 (nineteen years ago) link

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