Literary Clusterfucks 2013

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Beginning to think maybe a rolling thread might be good. Anyway:

So Alisa Valdes just publishes this memoir about this cowboy of hers and how he's a man's man and now's she's a woman like never before and etc. That link's to Hanna Rosin's review, and she's essentially going " sure?"

And then Valdes publishes this today.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:15 (eleven years ago) link

That said, a lot can happen in two years, especially when you’re in a relationship with a man as complicated and volatile as the cowboy.

j., Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:17 (eleven years ago) link

"what I actually wrote was a handbook for women on how to fall in love with a manipulative, controlling, abusive narcissist."

just what the world needed. like a poke in the eye.

Aimless, Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:32 (eleven years ago) link


mookieproof, Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:35 (eleven years ago) link

"Cowboy up."

jim, Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:44 (eleven years ago) link

none of these people are really writers

― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Friday, June 4, 2010 1:18 PM (2 years ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:49 (eleven years ago) link

wtf @ that whole story

an eagle named "small government" (call all destroyer), Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:50 (eleven years ago) link

polo shirt under a jacket, tho

mookieproof, Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:50 (eleven years ago) link

I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy.
You see by my outfit that I'm a cowboy, too.
We see by these outfits that we are all cowboys.
If you buy a cowboy outfit, you can be a cowboy, too.

Aimless, Thursday, 10 January 2013 01:50 (eleven years ago) link

damn nm I just actually read this shit how f'd up

puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Thursday, 10 January 2013 02:07 (eleven years ago) link

i keep reading her name as alida valli

difficult listening hour, Thursday, 10 January 2013 02:27 (eleven years ago) link


set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 10 January 2013 02:37 (eleven years ago) link

I don't know if we do this around here but there's some srs abuse and sexual assault triggers in Ned's second link

autistic boy is surprisingly good at basketball (silby), Thursday, 10 January 2013 02:47 (eleven years ago) link

it's probably a good thing that she's posting a picture of her rapist on the internet, now we can watch out for him

autistic boy is surprisingly good at basketball (silby), Thursday, 10 January 2013 02:51 (eleven years ago) link

man that's a tough read

goole, Thursday, 10 January 2013 02:51 (eleven years ago) link


buzza, Thursday, 10 January 2013 03:11 (eleven years ago) link

How much you wanna bet that Mr Cowboy is gonna be a MRA talking head

Theodora Celery, Thursday, 10 January 2013 03:49 (eleven years ago) link

In 2001, Valdes emailed a 3400-word resignation letter to her superiors at the Los Angeles Times. The letter was widely circulated on the Internet[ and reprinted in the St. Petersburg Times. In the letter she accused the newspaper of racism and discrimination, especially in its synonymous use of the word "latino" with "Spanish-speaker", a practice she equated to genocide.

buzza, Thursday, 10 January 2013 03:54 (eleven years ago) link

buzza are you suggesting that alisa valdes is hysterical or otherwise to be dismissed

mookieproof, Thursday, 10 January 2013 04:32 (eleven years ago) link

this is not the elizabeth wurtzel thread

buzza, Thursday, 10 January 2013 04:35 (eleven years ago) link

And so, even though I was 43 years old and have Lupus


Una Stubbs' Tears (Trayce), Thursday, 10 January 2013 04:36 (eleven years ago) link

hm prob should have read the whole post of hers before making light. still, this shit brings the whole 50 shades bullshit into its awful, true light.

Una Stubbs' Tears (Trayce), Thursday, 10 January 2013 04:46 (eleven years ago) link

Considering Valdes wrote one of the single most amazing demolitions of a horrible person ever, reading/seeing all this...yeah.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 10 January 2013 05:43 (eleven years ago) link

okay that was awesome. thanks for linking that Ned

set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 10 January 2013 05:48 (eleven years ago) link

still cannot get over her story with the cowboy. so fucked up. I mean, just that it reads so familiarly, is so sad to me.

set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 10 January 2013 05:52 (eleven years ago) link

this is not the elizabeth wurtzel thread

oh, okay then

mookieproof, Thursday, 10 January 2013 05:55 (eleven years ago) link

“An irresistible, post-feminist Taming of the Shrew. Don’t be scared by the premise. This is not a story about a woman relinquishing her identity. Quite the opposite. It is a riveting tale about how a brilliant, strong-minded woman liberated herself from a dreary, male-bashing, reality-denying feminism.”

– Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys; How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men

buzza, Thursday, 10 January 2013 07:24 (eleven years ago) link

a practice she equated to genocide

ugh fuck this, there is like a 100% chance she was referring to cultural genocide, a term used for decades and not meant to imply the actual murder of a group of people

#guy #guy fieri #poop #hallway (zachlyon), Thursday, 10 January 2013 07:25 (eleven years ago) link

buzza, Thursday, 10 January 2013 07:37 (eleven years ago) link

buzza idgi are you trying to damage the credibility of the woman who basically just announced she wrote a book about a man who raped her

autistic boy is surprisingly good at basketball (silby), Thursday, 10 January 2013 07:39 (eleven years ago) link

apparently so?

it's tough when you can only speak in the form of revived threads

mookieproof, Thursday, 10 January 2013 07:53 (eleven years ago) link

seemed like zachylon wanted the context of the wiki quote so i provided it?

buzza, Thursday, 10 January 2013 08:02 (eleven years ago) link

thank you for posting it

she does make a clear distinction between the two types of genocide tho she doesn't mark it with "cultural" or something similar. she does 'equate' the two but that's sort of the idea, while the wiki editor left out any of that context and framed it like "she compared this one tiny linguistic choice with the holocaust", fuck wiki

#guy #guy fieri #poop #hallway (zachlyon), Thursday, 10 January 2013 08:56 (eleven years ago) link


Broken Clock Britain (Noodle Vague), Thursday, 10 January 2013 09:18 (eleven years ago) link

I have a lot of thoughts about this whole thing and also some feelings but none are organized enough to share except for, Jesus, Lady--at least when I did that I didn't write a book about it.

grossly incorrect register (in orbit), Thursday, 10 January 2013 14:49 (eleven years ago) link

considering that one of the major goals of feminism was to protect women from the power imbalances present in domestic relationships, it's not super surprising that valdes' paean to how feminism got romance wrong and how there's something special about a real man turned out to be about an abusive asshole. i don't mean to suggest that she deserves what happened in the least, but there is a sort of irony that the very political principles she decried in the context of this relationship turned out to be especially relevant to her needs.

Mordy, Thursday, 10 January 2013 15:01 (eleven years ago) link

xp On second thought that makes it sound like my experience was as extreme as hers: it was not. I also didn't put it in those terms of submission etc or posit that it revealed anything about how feminism has failed us. And I didn't have to jump out of a moving truck although after getting hit by an actual car frankly I'd take another one of those accidents over another of those relationships.

grossly incorrect register (in orbit), Thursday, 10 January 2013 15:03 (eleven years ago) link

there is a sort of irony that the very political principles she decried in the context of this relationship turned out to be especially relevant to her needs.

It's not like that's a coincidence. She decried them because she was being told to.

grossly incorrect register (in orbit), Thursday, 10 January 2013 15:07 (eleven years ago) link

really want some blogger to try to get a reaction out of christina hoff summers

goole, Thursday, 10 January 2013 15:13 (eleven years ago) link

I usually assume "How I did X and Changed My Life" memoirists are flighty, superficial and unrealistic people, because shit just doesn't work like that. This is a particularly egregious example.

drunk 'n' white's elements of style (Hurting 2), Thursday, 10 January 2013 15:25 (eleven years ago) link

This is a horrible horrible story.

emil.y, Thursday, 10 January 2013 15:40 (eleven years ago) link

btw, I regret my above post, having apparently made it without really reading most of the story in her blog post.

However, the blog post is now gone.

drunk 'n' white's elements of style (Hurting 2), Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:44 (eleven years ago) link


goole, Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:44 (eleven years ago) link

this just got a little clusterfuckier

drunk 'n' white's elements of style (Hurting 2), Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:46 (eleven years ago) link

without the followup blog post this is kind of incoherent

she wrote a fluffy romance novel that seems to spend half its time scolding modern feminism, then revealed that the man she was writing about raped and abused her and (this is where things are fuzzy to me) the whole novel was a double-feint?

Solange Knowles is my hero (DJP), Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:52 (eleven years ago) link

it's a memior!

goole, Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:53 (eleven years ago) link


so, replace "romance novel" with "memoir"; is the rest accurate?

Solange Knowles is my hero (DJP), Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:54 (eleven years ago) link


Ned Raggett, Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:54 (eleven years ago) link


Solange Knowles is my hero (DJP), Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:55 (eleven years ago) link

Given some of the things she was also saying about her publisher I wonder if that had something to do with it.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:55 (eleven years ago) link

Logies have only been open voting for a decade or so, you used to have to spend $2.95 on the form and 37¢ on the stamp, at least

(so they were rigged by publicists instead of the public)

Any organisation’s membership giving awards, contrarily, is a completely normal and reasonable process for awards. And rarely results in a significantly more demented slate than one which has juried noms and attendee voting tbf.

(I have no opinion about the recipients of any of them in the last 8 years except that two went to a friend and those ones are, unrelatedly, good and justified. if tipsy wants to call for the awards to be scrapped bcz he has now heard of them four times, not twice, in eleven years, go ahead tho)

bae (sic), Monday, 19 February 2024 09:34 (five months ago) link

all awards are bad

Daniel_Rf, Monday, 19 February 2024 09:45 (five months ago) link

thread winner

mark s, Monday, 19 February 2024 09:49 (five months ago) link

Historic Hugos (and Nebulas) award winners still a dece enough guide to the best in the genre for newbies.

Ward Fowler, Monday, 19 February 2024 10:02 (five months ago) link

if tipsy wants to call for the awards to be scrapped bcz he has now heard of them four times, not twice, in eleven years, go ahead tho

I dived into the whole sad puppies thing when it was going on — which ran for like five years, didn't it? — and now obviously this whole China debacle. All of which suggest — to, yes, somebody who doesn't pay much attention or attach any particular significance to the Hugos — that there are some organizational/structural issues or vulnerabilities. I don't care if it gets scrapped or not, but it looks like they're going to have some work to do to re-establish whatever credibility they had.

a man often referred to in the news media as the Duke of Saxony (tipsy mothra), Monday, 19 February 2024 15:12 (five months ago) link

There are probably 50 different awards for SF writing given out yearly, but the only ones most people know of or care about are the Nebulas and the Hugos. That's why the Sad Weirdos tried to hijack the awards in the first place. It makes more sense to replace whoever was making censorship decisions in this case than to get rid of a fan voted award entirely.

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Monday, 19 February 2024 15:21 (five months ago) link

all awards are bad

The Golden Ratio of SF Awards is 90%

The Ginger Bakersfield Sound (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 20 February 2024 17:20 (five months ago) link

two months pass...

NY Times is leaning toward mean takedowns: Alexandra Jacobs on Anne Lamott and Ducks, Newburyport's Lucy Ellmann on Danielle Dutton.

paisley got boring (Eazy), Friday, 26 April 2024 15:27 (three months ago) link

where's the takedown of Ducks?

symsymsym, Friday, 26 April 2024 15:48 (three months ago) link

no the author of Ducks (Ellmann) published a much-maligned takedown of Dutton

sean gramophone, Friday, 26 April 2024 15:53 (three months ago) link

Ducking A!

sarahell, Friday, 26 April 2024 15:58 (three months ago) link

well I read that punctuation incorrectly. I thought everyone loved Ducks! (The Canadian graphic novel)

symsymsym, Friday, 26 April 2024 15:58 (three months ago) link

just because you can write a book doesn't mean you can review a book

the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Friday, 26 April 2024 16:16 (three months ago) link

^underrated REO Speedwagon album

ain't nothin but a brie thing, baby (Neanderthal), Friday, 26 April 2024 16:16 (three months ago) link

one month passes...

jfc the quotes in this thread

I read the book. It is on Kindle Unlimited, which I already have a free trial of, so I didn't pay money for it. Strap in, this is going to take a while. To start with, a big chunk of the book is Sam recapping Black Like Me & other journalists who did Blackface.

— Shayna 🇵🇸✡️🏳️‍🌈🏳️ (@greycoupon) June 1, 2024

mookieproof, Monday, 3 June 2024 05:07 (one month ago) link

"I am a visionary writer"

this dude is a fifth-tier journo who wanted to make a splash and then jumped into the ocean without knowing how to swim

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Monday, 3 June 2024 05:23 (one month ago) link

"In Chicago, good writers don't take the L"

oh you're taking the L alright

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Monday, 3 June 2024 05:24 (one month ago) link

he deleted all of the inflammatory shit he tweeted at the NAACP

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Monday, 3 June 2024 05:27 (one month ago) link

oh my goooooooooooood

Institutional racism (the anti-Black variety) is effectively dead," Forster concludes in the book. "Most of what's left of racism in this country are the few, socially narrow opportunities for soft interpersonal racism: shoulder racism."

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Monday, 3 June 2024 05:31 (one month ago) link

Holy crap I'd heard about this book but the content is risible. Unless it is one massive troll at the left or wokism or something?

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Monday, 3 June 2024 06:01 (one month ago) link

perish the thought

subpost master (wins), Monday, 3 June 2024 06:07 (one month ago) link

it reads like an extremely blunt parody of a delusional culture warrior, but also not a funny one.

Thanks to this book, I now fear picking up hitchhikers, worried they might be narcissistic white men in disguise.

— Lana Del Gay (@HotCommieWife) May 30, 2024

Andrew Farrell, Monday, 3 June 2024 06:23 (one month ago) link

everything about this book sounds terrible ofc, but that tweet isn't great either

imago, Monday, 3 June 2024 08:22 (one month ago) link

Go on, then...

Andrew Farrell, Monday, 3 June 2024 08:52 (one month ago) link

That tweet is great, wtf?

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Monday, 3 June 2024 10:36 (one month ago) link

This is a lazy and bad tweet

Saxophone Of Futility (Michael B), Monday, 3 June 2024 11:02 (one month ago) link

this 'clusterfuck' seems almost precision-engineered to symbiotically feed the cycle of unfunny drag his white ass twitter-voice twitter while elevating its admittedly pathetic progenitor to minor notoriety, all of it is worthless

imago, Monday, 3 June 2024 11:11 (one month ago) link

clusterfucks of worth: that ellmann review of dutton seems pleasingly pointed. i will have to fish my copy of Ducks, Newburyport off the shelf soon

imago, Monday, 3 June 2024 11:23 (one month ago) link


The blackface book was already notorious before that tweet thread. It was just confirming that the writer was a right wing troll.

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Monday, 3 June 2024 12:13 (one month ago) link

exactly, just ignore this shit. so how about that Ellmann eh? eh??

imago, Monday, 3 June 2024 12:18 (one month ago) link

Alexandra Jacobs is a great reviewer (with both stuff she likes and stuff she doesn't) and it's good to see her get noticed on this thread

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 3 June 2024 13:43 (one month ago) link

Super bleak out of Samoa - poet/academic Caroline Sinavaiana-Gabbard murdered by novelist Sia Fiegel:

etc, Monday, 3 June 2024 20:51 (one month ago) link

fucking hell :/

imago, Monday, 3 June 2024 21:17 (one month ago) link

That feels a little too big for this thread. Horrible.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Monday, 3 June 2024 21:24 (one month ago) link


butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Monday, 3 June 2024 22:16 (one month ago) link

And the murdered poet was Tulsi Gabbard’s aunt?

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Monday, 3 June 2024 22:40 (one month ago) link

Sort of pissed me off that in that news story about her brutal murder there was a big color picture of her niece, like please, at this moment, let her be herself and not Tulsi Gabbard's aunt??!?!?

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 3 June 2024 23:39 (one month ago) link

Anyone give a shit about this baillie gifford thing, me neither

subpost master (wins), Sunday, 9 June 2024 11:15 (one month ago) link

So many melts trying to shame the protestors.

guillotine vogue (suzy), Sunday, 9 June 2024 11:29 (one month ago) link

Yeah the observer aka melt central is handwringing about it today

We have a bg-sponsored literary festival here in Cambridge, it’s basically shit like “David walliams in conversation with nick clegg” I’m sure literature will survive this lads

subpost master (wins), Sunday, 9 June 2024 11:43 (one month ago) link

I have many publishing friends/colleagues who are making very anxious ‘look at what you stupids did, now nobody will subsidise our festivals and they will dieeeeeeee’ but at all of these festivals they seem to have forgotten (probably because most of them are in salaried jobs) that everyone is making bank but the authors, who are usually not paid despite attracting audiences, and fobbed off with dinner and a hotel room instead of an appearance fee. Priorities!

guillotine vogue (suzy), Sunday, 9 June 2024 12:55 (one month ago) link

You have to be pretty morally decrepit to be like "oh no the genocide/climate disaster enablers won't fund our festivals anymore" with a straight face. So much for engagé literature I guess.

Daniel_Rf, Sunday, 9 June 2024 14:27 (one month ago) link

To the people that go to these the important thing is being able to go to a debate on whether genocide is in fact good or bad, and also tote bags

subpost master (wins), Sunday, 9 June 2024 17:24 (one month ago) link

Looking at this and from twitter I am inferring that a lot of transphobic talking points are given respectability in literary fests.

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 11:26 (one month ago) link

three weeks pass...

This Alice Munro story may be too terrible for this thread, I don't know, not sure where else to put it. Jesus, it's ... shockingly awful. I mean by now I'd think I couldn't be shocked by great artists doing bad things, but who would have picked Alice Munro?

It's being discussed in What's so great about Alice Munro?

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 8 July 2024 02:04 (two weeks ago) link

Ah, ILB. Always forget to look there.

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