― anthony, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Nick, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Omar, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
But, I believe that most his thought was corrupted into some of the greatest evils of the 20th century. That's just my free market capitalist POV though. He seems too much of an idealist for my liking, Marxism just isn't practical, too dogmatic.
― jel, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― The Dirty Vicar, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Andrew L, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― mark s, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
N.B. This isn't true.
― Bill, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Mark Morris, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
Just to further the Nicky Wire imitations.
Marx's theories are all corrupted now, they were never clearly defined and as thus they were abused: even a clearly defined theory is going to be abused by those who see how to abuse it; one that is not laid out letter by letter is going to be abused even further. That's all I have to say about Marx.
― Ally, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Sterling Clover, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― tracer Hand, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Tim, Monday, 13 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― anthony, Tuesday, 14 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
― Josh, Tuesday, 14 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link
I like Dr pepper.
― Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Tuesday, 11 March 2003 13:21 (twenty-one years ago) link
― athos magnani (Cozen), Thursday, 13 November 2003 21:52 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Broheems (diamond), Thursday, 13 November 2003 21:54 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Thursday, 13 November 2003 23:39 (twenty-one years ago) link
― athos magnani (Cozen), Thursday, 13 November 2003 23:43 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Thursday, 13 November 2003 23:44 (twenty-one years ago) link
oh, and I have grown a beard but it's more a lenin, not a marx one. but i have time to work on it.
― Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Thursday, 13 November 2003 23:48 (twenty-one years ago) link
oh and, marx is classic, obv.
engels did more than pay marx's bills?
― athos magnani (Cozen), Thursday, 13 November 2003 23:50 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 13 November 2003 23:57 (twenty-one years ago) link
Karl Marx, Capital, opened at random at Chapter 8, The Working Day
― Momus (Momus), Friday, 14 November 2003 00:28 (twenty-one years ago) link
― sucka (sucka), Friday, 14 November 2003 03:38 (twenty-one years ago) link
Oh but and Classic it is very sad the way academia treats marx today although I could just be getting a slanted picture of it all (fuck you Arts and Letters Daily! why isn't there a site just like you that isn't edited by a complete dickhead!?)
― Dan I., Friday, 14 November 2003 06:47 (twenty-one years ago) link
― dan I., Friday, 14 November 2003 06:51 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Justyn Dillingham (Justyn Dillingham), Friday, 14 November 2003 07:13 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Dan I., Friday, 14 November 2003 07:41 (twenty-one years ago) link
We have to restructure or the company will die!!
― enrique (Enrique), Friday, 14 November 2003 10:22 (twenty-one years ago) link
― dave q, Friday, 14 November 2003 11:31 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 14 November 2003 12:18 (twenty-one years ago) link
― enrique (Enrique), Friday, 14 November 2003 12:21 (twenty-one years ago) link
― dave q, Friday, 14 November 2003 12:41 (twenty-one years ago) link
― enrique (Enrique), Friday, 14 November 2003 12:42 (twenty-one years ago) link
― dave q, Friday, 14 November 2003 12:45 (twenty-one years ago) link
― enrique (Enrique), Friday, 14 November 2003 12:46 (twenty-one years ago) link
― dave q, Friday, 14 November 2003 12:47 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Momus (Momus), Friday, 14 November 2003 13:15 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 14 November 2003 13:47 (twenty-one years ago) link
― dave q, Friday, 14 November 2003 13:49 (twenty-one years ago) link
― -Bruno, Friday, 14 November 2003 23:52 (twenty-one years ago) link
― Dan I. (Dan I.), Tuesday, 4 May 2004 07:42 (twenty years ago) link
― fcussen (Burger), Friday, 13 August 2004 19:25 (twenty years ago) link
Marxism as political, social, and esthetic systems= dud.
― Michael White (Hereward), Friday, 13 August 2004 19:38 (twenty years ago) link
tbf this kind of thing has been extensively thrashed out in adorno vs. kracauer/benjamin and the rich literature following them, all of which depends on having marx as (one) starting point, so we might not really be able to talk about it without marx. but i still think the point stands that the "manifesto" and "capital" are two different works, and if you gripe about the convoluted academic prose in the one that's aimed at a convoluted academic conversation, as evidence that he couldn't relate to the working class, i feel like that needs to be supplemented in the ways that have been asked for upthread: which specific points in the theory would be different if he did not have as much privilege (however much it was)? why? the language is also convoluted because it's translated from german, of course, but it's fair to say that when he wanted to write in a different register he could. i've been reading marshal berman's /all that is solid melts into air/ and he's otm about the lyricism and rhetorical force of the manifesto, which now sounds like MLK to my ears.not sure we really need another "soviet union C/D?" discussion but i will go ahead and call any regime that kills tens of millions of people a failure, versus the admittedly external, a priori standard of "murder is bad." that applies whether its initial stated goal is "we will create a socialist utopia" or "we will kill tens of millions of people." we can argue about the causality of that failure as much as any other ("did the electric car fail because of conspiring powerful interests or because the technology wasn't there?") but surely it was a failure. not sure that has much bearing on marx though since the history of the 20th century suggests a range of other common denominators for mass murder at this scale, of which the development of totalitarian bureaucratic states looms largest.
― got the scuba tube blowin' like a snork (Doctor Casino), Monday, 17 September 2018 13:31 (six years ago) link
good points Doc
― wayne trotsky (Simon H.), Monday, 17 September 2018 13:34 (six years ago) link
what I meant is that ideas about fx the dictatorship of the proletariat seem free flying fantasy compared to Marx' economic analysis
― niels, Monday, 17 September 2018 14:07 (six years ago) link
a relevant point about the style and prose of Capital is that it's actually relatively accessible, despite clearly written for an academic audience. he throws in lots of little witticisms and jokes, some of which i had to read a footnote to understand because they were inside-19th-century-philosopher-jokes, but still. generally it is difficult to read because of the ideas it contains (and the concepts that require defining, at least for me) rather than the way in which he wrote it, and that comes through even via translation.
― Karl Malone, Monday, 17 September 2018 14:47 (six years ago) link
thesis 11: marx/engels are the lennon/mccartney to hegel's elvis. sober or otherwise i prefer the hits to their deep cuts
― reggie (qualmsley), Monday, 17 September 2018 14:57 (six years ago) link
class conflict as historical model showing a lot fewer cracks these days than, say, newtonian mechanics
― difficult listening hour, Monday, September 17, 2018 4:09 AM (seven hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
this is a weird thing to say. newtonian mechanics is as essential as quantum or relativistic mechanics. they apply under different conditions.
― crüt, Monday, 17 September 2018 19:33 (six years ago) link
This was in the lobby of a chain hotel I stayed in
― abcfsk, Tuesday, 18 September 2018 05:23 (six years ago) link
The internet has done so much damage we can never know or measure.
― A is for (Aimless), Tuesday, 18 September 2018 05:44 (six years ago) link
so just coming from watching the first episode of the norm macdonald has a show show and i couldn't help but notice david letterman is looking more like a malnourished karl marx
― F# A# (∞), Tuesday, 18 September 2018 06:15 (six years ago) link
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the question. If you're asking whether he accounts for the fact that machines increase productivity and enable the same person working for the same number of hours to produce more goods, yes, of course he does. But I doubt that he would frame it as "labor-saving."― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Saturday, September 15, 2018 9:26 PM (two days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Saturday, September 15, 2018 9:26 PM (two days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
labor-saving is like, it used to take 3 capital and 3 labor to produce one unit of output, but with new technology it takes 2 machines and 1 hour of work. both became more productive but labor has a smaller relative increase in marginal productivity along constant factor shares. so in the long-run, output relies on a tiny sliver of labour relative to capital, and the wage rate relative to the return on capital goes to zero. there's parts of marx where he sounds very labor-saving. for example, from wage labor and capital:
But we have already seen that, with every advance in the use of machinery, the constant component of capital, that part which consists of machinery, raw material, etc., increases, while the variable component, the part laid out in labour-power, decreases.
tbc, i asked because you said
one thing that strikes me a lot now is how bad a lot of the common criticisms of Marx's theories are, like I'll see one tossed off by some purported economist or political scientist and I'll think, "Um, no, he addresses that a few chapters into Vol 1."
and 'marx thought technology was labor-saving' is a common criticism of marx often tossed off by purported economists :)
― flopson, Thursday, 20 September 2018 20:56 (six years ago) link
Quite a few Capital reading groups springing up lol
Time for quarantine Capital reading groups.https://t.co/M9XTfhol3n— Prada-Meinhof (@Prada_Meinhof) April 8, 2020
― xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 12:14 (four years ago) link
Grimes in Los Angeles today.Photography by Jvshvisions pic.twitter.com/b2kemGSYhU— GRIMES CHARTS (@GrimezszCharts) October 2, 2021
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 3 October 2021 09:35 (three years ago) link
some cool ideas in the communist manifesto but i’m more into crypto gaming UBI pic.twitter.com/u0BdNH4tmV— james hennessy (@jrhennessy) October 3, 2021
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 3 October 2021 15:31 (three years ago) link
thats right
― mark s, Sunday, 3 October 2021 15:35 (three years ago) link
Wasn't gamer UBI the plot to one of the first Black Mirror episodes
― papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 3 October 2021 17:15 (three years ago) link
Marx: Vampire capitalism “Capital is dead labour, which, vampire like lives only by sucking living labor”Economics research: “After a plasma center opens nearby, demand for payday loans falls by over 13% among young borrowers.” https://t.co/qO0gr620fM— Albert Pinto (@70sBachchan) August 20, 2024
― xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 20 August 2024 16:33 (five months ago) link
Damn, we're getting ripped off. My wife gives it for free!
― H.P, Wednesday, 21 August 2024 00:07 (five months ago) link
I could never be a blood donor, too squeamish
I thought about doing a single bone marrow donation so I can say I did my part, but I'm not sure how that works... I have no idea what my blood type is, tbh
― Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 21 August 2024 00:48 (five months ago) link
Ironically, the payday loan business itself is a 10x better illustration of that quote than the plasma bank.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Wednesday, 21 August 2024 00:53 (five months ago) link
in the current LRB adam tooze writes
If we are to achieve an energy transition, it will not follow a familiar timetable. It must mark a fundamental break with an otherwise irresistible logic of accumulation. It doesn’t require unanimity or consensus. It doesn’t require that no one is left behind. What it does require is a powerful coalition to impose its will, to make history in the most radical sense. It is hard not to be reminded of the contrast drawn by Marx between, on the one hand, our existing state of ‘prehistory’, in which we live in a confused turmoil, buffeted by contradictory social forces that we glimpse only through the distorting lens of ideology, and, on the other, the promise of an era of autonomous history-making to come, in which humanity will direct its destiny. As Fressoz describes it, a true energy transition would require nothing less.
― Tracer Hand, Friday, 24 January 2025 20:09 (two weeks ago) link
What it does require is a powerful coalition to impose its will, to make history in the most radical sense.
There is nothing new about a small group with control over the necessary resources using its power to impose their will on a society - and imposing their will on its neighbors, too. What would be exceptional would be if this were done for any motive other than a desire to increase that group's wealth and power over society.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 24 January 2025 20:45 (two weeks ago) link
xp I couldn't find any passages by Marx himself that spell out that view of "autonomous history-making" quite so explicitly, but passages by Engels are fairly easy to find:
With the seizing of the means of production by society, production of commodities is done away with, and, simultaneously, the mastery of the product over the producer. Anarchy in social production is replaced by systematic, definite organization. The struggle for individual existence disappears. Then, for the first time, man, in a certain sense, is finally marked off from the rest of the animal kingdom, and emerges from mere animal conditions of existence into really human ones. The whole sphere of the conditions of life which environ man, and which have hitherto ruled man, now comes under the dominion and control of man, who for the first time becomes the real, conscious lord of nature, because he has now become master of his own social organization. The laws of his own social action, hitherto standing face-to-face with man as laws of Nature foreign to, and dominating him, will then be used with full understanding, and so mastered by him. Man's own social organization, hitherto confronting him as a necessity imposed by Nature and history, now becomes the result of his own free action. The extraneous objective forces that have, hitherto, governed history, pass under the control of man himself. Only from that time will man himself, more and more consciously, make his own history - only from that time will the social causes set in movement by him have, in the main and in a constantly growing measure, the results intended by him. It is the ascent of man from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom.
- Frederick Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
― o. nate, Friday, 24 January 2025 20:54 (two weeks ago) link
hell yes that’s the stuff
― Tracer Hand, Friday, 24 January 2025 21:05 (two weeks ago) link
The whole sphere of the conditions of life which environ man, and which have hitherto ruled man, now comes under the dominion and control of man, who for the first time becomes the real, conscious lord of nature
Reads like a bad parody of 19th century triumphalism.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Saturday, 25 January 2025 03:54 (two weeks ago) link
In other news https://www.instagram.com/p/DFFn5F1svj5/?igsh=MWM1Z3ozMXhwcW9tcw==
― Glower, Disruption & Pies (kingfish), Saturday, 25 January 2025 04:07 (two weeks ago) link
If we are to achieve an energy transition, it will not follow a familiar timetable. It must mark a fundamental break with an otherwise irresistible logic of accumulation
95% of electricity produced in france is from sources that don’t emit carbon. they didn’t fundamentally break with the logic of accumulation (whatever that means..) they just didn’t have a big anti-nuclear movement so they still have reactors providing 75% and so a modest increase in solar and wind got them close to 100%
― flopson, Saturday, 25 January 2025 05:03 (two weeks ago) link
i feel like all of history is crises happening and humanity just muddling through shittily. the fantasy that what we need is to all snap out of it and act decisively to seize our destiny seems naive
― flopson, Saturday, 25 January 2025 05:06 (two weeks ago) link
That reading has its own naivities too.
― xyzzzz__, Saturday, 25 January 2025 08:06 (two weeks ago) link
france was able to achieve that by, like much/all of the west, simply offshoring the production of much of its material needs. it’s not just electricity production that requires oil, coal and gas. i read somewhere lately that china has produced more concrete and steel construction in the last 20 years than all other countries in history combined.anyway the whole piece is here - https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v47/n01/adam-tooze/trouble-transitioningi can understand being uneasy around engels’ talk of humans having “dominion” over the earth but i read it more as the goal being humans having dominion over themselves. we all agree that the public school system needs help but none of us seem to be able to do anything about it. wars break out, there is a climate emergency, and even the most powerful people on earth seem to only dimly or partially grasp at the outlines to solutions. when we will start acting like grown ups?
― Tracer Hand, Sunday, 26 January 2025 15:25 (two weeks ago) link
when will we realise that we are all brothers and sisters?
― Tracer Hand, Sunday, 26 January 2025 15:26 (two weeks ago) link
france was able to achieve that by, like much/all of the west, simply offshoring the production of much of its material needs
that's actually not true. consumption-based emissions (which account for carbon emitted in imports) in france declined from 9t tons to about 6t tons in 2022, larger than the reduction in territorial inputs (https://ourworldindata.org/consumption-based-co2). consumption-based emissions are larger in absolute terms than territorial emissions, but the gap has been flat or shrinking, not widening, over the last 20 years
(however, in my previous post i was only talking about electricity, not total emissions. france imports some electricity but is actually a net exporter of electricity. it's actually the largest exporter of electricity in europe by a comfortable margin https://www.ans.org/news/article-5844/france-leads-europe-as-largest-2023-energy-exporter/)
it’s not just electricity production that requires oil, coal and gas. i read somewhere lately that china has produced more concrete and steel construction in the last 20 years than all other countries in history combined.
they're also burning more coal than the rest of the world combined, and building more coal plants (around 95% of all new coal plants, singlehandedly pushing estimated peak coal out to 2027 now per the IEA), at the same time as they're building more solar and wind capacity than the rest of the world combined lol. and that's a country where, at least politically, there's nothing stopping the ccp elite from fundamentally breaking with the logic of accumulation and doing a hard pivot to clean energy; no other country has as strong a hand in the market
energy transition is weird. in 2024 texas installed more solar capacity than the rest of the united states combined (also leading in new installed wind capacity), installing about 8 times more than california, where there is a lot more democratic will to break the logic of accumulation for environmental means. texas isn't building solar and wind because they're green, but because it's a cheap source of energy (falling from 100$ per watt in the seventies to pennies today)... which is why trump is passing executive orders to ban it
― flopson, Sunday, 26 January 2025 19:06 (two weeks ago) link
ok - so do you think tooze is wrong? that we actually have done real energy transitions in the past, dispensing with old forms of energy production in favour of new ones, and that we can use those transitions as a guide for how we might accomplish what we need to accomplish as a planet?
― Tracer Hand, Sunday, 26 January 2025 20:17 (two weeks ago) link
― sarahell, Sunday, 26 January 2025 20:27 (two weeks ago) link
That doesn’t seem like a very good guide tho
― sarahell, Sunday, 26 January 2025 20:28 (two weeks ago) link
my reading from the excerpt was that he's saying *all* energy transitions are disruptive and don't follow a familiar pattern, so why would this one
― budo jeru, Sunday, 26 January 2025 23:30 (two weeks ago) link
maybe not. actually, i realized i don't care, so count me out of this convo if you haven't already
― budo jeru, Sunday, 26 January 2025 23:32 (two weeks ago) link
new board description lol
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 27 January 2025 09:19 (two weeks ago) link
france was able to achieve that by, like much/all of the west, simply offshoring the production of much of its material needs. it’s not just electricity production that requires oil, coal and gas. i read somewhere lately that china has produced more concrete and steel construction in the last 20 years than all other countries in history combined.anyway the whole piece is here - https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v47/n01/adam-tooze/trouble-transitioning
anyway the whole piece is here - https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v47/n01/adam-tooze/trouble-transitioning
This fact appears in that very same article you link to (and FWIW I mentioned this in the LRB thread)
― Critique of the Goth Programme (Neil S), Monday, 27 January 2025 09:24 (two weeks ago) link
oh yeah duh.i’m very interested to understand your POV here flopson because you obviously have some expertise. it just seems to me like it’s beside the point if this country or that country have reduced emissions, if, in toto, the planet is burning more coal than it ever has before. it doesn’t feel like we’ve “transitioned” from coal
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 27 January 2025 10:51 (two weeks ago) link
when will we realise that we are all brothers and sisters?― Tracer Hand
― Tracer Hand
what i hate is that if i say "well hold on non-binary people exist too" i sound like a scold and i don't say it that way, it's just one of the challenges of... we're all so different that even words can be hard, sometimes.
― Kate (rushomancy), Monday, 27 January 2025 18:25 (two weeks ago) link
happy to add one! equally happy to call you a brother and a sister - whatever it takes!
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 27 January 2025 19:14 (two weeks ago) link
Are the “marxist equity programs” actually Marxist?
― sarahell, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 18:40 (one week ago) link
and can I extract my Marxist equity during my lifetime using a Marxist reverse mortgage?
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 29 January 2025 18:44 (one week ago) link
ok - so do you think tooze is wrong? that we actually have done real energy transitions in the past, dispensing with old forms of energy production in favour of new ones, and that we can use those transitions as a guide for how we might accomplish what we need to accomplish as a planet?― Tracer Hand, Sunday, 26 January 2025 15:17 (five days ago) bookmarkflaglink
― Tracer Hand, Sunday, 26 January 2025 15:17 (five days ago) bookmarkflaglink
like on some level tooze can’t be wrong. it’s tautologically true that, if the whole world snapped into unison tomorrow and delivered a loud clear democratic demand for forceful action on climate, and policy makers listened, we’d figure shit out
but it doesn’t feel like a good diagnosis of where things are at, and where climate progress is likely to come from at (to use one of tooze’s favorite phrases) The Current Impasse 😎
sadly, democratic will is often against doing anything (in canada our carbon tax is deeply unpopular and repealing it now has tripartisan support), deployment of clean energy infrastructure is running up against the “small-c” conservation strain of the environmental movement that use nimby-like tactics to delay or block development of solar in places like california, and to a large extent the future global carbon emissions path isnt about how far rich western countries decarbonize, but what energy mix countries like china and india will pursue. its still good to democratically agitate for climate action, but as a matter of global political economy i think he’s kind of lost the plot
― flopson, Friday, 31 January 2025 20:06 (one week ago) link
I'm not sure Tooze meant a democratic process. Not really sure what he meant. This is kind of suggestive but vague:
It doesn’t require unanimity or consensus. It doesn’t require that no one is left behind. What it does require is a powerful coalition to impose its will, to make history in the most radical sense.
It sounds more like Marxist cosplay than a workable roadmap.
― o. nate, Friday, 31 January 2025 20:55 (one week ago) link
The burger reveals that there are two types of people, in the end: First are those who believe that a technologically complex society is impossible without these horrors or, at the very least, without the continual threat of starvation imposed by the artificial scarcity of basic necessities. In other words, they earnestly believe that people will not work at all unless compelled to on threat of death, and that this alone justifies social domination as the necessary stimulus for the creation of any social surplus whatsoever. Second are those who know that the entire history of humanity demonstrates the exact opposite to be true—that domination is not a necessity but is instead a vast and violent social ritual imposed on people by people and that it can therefore also be overthrown by people. The rule of the burger is, in the end, just as natural or necessary as the divine right of kings. In other words, a technologically complex society capable of producing material abundance (in fact, luxury) for all is perfectly possible and it can be administered deliberatively by all the members of this society without threatening the majority of the world’s population with starvation, and without subjecting millions across the planet to medieval horrors in order to secure the comfort of a chosen few. Moreover, all of this can be done with less energy than we use now, with a smaller material footprint, and on less land put to better use rehabilitating the metabolism of the human species with its environment.19 But creating such a future requires first recognizing that the point of social struggle is not to work for the burger, to eat the burger, to strike to increase the labor share of income and guarantee more burgers for more workers, or even to seize all the burgers and place them under the control of the workers. The point is to unmake the very way that the burger itself is made. And this future can only be secured through a protracted war waged against the hamburger as it currently exists, against its defenders, and against its false critics.
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 2 February 2025 09:36 (one week ago) link
Too many burgers in this piece but the goal has always been the above.
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 2 February 2025 09:39 (one week ago) link
I got some impossible chicken nuggets the other day and they were pretty good!
― sarahell, Sunday, 2 February 2025 16:37 (one week ago) link
a technologically complex society capable of producing material abundance (in fact, luxury) for all is perfectly possible and it can be administered deliberatively by all the members of this society
First half of that is demonstrably true. It's the second half where everything tends to fall to the ground.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Sunday, 2 February 2025 19:29 (one week ago) link