On Bacevich and Bill Withers:
― TOMBOT, Thursday, 27 November 2008 07:04 (fifteen years ago) link
I mean if you go on his blog right now and just keep reading you don't really run into anything that sucks. I fuckin' love this guy.
― TOMBOT, Thursday, 27 November 2008 07:09 (fifteen years ago) link
otm great dude & ive noticed that he tends to really know what hes talking about when hes posting assertive and be pretty modest when he's on uncertain terrain vs. cocky overconfidence of say a andrew sullivan
― deej, Thursday, 27 November 2008 08:28 (fifteen years ago) link
yeah he's definitely not from britain
― TOMBOT, Thursday, 27 November 2008 08:33 (fifteen years ago) link
His great article about playing WoW at 30.http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1577502,00.html
― Mordy, Thursday, 27 November 2008 08:38 (fifteen years ago) link
Adding to all that, and a lot of his commenters are sharp folks as well (and yeah I've commented there but I wasn't meaning me, dammit).
― Ned Raggett, Thursday, 27 November 2008 13:35 (fifteen years ago) link
dig this guy
― BIG HOOS is those british white steens (BIG HOOS aka the steendriver), Thursday, 27 November 2008 14:21 (fifteen years ago) link
If you are writing columns on the president-elect of the greatest power in world history, who happens to be black and you can't even bother to crack his memoir, than you are more than Leeroy Jenkins. You do not simply fail in epic manner, but more like Palin, Couric and "all of them," like M.C. Hammer hounded by creditors. You are Plaxico at the bar, shooting yourself with your own gun. And in so doing, you ascend to the 37th chamber--the chamber of intergalactic fail. All bow before the master.
complete and absolute five-point stuck-landing DORK KLANG on all levels
― TOMBOT, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 07:34 (fifteen years ago) link
I think tom has a cruuuuush
― :) Mrs Edward Cullen XD (max), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 13:01 (fifteen years ago) link
Btw coates is great--he used to do a lot of stuff for the voice and I remember keeping an eye out for his name
― :) Mrs Edward Cullen XD (max), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 13:02 (fifteen years ago) link
ive seen an older article chronicling crouch-related lols by him as well.
― deej, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 13:13 (fifteen years ago) link
major loss of points for making me read mcardle today, jesus christ how in the world does she still rate a job writing about anything
― El Tomboto, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 21:56 (fifteen years ago) link
― BIG WORLD HOOS. WEBSTEEN. (BIG HOOS aka the steendriver), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 22:01 (fifteen years ago) link
yeah i love this dude even if he is a cowboys fan.
― horseshoe, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 22:09 (fifteen years ago) link
lol dude get over yrself
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 18:58 (twelve years ago) link
Needs more context, I presume.
― Aimless, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:07 (twelve years ago) link
lol you
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:08 (twelve years ago) link
Enh, dude's just giving himself a spacer before dumping on the dead.
― Spleen of Hearts (kingfish), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:08 (twelve years ago) link
well if you read him, and i am a fan, he just will not stop w/these calls for thoughtfulness which is really something thats better demonstrated than talked about
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:10 (twelve years ago) link
i mean if you want to take some time to think abt something theres absolutely no need to tweet abt it, except that maybe you think youre making some sort of statement
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:12 (twelve years ago) link
He's calling for circumspection which is fine, especially in light of the character of the defunct
― pareilles à celles auxquelles l'étiquette de la cour assujettit (Michael White), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:12 (twelve years ago) link
I mean, it's not like he's _not_ going to unload on the stiff at some point.
― Spleen of Hearts (kingfish), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:14 (twelve years ago) link
if you want to call for circumspection that one thing, a fairly substance free presumptuous thing, but what he was doing is passing off his judgment of the situation as some sort of personal journey, im just gonna go think man, here is me tweeting abt thinking deeply
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:15 (twelve years ago) link
I read this guy and sometimes he has good things to say, but ice cr?m otm
― iatee, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:15 (twelve years ago) link
i love ta-nehisi coates, but twitter is not for everyone
― horseshoe, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:16 (twelve years ago) link
tbf he takes this stance constantly on his blog
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:17 (twelve years ago) link
which i think is v good except for this thing that is irritating and lame
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:18 (twelve years ago) link
but i guess isn't the thing that TNC has a bunch of followers who are expecting him to be posting about Breitbart, so he's kind of saying 'yes i know about this but i need to think it through before i write AS SHOULD YOU btw', like, there's an element of i-am-on-top-of-this-news but also i-am-representing-well-reasoned-thought
― inspector george gentlyfallingblood (c sharp major), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:19 (twelve years ago) link
I think he's whistling at his readers that he knows Brietbart's dead and the reason he hasn't written anything about it yet is 'cause he hasn't gotten the smile off of his face yet.
― pareilles à celles auxquelles l'étiquette de la cour assujettit (Michael White), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:19 (twelve years ago) link
i am representing well reasoned thought w/o actually demonstrating it is the problem
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:20 (twelve years ago) link
How much was the retainer?
― pareilles à celles auxquelles l'étiquette de la cour assujettit (Michael White), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:20 (twelve years ago) link
i mean i know he didnt actually choose the cover image or the tagline but lol dude
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:21 (twelve years ago) link
but i guess isn't the thing that TNC has a bunch of followers who are expecting him to be posting about Breitbart,
A strange expectation: yet one more liberal writing yet another scabrous obit?
― Exile in lolville (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:22 (twelve years ago) link
Even granting that it is a pose he likes to strike, most writers in his position, needing to churn out copy at a fantastic rate to appease his readers, fall into characteristic tropes and poses. It is part of being a pundit. Not such a big lol in the scheme of things, but, yeah, it shows a tendency to furrow his brow a bit too obviously.
― Aimless, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:22 (twelve years ago) link
He is pretty cool. I can cut him some slack for a clunky thing here and there. He hasn't gone full Greenwald just yet.
― polyphonic, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:23 (twelve years ago) link
i think his self-seriousness is inseparable from what's good about his writing when it's good.
― horseshoe, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:24 (twelve years ago) link
naw he is v capable of greater self awareness and is much better in that mode
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:25 (twelve years ago) link
TNC will end up writing about the lack of ethics in modern poltical propaganda or epistemic closure or how the interwebs have empowered pit-bull journalism or something, but I doubt he will linger much over Brietbart himself all that much.
― pareilles à celles auxquelles l'étiquette de la cour assujettit (Michael White), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:25 (twelve years ago) link
oh man, maybe it's TNC that is the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Sincerity
― goole, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:29 (twelve years ago) link
― horseshoe, Thursday, March 1, 2012 2:24 PM (2 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
actually forgive me for not thinking abt this deeper, i do think whats good abt his writing is maybe p closely related to his ponderousness, he does a thing thats p endearing where you can feel him thinking, he s lets you in, which is not easy, but he tends to go off the rails w/it which is maybe not surprising considering what a delicate operation it is
also id like to say that his blog is ime much better than his long form writing but why
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:30 (twelve years ago) link
eh his problem isn't that he's too sincere, paul krugman is sincere too, his problem is that he spends too much time thinking outloud and being nice
― iatee, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:30 (twelve years ago) link
― iatee, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:31 (twelve years ago) link
he spends too much time thinking outloud
― iatee, Thursday, March 1, 2012 2:30 PM (4 seconds ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
this is his problem, yes. twitter is bad for him, i really think, although now i sound like a crazy person who thinks ta-nehisi coates is her friend. which lol is how i actually think of him tbh. i'm fine with him being nice.
― horseshoe, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:32 (twelve years ago) link
i don't really disagree with anything jho has said, though. i originally typed "ponderousness" instead of "self-seriousness." dude has a lot to say.
i'm making sure i'm putting that waxpapery ring thing on the seat before i take shit in this toilet. #breitbartpocalypse #thoughtfulguy
― that's totally unacceptable denim (Hunt3r), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:32 (twelve years ago) link
and he says it slowly. i always am jealous of people who can write like that; i do the opposite.
― horseshoe, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:33 (twelve years ago) link
I am glad I only sporadically read his stuff as I've never come across anything exhibiting the problems/issues you guys are describing (which I half suspect are a pattern that emerges via exposure).
― Vaseline MEN AMAZING JOURNEY (DJP), Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:33 (twelve years ago) link
'i think' the thinking out loud part is just the clumsy failed aspect of what he does well when he does it well which then leads to people thinking hes their friend which is a p good trick
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:34 (twelve years ago) link
to be clear i really like him which is whats lead me to develop this critique of him
― lag∞n, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:35 (twelve years ago) link
instead of tweeting ta-nehisi should just call me up and vent. we are on a first name basis like that.
― horseshoe, Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:35 (twelve years ago) link
the adult circumcision thing seems a little extreme
― brony james (k3vin k.), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:23 (three days ago) link
TIL that guy is Katy Tur's husband.
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0),
holy shit
― the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:24 (three days ago) link
I've watched the TNC clip twice and can't believe how well he controlled himself before such idiocy, though I swear I could hear his heart thumping.
― the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:25 (three days ago) link
His dismissal of the "right to exist" BS was something I've been waiting for someone to do for a long time.
― There’s a Monster in my Vance (President Keyes), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:27 (three days ago) link
I mean in a mainstream media setting
― the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:28 (three days ago) link
not sure I’d do as well on TV but seems like a pretty classic case of a self-assured person who’s a lot smarter than the person asking them dumb questions
― brony james (k3vin k.), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:28 (three days ago) link
PK otm, despite the unhinged nature of the questions, I think it's seriously valuable to have that answer get attention
― rob, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:29 (three days ago) link
did the interviewer really ask if Palestinians had the right to exist
― symsymsym, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:29 (three days ago) link
I thought this was good:
― Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:31 (three days ago) link
everything about that adult circumcision article is weird, especially the choice of graphic, but he does mention a few paragraphs in that he was medically circumcised at birth.
― symsymsym, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:35 (three days ago) link
Yeah, I don't think it's as bad as it sounds. As I understand it, when it comes to conversions, it's mostly symbolic/minimal/non-invasive. As the dude wrote, he (like most men in America) was already circumcised.
Anyway, weird digression.
― Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:38 (three days ago) link
no it’s pretty fucking weird!
― brony james (k3vin k.), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:42 (three days ago) link
― symsymsym, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 bookmarkflaglink
Not out cold but near enough. Around 3:30 is where he is wondering out loud on this: If Israel can't exist, then why do Palestinians or any Muslim countries have the right to exist?
Fella has a taste for nuking Muslims.
― xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 1 October 2024 15:43 (three days ago) link
Author Ta-Nehisi Coates says #Israel is an "apartheid state." @MSNBC's @chrislhayes on @allinwithchris agrees with him that situation in Hebron is "moral abomination." #Gaza #Lebanon #WestBank #Iran pic.twitter.com/5x2eZvydtt— CAIR National (@CAIRNational) October 3, 2024
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 3 October 2024 11:23 (yesterday) link
i always like hearing my old village voice colleague speak. just as long as we don't forget that the u.s. is still a WAY bigger morally reprehensible country with intact systems of apartheid. number one, baby!
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:17 (yesterday) link
I think that's something Coates always acknowledges, and helpfully, but only when prompted/pushed by his interlocutor. Like that TV interview just upthread, Coates derides Israel's system of apartheid, and the other guy's response is basically "but what about ... ?!" And Coates patiently pushes back that that *is* bad, too, but it doesn't make Israel's system any more right or moral. That if memory serves has been his useful, and imo powerful, response to past "what about ..." criticisms: America is just as bad, if not sometimes worse, and has been for centuries. Coates is particularly good at laying out clearly the lingering half-life and echoes and other effects of immoral or bad ideas and explaining that just because something is ostensibly over does not mean it is done.
― Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:24 (yesterday) link
I haven't read it for a while, but iirc that was the/a point of his "Case for Reparations." Here is the situation, here's why and how it exists, what you do with this information is up to you, but whether or not it literally leads to reparations or not, here is the moral case I am making, based on this history and reporting and reminder that we do not live in a vacuum or time capsule, we are part of a continuum based on the successes and failures of the past.
― Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:26 (yesterday) link
He also specifically said that the reaction to his example of a successful repatriation (Germany paying off Israel) was what led him to start thinking about how Israel’s treatment of Palestinians was like Jim Crow. Weird that anyone thinks he’s totally cool with America.
― There’s a Monster in my Vance (President Keyes), Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:37 (yesterday) link
I didn't watch the MSNBC interview but my understanding is that TNC's go-to comparison is Jim Crow and that that similarity is what struck him so powerfully in the West Bank. So I'm a little baffled at the suggestion he isn't foregrounding the US as not just a comparison but a *model* for Israel. Am I misreading you guys?
― rob, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:39 (yesterday) link
besides, the good news for American-haters is they/we are up to our necks in this genocide & war, so there's no need to adjust your worst countries rankings
― rob, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:41 (yesterday) link
(i just wouldn't mind a little more in-depth reporting on what happens here. not as a "but what about.." but just because people here look at what happens in the rest of the world as a horrible faraway abstraction in the "tsk tsk isn't that horrible..." way when it happens all around them. a reminder from time to time. that's all! i do see a little more now on television. stories about immigrants working in slaughterhouses. a teensy more about the horrible conditions and mortality rates and murder of women on reservations. prisons are the tough one though. there are plenty of special reports and documentaries but nobody wants to watch them. because they are too bleak. people love dogs WAY more than they love americans behind bars. well, okay, there are millions of dogs tortured and killed here too but in general people love the idea of dogs more than americans behind bars. also, the abandoned inner cities and the people left to rot there. not something people want to see on their morning shows. also any reporting on what american business does in other countries is very much appreciated. it doesn't exist. but it would be appreciated.) i love this! my heart skipped a beat when i read it. gonna steal it for myself somehow:
“The fact of the matter is,” he said, “that kid up at Columbia, whatever dumb shit they’re saying, whatever slogan I would not say that they would use, they are more morally correct than some motherfuckers that have won Pulitzer Prizes and National Magazine Awards and are the most decorated and powerful journalists.”
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:43 (yesterday) link
"was like Jim Crow. Weird that anyone thinks he’s totally cool with America"
haha, nobody thinks that. but if you say "jim crow" to most americans they might picture some old bugs bunny cartoon or something. it is such an ancient term. i just think current examples are better for current times. you don't need to go to the past is all i'm saying. you can just go to a prison in alabama. or new jersey. or anywhere.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:45 (yesterday) link
Yeah, I do think it's useful to remind ourselves sometimes that for millions of young people "the 90s" was a long time ago (never mind the 1890s). Whereas for a lot of us it feels like just a few years ago.
― Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:49 (yesterday) link
it is such an ancient term.
not in the South it isn't
― the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:50 (yesterday) link
in a nutshell: people love handwringing/moral condemnation of other countries because it takes the heat of their own horrible country. it makes people think other countries/people are somehow more inhuman. which obviously isn't the case with gaza being example number one of why that isn't the case. maybe, hopefully, gaza and the palestinians and the u.s. involvement there will make people think more about what their government does on all levels all over the world. you never know! but if 20 years of american slaughter in iraq and afghanistan wasn't going to do it...but you never know! hope springs eternal.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:54 (yesterday) link
"not in the South it isn't"
come one you know what i mean. go outside and ask someone what ANY term/name/place/thing was from 60 or 70 years ago here and you will see a land of blank stares.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:55 (yesterday) link
Just feel like it was a weird sentiment to drop in response to a writer who has spent his career up to now critiquing the evils of America when he happens to write about Israel for once.
― There’s a Monster in my Vance (President Keyes), Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:56 (yesterday) link
i don't think its weird. he wrote about a country dehumanizing people and apartheid! my mind immediately goes to where i live.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:57 (yesterday) link
… And he used examples directly pertinent to his own personal history of things that happened (and still happen) here.
― DJP, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:58 (yesterday) link
President Keyes otm
― rob, Thursday, 3 October 2024 13:59 (yesterday) link
Hey, it's cool that you're writing about Israel, as long as you remember that America is worse. Yes, that is a weird thing to write about Ta-Nehisi Coates.
― There’s a Monster in my Vance (President Keyes), Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:00 (yesterday) link
and he talks about this country too in the new book. and history. i'm just sick of history talk. i want more present talk. i want the Democratic party to say the words "poor" and "homeless" and "systemic abuse of poor people and people of color behind bars" in a speech. but they won't do it. because they have to win the middle class first. THEN they will fix it all...
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:01 (yesterday) link
sorry, you guys. just sick of this place. but i got nowhere else to go.
TNC wrote an entire book about police brutality, and he is not the Democratic party. this is not a one-size-fits-all take
― rob, Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:03 (yesterday) link
nah i know. like i said. just sick of this place. he's fighting the good fight. and he's a fine writer. and people read him! and seemingly he is doing well under that pressure. that's a lot of pressure.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:04 (yesterday) link
Like I posted a couple days ago, just the coolness and grace with which he sits there, aware that the entire American corporate media apparatus finds his views at the very least appalling, without wanting to pound these hacks into the sand.
― the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:07 (yesterday) link
i'd like to find a long recent interview. i'll look. i did like the jon stewart one.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:09 (yesterday) link
Here's the full Chris Hayes interview:
― Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Thursday, 3 October 2024 14:51 (yesterday) link
i watched that last night. that was good too.
― scott seward, Thursday, 3 October 2024 15:04 (yesterday) link
are you guys aware that one of the three chapters in coates’s book that contains the palestine essay is a dispatch from…america? I’m no literary scholar but my sense is that was an intentional choice…
― brony james (k3vin k.), Thursday, 3 October 2024 15:34 (yesterday) link
got my copy yesterday but haven’t had a chance to read any yet because work has been too busy. but anyway I’m glad he’s done with video games or whatever silly stuff he was doing before
― brony james (k3vin k.), Thursday, 3 October 2024 15:35 (yesterday) link
The America question comes up in the Hayes interview in the context of our willingness to abet the genocide with weaponry.
― the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 3 October 2024 15:36 (yesterday) link
I don't care about video games but idk if TNC wants to write about matters less world-historic I'm fine -- especially if doing so keeps polishing his prose
― the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 3 October 2024 15:37 (yesterday) link
^^^he's a great writer and should go wherever his pen takes him
― a (waterface), Thursday, 3 October 2024 16:54 (yesterday) link
― brony james (k3vin k.), Thursday, October 3, 2024 11:34 AM (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink
And that my mom’s in it!!!
― Heez, Thursday, 3 October 2024 17:38 (yesterday) link
hearing more and more about Heez's mom these days
― ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Thursday, 3 October 2024 17:48 (yesterday) link
Okay, but you get that this sounds like a parodic "I considered thinking and talking about other countries, but the opportunity to think about the USA was there, so I took it"? Not to single you out, it's an old complaint from the non-US parts of the board.
― Andrew Farrell, Thursday, 3 October 2024 21:17 (yesterday) link
have some bad news about the US and a little thing called hegemony
― brony james (k3vin k.), Thursday, 3 October 2024 23:34 (yesterday) link
I haven't watched the Hayes interview yet, because Hayes, but meanwhile I think "Jim Crow" is an apt mention, because complicity and enabling, US/West and Israel (also of course, the Shah and Saddam were our boys for a long long time, Saudi Arabia is an honored whatever it is, along w other govs). C. Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow traces the de-Reconstruction complicity of Northern Republicans and Southern Democrats, among others in both and other regions, as introduced by OxFord University Press's page on their commemorative edition:
...The Strange Career of Jim Crow is one of the great works of Southern history. Indeed, the book actually helped shape that history. Published in 1955, a year after the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education ordered schools desegregated, Strange Career was cited so often to counter arguments for segregation that Martin Luther King, Jr. called it "the historical Bible of the civil rights movement." The book offers a clear and illuminating analysis of the history of Jim Crow laws, presenting evidence that segregation in the South dated only to the 1890s. Woodward convincingly shows that, even under slavery, the two races had not been divided as they were under the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s. In fact, during Reconstruction, there was considerable economic and political mixing of the races. The segregating of the races was a relative newcomer to the region.
― dow, Friday, 4 October 2024 01:27 (four hours ago) link