britishers -- tell me about WIMPY BARS and their shitty burgers

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i hope that these don't exist any more. some of the worst burgers that i've ever eaten in my life.

Eisbaer, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:37 (seventeen years ago) link

There was one at my local bowling alley as recentely as last year. I wonder if the one in Glasgow still exists?

I can't rememeber their food very well, last time I ate in one was about fifteen years ago, but I do rememeber that it is table service.

*rumpie*, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:38 (seventeen years ago) link

Ha ha, there is one on Streatham High Road! My mum went and ate in it. The manager actually came out and delivered her tray because they'd never seen anyone with a (vaguely) American accent before.

Man to surly Wimpy staff: Give me a hamburger and a kind word!
Surly Wimpy Staff: Don't eat the hamburger.

Masonic Boom, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:39 (seventeen years ago) link

I sort of like them, in a total filth kind of way.

Matt DC, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:39 (seventeen years ago) link

How can you tell you're in a MacDonalds?
You can't tell the burger from the bun.
How can you tell you're in a Wimpy?
You can't tell the burger from the paper wrapper.

Masonic Boom, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:39 (seventeen years ago) link

so this shit is the british equivalent of white castle, right?!?

Eisbaer, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Wimpy burgers were fine, at least no worse than what you get at McD's, BK etc. - the Halfpounder was good.

My Dad used to take me and my brother to Wimpy sometimes. The strawberry sundae was 100% awesome.

blueski, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:42 (seventeen years ago) link

The one in Newcastle was borderline OK, a little better than McDonalds, which isn't saying much, I know. It closed down years ago.

Pashmina, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:45 (seventeen years ago) link

one in southgate, chase side i think

Frogman Henry, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:47 (seventeen years ago) link

When I was a young lad in 1980s Glasgow I remember there being a lot of Wimpys and McDonalds being something of a novelty. Then I remember a few years later there being loads of McDonalds and only a few Wimpys, and for some reason in Wimpy they served the burgers on plates(!) and gave you cutlery despite it being a fast food place and really a lot worse than even McDo's.

jim, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:50 (seventeen years ago) link

They used to do two things which were unique to Wimpys among burger chains:

- Lamb-burger
- "Cumberland ring" (I think this was its name)

Other great Wimpys fact: they launched a chicken chain to compete with KFC, called DOCTOR BEAK'S.

Groke, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:52 (seventeen years ago) link

Wimpy branches i've been too:

West Ealing
Chancery Lane

don't think any of these exist anymore

blueski, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:52 (seventeen years ago) link

- "Cumberland ring" (I think this was its name)


blueski, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:52 (seventeen years ago) link

I remember seeing a Doctor Beak's at some service station, and not knowing what on earth it was!

Masonic Boom, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link


Groke, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

I believe the official term for a "Cumberland ring" was actually the BIG BENDER. Oh how we laughed.

Matt DC, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

argh xposts

Matt DC, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

There's still one on Union St in Glasgow, there used to be loads of them but I think they mostly became Burger Kings. I really like their burger sauce but there's something just not right about the consistency of the meat. The standard of waitress service kind of kills any attempt at pretending to be fast food.

I once went to Wimpy with a stoned mate who was munchied enough to eat 2 half pounders with chips and still claimed to be hungry afterwards.

onimo, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

There's still one on Union St in Glasgow
wtf? How have I not noticed this?

jim, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link


I went to Wimpy once and guess what? I had a BURGER!

the next grozart, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:55 (seventeen years ago) link

Anyway, for filth, I see your Wimpy and raise you one STARBURGER. Or worse, STAR EXPRESS BURGER.

Matt DC, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I seem to recall there was one opposite Broad St Mall in Reading, at least there was 6 years ago. It was always completely empty, I lived up Oxford Rd for a while and used to catch the bus from the stop opposite coming home from work.

Colonel Poo, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:56 (seventeen years ago) link

There's still a Wimpey in Lewisham High Street and I think another one in Greenwich. SE London be flying the Wimpy flag high.

Matt DC, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I miss their Spicy Beanburger.

Wimpy was alright, really. They used to have concessions that were basically like Hot Dog stands, we used to get post pub sustenance from one in Stafford on Saturday nights, it wuz great.

Noodle Vague, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:57 (seventeen years ago) link

'Brown Derby' was another dessert type. A doughnut with whipped ice cream on top, chopped nuts and chocolate sauce.

In addition to Wimpy's diner model there was also Wendy's and Starburger in the UK tho I never went in either of those as they just seemed worse somehow.

blueski, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:57 (seventeen years ago) link

"Doctor Beak's", good grief.

"Spicy Beanburger" wasn't too bad IIRC.

Pashmina, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:58 (seventeen years ago) link

There was one at my local bowling alley as recentely as last year.

I had a burger there last year as one of their "eat food and go bowling and drink beer for not much money" promotions. It was OK. I'm kind of saddened to see it go (the bowling alley, not the Wimpy).

Their website's a bit out of date, so I'm not sure if any of the restaurants mentioned on it still exist (it still claims to have one in Paisley, which it definitely doesn't - see above - so who knows. Or cares, probably xpost, oh, Onimo does, obviously). I used to like the one in Inverness, my aunt used to take me there after school sometimes if my mum was working, and it was better than McDonalds or Burger King.

ailsa, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:58 (seventeen years ago) link

there are a few in Ireland

Ronan, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:58 (seventeen years ago) link

Wimpy milkshakes are extremely good!

Wimpy Milkshake however are another kettle of "cumberland rings". (Am I making them up??? OH SO INDIE ARGH)

Matt OTM re STARBURGER HORROR. Has anyone else been to the "W Bar" in Harringerry?

xpost a plenty - this thread has clearly hit 1x nerve!

Sarah, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:59 (seventeen years ago) link

In addition to Wimpy's diner model there was also Wendy's and Starburger in the UK tho I never went in either of those as they just seemed worse somehow.

I've tried both*. Your assumptions were correct.

*both in SE London, funnily enough - the place is a hot bed of shite burger bars

onimo, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 15:59 (seventeen years ago) link

There was a random plan for a Wimpy FAP once.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:00 (seventeen years ago) link

Wendy's was terrific :(

Groke, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:00 (seventeen years ago) link

There was a random plan for a Wimpy FAP once.

Mandee was fascinated by them iirc.

blueski, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:01 (seventeen years ago) link

they do egg and chips with a cup of tea, makes me feel strangely patriotic.

what about the happy eater and little chef are they the same thing?

acrobat, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:01 (seventeen years ago) link

Wimpy also has lots of 60s nostalgia vibes, they should definitely re-launch as retro dining excitement - cf Eleanor Bron in Bedazzled.

Fuck a fast food hater, basically.

Noodle Vague, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:01 (seventeen years ago) link

this wendy's?

I'm not a huge fan of their burger's but their other stuff's good.

I like the name of Wimpy's.

Ms Misery, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:03 (seventeen years ago) link

can't think of the one on union st. the last one I can think of was on...ingram st? just down from the gallery of modern art. between an o'brien's and a cruise

wimpy is a good name doctor beak's which I've never heard of before is an even better name

the served-on-a-plate thing, yeah. don't ever remember ever eating in a wimpy's though

RJG, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:03 (seventeen years ago) link

I am going to have to walk up Union Street tonight to make sure it's still there.

onimo, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:04 (seventeen years ago) link


wow, that post is apostrophe crazy. I hate people who use apostrophes incorrectly.

Ms Misery, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Little Thief are the exception to my fast food fandom. Evil beyond belief.

Noodle Vague, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:05 (seventeen years ago) link

Fuck a fast food hater, basically.

oh, i don't hate fast food. i just didn't like wimpy's burgers when i ate one ages ago. didn't quite get why they were necessary w/ mcdonalds and burger kings being franchised all over the place in the U.K., anyway.

Eisbaer, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:06 (seventeen years ago) link

Sorry dude, that wasn't aimed at you.

Noodle Vague, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I think Wimpy was around in the UK well before MacDo and BK, is why they were necessary.

Noodle Vague, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:09 (seventeen years ago) link

admrl, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Wimpy isn't really a fast food place as such any more. It's waitress/waiter service and cook on demand.

onimo, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Wimpys predate their expansion Eisbaer, so it's been a decline ever since. When I was growing up in the 70s Wimpys were probably the #1 brand, McDonalds the glamorous challenger. BK not even on my radar until a while later.

Doctor Beak's had a very limited run.

Groke, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:10 (seventeen years ago) link

RJG, it was up near where Underworld is. I'm almost convinced it is now Subway, but I await Onimo's reporting back with bated breath.

ailsa, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah Eisbaer, you should be supporting your homegrown businesses and shit!

Ms Misery, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:11 (seventeen years ago) link

There's a Subway around there and I can't picture in my head whether they're the same place or not. I think Wimpy is next door to Jessops, maybe.

onimo, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:11 (seventeen years ago) link

Wendys was great. There's a wimpy on the high st at West Norwood. Haven't been in one for years though.

Vicky, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:12 (seventeen years ago) link

'brown derby' is never not gonna make me snigger is it

WIMPY 16 1/2p

You could order a BENDER the meaty frankfurter + a biscuit and still not meet the 20p minimum lunchtime charge. Brutal.

kinder, Thursday, 11 July 2019 18:15 (five years ago) link

If the prices were blanked out, you wouldn't be able to tell it was from the 70s. I recall that the mid-90s menu looked almost identical.

just another country (snoball), Thursday, 11 July 2019 18:23 (five years ago) link

Dundee lost its Wimpy when the ten pin bowling closed. Went there on my birthday quite a few years ago (for the bowling, not Wimpy) and my mate who Notices Those Sorts of Things saw the Angel Delight guy from Come Dine With Me out with his family.

michaellambert, Thursday, 11 July 2019 18:42 (five years ago) link

one year passes...

This thread is the place for this Ram John Holder cut.

Link for more info on this thread.

xyzzzz__, Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:27 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

They were both vegetarians. The Beanburger was the only veggieburger that was available at the time.

everything, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 17:01 (two years ago) link

The only thing in that picture that doesn't look like 1981 is the Wimpy cups.

Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Wednesday, 23 March 2022 18:32 (two years ago) link

We had a local wimpy in Hendon for birthday parties. They used to let you behind the counter to fry burgers while the chef had a cig two feet away

Chuck_Tatum, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 20:03 (two years ago) link

Basildon Wimpy still seems to be for sale

True Wimpy aficionados take note: "It will be appreciated upon inspection that the first floor area has the potential to be converted into living accommodation, if desired."

Living above a Wimpy in Basildon, does life get any better

salsa shark, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 20:23 (two years ago) link

two months pass...

Lol ok

When Cher toured Britain in the sixties, she was homesick and wanted a burger. The promoter’s gopher went to Wimpy, brought one of its delicacies back to her hotel and the famed songstress burst into tears

— Nicholas Booth (@Thievesbook) May 28, 2022

xyzzzz__, Saturday, 28 May 2022 19:31 (two years ago) link

only 15p for one of those lime green milkshakes...

koogs, Saturday, 28 May 2022 20:32 (two years ago) link

seven months pass...

I last went to Wimpy back in 2018. I popped off to this one in Bermondsey, but it was closed:

I must have just missed it. But there's one in Basingstoke, so I went there instead. It looked closed from the outside:

As far as I can tell it still exists. I was torn by a desire to photograph the meal, but at the same time I just didn't have the guts. I remember coming down with impostor syndrome. I have a blog, but I'm not famous. Anthony Bourdain can get away with writing about Wimpy because everybody knows that he's joking. I'm not in that position yet. I did manage this photo, which made me wonder if there's a small warehouse somewhere in Doncaster that makes things for Wimpy:

Who works there? Old people and one young intern, probably. The burger had the same taste that I remember from when I was young.

Wimpy is trapped - they're more expensive than McDonalds and Burger King, so they compete with Wetherspoons, but Wetherspoons has beer. Nando's is slightly more expensive still but feels like a proper night out. The whole "nostalgia for the 1950s" aspect doesn't work because it's hard to be nostalgic for Britain in the 1950s. I don't want to think about self-loathing club comedians and Adam Faith when I'm eating. And the Instagram aspect doesn't work because Wimpy is meaningless in the states. It's not even naff enough to be funny, it just exists.

Like Little Chef! Except that it exists, unlike Little Chef.

Ashley Pomeroy, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 18:02 (two years ago) link

Xp We are stardust, we are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

Bully King and Chips (Bananaman Begins), Tuesday, 10 January 2023 18:02 (two years ago) link

ok, I'm here

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Friday, 13 January 2023 15:47 (two years ago) link

it's the mid-afternoon so not many people expected, but place is half full, mainly with kids who've just finished school, but still, no sign that this place is dying.

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Friday, 13 January 2023 15:50 (two years ago) link

Staff seem to be mostly Spanish, kids seem to be leaving, still most of the tables are occupied. Stereo is playing Sweet Harmony by The Beloved, always a favourite. let's see what's on the menu.

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Friday, 13 January 2023 15:59 (two years ago) link

chose the "bendy with cheese" - a little disappointed that it isn't called a "bender in a bun" now, but relieved that I can ask for it without difficulty.

sausage is good, meaty, tomato is mealy, too many onions, bread is nasty, like the cheapest rolls from the supermarket, actually crumbles as I eat. I'll give it a 5/10

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Friday, 13 January 2023 16:08 (two years ago) link

they started playing Shape Of My Heart, so I made my excuses and left.

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Friday, 13 January 2023 16:12 (two years ago) link

Last Wimpy I had was at a service station en route home from Reading festival in like 2003 or so. Bun was brown and stale and gross.

his cartoon heart expands, then he relaxes by smoking crack (stevie), Friday, 13 January 2023 16:47 (two years ago) link

last nostalgia Wimpy i had might have been around the late 2000s. normally i'd say no such thing as too much onions but given these had the texture and flavour of boiled sellotape i'd make an exception

Wyverns and gulls rule my world (Noodle Vague), Friday, 13 January 2023 17:07 (two years ago) link

My mate Paul worked in Stevenage Wimpy and used have to put on the Mr Wimpy costume for kids parties and have the shit kicked out of him by sugar-crazed nippers.

Piedie Gimbel, Friday, 13 January 2023 17:22 (two years ago) link

yes, the onions were still like boiled sellotape, no idea how / why you do that to a poor onion.

Camaraderie at Arms Length, Friday, 13 January 2023 17:37 (two years ago) link

wonderful revive. still laughing at adam faith. still laughing at boiled sellotape

aesthetic charming, bun looks heinous, menu doing too much. recalls french outlet flunch somehow

had a small fight with an ex once because he went on a longed-for nostalgia visit to the nearest wimpy without me while I was on a very prohibitive diet. thought it was brazen at the time, but in retrospect it was the low blood sugar / yearning for a bendy colouring my thinking.

verhexen, Saturday, 14 January 2023 07:21 (two years ago) link

i think the spicy beanburger is the only thing i miss and would cautiously revisit

Wyverns and gulls rule my world (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 14 January 2023 07:28 (two years ago) link

I don't think I've posted this before - UK competitive eater Beard Meats Food tackles pretty much the full Wimpy menu at the Milford, Stafford branch a couple of years ago. It's a curious wee shack rather than a sit in restaurant, for added novelty.

brain (krakow), Saturday, 14 January 2023 16:57 (two years ago) link


Wyverns and gulls rule my world (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 14 January 2023 17:06 (two years ago) link

and yes, it's a shack. but then Milford is basically a pub and a row of houses

Wyverns and gulls rule my world (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 14 January 2023 17:07 (two years ago) link

one year passes...

Wimpy in Woolwich, London 1987

Ward Fowler, Sunday, 11 February 2024 17:48 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

so brown so grim so true to london in the 80s

Big Bong Theory (stevie), Friday, 19 April 2024 08:09 (nine months ago) link


Big Bong Theory (stevie), Friday, 19 April 2024 08:09 (nine months ago) link

nate woolls, is that the one in ogmor, wales?

your mom goes to limgrave (dog latin), Friday, 19 April 2024 15:04 (nine months ago) link

Lol that's Woolwich. I know the 96 bus well

xyzzzz__, Friday, 19 April 2024 18:29 (nine months ago) link

Lol that's Woolwich. I know the 96 bus well

xyzzzz__, Friday, 19 April 2024 18:29 (nine months ago) link

are you talking about the photo in the post labelled "Wimpy in Woolwich, London 1987" or the other one?

kinder, Friday, 19 April 2024 21:00 (nine months ago) link

Lol don't see the label.

Anyway, feeling local pride though there was another wimpy nearby that I went to regularly

xyzzzz__, Saturday, 20 April 2024 11:11 (nine months ago) link

It's in Porthcawl in Wales xp

nate woolls, Saturday, 20 April 2024 11:41 (nine months ago) link

Ah Porthcawl, yes sorry. Its very prominent iirc

your mom goes to limgrave (dog latin), Saturday, 20 April 2024 14:07 (nine months ago) link

Apart from SweatpantsjoeatstheUK, the dudes making their YouTubes of their trips to Wimpy seem to be a very specific kind of older white dude and I would not like to glimpse at their Facebook feeds

Big Bong Theory (stevie), Monday, 22 April 2024 09:16 (nine months ago) link
There is no dignity in pulling a face like this multiple times once you're in your late 40s, mate

Big Bong Theory (stevie), Monday, 22 April 2024 09:17 (nine months ago) link

Also all that food looks repulsive. wholemeal buns = puke, and why are those buns such an unusually flaccid beige?

Big Bong Theory (stevie), Monday, 22 April 2024 09:17 (nine months ago) link
this guy has such perfect "manager of the WH Smith's where you worked on Saturdays when you were in 6th form" vibes

Big Bong Theory (stevie), Monday, 22 April 2024 09:20 (nine months ago) link

I have absolute no nostalgia for Wimpy but if we're talking about the burgers served up on the charcoal grill at the kebab shop round the corner from where I grew up, that's a Proustian rush right there (RIP Merton Kebab & Burger House on Haydon's Rd, we salute you)

Big Bong Theory (stevie), Monday, 22 April 2024 09:21 (nine months ago) link

nine months pass...

Thumbs up on that one!

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 2 February 2025 18:06 (one week ago) link

I can only find a Liverpool Echo link for context, not sure if they're bad bad not good?

Apparently the area is set for regeneration, having been bought by the council, and that details of how they will handle existing tenants as this happens are sketchy.

brain (krakow), Sunday, 2 February 2025 20:42 (one week ago) link

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