Beware the solar storm!

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One for "Proven By Science," surely. Unless it's already there.

A Dan Perry-friendly part of the article:

The events, called Coronal Mass Ejections, have sent 10 billion tonnes of superhot gas speeding towards Earth.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:47 (twenty years ago) link

we're all doomed.

Chris V. (Chris V), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:53 (twenty years ago) link


cinniblount (James Blount), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:53 (twenty years ago) link

stevem (blueski), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:55 (twenty years ago) link

is that eddie vedder on the left?

cinniblount (James Blount), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:57 (twenty years ago) link

no no. that would be a kaiser helmet.

Dale the Titled (cprek), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:58 (twenty years ago) link

Don't sunspots happen in 22-year cycles? Oh my god, it's that number again, OH GOD, WE'RE ALL DOOMED, DOOMED I TELL YOu!

kate (kate), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:58 (twenty years ago) link

there was a similar storm in 1997 I think, blew out some satellite or another.

jel -- (jel), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:59 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah, it screwed up a pager company something awful if i remember correctly.

Dale the Titled (cprek), Friday, 24 October 2003 15:01 (twenty years ago) link

position even more approx

mark s (mark s), Friday, 24 October 2003 20:31 (twenty years ago) link

C'mon, man, it's Krypton about to go. There's Brando wandering by now.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 24 October 2003 20:54 (twenty years ago) link

Sunspots are an 11 year cycle, I believe.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 24 October 2003 20:57 (twenty years ago) link

twenty years pass...

time to buckle up for some SPACE WEATHER

mark s, Friday, 10 May 2024 08:45 (two months ago) link

no supercharged auroras are going to stop me from cutting my hedges today, even tho I am looking for excuses to knock the job back

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Friday, 10 May 2024 09:03 (two months ago) link

calz later today

mark s, Friday, 10 May 2024 09:15 (two months ago) link

do we have anyone here who lives way up north? Supposedly there might be good northern lights tonight. God I would love to see that.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 09:17 (two months ago) link

I'm in Ireland, and we had great aurora in November, and again recently (although you couldn't really see it because the sky is always cloudy). Our problem in the summer is that the sky is only dark enough to see aurora between about 11pm and 4am.

trishyb, Friday, 10 May 2024 10:51 (two months ago) link

A professional photographer who lives near me took this timelapse just a month ago at the mouth of the Boyne.

trishyb, Friday, 10 May 2024 10:54 (two months ago) link

I hadn't even thought about the short summer nights and how they would impact viewing. Good point!

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 11:10 (two months ago) link

xpost - very cool :)

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 11:11 (two months ago) link

I was just reading that Seattle might see some aurora?

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 10 May 2024 17:38 (two months ago) link

local papers are claiming it may be visible from dartmoor (which is of course high with clear horizons and not very light-polluted)

where i am is none of those really, plus another ten miles or so to the south

mark s, Friday, 10 May 2024 18:00 (two months ago) link

there was a recent new yorker article about solar storms:

jaymc, Friday, 10 May 2024 21:11 (two months ago) link

I remember a 'last man on earth' kind of movie from childhood where a massive solar flare turned everyone into little piles of salt.. can't remember what it was called

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 10 May 2024 21:33 (two months ago) link

I found it:

Where Have All the People Gone?
TV Movie
1h 14m

After a catastrophic solar flare decimates almost all life, reducing people to powdery substance, a group of survivors treks across the devastated Earth.

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 10 May 2024 21:38 (two months ago) link

pictures from Kent of aurora but I've just been out and have seen nothing. probably too much light pollution in London.

gonna mark myself "safe from the triffids" on Twitter

koogs, Friday, 10 May 2024 21:56 (two months ago) link

C'mon global EMP, do your thing

papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 10 May 2024 21:59 (two months ago) link

Xpost I'd go out and look but I am just gonna be disappointed. I'm sure you're right +

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:00 (two months ago) link

I got curious and I swear I see way more stars than usual and a few weird light streaks. They aren't colored though. I need to remember how to post a pic because someone in Scotland just posted a beautiful one on FB.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:39 (two months ago) link

Oh the things ppl are seeing are killing me I'm so jealous. :(

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:41 (two months ago) link

HFS that's a big sunspot complex right now.

Elvis Telecom, Friday, 10 May 2024 22:51 (two months ago) link

Yeah I didn’t realise I could see it, but went out now and got some pics. Your phone flash needs to be off.

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:52 (two months ago) link

I'm going to look out front just in case.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:53 (two months ago) link

I’m a lot further south than people with really nice dramatic aurora pictures & I had to leave the house and walk to a location with a suitable north view but!

Same location before I turned my flash off literally a minute beforehand

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:57 (two months ago) link

That's still so neat. More than I can see but it's similar just without the pink.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 22:59 (two months ago) link

Hundreds of webcams all pink

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:06 (two months ago) link

Oh thank you.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:16 (two months ago) link

Ahhh my grandfather was a chef in this hotel around 1950 and I stayed there a couple years ago:

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:18 (two months ago) link

didn’t try getting a photo, but from where we are in south london some light streaks and a touch of green and purple glow. don’t have a very clear north view though.

devvvine, Friday, 10 May 2024 23:19 (two months ago) link

If you’re in Canada or a northern state with clear skies then stay up for this one imo

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:28 (two months ago) link

I never have any luck posting pictures here, they always come out broken or enormous. But I posted this on Bluesky just now. The lights have been very strong here, and spread right across the sky, not just in the north. There's a real sense of excitement down at the beach, with people arriving in their cars in their pyjamas and dressing gowns to see what all the fuss is about.
I'd say the Icelandic tourist board is raging.

trishyb, Friday, 10 May 2024 23:29 (two months ago) link

Xpost someone in one of those places listen to the man and take pics!

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:30 (two months ago) link

Probably Eastern North America only tbf. Sun will have chilled out by the time it’s dark west of that.

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:31 (two months ago) link

Amazing photo

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:32 (two months ago) link is very good rn

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:32 (two months ago) link

Mbv looking feed

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:33 (two months ago) link

I can't believe I can't really see anything. London is bullshit.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:34 (two months ago) link says you can see it only with a long exposure

At least it’s clear I guess. Totally overcast most of the NE US.

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Friday, 10 May 2024 23:39 (two months ago) link

I went to the beach for a bit and you could see a bit of magenta and light streaks but that was about it, was dying down and I got cold so I came back

Colonel Poo, Friday, 10 May 2024 23:39 (two months ago) link

gonna mark myself "safe from the triffids" on Twitter

lol I was thinking that while I was sat on the beach. I guess that's me eaten by triffids then

Colonel Poo, Friday, 10 May 2024 23:57 (two months ago) link

see also

could this be the last night of ILX?? stay tuned!

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Saturday, 11 May 2024 00:03 (two months ago) link

NE US clearing up. If it looks clear and you live somewhere with low light pollution then try to take a photo or video even if you can't see any lights. the phone might pick something up.

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Saturday, 11 May 2024 01:40 (two months ago) link

Happening in the US

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Saturday, 11 May 2024 02:29 (two months ago) link

it is 100% clear here in Oregon, but not yet sunset, will try to take pics

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Saturday, 11 May 2024 02:35 (two months ago) link

I posted that upthread. Crazy that a major one is happening so soon after that article.

jaymc, Saturday, 11 May 2024 03:58 (two months ago) link

oops sorry! yeah fascinating article

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Saturday, 11 May 2024 04:02 (two months ago) link

Cloudy sky down here, but the Mt Wilson tower cam picked up some faint red

Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 11 May 2024 06:26 (two months ago) link

Halfway between Antwerp and Brussels? Yeah, no chance.

StanM, Saturday, 11 May 2024 06:43 (two months ago) link

We had some muted displays in the southern part of the UK. My kid has recently passed his driving test and about midnight we all bundled into his car and went to some local high ground and watched. It had kind of died down by then but still a great experience.

I would prefer not to. (Chinaski), Saturday, 11 May 2024 09:03 (two months ago) link

Thoughts with the Icelandic Tourist Board at this difficult time... #NorthernLights

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) May 11, 2024

koogs, Saturday, 11 May 2024 10:00 (two months ago) link

already encountered two separate truther narratives on this:
i) tales of ppl just posting images they grabbed off GiS
ii) ppl claiming that yr phone's night filter is merely creating artefacts that are fake (same as samsung replacing yr wobbly and blurry image of the moon with their professional never-changed stored image) (on the very true grounds that yrs was just an incompetwnt attempt at what they did earlier its_the_same_picture.jpg)

anyway it didn't reach plymouth and i went to bed despondent but also safe from triffids © koogs

mark s, Saturday, 11 May 2024 10:20 (two months ago) link

same as samsung replacing yr wobbly and blurry image of the moon with their professional never-changed stored image

Does this happen? That would be annoying.

Last October or November (cold, a weeknight, you had to be a nerd to know about it in advance) when the aurora was visible, we were one of only two cars down at the river to watch it. Last night (warm, Friday night, Met Éireann had talked about it on the national weather forecast), there were crowds out. It felt a little like that bit in Close Encounters when everyone comes to see the spaceships but there are only helicopters. Obviously the "this is how it starts" mantra was going around in my head. Looking up at the incredible birdlike figures in the sky, I could easily imagine how terrifying this could be if you didn't know what was happening.

trishyb, Saturday, 11 May 2024 10:38 (two months ago) link

re the “samsung moon scandal” so-called: i think when you zoomed into the moon in your own picture it supplied detail that your phone could not have achieved -- so not quite unasked but also not really clearly explained (but i'm basing this on discussions in reddit threads, which is perhaps a version of the same crime)

mark s, Saturday, 11 May 2024 10:48 (two months ago) link

the Galaxy camera uses Scene Optimiser’s deep learning-based AI detail enhancement engine to eliminate any remaining noise and enhance the details of the image even furtherp
wow. noise removal is (arguably) ok but if 'further image enhancement' includes ai's favourite trick of just making shit up, then that's fucked up.

ledge, Saturday, 11 May 2024 13:23 (two months ago) link

the shit it makes up would differ depending on the position of the person taking the photo. did it even go that far or did they all just end up with a default north american moon?

koogs, Saturday, 11 May 2024 14:36 (two months ago) link

The generous interpretation is that Samsung’s process captures blurry details in the original photograph and then upscales them using AI. This is an established technique that has its problems ... But as the Reddit tests show, Samsung’s process is more intrusive than this: it doesn’t just improve the sharpness of blurry details — it creates them. It’s at this point that I think most people would agree the resulting image is, for better or worse, fake.

jaymc, Saturday, 11 May 2024 15:37 (two months ago) link

It's true about the auroras that they look much more colorful on a cellphone camera than to the naked eye (not that they aren't amazing to the naked eye, but my iPhone definitely picked up the fainter ones before my (old) eyes could)

the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Saturday, 11 May 2024 15:58 (two months ago) link

Stay frosty. Good chance of a repeat.

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:21 (two months ago) link

Ok so if there's a repeat. What is optimal time? I still don't think I am gonna see anything but will try. Also, why didn't anyone know about this until like 2 days ago?? I would have gone somewhere with a better chance of viewing had I know. A friend just happens to be in Scotland and holy shit her pics were amazing.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:29 (two months ago) link

Yeah, but you could head up to Scotland and it could be completely clouded over. Our met office only started talking about it when they were pretty sure the skies would be completely clear.

trishyb, Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:33 (two months ago) link

Ah ok - maybe that's why I hadn't heard anything. I have to sign up for bluesky so I can see your pic! Will do now.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:50 (two months ago) link

Best time per that bsky post: “A lot of folks are asking if we'll get a repeat of last night's aurora for tonight. No guarantees, but the storm is ongoing so my guess is yes! If it's clear, wait until it's dark (1.5 hours or after sunset) and look north (unless you're in Oz/NZ/etc then look south).”

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Saturday, 11 May 2024 19:23 (two months ago) link

“To be clear you can *start* looking after sunset. The closer to midnight it is the better it tends to be, but not necessarily. Go out every half hour or so to check!”

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Saturday, 11 May 2024 19:24 (two months ago) link

I could have read the link before asking. Sorry but thank you. I will be looking from west London!

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Saturday, 11 May 2024 19:30 (two months ago) link

seems like the best time here at least was about 11:30. I went out about 11:50 and caught a bit but by 12:30 it had either faded or was covered by clouds/mist

Colonel Poo, Saturday, 11 May 2024 19:38 (two months ago) link

9 p.m. was peak for us last night (US CDT)

Ippei's on a bummer now (WmC), Saturday, 11 May 2024 20:48 (two months ago) link

No way I was going anywhere last night, I was in bed before the sun even went down. Apparently it was visible from castle hill! I’m going out for a wander now but it’s a little cloudy

subpost master (wins), Saturday, 11 May 2024 20:59 (two months ago) link

Weird to think ppl go on special trips to northern climes to see this thing & it was visible up the road last night

subpost master (wins), Saturday, 11 May 2024 21:00 (two months ago) link

I might have a drive out to the countryside to have a look tonight.

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 11 May 2024 21:08 (two months ago) link

that's our plan

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Saturday, 11 May 2024 21:09 (two months ago) link

a bar-guy in the pub i was in earlier was telling some tourists that it was totally visible in plymouth if you went to a headland (which has several such things, tho i don't live on one and have no plan to be on one later)

mark s, Saturday, 11 May 2024 21:11 (two months ago) link

just been up to the local hillfort and saw NOTHING but it was nice being up there with loads of other small groups of vaguely excited people all stumbling around in the dark. on the downside, I've come home with that rotten Renaissance song stuck in my head

Bernard Quidbins (NickB), Saturday, 11 May 2024 22:13 (two months ago) link

Yeah similarly I don’t think it’s gonna happen here tonight but it’s a nice atmos, also the city looks nice at night from up here, the night sky also (in a normal way), I’m listening to Gas

subpost master (wins), Saturday, 11 May 2024 22:19 (two months ago) link

Oh perfect soundtrack

Bernard Quidbins (NickB), Saturday, 11 May 2024 22:20 (two months ago) link

Yeah it’s nice, would have been amazing if it went along with actually seeing the lights. I think it’s a definite no for tonight tho, far from the “mostly clear” my weather app claimed the moon is almost completely obscured by clouds

ppl have excitedly been taking flash photos of the empty sky all evening, I guess they’re gonna colour it in later

subpost master (wins), Saturday, 11 May 2024 23:18 (two months ago) link

Ooh we forgot to go there to do cheese rolling with babybels this year, must pencil it in for next weekend.

This is Dance Anthems, have some respect (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 11 May 2024 23:21 (two months ago) link

Sun chilled out. Nothing tonight afaict.

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Sunday, 12 May 2024 00:06 (two months ago) link

NW of uk, around Manchester but not too close to main cities, my friend managed to catch some of it. I only saw a few wisps of uncoloured lights. Still all fascinating though.

Also, just wanted to note the top of the bump of this thread...

twenty years pass...

cor blimey!

Ste, Monday, 13 May 2024 12:09 (two months ago) link

Nice piece in Nature about the solar storms, solar maximum and effects on gps, satellites etc

The solar storm interrupted radio and GPS communications across the globe. The broadband internet connection provided by Starlink, a division of the aerospace firm SpaceX — a service that relies on more than 5,000 satellites — reported some temporary degradation in the quality of its signals. That could be because of communications disruptions or because the storm changed the density of Earth’s atmosphere and created drag on the satellites, space-weather physicist Tamitha Skov posted on the social-media platform X (formerly Twitter).

In anticipation of the extreme solar activity, electrical-grid operators had taken protective measures — geomagnetic storms can induce extra electrical currents in the grid, causing power cuts. New Zealand’s electrical-transmission service temporarily turned off some circuits around the country to prevent equipment damage.

NASA said on 10 May that it foresaw no threat to the four US and three Russian astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Three people are aboard China's Tiangong space station, but there have been no reports of precautionary actions taken there either.

I learned a lot, really fascinating to understand a little of the science in layman’s terms.

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Monday, 13 May 2024 20:06 (two months ago) link

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