Burning Man

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Classic or dud? Am I missing out on my generation's Woodstock? Should I be upset about this?

Mary (Mary), Monday, 11 August 2003 16:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

one of the biggest DUDs of all time. I should note that I haven't been, but every thing I've ever heard about it makes me cringe.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

It gets everyone obnoxious out of town for a few days. CLASSIC.

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

Jenny Calendar liked it, but she turned out to be a dishonest gypsy. DUD.

Larcole (Nicole), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:18 (twenty-one years ago) link

Most of the people I know that go are... Lawyers.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

People I know and like really love this and swear by it and always try to tell me how amazing an event it is, but they're all new-age hippies retards, so I'm gonna say dud, even though I personally know absolutely nothing about it and am too lazy/too hip to bother learning.

;-) (nickalicious), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

actually, that was a lame statement, I should say that of the lawyers I know and love, the ones that go to burning man are the ones I like least

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

Actually, I seriously know nothing about Burning Man other than lotsa hippie/neo-shamanic people I know are hella into it and go every year, and I'm torn between sharing some key interests with these people and hating being around them, so I'm guessing I'd have a pretty distinctly ambiguous love/hate appreciation for this event. I'd probably love what it's (supposed to be) about, and probably hate being around all these people behaving thusly.

nickalicious (nickalicious), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

ahh the late 90s... do they still have them?

burning man : leisure activity :: dotcom : sound business model

gygax! (gygax!), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

It's Vegas for Vegans

Horace Mann (Horace Mann), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

It just seems so haphazard and vulgar.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

"Hey everybody! Let's go out to the desert and act all freaky-like! C'mon, it'll be a hoot!"

oops (Oops), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

"dude, we can buy some really great soap and maybe some bracelets"

Horace Mann (Horace Mann), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

If a bunch of hippies are in the desert, and there's no one to smell them, do they have a smell?

NA (Nick A.), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

has anyone that's posted so far actually been to one?

fortunate hazel (f. hazel), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

This is one of the few times where I can't stop myself from judging something by the people who like it; the people I know and have known who go to Burning Man are among the most loathsome, flaky, obnoxious, insulated, sheltered, spoiled, and flat-out stupid people I've met (I'm talking almost exclusively about northeasterners, if there's a significant difference). It isn't possible for me to separate out my utter contempt for them from my impression of Burning Man, even if it should be. If I miss out on a big zoomy zeitgeist-a-go-go as a result, I'll live with that.

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

ts: Burning Man vs Flashmobbing

Horace Mann (Horace Mann), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

Judging from this piece on it, it doesn't seem like anything at all actually happens out there in the desert...or maybe EVERYTHING happens out there!

(ps no it doesn't)

nickalicious (nickalicious), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

It would be better if they really set dudes on fire. That would probably attract more of a NASCAR crowd, and me, of course.

Horace Mann (Horace Mann), Monday, 11 August 2003 17:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

The two people who I met who first clued me into it were like the coolest NYC people ever. Also, I think Douglas has just taken off to it, and I know Geeta has been before. So at least the NYers who go seem to be with it people.

Mary (Mary), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

i thought it suXoRed but then i went a few years ago and it was fantastic!

since everything dries immediately in the desert (it's like 110 degrees out during the day) nothing smells at all

so many different crowds of ppl go that you can avoid whatever people you dont like (hippies, ravers, whatever) -- not to mention there's always about 1000 things going on simultaneously so you can go to what you like and not go to what you don't like

i'm pretty anti-hippie myself

geeta (geeta), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

I just can't seem to find out what actually happens out there!

nickalicious (nickalicious), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:13 (twenty-one years ago) link

the only person I know who's been (that I know of) is definitely one of the coolest NYC people I know. she's from Kansas City.

gabbneb (gabbneb), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

well the kids i go with are more of the scary industrial types -- they build huge art pieces (metal sculptures, massive LED arrays, etc)

i'm going in two weeks -- i am psyched (douglas will be there again also!)

geeta (geeta), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

by huge i mean 50 - 100 feet high

geeta (geeta), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

As much as I admire and respect my fellow ilxors, I just can't seem to get past the fact that everyone I know who goes is an ignorant hypocrite. Maybe I'll have to reevaluate...

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

i'm not! you'd like me spencer

i'm not sure about the CA contingent, so i can't comment on that

geeta (geeta), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

I blogged this last week or so

Chris Barrus (Chris Barrus), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

as i said to geeta a few minutes ago, i can take lots of drugs in my apartment all weekend and play x-box. where exactly is the, uh, fun?

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

is this like when calvin's dad tried to explain the joys of getting up at 4 am only to eat cold fish for breakfast?

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

... Chris, please tell me the first comment on that blog entry is meant to be tongue-in-cheek and not taken seriously?

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

Of course it's serious!

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

If it's serious (it isn't really, is it? it doesn't quite go far enough to be intentionally funny, though...), that says more about my distaste for this than I ever could.

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

It's always seemed like a total dud to me. A convention of wasted lives.

Mr. Diamond (diamond), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

burning man is everything that's every been wrong with the american version of "raving" with the addition of crappy "art" and hippies.

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 11 August 2003 18:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

alternately: woodstock '99 without the consoling specter of generational fascism.

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

have you been jess?

Mary (Mary), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

I haven't been anyone but myself (except for those two weeks in '95).

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

i haven't been jess either, since i changed my name.

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

much like tep, the very idea of it is enough to fufill my haterate needs.

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

From my transatlantic perspective it seems to make being a hippie an incredible amount of hard and quite intense work, which is sort of contra the point IMO. I get the same feeling as I get when I see the giant metal baby head tank thing at Glastonbury (actually pretty much anything in Lost Vagueness at Glasto) - first encounter "oh thats pretty kewl", all subsequent "God, just relax and stop trying so hard"

Tom (Groke), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

... Chris, please tell me the first comment on that blog entry is meant to be tongue-in-cheek and not taken seriously?

Actually, that comment is from a friend of mine who goes to Burning Man every year (translation: he' s serious)

Chris Barrus (Chris Barrus), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

Well, no offense to your friend, then. But ... as I said above.

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

aw jess you old curmudgeon you!

a) like with anything else some of it is crap and some of it is really cool
b) everything gets set on fire so if you didn't like some of the art that's ok, it'll all be up in flames at the end

geeta (geeta), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Tep, what are you having a problem with in that statement from Chris's blog? You seem overtly disturbed and I can't figure out why.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

I think the central question here is: would Beavis and Butthead have gone to Burning Man? On the con side, we have hippies, art, and rave music. On the plus side, there's lots of breaking stuff and fire. The jury's still out on this one, folks.


NA (Nick A.), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

Not a problem, per se -- but it reads like a continuation of Chris's entry, i.e. more a litany of why NOT to go than an actual endorsement. "I feel like an artist" and "I'm starving cause this stuff costs too much"? "I'm Photoshopping my friends into a tarot deck"?

Granted, I think part of me dies any time someone says they "feel like an artist." That's me. But the rest is actually supposed to make it sound good?

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

I seriously had no idea it was still happening!

Is it called "Bill Graham Presents©: Mountain Dew eXtreme™'s Burning Man 2003" yet?

gygax! (gygax!), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

HAH I didn't realize there were comments at the bottom and thought you were talking about Chris's list! I R stoopid.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

someone told me it was easy to get laid with hot but somewhat underwashed neo hippie chicks there? is this true?

Bob Shaw (Bob Shaw), Monday, 11 August 2003 19:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

i hate it so much it goes way past cool but then my hatred becomes so powerful that you start to think hey yeah maybe hes right we should start a rival festival... on fire guy

lag∞n, Thursday, 7 September 2023 00:54 (one year ago) link

I’ve been to Autonomous Mutant Festival— one of the original splinters of OG Burning Man—- DEMF (aka Movement), Honcho, and a few others. I think all of those are pretty wasteful, too, fwiw, tho none are at the scale of Burning Man. I wouldn’t go to a music festival again, mostly because large crowds and/or camping around thousands of people just isn’t very me any longer.

my main problem with Burning Man, in my heart of hearts, is that its aspirations and intentions seem completely contradicted by its reality. it makes me recall the song “Halloween” by the Dead Kennedys.

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Thursday, 7 September 2023 00:55 (one year ago) link

Your points are literally unhinged subjective biases (the music and art sucks boo!)

― octobeard, Wednesday, September 6, 2023 8:53 PM (one minute ago) bookmarkflaglink

honestly the best argument against it tbf

lag∞n, Thursday, 7 September 2023 00:56 (one year ago) link

true hubris is believing that one can and should replace all technology with steam technology. But I don't think anyone at burning man believes this.

cracked fixed view mire (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 7 September 2023 00:57 (one year ago) link

It really is a trash event now (from 2019)

An individual Burner’s footprint is about two-thirds of a ton for the week, twice that of an average American. But Burners aren’t average, and they’re becoming less average every year. The median personal income of attendees went from $51,100 in 2013 to $71,500 in 2019.

Burners are famously good at leaving little to no trash on the playa (principle number eight: “Leave no trace”), but that’s cracking under the stress too. This year, the team that sweeps the playa to ensure it’s truly clean before inspection by the Bureau of Land Management was shocked by the amount of trash it found, attributing the mess partly to punishing winds and dust storms, but also excessive heat and fatigue. It’s telling that the thing they found the most of was tent stakes. Tent campers were just done.

You might be wondering why we should care about an 80,000-person totally optional festival and its first-world problems, when the ancestral homes of millions of people are fast becoming unlivable due to climate change. People without access to air-conditioning die every year in Pakistan, but there was only one death at Burning Man in 2022—a middle-aged man had a heart attack. But if a collection of some of the most capitalized, connected, and tech-forward people on the planet can’t figure this out, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Elvis Telecom, Thursday, 7 September 2023 00:59 (one year ago) link

i went to a country fair last year and they had a exhibition of all these early machines with the old guys whos hobby it was to restore them, it was pretty cool they should get that at burning man

lag∞n, Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:00 (one year ago) link

at that tho i’ve unbookmarked this thread— i can’t apologize for my bile because i’m not sorry for it, but as some have pointed out, better to just put it out of my head after a hearty chuckle

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:00 (one year ago) link

I suspect it was good but is now "over"

Just unfashionable. Like living in SF. Or having nuanced discussions online that don't involve snap judgements on wholesale groups of people over the actions of a few.

octobeard, Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:00 (one year ago) link

I will also openly confess I haven't been since 2015. But was building an immersive sound sculpture to bring out in 2020 that was derailed by the pandemic and still haven't been back. I just really dislike a pile-on on something that really isn't the "cause of our ills". It's like y'all are taking the bait.

octobeard, Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:06 (one year ago) link

they wanted to clear up all the trash after 2019 but the stakes were too high

close encounters of the third knid (darraghmac), Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:07 (one year ago) link

if the burning man thread can't handle a few punks blowing off steam

cracked fixed view mire (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:07 (one year ago) link


lag∞n, Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:14 (one year ago) link

lol goddamnit

I love you all. I've probably consumed too much acid over the years.

octobeard, Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:21 (one year ago) link


lag∞n, Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:45 (one year ago) link

you what I'm at a Melvins show right now and Buzz is basically a Republican so who am I to judge

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 7 September 2023 01:56 (one year ago) link

octobeard itt is like me if there was a thread where people said what they think about community theater

difficult listening hour, Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:02 (one year ago) link


difficult listening hour, Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:02 (one year ago) link


difficult listening hour, Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:05 (one year ago) link

you what I'm at a Melvins show right now and Buzz is basically a Republican so who am I to judge

― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, September 6, 2023 9:56 PM (nine minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

ive def had deep burning man type experiences at melvins shows

lag∞n, Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:07 (one year ago) link


have we obama's (acting) solicitor general's attendance

𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔨 (caek), Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:16 (one year ago) link

I went to Crash Worship shows when Burning Man was still being held in the city at Ocean Beach... and then SRL's Crime Wave in the mid-90s, in my mind those were perhaps a purer expression/root of what the BM experience was targeting, at least initially.

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:25 (one year ago) link

I saw one of the Burning Man organizers on a panel at a U.S. Conference of Mayors thing, and tbh he was pretty interesting. Mostly talking about the logistics of putting it on, all the problems they had to learn how to solve over the years.

For me, the Desolation Center shows were always the ideal version of this but it just seems incompatible with always-online influencer culture and crowds greater than 200.


Elvis Telecom, Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:41 (one year ago) link

My first impressions with the event back in 2011 made me feel it was closer to something like Pride in that it allowed a safe space for people to celebrate and explore their personal identities and express themselves in ways regular society wouldn't normally allow.

well, Pride did eventually turn into a self emasculated self congratulatory corporate jerk circle, but it still provides a safe space for people - but mostly because a lot of us still carry the spirit of what it’s supposed to be.

scanner darkly, Thursday, 7 September 2023 02:50 (one year ago) link

For me, a big part of the attraction of being in the desert is being away from other people.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 7 September 2023 15:13 (one year ago) link

When I was growing up in the desert we had our own version of Burning Man called Getting High in a Wash.

Beyond Goo and Evol (President Keyes), Thursday, 7 September 2023 15:16 (one year ago) link

Is there a lot of crossover between BM and all those Survival Research Labs / Re/Search San Francisco types from the 80s? Seems like the one could have grown out of the other to some extent but I don't know if any of the same people have been involved.

I spent too long trying to write sensible SF (Matt #2), Thursday, 7 September 2023 15:18 (one year ago) link

xp Yeah, one of my closest friends grew up in Palos Verdes, they used to go out to Joshua Tree and do shrooms.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 7 September 2023 15:19 (one year ago) link

xp yes

out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Thursday, 7 September 2023 15:22 (one year ago) link

"the high desert"

cracked fixed view mire (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 7 September 2023 16:28 (one year ago) link

Most of my distaste for BM comes from

1) having to work on an Art of Burning Man museum show. The art was terrible and most of the artists were incredibly disrespectful assholes high on their own supply. I realize this is a common criticism of artists but ime it's usually around 30%, not the 95% that the burners were and the art is rarely so empty as theirs.

2) maybe social media posts aren't representative of the BM "culture" as a whole but I've seen so much gross cultural appropriation in burner fashion (white dreads, warbonnets, etc) and events (white people leading a kecak dance) that are enough to put me off the event entirely.

That said, I know a few perfectly nice people who go regularly and don't pull that shit.

Octo, I'd love to check out your sound installations if they ever happen somewhere other than the playa! An old coworker of mine used to throw a desert sound art festival down near Joshua Tree, though not sure if he's brought it back since COVID hit.

Chyiv Kyiv (Fetchboy), Thursday, 7 September 2023 20:16 (one year ago) link

Whoa that's cool! - I'm currently working on some synesthetic stuff with LEDs but I'm actually getting paid for it, so won't be out on the playa or at an art exhibit per se, but next time I get some more time for personal projects I would love to revisit the ideas I had pre-pandemic or expand on them in a different way using more creative visualizations.

octobeard, Friday, 8 September 2023 01:05 (one year ago) link

xp Yeah, one of my closest friends grew up in Palos Verdes, they used to go out to Joshua Tree and do shrooms.

What year are we talking about here? One of my friends from high school was from Palos Verdes, shroomed, and rock climbed all over Joshua Tree (and the southwest)

Elvis Telecom, Friday, 8 September 2023 05:34 (one year ago) link

Early 80s.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 8 September 2023 17:43 (one year ago) link

The date tracks... maybe we have mutual friends? I knew a guy named Rick S.: he played bass in a punk band that I played guitar in. One of our better gigs was when we crashed a giant RPV/Palos Verdes Estates graduation party with all our instruments "hi we're the band" "oh cool, set up over there - beer kegs are in the back"

Elvis Telecom, Friday, 8 September 2023 22:04 (one year ago) link

Is there a lot of crossover between BM and all those Survival Research Labs / Re/Search San Francisco types from the 80s? Seems like the one could have grown out of the other to some extent but I don't know if any of the same people have been involved.

when I first became aware of burning man in the mid-late 90's that exactly who was associated with it.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 8 September 2023 22:07 (one year ago) link

yeah, I think I almost assumed the BM was an offshoot or somehow related to SRL, they used to blow shit up in the desert all the time back then

I saw Vale from ReSearch fairly recently, at a festival.. someone told me he's 79 or something like that!

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 8 September 2023 22:21 (one year ago) link

^^^^ He IS 79 and played keys in Blue Cheer before they went power trio

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 8 September 2023 22:22 (one year ago) link

Found an old web site for the Tales Of San Francisco Cacophony book, and the link list is a who's who of early pre-playa BM


Elvis Telecom, Friday, 8 September 2023 22:36 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

I'm neither a burner nor an electrician, but for some reason, Facebook just gave me Burning Man Generators and Electrical Systems as a recommended group.


peace, man, Sunday, 24 September 2023 10:49 (eleven months ago) link

The comments in that group read like NextDoor Burning Man

Irina Krapiva
worst neighbors ever!!! invest in your generator! it was 90 dc at the end of our camp and we were across from you!

this is stupid to drive electric vehicle and then use old generator with tons of exhaust and super loud to charge your truck and the suck energy from it. You got feedback from other neighbors as well, hope you reconsider for next time and I hope you won't be my neighbors.

Sandra Jurado
@Irina Krapiva As first-time burners, we definitely learned a lot and have lots to reconsider for next time. We are hoping to share what we learned so other first-timers will have a smoother (and quieter) experience than we did.
- Your Sincerely Apologetic Loud-Ass Neighbors

Nick Radell
@Irina Krapiva speaking as an old school type of player, I can only point out that one unattended moment with the offending genny and a sugar cube, will cure all problems for everyone.

Irina Krapiva
@Nick Radell at some moment I was seriously considering sugar cubes 😜 but this year was pain enough to cause even more.

Thanks God other neighbors also complained about loud generator and guys turned it off for a few hours. The first night they run it all day and night as well, which was insane. Later they switched to day hours 🤨 (5-6 hours every single day!) which was still too much.

If I were at their place I would move out of that area to a place with less people and run generator as much as they want.

It was obviously not very pleasant for them as well to get dirty looks from all sides.

Ernie Workman
@Nick Radell Sugar isn't soluble in gasoline. It's a myth that it causes serious engine damage. Especially for non fuel-injected engines, it would at most clog a fuel filter or land in the float bowl, which would be an easy fix. I appreciate the sentiment though, attempting to destroy someone's means of leaving the playa instead of simply chatting with your neighbors is sure in the spirit of Burning Man.

China Wilson
@Nick Radell vandalism definitely the way to resolve problems🙄

Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 24 September 2023 11:30 (eleven months ago) link

I met someone on Friday night who went there this year for the first time and had a great time.
Heard a podcast a couple of days earlier that talked about the rich glomming onto a successful festival over teh years and it largely being them who had had trouble this year and had the wrong attitude to the thing anyway.
Also talked about the expectation that people went to Burning man for the bands which I hadn't been aware of the festival enough not to think.

Stevo, Sunday, 24 September 2023 11:53 (eleven months ago) link

I gotta mention too that there’s some seriously impressive portable solar rigs in that Facebook group.

Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 24 September 2023 12:50 (eleven months ago) link

three months pass...

Your points are literally unhinged subjective biases (the music and art sucks boo!)

took me a while but I’m just here for the new board description

poster of sparks (rogermexico.), Friday, 19 January 2024 22:58 (seven months ago) link


Pictish in the Woods (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 20 January 2024 20:08 (seven months ago) link

glad to be of some use around here

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Saturday, 20 January 2024 23:59 (seven months ago) link

seven months pass...


Good to see the steam Punk/4 non Blondes goggles are still a thing

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 4 September 2024 23:07 (one week ago) link

hadn't even considered Burning Man AI until now, great

pplains, Wednesday, 4 September 2024 23:40 (one week ago) link

- "They look ok, but what's with the roof back there with the body parts on it?"

- "This... this is an actual photograph from Burning Man."

pplains, Wednesday, 4 September 2024 23:41 (one week ago) link

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