Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Classic or Dud [spoilers]

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so the Twin Peaks film, any good? I see it as an Unjustly Maligned Film, stylistically impressive and genuinely disturbing. Following Laura as she tries and fails to escape her pre-ordained doom is very affecting.

please try and comment on this without giving away plot twists from it or the original TV series (for the sake of Mr Woodlouse).

DV (dirtyvicar), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

sorry, I meant Nick Southall, I looked at the wrong thread author. duh.

DV (dirtyvicar), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

brilliant. much love to the 'industrial' type track halfway through.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

I love the little kid with the pointy-nose mask. Is that the one with Jimmy Scott doing "Sycamore Trees"? And David Bowie going mental with a Southern accent? Classic.

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

it is scary as bejaysus. the terror blanked my mind of details so no danger of spoilers from me.

angela (angela), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

Dave Bowie = dud.

Pete (Pete), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

But in a good way, no? Better than Chris Isaak.

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

David Lynch is great in it. It's the most unnerving movie I've ever seen, and NS should really get it out once he finishes Tp off.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

''Dave Bowie = dud.''

'dave' was grebt. c'mon! that was the most worthless appearance by a rock star ina movie evah! there is something to that.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

I thought the Bowie bit was hella creepy. And the bit where Chris Isaak fools Kiefer into spilling coffee on himself, AAAIEEE

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

I just laughed sooo hard at that bit.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

So did I. Vaguely related, I went to see Blue Velvet at the CINEMA a while ago and a bunch of people found scenes like "Why are there people like Frank?" and Booth getting shot terribly funny. Hipsters, they are not human.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 16 May 2003 09:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

C4did show blue velvet earlier in the week. i taped it. I shall laugh v hard after watching it tonight i'm sure.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 16 May 2003 10:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

It has one bit which is hilarious to me (and the person I saw it with) and NOT ONE other person laughed. I'd say which but I wouldn't want to spoil it for you.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 16 May 2003 10:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

s'OK. I'm a hipster. I'm sure we'll laugh at the same bits ;-)

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 16 May 2003 10:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

The whole film was kind of unnecessary. Everything that happened in it was already established in the series. Also, it was highly incoherent, even for a David Lynch film. Apparently, a lot of material which was intended for the film was left on the cutting room floor. The worst David Lynch flick ever, I think; I haven't seen Dune, though, from what I've heard it's even worse.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 16 May 2003 10:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

The security camera scene is the best thing Lynch has ever done. Ever. The rest of the film is kinda dull.

I haven't seen Dune, though, from what I've heard it's even worse.

Nah, it has its moments. Certainly more than Fire Walk With Me. And the set design is pure eye candy.

Frühlingsmute (Wintermute), Friday, 16 May 2003 11:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, the security camera thing was nice, I had forgot about that.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Friday, 16 May 2003 11:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Enjoying Dune more than Blue Velvet was the point at which I realised film was Not For Me.

Tico Tico (Tico Tico), Friday, 16 May 2003 11:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

I still have never seen this...even though I'm a fan of David Bowie's music, I suspected the movie had to be horrible if he was in it. And I wanted to keep my fond memories of the show untainted by a rubfest.

Nicole (Nicole), Friday, 16 May 2003 11:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

I like this movie, but mostly I am annoyed by Laura and her replacement Donna. Not everything had been established in the series, specifically that we never did find out exactly how Laura Palmer and Theresa Banks were connected. Also I hate Laura's weird hair. I also miss some of the great characters from the series, like Audrey and Ben Horne. They are just suddenly GONE!

Mandee, Friday, 16 May 2003 12:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

I am just remembering the embarassing and all-consuming crush I had on Madchen Amick as a young me. *shudder*

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 16 May 2003 12:03 (twenty-one years ago) link

Laura/Theresa met up thru being hookers w/the same pimp, I thought. Laura accepting and "willingly" taking up her FATE was pretty moving, I thought

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 16 May 2003 12:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

Dud - though people I know and respect have argued the point with me.

As Tuomas said it was unnecessary and incoherent. I didn't find LP trying to escape her doom affecting. The film detracted from the show to no good end - maybe all the stuff that ended up on the cutting floor would have given it more structure and elements of why I loved the show (the black humor for one) Reminded me too mcuh of the downward slide in Season 2.

H (Heruy), Friday, 16 May 2003 12:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

This picture has Sky Magazine 1991 written all over it

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 16 May 2003 12:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

Love this movie, saw it in the theater when it was released.

hstencil, Friday, 16 May 2003 12:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

The replacement Donna is down to that fact that Lara Flynn Boyle found the script "misogynistic". I guess she never had problems with the borderline skin flicks of her later career, they must have been more arty than Lynch.

I like it hugely, and I was a big fan of the series. It works on the level that Laura Palmers' death polarised the town. After it Twin Peaks became focused and aware of itself, prior to that it was a mess of contradicitons and backs turned. I take the message of the series and film together to be something along the lines of "it takes a horrible and extreme event to expose latent evil". Or something. The soapyness of the series and the "waaaaaaa! mummy!"ness of the film get this across really well.

Apparently there is as much footage on the editing suite floor as ended up in the final cut. Most of the series' actors filmed scenes for it, you can get the shooting draft of the script here:-

I was so glad the film was made, Laura Palmer was the most interesting character in the whole series, despite being absent. I don't think many pieces of art have broached the subject of how the victims of sexual violence deal with it, it's a bold story which suits its surreal structure and tone. The whole thing feels desperate and insane and mirrors Laura's psyche perfectly.

So the best scenes for me are the ones that show people desperately trying to keep up appearances in the midst of this utter insanity, the madman tailing Leland and Laura and screaming at them or Cooper's play with the CCTV.

The more I watched the film, the more I wanted Lynch to take on a Clive Barker book at some point. The little man / giant stuff fits into Barker so well, these things are neither Gods, aliens or whatever, they're just something other, so much like the beings in "Weaveworld" or "The Great and Secret Show". Lynch does "Weaveworld". Now there'd be a film. And a budget.

Um, yeah. Classic, classic, classic.

Lynskey (Lynskey), Friday, 16 May 2003 13:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Semi-classic, semi-dud. Heaps and heaps of stunning visuals and really unsettling examples of human behavior. Great soundtrack, as usual. Too little of the things i really wanted to see, though, and the story kinda falls apart. I'd say that you should still watch it if you're a fan of the show, but don't expect a Major Revelation.

Major props to using Ligeti's Requia at the end sequence, which is still scary as hell.

Matt Maxwell (Matt M.), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

Ugh, I couldn't stand it. Blue Velvet on the other hand I consider to be far and away Lynch's best film. I won't go on and on about it, but I really think it's amazing.

People laughing at serious bits in films, especially films you really like, is very aggrevating to me. With Lynch, he was very inspired by 50s American melodramas, and a line like "Why are there people like Frank?" obviously is naive and bland, but it's also direct and sincere, and certainly the situation she's referring to is as upsetting as can be imagined. People are just laughing because they're uncomfortable... but I'd rather they be uncomfortable in silence.

Sean (Sean), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

uh, anybody know if this is on DVD? And if so, is there any of that missing footage on it?

hstencil, Friday, 16 May 2003 14:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

Stence, it's on DVD. I borrowed it from a friend while I was snowed in a few months ago. I never checked to see if there were extras.

Mandee, Friday, 16 May 2003 14:25 (twenty-one years ago) link

Sean that's the thing, I think they found letting themselves be that uncomfortable too hard and decided to take the easy way out and laugh at the simple emotion, and not take it at all seriously. Good for them, but I found myself kinda scared that such simple honest feeling was suddenly so unhip. God, I really can't stand these hipsters! They weren't (I think) even getting to the "uncomfortable" stage; they just giggled at the sight of feeling.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

This is probably inappropriate, but how come whats-her-name in the TV series got reincarnated as a door knocker?

Chuck Tatum (Chuck Tatum), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

Was that Joan Chen?

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

It was a drawer handle, I think you'll find. Me a pedant.

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

I still have never seen this...

Neither have I, though I did pick up the DVD cheap a few weeks back, so one day I'll actually watch the darn thing...

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

There are no extra bits on the DVD. Apparently Lynch couldn't negotiate the rights; the DVD was held up for ages because they were trying to get them and didn't want to put it out without the extra footage (I guess there is about 2 more hours worth of stuff, most of it never went into post production). It'll probably show up one day.

anthony kyle monday (akmonday), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

There aren't any extra bits for the film and no commentary from Lynch (who apparently hates commentary anyway) but apparently there's some sort of documentary featuring a good slew of the cast members, so hey.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

i had never seen twin peaks at all until recently,then watched the whole series in order,and when it was finished i was so into twin peaks that the film could have been a two hour long shot of ben horne walking down a corridor whistling and i still probably would have loved it...
however,i do still think it is a really good film
you do have to have seen the series though,i'd imagine...
some of it is really terrified me,when the one armed man is screaming at them,or just looking at that picture...

robin (robin), Friday, 16 May 2003 14:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

oop. i was actually visualising a drawer handle and wrote door knocker. whereas of course a door knocker would not be wide enough to carry a face.

Chuck Tatum (Chuck Tatum), Friday, 16 May 2003 15:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

yeah i dunno what the fuck is the story with that...
just one of those random little things i suppose

robin (robin), Friday, 16 May 2003 15:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

You seem to be ignoring the fact that the first third of the movie is entirely unrelated to Twin Peaks at all (the town that is)--the whole part with Chris Isaak and Kiefer Sutherland. In terms of thwarting audience expectations this is poss. the most perverse and evil thing David Lynch has ever down. I'd like to say that this part of the film is brilliant but it's not, it actually feels very much like a compendium of Lynchisms without the connective tissue of melodrama. Although as usual there are nice moments, like the photo of the sheriff above his desk where he is bending a steel bar.

If you read the original shooting script you will see that much that seems "inexplicable" in the final cut is indeed explicated, in a quite turgid manner. For example David Bowie's appearance. I'm torn between wishing the entire script made it into the film (it would've been more than three hours long) and being glad it didn't. I get the feeling that the cut as it exists is not completely due to the studio imposing a two-hour running time on Lynch's company. I suspect that Lynch was tired of the overexplicit nature of the original screenplay and did something of a cut-and-paste to achieve the requisite level of incoherence.

Anyways. Jacques Rivette on this film:

I don't own a television, which is why I couldn't share Serge Daney's passion for TV series. And I took a long time to appreciate Lynch. In fact, I didn't really start until Blue Velvet (1986). With Isabella Rossellini's apartment, Lynch succeeded in creating the creepiest set in the history of cinema. And Twin Peaks, the Film is the craziest film in the history of cinema. I have no idea what happened, I have no idea what I saw, all I know is that I left the theater floating six feet above the ground. Only the first part of Lost Highway (1996) is as great. After which you get the idea, and by the last section I was one step ahead of the film, although it remained a powerful experience right up to the end.

And Jonathan Rosenbaum (who much admires Rivette) on this film:

The 1992 prequel to David Lynch and Mark Frost's famous but short-lived TV series, this deals with the events leading up to the murder of Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in a Pacific northwest town that suggests a somewhat funnier and kinkier version of Peyton Place. It has its moments, but not many, and generally speaking it runs neck and neck with Dune as the least successful and least interesting Lynch feature. The material, not much different from Jennifer Lynch's spin-off book The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer, involves a lot of heavy breathing about the evil that lurks in supposedly innocent small towns, with various intimations about sexual abuse. The surrealist conceits work better here than the orgies, and both suggest that Lynch was badly in need of both a rest and a change of pace. With Kyle MacLachlan as caffeine-addicted FBI agent Dale Cooper, Harry Dean Stanton, David Bowie, Chris Isaak, Moira Kelly, Ray Wise, and other weird types--though not, alas, Sherilyn Fenn, Russ Tamblyn, Richard Beymer, Joan Chen, Piper Laurie, Jack Nance, and others from the TV series. Robert Engels wrote the script with Lynch. 135 min.

I'm more with Rivette. I enjoy the film, tremendously at times. I couldn't disagree more with Rosenbaum about it and Dune being uninteresting. Unsuccessful, perhaps, but the failings of these films shed about as much light on Lynch's peculiarities of style as the more "successful" films like Mulholland Drive or Blue Velvet (the former being my least favorite Lynch feature, the latter being my favorite).

amateurist (amateurist), Friday, 16 May 2003 16:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

P.S. One day I will treat you all to my thesis about David Lynch being afraid of poor people. I think this explains much of the stuff in his films. It is also a strong part of what makes them resonant to me, but also a little less than admirable perhaps.

amateurist (amateurist), Friday, 16 May 2003 16:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

he has said often that his films/outlook etc were shaped by living in Philadelphia when he was in art school. particularly Eraserhead

H (Heruy), Friday, 16 May 2003 16:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah but the unspoken--or maybe spoken I dunno--feeling behind that is one of fear of poor people (as opposed to fear of poverty). Not that he is blind to hypocrisy and mendacity among the rich but those characters tend to be redeemable whereas.... There is something naturally perverse and degenerate about poor people, he almost seems to be suggesting that they are conduit for evil passing into the world. (Hence all the drug-smuggling as metaphor and otherwise in Twin Peaks.)

amateurist (amateurist), Friday, 16 May 2003 16:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

I don't like it as much as any of the series, but i still like it a lot.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 16 May 2003 21:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

I have now slept through it, twice. Though I stayed awake for the series (and when is the rest of the series coming out on DVD? These VHS tapes are killing me!).

So, um, maybe classic, maybe dud.

I'm Passing Open Windows (Ms Laura), Saturday, 17 May 2003 02:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

Whoah. How on earth did you sleep through the finale?

This reminds me of an afternoon when I dozed off while listening to It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. In my half-sleeping delerium I remember thinking to myself, "What a lovely, sweet record...."

amateurist (amateurist), Saturday, 17 May 2003 02:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

Search the Fantomas cover of the theme song, btw.

Sean (Sean), Saturday, 17 May 2003 02:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

The Wedding Present version is pretty good too.

amateurist (amateurist), Saturday, 17 May 2003 02:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

Bobby discovering his coke was laxative, lol

ice cream social justice (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 29 November 2017 02:32 (six years ago) link

the Bowie scenes in TMP didn't really convince me i know WTF is going on there.

Bowie and the convenience store scenes are key to season 3.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 30 November 2017 03:18 (six years ago) link

better go ahead and tell me

ice cream social justice (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 30 November 2017 06:11 (six years ago) link

the scenes are referenced (and iirc actually replayed) - you'll get it, don't worry

Οὖτις, Thursday, 30 November 2017 16:20 (six years ago) link

they replay all the relevant parts

mh, Thursday, 30 November 2017 16:20 (six years ago) link

whoops, sorry Οὖτις, my skimming is not so good today

mh, Thursday, 30 November 2017 16:21 (six years ago) link

for lack of anything better to do last night my wife and I started in on the original series again (w the intention of watching everything up through the Return) and I had two thoughts about the pilot:
1) Dana Ashbrook (w Grace Zabriskie a close second) totally nails the generally disconcerting/unpredictable vibe of the show right out the gate. he is great in every scene, always throwing in some weird nuance/mannerism/delivery that elevates the material
2) I lol'd when Cooper closes a scene at the PD with "Diane I am holding in my hand a box of chocolate bunnies"

Οὖτις, Friday, 1 December 2017 21:14 (six years ago) link

The callback to the bunnies in The Return was so brilliant. Like, the way the show pauses to make you consider, does this mean something? Then quickly dismisses the idea.

Evan R, Friday, 1 December 2017 21:39 (six years ago) link

Cooper is also strangely supercilious in some of his first scenes. He positively revels in grilling Bobby and Donna, he openly mocks them for no real reason, it comes off as almost cruel. These qualities seem to evaporate from his character as the show goes on. Or, at least, when they do pop up he more skillfully deploys them against people that deserve it.

Οὖτις, Friday, 1 December 2017 21:44 (six years ago) link

It's a bit out of character, but maybe he sensed there was something there beyond Laura's death. After all, Bobby had just recently murdered his drug connect.

Moodles, Friday, 1 December 2017 21:51 (six years ago) link

Shakey Mo, please try to keep it to the OG thread (c/d iirc) for posterity plz.

Jersey Al (Albert R. Broccoli), Friday, 1 December 2017 23:20 (six years ago) link

ah sorry

Οὖτις, Friday, 1 December 2017 23:36 (six years ago) link

Yeah, Coop's mocking "You didn't love her anyway" really surprised me the last time I watched it

Screamin' Jay Gould (The Yellow Kid), Friday, 1 December 2017 23:59 (six years ago) link

The callback to the bunnies in The Return was so brilliant. Like, the way the show pauses to make you consider, does this mean something? Then quickly dismisses the idea.

then unexpectedly comes back to them in the end, in an oblique and quite creepy way

sciatica, Saturday, 2 December 2017 07:05 (six years ago) link

i forgot bobby killed a guy. that's a lot of stuff between that and s03 bobby.

slugbuggy, Saturday, 2 December 2017 09:27 (six years ago) link

Bobby killed a guy is one of the bits that comes back in s3!

sonnet by a wite kid, "On Æolian Grief" (wins), Saturday, 2 December 2017 11:15 (six years ago) link

Although we prob shouldn't post spoilers itt, sorry

sonnet by a wite kid, "On Æolian Grief" (wins), Saturday, 2 December 2017 11:20 (six years ago) link

Wasn't the guy Bobby killed pulling a gun on him? I'd call that more self-defense by Bobby than murder

Screamin' Jay Gould (The Yellow Kid), Saturday, 2 December 2017 14:39 (six years ago) link

i love that whole scene, where bobby is just so fucked up over having shot a guy, and laura can't stop laughing

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Saturday, 2 December 2017 17:54 (six years ago) link

really enriches bobby's scene with jacoby in the first season

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Saturday, 2 December 2017 17:55 (six years ago) link

do those of you who’ve seen the missing pieces watch it for pleasure or is it mostly valuable for context? Do you rewatch it? still dithering on getting the CC of FWWM, which I already have on dvd and rarely watch

sciatica, Saturday, 2 December 2017 19:01 (six years ago) link

i don't really ever watch it on its own, just after fwwm, but in that case yes i've watched it for pleasure several times

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Saturday, 2 December 2017 19:03 (six years ago) link

two by four!

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Saturday, 2 December 2017 19:03 (six years ago) link

I love it and have rewatched it but I've also watched fwwm more times than is perhaps healthy so I should maybe recuse myself

sonnet by a wite kid, "On Æolian Grief" (wins), Saturday, 2 December 2017 19:05 (six years ago) link

But cmon you need that fight scene in your life

sonnet by a wite kid, "On Æolian Grief" (wins), Saturday, 2 December 2017 19:05 (six years ago) link

I’m going to assume you’re talking about a fight with two by fours and that Pete’s “two by fours, four by eights. Two by fours, four by eights” in the pilot is him inventorying his arsenal

sciatica, Saturday, 2 December 2017 19:15 (six years ago) link

The stairs/fan scene should have been in the film.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Saturday, 2 December 2017 21:11 (six years ago) link

Yeah, that and the scene at the Hayward place are the two that really feel like "missing pieces" insofar as they feel like they belong to the other film. Maybe the palmer dinner scene too as it provides a contrast to the later (wash your hands) scene

sonnet by a wite kid, "On Æolian Grief" (wins), Saturday, 2 December 2017 21:19 (six years ago) link

yeah i love the happy palmers. makes everything much sadder. would've probably felt excessive in the film itself though

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Sunday, 3 December 2017 16:59 (six years ago) link

i love that whole scene, where bobby is just so fucked up over having shot a guy, and laura can't stop laughing

― ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Saturday, 2 December 2017 17:54 (two days ago) Permalink

really enriches bobby's scene with jacoby in the first season

― ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Saturday, 2 December 2017 17:55 (two days ago) Permalink

very otm. before seeing FWWM, the bobby-jacoby interaction baffled me -- is bobby really sincerely grieving? or is he fake-crying to mock his dead girlfriend's therapist? that seems unusually callous even for bobby...

idk why, but having to piece together an explanation from events witnessed out of chronological sequence seems to add to the emotional richness

bernard snowy, Monday, 4 December 2017 21:32 (six years ago) link

any reports from the boxset people? i'm a jerk and a half but if the BTS stuff is good (and why wouldn't it be, since built to spill were once capable of transcendence on a good night, although i've also seen them on a night where i almost fell asleep - indie dad joke) i definitely want to track down the good bits on this here internet

Karl Malone, Monday, 4 December 2017 21:37 (six years ago) link

They played a great set at the Road House

The Spilling of a Sacred Beer (latebloomer), Monday, 4 December 2017 22:08 (six years ago) link

i feel like Twin Peaks would be a MAJOR market for Built to Spill

flappy bird, Tuesday, 5 December 2017 02:36 (six years ago) link

four months pass...

RIP Pamela Gidley (Teresa Banks). Small role, but she gave a really striking performance

Evan R, Monday, 30 April 2018 19:32 (six years ago) link

glad to see a lot of places picking the news up, she was a very good actor and an equally decent person.

omar little, Monday, 30 April 2018 23:03 (six years ago) link

two years pass...

Watched this for I guess the 3rd time tonight, this time with my kids — we just finished the first two seasons (skipping most of the back half of season 2, except for the final episode). There were points in the movie where I wondered if it was too much for them, they're 16 and 12, but they're pretty invested in seeing the whole Twin Peaks universe. They were definitely scared and upset by stuff in the movie that is scary and upsetting, but they were also just kind of mesmerized by the whole thing. It is a trip. Really the darkest single thing he's ever done.

Also, I knew its reputation had improved over the years, but it's pretty striking to look at Metacritic — reviews range from 100 to 0, in an almost perfect reverse chronological order.

I really want to watch TP with my kid, but she’s 11 and it is not yet time. Maddy’s death would be Too Much. Maybe another year or two. It will be a while before she can handle FWWM though. I saw it totally alone in a theater when I was 16 and it stunned me.

Every time I see it I like it more and i’m glad its reputation has turned around. Is it Lynch’s scariest movie? The evil in it feels real in a way that he usually doesn’t manage or try for.

Cow_Art, Sunday, 28 March 2021 04:15 (three years ago) link

It's pretty scary! And in really visceral and upsetting ways. My kids like horror movies and have seen Halloween, Friday the 13th, The Thing, Scream. But none of those feel like FWWM, the conventions of the genres and the stories give more distance. FWWM forces you to feel Laura's desperation and horror, it doesn't give you much distance.

A dad rapes and kills his daughter, the main character of the show/movie--it's definitely the darkest thing he's done. Cow OTM about the evil being "real" in a way that Inland Empire or even Mulholland Drive isn't.

flappy bird, Sunday, 28 March 2021 05:31 (three years ago) link

three months pass...

Watching this for the first time since seeing The Return three times, which kinda reset my brain on how to understand time and suchlike. Harry Dean Stanton is surely a different character? They both run (different) trailer parks but are very different in personality. Dammit I had other more important thoughts I forget, something about seperating the young Lynch kid (Tremond? grandchild or something) from the Jumping Man, but what I've mainly learnt these years is to not concentrate on any sort of plot, it's all thematically and visually connected, I suppose that big spurious blog you were all praising might agree but fuck all nonsense except Lynch nonsense. If he draws 6 from his jar tomorrow I think the universe will have aligned

Jonathan Hellion Mumble, Thursday, 22 July 2021 20:43 (three years ago) link

one year passes...

I'd never heard this song til the other day and didn't know that what I thought of as just an oddball Twin Peaks line — immortalized by Laura's "gobble gobble" — was a reference.

Which in turn comes from this:

one year passes...

Another fan edit hits the net (where to find it is in the YT comments). I never thought that FWWM was something that needed to be fixed, but I appreciate the fantasy baseball parallel universes.

Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 8 June 2024 07:03 (one month ago) link

more details here:

Elvis Telecom, Saturday, 8 June 2024 07:05 (one month ago) link

I don't mind people doing these things but them using the word "missing" for it is like nails down a blackboard for me

Alba, Saturday, 8 June 2024 07:36 (one month ago) link

I used to feel the same way about "The Missing Manual" series of computer books lol

Alba, Saturday, 8 June 2024 07:37 (one month ago) link

tbf half of the source material is called "The Missing Pieces"

assert (matttkkkk), Saturday, 8 June 2024 09:03 (one month ago) link

Ha - I did forget that. Maybe that wasn't David Lynch's choice, like "The Return" wasn't.

Alba, Saturday, 8 June 2024 17:23 (one month ago) link

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