Let's bitch about our stupid, annoying co-workers

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Girl I work with is chatting to a male customer in friendly fashion as she serves him. He leaves, then me and her have this conversation.

Annoying Girl: "I hope people don't get the wrong idea!"
Me: "Eh?"
AG: "About me and the guy. I hope people don't start thinking we're going out, just because I'm friendly to him when he comes in."
Me: "Eh, I don't think people will assume that."
AG: "You don't think the bosses would fire me for it? You know, for being too friendly with the customers?"
Me: "Eh, no." (Thinking: Christ Almighty!)
AG: "I'm really worried now. They wouldn't fire me for it, would they?"
Me: "I doubt it."

A few minutes pass...

AG: "I'm still really worried. They wouldn't fire me, would they?"
Me: "NO!" (Thinking: leave me alone, you neurotic freak!)

Then this crazy elderly man, a regular customer, comes in. He was in a car accident which left him, (how shall I put this?), barking mad. He thinks he's a real estate owner, and I'm one of his tenants, despite the fact that he asks me for money for tobacco every time he comes in. He proceeds to tell the annoying girl about all the houses he owns, and how I am one of his tenants etc, etc, while drooling and smelling terrible! He leaves.

AG: (genuinely) "Was that true, what he was saying?"
Me: "Oh my, no."
AG: "It could have been..."
Me: "I'm pretty sure it wasn't" (Thinking: Christ! I think I'd know if I was one of his tenants!)
AG: "Appearances can be deceptive..."
Me: "No, I'm pretty sure he's barking mad."
AG: "But-"
Me: "NO!"

It was a long day at work. I feel better now I've got it off my chest! Now it's your turn to bitch.

What makes it even more irritating is that she's a very NICE person. No harm in her at all, just really annoying and stupid. So I feel bad for bitching about her, yet I am compelled to do so!

weasel diesel (K1l14n), Thursday, 28 November 2002 22:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

One of the managers at the petrol station once called me outside for a smoke and to talk to me, it was a bit like the Warden Norton/Tommy scene in Shawshank Redemption.

Boss:"Ronan could you comb your hair next time you come to work"

Me:"eh in fairness the contract doesn't say anything about me having to comb my hair"

Boss:"yeah but I mean you're a student now yeah? this job isn't so bad. they look after you well, it's a good wage, I'm happy with my lot"

Me:"I don't think there's any chance of me ever working here for a living, long term"

Boss:"Yeah and they pay your health insurance, it's not too difficult a job either"

Me:"Yeah no I'm never going to want to work here, to be honest I was planning on quitting as soon as I start college, or maybe even sooner, you needn't tell the main boss that"

Boss:"Oh don't worry, whatever is discussed here stays here. *long David Brent style lecture* I know what it's like to work WITH people and AROUND people, and I know that this station is not being run as effectively as possible, it's a clique, and I'm sure you can see that too Ronan. But quitting isn't going to change that. You quitting will not make this a smoother operation.

Me:"Eh I don't care about this job, I'm not sure what your point is"

Boss:"All I'm saying is, think about what I've said to you yeah? Just think about it"


Ronan (Ronan), Thursday, 28 November 2002 22:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

Is it only DCU students who work with stupid, annoying people?

DV (dirtyvicar), Thursday, 28 November 2002 23:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

no, its anyone who has ever worked in bars with no-neck, arrogant-for-no-reason wankers, with no brain function other than the tiny amount required to raise a beer to their filthy mouths after a shift.

donna (donna), Friday, 29 November 2002 04:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hurrah for it is the last day of the CompulsiveEatingBurpingCulotteWearingTactlessJollyCoWorker today!!! What will hopefully be my last annoying conversation with her happened first thing on Wednesday morning:

CEBCWTJCW: Morning Rachel!!! Oooh! What have you done to your NOSE??

Me: What? Oh yeah, it's a spot.

CEBCWTJCW: No! You've cut yourself or something! It's really RED.

Me: No, really, it's just a big, shiny, noticeable spot.

CEBCWTJCW: It looks really BAD!

At this point I gave up all hope of having a good day.

Archel (Archel), Friday, 29 November 2002 09:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

Day one at my new job.

Woman At Next Desk: Oh, you used to live in London? So did I. I moved back after my daughter started school and, to be honest, I'm really glad I did. The education you get in London is terrible.

Madchen: I've heard inner city schools are, er, challenging.

WAND: Oh yes. I mean, she was one of only three white faces in the class.

Madchen: Oh. (Mutters something under her breath about 1 in 4 Scots).

Madchen (Madchen), Friday, 29 November 2002 09:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

My co-worker Oh, I'm not being funny.... but could you only buy your lunch from the shop across the road from now on? When you go anywhere else it takes too long. Maybe you should bring a pack up from home.

Me (in my head): No, fuck off you food fascist. You're the one who is consistantly 15 minutes late back from lunch every day, and I know I'll spend the last hour of the day sitting around doing nothing listening to you go on and on and on so it's not like we're really busy. And God, just never speak to me again!

Me (in reality): Yeah, no problem.

Madeleine (Madeleine), Friday, 29 November 2002 10:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

Maddie, immediately invent an obscure food allergy that REQUIRES you to go to a different shop! Oh , and then KILL HER.

Archel (Archel), Friday, 29 November 2002 10:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

haha, madchen, fuck you! ;)

dwh (dwh), Friday, 29 November 2002 10:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

What the hell? Why, precisely, was that necessary, dwh? Christ on a bike.

Liz :x (Liz :x), Friday, 29 November 2002 10:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

Maddie, your co-worker is EVIL. There's only one place you should go for an off-site lunch and that's THE PUB!

robster (robster), Friday, 29 November 2002 10:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

Rule 2858 in a series of obscure rules:

Office twats who preface statements with 'I'm not being funny' should recognise that everything following the phrase comes with its own virtual kill file.

My other suggestion would be to canvass other coworkers for a pizza delivery one Friday and exclude her blatantly.

suzy (suzy), Friday, 29 November 2002 11:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

I want to invent a food allergy but then I'd be like her! She's allergic to garlic, alcohol, traffic fumes, manmade fibres, "still air" (this means we have the fan on in the winter so the air circulates and her eyes don't "gum up"), some other stuff that I forgot and, of course, EVER DOING ANY WORK. She is allergic to getting off her arse, I fear.

And the "I'm not being funny/I'm not having a go/I don't want you to take this the wrong way...." rule. I reckon if you have to start a sentence with any of these statements, you shouldn't be saying the sentence at all!

Madeleine (Madeleine), Friday, 29 November 2002 11:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

Oh, and I can't canvass others to share food. There's only me and her in the whole shop. And when it's quiet she talks to me like we're friends but we're not. It's all very unfortunate.

Madeleine (Madeleine), Friday, 29 November 2002 11:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Haha 'still air'????

Archel (Archel), Friday, 29 November 2002 11:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

This stupid stupid woman sent every single person here an email saying that she left 60 centimes in the coffee machine and asking for whoever finds it to bring it to her office. What a scrooge!

Miss Laura, Friday, 29 November 2002 11:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

it wasn't sincere, liz, it was just a grumble about the allegation that 1/4 of scots are racist, y'know. the 'haha' was meant to temper it, sorry.

dwh (dwh), Friday, 29 November 2002 12:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

Allegation? My personal experience is this:

I work in a room with two people. Person 1 said to me all the stuff I wrote above. She thought nothing of saying it to a stranger (the assumption, I guess, being that I would think the same). Person 2 laughed along merrily. Also, I have come across numerous people in Glasgow who tell me they get scared in London because there are so many black people around. Again, the way they express themselves implies they feel no sense of shame whatsoever - they just don't see there's anything wrong in expressing obviously prejudiced opinions.

I'm not denying for a second that racism doesn't exist elsewhere (and I'm not forgetting that the survey found 3 in 4 Scots aren't racist) but this is the only place I've encountered bigots who have the expectation that my opinion must be the same as theirs.

Madchen (Madchen), Friday, 29 November 2002 13:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

Try the deli counter at S**n**ury's. I get so many customers who expect me to agree with their racist opinions simply because I am white. Twats.

alix (alix), Friday, 29 November 2002 17:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

e-mail from my boss: "when I came in on Monday, the Threepenny Opera files were not online. I expect that when I assign a task that it will be completed. Don't let this happen in the future."

reply from me: "actually, on Friday we both determined that we had the wrong CD and would have to special order a new copy. On Monday."

reply from my boss: "There must have been some miscommunication here."

yeah, between your ears and your brain. moron!

Dave M. (rotten03), Friday, 29 November 2002 17:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

Suzy, you aren't generalising wildly enough: yes, anyone who says "I'm not being funny, but" is best punched, hard and often, but this applies to most other sentences on the "I'm not being [X], but" model. X=racist obviously means "I am a loathsome racist", most obviously and clearly. Try 'sexist' or 'nasty' too.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 29 November 2002 19:18 (twenty-one years ago) link

Happily I've been blessed with a slew of great co-workers. I will say that some years back the news that someone was departing from our neck of the woods to go elsewhere was greeted with quiet relief, though.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 29 November 2002 19:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

Maddy, if she's your boss and only other co-worker then it sounds like she needs you more than you need her. POINTEDLY go to other shops to get your lunch. I say ignore the instruction.

suzy (suzy), Friday, 29 November 2002 22:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

Annoying Coworker: Yes, well, that account would be able to fund your entity if you hadn't taken money from it without telling me.
Me: What?
Annoying Coworker: (holds up wire) See? $147,000 from my account.
Me: No, we gave you money.
Annoying Coworker WHO GETS PAID LOTS MORE THAN ME: NO YOU DID NOT. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't write wires without telling me in the future.
Me: Did you look at this? You account is on the credit side. Management (nb: my account) is on the debit side!
Annoying Coworker: Whatever, just don't do it again.

What the fuck?

Ally (mlescaut), Saturday, 30 November 2002 06:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

one month passes...
We've got two new people here this year - one of whom is very cool and I hardly see, so we get along really well. The other one, though - a nightmare. She's the epitome of simpering little girl-ness, speaks to me (and most everyone else) as though I'm a retarded child when in fact I've been doing the job that she's just begun (and is completely incompetent at, I might add) for 12 years. She's one of those people who has never met anyone as fascinating as herself in all of her born days and if she doesn't calm down, stop being a stupid bitch and stop second guessing every word I say to her, I will hit her in the head with a brick.

luna (luna.c), Tuesday, 14 January 2003 19:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

The receptionist keeps telling everyone she's going through post partum depression.

Despite the fact that she's obviously still pregnant.

Ally (mlescaut), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 02:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

My head hurts.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 02:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

How about the dumbass cockfarmer that came into the library coughing and sneezing in such an ostentatious way it's like he intentionally planned a big Outbreak scenario? Now I'm at home running a fever and I think I might have bronchitis again.

Nicole (Nicole), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 02:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hm. Find him and kill him.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 02:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

I was depressed about being unemployed until I saw this thread. Thank you everyone. :)

fractal (fractal), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 03:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

I was also informed that I wasn't authorized to approve payment on technological items.

However, I AM authorized to purchase them, however I want, whenever I want.

What does that even mean?

Ally (mlescaut), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 03:13 (twenty-one years ago) link

It means you got the kingdom, you got the key. Order yourself everything you ever wanted and don't share.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 03:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

people should post more on this thread. i like it.

Maria (Maria), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 04:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

What follows is an email that was sent to some friends last spring, after a particularly bad morning with co-workers.

SUBJECT LINE: I gotta get outta this place
...if it's the last thing I ever do (feel free to hum along.)

After a delightful morning spent discussing why someone:
1. Shouldn't open a printer paperfeed drawer, while the printer is printing;
2. Shouldn't send emails to everyone on their mailing lists about Church-related emails;
3. Should let others know when they need the printer instead of deleting documents in the queue;
4. Shouldn't tell someone "this is urgent" so they work really late to get it finished, when really, it isn't urgent at all and in fact, doesn't need to be done at all; and
5. Shouldn't take someone else's lunch from the refrigerator and leave it on the counter to make room for "extra drinks in case we have visitors,"
I have now experienced the conversation to top them all (and really, you have to laugh at this one. I did. Once I calmed down, imbibed chocolate and nicotine, and thought "well, at least it's not quantum physics?). So....here it is:

A Dialogue between "M" (yours truly) and "S" (Otherwise known as Scarett/Princess/Arch Nemesis/The Scarf Lady/etc.)
S: Hey "M"!
M: Yes?
S: You know how to work that digital camera yet?
M: Yeah, figured it out last week.
S: How long does it take to get those photos developed?
M: What?
S: I need some photos really fast, so I can photocopy them and make notes on the back. And get duplicates too, in case they get messed-up.
M: What? What pictures do you need taken?
S: I need to you take pictures of my computer.
M: Why?
S: I need to know what's on my computer.
M: (sigh) You are looking for a file?
S: No, I need to know what is on my screen thing.
M: (dawning awareness) You need screen captures?
S: No, I need pictures of my computer.
M: For....?
S: I need to know what's on my screen, 'cause these instructions don't make sense and I want to make notes.
M: Okay, then you need a picture of the information on your screen, that you can print and add notes to?
S: Yes.
M: Okay, we don't need the camera for that. We can just do screen captures. It's easy.
(M walks over to other office, taking deep and soothing breathes all the while, and explains how to "CTRL+ALT+PrtScn" - runs into trouble with explanation of holding down all keys at the same time. Eventually resolved and screen is captured.)
M: Now open Word and set the page to ?Landscape.?
S: My computer won't do that.
M: What? Yes it will.
(M goes through brief discussion of "portrait" vs "landscape" and how to perform operation in Word. Discovers part of problem is that S doesn?t know how to open Word because the icon isn?t on her desktop.)
M: Now just hit "Shift+Insert" and your screen shot will be inserted.
M: No, you need to hold down both keys at the same time.
M: I don't know, that's just the way the program is designed.
M: Yeah, it is find of frustrating.
M: Okay, now you have it. Just insert a new page for each of the next screen captures and then print the file.
(M returns to own desk and gets back into rhythm of formatting proposal.)
S: M! It isn't working. I want you to take the pictures for me.
M: I don't have time to take the pictures right now, I have to get this back to _____.
S: Well, I don't have the time to use the camera, so I guess this won't get done and _____ will be mad.
M: Yeah, I guess ___ will be mad, but I'll explain the problem to him.
S: Can't you do these thingys for me?
M: No, not right now. I have to get this done.
S: You know, it's your job to do this.
M: No, actually it isn't. I am sorry, but I really can't do it right now. If I have time later I'll come over and see what we can do. In the meantime, why don't you look under the "Help" menu to see if those instructions are better.
S: Oh, my computer doesn't have any "Help" on it. I keep telling ____ he needs to fix it, but he won't.

(M decides, for sake of sanity, to not try and figure out what that last comment means and returns to her editing, swearing all the while.)
End of original email.

And here are additional interesting tidbits about ?S?:
She claimed on her resume to be ?Microsoft Certified,? but was unable to explain what that meant;
She wrote all of her correspondence in Excel, because she didn?t know how to open Word (the icon wasn?t on her desktop);
When she came into work each morning, she made herself a pot of tea and sat in her cubicle reading household decorating magazines and drinking tea for the first two hours: and, best of all
She was once asked to provide a file that she had finished working on to another co-worker. The file was not on her hard drive for, as she explained, she ?didn?t want to fill it up with things? (and it was a 20 G HD!) File was eventually determined, by her, to be on a floppy. But floppy was blank when co-worker opened it. Eventually ?S? showed supervisor where she stored all of her floppys containing important info. She was attaching them to the metal parts of her cubicle with large magnets, so she ?could always find them.?

~ Laura (who is thankful that she can claim to be a happy rat, that abandoned the sinking ship in time to move to a much cushier and affluent ship, and is now ridiculously happy with things)

LCD (Ms Laura), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 05:13 (twenty-one years ago) link

She was once asked to provide a file that she had finished working on to another co-worker. The file was not on her hard drive for, as she explained, she "didn't want to fill it up with things" (and it was a 20 G HD!)

I've met a few people who have done basic "computer literacy" courses at colleges and Adult Ed. places who do this. What seems to happen is: the college says "don't store your files on the hard drive [of our lab computers], use a floppy" and the person absorbs this without understanding *why* they're being told it.

These sort of courses always seem to produce people who can't do anything except exactly what was on the course, and then only if their computer is set up exactly like the college ones were. Hence, not being able to start Word if it doesn't have a desktop icon.

(of course, the other stuff shows that this person seems to be a fuckwit regardless of that)

caitlin (caitlin), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 10:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

Laura, that's fantastic.

The ex-receptionist at my office once printed out an email so she could type it up in Word.

Alfie (Alfie), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 11:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

is that why she's an ex-receptionist?

MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 11:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

awwwwww, usually this stuff would make me mad, but today i want to find them all and help them and give them tea.

it's a sappy day.

g-kit (g-kit), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 11:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

Heh, you'd think so wouldn't you. In actual fact, it wasn't until she went on holiday for 6 weeks and nobody noticed her absence that it became the MD realised that we could do without her.

Alfie (Alfie), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 11:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

sounds familiar - we had a Communications Executive who never did any communicating.

MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 11:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

We also had an account executive who used to wander around the office to kill time. He had this time-consuming trick of getting up from his desk and finding a bin in another part of the building to throw his litter into (rather than the bin under his desk). Another trick was to go down to the fax machine to send a fax, return to his desk, wait a couple of minutes and then return to the fax machine to collect the piece of paper.

Alfie (Alfie), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 12:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

One of my new colleagues is, to all intents and purposes, Jade. I quote:

1. "What does agriculture mean?"

2. "I was so annoyed. Someone threw themselves under my tube yesterday. People that do that must be mad."

3. Me: "Just tell them to put the web address in and it will take them straight into the site."

Her: "What address? Their address?"

Matt DC (Matt DC), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 12:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

I can't decide whether to post this to the annoying colleague or the B.O. thread, so I'm going to post it to both! Anyhow, in one office where I worked we had a guy with a B.O. problem and the managers had to have words with him in private on a couple of occasions. And yes, on those rare occasions when my sinuses were clear (one day in seventeen approx) it was quite annoying and offensive to me. However, it was NOT NEARLY AS ANNOYING AND OFFENSIVE as the colleague who used to go on and on about it all the bloody time whenever the guy with the problem walked out of the room! Not only that, but as soon as he left she used to reach for the can of air freshener which she kept on her desk *specially* and spray about a litre of it about the place! So instead of an office smelling of sweat we had an office reeking of air freshener!

MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 13:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

Mailroom guy who looks like a troglodyte - "I wanted 'digical'[pronounced thus] TV cuz I don't have enough channels! They were supposed to install it on Friday but they didn't - the whole weekend I had nuthin' to do! I was really looking forward to it too!"

dave q, Wednesday, 15 January 2003 14:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

i don't want to help any of those people, though. far too annoying. the previous lot were quite sweet.

g-kit (g-kit), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 14:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

I pretty much get along with my immediate co-workers, and none of them are so annoying that I can't tune them out. However, I once shared an office with a foot fetishist. No kidding; he was friggin' profiled in the Village Voice about it, and was completely calm and collected when I mentioned "so I saw the Voice today..."! I guess we all have our private interests, but we don't all alert the press about it!

Other things he did: worked at his cube standing up (making everyone around him very tense), unbuttoned his shirts halfway down his chest, commented on every phone conversation I had (work related or not), talked to himself, and played horrible CD-Rs of cabaret tunes he wrote and produced. I think the whole experience inoculated me against ever being annoyed by co-workers again.

mike a (mike a), Wednesday, 15 January 2003 16:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Okay, here's another example from today. We had a sales rep come in to demo a software package/online service that provides journal content. Anyhoo, I did a sample search, and one of the citations that got brought up was from an Ethiopian journal. She said (in all seriousness): "Wow! I didn't think that Ethiopians even had any paper, let alone journals!"

Unfortunately something this stupid is uttered in my office at least once a day...

Nicole (Nicole), Thursday, 16 January 2003 03:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

The amount of coworkers you've killed in your head must make quite the body count.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 16 January 2003 03:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

You have no idea. Entire populations have been erased.

Nicole (Nicole), Thursday, 16 January 2003 03:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

"As the final screams echoed away into caverns of oblivion, Nicole turned off her death rays and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. 'Should I have used so much napalm?'"

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 16 January 2003 03:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

i got a snide remark from someone today in regards to a polite request I made, so I spent all this time restructuring my follow-up sentence to make sure I kept it as neutral as possible, and in doing so, removed a key word accidentally, the word "because".

the resopnse was supposed to say "I said what I said because", and instead said "I said what I said", making it sound like I was some snotty person on Twitter. I never say "I said what I said", i hate that phrase, ugh.

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Thursday, 30 May 2024 18:43 (one month ago) link

So a weird update on my workstation thing noted above. Turns out it was NOT my manager who made the decision to put them both in my workstation, it was a decision made by a different coworker. I came in the following morning and my manager actually pulled me aside and apologized to me and said that was not his solution and he notified the other coworker that it was unacceptable and another solution needed to be worked out. So at least I'm back to just one additional body in my workstation.

Funny thing is though, I had not yet said a single word to my manager about the seating arrangement when he apologized to me. I was planning to later in the day during my weekly one on one with him, but he brought it up before I did. Anyway, said coworker that made the dumb decision in the first place has made a giant production about not speaking to me since this all happened, because they are a petulant baby and upset that they got (rightfully, imho) told off about a (terrible) decision.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 4 June 2024 19:21 (one month ago) link

my boss is a perfectly nice guy, he's not toxic and he's very friendly, but he's not getting any better in the disorganization department.

he scheduled a meeting at 8:45 in the fuckin' morning, which is before my shift even starts, for no reason (and it could have been an email). he bumped up a meeting by 3 hours, which forced me to take a short lunch. he always gets the dates wrong when communicating assignments, leading people being allocated to classes that they're not actually available to teach, which we then have to fix.

he double books people on assignments, he double books reservations in our training environment, and this one particular issue with the training environment, he continues to try and solve by doing the one thing I told him will not solve the problem and pleaded with him to please stop doing ...over and over...for four years. I've even forwarded the same how to document ten or more times.

he's not stupid. and he loves me so it isn't hurting my career, but man, I'm just baffled as to how someone is this sloppy and running a department.

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Friday, 7 June 2024 22:06 (one month ago) link

Crown Prince Dickrod of Painfully Sincere Folk Dickdom telling me that garage bands aren't "punk".

Enjoy Nuoc Mam With Mr. Qualk (I M Losted), Friday, 7 June 2024 23:44 (one month ago) link

Uh lol wow

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Saturday, 8 June 2024 01:12 (one month ago) link

That is serious RONG

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Saturday, 8 June 2024 01:12 (one month ago) link

my boss's boss asked me last Thursday if I'd present a quick 5-10 minute presentation during a meeting today. I got this email while I was in the midst of handling an escalated situation in training (basically, some dork accidentally shared private learner feedback w/ the entire class).

somehow, I was the only person in a team of 50+ people left off of the invite (despite the fact that we have an Group set up in outlook to prevent these types of situations). I only found out it was already going on when my boss messaged me when only 10 minutes remained to ask if I was still presenting today.

passive aggressively emailed them the To and CC fields to show I wasn't on it so they can't claim I 'declined' the meeting.

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Monday, 10 June 2024 15:57 (one month ago) link

team lead wants us to tell him, and everybody else, what we've been doing. it's like he hasn't been paying attention in morning meetings. feels like homework.

and he's done this by putting a word document on dropbox. so now 10 people have downloaded a copy of this word document and will all try and upload it ahead of the meeting. he could've put this on confluence, or used dropbox paper, noth of which we use and which support concurrent editing by multiple people, but no.

koogs, Monday, 10 June 2024 16:32 (one month ago) link

noth / both

koogs, Monday, 10 June 2024 16:33 (one month ago) link

boss managed to somehow miss an entire training group when he organized our training plans, so we're 21 trainees more than planned and are outside the mandated teacher-student ratio. and it is now too late to fix it.

passive aggressively adding the missing class to his stupid logistics chart felt good.

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Thursday, 20 June 2024 13:54 (one month ago) link

one of our partner site managers decides to ask our instructor if a specific learner left class, stating she knew she was having pregnancy issues. just blurting out private medical details to strangers.

so cool....now I have to report that this morning.

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Friday, 21 June 2024 14:59 (one month ago) link

hey the boss is at it again!

so two weeks ago, fucker triple books me. I'm supervising two nightmare classes that end 6/12, and he inexplicably gives me a certification class that runs 6/11 - 6/13. and on 6/13, I'm supposed to begin prepping 14 instructors to teach 7 classes. Before I can go "what the fuck", he goes "don't worry, I'll back you up".

He didn't do JACK SHIT. He was nowhere to be found the last two days of nightmare class training. I couldn't check in on them because I was leading my own class! so I'm not there to be able to ensure the instructors send the final report to the managers doing the next leg of training, nor to send a warning email to those managers about some of the behavioral issues. and I can't do it the next day because I'm leading certification all day, and the day after that, my first four hours of the day are earmarked for prep sessions.

so of course it slipped my mind. so now my boss comes to me today to ask if I gave any warning to the managers, as they're complaining that the bad trainees are still bad. Despite all of the things that didn't get done due to him triplebooking me, the issues were well-documented in the ticket, which auto-generates emails to everyone on the ticket, which included those managers. There was a week's worth of discussion on the problem children of the class.

manager insinuates this wasn't enough. I remind him that he was literally supposed to be backing me up and he goes silent as if...he didn't even remember he did that to me.

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Thursday, 27 June 2024 19:35 (one month ago) link

on top of that, I just remembered...he was the official manager for both classes, and I never should have been the one handling this shit at the level I was anyway. the other manager I'm working with on my other classes always tells me "I got this" when the problem hits a certain level of severity, whereas my boss just leaves it for me.

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Thursday, 27 June 2024 20:18 (one month ago) link

we have about 10% of our learners without power due to Hurricane Beryl and the project lead decided to offer to extend training a day to catch up (a great idea, which I supported).

one of my instructors is pissing and moaning about it all day, like boo hoo I'm sorry I put you through the trauma of teaching an extra day, a lot of these learners have water damage, spoiling food, no power, and are sweating their asses off. wanna trade?

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 9 July 2024 14:51 (two weeks ago) link

not to mention - some of the people who were supposed to do the next round of training...are also without power, so they couldn't start their training tomorrow if they wanted to.

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 9 July 2024 14:51 (two weeks ago) link

Was working a new set at the gym today, on my day off from working there, and my co-worker comes up and says, "hey, k is in hospital because he got heatstroke, can you cover his closing tonight."

and i said "heat stroke huh? how did k get heat stroke, i mean it is hot but"

and co-worker responded "he got drunk last night and then didn't drink any water and fainted in (most populous public square in our city)"

i looked at my co-worker deadeyed and said, "no."

i love these kids, even the one who fainted, but jfc i was NOT this level of stupid at their age.

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 01:44 (two weeks ago) link

i realized that was convoluted at the beginning— i was working on some boulder problems that had just gone up on the walls, but i also work at the gym. anyway.

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 01:46 (two weeks ago) link

it’s me, hi, i’m the problem it’s me

brimstead, Wednesday, 10 July 2024 01:55 (two weeks ago) link

loool tabes

when he comes back to work you should all pitch in & gift him one of those 10 gallon water jugs

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 02:10 (two weeks ago) link

he's in training to become a pilot, and the other day i asked him what type of planes he wants to fly, and he talked about becoming a bush pilot in Alaska, and i was like "wow that's so dangerous" and he had no idea? he's just not the brightest bulb, but he's very nice and is good to work with.

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 02:16 (two weeks ago) link

I know a guy who does that. He's also a jazz bassist; he was in Jaimie Branch's band.

Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 02:20 (two weeks ago) link

Hurricane Beryl issue has lead to six classes becoming a nightmare. not because of the learners still without power, because what the fuck can you do about that, but because the grown adults I'm working with can't simply have a discussion about how to ensure they get caught up when they return. making decisions without getting other people's ok first requiring us to cancel those plans moments later.

and then one asshole makes a comment suggesting maybe some of them are actually no call no show and should be termed and i'm like REALLY, dick? do you not know how many people are without power there?

so the assignment that was stressing me out that was supposed to end yesterday might now extend out another three days. all because my boss decided to give me double the work everybody else.

i really...better get that fucking bonus now.

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 19:45 (two weeks ago) link

i am just finishing work now. I was supposed to be off 3.5 hours ago. all because of the ineptitude and sloppiness of a number of people and my boss not thinking through that 150 people transitioning out of our class at the same time is actually very hard for one person to handle.

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Thursday, 11 July 2024 00:54 (two weeks ago) link

(best believe I billed that fuckin OT baby)

perpetually awkward, perennially unhappy (Neanderthal), Thursday, 11 July 2024 00:54 (two weeks ago) link

I've complained about this particular co-worker in the past but, well, here we go again.

So our department (and not even the whole department, just the half I'm in) has stupid rules for working remote - only allowed one day a week, can't be Monday or Friday. Whatever, annoying and less than ideal, but we've learned to deal with it. I've usually had mine on Thursdays for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it's the one day I for sure don't need to be involved in any in-person meetings. Unfortunately, for a variety of project meetings that need to attend in person, I personally can't ever do Tuesdays remote. So that leaves me only Wednesday and Thursday as options.

This summer myself and said co-worker got randomly assigned the task of overseeing some student interns. Again, totally fine and it's been an interesting experience. When they started our boss told us we couldn't take the same remote day, as one of us would need to be in the office with the interns. Once again, fair enough.

So for the first few weeks of this, we would have a quick conversation about which days we'd take remote and about 75% of the time I switched mine to Wednesday. But there were two occasions where I really needed Thursday and explained this to her. Both times she started crying and made me so uncomfortable that I didn't know what to do and ended up switching mine again (okay, yes, my choice to give in, but I was so uncomfortable I didn't know what else I could do). But this week, she went in to the shared calendar and claimed Thursdays for herself for the rest of the summer. No word to me, no heads up, nothing.

Genuinely not sure how to handle this. Our boss always likes using "taking away remote days" as a threat and I'm fairly confident there's a very large risk he'll just tell us we both don't get remote work days if I bring this concern to him. Past direct conversations with this co-worker have ended with her crying, no matter how lightly or gently I approach the question. (side note: there have been other complaints about this particular co-worker "weaponizing" her tears and she self-reported to us that her last performance review spent a significant amount of time on the frequency with which she cries in the office) I think it's bullshit that she can just unilaterally claim every Thursday and that's just it, but I'm not sure how to resolve it.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Friday, 12 July 2024 14:06 (two weeks ago) link

tell her you need to take some thursdays and to suck it up

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 12 July 2024 18:37 (two weeks ago) link

I can't think of a neutral way to ask "is there a way I can ask you normal-ass questions about our work schedule without upsetting you to the point of breaking out in tears?"

on the bright side, maybe she's blocking off Thursdays to finally go to therapy?!

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Friday, 12 July 2024 20:22 (two weeks ago) link

to quote Hootie: let her cry

like just sit for as long as she cries for and then ask her to help you come up with a workable solution

or better yet, take it to HR. that’s what they’re there for!

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 12 July 2024 23:06 (two weeks ago) link

HR would probably be best. Might be worth it to mention you’re worried about losing promised wfh days as an unfair punishment.

lol just join in the crying and watch her freak out

just1n3, Friday, 12 July 2024 23:24 (two weeks ago) link

That is actually the best idea

So I’m a freelancer and submit invoices after I’m done a project. Normally payment comes through within two months from the different shops I work for.
This absolute dunce sat on two of my invoices for two months and then quit. So three months later I’m not getting responses to my emails asking her what is going on. When I saw on LinkedIn she’d moved into a new job 4 weeks ago (somehow landed a better position despite being the WORST producer I’d ever worked with) i was so fucking if annoyed. Who does that?! Did she know she was going to quit and just not bother doing her job for an entire month?!

we usually teach customer care agents but they gave us four licensed Series 7 financial advisors to teach, so honestly they probably know more than us about 401k, but it's just to teach our systems.

these boomers act like they've never seen a computer in their life. it's almost hilarious watching them not being able to do rudimentary things.

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 July 2024 19:21 (one week ago) link

like you're telling me the financial companies you worked for prior to us didn't have a web presence or require you to use computers? seriously?

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 July 2024 19:21 (one week ago) link

Are they extra proud of not knowing how to use computers, or just a little smug about it?

Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Tuesday, 16 July 2024 21:34 (one week ago) link

they seem like they think it's 1997 and expect us to join them there

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 16 July 2024 21:35 (one week ago) link

People used computers for their job in 1997! They were even more complicated then!

Bad Bairns (Boring, Maryland), Tuesday, 16 July 2024 23:31 (one week ago) link

I’ll never have to type a command line again and lovin’ it

Bad Bairns (Boring, Maryland), Tuesday, 16 July 2024 23:32 (one week ago) link

latest edition of 'dumb boss chronicles', so they did a significant redesign of health benefit coursework while we had several classes already going on. standard process is to let them continue with the course curriculum that was in place when class started, and then we deploy the new curriculum separately, and only retire the old one when all of the classes using it have ended.

Instead, they accidentally overwrote all of the existing coursework with the new courses, so trainers who had prepared were completely lost as to why the materials looked different. Then, instead of archiving the activity materials from the old class so we could still get to them, he deleted them all from the database permanently.

every hour I get a new question about something that unexpectedly changed. and boy do I enjoy telling my boss about it when it happens.

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Thursday, 18 July 2024 17:54 (one week ago) link

“dumb boss chronicles” would be a sick thread tbh

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Friday, 19 July 2024 02:17 (one week ago) link

What was that wonderful thread where somebody recorded all their mad boss’s utterances/singing?

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Friday, 19 July 2024 09:34 (one week ago) link

A thread for Steve n.'s list of songs that his boss sings

ledge, Friday, 19 July 2024 10:54 (one week ago) link

one of my trainers sent me a mocked up schedule showing which trainer is leading each topic at each time for the next six days.

she is the only trainer in the class.

what in the world was the point.

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 July 2024 14:41 (one week ago) link

there are 8 or so of us on the on-call rota, so we have to do a week roughly every 2 months. but people have been booking monthly slots or slots 3 weeks apart, which is squeezing people out. (it's quite lucrative - the rates have just gone up 250% which is probably why)

koogs, Friday, 19 July 2024 14:55 (one week ago) link

they decided to only align one instructor to this class as there are only four learners. the reason, however, that we usually align 2 is because people get sick, have emergencies, etc, and it stops the class dead every time if you only have one instructor.

as expected, our first instructor got sick three days in and had to be replaced. Then our replacement instructor was only available for one day, so they put another one in. Now that person had system problems and they had to replace THEM, so now four different people have presented in 8 days.

compounding things, today, we had the learners read the material on their own, telling them we'd debrief it, and I told the replacement instructor to find out how far everybody got in the reading, and then find a good place to debrief/pick up from. he instead started from the beginning. it's a four hour lesson and we were supposed to be finished an hour from now.

really feels like babysitting, i swear lol

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Monday, 22 July 2024 14:27 (five days ago) link

Working on a piece about Prohibition and architecture, which entails sekf-financed travel.

I requested a pile of books for my research.

This is what I went to school for.

What I get is "can I get a copy of the musuc you're writing about"?

I'm not a music writer, dumbfuck. No I'm not going to paint a mural for you or write poetry.

What I do on my own time is my business until it's finished. Which may take two years the way things are going. You don't finance my work so fuck off.

Enjoy Nuoc Mam With Mr. Qualk (I M Losted), Wednesday, 24 July 2024 02:32 (three days ago) link

They have a new media librarian at my old job she is so bad.

A professor asked her to order more 80s "college rock" for his class so her master list is a Replacements and Warren Zevon and Syd Straw anything Peter Buck played on like she looked it up in five minutes. It was like very dad rock corporate frat boy - no British or Australian music or anything.

I said the director has to go the place has gone to shit everyone meaningful is gone, all our hard work down the drain.

Enjoy Nuoc Mam With Mr. Qualk (I M Losted), Wednesday, 24 July 2024 04:22 (three days ago) link

Thank you ledge!

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Wednesday, 24 July 2024 23:22 (three days ago) link

one of the things we are supposed to go over in training for new hires is the customer website, so they can guide them. for the second straight year, the link to that site in our training environment has been broken for months. last year we lost it for about 2.5 months. this year, it's been down since early February, almost six months.

the former person in charge of fixing it was the worst, basically would deny it wasn't working even as you demoed it not working to them, and then would do nothing for 3 weeks and then ask you 3 weeks later "still having the problem?". but they took her off and replaced her w/ someone who...does even less.

rick beato meato manifesto (Neanderthal), Friday, 26 July 2024 14:08 (yesterday) link

You know, when I was a teenager I thought no-show jobs were a mob thing, and then I started working in corporate environments where shit just...doesn't happen, even though there's a person in charge of making them happen. It's incredible, sometimes.

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