Rather than shitting up threads where people are having reasonable conversations, put your doomposts here & spare everyone else your misery.
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 03:49 (one month ago) link
My paranoid thoughts these days run along the lines of “Why would the ultra-rich let the middle class collapse, isn’t it more profitable in the long run for there to be a strong stable working and middle class so that everyone can keep spending and spending (and also not shooting CEOs in the street)?” and the little voice goes “They have more info than we do — they know there isn’t much time left — they know shit is going to fall apart so hard and so fast the rest of us won’t know what hit us so their strategy is just crushing as much wealth out of society as possible so they can live sci-fi lives in a bubble while the rest of us scavenge rat carcasses.”
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 03:52 (one month ago) link
if there's one thing the last decade has taught me its that the ultra-rich don't know shit
― frogbs, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 03:55 (one month ago) link
thats not a doompost
honestly the respect for thread rules is through the floor these days
― tuah dé danann (darraghmac), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 08:25 (one month ago) link
It can be, if you combine the belief that the ultra-rich don't know shit with the belief that nonetheless any attempts to take the steering wheel away from them will fail.
― a ZX spectrum is haunting Europe (Daniel_Rf), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 09:51 (one month ago) link
We’re all doomed, doomed I tell ya
― The Whimsical Muse (Boring, Maryland), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 13:30 (one month ago) link
When do we get our super shotguns?
― H.P, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 14:03 (one month ago) link
(bookmarks thread for predictable future need. sighs)
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 17:17 (one month ago) link
― scott seward, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 17:40 (one month ago) link
Scott you have got to get off of youtube lol <3 How are you doing? Are you good?
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 17:47 (one month ago) link
That said I'm stocking up on things that might get...less available soon. Just in case.
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 17:48 (one month ago) link
The end is nigh!
― Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:04 (one month ago) link
Wasn’t thinking about this in terms of prepping, but since you mention, IO, what kinds of things are you stocking up on / anticipating shortages of?
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:24 (one month ago) link
Women's health-type stuff broadly speaking, Narcan, personal Rx that include some controlled stuff...those are top level. Under that is general first aid and personal care supplies.
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:29 (one month ago) link
The former are because I fear availability will drop, the latter because I expect prices will rise and/or they might be needed unexpectedly.
If you thought "Ehh it's a long shot, I don't need those things, that's for other people" may I suggest that the worst that could happen is someday you get to save someone's life? You can be a person who has a life-saving resource in an emergency! Especially if they get harder to...get.
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:31 (one month ago) link
"Are you good?"
haha, i'm okay! i watched ONE doomy economist video and all of a sudden my Youtube was filled with scare headlines like the ones above.
― scott seward, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:44 (one month ago) link
i'm so scared lol
― broth & brother (cat), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 20:24 (one month ago) link
Definitely see if we can get a lifetime supply of SSRI’s now lest RFK Jr. make us detox doing manual labor on an organic farmhttps://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/rfk-jr-kennedy-addicts-wellness-farms-b2585835.html
― The Whimsical Muse (Boring, Maryland), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 21:15 (one month ago) link
haha, i'm okay! i watched ONE doomy economist video and all of a sudden my Youtube was filled with scare headlines like the ones above.― scott seward
― scott seward
yeah i gotta be careful about what i click on or the algo starts feeding me crap
the stuff i'm most careful about trying to avoid is beato-adjacent content
so far things are looking ok
mostly what i wind up getting recommended are extremely long jammidodger reaction videos
i've started watching more baseball videos to switch things up, which means i get recommended Baseball Doesn't Exist videos - "The Most Illegal Baseball Bat Ever Created" is the new one
i also got poetic wax doing a 20 minute video on the Eno/Television recordings, don't care
a 40 minute breakdown of HIM, the "lost gay jesus" film. i'm more interested in the _other_ gay jesus film, the unmade Jens Jorgen Thorsen film _The Many Faces of Jesus_. technically he's bi in this one. apparently the script was published but only translated into danish (the original script was in english). there's also a 1975 danish porn film called Jeg så Jesus dø ("I Saw Jesus Die"), but it's apparently heterosexual. i guess i should check that one out.
i just ran across a low-quality copy of an episode of the 1970 low-budget Star Trek knockoff Phoenix Five - i was trying to find a complete youtube upload of the pilot of the Fifth Glacial Era. god, i know so little aobut australian '70s television. it's in colour too! they must've had high hopes for that, considering colour tv didn't hit australia until, like, 1975
did prussian hitler just say he was going to "crush the ducks that oppose us"? sinister ducks indeed
now the algorithm is recommending me a kat blaque video entitled "the best BDSM film is korean". no it's doing good for me today.
i keep watching random analog synthesizer videos, microgranny noise jams with 200 views. means i get recommended a lot of videos on the history of the 303. the LOC just posted a 90 minutes video on Morton Subotnick and the Buchla 100, 500 videos, ok, i'm in on that. here's a 90 minute video called "FEMME: Lesbian History, Identity Politics & Invisibility", ok, i'll give that a shot.
"the great calculator wars of the 1970s"? ok that sounds good. cornelius 30th anniversary special? ooooh. ouch. "which is the best home video release of rudolph the red-nosed reindeer?" interesting but i don't actually care. "black people rate black anime characters' hair". i guess this is what happens when i watch FD Signifier videos and anime videos.
i know the preceding isn't actually doomposting. even though this is a dystopia i will say the dystopian megacorporation does seem to have a good idea about my niche interests.
um. my ass won't stop bleeding and i can't figure out why. it's not cancer.
― Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 21:15 (one month ago) link
The calculator wars sounds interesting! I got my dad a book about the history of the calculator and what Texas Instruments brought to the industry, slide rules to graphing machines, the whole nine yards...for Christmas last year. lol
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 22:32 (one month ago) link
My first time programming anything was with a HP-34C calculator. I still have to have RPN calculators ever since and can easily spend hours on that HP Calculator Museum site
― Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 23:30 (one month ago) link
lest we forget
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Thursday, 23 January 2025 03:29 (three weeks ago) link
every news headline i accidentally see throws me into quiet panic and rage and that's fine
― hurled a bottle of ink at a wren (cat), Thursday, 23 January 2025 08:22 (three weeks ago) link
I was very proud of myself yesterday, while I was making lunch I told my partner:
—I promise I'm not gonna spend the next four years telling you every stupid, infuriating thing that the people in power said or did.
Which lead to this exchange when we sat down to eat:
—What was the thing you wanted to tell me earlier?—What thing?—You said "I promise I'm not gonna spend the next four years telling you every infuriating thing, but..."—Oh. I didn't though! I left out the "but"! There was absolutely gonna be a "but," but when I heard myself speaking, saying "I promise I'm not gonna spend the next four years..." I was like, Why wait? Why not start today. Aren't you proud of me?—...Yeah!
― You're supposed to go to Heaven, ideally not Las Vegas (bernard snowy), Thursday, 23 January 2025 09:46 (three weeks ago) link
(For the record though, the "but" was some jackass GOP congressman braying about deporting Bishop Budde)
― You're supposed to go to Heaven, ideally not Las Vegas (bernard snowy), Thursday, 23 January 2025 09:48 (three weeks ago) link
The tariff stuff and other bans made me contemplate a career change into smuggling and trying to decide whether I would be good at it. I wouldn’t do it if I thought I wouldn’t be good at it. The other day I had a minor panic at the thought of our city and state having to decide between deporting immigrants vs being banned from federal funds for affordable housing and education.
― sarahell, Thursday, 23 January 2025 15:18 (three weeks ago) link
The tariff stuff and other bans made me contemplate a career change into smuggling
I mean
― while my guitarlele gently weeps (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 23 January 2025 17:34 (three weeks ago) link
― while my guitarlele gently weeps (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 23 January 2025 17:36 (three weeks ago) link
The dog is sitting at the table and drinking a nice relaxing beverage. The room is in flames. The dog knows it is not fine. The dog is engaging in self-care. The dog radically accepts that the room is on fire and they are not able to put out the flames. The dog cannot get out of the room. The exists are blocked. The dog prefers not to think about the reason the exits are blocked.
Nobody is coming for the dog. The people outside know the dog is there, but it is not safe for them to try and rescue the dog. The people outside love the dog very much and really, really want to help the dog. They can't. The dog accepts this. The people outside may not have radically accepted this yet.
The dog considers that she might perhaps be suffering from smoke inhalation. The dog wonders if she should stop, drop, and roll, like she was taught in obedience school. If the dog did this, though, she wouldn't be able to drink her tea. It is a very nice cup of tea. One wouldn't think drinking hot tea in a room that is on fire would provide much solace, but it does. The dog is very glad and grateful for the cup of tea.
― Kate (rushomancy), Friday, 24 January 2025 18:22 (three weeks ago) link
is this for US politics specifically or was it envisaged as like wide use
― tuah dé danann (darraghmac), Friday, 24 January 2025 19:42 (three weeks ago) link
Do you mean like...Spurs?
― hiroyoshi tins in (Sgt. Biscuits), Friday, 24 January 2025 19:47 (three weeks ago) link
wide use
― tuah dé danann (darraghmac), Friday, 24 January 2025 20:15 (three weeks ago) link
spurs haven't got any width
I think it was last year. I think it was after the election. The human memory isn't as reliable as we like to think it is, and the longer ago something was, the less reliable my memory is. So I want to write it now, at least, as fully as I can remember it.
I don't follow the media, as a harm reduction measure. It wasn't until after the election that I heard about what he said he was going to _do_. One of my friends said that she was worried for her father-in-law, that That Man said he was going to deport all immigrants, legal and illegal, and her father-in-law was a naturalized citizen. (Her father-in-law voted for Trump, incidentally.)
And I... have learned to think before I speak. And at the same time, it was like... of course That Man said it. That Man was a fucking lunatic. He had no idea about anything. I mean, you can't just deport people who are _legal_ citizens to countries they are _no longer_ legal citizens of, the logistical hurdles alone are...
"Leave the Bronx."
Oh. Oh, _fuck_.
It is like that, sometimes, The stupidest possible things. There's this terrible mockbuster of "Escape From New York" called _Escape From the Bronx_. Made in Italy, naturally. When Henry Silva sends people around with loudspeakers assuring people that they'll give everyone a nice place to live in Arizona, it's obvious that he's actually going to kill them. He's evil. That's what evil people do. I mean, not just in movies, the movie didn't just make that up. There's precedent. A well-known precedent. A man who said in public that he was going to "deport" a certain group of people, and what he meant, very obviously meant, was that he was going to kill them all. And he did, in fact, kill a large number of people. Millions.
And I know this, have known it for quite a long time. And Trump is so obviously like this other man that it doesn't even bear saying, at this point. And somehow my brain didn't make that connection until I thought of _Escape From the Bronx_. My brain couldn't get there by direct flight. It needed to make a transfer.
And then I was suicidal for, I don't know, maybe a week or so.
I've learned to think before I speak. I've learned to watch what I say and to who. If I'm not careful about what I say and how I say it, I could put people I care about at risk, the way I was at risk for a little bit. The flipside of that is that I'm carrying a lot in my head. A lot I can't really say. And sometimes I don't know if something's really true until I say it.
Yesterday I said it out loud to someone else for the first time. It was my therapist. I said that if things didn't change, a lot of people were going to end up dead. And it's normal... it's normal for patients to say things like that, and one gently pushes back, in a way that doesn't make the patient feel challenged or invalidated but encourages them to "check the facts". She said, lots of things could happen. You don't know that for certain.
And I'd been thinking about this in a while, trying to de-escalate that thought, "check the facts" on that thought for a while, and I said it. A lot of times I do check the facts on something and it doesn't hold up. Usually only takes a day or so for me to realize. And like I said, it'd been months. So I told her. I told her about how he said he was going to "deport" all those people, and she said what I thought when I first heard about it - oh, that's ridiculous, I don't know how he thinks he's going to manage something like that, and I said (therapist's name). He doesn't intend to. When fascists say they're going to "deport" people, they mean something else.
And she believed me. I'm cautious about... I don't want to be a Cassandra to the extent that I can help it. I'm never quite sure if people will believe me or not, when I say some things, even if they are true. She believed me, though.
Last night I was at movie night with some friends, and my friend who has a car gave me a ride home. And she said, how are things going. It's difficult for people to talk about things like that these days, not just me. I don't want to be negative, I don't want being around me to be an unpleasant or traumatic experience. And I talked for a little while about watching movies with friends. I've started doing a lot more of that, because a lot of times I just don't know how to talk, things being the way they are. And I said look, I don't want to be... I don't want to be negative, but I think it's important to say this. When a fascist says he's going to deport a certain group of people, a large number of people, he doesn't mean deport. And she's culturally Jewish. (Pretty sure anti-Zionist. It's not a conversation I initiate, but in my social circle it's a safe assumption.) She knows immediately what I'm saying. And she says yeah, I think it was important to say that.
So I'm gonna say it here. It's easier to say it to cis people, simply because, well, you're overall a lower suicide risk. I get the impression... I'm not hugely socially connected, my world is pretty small... but I get the impression that most people haven't made that connection. To me it's not... I don't look at it judgmentally. My experience is that there are personal consequences, it can be pretty traumatic for me to _think_ certain things, _especially_ if they're true. And so I don't want to say those things. It's important to say, though. If That Man is not stopped... that is something he _will_ do to the people he's saying he's going to "deport". That those are, literally, the stakes here. I think it's important for people to know that and be able to accept that.
But I'm not going to say it outside of the doomposting thread. Yet.
― Kate (rushomancy), Thursday, 30 January 2025 16:10 (two weeks ago) link
You're not the only one, Kate. I've seen more than a handful of people saying out loud that these ICE raids and threats of deportation aren't about deportation, they're about the other thing. Things. Most people are at the very least connecting the dots to labor camps and effective slavery. The proposed Missouri law makes this very clear: life in prison without the possibility of parole for being undocumented, and humans being hunted by bounty patrols.
― Ima Gardener (in orbit), Thursday, 30 January 2025 16:34 (two weeks ago) link
hi all ... just dropped in to see what's happening in this thread. i'm going to go now. thanks!
― alpine static, Thursday, 30 January 2025 21:30 (two weeks ago) link
Alpine Static’s condition was in no condition to be in this thread.
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 31 January 2025 05:36 (two weeks ago) link
I hear you, Kate & IO. I have a lot of the same thoughts and I have them a lot. I think about that famous passage from “They Thought They Were Free” about how people accustom themselves to the intolerable incrementally. I think about the boy who cried wolf — there’s a version of the story where he wasn’t making it up, someone was putting wolf-shaped decoys up all over the place and whisking them away before the villagers could get there, and — “see, it’s always wolves with you shepherd boys, everything’s a wolf.” And when they send in the real wolves nobody will come. I think about how many people — myself included — would be willing to give up their livelihood to confront the horrors, in the face of almost certain failure & consignment to the horror-house. Not many of us. Myself included, probably, depending. They’ve been preparing for this for years. We’ve been crossing our fingers that our roommates wouldn’t invite the vampire across the threshold. Now we’re in the room with the vampire. Our roommate has gone to get the vampire a beer. The vampire doesn’t care about me. Yet. But he’s looking at the closed door of our other roommate. She works nights. We both know she’s not sleeping in there — she knows the vampire is in the living room. She and the vampire are acutely aware of each other. They can hear each other thinking.
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 31 January 2025 05:51 (two weeks ago) link
Added “what if there is a bank run?” to my doom list that needs containing
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 2 February 2025 13:03 (one week ago) link
I'm sure the FDIC is on some right-wing maniac's kill list.
― Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Sunday, 2 February 2025 14:39 (one week ago) link
Added “what if there is a bank run?” to my doom list that needs containing― Elvis Telecom
― Elvis Telecom
Yeah I don't spend much time thinking about it because, well, it seems trivial in light of the other things happening, but one of the... less awful possibilities in this whole thing is that That Man actually winds up implementing some fucking Larouchite economic policy in order to, I don't know, pay off the national debt or something, thereby rendering global currency basically worthless. Or maybe he'll decide the official currency of the United States is Trump Memecoin. Or something. IDK. Everything seems so up in the air that doing any long-term planning - like, say, looking for a job - seems pretty fucking pointless.
I've started relying a lot more on less "healthy" coping mechanisms. Alcohol. Sleeping pills. Not to an extent that it's likely to cause problems. I've just historically been kind of an ascetic about substances. "Drink more" doesn't _seem_ like the kind of thing that would be a good life decision, but neither did "come out as transgender", which was such a good decision that it's _still_ a good decision even if it winds up getting me killed.
― Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 2 February 2025 16:14 (one week ago) link
Serious-Not-Serious thought: I was at coffee the other day and this older couple had flyers printed up saying "TAX THE VAMPIRES". I get the metaphor, but I am a nerd, and I tend to think about literal vampires. Also, I am gay, and while I am not a monsterfucker, I do think vampires are hot in a gay way.
I definitely understand the desire to dehumanize fascists, and at the same time... I'm not a monster. It's taken me a long time to accept that. The problem with all fictional points of comparison for fascists is that most of them are more sympathetic than That Man. I while away my time talking with friends about whether this fictional villain or that fictional villain is as bad as That Man. A lot of them just aren't.
IDK. A lot of people do like the villains, the bad guys. In my generation it seems like it's always been that way. There are people who like the Joker because he's evil, and there are people who like the Joker because he's gay, and as the meme goes, we are not the same... but we do have the same cultural reference points, the same _heroes_ in a lot of cases. We just understand them differently. The Matrix? Fantastic film. I think that. Some dumb kid who shot up his high school thought that.
I guess that's not "doomy" as such. Just interesting.
― Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 2 February 2025 16:36 (one week ago) link
the thing with that is all the villains that my generation empathized with or found 'relatable' - Tyler Durden, Walter White, Tony Soprano, Jordan Belfort, Joker...they all at least had some personality. they said cool things and had moments that were badass. because they are fictional characters. the real life versions of them have none of this, they are in fact the most cringey, uninteresting, miserable people on the planet, at least Trump circa the 2015 debates kinda looked like he was having some fun, now they're just throwing their entire being behind some dude who has literally everything a human being could ever ask for but instead spends 12 hours a day responding "so true!" to race science on Twitter. they're all just unbelievable losers
― frogbs, Sunday, 2 February 2025 16:51 (one week ago) link
Hence the meme
― the real slim pickens (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 2 February 2025 19:42 (one week ago) link
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 2 February 2025 22:47 (one week ago) link
Hence the meme― the real slim pickens (Ye Mad Puffin)
― the real slim pickens (Ye Mad Puffin)
every generation gets the hannah arendt it deserves, ig
― Kate (rushomancy), Monday, 3 February 2025 16:19 (one week ago) link
xp I can't believe this took until 2025, but it finally occurred to me the other day: When Donald Trump looks in the mirror, he sees Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, right?
― You're supposed to go to Heaven, ideally not Las Vegas (bernard snowy), Monday, 3 February 2025 16:29 (one week ago) link
I don't think he knows what that is.
Apply same scenario to Elon tho and I'd agree.
― a ZX spectrum is haunting Europe (Daniel_Rf), Monday, 3 February 2025 18:26 (one week ago) link
Trump's mirror fantasy is probably closer to 1981 Arnold
― papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 3 February 2025 18:37 (one week ago) link
Trump's mirror fantasy is Narcissus.
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 3 February 2025 18:41 (one week ago) link
Norma Desmond iirc
― c u (crüt), Monday, 3 February 2025 18:47 (one week ago) link
Trump's mirror fantasy is himself
― Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 3 February 2025 20:10 (one week ago) link
Elon scares me way more than Trump does, Trump I think is at least sort of understandable as in, if you were born rich and only had your worst impulses catered to and were never held accountable for anything idk, maybe we would turn out like him, Elon on the other hand is like a comic book villain and capable of evil beyond even Trump's imagination
― frogbs, Monday, 3 February 2025 20:13 (one week ago) link
Comic book villains at least get to have charisma and some cool lines.
― JoeStork, Monday, 3 February 2025 20:16 (one week ago) link
Elon thinks he's Tony Stark when really he's Justin Hammer.
― you gotta roll with the pączki to get to what's real (snoball), Monday, 3 February 2025 20:18 (one week ago) link
if you were born rich and only had your worst impulses catered to and were never held accountable for anything idk, maybe we would turn out like him
doesn't this also describe EM to a tee?
they're both total losers, and i think what connects them is an extreme vanity and privilege that makes them both profoundly stupid about how anything in the world actually works. what scares me with Trump is the same as with Musk -- not so much the man himself, but the obsequious cretins who have slithered in and figured out how to get what they want through flattery.
― budo jeru, Monday, 3 February 2025 20:43 (one week ago) link
yeah well Elon is the autistic version of that, someone whose life goals include "everyone thinks I'm great at video games"
― frogbs, Monday, 3 February 2025 20:51 (one week ago) link
Absent an on-paper medical diagnosis, I don't buy that Musk is autistic. He's just an emotionally stunted criminal piece of shit who doesn't currently have enough lead in his diet.
― Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Monday, 3 February 2025 21:04 (one week ago) link
Oh Luigi, why did you have to show your face to that cute girl at the hostel?
― omar little, Monday, 3 February 2025 21:11 (one week ago) link
Even so, I think he was a one-shot (so to speak)
― Halfway there but for you, Monday, 3 February 2025 21:14 (one week ago) link
Elon scares me way more than Trump does, Trump I think is at least sort of understandable as in, if you were born rich and only had your worst impulses catered to and were never held accountable for anything idk, maybe we would turn out like him, Elon on the other hand is like a comic book villain and capable of evil beyond even Trump's imagination― frogbs
― frogbs
Elon is accountable to Trump. Trump is accountable to no-one. Trump could order a nuclear strike against anyone, for any reason, and refusing that order would be, well, sedition.
If there's anything scary about the current administration, it's that Trump's quite possibly the _most politically experienced person_ in it. Literally nobody is saying "no" to this man.
If you need me, I'll be curled up in bed in a fetal position.
― Kate (rushomancy), Tuesday, 4 February 2025 02:05 (one week ago) link
imagine if all doomposting was actually contained in this thread
― na (NA), Tuesday, 4 February 2025 15:20 (one week ago) link
So is all this stuff saying that a foreign rapper is "Not Like U.S." a preparation for the American public to accept an invasion of Canada with equanimity?
― Halfway there but for you, Monday, 10 February 2025 17:47 (four days ago) link
― You're supposed to go to Heaven, ideally not Las Vegas (bernard snowy), Monday, 10 February 2025 18:06 (four days ago) link