Semantle: Can you think like a computer?

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I solved Semantle #77 in 21 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.61. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 16.91.

lemmy incaution (emsworth), Saturday, 16 April 2022 03:25 (two years ago) link

12 guesses very strong ZZ! My (early) first green was “appreciate” (985/1000) which was helpful - although needed a few guesses to flesh out context! I was convinced it was a verb also

lemmy incaution (emsworth), Saturday, 16 April 2022 03:29 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #77 in 67 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.84. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #10. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 21.28.

joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Saturday, 16 April 2022 07:04 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #77 in 158 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.68. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #14. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 63.60 (992/1000).

Slow work today, 46 greens, got there in the end.

Dan Worsley, Saturday, 16 April 2022 08:08 (two years ago) link

It had to happen, someone is youtubing their games. This is yesterday's, so not a spoiler obviously:

It's frustrating for me to watch someone who is a far better player of this game than I could ever hope to be. Like in this example he makes the leap from "attract" to "hire" which is something that would never have occurred to me in a million years.

joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Saturday, 16 April 2022 09:15 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #77 in 171 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 25.96 (283/1000).My penultimate guess had a similarity of 89.77 (999/1000).

Wasting away again in Synonym-ville, looking for another word for generous.

we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Saturday, 16 April 2022 13:28 (two years ago) link

Got #985 at guess six. Gave up 100 guesses later, after leaning on the thesaurus and reading all the spoilers here! Some you win & some you lose.

ledge, Saturday, 16 April 2022 18:00 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #77 in 107 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.85. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #17. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 60.75 (987/1000).
another one with lots of greens (21), with the last few all synonyms of 'thank' in its various forms.

Grandpont Genie, Saturday, 16 April 2022 20:35 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #77 in 217 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.54. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 38.58 (885/1000).
my worst in a while, got stuck in synonym hell and spent the entire duration certain it was a verb, not an adjective, because the verbs were all hitting better than their corresponding adjectives. i only broke out of it with "thank" to "thankful" which was convenient. oy

, Saturday, 16 April 2022 22:03 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #78 in 8 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.62. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #4. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 40.29 (700/1000).

new pb :D today’s word is actually a bit difficult (judging from the list of closest words) but I got lucky as one of my starters was just a different form of the target word

Roz, Sunday, 17 April 2022 02:24 (two years ago) link

Wow 8, congratulations! I managed it in 110, but really should have got it much earlier: I had 'philosophy' at guess 49, but it took me another 60 guesses before it occurred to me to try the adjectival form.

Zelda Zonk, Sunday, 17 April 2022 07:22 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #78 in 86 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -2.30. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #45. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 23.79.

joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Sunday, 17 April 2022 07:28 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #78 in 169 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.54. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #92. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 46.21 (939/1000).

Dan Worsley, Sunday, 17 April 2022 09:03 (two years ago) link

Got it in 104 but gutted that I managed it without my usual guess of philosophy and, when that's green, epistemology, ontology, etc.

ledge, Sunday, 17 April 2022 11:24 (two years ago) link

Fuuuck, I got two different forms of the word really early, but frittered my time away on epistemology, existentialist, nihilism, poststructuralism, etc when I knew I should be honing in better. Too much my topic, far too many fun options open to me. It only took me 86 in the end, but it should have been in the 30s, honestly.

emil.y, Sunday, 17 April 2022 12:25 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #78 in 69 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 13.87. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #30. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 38.66 (557/1000).

Would have had it 14 guesses earlier but I misspelled the word!

we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Sunday, 17 April 2022 13:27 (two years ago) link

Got it in 104 but gutted that I managed it without my usual guess of philosophy

"philosophy" is often one of my first guesses too, and the alt text of this xkcd comic is probably partly to blame

someone needs to create a hard mode semantle where the secret word isn't limited to the most common dictionary words and could potentially be something like "chthonic" or "eleemosynary" (or maybe even "thicc" or "whoadie"). regular semantle just isn't as efficient as it could be wrt triggering mental breakdowns and dominating 99% of your headspace for hours on end

in walked airbud (unregistered), Monday, 18 April 2022 01:01 (two years ago) link

104 for Semantle #79. Prob should've gotten it earlier - my highest word at one point was 'dog' so i was busy trying canine-related words when I should've just guessed different types of animals.

Roz, Monday, 18 April 2022 02:29 (two years ago) link

Got it 10, probably my best ever. car (a word I often start with) - train - carriage - wagon - FOUND!

Zelda Zonk, Monday, 18 April 2022 02:44 (two years ago) link


Roz, Monday, 18 April 2022 03:35 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #79 in 59 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.95. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #51. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 5.95.

Lots of aimless noodling then first green was #336 and next green was target word. Enjoyable!

lemmy incaution (emsworth), Monday, 18 April 2022 04:20 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #79 in 42 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 13.45. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #33. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 38.71 (624/1000).

papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 18 April 2022 04:41 (two years ago) link

13, a new pb! Guess #7 was animal.

ledge, Monday, 18 April 2022 05:11 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #79 in 80 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 19.78. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #31. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 12.96.

just guessed barnyard animals until i landed on the right one, as a toddler might

, Monday, 18 April 2022 05:29 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #79 in 57 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.73. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #20. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 49.01 (890/1000).

Had animal on guess #20 but still took me another 40-odd guesses to get there.

joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Monday, 18 April 2022 06:09 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #79 in 146 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.28. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #86. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 19.08.

Manure was my first green so went down a gardening rabbit hole, before switching to farming which got me there in the end.

Dan Worsley, Monday, 18 April 2022 08:43 (two years ago) link

Nice one today, where the sequence of guesses proved useful early on:

I solved Semantle #79 in 33 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.96. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #30. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 29.96 (41/1000).

had the good fortune to guess some words regarding gambling, including lottery and casino, but then had my only 2 greens with 'breed' and then 'race' and so figured out out.

Grandpont Genie, Monday, 18 April 2022 09:09 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #79 in 16 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 15.78. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #10. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 49.36 (894/1000).

johnny crunch, Monday, 18 April 2022 11:05 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 26 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 14.70. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 26.83.

Weird one - my four greens went soldier, man, teenager, child after getting to soldier from knight

papal hotwife (milo z), Tuesday, 19 April 2022 02:16 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 37 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 14.45. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #2. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 15.06.

second guess was "lawyer," futzed around with different professions (including "soldier" as well) until getting into the 800s with "nurse," then futzed around with medical terms until i thought of "nursing" and immediately solved it yay

, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 03:19 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 43 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.27. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #28. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 74.14 (988/1000).

Took me almost 30 guesses to get to green - finally landed one with bedroom, which led me to house - home - spouse, then fairly easy from then on

Roz, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 06:40 (two years ago) link

34. My first guess of love was quite high (though not green) so messed around for a bit too long with similar verbs & nouns before trying lover.

ledge, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 06:51 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 8 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 12.00. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 76.33 (993/1000).

omg new pb! Hit a low green with one of my starter words person and went quickly from there.

joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Tuesday, 19 April 2022 07:50 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 29 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 58.40 (948/1000).My penultimate guess had a similarity of 64.27 (972/1000).

should've got it a lot quicker seeing as my 1st guess was 'baby', grr.

Grandpont Genie, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 09:04 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 26 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -1.44. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #22. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 73.55 (986/1000).

johnny crunch, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 11:07 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #80 in 13 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.34. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #4. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 66.43 (982/1000).

New PB.

Dan Worsley, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 12:42 (two years ago) link

19 today, 36 yesterday. Games going by too quickly at the moment.

emil.y, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 12:43 (two years ago) link

Used the same starter word as anagram to get going. Quite independently of course.

Dan Worsley, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 12:44 (two years ago) link

14. woke up, listened to dizzee rascal, first guess was rascal, that got me to toddler, pretty easy from there.

brisk money (lukas), Tuesday, 19 April 2022 17:30 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 44 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 0.71. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #40. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 13.01.

one green

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 20 April 2022 00:12 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 15 guesses (can't remember if that's my best effort). My first guess ("read") had a similarity of 23.85 (754/1000). I'd feel smarter if I'd gone straight from "notebook" (guess #7, 111/1000) to "note", but "read", "book", "paper", and "page" were all (frustratingly) ranked much higher, so I didn't immediate make that leap

in walked airbud (unregistered), Wednesday, 20 April 2022 00:28 (two years ago) link

Got it in 70 - a bit flukey as I only had 2 greens. Messed around for an age with feelings/emotions, then senses and struck green with 'see', followed by 'notice' and quickly got to the answer.

Zelda Zonk, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 01:47 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 16 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.36. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 6.87.

lol very random, no greens and my highest guess was just 11.12 similarity. it was “money” and I was trying words related to that.

Roz, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 03:18 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 55 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -0.81. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #45. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 2.80.
only 3 greens. My breakthrough word was 'word'

Grandpont Genie, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 06:43 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 45 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.57. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 13.71.

joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Wednesday, 20 April 2022 08:30 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 155 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.51. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #22. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 1.88.

I stumbled around with a bunch of greens no higher then 878 then nailed it after some deeper consideration. Weird game.

we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:52 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 133 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 1.96. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 13.89.

Spent too long getting specific, with letter as my top word, I was going deep into both the minutiae of what you need to write letters (envelope, signature etc) and more wildly stabbing at word-based things (syllable, monogram, comma etc). Fairly sure I do worse at games where the paths are close to my specialisms - see also philosophy-related words where I fritter my time away on things like poststructuralism and epistemology. Anyway once I sat back for a bit the target word was a much more obvious next step than what I was doing, eh.

After I finished, I noticed that they've put in a hint button - anyone tried that yet?

emil.y, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 14:07 (two years ago) link

129 guesses on this one -- I was completely stuck, my wife walked by and looked at my list of green words and was like "what about [correct answer]" so there you have it

Guayaquil (eephus!), Wednesday, 20 April 2022 14:07 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #81 in 150 guesses with 1 hint. My first guess had a similarity of 12.33. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #23. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 23.04 (678/1000).

i tried the hint. highest word was 956 and it guessed 978 for me.

, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 23:34 (two years ago) link

I solved Semantle #82 in 25 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.27. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #12. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 16.43.

”money” putting me on the right path for the second day in a row. From there, I got “gift” and the solution came pretty quickly after.

Roz, Thursday, 21 April 2022 03:10 (two years ago) link

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