TS: Marc Bulger -VS- Kurt Warner

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"Two quarterbacks rise from the scrap heap and shine for the same team within a four-year period. Maybe it's the team, not the quarterbacks. Doesn't Bulger's success in the Rams offense call into question some of Warner's success? Isn't it at least a possibility that Warner isn't as good as we've thought, that any accurate thrower with a good head on his shoulders would have thrived in that offense with weapons like Marshall Faulk and the Rams' superb receivers? (I realize accurate throwers with good heads on their shoulders don't exactly fall off trees, but they're around. Heck, Chris Chandler's one.) Considering Bulger is six years younger than Warner, he's healthier, he's playing better and he comes much cheaper, shouldn't he be the guy?"

From here.

Yancey (ystrickler), Wednesday, 13 November 2002 22:18 (twenty-two years ago) link

Could it be that Warner isn't really the alien life form that Gregg Easterbrook claims he is?

Yancey (ystrickler), Wednesday, 13 November 2002 22:20 (twenty-two years ago) link

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones to thread!

Yancey (ystrickler), Wednesday, 13 November 2002 22:20 (twenty-two years ago) link

Also: Trent Green to thread!

Yancey (ystrickler), Wednesday, 13 November 2002 22:22 (twenty-two years ago) link

I didn't think it was a secret that the Rams offense had more then one player. Warner: 2 MVP's, Bulger: 4 wins. Also Kurt has Jesus on his side.

bnw (bnw), Wednesday, 13 November 2002 22:30 (twenty-two years ago) link

Marshall Faulk is godlike. Warner is good -- the Rams have plenty of good players. I like that guy from UNC with the funny name, what is it, Senator or Judge -- or right, Trung Canidate (all football players have funny names). But Bulger's success shouldn't take away credit from Warner. As if the Rams organization did such a GREAT job handling Eric Crouch.

re: Chris Chandler -- What good is Crystal Chandelier when he gets broken EVERY TIME HE PLAYS? I do not like football because it only happens once a week and then you have the sad parade of injury reports trickling in all week long.

felicity (felicity), Thursday, 14 November 2002 00:38 (twenty-two years ago) link

it's all about joey harrington.

keith (keithmcl), Thursday, 14 November 2002 02:35 (twenty-two years ago) link

(after fighting)

"O.K. . . . y.o.u. . . c.a.n . . . b.e . . . t.h.e. . . R.a.m.s. . .a.n.d. . .I.'.l.l. . . b.e. . . t.h.e. . . L.i.o.n.s"

felicity (felicity), Thursday, 14 November 2002 02:44 (twenty-two years ago) link

Kurt Warner's wife's hairstyle is a definite minus on his ledger.

It's all about XFL MVPs.

David R. (popshots75`), Thursday, 14 November 2002 02:48 (twenty-two years ago) link

As if the Rams organization did such a GREAT job handling Eric Crouch.

As in they wasted a draft pick on the bum.

bnw (bnw), Thursday, 14 November 2002 04:09 (twenty-two years ago) link

he's a farmer now

keith (keithmcl), Thursday, 14 November 2002 06:05 (twenty-two years ago) link

I thought Kurt Warner's wife was his mother. Then I learned different cos the woman who sends him soup in the Chunky Soup commercial is someone else.

I don't like the Rams. I'll choose Kurt because he's got that great George Michael stubble every time I see him. Let's do TS: Jason Sehorn v. Vinny Testaverde in the battle of WHO IS MORE USELESS!

Ally (mlescaut), Thursday, 14 November 2002 06:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sehorn wins that one in a cakewalk.

Warner fell prey to the Chunky's curse (watch out Philadelphia!), but the Rams' turnaround has more to do with Martz figuring out he needs to get Faulk the ball as much as possible than with Bulger being this year's Tom Brady.

James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 14 November 2002 06:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

But Sehorn is better looking and ergo has a use. I can't figure out Testaverde at all.

Ally (mlescaut), Thursday, 14 November 2002 14:58 (twenty-two years ago) link

I thought the question said Kurt Wagner and was thus about a scrap between nouveau country auteurs. Tee hee.

Liz :x (Liz :x), Thursday, 14 November 2002 15:01 (twenty-two years ago) link

Testaverde = green head = destined to play for gang green. Plus, at least he was an incredible quarterback in college, and extremely amusing in Tampa, being a colorblind quarterback on a team whose uniforms seemed designed to test colorblindness. Plus, didn't Angie Harmon quit Law & Order for Sehorn, making him indirectly responsible for the generiblonde they have on there now?

James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 14 November 2002 20:14 (twenty-two years ago) link

WHo cares about Angie Harmon, she's a boring naff waif Neutrogena shill anyhow, she's eefil. What about Ray Lucas? I really can't fathom why Jason Sehorn is famous and well paid at all besides being good looking but I think most people admit that, whereas with Testaverde there are a set of Jet fans who actually think Vinny contains some magical talent.

TS: Doug Flutie vs. Rob Johnson.

Ally (mlescaut), Thursday, 14 November 2002 20:55 (twenty-two years ago) link

Rob Johnson, solely because I hate players whose ability is comprised of -- wait for it! -- "intangibles."

Yancey (ystrickler), Thursday, 14 November 2002 20:58 (twenty-two years ago) link

flutie's mullet was fantastic

keith (keithmcl), Thursday, 14 November 2002 21:20 (twenty-two years ago) link

Rob Johnson vs. Chris Chandler

James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 14 November 2002 21:28 (twenty-two years ago) link

Which one's a bigger pussy?

Yancey (ystrickler), Thursday, 14 November 2002 21:28 (twenty-two years ago) link

don't they call Rob Johnson "China Doll"? That sounds pussier.

felicity (felicity), Thursday, 14 November 2002 21:33 (twenty-two years ago) link

Plus at least Chandler can say "I lost my job to Michael Vick".

James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 14 November 2002 21:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

Rob Johnson can say: "I lost my job to Alex Van Pelt."

Yancey (ystrickler), Thursday, 14 November 2002 21:38 (twenty-two years ago) link

TS: Jake Plummer vs. Anyone Else.

Ally (mlescaut), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:12 (twenty-two years ago) link

Anyone Else is probably making much less money to suck.

Kris (aqueduct), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:14 (twenty-two years ago) link

Who used to date Jake the Snake? Someone here did...

Yancey (ystrickler), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:15 (twenty-two years ago) link


James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:31 (twenty-two years ago) link

Wait, it was Ally.

Yancey (ystrickler), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:36 (twenty-two years ago) link

Warner is great but he did not look good in the beginning of this season, I think his hand was still bothering him, his throws were not on the money like the previous years. Wonder if this latest hand injury will set him back more.

g (graysonlane), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:45 (twenty-two years ago) link

Suddenly I have a reason to envy Jake Plummer.

James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 14 November 2002 22:53 (twenty-two years ago) link

getting paid a lot of money to get sacked and fumble the ball wasn't enough?

felicity (felicity), Friday, 15 November 2002 00:18 (twenty-two years ago) link

Being the next Joe Montana wasn't enough

James Blount (James Blount), Friday, 15 November 2002 00:22 (twenty-two years ago) link

jake the fake
carson palmer is the next rob johnson

keith (keithmcl), Friday, 15 November 2002 01:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

Wait a sec - which overpaid stiff is Felicity talking about?

Sign that the Minnesota Vikings should just stop now: Brad Johnson threw for FIVE TOUCHDOWNS against them. FIVE. Brad Johnson. Christ, the man can't even throw a ten-yard pass. FIVE.

Taking Sides: Jeff George Vs. Ryan Leaf

David R. (popshots75`), Friday, 15 November 2002 05:11 (twenty-two years ago) link

I guess it's just that no one realized that by "next Joe Montana" they meant the modern Joe, ie the one that's been so fucked up by head injuries that he stars in Mervyns ads, looking confused.

Ally (mlescaut), Friday, 15 November 2002 06:05 (twenty-two years ago) link

Maybe Jake Plummer's a cokehead *ducks*

James Blount (James Blount), Friday, 15 November 2002 06:23 (twenty-two years ago) link

true fact: Ricky Proehl went to my high school, and he's a God in my hometown.

whoever can get the team to win should be QB -- football can be a bitch like that. see also, e.g., the Jets pre- and post-Chad Pennington.

Tad (llamasfur), Friday, 15 November 2002 06:35 (twenty-two years ago) link

I went to high school with Pat Tillman, the guy who ditched the Cardinals to join the army!

Kris (aqueduct), Friday, 15 November 2002 07:25 (twenty-two years ago) link

context clues, DaveR

felicity (felicity), Friday, 15 November 2002 10:08 (twenty-two years ago) link

Why did you duck?

Ally (mlescaut), Friday, 15 November 2002 17:16 (twenty-two years ago) link

i played baseball against future hall of famer jim miller. fouled out to first and grounded to short the two times i faced him when we played waterford kettering.

keith (keithmcl), Friday, 15 November 2002 17:17 (twenty-two years ago) link

My great uncle was a pitcher for the Yankees: Bobby Porterfield.

Pirates closer Mike Williams was my pony league baseball coach.

I would suck Michael Vick's cock.

These are my sports connections.

Yancey (ystrickler), Friday, 15 November 2002 17:25 (twenty-two years ago) link

Felicity, any number of the dopes mentioned to this point could qualify as a fumble-happy sack magnet. I'm guessing the Snake is the one, of course, but outside of Donovan & Vick & Garcia & Peyton Manning & maybe a few more, all NFL QBs could fit that description.

Taking Sides: Kerry Collins VS a tackling dummy

The dummy might fumble a few more times (MIGHT), but you don't have to worry about INTs. Advantage: dummy.

David R. (popshots75`), Friday, 15 November 2002 17:42 (twenty-two years ago) link

Doesn't Dave Kraig (sp?) hold the record for QB fumbles?

Yancey (ystrickler), Friday, 15 November 2002 17:49 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm guessing the Snake is the one, of course, but outside of Donovan & Vick & Garcia & Peyton Manning & maybe a few more, all NFL QBs could fit that description.

So, like, outside of a decent sized portion of players, everyone sucks? Nice one.

Anyway, I still think Jason Sehorn gets paid more money than Jake Plummer to sit around doing nothing, so he's obviously superior to all other players in his uselessness.

Ally (mlescaut), Friday, 15 November 2002 19:10 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sehorn gets a lot more press and it isn't just because he plays in New York.

I ducked because bringing up the Joe Montana cokehead rumors tends to get shouted down as vaguely unAmerican.

Atlanta Hawk's great Tree Rollins lived across the street from my grandparents when I was a kid, I went fishing with him once.

My dad golfs with Morten Anderson occasionally.

James Blount (James Blount), Friday, 15 November 2002 19:49 (twenty-two years ago) link

yes, DaveR, but one of these stiffs is not like the others in that James Blount articulated sudden envy for only one of them, you old Barthesian.

felicity (felicity), Friday, 15 November 2002 19:50 (twenty-two years ago) link

But I thought everyone knew he was a cokehead. Like Lawrence Taylor. On the other hand, he's really not particularly swift seeming or anything, he's really fried himself out if that's what he was doing.

Ally (mlescaut), Friday, 15 November 2002 20:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ally, do you realize DaveR has been implying that you haved dated all NFL quarterback outside of Donovan & Vick & Garcia & Peyton Manning?

felicity (felicity), Friday, 15 November 2002 20:28 (twenty-two years ago) link

Please, Troy Aikman got with Sandra Bullock.

Koy Detmer vs. Kordell Stewart? The state of Pennsylvania must be reeling today. Anybody got Randall Cunningham's phone number?

James Blount, Monday, 18 November 2002 17:39 (twenty-two years ago) link

Randall Schmandall. What Penn needs is some love from Steve DeBerg.

David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 18 November 2002 17:52 (twenty-two years ago) link


Tad (llamasfur), Monday, 18 November 2002 18:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oh, lord - what's next, Mark Tomczak? Scott Zolak? BILLY JO TOLLIVER?

David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 18 November 2002 18:26 (twenty-two years ago) link

worse than that, mr. popshots ... BROWNING NAGLE!

cringe in FEAR at the very mention of the name!

Tad (llamasfur), Monday, 18 November 2002 18:34 (twenty-two years ago) link

I've always heard rumors of Kordell Stewart being gay.

Yancey (ystrickler), Monday, 18 November 2002 18:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sandra Bullock is a man, James. She has an adam's apple.

Ally (mlescaut), Monday, 18 November 2002 18:56 (twenty-two years ago) link

Warner fell prey to the Chunky's curse (watch out Philadelphia!)

wow, James

felicity (felicity), Monday, 18 November 2002 19:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

*backs away from the bowl of Baked Potato soup*

James Blount (James Blount), Monday, 18 November 2002 20:07 (twenty-two years ago) link

You should back away from that soup regardless of mojo. Evil!

David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 18 November 2002 20:56 (twenty-two years ago) link

9ers the most evil team in the NFL -- have we forgotten Amurka's Team? Seriously, putting up velvet ropes around the huddle makes people hate your guts or something.

Leee, Monday, 18 November 2002 22:10 (twenty-two years ago) link

amurka's team (a/k/a) the cowboys don't bug me (though they're in the same division as the Giants). at least when they won Super Bowls, they had great teams and won 'em fair and square. they don't rely on chickenshit-gimmick offensive schemes (cough! WEST COAST OFFENSE!) like the 49ers. is it any accident that the 49ers haven't won shit since 1994 because so many other teams now run a West Coast Offense, which means that more teams now defend against it properly?

that, and at least the Cowboys (and Jerry Jones) are upfront about being assholes. they aren't hypocrites like the 49ers organization.

Tad (llamasfur), Monday, 18 November 2002 22:20 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yeah, but they're still the Cowboys.

Ally (mlescaut), Monday, 18 November 2002 22:30 (twenty-two years ago) link

I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy...

Yancey (ystrickler), Monday, 18 November 2002 22:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

You know what the worst NFL name is? The Texans. I mean, what the fuck is that bullshit? It's as bad as The Cardinals. They're just not fear inspiring, awesome sporting names.

Ally (mlescaut), Monday, 18 November 2002 22:54 (twenty-two years ago) link

If NFL games were to be played by the team's respective mascot, who would be the champ? I say that it's got to be either the Giants or the Titans. Worst team: the Cardinals.

Yancey (ystrickler), Monday, 18 November 2002 22:58 (twenty-two years ago) link

You don't even know how many times I've had that discussion, and we also come up with the answer of the Giants or the Titans. When it comes down to it, a Giant and a Titan could really beat pretty much anything; hence movies like "Clash of the Titans". The Cardinals would definitely lose, UNLESS they were playing the Browns cos I can't even figure out what the fuck a Brown is meant to be.

Now, the thing is, who would win Giants versus Titans? I'm thinking Titans cos aren't they meant to have god powers? On the other hand, no one has said just how big these so-called Giants are meant to be.

Ally (mlescaut), Monday, 18 November 2002 23:04 (twenty-two years ago) link

In the NBA the Wizards would totally dominate. They'd be casting spells and shit!!!

Yancey (ystrickler), Monday, 18 November 2002 23:14 (twenty-two years ago) link

And, actually, I think the Cardinals could beat the Dolphins. I mean, putting aside the fact that a Cardinal couldn't hold the football, how could the Dolphins even move? They'd die!

Yancey (ystrickler), Monday, 18 November 2002 23:15 (twenty-two years ago) link

Dude, I never even thought of that. Dolphins would be excellent at water polo though.

The Packers and the Steelers and the Bills aren't too impressive if you think about it either. THey're just dudes, yo. A Bear or a Lion could totally fuck them up.

Buccaneers vs. Pirates: fite! (ignore the obvious fact that they're playing two different sports for sake of discussion)

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 02:25 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Packers and the Steelers and the Bills aren't too impressive if you think about it either. THey're just dudes, yo. A Bear or a Lion could totally fuck them up.

Or a tiger. Or a Devil.

Which reminds me -- if hockey is the most violent of the pro sports, why do they have the wussiest names? Like there'd be any contest between a Bear and a Ranger.

Tad (llamasfur), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 02:41 (twenty-two years ago) link

now pittsburgh can chant for charlie batch to come in for kordell.

keith (keithmcl), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 02:46 (twenty-two years ago) link

Come on, Forest Rangers are pretty hardcore. Only THEY can prevent forest fires.

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 02:57 (twenty-two years ago) link

but they won't be putting out any forest fires if there's a bear chasing them. no ranger is so hardcore that he won't run like hell if a bear's coming after him.

Tad (llamasfur), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:22 (twenty-two years ago) link

What about if Steven Seagal was a ranger? He'd fuck that bear up.

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:32 (twenty-two years ago) link

No way, Steven Seagal's an enviromentalist.

James Blount (James Blount), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:46 (twenty-two years ago) link

What if the bear was hurting the environment?

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:47 (twenty-two years ago) link

bears love to dump barrels full o' toxic waste in the forest when no-one's looking, you know

Tad (llamasfur), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:51 (twenty-two years ago) link

I seen that with my own two eyes, foo'. They come all over to Central Park and all that, and they like set the flowery bushes on fire and stuff. THen they raid the penguin cage and eat them. They're horrible, bears should be eradicated.

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:53 (twenty-two years ago) link

even so, are they more evil than cows? cows are the real bad-ass motherfuckers of the animal world.

Tad (llamasfur), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:55 (twenty-two years ago) link

Cows are MAD crazy, yo. Look into their eyes. They're so fucked up. You can feel the rage, it's palpable, it's oozing from all their pores.

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 04:03 (twenty-two years ago) link

Quarterbacks are timely! The best part of the article is that it lets me know that Jeff Hostetler and Steve Beuerlein are still playing, I mean what the hell?

Ally (mlescaut), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 22:55 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm friends with Jeff Hostetler's cousin, who used to be in the band SMEGMA, who are now working with Richard Meltzer apparently.

Kris (aqueduct), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 00:13 (twenty-two years ago) link

My mom back in Arizona just emailed me to let me know my true love Jake might be getting let go at end of season, by the way...Anyway, isn't Hostetler like 50 years old by now? I mean, he was QB when the Giants won back against the Bills, and he wasn't a rookie then.

Ally (mlescaut), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 02:27 (twenty-two years ago) link

I do not tremble in the presence of real actual cardinals, but the official logo Cardinal on the team helmet is pretty darned mean looking. But I'm sure it will be replaced with a ridiculous robo-cardinal soon enough.

Aaron A., Wednesday, 20 November 2002 02:34 (twenty-two years ago) link

Robo-cardinals would be pretty scary though.

Ally (mlescaut), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 02:45 (twenty-two years ago) link

I thought so too, but what I've seen of Spiderman indicates that making anything 'ro' diminishes its scariness.

James Blount (James Blount), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 05:02 (twenty-two years ago) link

at least when they won Super Bowls, they had great teams and won 'em fair and square. they don't rely on chickenshit-gimmick offensive schemes (cough! WEST COAST OFFENSE!) like the 49ers.

Fair and square? This is sports we're talking here. And why is the West Coast offense gimmicky when, say, "smashmouth" ball isn't?

Leee (Leee), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 06:06 (twenty-two years ago) link

And why is the West Coast offense gimmicky when, say, "smashmouth" ball isn't?

Watching defensive linemen fight offensive linemen to open space for the backs (aka "smashmouth") = good football.

Watching weak-armed quarterbacks throw dinky two-yard slants and watching receivers eat up garbage yards and thereby boosting their stats (aka "West Coast offense") = a dumbed-down abomination of football. and boring as fuck to watch.

I give Bill Walsh credit for three things and three things only: (a) taking advantage of the rule changes in the late seventies/early eighties, that made West Coast offenses more viable; (b) knowing what he had, talentwise, and making the most of it; and (c) picking Joe Montana and building the offense around what he could do, especially since Montana never "technically" was the best QB of his times (which ties in with point b).

Tad (llamasfur), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 06:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

I have this football card somewhere, or my mom has it, this Montana card. It reversed his yards/touchdowns. So for career yardage, he had like 3,000 or something - but 30,000 touchdowns! How can you say he wasn't the best QB of his time? 30,000!

Ally (mlescaut), Wednesday, 20 November 2002 14:27 (twenty-two years ago) link

Priest Holmes is set to score half that this year.

James Blount (James Blount), Thursday, 21 November 2002 04:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

oh don't get me wrong -- i'm not saying that Joe Montana sucked, or that he wasn't a great quarterback. but facts are facts -- he didn't have the strongest arm, was respectable (but not great) in going long to receivers (as opposed to doing the West Coast-style "long handoffs" to Craig or Rice). in either regard, John Elway and Dan Marino (to name just two contemporaries) were both better than Montana. i don't even think it's useful to say that there was a "greatest quarterback ever," considering how much the game has changed. was Montana really "greater" than, say, Terry Bradshaw? Bart Starr? Roger Staubach? or even Troy Aikman or Bret Favre?

that said, i do think Montana was a great one ... all those Super Bowl rings on his finger weren't a fluke.

Tad (llamasfur), Thursday, 21 November 2002 07:26 (twenty-two years ago) link

Hell yeah Roger Staubach!

Go Navy! (James Blount), Thursday, 21 November 2002 07:30 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think John Elway is the greatest quarterback ever. I mean, look at those TEETH. How can you argue?

Though Tan Marino's fantastic orange color is pretty good.

Ally (mlescaut), Thursday, 21 November 2002 17:21 (twenty-two years ago) link

I remember seeing a thing on Elway on ESPN once, and just the footage of him playing in high school was awe-inspiring.

James Blount, Thursday, 21 November 2002 20:25 (twenty-two years ago) link

elway's kids have horseteeth too.

keith (keithmcl), Friday, 22 November 2002 02:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

warner returns, they lose to danny wuerffel!

keith (keithmcl), Sunday, 24 November 2002 22:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

Martz is an idiot.

James Blount (James Blount), Monday, 25 November 2002 05:29 (twenty-two years ago) link

twenty-two years pass...

Warner tried to catch on with the Canadian Football League or NFL Europe, but those teams weren’t interested, either. So he worked at the Hy-Vee in Cedar Falls, earning $5.50 per hour as he continued to pursue his quixotic goal.

Warner crashed on a cot at Brenda’s parents’ house and watched the kids during the day while working nights. He also spent three hours per day working on his passing skills at his former college and lifting weights, but understandably he began to wonder whether he was just “prolonging the inevitable.”

Still, the grocery shelves wound up providing a surprising source of inspiration. One night when stocking the cereal aisle, he noticed a Wheaties box with Miami Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino, a future Hall of Famer, on the front.

“Once on the shelves, it seemed that Dan ‘The Man’s’ eyes followed me like one of those creepy paintings in a horror movie as I walked back and forth throughout the night,” Warner recalled in his own Hall of Fame induction speech in 2017. “Every time I looked at the box, Dan seemed to be asking, ‘Are you going to spend your life stocking someone else’s cereal boxes, or are you going to step out and make sure someone else is stocking yours?’”

z_tbd, Monday, 3 February 2025 03:06 (one week ago) link

i want to know if dan marino thinks that is a question he would ask. and btw of course we want someone else stocking our cereal boxes. we want them to be fully stocked with a variety of our favorite materials, at least 2 deep and preferably 5 to 7 boxes deep, faced properly and with crisp edges. and we want that stocking to be done before we even arrive, so we don't have to see it done. - dan marino

z_tbd, Monday, 3 February 2025 03:08 (one week ago) link

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