Matrix Revolutions

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Aw sweet, we love you too, Am!

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 3 November 2003 20:56 (twenty years ago) link

I like that this movie seems to promise a lot more IRL/non-inside-the-Matrix action, and I think a lot of the best of the graphic design comes from dealing with the burnt-out-Earth rather than the dreamy-reality-stretching that goes on in the Matrix.

nickalicious (nickalicious), Monday, 3 November 2003 20:56 (twenty years ago) link

you know I gotta say, I've been holding back, but I don't think the trailer for this movie can possibly make it look any worse. sorry matrix-lovers I'm not trying to be a dick but I thought the last movie was a complete fiasco and I can't imagine them salvaging this one.

xp: that's exactly what worries me about it nick!

s1utsky (slutsky), Monday, 3 November 2003 20:57 (twenty years ago) link


rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:49 (twenty years ago) link

just kidding s1utsky! are you gonna bother seeing it then? i actually rather liked the trailer. i'm a sucker for this stuff. i think the first one really can't be improved without fundamentally altering what it is (ie you could carp about some cheesy lines, but it's a sci fi hero story people), and the Matrix setting is intriguing enough that I'll happy sit through another couple hours there.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:51 (twenty years ago) link

I'll probably see it just to know... and for the (slim in my opinion) possibility that they may have re-found their footing.

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:52 (twenty years ago) link

what do you think about the possibility that it's really the second half of one film? i think this might make it better. if you stopped the first one an hour and ten minutes in you'd be fucking confused...i sort of feel that way about reloaded.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:54 (twenty years ago) link

I wonder if this one will have Not Donald Sutherland in it, too.

ha ha! i think he (the Architect?) specifically told Neo that they wouldn't meet again, right? seemed like an odd and interesting thing to say.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:55 (twenty years ago) link

well... that doesn't really wash with me, as I don't really think reloaded could in any way be the first half of a good movie. whereas the first matrix movie, for its flaws, had a lot of neat ideas (mostly visual--the telephone stuff for example), reloaded was totally dry. the first movie had its rhythm problems but when it was on it was ON--I never thought reloaded ever hit anything nearing that stride! it was so hermetic and self-congratulatory and plodding!

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:59 (twenty years ago) link

you've basically described my life so no wonder i'm right at home

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:16 (twenty years ago) link

i actually agree with everything you put there though. except the action sequences in reloaded totally weren't dry! i do think they lacked what propelled the action sequences the first one, which was the sequence of (learn something that raises a question) -> (fight ensues from question, we learn something) -> (implications of knowledge from fight pondered, raising questions) -> (fight scene ensues from question)...etc.

also, kung fu.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:18 (twenty years ago) link

jeez that made no sense.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:19 (twenty years ago) link

no, I know what you mean, the reason I didn't really enjoy the (few) action sequences in reloaded was that there was nothing really at stake! neo's invincible, and I had no idea what was going on anyway

I still insist the multiple-smith thing looked way worse than anything in the first movie

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:24 (twenty years ago) link

neo's invincible
This was precisely my problem with the Neo action scenes in Reloaded. We know he can't die. Ergo, you must UTTERLY knock my socks off with what he can do for me to stay awake. This occasionally happened but not enough. But action bits with other characters = much better, as such the freeway scene did kick ass.

I agree on the effects thing; nothing in the first one looked bad at all! CG people are still not quite there. So I got more of a thrill from the sequences where actual people are doing the work more than the CG gang bang.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:29 (twenty years ago) link

yeah I must admit the most excited I got was during the freeway sequence, when other, actually vulnerable characters were involved

what was up with that whole bomb in the building thing at the end there though? what the hell was that all about? anyone have any idea?

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:33 (twenty years ago) link

Scripts marked "FILM" and "VIDEO GAME" got swapped by accident, I think

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:34 (twenty years ago) link

and can we pretend that the guy who played the architect's real name is ronald sutherland?

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 07:35 (twenty years ago) link

what was up with that whole bomb in the building thing at the end there though? what the hell was that all about? anyone have any idea?

this was a security system to protect the source of the Matrix from being accessed by The One. But Neo is able to access it after they manage to shut the power down for just long enough (with Trinity, Niobi and co. providing enough distraction). Presumably the Architect figured Neo would be able to access the source anyway so set up the meeting to tell him what was going to happen.

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 10:21 (twenty years ago) link

people who say the graphix in the fight scene with all the Smiths look too computer-ey -- the whole thing is taking place inside a computer program, remember??

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:03 (twenty years ago) link

I think the reason most people disliked Reloaded was because they are pissed off that they didn't understand everything in one viewing. I don't think you're supposed to/able to, though. I saw it a few times in the theater and own the DVD, and I'm still finding new details in the plot that I missed the first time.

Girolamo Savonarola, Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:04 (twenty years ago) link

I was annoyed that it turned completely into an action flick. And the highway scene was impressive, but went on forever.

Sean (Sean), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:12 (twenty years ago) link

i am hoping it's the longest of the three

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:14 (twenty years ago) link

Sean i was annoyed at Kill Bill for the same reason

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:25 (twenty years ago) link

KB also had the whole "hm that's not quite a movie, is it?" feeling afterwards.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:33 (twenty years ago) link

No, its the first half of one.

Pete (Pete), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:39 (twenty years ago) link

The difference is I walked into KB *expecting* non-stop action/violence, whereas I was hoping for a bit more from Reloaded.

Sean (Sean), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:41 (twenty years ago) link

Reloaded was also criticised for having too much psycho-babble, cuh

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:44 (twenty years ago) link

The funny thing is that a good slew of these positive arguments remind me of the defense of the recent Star Wars films in ways.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:48 (twenty years ago) link

The funny thing is the disappointment I got from Matrix Reloaded was almost identitcal to the one I got walking out of The Phantom Menance.

Pete (Pete), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:49 (twenty years ago) link

people who say the graphix in the fight scene with all the Smiths look too computer-ey -- the whole thing is taking place inside a computer program, remember??

I was talking with somebody about this yesterday and had the realization that, in the film's context, this is a conflict between two very powerful systemic anomalies, and that the extent of their conflict putting a strain on the system itself to keep up doesn't seem quite so far-fetched in that sense.

(I still thought it looked k-stupid though.)

nickalicious (nickalicious), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:50 (twenty years ago) link

I thought the fight with lots of Smith's looked like lots of people in badly made Smith masks, or in some cases no masks at all, having a big rhumble.

Pete (Pete), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:57 (twenty years ago) link

i am the only person in the world over 12 who loves the Brawl

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 13:59 (twenty years ago) link

i think it was actually better than Uma vs Crazy 88...altho the latter certainly was superior in SOME ways (but not others)

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:00 (twenty years ago) link

Not the only person, Steve! I thought they were aiming a little over the horizon as regards what can be done with the present technology, and for this I love them. The ramping-up nature of the scene, and the way the nature of the fight changes during it, are great, and better than the Bruce Lee "one or two at a time" of the KB fight.

Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:17 (twenty years ago) link

No I love that scene too, but I do have criticisms of it is all; the way it increases intensity incrementally kinda lends to growing excitement, I just think they may have tried a little too hard with it.

nickalicious (nickalicious), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:21 (twenty years ago) link

Uma vs the Crazy 88 may very well be one of the greatest fight scenes ever filmed, particularly for the little touches (Uma using her blade to scope out the people behind her, the windmill/foot-chopping, the silhouette scene (!!!!!!), the bannister walking, the integration of wire tricks into a quasi-realistic situation, etc etc etc). The last time I was that gleeful at an action sequence, it was the first drunken fight in "Drunken Master II". (Other notables on my list would include the pole-top fight in "Iron Monkey", the Zhang Ziyi/Michelle Yeoh showdown in "CTHT" and the highway scene in "Matrix Reloaded".)

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:23 (twenty years ago) link

if you're interested in The Editing Room's version of the abridged script, check here

Suddenly, a bunch of other HUGO WEAVINGS show up. They
FIGHT to VIDEO GAME MUSIC. Despite all of the enormous
hype, it is extremely clear when the scene switches into
Why are you using kung fu? Can't
you jump inside us and delete us
like in the last movie? Isn't that
one of your super awesome powers?
Nah, the only real new power I have
is flight.
That sucks.
Not as badly as my appearance when
I do my little mid-air spin move
with this pole.

He fights and fights and fights and eventually gives up and
flies away....

Kingfish (Kingfish), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:34 (twenty years ago) link

yeh you are otm really Dan, i was just wondering how Kill Bill's fight scenes were gonna be as fun and dynamic as Reloaded's...and they were right to focus on neat little touches, anthropomorphic movements, lighting (the silhouette scene (!!!!!!) indeed) see Wudan for about just 3 seconds and i love it for that! it's just like 'sure he knows Wudan, check it, but be quick!'

but still there was something about it that irked - perhaps just the predictability that you knew Uma was going to kill them all. whereas with Neo and 100 Smiths, he couldn't kill them and he realised he had to fly off - this was bemusing if not entirely unexpected

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:35 (twenty years ago) link

Not as badly as my appearance when
I do my little mid-air spin move
with this pole.

this isn't as bad as everyone says - he is so minimally stylised anyway that it's hardly belief shattering that it's clearly a CGI render

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 14:45 (twenty years ago) link

So I got more of a thrill from the sequences where actual people are doing the work more than the CG gang bang.



Jordan (Jordan), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 15:46 (twenty years ago) link

I think Kingfish's quoted bit is funny, but misses the point of the brawl. Neo is too cool/existentially dead to show it, but he has to be like, "what the fuck is going on" when Smith shows up. Not to mention when he copies himself. So, I think what's happening is that they are testing each other's powers via the fight, since each is supposed to be dead. As cheesy as the line is, the "you don't know someone until you fight them" is actually what's going on there. Unfortunately what's happened is they're both super-powered and have to delay the apocalypse until part 3, so we're left with the less-than-satisfying (though quite intentionally amusing, I think!) resolution with Neo simply saying, "aw, screw this, I'm outta here" and flying out.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:51 (twenty years ago) link

Ned, the difference is that the new Star Wars still suxx no matter how you want to justify it!

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:51 (twenty years ago) link

They're saying that about the new Matrix movies as well, Rob! Hell, on this thread they're saying it!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:53 (twenty years ago) link

I think Kingfish's quoted bit is funny, but misses the point of the brawl.

It was supposed to be funny?

Nicolars (Nicole), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:55 (twenty years ago) link

I meant Internet funny.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:56 (twenty years ago) link

Yes, that makes all the difference.

Nicolars (Nicole), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:57 (twenty years ago) link

They're saying that about the new Matrix movies as well, Rob! Hell, on this thread they're saying it!

Ha ha, good point Ned. I think even the major detractors from the nu-Matrices will acknowledge that they're trying to do *something*, either with the CG or large-form story or expanding this tenaciously balanced conceit that worked well for one film into five more hours. Even the biggest Star Wars fans have trouble figuring out what the nu-Star Wars films are trying to do beyond shift merchandise.

And I say that as someone who still has a primal reaction to Jedi fights!

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:59 (twenty years ago) link

The funny thing is that a good slew of these positive arguments remind me of the defense of the recent Star Wars films in ways.

so otm it isn't even funny!

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:03 (twenty years ago) link

the difference between the two is that the new Star Wars are more aimed at CHILDREN, and pretty good kids films they are too I reckon.

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:06 (twenty years ago) link

"I don't wanna be a Jedi!!"

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:08 (twenty years ago) link

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