Friend Infected With Right Wing Brain Worms - What to Do?

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xp I never know who these fuckwits even are.

Three Rings for the Elven Bishop (Dan Peterson), Monday, 22 May 2023 17:22 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

Starting to see more and more progressives demand public swimming pools. Get ready for the next entitlement program.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 30, 2023

papal hotwife (milo z), Monday, 31 July 2023 04:21 (one year ago) link

I'm ready

Daniel_Rf, Monday, 31 July 2023 08:29 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

Asked an older friend of mine to tell me what she thought 15-minute towns were. "It's where the government puts you in planned places like Ballymun..." I had to stop her. This is a woman who started off her Youtube journey about ten years ago with Norwegian knitters and foragers, then moved through van life people to preppers and is now being served full-on conspiracy nutjobs. She just lets them play. I think she has this idea that YouTube is essentially a television channel and that you wouldn't be allowed to say these things on television if they weren't true. She told us today that she was amazed about the "undercover government stuff" involved in the fires in Hawaii. We had to tell her it wasn't true. Fundamentally this isn't my problem, and I know we've said it all before. But I wish there was some secret setting I could toggle on her Youtube account that just keeps her seeing harmless Scandi knitwear designers forever.

trishyb, Saturday, 19 August 2023 14:40 (one year ago) link

The level of credibility is astonishing. It's like they didn't learn even basic critical thinking skills however long they stayed in school.

That Erick "Erick" Erickson tweet is puzzling. Not sure what he's on about.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 19 August 2023 22:59 (one year ago) link

This may be insensitive, but I wonder if Sean (RIP) died from Covid.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 19 August 2023 23:03 (one year ago) link

Or was it the brain worms?

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 19 August 2023 23:04 (one year ago) link

Covid is coming back later this year as the Democrats look to ban in person voting at the next election so they can make 15 minute cities and take cars away. There are also plans to take the guns away and introduce communism

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 09:39 (one year ago) link

A neurosurgeon investigating a woman’s mystery symptoms in Australia says she plucked a wriggling worm from the patient’s brain. “It continued to move with vigor. We all felt a bit sick,” surgeon Hari Priya Bandi added of her operating team.

— The Associated Press (@AP) August 29, 2023

papal hotwife (milo z), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 09:45 (one year ago) link

brain worms are real. wake up sheeple

koogs, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 09:47 (one year ago) link

There was something of a more interesting development though. These are what 'memes' on the internet are saying, is that what he really thinks, or its sort of true but not really and kind of funny. It feels a bit like he simultaneously thinks this, but also at same time knows its silly, and has built in some level of plausible "its just memes bro" deniability, to where the actual level of belief is uncertain

But it also feels like the distinction between 'I believe this to be true' and 'I don't really believe this to be true or maybe I do who knows' isn't contradictory, that these two things aren't separable like this.

Its difficult to find out more without running into "I don't know, do your own research"

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 09:47 (one year ago) link

Wolfin' it up

nashwan, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 10:28 (one year ago) link

Wolfin' it up

nashwan, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 10:28 (one year ago) link

Asked an older friend of mine to tell me what she thought 15-minute towns were. "It's where the government puts you in planned places like Ballymun..." I had to stop her. This is a woman who started off her Youtube journey about ten years ago with Norwegian knitters and foragers, then moved through van life people to preppers and is now being served full-on conspiracy nutjobs. She just lets them play. I think she has this idea that YouTube is essentially a television channel and that you wouldn't be allowed to say these things on television if they weren't true. She told us today that she was amazed about the "undercover government stuff" involved in the fires in Hawaii. We had to tell her it wasn't true. Fundamentally this isn't my problem, and I know we've said it all before. But I wish there was some secret setting I could toggle on her Youtube account that just keeps her seeing harmless Scandi knitwear designers forever.

― trishyb

i agree with you entirely, this friend of yours isn't your problem... the brain worms in general, though, this is exactly where they're coming from, trying to stop the brain worms through individual intervention is frustrating, hard work, and however much we do as individuals there's always more... it's like trying to save the environment by becoming carbon-neutral. it's not about individuals, it's about the corporations who are poisoning our environment and destroying our world... but that's not the way we've been taught to think, addressing the problem imo is less about addressing the brain worms other people have had and re-orienting our own individual worldviews from the "rugged individualism" a lot of us were taught (in whatever form, whether USAian or no) and learning how to act in solidarity with each other to oppose and dismantle the oppressive systems that are the cause of all this nonsense... youtube is _responsible_ for leading this friend of yours down the primrose path, they are _culpable_ for this. and they need to be held culpable imo.

i disagree strongly with jimbeaux's response on this thread... i don't think holding your friend responsible, trishyb, is helpful... because it's a cycle, people like your friend are helping to make the world a hostile environment for marginalized groups but at the same time they're victims. this isn't new... when i was young it was the old people who got fleeced out of their life savings by televangelists. and it's not that these people are _stupid_, it's that nobody fucking _cares_ about them... i heard all the stories when i was growing up about the seniors who lived on cat food, but it's not just that, it's the hoarders, the people who have plenty of money and won't spend a dime, the people who die with their houses packed full of crap, you can't get rid of anything, you never know when you might need it, nobody else is going to look out for you, you have to look out for yourself.

the thing i was most afraid of all my life was dying alone and unloved... and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy, i drove away the people who cared about me out of my fear of being abandoned... i'm responsible for my behavior, just like the people who drive away the people around them with brainworms and abuse are responsible for their behavior. a lot of times it's awful, unbelievably awful, beyond what people are willing to talk about. if you're in a caring profession, working with older people on a daily basis, you've seen some behavior for sure...

my own dad, i knew he did some of that stuff, whenever the nurses would call i'd apologize, i was in oregon, he was in pennsylvania, there was nothing i could do about it. they were being paid a garbage wage to deal with people like my dad and what was there to do at that point? he'd spent the last thirty years waiting to die and it still hadn't happened... his body hurt and nobody reached out to him. well, i did reach out to him but he didn't answer the phone! so when someone came along to start talking about jesus, sure, he converted because there was nobody else. was that really who he was? should i think of him as a "christian" because that was how he died, because he has a cross on his grave marker? i don't think of him that way.

my mom, on the other hand, was always kind of an awful and abusive person... over the past couple of decades i've seen her get worse and worse, i look at her and all of the shit she says now, that's not what she taught me... it's weird, i'm kind of relieved, because it means that now other people are seeing what she did to us, me and my siblings, when we were growing up... it was something she hid, something other people didn't know about, and now they know... it's not that she was "that bad" when we were growing up, but her abusiveness has become more blatant, she doesn't need to hide it like she used to. people who live long enough in our culture do tend to die alone and unloved... i feel like the boomers are going to experience this maybe even more than other generations.

i'm less worried now about dying alone and unloved... it's not something that i can allow to define my life. worrying about it all the time is only going to make it more likely. caring for myself, loving myself, thinking of myself as _worthy_ of love now, no matter how people feel about me in 10 or 20 or 30 years, when i'm no longer considered a _valuable and productive member of society_ (and i certainly don't feel like a "valuable and productive" member of capitalist society now, me and my bullshit job), that's what i'm trying to learn.

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 13:47 (one year ago) link

There was something of a more interesting development though. These are what 'memes' on the internet are saying, is that what he really thinks, or its sort of true but not really and kind of funny. It feels a bit like he simultaneously thinks this, but also at same time knows its silly, and has built in some level of plausible "its just memes bro" deniability, to where the actual level of belief is uncertain

But it also feels like the distinction between 'I believe this to be true' and 'I don't really believe this to be true or maybe I do who knows' isn't contradictory, that these two things aren't separable like this.

― anvil

this is also something i don't see as new. they say "scratch an ironic fascist and you find a real fascist", but i think it's more complicated than that. the Constantly Repeated Moral of _mother night_, for me it's less that we _are_ who we pretend to be, it's that we are changed by the things we say and do. "pretend" vs. "real" doesn't matter to me, if people say i'm a fake person i don't care, if someone says i'm a fake _woman_ i get mad because that's bullshit, but fakeness in general?

one of the things i consciously do is that i overtly try to take everything someone says as if they mean it. someone makes a "joke" and i take it completely seriously. a benign example is what happens to me when i tell this joke i learned as a kid. the joke goes like this:

my dog has no nose!

how does he smell?


the funny thing, though, is if you try to tell that joke in real life, if you tell people your dog has no nose, nobody's going to play along and ask how the dog _smells_. they're going to say "oh my god, that's awful, what happened to your dog?" so that's what i do, is i no-sell a lot of humor. it's particularly easy for me because it just means turning on autism brain and taking everything everyone says as if they mean it literally. i understand subtext and metaphor, sometimes too well, but a lot of times treating everything on a completely literal level is the only way i can keep from getting lost in a maze of ideas where i don't know what's true or false anymore.

and i think that's what happens with a lot of the "brain worm" stuff. the jargon file from back in the '80s talks about this phenomenon. they call it "ha ha only serious". something's a joke but you also believe it. there's some cognitive dissonance in there... we all have to live with extremely high levels of cognitive dissonance, it's a basic survival skill these days.

i'm from the generation they used to call "gen x"... i was raised on irony, irony-poisoned some people call it these days. young folks these days are hyper earnest and straightforward, and i think a lot of it is because they saw what happened to us. irony is a dead scene, these days.

i was involved in an "ironic" cult in the 90s, and the guy who founded it did a whole documentary where the whole point was to say "IT WAS A JOKE, I WAS KIDDING"... he seems like a good enough guy, but i don't know that he really understood what he was doing, what he was starting. because he started the whole thing after reading about jim jones, about the lengths people would go for religion, so he said "i'll start one of my own, if people will die for this surely people will give me a dollar for mine..."

but jim jones wasn't starting a real religion either! i didn't know this for a long time, he was a communist, he was trying to use religion as a trojan horse... he didn't get kicked out of indianapolis for being psycho, he got kicked out for not being racist enough... jim jones, i think he's a good example of brain worms, it wasn't even that he was lied to, it was that he lied to _himself_... his "religion" was fake, it was a con, until it wasn't... he got high on his own supply, he, uh, drank the kool-aid. quite literally in this case.

so i'm involved in this "joke religion" and suddenly it becomes not quite a joke. the same way, back in 2010 i went to washington for the jon stewart/stephen colbert rally... it was, again, a "joke" rally but when i was there with 300,000 people at the mall on washington it started feeling different, started feeling like anything could happen. it's not a matter of individuals... you get enough people together in one place and stuff starts getting a little crazy.

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 14:04 (one year ago) link

my dog has no nose!
how does he smell?


Let's also never forget, Hitler tried to use this joke to kill people.

Halfway there but for you, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 14:14 (one year ago) link

this is also something i don't see as new.

Its new to him! He hasn't done that before. And also, its not clear that he IS doing that, I can't tell. He sometimes retreats behind "thats what the narrative is".

On some level it felt more like a "I haven't decided whether to believe this or not yet, so for now I'm just testing it out"

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 14:23 (one year ago) link

On some level it felt more like a "I haven't decided whether to believe this or not yet, so for now I'm just testing it out"

― anvil

i think that's a good observation, it kind of _is_ a form of boundary testing, isn't it? how much can i get away with, you know?

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 15:03 (one year ago) link

I don't think thats quite it. Its more like he is pulled in a certain direction, believes A, B, and C are true - but not really D and E. But at the same time, they were right about A, B, and C, then D and E could be true, so its best to bets a little bit.

There's also a pull in the opposite direction not to be seen as histrionic or dramatic, but the pull is weaker

So its not so much seeing what he can get away with, and more finding the right spot - and because the figurative and literal are all muddled together, its not clear where one ends and the other starts

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 15:52 (one year ago) link

best to hedge bets a little bit, is what that should say

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 15:53 (one year ago) link

Which means all these things could be true and not true at the same time

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 15:54 (one year ago) link

The only boundary this stuff tests is what people can get away with saying to friends and acquaintances imo

If you're already inclined to listen to bigot shit then really you believe it, some people just have enough social awareness left to be cowardly/cautious about it

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 16:22 (one year ago) link

nothing he said was bigoted though! just crazy.

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 18:53 (one year ago) link

i'm not saying there's a clear-cut distinction, exactly, but "the democrats are coming for your guns" is just a different thing than, you know, some of the other stuff

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 18:54 (one year ago) link

if the last few years has taught me anything it's that apparently unbigoted weird beliefs are very swiftly aligned to modern fascism

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 18:55 (one year ago) link

i haven't noticed a through-line from flat earth or antivax shit to communism

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 18:56 (one year ago) link

nothing he said was bigoted though! just crazy.

Yeah, doesn't say anything bigoted that I can recall. Its more about Liberals than anything else, though as we know they are simultaneously feckless and weak and unable to tie own shoelaces, while also being all-powerful with a sinister vice like grip on society

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 19:07 (one year ago) link

in 2023 if you have to wait for the sieg heil you're probably being over-generous

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 19:09 (one year ago) link

fascism weaponizes tons of shit, and imo it's a losing game to try to blame the hatred on the music, the hair, whatever. and re: flat earth, i think it's broadly fine for people to be downright weird in their worldviews. it's not like the neoliberal "We Believe Science" doctrine is any less racist.

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 19:12 (one year ago) link

like, if it's okay to be skeptical of "Science" or post-Enlightenment Western rationalism for the sake of understanding the racist and patriarchal assumptions that are baked into the system, then it needs to be okay to have the skeptical or even paranoid impulse in the first place.

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 19:17 (one year ago) link

like, if it's okay to be skeptical of "Science" or post-Enlightenment Western rationalism for the sake of understanding the racist and patriarchal assumptions that are baked into the system, then it needs to be okay to have the skeptical or even paranoid impulse in the first place.

― budo jeru

pretty hard disagree here. i don't think it's accurate or fair to draw an equivalence between the _very understandable_ skepticism demonstrated by victims of racist patriarchy and the people who adopt pseudoscience in order to perpetuate that racist patriarchy.

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:18 (one year ago) link

that's not what i'm doing at all. i'm pushing back against NV saying that all flat earthers are crypto fascists until proven otherwise

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:21 (one year ago) link

but they are

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:23 (one year ago) link

and i enjoy zany counter-rationalism as much as anybody

but they are

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:24 (one year ago) link

yeah i'm with noodle vague on this one

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:24 (one year ago) link

budo there is a more nuanced argument to be had here but what i'm saying is that if somebody tells you, in 2023, that they've got concerns about vaccines or climate change or 15 minute cities then self-preservation says assume they're fash and hope for a pleasant surprise if you've got the stamina to discuss it

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:29 (one year ago) link

like am i skeptical of the way white patriarchal science is implemented in practice? hell yes. i suffered severe, permanent, and irreparable harm from enlightenment science's universalization of "factual and objective" norms regarding gender diversity that, in reality, had nothing to do with gender expansive people's actual lived experiences but instead were based on the bigotries and prejudices of cis men presenting themselves as "experts". what _they_ said about us was the only thing that mattered. that, you know, that's post-enlightenment western rationalism, and you know what else it is? it's fucking _evidence-based_. flat earthers aren't. covid deniers aren't. trans eradication shares certain apparent similarities to conspiracy theories, but acknowledging and advocating for the dismantlement of hegemonic institutions of repression is not remotely comparable to blaming COVID on "the chinese". it's not.

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:33 (one year ago) link

xp fair enough but we weren't talking about vaccines or climate change, we were talking about flat earth

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:34 (one year ago) link

ok, i'm going to take a step back because i'm not talking about blaming COVID on the chinese ... i was talking about moon landing / aliens

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:35 (one year ago) link

you know, that's post-enlightenment western rationalism, and you know what else it is? it's fucking _evidence-based_.

that _skepticism_ is a skepticism of enlightenment-era western rationalism, and that skepticism is evidence-based. wow. is my whole post this incoherent?

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:35 (one year ago) link

well, it's not like it's a super topic, in fairness

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:36 (one year ago) link

*super easy

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:36 (one year ago) link

questioning enlightenment values is fine by me, i'm a kneejerk postmodernist

the issue is the specifics of how flat earthism plays itself out and aligns itself at this moment

da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link

ok, i'm going to take a step back because i'm not talking about blaming COVID on the chinese ... i was talking about moon landing / aliens

― budo jeru

ok, so trying to come down from my dander here, lol, this is one of my special interests, conspiracy theories, i've spent a lot of time with them.

and my argument is that people spend so much of their time focusing on whether or not conspiracy theories are _true_ and to me the interesting question is _why_ people believe them. for instance, the "ancient aliens" conspiracy theory, if you look at what motivates that it's the assumption that non-white people couldn't possibly design and build monumental architecture. again, this comes from a _critique_ of enlightenment rationalist assumptions. if you drill down far enough as to _why_ people believe these conspiracy theories, you're really likely to hit a racist and/or patriarchal core assumption underlying it.

when it comes to the abuses committed by white supremacist patriarchal rationalist institutions, there's not a question of _why_ people object to it. there's your qualitative difference, i'd argue.

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:42 (one year ago) link

budo there is a more nuanced argument to be had here but what i'm saying is that if somebody tells you, in 2023, that they've got concerns about vaccines or climate change or 15 minute cities then self-preservation says assume they're fash and hope for a pleasant surprise if you've got the stamina to discuss it

― da elephant in daruma (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, August 30, 2023 3:29 PM (seven minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

also, i broadly agree with this, but this is the friend infected with right-wing brain worms ("What to do?") thread, so i feel like here if nowhere else it may be okay to put forth the notion that there might be something to acknowledging that people's conspiratorial / aggrieved worldview do have a basis in a reality of disparity and exploitation.

and by the way, i know anti-vaxxer anarchists who spend all their time doing mutual aid and passing out food at homeless encampments. it's weird and it is a thing!

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:46 (one year ago) link

and, to further clarify, what i'm putting forth is largely a rhetorical argument in service of minimizing harmful right-wing discourse. i don't blame anybody who shuts it down or decides to walk away. i'm just trying to propose a strategy that sees an essential truth at the core of the conspiratorial mindset and tries to use it and pivot it with actual, useful analysis

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:52 (one year ago) link

and Kate your most recent post is interesting but i'm struggling with focus at work and need to come back to it

budo jeru, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:53 (one year ago) link

i feel like here if nowhere else it may be okay to put forth the notion that there might be something to acknowledging that people's conspiratorial / aggrieved worldview do have a basis in a reality of disparity and exploitation.

In my case, it is definitely not rooted in anything like that, its based in transmissions from the internet. a woke liberal elite have captured the institutions, and are an existential threat. There's some fuzzyness about whether they're going to introduce communism if they ever get elected, or there already is communism, or both, or what communism is, but it is happening or has happened nonetheless

but there's a shape shifting quality to it. He got the vaccines, he was still wearing masks later than I was, was still doing covid tests later than most, so covid was definitely real but also fake and used by the liberal elite to control society but also real and a targeted weapon by China. All of these are simultaneously true, but not quite occupying the same space. Has never said anything negative about vaccines though

anvil, Wednesday, 30 August 2023 20:59 (one year ago) link

Ah, posted a few days back. Still euwww

Stomp Jomperson (dog latin), Thursday, 31 August 2023 11:10 (one year ago) link

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