Trans Politics, Trans Activism, also 'rolling is this transphobic?' thread

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it's going to be so obvious in 20 years to everyone what the right side of this argument was, the problem is that it's hurting people right now

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 27 October 2021 18:32 (two years ago) link


licorice in the front, pizza in the rear (Whiney G. Weingarten), Wednesday, 27 October 2021 18:33 (two years ago) link

If only there were actual problems in the world that people could direct their inchoate anger towards, maybe then they'd feel less harmed by the life choices of others that don't impact them in any meaningful way.

(a picture of a defecating pig) (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 27 October 2021 18:46 (two years ago) link

Sorry if this isn't the right thread for this, but am I the only one who continually fucks up the right pronouns while speaking? My daughter's 12 year old friend is going by "they/them" and I keep messing up and saying "her/she". Really trying to get it right, but I'm becoming seriously concerned about my 51-year-old brain's ability at defeating my subconscious impulses.

bookmarkflaglink (Darin), Wednesday, 27 October 2021 23:53 (two years ago) link

practice! I’ve had a few people change pronouns in my life and just taking ten minutes a day to repeat to yrself a short script like “Their name is x. Their pronouns are they/them. They like x and it’s fun to hang out with them” or w/e works pretty well ime, and it doesn’t seem to occur to a lot of ppl

nicole, Thursday, 28 October 2021 00:08 (two years ago) link

also gets easier the more they/thems there are in yr life, which will likely happen over time if you have 12-year-olds in yr life

also, it helps not to worry too much about it! not because it isn’t important (it is), but because the more of an anxiety you develop around it the harder it will be (again, ime). when you inevitably mess it up, correct yrself quickly and without any “oh geez it’s just so hard, I don’t know why I can’t get this, I’m so sorry” etc.

nicole, Thursday, 28 October 2021 00:15 (two years ago) link

Thanks Nicole! Practicing is what I need for sure. Luckily, I’ve haven’t screwed up in front of my daughter’s friend yet and my daughter is more than happy to correct me when I do slip up. I’ll get there eventually.

bookmarkflaglink (Darin), Thursday, 28 October 2021 03:57 (two years ago) link

I’ve had a few people change pronouns in my life and just taking ten minutes a day to repeat to yrself a short script

yeah, same ... also, what nicole says ... you will inevitably mess it up, but don't get defensive or demeaning

sarahell, Thursday, 28 October 2021 05:39 (two years ago) link

Open letter signed by 16,000 calls for BBC apology over trans article

Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Thursday, 28 October 2021 20:41 (two years ago) link

You’d think they could have at least recapped the reason that the study is said to be flawed.

Nice to know that some “appreciations” were sent in, though, I wasn’t aware of a formal avenue for those. Maybe they should keep a running ticker of how many they get.

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:46 (two years ago) link

Fuck K4thl33n St0ck fuck K4thl33n St0ck fuck K4thl33n St0ck

emil.y, Thursday, 28 October 2021 22:04 (two years ago) link

the implication that “many trans women are lesbians, and many cis lesbians enjoy fucking them” is an equal statement to “all cis lesbians must be willing to fuck any given trans woman” is so deeply absurd, and the fact that so many publications treat it like a reasonable debate that must be had sucks so much.

there are people with certain physical traits who I don’t want to fuck; people have sexual preferences within a given orientation! but if I were to make a big public stink about it and imply or outright state that those traits invalidated their identity and the sexuality of the people who do, I would expect to be called out for it!

my heart aches for trans women in the UK these days, it’s bad enough dealing with this shit when it’s thousands of miles away

nicole, Thursday, 28 October 2021 22:05 (two years ago) link

yeah, same ... also, what nicole says ... you will inevitably mess it up, but don't get defensive or demeaning

― sarahell, Thursday, October 28, 2021 1:39 AM bookmarkflaglink

it's just weird *how* defensive people get when they make this mistake, like, if you call a friend by the wrong name or say their last name wrong, and they correct you, you don't sit there causing a scene.

i've fucked it up, been corrected just like anybody else, it', you apologize, correct, move on. not that I wouldn't understand why someone who has been misgendered a lot might be momentarily frustrated, but usually the correction is just a polite one and people go apeshit over it.

the utility infielder of theatre (Neanderthal), Thursday, 28 October 2021 22:12 (two years ago) link

uk getting very scary, they're planning to lump in trans-affirmative therapy with gay conversion therapy (as transphobes have been pushing for) and totally ban it for under 18s, also likely banning mermaids

ufo, Friday, 29 October 2021 02:54 (two years ago) link

feels like it would be a good time to start taking to the streets? the polls always seem to show that the transphobes are a vocal minority, should start taking advantage of that

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 29 October 2021 10:16 (two years ago) link

Trending now in UK:

(and not trending in a "everyone is taking the piss out of it" manner)

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 29 October 2021 10:19 (two years ago) link

these fucking babies don’t know what a slur is

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 29 October 2021 12:40 (two years ago) link

who’s the snowflake now??

Tracer Hand, Friday, 29 October 2021 12:41 (two years ago) link

Fuck K4thl33n St0ck fuck K4thl33n St0ck fuck K4thl33n St0ck

otm and also i think sussex have handled this quite poorly

o shit the sheriff (NickB), Friday, 29 October 2021 14:42 (two years ago) link

there are people with certain physical traits who I don’t want to fuck

The problem is that women are being accused of transphobia for saying this exact thing, if one of those physical traits happens to be having a penis. Here's an example from Simon H. in a post on a different thread four years ago:

Feminist Theory & "Women's Issues" Discussion Thread: All Gender Identities Are Encouraged To Participate

a couple of trans comrades have outright stated that 1. sexual preference for certain/specific types of genitals are inherently transphobic

Further down in that thread, j. says they see people expressing this position as well and supposes it isn't too uncommon. It's clear that this line of thinking persists to this day -- it's easy to find very recent examples of it on Twitter. Stating the position is in itself an act of pressuring people into having sex with people they don't want to have sex with. Can we all agree that's a bad thing to do?

Vaguely Threatening CAPTCHAs, Friday, 29 October 2021 19:14 (two years ago) link

just to jump slightly backward to nicole and Neanderthal on pronouns upthread: yes it is new and will take practice.

But honestly it is really not that hard for well-meaning people to navigate this in a well-meaning way. As long as they're truly, y'know, well-meaning.

Currently I am navigating this because my eldest (14) is nonbinary they/them. So are many of their friends. I will likely mess up. But the guiding principle is just to... not be a dick, I guess? The people who are having the most trouble with it tend to already not be on board with the whole project. And of course if you're not on board with the whole project, your motivation to practice and be a non-dick is lessened.

For me, if I try to relate an anecdote about what Ash said to Jinx and how Sky reacted, well, I'm going to be using their names a lot more than I otherwise would. A sentence like "Jax said that Sky and Ash are going to Sky's house" both avoids misgendering, and avoids potential confusion between singular and plural.

gin and catatonic (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 29 October 2021 19:33 (two years ago) link

the "not being on board" is key, if you support your trans or non-binary friends, you're not going to fly off the handle if you get corrected when you screw up. but if your viewpoint is "I'm really, really trying hard to do this bullshit for you, but as much as I love you, I think this is fucking stupid", you get angry when corrected because you think you shouldn't have to do it anyway.

the utility infielder of theatre (Neanderthal), Friday, 29 October 2021 19:38 (two years ago) link

dating while trans can be a gauntlet of managing different kinds of transphobia; i feel grateful to the few ppl who have been attracted to me without making me feel weird about their attraction. that's about as far as i care to have an opinion on the matter which is otherwise really dense and confusing to me

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 29 October 2021 19:45 (two years ago) link

Stating the position is in itself an act of pressuring people into having sex with people they don't want to have sex with.

No. Conflating abstract discussions about ppl's preferences with coercion makes no sense to me - like if we were having a discussion about, for instance, whether it's racist not to be attracted to ppl of certain ethnicities, I think there'd definitely be ppl arguing that. Casting this as "lesbians pressured into having sex with trans women", as the BBC article did, strongly misrepresents the issue at hand - any casual reader browsing the headline will obviously interpret this as women being personally coerced into having sex, not some philosophical disagreement. Which of course is great for the gender critical crowd because their concerns all boil down to thinking trans ppl are sexually predatory anyway.

Daniel_Rf, Friday, 29 October 2021 20:24 (two years ago) link

vtc, did u just not read the next sentence in my post or

cis people have long portrayed trans people as either punchlines or disgusting untouchables, often both. this absolutely informs who and who isn’t considered attractive collectively and individually.

this doesn’t mean that any given person must correctively fuck trans people, or that every person who doesn’t want to sleep with trans people is a bigot, but it does mean that we should all (trans people included, sometime especially so) examine and correct how those anti-trans biases affect our worldviews

now, if someone comes along and points this out, and someone else responds by loudly and publicly refusing to do so, rallies a bunch of cis people in support of their brave stand against being “pressured” to fuck trans people, and uses that organization to lobby against equal public services for trans people, then yes, they’re doing transphobia!

given that this is one of the main ways that anti-trans organizations have gained power and influence, and that that power and influence has led to very real material restrictions on our individual lives and collective well-being, you can perhaps forgive us for reacting to someone coming along taking the “just asking questions, let’s all be reasonable here” tone about “simply” not wanting to have sex with trans people comes off as in direct service of transphobia.

don’t want to fuck us? don’t fuck us! a billion tweets can’t make you. just keep it to yourself for god’s sake, it’s being used by more hateful people than you to hurt us.

nicole, Friday, 29 October 2021 21:02 (two years ago) link

last two posts otm

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:35 (two years ago) link

Neanderthal otm

nicole, I don't know if it helps you to hear this, but current 14-year-olds are apparently woke as fuck. I know I'm in a socially liberal bubble but still. If I were to judge by my child's school and my child's friends, everyone is either queer or queer-positive. And they appear to view trans inclusion (including respecting pronouns) as an integral part of LGBTQ+ acceptance. Their teachers and school administrations have been supportive as well.

gin and catatonic (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 29 October 2021 21:46 (two years ago) link

I don't think you're in a bubble, it's just how people are as people tend to be supportive to each other. The terfs and other bigots have built bubbles for themselves.

braised cod, Friday, 29 October 2021 22:09 (two years ago) link

nicole that post of yours is fucking outstanding

Tracer Hand, Friday, 29 October 2021 22:24 (two years ago) link

i'm also wowed by nicole's posts itt and elsewhere. i don't have anything of import to say about this other than i'm also mystified about 1) the timing of this wave 2) the uk axis and 3) the appeal of transphobia generally. threats to male supremacy in the u.s. i understand, but this seems different.

Linda and Jodie Rocco (map), Friday, 29 October 2021 22:46 (two years ago) link

No. Conflating abstract discussions about ppl's preferences with coercion makes no sense to me - like if we were having a discussion about, for instance, whether it's racist not to be attracted to ppl of certain ethnicities, I think there'd definitely be ppl arguing that. Casting this as "lesbians pressured into having sex with trans women", as the BBC article did, strongly misrepresents the issue at hand - any casual reader browsing the headline will obviously interpret this as women being personally coerced into having sex, not some philosophical disagreement. Which of course is great for the gender critical crowd because their concerns all boil down to thinking trans ppl are sexually predatory anyway.

You don't think hearing people say "women who don't want to have sex with people with penises are transphobic" puts pressure on women who don't want to have sex with people with penises to have sex with people with penises? If we're talking about lesbians specifically, I think it's undeniable that this puts pressure on them; as part of the LGBT community, they would understandably care deeply about what other people in that community think about them and how other people think they feel about other members of that community.

I don't think saying "people who don't want to have sex with people of certain ethnicities are racist" puts the same kind of pressure on those people, because people who don't want to have sex with people of certain ethnicities probably don't care if other people think they're racist. Or, if they do, it's fair to put that pressure on them, because it's likely that they are motivated by racism. Whereas not wanting to have sex with people with penises is likely due to...not being sexually attracted to people with penises. And it's wrong to intentionally make someone feel bad about that.

I think the BBC headline would have been more accurate if it had said that it's not just trans women who are pressuring lesbians into having sex with trans women. Plenty of people who do this aren't trans.

Vaguely Threatening CAPTCHAs, Saturday, 30 October 2021 03:36 (two years ago) link

Nicole, I know you don't think every person who doesn’t want to sleep with trans people is a bigot, and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. I'm talking about people who DO think that: people who think having a "sexual preference for certain/specific types of genitals" is inherently bigoted, such as the people Simon and j. mentioned in the other thread, and many people on Twitter and TikTok. These people definitely exist, and they are in the wrong. These are the people who disagree with you, and I'm saying it would be better if they felt the same way you did on this matter.

Vaguely Threatening CAPTCHAs, Saturday, 30 October 2021 03:36 (two years ago) link

people who don't want to have sex with people of certain ethnicities probably don't care if other people think they're racist.

massive stretch here

, Saturday, 30 October 2021 04:44 (two years ago) link

If I were nicole, I might just repost my last post, because you have paid attention to no part of it whatsoever.

Andrew Farrell, Saturday, 30 October 2021 10:06 (two years ago) link

I don't think saying "people who don't want to have sex with people of certain ethnicities are racist" puts the same kind of pressure on those people, because people who don't want to have sex with people of certain ethnicities probably don't care if other people think they're racist. Or, if they do, it's fair to put that pressure on them, because it's likely that they are motivated by racism. Whereas not wanting to have sex with people with penises is likely due to...not being sexually attracted to people with penises. And it's wrong to intentionally make someone feel bad about that.

You're creating an artificial divide here where ethnicity is something you choose to be attracted to or not, while genitalia is just something you either are or are not. In fact both those preferences are molded by societal standards, from a very young age and to an extent that it's quite difficult to grasp for any "pure" attraction that could predate this. Considering how societies sexualize certain ethnicities and make others seem sexually threatening or unattractive, it's pretty safe to say that not every person who has preferences in this department "wouldn't care" what ppl thought of that or is even bigoted.

I think (to echo Nicole here) that it's important for all of us to reflect on how our preferences have been shaped this way. At the end of the day, your preferences are your preferences, and no one has to fuck anyone they don't want to. But ppl who go around making a giant noise out of how they are not attracted to group x or y are being at best insensitive and at worst pretty clearly bigoted, whether that's regarding race or the cis-trans spectrum.

Daniel_Rf, Saturday, 30 October 2021 11:47 (two years ago) link

(cis-trans spectrum a bad choice of words there; obv loudly proclaiming you're not attracted to cis ppl doesn't carry the same baggage, much as saying the same regarding white ppl doesn't in most parts of the globe)

Daniel_Rf, Saturday, 30 October 2021 11:49 (two years ago) link

You're creating an artificial divide here where ethnicity is something you choose to be attracted to or not, while genitalia is just something you either are or are not. In fact both those preferences are molded by societal standards, from a very young age and to an extent that it's quite difficult to grasp for any "pure" attraction that could predate this.

To be honest, I’m not totally sure I grasp what you’re saying here, and I’m not entirely sure if I made myself clear in the post you’re responding to. I’m not saying everyone who isn’t attracted to certain ethnicities has explicitly chosen not to be attracted to those ethnicities. But I am saying that if you realize you are not attracted to certain ethnicities, and you hear people saying people who aren’t attracted to certain ethnicities are bigoted, and this bothers you because you don’t think of yourself as bigoted, you can choose to reflect on how societal standards have shaped your preference (e.g. by making other ethnicities seem threatening), and generally this will result in the preference changing.

I think you would agree with all of that. However, you can’t equate preferences for ethnicities with preferences for genitalia just because both are influenced to some extent by societal standards. There is an actual distinction between the two, because in the case of genital preference we don’t know if the same reflection process generally results in the preference changing. While some people can change their preference, a lot of people feel very strongly that they can’t change their preference, and there’s no reason not to believe them. So putting pressure on them to change has the power to do harm. And saying genital preferences are transphobic does put pressure on lesbians to change.

it's important for all of us to reflect on how our preferences have been shaped this way

I think it's fine to say this, but this isn't what people in the BBC article were reacting to. Again, the problem is that other people are saying something different, which is that genital preferences ARE transphobic. It sounds like you don't agree that genital preferences are transphobic, but when lesbians react negatively to people telling them genital preferences are transphobic, you're saying they should keep it to themselves.

Vaguely Threatening CAPTCHAs, Sunday, 31 October 2021 03:11 (two years ago) link

- The survey the BBC article was based on was conducted by a specifically transphobic organisation and answered by a self-selecting sample of transphobes. These are the people you are aligning yourself with.

- Conflating "social pressure to not be a bigot" with "individual pressure to sleep with someone" is textbook moral panic and completely vile.

- Why are you assuming all trans women have penises?? I know transphobes are completely obsessed with genitalia but this is very strange.

emil.y, Sunday, 31 October 2021 03:38 (two years ago) link

Also I feel like I should say that as a moderator I am absolutely going to ban transphobes from the board whether they get 51 FPs or not. I haven't run this by any other mods, but honestly I'd rather get stripped of my privs and yelled at by every single member of the board than let it stand.

emil.y, Sunday, 31 October 2021 03:44 (two years ago) link

not yelling, cheering

maybe these baps are legends (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 31 October 2021 03:47 (two years ago) link

It is often tougher than you would think to know where someone is on the spectrum from "just asking questions", through recycling GC talking points, to outright hate. VTC is dancing just on the side where I'm furious but don't feel like action is reasonable. But I'm putting it out there that I'm not going to tolerate a whole lot of bullshit on this matter.

emil.y, Sunday, 31 October 2021 03:57 (two years ago) link

hear, hear

Profiles in Liquid Courage (WmC), Sunday, 31 October 2021 04:00 (two years ago) link

I am not sure why people think they have the right to tell other people what they should or shouldn't be attracted to, and to tell them their natural attraction is immoral (which is what they are doing, since transphobia is immoral) and/or due to a set of social conventions (which seems no different to me than saying being gay is a choice; one can choose different social conventions). I will say, as a gay man who spends a lot of time in an extremely conservative Middle Eastern country, that the arguments I am hearing from certain trans people are not very different from the one's I hear from conservative religious people who also have a problem with my genital preference.

Luckily, the trans people in my life just want to live their lives and aren't interested in telling people what to be attracted to.

kafka_keba, Sunday, 31 October 2021 04:22 (two years ago) link

no one is saying the preferences have to change upon reflection. it's fine if some cis person is ultimately sexually incompatible with a trans person they had been attracted to, even after reflection. what trans people do object to is how any suggestion that people reflect at all on how societal transphobia has shaped people's preferences, or a trans woman calling herself a lesbian, or even just "trans women are women" is then equated with sexual coercion. no one's position is "cis people have to have sex with trans people they aren't attracted to out of some ridiculous guilt", but transphobes love to twist things to present it that way in order to attack trans people.

there surely are some trans people who do indeed have extreme unnuanced 'if you have any genital preferences you are transphobic' positions but that's very much a minority position, not at all reasonable, and no one here is arguing for it, and even then it isn't the same as the transphobe's straw man of "cis people have to have sex with trans people". the bbc article is extremely bad faith & i do not trust it to be representative of anyone.

ultimately 'genital preference' discourse is just a bad faith cudgel wielded by transphobes & i don't think it's at all a useful lens to approach the issue of sexual biases against trans people.

ufo, Sunday, 31 October 2021 04:45 (two years ago) link

people raising the issue of 'genital preferences' are largely either transphobes trying to suggest that trans people are coercing cis people into unwanted sex, or trans people very very clumsily attempting to express the 'preferences are shaped by society' thing (and they should be discouraged from doing so for how obviously clumsy it is!), but it's much much more often the former.

ufo, Sunday, 31 October 2021 05:02 (two years ago) link

I don't disagree with you, but I think the "genital preference is transphobic" argument of the last few posts has been in response to someone upthread mentioning such takes on Twitter and TikTok where of course you do get a lot of un-nuanced takes. (Also the argument that it is transphobic to have a genital preference falls to pieces when one simply inverts the stating of the preference: instead of saying what you do prefer, you say what you don't. I don't like vaginas, whether on a man or a woman.)

And I do think that gays and lesbians are especially sensitive to these un-nuanced takes because we have had our sexualities (sometimes literally) policed our whole lives, and this just seems like another attack and from a corner where one would not expect it.

kafka_keba, Sunday, 31 October 2021 05:05 (two years ago) link

There is an actual distinction between the two, because in the case of genital preference we don’t know if the same reflection process generally results in the preference changing.

This is true of all other preferences too! Ethnicity, body shape, whatever.

It sounds like you don't agree that genital preferences are transphobic, but when lesbians react negatively to people telling them genital preferences are transphobic, you're saying they should keep it to themselves.

Consider transphobia as a societal force that impacts us all to some degree or other, as opposed to "specific bigotry from bad bad people", and I think you might start to understand what ppl are saying in the examples you cited?

Daniel_Rf, Sunday, 31 October 2021 07:45 (two years ago) link

Why are you assuming all trans women have penises?? I know transphobes are completely obsessed with genitalia but this is very strange.

fwiw emily that's OTM and I'm sorry for engaging w/ the debate without pushing back against that notion.

Daniel_Rf, Sunday, 31 October 2021 08:02 (two years ago) link

"as a gay man" my eyes nearly fell out of my head at the mention of the phrase 'genital preference' and "as a gay man" I'm familiar with gays posting 'no Asians, sorry just a preference' on their Grindr profiles and "as a gay man" I'm quite familiar that desire is always already complexly political and whenever it's presented otherwise there's always somebody on the receiving end of something and, well, look what's going on...!

plax (ico), Sunday, 31 October 2021 09:57 (two years ago) link

It’s not slash. Slash is male/male. It’s extremely funny that she reads in font huge enough that it can be clearly seen by someone sitting across from her. Also, JKR quite famously hates fic of her characters. Very funny thing to happen to this awful person.

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 11:50 (six months ago) link

oh nooooooooooooooo are we gatekeeping slash now :(

i'm actually reading a book by an old-school usenet veteran about "yuri" and the history of it, all the battles over it and who the audience is - is "yuri" an offensive term, should it be called "shoujo-ai" ("girls love"), stuff like that

with the added layer that these arguments are mostly taking place in the anglosphere about framings of gender and sexuality from another culture

but with the _added_ added layer that these framings were in themselves borrowed from english language framings

like for instance early on the term "rezu" started to being used, but a lot of its use was kind of similar to the way the word "lezzie" used to be used - stuff sort of based on cishet ideas of "lesbianism"

which then led to Actual Lesbians(tm) adopting the term "bian" to describe themselves

and all i can think of is "With our forces combined..."

ANYWAY to follow up i have now seen the tweet where the twitter CEO outed the trans user's alternate accounts, and i won't be sharing the account names because it was a privacy violation, but the alternate account names are fucking _hilarious_ and i am here for all of them. also hilarious that this guy thought by sharing the account names he would, like, shame the user. real "charlton heston reading the lyrics to cop killer" vibes.

Kate (rushomancy), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 16:50 (six months ago) link

No no, last week it was the twitter CEO, this week it's the tumblr CEO..

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 27 February 2024 22:49 (six months ago) link

when does twumblr get involved

Kate (rushomancy), Wednesday, 28 February 2024 02:09 (six months ago) link

one month passes...


Kate (rushomancy), Tuesday, 2 April 2024 14:50 (five months ago) link

So I did watch the new Lily Alexandre video and it's as always a good watch, a difficult one, but I thought the peroration was particularly good at... succintly expressing things I see around me, things that I feel a lot and don't know how to express.

"With such a wide range of people committed to giving trans people a hard time, it can sometimes feel like the whole planet is conspiring against us. Nearly all the trans people I know are barely scraping by, struggling in ways they've done nothing to deserve, while the people working to intensify our struggling face no such stigma. A lot of people I know are withdrawing. A lot of them are coping in ways that worry me."

There's more to it than that. Lily's not saying that to be a doomer. I'm not a doomer either. The stuff she says after that is important. It's stuff I know, stuff I've known for a while, and it's important to be reminded of that, and since she says it, it's important for me to remind other people of that, in my own words this time.

The planet is not conspiring against us. I'm a longtime conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't say that there's a conspiracy _against_ trans people at all. It's not really _about_ us at all. The kinds of shit people are saying about us, they could be saying it about anyone. The Jews or the Palestinians or Black people or, you know, anyone. We're not the first. I don't think we'll be the last, though I'd fucking love to be wrong about that. It's comforting in a way, knowing that it's not just us, knowing that trans people aren't alone in this, but it's also frustrating. Alexandre quotes Bari Weiss, who's Jewish, parroting flat out anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, just with the word "trans" substituted in for "Jewish".

And it's not... I mean, someone like Weiss is exceptional in a lot of ways. Not, like, everybody is going to be as blind to the reality of things as Weiss clearly is. It happens more than I'd like, though, and it's so dispiriting. I am withdrawing. I am pretty withdrawn, because it just hits me so hard whenever I see someone acting like that. I don't really want to know just how _many_ people there are who'd do the same thing, under those circumstances. And do I blame them personally? Not for the most part. Weiss, yeah, sure, I'll blame her personally. Like I said. She's exceptional. Most people? No, I don't blame them. But it breaks my heart. Every time. I can't bear to see it. Even if that's only, like, one in ten - and I think that's a pretty low estimate, one in ten - it breaks my heart.

I've said this a couple of times, but it's good to be here lately. It's good to just... talk to cis people and know that y'all have my back. That none of you are against us, that if you were, you wouldn't fucking be here, one way or another. I value that a lot. It is easy for me to feel, sometimes, that I'm in a bubble, that I live in a different world from everyone else, that it could all just come crashing in, that we could all just be _gone_, and we would be... like what frogbs said about people who died from COVID.

even now it's like these people are barely even remembered. just people who existed in some sort of "before time"

And, you know. If it's them, it could be us. It could be all of us. That scares me. I hope... I hope that fear is groundless. I still, haha, I still have a little bit of hope left, I guess. Even when I feel like I don't.

Kate (rushomancy), Thursday, 4 April 2024 23:36 (five months ago) link

if anyone's in or near glasgow there's a protest at 6.30 today in george square. the local nhs board are due to announce a ban on hrt and blockers for trans youth

gotta say things aren't looking too great over here on terf island rn, and i can't see the situation improving any time soon :(

ava (paolo), Thursday, 18 April 2024 07:53 (five months ago) link

I feel for you. The utter bleakness is just overwhelming sometimes, particularly when it comes to things in the UK. Not that things in the US are all beer and skittles... people keep saying "2024 is an election year"... I don't know what that's supposed to mean and I don't want to know. I stopped following politics years ago... it's incredibly clear to me that whatever happens isn't up to me... at least in the US _some_ people will support us. I don't feel like I can talk about the reality of it, though, people turn away, they can't look at what's happening to us. I can't blame them. Sometimes I just, you know, feel like our lives are the abyss people avoid staring into...

Right now I can't bring myself to hope for a better world. I don't feel like... I don't feel like I have the _right_. That's just right now, though. How I feel changes a lot.

Kate (rushomancy), Thursday, 18 April 2024 11:20 (five months ago) link

Ava I'm not going to be able to make it tonight - it was just too last minute for me, I got hit with an unexpected busy spell at work and I have a funeral tomorrow morning so I had to stay late. I'm with you there in spirit though, this is dismal.

boxedjoy, Thursday, 18 April 2024 17:19 (five months ago) link

i'm sorry for your loss, hope the funeral goes as well as possible, and thanks for your kind words

ava (paolo), Friday, 19 April 2024 07:31 (five months ago) link

i have purposely avoided this cass bullshit cos most of my trans pals would seem to rather talk about other stuff (nerdy music chiefly) and i suspect it'd be too predictable and upsetting. like, it's obvious she's a GC plant right? and yet the guardian is rabbitting on about how finally science is prevailing. bullying is the last thing these people have left; you have to have faith these are terminal throes of an embittered older generation surely

imago, Friday, 19 April 2024 08:26 (five months ago) link

i've been avoiding most of the media coverage too, it's deeply depressing and i just can't deal with it. i've been told that the telegraph used the phrase 'evil trans ideology' recently. even for a right wing paper that kinda shocks me. but not too much

and i hope you're right re the older generation thing. hopefully things will be better for us in a couple of decades or so

ava (paolo), Saturday, 20 April 2024 08:22 (five months ago) link

i understand the need to believe that trans hate will fade away organically but it didn't happen organically in the first place so i see no reason to think it's a demographic issue

Bitchin Doutai (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 20 April 2024 10:47 (five months ago) link

the best hope would be a coalition with every other target of the establishment's moral panics over the last several decades the problem is everyone still around is traumatised and demoralised and suspicious of one other to varying degrees and in the worst cases have joined in this time out of fear or desire for leverage or revenge or whatever

Left, Saturday, 20 April 2024 13:37 (five months ago) link

if this is a conspiracy to disempower feminist and queer movements from the inside and provide cover for the crimes of cis men they really couldn't have done a better job

if it actually is something like that few participants are actually aware of it which reflects poorly on their understanding of their own history considering how many times gays and/or feminists have allied themselves with the right and been destroyed as a result (even if they felt temporarily empowered at first)

Left, Saturday, 20 April 2024 13:51 (five months ago) link

I know most of the people doing this are straight with nominal if any connection to actual feminist movements but I never expected better of those people anyway

Left, Saturday, 20 April 2024 13:53 (five months ago) link

the best hope would be a coalition with every other target of the establishment's moral panics over the last several decades the problem is everyone still around is traumatised and demoralised and suspicious of one other to varying degrees and in the worst cases have joined in this time out of fear or desire for leverage or revenge or whatever

right, it's always been a key tool in the colonialist/capitalist playbook - divide the opposition, pit them against each other - it's the guiding principle behind corporate social media. unfortunately it is really effective, at least in the medium term. not only does marginalization and oppression serve to pit oppressed groups against each other, it also causes tremendous conflict within marginalized groups. it's one of the reasons i'm thinking of getting the fuck out of portland. even those of us who have some small amount of financial resources, those resources a drop in the bucket. it's not enough to make meaningful change in even the life of one person, given the forces we're up against. i learned that one the hard way. getting adequate systemic resources and ending systemic oppression will never happen under capitalism, but at the same time we're too isolated and marginalized to overthrow capitalist oppression. by the time capitalism does in fact collapse, what'll be left in its wake are heavily traumatized and marginalized communities constantly at each other's throats. i don't really have any hope for a better future. i'm just trying to have the best present i can.

if this is a conspiracy to disempower feminist and queer movements from the inside and provide cover for the crimes of cis men they really couldn't have done a better job

if it actually is something like that few participants are actually aware of it which reflects poorly on their understanding of their own history considering how many times gays and/or feminists have allied themselves with the right and been destroyed as a result (even if they felt temporarily empowered at first)

I know most of the people doing this are straight with nominal if any connection to actual feminist movements but I never expected better of those people anyway

― Left, Saturday, April 20, 2024 6:53 AM (two hours ago)

lily alexandre's video on the topic actually addresses these points really well imo

i understand the need to believe that trans hate will fade away organically but it didn't happen organically in the first place so i see no reason to think it's a demographic issue

― Bitchin Doutai (Noodle Vague)

well, it's more complicated than that. it _didn't_ happen organically, true. cisgender ideology, however, has been a key component of hegemonic christian colonialism. it systemically eradicated queerness and anything that didn't conform to their ludicrous idea of the gender binary.

the thing to understand is that it _failed_. i grew up in an age where the cisgender agenda had achieved total success. the only way to survive as a trans person was to "pass" - to eradicate one's own transness and spend one's life conforming to their gender norms. if such a hegemonic norm was truly sustainable, then we wouldn't have all of this overt bigotry now. transphobes are fighting a battle they've already won. it doesn't matter how many times they "win" - they cannot truly eradicate transness. trans and queer ancestors fought hard and fiercely against their own erasure for decades, and if people are fighting against us harder today, i truly believe they're fighting for a doomed cause.

because transphobia is based entirely on enforced ignorance. the only way their ideology works is if people believe, like i believed, that there was no other choice, no other option. it's utterly demoralizing that transphobia is entrenched in every single institution of power in the uk, all the media, both major political parties. and it is effective. people listen to the crap that comes out of organs of power more than they listen to their own children. monstrous. absolutely monstrous, this level of cruelty.

they have to _keep doing it_, is the thing. always and for all time. they can never stop. we're everywhere. we walk among them. we're their own children, their own _parents_. it's so much work, and the more of us there are, the harder it is. i know the cost. i know the toll it takes to hate like that, because they taught me to do that to myself. i carried their hatred for them for a long time, and i gave it back. it's theirs now.

and that doesn't _fix_ anything. for trans people it still fucking sucks. they hurt us, we suffer, we die, too often and too soon. and them? ok, they die alone, unloved and unmourned.

the reason we win is that they can just _walk the fuck away_ at any time. i've seen it, again and again. if i could walk away, you know, from all this. if i could walk away from me. i absolutely fucking would. in a heartbeat. if i had any kind of a choice at all i would absolutely not choose this. i can't. this is who i am. this is who we are. my life runs deeper than their hatred, signifies more than their fury.

do i think a better world will come from that? not really, no. the cruel of this world - and there will always be more of them - will find new people to hate and kill. they always do.

Kate (rushomancy), Saturday, 20 April 2024 16:51 (five months ago) link

three months pass...

ok the japanese mascot chiitan supporting trans rights is going viral i had to go and look it up and see what its whole deal is

Much of the media produced by Chiitan was often chaotic and involved the mascot acting clumsy or violent. Occasionally its videos were criticized for being "creepy",[7] "reckless", and "dangerous".[1] Some of Chiitan's videos included it hitting a punching bag with a baseball bat, jumping into metal boxes, flipping a car, twirling a motorized weed cutter around its head,[5] falling off a pogo stick, failing at bowling, and falling off a bike while trying to fire a bow and arrow.[8]

Some of the social media posts in which Chiitan and Shinjo-kun appeared together led some people to believe that Chiitan was a "bad influence" on Shinjo-kun. One post, in which Chiitan carries a miniature baseball bat and Shinjo-kun is dressed as a gangster, is captioned: "We're the bosses, don't mess with us or we'll commit otterocities."[10]

Following the segment, Chiitan, via its official Twitter account, stated that it was angry that Oliver had stolen its friend and challenged Oliver to a fight. It tweeted WWE-inspired challenges directed at John Oliver, inviting him to fight it in a "NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH". In another tweet, Chiitan stated that it "wants to give John Oliver a chance to explode through a table", and later attempted to enlist Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to help pressure Oliver. Oliver, in response to Chiitan's posts, tweeted "I'm in a public beef with an unsanctioned Japanese otter. I needed this."[10]

this is the kind of allyship we need

any mascot who will threaten to suplex john oliver through an exploding table is clearly on the right side of history

Kate (rushomancy), Tuesday, 23 July 2024 13:56 (one month ago) link

one month passes...

i don't care whether it's "transphobic" or not but i ran across someone on slsk with the username She'sABrick and have been wondering for the last half hour whether the subtext is intentional or not

that's how i am with subtext half the time mind you

now's a good time for me to remind myself that "subtext" and "bottom text" are two completely different things

Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 1 September 2024 03:55 (two weeks ago) link

It's a Ben Folds Five song.... I have no idea what subtext you mean though!

kinder, Sunday, 1 September 2024 10:07 (two weeks ago) link

honestly kate, you are reading way too much into something that is almost certainly a reference to either the Commodores or Ben Folds. Not everything is about being trans.

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Sunday, 1 September 2024 11:33 (two weeks ago) link

and i say that with love and tenderness, fwiw

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Sunday, 1 September 2024 11:33 (two weeks ago) link

honestly kate, you are reading way too much into something that is almost certainly a reference to either the Commodores or Ben Folds. Not everything is about being trans.

― butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table)

you're absolutely right. having a weird brain weekend.

Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 1 September 2024 14:03 (two weeks ago) link

much love, though

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 1 September 2024 14:10 (two weeks ago) link

oh absolutely, much love to y'all as well. :) i got a pretty good idea of why i wonder these things and like y'all are saying, it does in fact have nothing to do with being trans. i'll try to talk about it more elsewhere.

Kate (rushomancy), Sunday, 1 September 2024 14:20 (two weeks ago) link

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