The Trouble with the Sociology of Pop

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(JtN= Edna W/Ghastly Fop/Stevie t regenerated and now played by William Hartnell [hence grouchiness] btw, so yes you are older :)).

Actually, debates are like this are why I get frustrated with ILx and go away for long periods - you can't respond to non-verbal cues/tone of voice (esp if you are writing hurriedly at work, and your tone comes out wrong - 'dreary', with it's langourous disdain was the wrong word, in retrospect) and so things get too heated too rapidly and everyone shouts BUNDLE. And someone gets buried at the bottom of a pile.

I disagree with Tom about the politically incorrect thing. Rockist has become a kind of ILx "superword" (Superword sounds like what Barthes called a "manna word", I think) and it seems to embody lots of things I disagree about with the FT pro-pop contingent (ie see last week's comment box debate on the charts). Maybe I should just write an article about it.

Jerry the Nipper (Jerrynipper), Monday, 16 September 2002 10:46 (twenty-two years ago) link

I have actually done some research on my use of the word 'rockist' cause I think there's a perception that a faction on ILM sling it around willy-nilly. I think I used it twice on FT before NYLPM started, once in scare quotes (just as well cos I was using it wrongly), one in a jokey article. On NYLPM I used it once about attitudes the music scene at the turn-of-the-80s and once to refer to attitudes I was trying to avoid in my own writing (I presumed too much methinks). Robin used it a lot more.

The first thread about rockism on Greenspun was started by somebody (Patrick, wherever he is) saying I dont understand what it is, with the perception that we were using it all the time. That was also the first thread mark s ever posted to! By the time Lord Custos' thread about it ("The Scourge Of Rockism") rolled round there was a perception/assertion that it was mostly used jokily anyway. The "Rockism" thread on ILE shows the various types of use pretty well - frivolous batting around of the word as an in-joke, bafflement, vaguely serious definitions, aggreived and defensive interventions and responses to same.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 16 September 2002 10:48 (twenty-two years ago) link

But crucially Jerry the r-word was as far as I can remember never used in that charts debate!

Tom (Groke), Monday, 16 September 2002 10:49 (twenty-two years ago) link

oh hi jerry!! heh, hard on the net or what!!

tom you also called nate the "acceptable face of rockism"!!

mark s (mark s), Monday, 16 September 2002 10:54 (twenty-two years ago) link

Just re-read it. There is a spectrum of attitudes there to the charts, some of which may or may not correlate with 'rockism' (but I think it's a separate thing):

1. The charts are complete rubbish always and even paying attention to them is idiotic.
2. The charts are bad and have been spoiled by marketing.
3. The charts are neither a good or bad thing; pop is good but the charts at the moment might not be/are not.
4. The charts are pretty much the same as they always have been and are a good thing as a reflection of public taste regardless of what you might think of the records.
5. The charts are great right now!
6. The charts are great right now and pop is a mystical and beautiful force which animates them and which some individuals can understand more than others.

Mark - yeah I did but that's after it had been established as a disputed joke-word super-word thing on the boards so I was ignoring any subsequent uses of it.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 16 September 2002 10:58 (twenty-two years ago) link

(It's not so much the word, as a kind of FTetc aesthetic which I think of R-ism as shorthand for - I was looking at the old Death of Pop thread yesterday and I felt a bit sorry for poor old Glenn McDonald! It was like Gulliver being captured by the Liliputians! This was why I was curious about the other parts of the Death of Pop article. I think of myself as pro-pop as anyone, but I think this year has been lousy for chartpop [I don't even really like 'Freak Like Me' - I think giving it to the S-babes was poor casting, like putting Judy Garland in 'Sunset Blvd'{and there wasnt even a frisson from the bad casting} {actually, if they coulda got it, it might have saved the Appletons career!}. And so my perspective on the 5 years of nu-pop was that it was a seasonal thing, a bit like that mid-80s moment when everything Jam and Lewis touched turned to gold - certain producers and playas (in the recent case, Timbaland, Cheiron, etc)hit form, and everyone raises their game as a result. But now I think the fields are pretty fallow. So I'm a fairweather popist. Whereas I think the FT/Sinkah position has more of an ideological commitment to Pop/The Charts. Am I wrong?)

Jerry the Nipper (Jerrynipper), Monday, 16 September 2002 11:09 (twenty-two years ago) link

i have an ideological commitment to everything

mark s (mark s), Monday, 16 September 2002 11:14 (twenty-two years ago) link

I love everything!!!

Pete (Pete), Monday, 16 September 2002 11:22 (twenty-two years ago) link

i think of the charts as a broadcast technology: being for them or against the is like being for or against radio

i also tht last week's chart was GREBT — i listened to it v.loud while driving back from shropshire to london — tho this year's have been v.sluggish, yes: the 4-fold effect i was arguing for in that glenn macdonald thread HAS EMERGED but interestingly enough — i'm not surprised at this, actually, but i didn't expect it — hasn't yet been exploited much by the PopIdols uber-lizards => tho in a sense the Appletons were always already PopIdol-zoners

i never properly explored or expanded it, even when frank tried to make me: KymMarshinMarkSinkahland was going to be part of it but i got derailed on that (when is her fkn solo LP?)

btw edna the tolkien piece is "finished" (pending complete rewrite): wd u like to see it in first-draft form?

mark s (mark s), Monday, 16 September 2002 11:27 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think both actually Jerry - I think nu-pop was a moment and the moment has somewhat passed and I think that the pop getting into the charts currently is really really good (did you see my MOBO's entry on NYLPM for my thoughts as to why - i.e. garage's success making it commercially- and street-credible for British kids to make terrific pop records again). But then I did really really like Freak W/Me.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 16 September 2002 12:18 (twenty-two years ago) link

>>> that mid-80s moment when everything [...] Lewis touched turned to gold

It's true - 'The Power Of Love', 'Back In Time', 'Stuck With You', 'The Heart Of Rock'n'Roll'...

the pinefox (the pinefox), Tuesday, 17 September 2002 10:35 (twenty-two years ago) link

one month passes...
Mark - “Rockist” is not a Superword. That’s because no one aspires to be rockist of berates himself or others for being insufficiently rockist, and no one keeps raising the bar on himself to make “rockist” an unattainable ideal. Also, “rockist” is too boring.

Brief sketch of what I mean by Superword: A Superword is a word like "punk," which is, among other things, a battleground, a weapon, a red cape, a prize, a flag in a bloody game of Capture the Flag. To put this in the abstract, a Superword is a word or phrase that not only is used in fights but that is itself fought over. The fight is over who gets to wear the word proudly, who gets the word affixed to himself against his will, etc. So the *use* is fought over, and this - the fight over usage - is a big part of the word's use. That is, we use the term in order to engage in arguments over how to use the term. Meta use is use!

So a Superword is a controversy word, and so far “rockist” would qualify, at least as a controversy word, except that it hasn’t surmounted the threshold into nonboringness. But what makes a Superword really super is that some people use the word so that it will jettison adherents and go skipping on ahead of any possible embodiment. Like, no one and nothing is good enough to bear the word "punk," and I wouldn't join a band that would have someone like me as a member anyway. (Supposedly, in the late ’80s I once claimed that Michael Jackson and Axl Rose were the only two punks going at the time.) So “rock,” “pop,” “punk,” and many other genre names sometimes act as Superwords, but “rockist” doesn’t.

If we must have a term for whatever it is that "rockist" is supposed to represent, I'd prefer some other words, since I'd want words that reference our own (often admirable) tendencies towards the meaning-laden and the quality-oriented, not merely the other guy's. Also, I'd want words that rock.

I’m sad that the most interesting part of this thread petered out (particularly that there was little discussion of my and the pinefox’s ideas, of the potential of sociology to analyze pop and the potential of pop to analyze sociology), though that’s partially my fault, since I didn’t get back to it. In any event, let’s make this argument: Whether you want it to or not, your liking or disliking something – e.g., a song – involves making a social commitment, at least if the like or dislike becomes known to others. Even if the like-dislike remains in the privacy of your own mind, that mind still lives in a social world. Sociology (as I barely knew it and hardly remember it) intellectually cripples itself by forbidding the question of whether something is good or not. If you want to engage in social commitments, you’re supposed to do it somewhere else than in sociology (and you’re not supposed to acknowledge that when doing sociology you’re making social commitments yourself). I assume that sociologists have raised the issue of sociology’s political commitments, but I’m thinking more or its mundane and everyday social commitments: like, does the writer of a work in sociology come across as a sk8ter? a prep? a dweeb? a rockist? a pussy? Does his writing swing? Does it rock? If so, what are the consequences for him?

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Saturday, 26 October 2002 20:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

That's "no one aspires to be rockist or berates himself or others for being insufficiently rockist."

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Saturday, 26 October 2002 20:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

seven months pass...
Happened upon this thread because I just started reading Performing Rites and feel similarly to Mark S -- i.e., that Frith's thesis a brilliant idea that isn't quite pulled off (I found myself continually nodding along in Chapter 1, and then disoriented for the next 100 pages.)

But what compelled me to seek out that book in the first place was that I've been thinking about how popular music is generally neglected in the academy -- apart from the now-cliche, ideology-driven, cultural-studes investigations into things like "the image of Elvis." And as Josh suggested upthread, I do think there are substantial reasons for why music is treated differently from popular film/literature/art.

I think a lot of what it comes down to is this: Popular film/lit/art were accepted as valid fields of study once they could be considered properly "intellectual" -- the notion of the "auteur theory," for example, totally jump-started film studies. But it is much more difficult to see pop music as "intellectual."


1. Unlike novelists and visual artists, who study the history of their discipline as a matter of course, popular musicians themselves are not seen as intellectuals participating in an unique discourse. (e.g., Beck is not reviewing Bjork in the NY Review of Books.)

2. There is a relative absence of legitimizing institutions (like the gallery complex) or gatekeepers (respected novelist-critics) to isolate significant works for study. (This is partly why writing about the Wonder Stuff, in the Pinefox's example, seems trivial: among all the music ever recorded, that band seems arbitrary to spotlight.)

3. While the lines between popular and high-culture art and literature are quite blurry (cf. the Jonathan Franzen debacle), thus giving more leeway for popular works to sneak into syllabi, they are much more stark with respect to music (composition or bust) -- and thus easier to justify pop music's exclusion.

4. Compared to literary and artistic "themes," the focus of much academic inquiry, it is not always obvious what popular music is "about" (it is often more functional).

I realize that some of these might be symptoms rather than causes. It's hard to say. But I'm curious to know if any of these thoughts make sense. Please pick 'em apart!

jaymc (jaymc), Tuesday, 3 June 2003 16:12 (twenty-one years ago) link


>>> Unlike novelists and visual artists, who study the history of their discipline as a matter of course, popular musicians themselves are not seen as intellectuals participating in an unique discourse. (e.g., Beck is not reviewing Bjork in the NY Review of Books.)

That's a good point, but they do TALK about each other all the time. So, I suppose, do footballers. I guess different levels of discursive elaborateness are involved.

>>> 2. There is a relative absence of legitimizing institutions (like the gallery complex) or gatekeepers (respected novelist-critics) to isolate significant works for study. (This is partly why writing about the Wonder Stuff, in the Pinefox's example, seems trivial: among all the music ever recorded, that band seems arbitrary to spotlight.)

But who legitimates a legitimating institution? The distinction between galleries and rock venues, or art magazines and pop ones, itself seems 'arbitrary' to me. (But we may be able to agree that 'The fact that the divide is a construct doesn't make it less real'.)

I'm not sure why it would be esp. 'arbitrary' to write about the Wonder Stuff. If you take pop 'seriously' (a dubious, un-Morleyesque word), then you might be interested in the Wonder Stuff - or violently uninterested.

>>> 3. While the lines between popular and high-culture art and literature are quite blurry (cf. the Jonathan Franzen debacle), thus giving more leeway for popular works to sneak into syllabi, they are much more stark with respect to music (composition or bust) -- and thus easier to justify pop music's exclusion.

I think that's true. But I would have thought that the last couple of generations of pop institutionalization - Sir McCartney, Dylan And The Poets, etc - have changed that. Or more generally, the post-Q / CD idea of the Back Catalogue. (Perhaps this is standard Rockism.)

>>> 4. Compared to literary and artistic "themes," the focus of much academic inquiry, it is not always obvious what popular music is "about" (it is often more functional).

Really? I think it's usually much clearer what pop music is about than what abstract painting is about.

I suppose that novels - White Noise, Lolita, The Trial - are about things. But they are usually about more things than pop songs (watering cans, sprinklers, queues): so it is less clear what they are 'finally', or 'ultimately', about.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 4 June 2003 12:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

Wow: I have just reread this thread: so many various and interesting things happen on it.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 4 June 2003 12:18 (twenty-one years ago) link

i had my first bad-tempered argument with argument with JtN!! :(

mark s (mark s), Wednesday, 4 June 2003 12:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

three years pass...
Sociology as I know it stopped 'aspiring to be a science' in the 50s.

and what, Wednesday, 28 March 2007 14:55 (seventeen years ago) link

Sociology as I know it stopped 'aspiring to be a science' in the 50s. Outposts of naive positivism do remain (primarily American undergraduate textbooks, in my experience). And c'mon, the discipline boasts no greater proportion of badly written or ill-reasoned work than any other. The world's full of crap reasoning and bad writing. I could provide a list of sociological work *full* of a sense of the 'how and why' of its subject matter, which you could all rigorously ignore in favour of a 2-dimensional caricature of the discipline. (It would probably start with MArx and Engels, except that their aspirations to scientific status would be embarrassing).

Ellie (Ellie) on Friday, 6 September 2002 06:30 (4 years ago)

but it was a quasi-scientific marxism that launched the major attack on 'naive positivism' in the first place...

That one guy that quit, Wednesday, 28 March 2007 14:57 (seventeen years ago) link

I opened this thread expecting to be embarrassed by my post from four years ago, but I'm still interested in some of the things I said.

jaymc, Wednesday, 28 March 2007 15:02 (seventeen years ago) link

derrida was an anti-positivist not because he thought it was faulty but because he thought it would lead to fascism!

and what, Wednesday, 28 March 2007 15:08 (seventeen years ago) link

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