6 month roll call - check in here please

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Our city's been in enforced severe lockdown for 5 weeks now (not allowed to leave the house at all unless getting essentials/must wear mask/curfew (!!) after 8pm) and its starting to cause a lot of fractious shit in our population which is dperessing. Im drinking more again because wtf who cares anymore. I'm lucky I can work from home and financially we're doing well but ugh. Im feeling so inert and fat and weird.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Saturday, 5 September 2020 08:03 (three years ago) link

Reading tons. Listening to music, reacquainting myself with old musical loves. Some are better left as memories! I draw so I've been working daily on mastering how to approximate my analog artwork in the digital realm. I feel I'm getting there. There are small, sometimes big(ish) breakthroughs almost every day. Same goes for my mastering the Dutch language (I've lived here in Netherlands since June of '19). Prospects for work are slim as a video editor - I was in US TV for almost 15 years but that don't mean diddly nowadays- and most postproduction jobs here require a mastery of the language. I'm cool with that. I'll get it. Luckily no friends and/or loved ones have been visited by the virus so that's been a relief. Just a daily float, keeping anxiety at arms length, meditating helps.

SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Saturday, 5 September 2020 10:25 (three years ago) link

Love to all. I'm happy you're here.

SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Saturday, 5 September 2020 10:26 (three years ago) link

I've been working from home since 2017, so quarantine wasn't the biggest adjustment ever. Actually started my first go-to-an-office job in mid-March, and was sent home two days later. The job only lasted 8 weeks, but I made enough money in those eight weeks to build up a decent cushion. None of my freelance opportunities have dried up. I managed to get almost $20,000 from the Small Business Administration, which I'm going to use for some interesting projects in the coming months. My wife and I celebrated our 27th anniversary in June, and we have no kids, so we've just been hanging out reading, making art (her), writing a book and submitting a proposal for another book to a publisher (me), and watching stuff on Netflix and Hulu. I have no IRL friends (my two best friends from high school died young years ago), just people I'd see at jazz or metal shows once in a while, so I talk to my brother and my mother every once in a while by phone or email and that's it. Nobody I know has gotten sick or died this year. I've been having a pretty good year, honestly.

but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 5 September 2020 13:58 (three years ago) link

A handful of family and friends infected, mostly in the early days, none fatally thank fucking goodness. Myself & partners jobs not impacted, and I've been working from home for a handful of years now so it hasnt been that much of a lifestyle change. One of the overriding feelings has been one of gratitude and thankfulness - everything about this time has made me appreciate my blessings and comforts in a completely new way. I had a no-doubt-about-it-you-are-old birthday the other day, and looking back at the last few months rather than my usual aging birthday anxiety or anything, I'm living in this constant daily state of awareness and appreciation for every good thing in my life: four walls, roof, food security, loving partner, living family, ability to breathe without much effort, continued access to the music of Curtis Mayfield, etc.

Anxiety and depression are still bountiful of course (while we have been extraordinarily well-quarantined since March, partner is having some friends over for a distanced backyard hang later today and I am slightly freaking out about it), but overall if you told me back on March 1st what the next 6m would be like, I would never have expected I'd be anywhere close to this level of "OK, considering".

turn the jawhatthefuckever on (One Eye Open), Saturday, 5 September 2020 14:47 (three years ago) link

I have mixed feelings about the effect the pandemic has had on my own life. Moving back to Canada was in many ways a bigger change for me this year than going into lockdown and while I will need to fly back to the UK in a few months – a prospect I'm none too enthused about given the risks associated with air travel right now – it all seems vaguely irrelevant to me, as though there were more pressing underlying concerns to address, concerns that have lingered for several years and that the pandemic has foregrounded not so much because of the shift in lifestyle it has impelled – I have been mainly working from home for what feels like ages now – as because of the strange experience (for me, at least) of suddenly being on the same wavelength as everyone else, which, if anything, has further emphasized the extent to which that was not the case pre-Covid-19. As a result, I don't feel as bad about 'not fitting in' (which is more or less true in practice, but I'm talking about my own perception here) and have become less outwardly (and inwardly) apologetic about my convictions (or lack thereof) when they're out of step with whatever group I happen to be interacting with at a given point in time.

This is all quite abstract, to be sure, but all in all I'd say it's been a positive development, and it also goes to show how little of a serious impact it's had on me and my close ones: my family and friends are all fine, and I don't know anyone who's had Covid-19. Lockdown at my parents' place did get kind of weird towards the very end (shockah!) but that's all but forgotten at this point. We've also been routinely seeing friends in the park and on our respective balconies and terraces since lockdown was lifted, so while we haven't socialized as much as we would have under normal circumstances, it still feels fine, all things considered (winter is bound to be more of a challenge, though, so perhaps the 9 month roll call will yield different results on my end). We're also at less 200 new cases a day in Quebec (for a pop. of approx. 8.5 million) despite the fact that kids started going back to school last week, so I'm nowhere near as worried as I was in April.

pomenitul, Saturday, 5 September 2020 15:20 (three years ago) link

pom fwiw air travel itself looks reasonably low risk due to the HEPA filters in the planes:


sleeve, Saturday, 5 September 2020 15:56 (three years ago) link

Airport is probably more of a risk in itself, but should be OK as long as you mask up.

scampo italiano (gyac), Saturday, 5 September 2020 15:57 (three years ago) link

Might just be the airline lobby pushing that narrative lol but yeah, that seems sound. Tbh even if I were to catch it somewhere, I'm sure I'd have nothing to worry about in the long-run, but it does appear to be a bit of a traumatic experience while you're in the midst of it.

pomenitul, Saturday, 5 September 2020 16:02 (three years ago) link

I know several people who have taken international flights (including one who flew from the UK to Canada fwiw) and they've come out of it fine. It's not risk free but you're probably safer on a flight than you are on a train.

Matt DC, Saturday, 5 September 2020 16:26 (three years ago) link

Interesting. Come to think of it, there's also the coach/train/cab once you land, which I had no doubt willingly forgotten about...

pomenitul, Saturday, 5 September 2020 16:32 (three years ago) link

The headline for me is that my (14yr old) boy's anxiety has spiralled out of control and is manifesting as severe OCD - to the point where he doesn't really have anything else. He's essentially paralyzed by it and it's dominating his whole day (such as it is). His obsessions were always centred around disease and morbidity so this is like someone serving up his worst fucking nightmare. It can take him four hours to get out of bed, and in the last couple of weeks he is getting stuck - in the lounge, the hallway, his bedroom - and I've had to come and rescue him more than once from the lounge at 4, 5, 6 in the morning. Poor little bastard is in total disarray. Mercifully, we're in line for some counselling in the next couple of weeks. I'm hoping and praying that somehow (if we can get him out of the house) the routine associated with going back to school will kickstart some semblance of a recovery.

It seems impossible to say 'other than this' but the early part of lockdown really was kind of idyllic. My job (secondary school teacher) is pretty brutal and I was more than ready for a break - as were we all. It's only really in the last month that things have spiralled out of control. We've somehow survived as a family and my wife is amazing (she's a maternity nurse and has worked throughout the whole thing and not blinked an eye at what she's had to put up with). Despite everything, we are kind of blessed.

Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Saturday, 5 September 2020 17:42 (three years ago) link

tl;dr: was bad, better now.

I've been doing...not great, mentally/emotionally. Partially moved house in January, dealt with spouse's medical emergency including surgery in February just as the news of people dying from this virus within a few miles of where we live broke, was ill with something in early March but couldn't be tested due to shortages and not having the exact symptoms being listed at that point. Finished moving the day before the initial lockdown. Started working from home full-time in mid-March. And not sleeping. Insomnia all the time, maybe getting 3 hours/night, up at all hours. PTSD massively increased. Became unable to leave the apartment. Paralyzed about everything but could still work, so threw myself at it, working a ridiculous amount but fucking up things due to not sleeping. Always on alert, hypervigilant and so angry. Ate badly because why not we are all gonna die horribly from this but didn't start back on booze (lol it started making me feel completely awful the next day about 5 years ago so I just...stopped). Threw $ at every cause and campaign and individual that mattered to me. Grandchild was due to be born in late July in Florida and I just circled and circled on what to do (see: paralyzed). Stopped being able to play games; couldn't read; couldn't watch anything; couldn't knit. One of my team tested positive (in Florida), his 1-year-old caught it from daycare and his wife also infected - he was unable to work for 2 weeks and I started with fits of sobbing around this point.

Started having weird physical symptoms in late May which finally drove me to go to the doctor - postponed and postponed due to...just couldn't. When I did get there in mid-July, had to complete the annual mental health screening. Came away with referrals for specialists for the physical symptoms (biopsy results came back Friday: benign hooray) and a prescription for an SNRI for major depressive episode+crippling anxiety.

6 weeks later, the SNRI is doing its job and anxiety is manageable and I'm sleeping and PTSD is reduced. Work offered an early retirement deal in May I qualified for and I jumped on it without even thinking - last day is end of Sept. Still working 50-60 hours/week 'til then but am okay. Multiple people from various parts of my life died from the virus over a 2 week period and it was awful. Don't feel exactly hopeful or anything but am able to leave the house as needed. Have zoomed with the grandbaby, still no idea about visiting in person though. It's a rollercoaster and I hate rollercoasters. The social worker assigned to check on me with the meds has got me starting with a therapist - they are all so booked up right now, everyone is struggling so much, but that's in a few weeks. So - it's been rough mostly due to my traitor of a brain/limbic system and I'm relieved to not be where I was at in April/May/June.

Jaq, Saturday, 5 September 2020 19:05 (three years ago) link


mookieproof, Saturday, 5 September 2020 19:12 (three years ago) link

jaq <3

contorted filbert (harbl), Saturday, 5 September 2020 19:26 (three years ago) link

<3 -- it sounds like you've been dealing with stratospheric stress levels, Jaq!

the unappreciated charisma of cows (Aimless), Saturday, 5 September 2020 19:33 (three years ago) link

This is exactly the kind of thread where I never feel like sharing but love to everyone, cheers to all those able to celebrate anything in this colossal mess, and please be safe. That’s a wish not an order.

I’m not a person of faith but I do feel extremely confident there’s a light at the end of this.

sound of scampo talk to me (El Tomboto), Saturday, 5 September 2020 19:55 (three years ago) link

Love to you Jaq, it sounds like it’s been hell, and hopefully you are on the other side of it now.

Chinaski, sorry to hear about your boy. If this had happened seven years ago, this would have been me too - sounds very similar to my worst bout, and crippling is exactly what it is. Is there any talk of putting him on medication? Counselling helps but the thing that puts a spoke in it is medication.

scampo italiano (gyac), Saturday, 5 September 2020 20:39 (three years ago) link

Thank you gyac. I think it's inevitable: I don't see how else he finds a way to rise out of the miasma long enough to come to terms with what's happening to him.

Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Saturday, 5 September 2020 21:16 (three years ago) link

<3 to everyone here. I've been away from posting much due to...things but was always comforted to know I could check in and catch up.

Jaq, Saturday, 5 September 2020 21:48 (three years ago) link

aw Jaq, sending you good vibes

sleeve, Saturday, 5 September 2020 22:08 (three years ago) link

Well this is a nice idea, let's go...

There was something on daytime TV that mentioned 'have you had a good lockdown?' and the funny thing was, was that I thought to myself, yes I have. We both had a trip to Sorrento booked for early March, and even as we drove to the airport we wondered 'should we go?' but we did and it was great:Covid hadn't got to South Italy, (it had to south England), and on return I was suggested I should WFH for a fortnight. A few weeks later (after I'd returned to the office) most of my colleagues were furloughed but I and three others were kept on full working from home. Which I have to say helped, as my wife was also wfh for the same five months. (oh and BTW, hell yeah!)

Anyway, come August and I get made redundant as most of my team get brought back, so I should be angry but it's been a relief in a way. Nice bunch of money, and a chance to go do something more interesting. OK, it's been a week. It might go horribly wrong. But, I've had the payoff before and managed to come back so we shall see.

Anyway, we've had no Covid illnesses in the family, we've managed to get through lockdown alright, and managed to get out and see people 'responsibily'. We've had to cancel a trip to Malaysia in Nov, but that's about it.

I've read some but not all of the entries here, but I shall do, now.

Mark G, Saturday, 5 September 2020 22:16 (three years ago) link

Jaq, warmest wishes to you. Sounds like a rough time.

And Chinaski, I have a dear friend with a teen who has some similar symptoms and preoccupations as yr boy. Love to yr family.

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Saturday, 5 September 2020 22:53 (three years ago) link

Good vibes to all, especially those dealing with losing loved ones. Just before lockdown, I lost the only other left-wing person in my family to cancer. The space she occupied in my life is immense: she would have my back when others in my family were being mendacious, racist or gaslight-y. I find myself wondering if the viral pneumonia she caught about six weeks before she died was COVID-adjacent but it’s a thought I mostly keep to myself. Since the killing of George Floyd, I haven’t spoken to my sister or mother because they try to share anti-BLM bullshit with me; my cousin would have agreed with me and backed me up. At least my mom and sister don’t indulge in weird COVID denialism.

With all this other stuff going on, lockdown itself was not a chore for me - I work from home anyway, and don’t spend a lot of money generally. Central London didn’t have as many weird shortages as a lot of other places and I’ve been doing ‘essential’ work on a farmer’s market stall once a week (it’s good to have a job like that as a freelancer to take the edge off waiting to be paid for everything else). During lockdown I was scrupulous about masks and gloves, and didn’t touch alcohol unless I was sanitising my hands. I got a nice chunk of SEISS money, and replaced my ancient computer, which means I can now do zooms and look for a WFH job. Since there’s no way I’ll be able to travel outside the UK for a while, I’m finally going to get a dog of my own.

santa clause four (suzy), Saturday, 5 September 2020 23:26 (three years ago) link

Thanks for the kind wishes, table is the table. What a fucking year. All the best to everyone here.

Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Sunday, 6 September 2020 09:36 (three years ago) link

I adjusted quickly to the restrictions, and haven't experienced any significant difficulties since. I lost my DJ income, but have made up for it by stepping up my Discogs sales. My partner, although not currently earning, has indirectly been made a great deal better off financially due to Covid, so that's eased a lot of anxieties. We count our blessings, and there are plenty to count. We are helping a number of people out, in various ways. I've taken to Zoom far more than I thought I would. We live in the middle of a small market town, so I bump into people I know all the time, which keeps isolation at bay. Everything is more or less fine. Weird, but fine.

mike t-diva, Sunday, 6 September 2020 11:12 (three years ago) link

Really sorry to hear from those who've had/having an awful time - Jaq, CP, and Chinaski that sounds tough as hell. This whole thing has really been an assault on all levels imo.

Feeling lucky to be in a situation where we've not had to change too much (already setup for home working etc) and a location with low case numbers, although I'm wary they are rising. The biggest blow Covid-wise was the schools closing which felt scarily dystopian and limbo-like. It's been a weird few months, with deaths of old and new acquaintances, but nothing directly related to Covid as far as I can tell. Until the recent case numbers it did feel like a slow return to some kind of normal - was able to go on our planned trip away, even ate in a pub for the first time in 6 months. And lockdown forced me to find new, quiet, places to visit near home, which have been great finds.

kinder, Sunday, 6 September 2020 18:11 (three years ago) link

one month passes...

Bumping this cos November and it’s just shit all round, isn’t it.

liberté, égalité, scampé (gyac), Monday, 2 November 2020 18:42 (three years ago) link

A thing I have realised about myself, much to my surprise, is that I do miss and need people.

My whole life, since I was about two, I have been pretty self sufficient, always as happy reading by myself as playing with others (and sometimes more). In work, I’ve been pretty good at pushing myself when I’m not getting any external motivation. And, like everyone else I work with, I hated our office!

Everyone I have said this to is a bit surprised, but none more so than me. When this all ends, I’ll be doing a lot more stuff with my friends and going home more than I was before. It’s necessary.

liberté, égalité, scampé (gyac), Monday, 2 November 2020 18:46 (three years ago) link

Amen. My dreams have involved spending time with loved ones every single night for months now, as if I'm only able to truly process the sense of loss subconsciously.

OrificeMax (Old Lunch), Monday, 2 November 2020 19:02 (three years ago) link

Agreed. I'm doing okay, all things considered, but an old friend is missing in the Bay, and I've got a bad feeling about it.

Been thinking a lot about how Arthur Russell/Dinosaur L's "Go Bang!" is truly the song of the moment...'I wanna see all my friends at once...'

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Monday, 2 November 2020 21:02 (three years ago) link

i hate life and being awake but after the election and a few other moves, i'll be back to stodgy middle-aged crankiness.

Lover of Nixon (or LON for short) (Neanderthal), Monday, 2 November 2020 21:18 (three years ago) link

two months pass...

Bumping because Neanderthal, that pic of your folks waiting to get vaccinated gave me a jolt of hope. Things emotionally and mentally have continued to be all over the map, but "retiring" at the end of September and having 3+ weeks of solid downtime and knowing I wasn't coming back to thousands of emails helped. Adopting 3 additional cats, beloved strays of a friend's father, who died of Covid in mid August, helped more. Fostering a 5th cat who turned out to have territorial peeing issues gave me something tangible and urgent to focus on and we found him an awesome forever home.

Therapy has helped, as has increasing the SNRI dosage. Reading a lot about PTSD and polyvagal theory has helped. The insomnia has lessened. I go out if I must, which isn't often. I started contracting on the projects I was involved in previously and it's going well. Thinking ahead to the next year, to the next 5 years, and realizing it doesn't matter where we live helped me feel secure enough to look into buying a place.

So things are better and hope is a stronger glimmer now than it has been with these occasional happy jolts. I've been reading more silly fun stuff, and cooking again, and watching My Cat from Hell and trying to train 4 semi-feral ruffians to be lap cats. And I hope you all are doing equally better, especially those who were finding the path dark prior, that there's a glimmer for you too.

Jaq, Sunday, 3 January 2021 01:15 (three years ago) link

aw I'm glad that it helped. and Im glad you are finding glimmers of light. :)

Looking for Cape Penis house (Neanderthal), Sunday, 3 January 2021 01:28 (three years ago) link

ten months pass...

there was a bit of taking stock on the 9/11 "one year ago today" thread and it occurred to me that it would be a good time to check in here - the fact that it's taken this long to do so tells its own story but hey!

I am with those itt who said this year is a bust even compared to 2020, partly because it has been unendingly shit & stressful workwise, so would be good to see where everyone else is as the pandemic grinds on

for me it's been seeing all the communitarian goodwill leached away and a zombified version of the old status quo instated, oh and here's your bill! obv the vaccines were a HUGE relief & the one thing to hold onto (here in uk) is that it won't be as bad as it was last winter (I wish I could say "ever")(also the worst of that was this year which is another reason 21 can fuck off)

anyway I expect to be in a trough until spring but curious to know how everyone else is! 💖

coombination gazza hut & scampo bell (wins), Monday, 29 November 2021 21:21 (two years ago) link

i'm a fuckin mess tbh

don't even think i can really blame it on the pandemic, unfortunately

mookieproof, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 02:15 (two years ago) link

ah, mookie, v sorry to hear that.

hocus pocus, alakazam (PBKR), Wednesday, 1 December 2021 02:18 (two years ago) link

I’m a mess too but only on weekends when i have time to myself. Idle hands are the devils playthings. Work keeps me sane and on track and on the wagon. On the bright side a couple of my photographs will be featured in a tiny magazine next month.

calstars, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 02:31 (two years ago) link

Sorry to hear that, mookie, and I think you should feel free to blame anything you want on the pandemic. It certainly hasn't made anything better.

I just booked my first flight since the pandemic started - I'm going to Chicago for one night in January to see the Vulgar Boatmen, assuming things stay relatively safe for the vaccinated. It's a silly sort of trip but I really want to go. I'm trying to make myself do more things like that because generally I feel like my life keeps getting smaller since the pandemic, like there are fewer and fewer things that I even think about doing. Even just going to a thrift store or whatever feels like a big undertaking that I need to structure my day or possibly week around.

One positive development is that I finally started writing for that Springsteen blog, entirely bc of encouragement I got from ilx. It's the first time since college that I've brought myself to put any kind of writing out there under my own name, so even though it's a baby step it feels really big to me. I didn't write at all for the first year of the pandemic; it just felt like my brain wouldn't focus and there was no way to know what to say about anything. So being able to concentrate and finish anything, however small, feels like some kind of progress.

and congrats calstars!

Lily Dale, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 03:00 (two years ago) link

thanks folx <3

mookieproof, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 03:31 (two years ago) link

I can understand being a mess, am blaming it on the pandemic

Dan S, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 03:40 (two years ago) link

I can't say life is a bowl of cherries for me, but in the midst of seeing so many other lives around me in dire straits, I must confess my own life is pretty stable and reasonably stress-free, because the stresses I experience are (to borrow some nursing jargon) 'within normal limits'.

As weird as it might sound, 2020 and 2021 have not even cracked the top ten of the worst years I've lived through. God grant this doesn't change abruptly. It always could and I humbly acknowledge it.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 1 December 2021 04:12 (two years ago) link

everything sucks, news at 11

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 1 December 2021 04:23 (two years ago) link

oh, VG! so sorry to hear it, even without the details. you aren't one to complain about a few nicks and scratches.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Wednesday, 1 December 2021 04:26 (two years ago) link

at least i still have this place to air my half-assed takes about north american sports

not joking in the least

mookieproof, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 04:54 (two years ago) link

Doing okay, working too much, husband is ever on the verge of quitting his job but has prospects elsewhere, dogs have some issues but doing okay...I dunno, I've been through some rough patches this year, but considering how terribly many other people I know are doing, I'm okay.

I'm also trying to figure out what I should be focusing on professionally. I'm getting paid to write and teach (in multiple formats to multiple age groups) and edit (both medical editing and manuscript editing), but I would really love to quit medical editing because it is more of 9-5 job and sucks the life out of me...though it pays better than any other gig I've ever had. Trying to ride it out until it seems like I'm able to quit it, but in the meantime, I'm dumb busy.

we need outrage! we need dicks!! (the table is the table), Wednesday, 1 December 2021 21:39 (two years ago) link

doing quite poorly! High five!

brimstead, Wednesday, 1 December 2021 22:05 (two years ago) link

I didn't love everything about my pre-pandemic life but if I could go back 18 months and press pause on everything I wouldn't think twice about doing it. I hope everyone who is struggling at least feels the sense that this won't be like this forever.

boxedjoy, Friday, 3 December 2021 11:42 (two years ago) link

honestly i'm doing pretty good, mental health is better than it has been over the past few years, relationship continues to be very good. work is ok, could be so much worse. i can pay my bills every month with a little left over. actual job is very cush, a few rough bits with the boss but i'm working through them. blocking out family has been a big help. we're entering inversion season here, which means low to mid grade brain pain for me for the next three months, but i'm hanging in there.

poor boyfriend has a bad job working for horrible small business owners, the prospect of what to do next has him feeling a little overwhelmed. seems like the one constant thing in 2021 is the feeling that horrible people demanding exhausting and meaningless work in order for us to survive are sort of retrenching themselves everywhere and everyone is playing along, like of course it has to be this way, and no one has any power to change anything. such whiplash after a year of being shown that all of this damaging shit we're doing is completely made up, unreal, and we could do something different if we weren't so impoverished in the cultural imagination department, weren't quite so addicted to pain and ignorance.

Nedlene Grendel as Basenji Holmo (map), Friday, 3 December 2021 17:42 (two years ago) link

Checking in to report new house, new dog, new job on way and all well

fix up luke shawp (darraghmac), Friday, 3 December 2021 18:14 (two years ago) link

I feel like such an asshole when I "take stock" because both 2020 and 2021 have been pretty goddamn good years for me and my wife. The only person we personally know who's died of COVID is our landlord (bitter lol); I've been working steadily — in more or less the same field as table, though I'd really like to get some of that sweet medical editing ca$h instead of working on people's YA fantasy trilogies — and doing interesting personal stuff (wrote a book which is coming out in January, and had enough money to hire a publicist to promote it, so it might even sell). Work's slowing down a bit this month, so I'm setting up a big project, and of course I'm panicked that that's going to turn to shit somehow, but maybe it won't!

I turn 50 in almost exactly two weeks, and feel pretty good about that and pretty good in general — I've almost entirely given up eating meat and am noticing a lot of changes around that; I don't fall asleep immediately after meals anymore, and my blood sugar's going down. I have more ideas than I have time to devote to them (I'm working on a proposal for another book, and brainstorming a novel, and running a website/podcast/record label)... so, my sympathies to anyone who's having a tough time of it. I guess I'm just someone who was born to live this way.

but also fuck you (unperson), Saturday, 4 December 2021 22:59 (two years ago) link

2020 was the worst year of my life by quite a long shot, 2021 hasn't been a lot better tbh but nobody died yet so I suppose that's a win

bovarism, Saturday, 4 December 2021 23:37 (two years ago) link

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