Rolling Maleness and Masculinity Discussion Thread

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⅋ (crüt), Monday, 11 February 2019 03:09 (five years ago) link

i'd watch an Odd Couple type show w/him and M4rc L01

⅋ (crüt), Monday, 11 February 2019 03:17 (five years ago) link

Alright, fuck it. here goes. The Hardrocknick / Aly Ashley Jash Story.

— DeepThroatBDN (@BdnDeep) February 10, 2019

⅋ (crüt), Monday, 11 February 2019 03:18 (five years ago) link

oh my god

bhad bundy (Simon H.), Monday, 11 February 2019 03:20 (five years ago) link

Anything I would say here would be inappropriate for the internet.

Yerac, Monday, 11 February 2019 03:22 (five years ago) link

how come the mildly entertainingly horrible ones always end up being the total and complete scum of the earth

actually, never mind

mh, Monday, 11 February 2019 03:56 (five years ago) link

three weeks pass...

this is really good imo:

macropuente (map), Friday, 8 March 2019 17:46 (five years ago) link

weird that it talks about the symbolism of the punisher without reference to don pendleton's executioner, though

the scientology of mountains (rushomancy), Saturday, 9 March 2019 00:23 (five years ago) link


macropuente (map), Saturday, 9 March 2019 00:27 (five years ago) link

I thought this piece on sex, male domination and abuse was interesting, and I have found ppl's attempts to take solid definite lines on the topic unconvincing -

ogmor, Friday, 22 March 2019 12:48 (five years ago) link

I'm struggling to find a line between "consent makes everything fine" and "anyone who wants to be spanked is ultimately feeding the patriarchy"

ogmor, Friday, 22 March 2019 12:57 (five years ago) link

i don't think it's possible for there to be solid, definitive lines on the topic! like, ok, i'm personally biased, but i don't think construing a relationship as having a permanent, fixed power dynamic is totally healthy. obviously there's a desire to differentiate kink from abuse in a concrete, testable way, but "safe", "sane", and "consensual" are all relative terms. the real benefit of kink is not the "ssc" mantra but its overriding insistence on communication and negotiation in relationships.

i do think there's a difference between kink-_shaming_ - beating oneself up or judging oneself as "bad" for having certain thoughts or desires - and kink-questioning. maybe some people are into kink, in part, because they grew up in abusive environments and internalized it! that doesn't translate to "i shouldn't be kinky" imo; it translates to "having this knowledge, what do i do with it?"

the scientology of mountains (rushomancy), Friday, 22 March 2019 13:31 (five years ago) link

Expelling catharsis and sublimation from the bedroom (or art, for that matter) is a recipe for libidinal disaster.

pomenitul, Friday, 22 March 2019 14:18 (five years ago) link

sure, but all sorts of things can be done in the name of catharsis, so again: what's the criteria for determining when they go over the line?

so, yes - there are important differences between sex and fantasy, shame is unhelpful, some people are better at keeping things separate than others, and people aren't really sure how they feel about things more often than they usually admit. how much regret or self-disgust can you feel before it no longer falls under 'healthy self-exploration'?

everyone's sexuality is formed in a frequently abusive, sexist &c. society, even those without any obvious kinks, and while ppl are good at pointing out the relationship between the private and the social, it's not clear to me exactly what we should be aiming for when trying to navigate through

ogmor, Friday, 22 March 2019 14:33 (five years ago) link

I'm tempted to say that the underlying tensions are because sex & desire are about mutability* and will immediately incorporate and pervert any attempt to judge or legislate it, but even if that's right, what do you do with it?

*there's a bad joke about becoming in here somewhere

ogmor, Friday, 22 March 2019 14:41 (five years ago) link

There are no criteria, or rather none of them are set in stone, and things are bound to remain undecidable. I'm fine with this.

pomenitul, Friday, 22 March 2019 14:44 (five years ago) link

it's default position to drift towards but it bothers me that it suits abusers and makes any sort of accountability very tricky

ogmor, Friday, 22 March 2019 14:56 (five years ago) link

Unquestionably. 'I'm fine with this' is my way of saying that I have no adequate response to this most legitimate of concerns. There's an underlying passivity and powerlessness at the heart of the matter that I'm not certain we'll ever overcome, even should we choose to obliterate ambiguity (which isn't feasible to begin with).

pomenitul, Friday, 22 March 2019 15:13 (five years ago) link

I saw two threads in that article that are distinct and different.

The desire to have violence exerted upon oneself by a partner is something that I’ve found empowering and enjoyable— I’m not fancy, I just like to get hit. The root of my desire for this is the enjoyment of the pain itself, and also the trust I have for my partner in exerting that pain.

The idea that a partner might hit me for any reason than my own pleasure, or with my explicit invitation, is revolting to me, and if it ever happened (and it has) it is as upsetting as the author described in the above article.

I do not associate any sort of shame or childhood experiences with the desire to be hit... it’s just something I enjoy, both physically and as a trust exercise with a sexual partner.

The whole second half of the article, describing emotional abuse— that’s a whole different thing, and unrelated, in my experience.

If one has a particularly low self-esteem, one is highly susceptible to being held in thrall of emotionally abusive people. If your partner is saying stuff like “I hated you when I first met you, but I grew to like you,” or “you look so cute with your beard; you looked ugly when you shaved,” and other such things, these manipulative statements read internally as “truth”, not as “abuse”.

If you dislike, or hate yourself, hearing people put you down sounds “real”. It fulfills the part of your brain that has always told you that you’re garbage, and worthless, and that all the people who have treated you well in the past don’t actually love you. When emotionally abusive people, in turn, stop belittling you to praise you or express love to you, it is the most addictive feeling one can ever experience. Full body dopamine rush.

I don’t see too much of a link between “the tendency to fall into emotionally abusive relationships” and “the desire to be dom’d by your partner”— but that’s just my experience. If anything, being emotionally abused by a partner made me extremely reticent to be dom’d— I sought more control in my life, not less.

flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 22 March 2019 15:40 (five years ago) link

For all these reasons, I have made the decision to stop having this kind of sex, even if only for a while.

preceding 2k words not inspiring me to imagine this a lengthy while

difficult listening hour, Friday, 22 March 2019 16:59 (five years ago) link

If you dislike, or hate yourself, hearing people put you down sounds “real”. It fulfills the part of your brain that has always told you that you’re garbage, and worthless, and that all the people who have treated you well in the past don’t actually love you. When emotionally abusive people, in turn, stop belittling you to praise you or express love to you, it is the most addictive feeling one can ever experience. Full body dopamine rush.

There's a whole ContraPoints video about this IIRC. At the very least, she spends a significant portion of a recent video talking about it.

grawlix (unperson), Friday, 22 March 2019 17:06 (five years ago) link

currently just staring at that paragraph wide-eyed and having thoughts

mh, Friday, 22 March 2019 17:42 (five years ago) link

one of the more interesting things about this thread is what people choose it for imo

/not snark/

fremme nette his simplicitte (darraghmac), Friday, 22 March 2019 18:40 (five years ago) link

Good essay

Trϵϵship, Friday, 22 March 2019 19:52 (five years ago) link

it's default position to drift towards but it bothers me that it suits abusers and makes any sort of accountability very tricky

― ogmor

ogmor there's a qualitative difference between interrogating one's own desires and holding other people accountable for their actions. a culture of accountability, to me, it about actions and not about feelings. when i do something to hurt somebody else, to my mind fostering a culture of accountability means acknowledging that and accepting the responsibility and the consequences. if i do something and i feel miserable about it later, that's something i have to be accountable to myself about, and sometimes the answer is "don't do that thing that will make you miserable", and sometimes the answer is "there's no reason to feel miserable about that", and all points in between.

the scientology of mountains (rushomancy), Friday, 22 March 2019 23:54 (five years ago) link

one month passes...

Fresh points in here, as someone who knows a lot of guys who are more lone wolves than Entourage bros, combined with a yearning for a Jordan Peterson to take care of these men:

... (Eazy), Sunday, 5 May 2019 20:43 (five years ago) link

“This isn’t him going to grab a beer with guys. He’s going to find psychological and emotional support from men who understand his problems,” Liz explains. “They’re not just getting together to have a bitch fest, gossip, or complain about their lives. They’re super intentional about what they’re talking about, why, and what’s important to them.”

this sounds like a nightmare

:∵·∴·∵: (crüt), Sunday, 5 May 2019 21:28 (five years ago) link

just sounds like the men's movement thing all over again. i did like 25 years back. it was fine, but i feel like the fear of effeminacy is pretty intractable even in these sorts of groups.

Burt Bacharach's Bees (rushomancy), Sunday, 5 May 2019 21:58 (five years ago) link

Yeah. This is funny because a friend of mine is writing a (very different) article about men's groups for Harper's, but people kept thinking he was from Harper's Bazaar.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 6 May 2019 17:10 (five years ago) link

The persistent idea that seeking therapy is a form of weakness has produced a generation of men suffering from symptoms like anger, irritability, and aggressiveness, because not only are they less likely than women to pursue mental health help, but once they do, they have a hard time expressing their emotions. (This is so common there’s even a technical term for it: “normative male alexithymia.”) For millennial men in particular, a major challenge is understanding they need help in the first place.

millennial men are more emotionally repressed and aggressive than other generations? can that possibly be true?

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:25 (five years ago) link

which men's movement, rushomancy? not going to make any suppositions here because there are multiple groups that could apply to in that timeframe

mh, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:26 (five years ago) link

millenial men are maybe more likely to falsely think they have an affinity group with other men or are working on emotional development because of the availability of social media and messageboards

therapy or a real life group where you hash things out can be a harder sell to someone who thinks they're being social or confronting those issues because they have a group they regularly chat and joke with online

mh, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:28 (five years ago) link

most men i know have done therapy. the idea that it's exclusively men who bottle up their problems, lack self-awareness or behave in a self-destructive manner seems a strange one.

plenty of people are also resistant to therapy. the most resistance i've ever seen in my life is my mother. the idea that this generation, male or otherwise, is more resistant than the one that went before seems like bs to me, but unlike that article i'm not going to assume my anecdotal experiences of the world allow me to deduce hard exact truths about billions of people.

FernandoHierro, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:34 (five years ago) link

i think it's weird to frame the mental health epidemic facing both genders as just one more front in the gender war, with women bearing the "emotional burden" of their depressed partners

please ban me from ilx

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:35 (five years ago) link

i don't doubt these women's anecdotes and it sucks being with someone who won't get help. i've even been there. and men are less likely to get help and that is on them to an extent. but why is everyone clinically depressed and also too poor to get treatment?

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:36 (five years ago) link

yeah it is fairly strange that someone could write an article about mental health, and presumably talk to a lot of depressed people and those who attempt to treat them, and ultimately decide that the big takeaway is to dole out some blame.


FernandoHierro, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:38 (five years ago) link

maybe men will be more likely to seek out help if they feel like not getting treatment is hurting the ones they love idk

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:40 (five years ago) link

for me depression is deeply wrapped up in guilt that i am a burden to my family, partner (when i have one), and friends so it was a little triggering this article

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:41 (five years ago) link

It's a bad article in many ways

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 6 May 2019 17:43 (five years ago) link

xp. as someone who has been both the depressed "burden" partner and the "burdened" partner - sometimes both at the same time - i have never related at all to the frame used in these articles that we should look at interpersonal relationships with our closest people as work.

findom haddie (jim in vancouver), Monday, 6 May 2019 17:47 (five years ago) link

I feel like the HB article frames it with a certain skew but it's less a "men have bad mental health" issue than a "many men lack a certain type of socialization in their lives that provides balance and contributes to mental wellness."

I know a number of women with similar issues, and it often comes down to the social spaces people have the time to cultivate and how comfortable they are among peers in those spaces. The patriarchal model with a husband/wife, kids, man shouldering most of the financial burden, tends to create more spaces where women have some time among other moms, even if it's venting about their kids or w/e. Among my own friends with kids this accounts for a much smaller group than it would have in decades past, but it's still relevant -- and probably moreso among people who aren't really the type that would come to our online community.

Among coworkers I still know a ton of people where the husband is the breadwinner, the wife works fewer hours or takes time away from the workplace while the kids are young, etc. and that's more of what's in scope

mh, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:49 (five years ago) link

my take is not to take the dialogue in an article that's not really about you too personally!

mh, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:50 (five years ago) link

Oh look, more gratuitously anecdotal, us vs. them bullshit.

pomenitul, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:51 (five years ago) link

Yeah, i mean, i’m of two minds here.

Emotional labor and domestic labor are important concwpts in feminism. Invaluable, even, in illuminating historical inequities.

This seems like yet another pop culture vulgarization of these kinds of concepts though. It’s not demonstrating some kind of structural fact of society, it’s just bashing people for because they didn’t make enough friends in their life.

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:53 (five years ago) link

For me it definitely is work. When my work life was unfulfilling and unchallenging and I had excess capacity, I have been the sympathetic ear/unpaid therapist for many of my closest friends over the years, not unwillingly. At the time it felt like friendship.

My work-life sitch is more extreme now, and uses a lot of my emotional capacity before I get home so when my boyfriend is discouraged/depressed/needs to work through things, I can barely even be there for him and I've been telling him for 5 years to get a therapist because I'm not one. It's definitely labor.

There's more Italy than necessary. (in orbit), Monday, 6 May 2019 17:54 (five years ago) link

And what does this say to women who didn’t “prioritize yoga and therapy” in their illness? That they messed up somehow and don’t even have the excuse of toxic gender socialization? The whole framing is just deeply flawed

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:56 (five years ago) link

Self xp

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 17:56 (five years ago) link

I think "yoga and therapy" was doing the work of prioritizing your own needs in that article, and not specifically those two things? That particular paragraph was about a woman explaining she was spending a disproportionate amount of time tending to her partner's social needs and acting as an ad hoc therapist

as in, she knew what she needed to be on an even keel and she was spending that time on someone else

mh, Monday, 6 May 2019 18:01 (five years ago) link

Her perspective on that relationship is of course valid. It was too draining and she had to step away. But the anecdote is used in the service of this larger narrative about men not taking care of their mental health and slagging that burden off on their partners. Maybe there is truth there but also like a symptom of depression is an inability to take care of oneself properly

Trϵϵship, Monday, 6 May 2019 18:03 (five years ago) link

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