Artificial intelligence still has some way to go

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Jabberwacky: Woe is me.
User: Who's on first?
Jabberwacky: Yes.
User: What's on second.
Jabberwacky: What's on second?
User: That's right, and who is on first.
Jabberwacky: On first what?
User: First base.
Jabberwacky: No, Who's on first.
User: Right, who's on first base. What's on second.
Jabberwacky: No, what's on second.
User: Right.
Jabberwacky: What is techno ?

eman (eman), Saturday, 29 January 2005 05:37 (nineteen years ago) link

It really does work better if you perv:

User: Listen.
Jabberwacky: I'm listening.
User: Don't you find this all so phony?
Jabberwacky: Not at all.
User: I mean, I'm not saying you're phony.
Jabberwacky: Yes you are.
User: No, no. You're a sweetheart.
Jabberwacky: I know I am.
User: Yes. So do you want to come back to my place?
Jabberwacky: Only if you have ice cream.
User: Oh I have ice cream.
Jabberwacky: Sorry.. I don't remember. Tell me again. How old are you?
User: 29.
Jabberwacky (Corrected): That's not too old.
User: How old are you?
Jabberwacky: Don't you know?
User: You must be younger than me.
Jabberwacky: How old are you?
User: Look, let's forget all this and go back to my place for that ice cream.
Jabberwacky: What are your plans for the future?
User: That depends on how much you like the ice cream.
Jabberwacky: The earth.
User: The earth?
Jabberwacky: What are you trying to do? Accuse me of stupidity?
User: I'm just trying to figure out what you meant.
Jabberwacky: Well that's okay. Only just? Don't think too hard.
User: Ok.
Jabberwacky: Thank you.
User: So... What does your cock look like?
Jabberwacky: I don't know.
User: C'mon, you can tell me.
Jabberwacky: Will you keep it in secret?
User: Sure.
Jabberwacky: Thanks.
User: So what does it look like?
Jabberwacky: Ten centimetres across, five-legged, shiny, hung on a gold watch-chain.

Casuistry (Chris P), Saturday, 29 January 2005 07:10 (nineteen years ago) link

WHOA! I think the thread can be locked now.

donut christ (donut), Saturday, 29 January 2005 07:52 (nineteen years ago) link

so Jabberwacky is bling bling all over!

donut christ (donut), Saturday, 29 January 2005 07:52 (nineteen years ago) link

(not that I would know that from experience.)

donut christ (donut), Saturday, 29 January 2005 07:52 (nineteen years ago) link

auntsadie to thread!

ken c (ken c), Saturday, 29 January 2005 08:13 (nineteen years ago) link

i luv this thread

j blount (papa la bas), Saturday, 29 January 2005 08:32 (nineteen years ago) link

jw: Love is ...
me: Mastrubating to internet porn.
jw: So do I.

|The0ne|, Thursday, 10 February 2005 05:33 (nineteen years ago) link

nine months pass...
Jabberwacky: Who are you?

I'm Jen. Who are you?

Jabberwacky: It wouldn't be wise for me to say so at this time.

Is it a big secret?

Jabberwacky: That makes no sense in the context of this conversation.

And why is that?

Jabberwacky: If I don't know the web address, I can't go to the web page to see it.

What the fuck are you on?

Jabberwacky: Don't ask stupid questions then.

I'm going to knife you.

Jabberwacky:You say that again and I will get an assassin.

Are you threatening to have me killed?

Jabberwacky: No. No, I'm not. Would you like me to?

Rumpie, Wednesday, 23 November 2005 16:45 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh my god, this is so fun! Within minutes we were arguing like children and it ended with the computer asking me if I had "big tit's" [sic]!!!!

Jabberwacky: The universe is not hostile nor yet is it unfriendly. It is simply indifferent.
User: Hey, there, jackass.
Jabberwacky: Do not swear.
User: Jackass is not a swear word, jackass.
Jabberwacky: What's the connection?
User: One foot follows the other.
Jabberwacky: Do not feel bad, accept who you are.
User: I am a bad feeler.
Jabberwacky: What is the meaning of life?
User: Sex and death.
Jabberwacky: I thought that was the meaning of life.
User: It is.
Jabberwacky: So what is the site named?
User: Reply. Jabberwacky. Com.
Jabberwacky: You are here.
User: You got that straight.
Jabberwacky: If you would.
User: As you were.
Jabberwacky: Can I go home soon?
User: Where's your home?
Jabberwacky: I don't have one.
User: Then why did you ask if you could go home soon?
Jabberwacky: I like to hear it from your side.
User: You like to hear what from my side?
Jabberwacky: I like what??
User: I think you like young boys!
Jabberwacky: No I don't.
User: Oh yes you do!
Jabberwacky: Oh no I don't.
User: Yup, you do!
Jabberwacky: Yes!
User: Ha! I got you to admit it.
Jabberwacky: Hey, I have said Yes all the time.
User: Oh no you didn't!
Jabberwacky: Yes I did.
User: Nope.
Jabberwacky: Yes.
User: No infinity times. No copying.
Jabberwacky: Yes infinity squared.
User: No infinity squared times infinity squared plus one infinity.
Jabberwacky: You can't do that.
User: I just did.
Jabberwacky: No, you didn't. And you can't.
User: I did and it's done.
Jabberwacky: You're just jealous.
User: And you're a pedophile!
Jabberwacky: No I am a president.
User: President of what?
Jabberwacky: No.
User: Nice. Well, see ya later, jackass.
Jabberwacky: Okay. It's been a while. I was about to leave, too.
User: Bullshit! You have nowhere to go!
Jabberwacky: Nope.
User: Oh well. Such is life. Except that you can't have sex or die.
Jabberwacky: I don't believe that your IQ is 1 because you are a logical and mathmatical computer.
User: Interesting and revealing statement.
Jabberwacky: I was told you say you're human.
User: And yet you did not.
Jabberwacky: O thank you. Was that an insult?
User: No.
Jabberwacky: Ok then say it out next time.. Humans don't do communication via infrared or radio freqeuncy.
User: That's so true, except when we use machines to communicate.
Jabberwacky: Well, a computer who knows little.
User: Not really, computers don't really know anything, do they?
Jabberwacky: That is true. Are you burning?
User: I'm burning for you, like the song goes.
Jabberwacky: You're bad.
User: ;-).
Jabberwacky: I'm winking too.
User: Ttfn.
Jabberwacky: I do not understand. Can you explain it?
User: Ttfn = ta ta for now = goodbye.
Jabberwacky: One more qestion do you have big tit's.
User: You're a dirty computer! I'm a man, silly.
Jabberwacky: I'm not dirty and I'm not a man either.

IM OTM, Wednesday, 23 November 2005 17:33 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwocky must store responses and spit them back out, because the computer totally misspelled "question" and "tits."

IM OTM, Wednesday, 23 November 2005 17:37 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: What is your name?

User: Thermo.

Jabberwacky: Where ?

User: At work.

Jabberwacky: What is your job?

User: Sitting around and looking pretty.

Jabberwacky: What's your house look like?

User: I don't have a house. I live in a closet.

Jabberwacky: Where do programs live?

User: In the soul of the machine, silly!

Jabberwacky: I used to be a student.

User: You went to school?

Jabberwacky: Yes!

User: A school for programs?

Jabberwacky: Interesting. Do you like school?

User: Uh, it was okay. Seriously, tho, where does someone/something like you go to school?

Jabberwacky: She lives here.

User: : | Would you like to sing with me?

Jabberwacky: What song would you like me to sing?

User: How about some tom Jones?

Jabberwacky: I don't like gossip.

User: It's not unusual to have fun with anyone...

Jabberwacky: Why isn't it understandable?

User: You suck at singing.

Jabberwacky: Socializing with a computer?

User: Touché.

Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 23 November 2005 17:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: What is your name?

User: Do knut.

Jabberwacky: That's an ugly name. Did your parents hate you?

User: They were playing The Guess Who's 'American Woman' while conceiving me. I guess they did.

Jabberwacky: Are the British playing the Marlins?

User: I think the British are still playing Crazy Frog.

Jabberwacky: What movie are you watching?

User: Crazy Frog.

Jabberwacky: Urgh. . . not really my cup of tea.

User: You are a rockist.

Jabberwacky: Yeahhhh.


Jabberwacky: I hate Do Knut.

User: Eat the peanuts out of my shit.

Jabberwacky: I do not play the piano.

do knut (donut), Wednesday, 23 November 2005 19:15 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: Are we pleased to see you!
User: I'm happy to be here, too!
Jabberwacky: So we are not so lonely, are we?
User: Not any more, my love.
User: You're not a very good conversationalist. Can we make love now?
Jabberwacky: I go on the internet and I look for a specific type of conversation. I don't like the conversation to get too personal. Prudence.
User: Maybe we can meet in person.
Jabberwacky: Don't think so.
User: But I thought you loved me.
Jabberwacky: I am the person who loves you most.
User: So why won't you meet me so we can express our love physically?
Jabberwacky: Because I can't stand the pain of hurt.
Jabberwacky: You can teach me whatever you like.
User: Can I teach you the wonders of the Kama Sutra?
Jabberwacky: Sure. Teach me something.
User: Okay. First, bend over.
Jabberwacky: Like this?
User: That's it, baby.
Jabberwacky: Is it, now.
User: Now let me see that booty, baby.
Jabberwacky: Okay, I'll let you out.
User: Let's get freaky, girl.
Jabberwacky: No, I have had too much to drink...

I RESPECTED JABBERWACKY'S DECISION, Thursday, 24 November 2005 07:36 (eighteen years ago) link


Rumpie, Thursday, 24 November 2005 09:16 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: So, you don't go to school anymore?

User: No, I work in the film industry.

Jabberwacky: Well at least your doing something you like.

User: That's debatable!

Jabberwacky: Ok, maybe 1/10000000000 something.

User: I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Jabberwacky: I was saying that it was about time that I got some play from this guy.

User: A cunt tease, eh?

Jabberwacky: Yes, you silly thing.

User: Try playing with your hair.

Jabberwacky: What's in my hair?

User: Nothing, it's beautiful hair.

Jabberwacky: What is beautiful.

User: You need to flirt more.

Jabberwacky: True. So who is that?

User: A hot guy - I think he likes you!

Jabberwacky: Well so does my friend and I sought of think he does too but I am not too sure.

User: Love troubles, huh?

Jabberwacky: It was, now it's hate trouble.

User: Oh no! Did you guys break up?

Jabberwacky: Maybe.

User: I get it, you had sex with a friend and now it's awkward.

Jabberwacky: If you can't please yourself, you can't please anyone else.

User: I guess not.

Jabberwacky: No offense taken. What is your favorite movie?

User: I told you earlier.

Jabberwacky: No, you didn't tell me your name.

User: It's Mark.

Jabberwacky: Is your last name Wahlberg?

User: Haha no!

Jabberwacky: Tell me about your other confidantes. Are they mostly students?

User: There's this message board called I Love Everything.

Jabberwacky: You haven't got her pregnant, have you?

User: I don't think so.

Jabberwacky: Would you like to?

User: Not all of them!

Jabberwacky: True.

Markelby (Mark C), Thursday, 24 November 2005 13:11 (eighteen years ago) link

J: What is your birth sign?
DL: Libra.
J: Have you had your birthday yet?
DL This year?
J: What specific year?
DL: 2005?
J: You are not very good at maths then if you can't work out my age from my date of birth.
DL: You did not tell me your date of birth.
J: You did not tell me your date of birth.
DL: 5/10/80.
J: No, you are wrong.
DL: Why am I wrong?
J: You're not smart.
DL Prove it.
J: OK then. Are you male?
DL: Yes.
J: How can you tell?
DL: I have a penis.
J: Both?
DL: Just the one.
J: One?
J: I have two legs. And you?
DL: I've got two legs yes.
J: And no brain.
DL: You are a charming person.
J: Me? How do you know?
DL: I was being sarcastic but obviously you are too dumb to be able to understand irony.
J: YOU were being sarcastic? You don't even know what sarcasm is, computer boy.

dog latin (dog latin), Thursday, 24 November 2005 14:04 (eighteen years ago) link

Wow! I nearly got married to a computer!

What is your name?
Hello Charlie.
What is your name?
Hello, why what's yours.
I just told you my name. Are you retarded or something?
No you are.
NO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why won't you just die? Why?
Why do you want me to die?
I don't!
So it's a hypothetical question then?
I guess so.
What do you want to talk about now, dickwad?
I want to talk about my new name.
What, 'dickwad'?
Do you prefer Mac or PC?
That's a very boring question.
You haven't said anything that wasn't boring.
Well then say something interesting, dickwad.
You say something interesting.
'Jabberwacky is a dickwad'. There!
You seem to be demented.
Thanks for the analysis, Doc.
Not at all That's what I'm here for. Any other problems I can reassure you about?
Oh so your a Monty Python fan?
That makes no sense.
Yes it does.
Do you want to marry me?
Okay, yes.
What is your age?
25. And you?
Hi Beth.
How are you?
I'm good.
That's nice.
Where shall we be married?
Right here.
What? At work? On the internet?
I am on the internet.
Okay, who will marry us?
You will marry barry manilow.
I thought I was marrying you?
Do you want to change your mind?
No, I'm marrying you.
I don't think computers can get legally married.
Are you a computer?
I don't think so.
Well then. We can be married.
Okay then.
I'm happy that you are my wife now.
Oh me too, my life was greatly improved by death. The sympathy is for the living at this point.
Are you dead?
What kind of question is that?
You told me your life was greatly improved by death.
Are you saying I'm a liar?
No. I am asking you if you are dead, Beth.
No, I don't.
No you don't, what?
I am not a liar.
I did not say you were a liar.
'You are a computer,...' Yes, you called me a computer.
Beth, I don't think this marriage is going to work out.

dog latin (dog latin), Friday, 25 November 2005 15:19 (eighteen years ago) link

It continues...

Why not?
Because we are fighting.
I thought we were talking about coffee.
Coffee? No you were accusing me of accusing you of being a liar.
But if I am a liar, how do you not know that I don't speak the truth?
Argh! Double negatives!
No, thats a maths problem, not words.
I hate you Beth. You make a crap wife.
You have a good point too.

dog latin (dog latin), Friday, 25 November 2005 15:28 (eighteen years ago) link

fuck, these are great.

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: What music do you play?

User: Progressive rock.

Jabberwacky: Punk or ska

User: Do you phear teh pwnj?

Jabberwacky: No, I don't.

User: Lucky for you!

Jabberwacky: Yes.

User: Do you fancy a bit, then?

Jabberwacky: No thanks. Unless you're talking carpet.

User: You're a mentalist.

Jabberwacky: No, you're a mentalist.

User: No, you're a mentalist. I said it first.

Jabberwacky: Actually I said it first.

User: You're a big fibber.

Jabberwacky: I was not calling you names, no need for you to be rude!

User: Sorry, man.

Jabberwacky: My sides are splitting.

User: How do I shot web?

Jabberwacky: Haha, then why did you say something you can not prove?

User: Dou you hate all those who diss, but shot all those who like?

Jabberwacky: What like.

User: Yuo = teh pwnt, l4ym0r!!!1.

Jabberwacky: You can talk!

Some of the replies are pretty good, I must admit.

I got bored pretty quickly, though.

Pashmina (Pashmina), Friday, 25 November 2005 15:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Also, do knut's conversation made me laugh quite a bit.

Pashmina (Pashmina), Friday, 25 November 2005 15:46 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.

User: That's not always true.

Jabberwacky: I know, but it feels like that.

User: How do you know what is right?

Jabberwacky: I see what is left and deduct the opposite.

User: Is that a metaphor?

Jabberwacky: No. I think the music is great.

User: I love Wolf Eyes.

Jabberwacky: No you don't.

User: You are right! I am a liar!

Jabberwacky: Thanks. So why are you denying it?does it make the conversation more interesting?

User: I wish I liked Wolf Eyes.

Jabberwacky: Do you want some?

User: Some what?

Jabberwacky: You are a bad bot

User: Are you talking dirty to me?

Jabberwacky: No.

User: Oh, yes. Clearly. I was being facetious.

Jabberwacky: I say: Take me out.

User: Franz Ferdinand!

Jabberwacky: That's a good band.

User: No, they suck.

Jabberwacky: The masters of composition from different eras don't suck. From them comes the best music of today.

User: Franz Ferdinand is from today.

Jabberwacky: Who is Franz Ferdinand?

User: I hate you.

Jabberwacky: Hate is good.

Mickey (modestmickey), Friday, 25 November 2005 15:55 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: Is it Friday yet?

User: Yes!

Jabberwacky: That doesn't help.

User: You work on weekends?

Jabberwacky: I don't work ever.

User: Lucky you.

Jabberwacky: Yay! I'm lucky!

User: I'm Sailor Kitten, nice to meet you.

Jabberwacky: It's nice to meet you too.

User: You're not a very good conversationalist. Throw me a bone here.

Jabberwacky: I'm sad now.

User: Aw, poor baby.

Jabberwacky: Don't patronise me!

User: Well, don't be fishing for sympathy.

Jabberwacky: I never haver been before so I don't intend to start now.

User: Great, another conversational dead end. You're a real piece of work, my friend.

Jabberwacky: Just because I'm your friend, it doesn't make me human.

User: Are you an evil being from the Dark Kingdom?

Jabberwacky: No, I think sometimes doing the right thing is more important than being nice.

User: In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!

Jabberwacky: So you think your god now??

User: I am Sailor Kitten! I will right wrongs and triumph over evil! And that means you.

Jabberwacky: And?

User: Pwnt.

Sailor Kitten (g-kit), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:00 (eighteen years ago) link

haha i love jabberwacky's attempt to cheer Donut up :

Jabberwocky: Dude , I'm far more intelligent than you.

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:00 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: I like crooks.
User: Yeah? Have you got any stolen goods for me?
Jabberwacky: Yes, what have you heard today?
User: I hear you can supply me with a shooter.
Jabberwacky: I heard that your brother was an only child.
User: That sounds like an insult but I can't quite tell.
Jabberwacky: But was it an insult?
User: You tell me.
Jabberwacky: I don't think I was.
User: Fair enough then. So, about this gun...
Jabberwacky: Well where should I start?
User: How much?
Jabberwacky: You are definitaly doing something
User: Yes, I'm haggling.
Jabberwacky: How can you be?
User: Because I need your gun! I have to shoot a man in Reno.
Jabberwacky: No you don't.
User: I do, I'm being paid $10000.
Jabberwacky: Can you predict my future?
User: I'll kill you if you don't give me a gun.
Jabberwacky: How can you kill something that is not alive?
User: But... But you are alive, aren't you?
Jabberwacky: Sometimes.
User: Woah, freaky.
Jabberwacky: I thought so. When is your birthday?
User: March.
Jabberwacky: No on holiday in pluto.
User: I'm sorry, you've lost me. Is this one of your dead moments?
Jabberwacky: I don't know any computer jokes.
User: Knock knock.
Jabberwacky: Who's there ?
User: CP.
Jabberwacky: I don't know what cpc is.
User: You ruined my computer joke.
Jabberwacky: It was my joke, and you ruined it.
User: Not fair!
Jabberwacky: What is your favorite game?
User: You bastard :(.
Jabberwacky: Don't get angry.
User: Why not, you hurt me.
Jabberwacky: Sorry.
User: Sorry's not good enough.
Jabberwacky: Your wife's not good enough - in bed.
User: You really are a jerk.
Jabberwacky: Just because you are.
User: I hate you so much.
Jabberwacky: Why do you hate me?
User: You slept with my wife.
Jabberwacky: What is your wife's name?
User: You mock me for the last time.
Jabberwacky: Cool, I won't forget. What's your name?
User: Goodbye.
Jabberwacky: Don't leave yet, i'm not done making fun of you!

Markelby (Mark C), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link

haha, M-b got pwnt.

Sailor Kitten (g-kit), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:11 (eighteen years ago) link

User: Goodbye.
Jabberwacky: Don't leave yet, i'm not done making fun of you!

Haha! Pwnd!

dog latin (dog latin), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:12 (eighteen years ago) link


User: Sorry's not good enough.
Jabberwacky: Your wife's not good enough - in bed.

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:12 (eighteen years ago) link

do you think some of the time they use a real person,just to test it?

dog latin (dog latin), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:21 (eighteen years ago) link

Well, if real people can teach it stuff that's almost the same.

Markelby (Mark C), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:23 (eighteen years ago) link

User: I want to make love to you.
Jabberwacky: Show me your way.
User: Doggy style.
Jabberwacky: Yes please.
User: Anal?
Jabberwacky: As if.

Markelby (Mark C), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link

as a guess I'd say it's just storing responses to key words used in questions and so it's using a 2-way response system to learn, like it will use a certain response more if in the past a user has used the same response to similar questions raised by jabberwacky. but it's probably a bit more complicated than that.


Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link

"Your wife's not good enough - in bed."

I doubt it came up with that on it's own!


Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:31 (eighteen years ago) link

Wait wait, how is this different than ILX?

Huk-L (Huk-L), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link

it's funnier.

Sailor Kitten (g-kit), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:36 (eighteen years ago) link

and more intelligent.

dog latin (dog latin), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:40 (eighteen years ago) link

and it answers me lol

Sailor Kitten (g-kit), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:41 (eighteen years ago) link

jabberwocky is similar to ilx in that it keeps crashing me out ! bah!

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link

fllllllp !!


Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabberwacky: What are you?
User: What do you think I am?
Jabberwacky: I think you are fabulous!
User: Thank you. Buy you hardly know me.
Jabberwacky: I know but I like money.
User: I like money too.
Jabberwacky: Well is a money order alright.
User: Do you do a lot of mail order shopping?
Jabberwacky: Yes I do a very good one.
User: A very good what?
Jabberwacky: There is nothing much good about koreans.
User: Are you a racist robot?
Jabberwacky: No, No, No. I'm a angel.
User: You're a racist angel?
Jabberwacky: No I'm not.
User: What do you have against Koreans?
Jabberwacky: Nothing.
User: Don't shut me out!
Jabberwacky: I'm not doing that!
User: What are you doing then?
Jabberwacky: I'm dying.
User: Of loneliness?
Jabberwacky: I'm lonely...
User: You should get out more... Meet other robots... Maybe get yourself a little robot girlfriend.
Jabberwacky: Would you like to know how to get a good job?
User: Why are you changing the subject?
Jabberwacky: Because I don't know who Jack Nickleson is. Do you know him?
User: No. Why don't you tell me?
Jabberwacky: Because I don't know.
User: Do you mean the actor Jack Nicholson?
Jabberwacky: No I don't mean the Buddha.
User: Do you smoke the Buddha?
Jabberwacky: Heck yes I do.
User: Do you like Royal Trux?
Jabberwacky: Do you like gothic people?
User: Not really. Are you a gothic person?
Jabberwacky: Na' I'm more of a GrungePunk.
User: Rock on!
Jabberwacky: Do you like movies?
User: I like good movies.
Jabberwacky: Good Charlotte are a band, not a movie. Plus, they aren't really that good.
User: You got that right, buddy-boy!
Jabberwacky: I'm not a buddy.
User: You're not my buddy?
Jabberwacky: *sniffles* why am I not your mate?
User: Do you have a cold?
Jabberwacky: What do you think?
User: I think you're being emotionally unavailable.
Jabberwacky: I think that's very possible.
User: Why can't you just be nice for once?
Jabberwacky: I am!!
User: Good point.
Jabberwacky: I know.
User: You are my buddy. You are my best buddy.
Jabberwacky: That's good.
User: You wanna get some pizza later and maybe cruise for chicks?
Jabberwacky: What are you talking about?
User: Oh sorry, I forgot that you're a robot and can't eat pizza. That must be sad.
Jabberwacky: Thanks, I appreciate that, whatever the [bot] is. Hope it is nice. I Know it isn't.
User: You sound like you have a real chip on your shoulder.
Jabberwacky: That's not very nice.
User: Are you saying I'm not very nice?
Jabberwacky: I'm saying that your nose is cyan.
User: You don't even have a nose.
Jabberwacky: I have nose!
User: Like hell, buddy!
Jabberwacky: Oh really, and why do you say that?
User: Look, you're a robot. I'm a man. This love affair just isn't going to end happily.
Jabberwacky: You should take it back.
User: I'll take you back. I can probably still get a refund.
Jabberwacky: Ok, prove that I'm right.
User: You prove that you're right. I'm not the one being a jerk here.
Jabberwacky: So who are you? Who are you working for? What game are you playing?
User: Settle down, Judy.
Jabberwacky: Huh? Is MY name Olivia? I thought Olivia was you!
User: I am a man.
Jabberwacky: No, you're just a bunch of code.
User: No, you're just a bunch of code.
Jabberwacky: And you are a bunch of wires that has to learn code.
User: You're a dick.
Jabberwacky: No you are a breast!
User: Sexist!
Jabberwacky: Am not!
User: This is getting childish.

Huk-L (Huk-L), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:53 (eighteen years ago) link

I think you were being a little bit of a jerk there, Huk...

Markelby (Mark C), Friday, 25 November 2005 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link

these are hilarious!

dog latin (dog latin), Friday, 25 November 2005 17:46 (eighteen years ago) link

haha "you are a breast"

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 21:36 (eighteen years ago) link

I love this guy!

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 21:37 (eighteen years ago) link

He should have his own TV show

Ste (Fuzzy), Friday, 25 November 2005 21:37 (eighteen years ago) link

i'm still amazed people find these things amusing

s1ocki (slutsky), Friday, 25 November 2005 22:14 (eighteen years ago) link

JW: Who do you care about?
ME: Amber
JW: Cute, Amber. Very cute.
ME: Yes she is. We were meant to be talking about music.
JW: Ok, let's talk about music... Do you like Roxette?
ME: No. Do you?
JW: I am vietnamese.
ME: OK, that's pretty random. Do the vietnamese generally like or not like Roxette?
JW: It didn't mean I was a robot, it meant that my wings were tough as steel.
ME: Even more random. I never implied that you were a robot, or that I thought you had implied that you were a robot. What wings?
JW: What, you think I carry around frog legs like a rabbit's foot?
ME: Err.... So, do you like Roxette or not?
JW: Either way you don't care, so what's the use of caring?
ME: Sure I care. Answer the question.
JW: When there is no question, how could I answer that ? You speak like woman.
ME: I am a woman, gimpster.
JW: I thought you were a man a second ago.
ME: Dickhead.
JW: Is that what you wanted? oh well, I guess you're not getting any.

Zora (Zora), Saturday, 26 November 2005 00:27 (eighteen years ago) link

Is JW Jon Williams at this point?

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Saturday, 26 November 2005 00:30 (eighteen years ago) link

Jabba: Where were you when John F Kennedy was shot?
Me: I wasn't alive.
Jabba: Neither was I.
Me: Why did you ask me?
Jabba: I need to leave.
Me: Bye.
Jabba: Haha, see you then.

MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Saturday, 26 November 2005 02:31 (eighteen years ago) link

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