Friend Infected With Right Wing Brain Worms - What to Do?

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I very intentionally omitted any mention of fault or blame from what I wrote earlier. If you 'win' the demographic jackpot most favored by our society, you have decidedly more control over your fate than do those who are born or who self-select (eg, religion) into groups which have historically been othered and oppressed. This is not to say you won't face obstacles and hardships and all kinds of shit beyond your control, but you have a significantly better chance of overcoming those hardships than someone with a similar background who also happens to be brown or gay or a woman.

"you're coming off a little like "so he posted a bunch of swastikas. what's the big deal? i've never seen that symbol before, is it a thing or something? from what i've been able to gather it seems like"

ok this is bullshit. you are accusing me of things i am not saying. Dr. C i love talking with you about music or video games or movies or whatever but you need to rethink this hostility

Casino 100% OTM, since Ethan Van Sciver is the most significant proponent of gamergate2.

chilis=lyrics...hypocrits (sic), Monday, 14 May 2018 22:14 (six years ago) link

not bad faith, if you were trying to express something that wasn't entirely reductive and banal it doesn't come across to me no matter how many times i look the sentence over

new board description

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 22:19 (six years ago) link

I don’t think Dr. C was being at all hostile, either! just exasperated because these events and jerks are very readily searchable and most people seem to have a handle on what we’re talking about without describing them in detail in-thread

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 22:21 (six years ago) link

If you 'win' the demographic jackpot most favored by our society, you have decidedly more control over your fate than do those who are born or who self-select (eg, religion) into groups which have historically been othered and oppressed. This is not to say you won't face obstacles and hardships and all kinds of shit beyond your control, but you have a significantly better chance of overcoming those hardships than someone with a similar background who also happens to be brown or gay or a woman.


No, white doodz (of whom I am one), it's not that you've had an easy life. Or that everything bad in your life is wholly your fault.

It's simply that the things that were hard for you would have been HARDER for someone coming from different circumstances. And if you're a reasonably well-adjusted, self-reliant individual, it does you no harm to recognize that.

bed, bath, and beyond the thunderdome (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 14 May 2018 22:38 (six years ago) link

this thread is very long and hard to read but nonetheless here's my experiences:

my friend from school J, who I didn't see for a good five years, moved to a flat beside mine a few years ago, and we ended up reconnecting. J is a good person - she is funny, and thoughtful, and honest. But she has also suffered in her life at the hands of abusive family and bullying for her weight. Her first proper boyfriend (who she met three years ago, at 28 years old) was a horrible man who dealt Class A drugs and told his flatmates that it wasn't a problem for them to walk in and watch them have sex. J has some really fucked up ideas about her own self-worth because of this, but she also has some horrible opinions about women and feminism, "she wore a short dress so she was giving off the signals she wanted it" basic horror stuff. Speaking with mutual friends, it's clear that J's problematic antifeminist views are a result of internalising shitty behaviour from men about her appearance and value and how she's processed some of the things that happened to her - I think its easier for her to believe it's her fault than she spend two years hung up on a bad bastard. I've tried to suggest the wrongness of this internal thought process but it doesn't work at all. Interstingly she loves RuPaul's Drag Race and from watching that has developed some of the most compassionate and supportive stances on LGBT issues. So when she says other problematic stuff, my belief is it's borne out of ignorance and fear, and the best way to deal with that isn't to hector her but to keep introducing her to culture that will unprovocatively change her mind.

my partner's cousin's partner is obsessed with Glasgow Rangers and of course all the accompanying sectarian chat. He is very right-wing. He is also 18 and his social life consists of travelling across Scotland to watch games. I think for him it's about the drinking and the community spirit, and from that he's developed some *interesting opinions* on a lot of things but mainly Catholics and Muslims. I'm not particularly close to him and so I don't have the opportunity to challenge him on it regularly, instead we do a lot of awkward squirming when we hear the conversation steer in any direction. I wish I could say something to him but the family dynamic isn't right for it to be my place.

my brother has had a lot of problems in his life - he took our parents splitting up hard and we've had other issues. At 13 he was drinking and smoking weed, and spent ten years moving through various uppers and downers as habits before deciding to get clean... which led to a gambling addiction to replace the substance abuse. He's moved on from all that and keeps himself occupied by drumming in a band he joined who recruited him via an online ad. The guys in the band are all in their 50s where my brother is not yet 30. They're a typical skinhead oi! band who sing songs about vigilante paedophile hunters. In other words my brother has joined a right-wing band. I don't think he ever realised because, by his own admission, politics isn't his thing. But he says things like "I don't think Tommy Robinson is racist, just Islamaphobic and that's understandable" and we've had full-on arguments in the pub over it. With my brother it's different - I know he's better than this and he's just so easily led astray. It's not an excuse - he chooses to invest time with these people who feed his head full of nonsense, and he says these things out loud by himself - but it's hard to stand back and let him just fall into this utter shit and I struggle to not fight him on it constantly, even though I know it does no good whatsoever.

boxedjoy, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 07:49 (six years ago) link

The lack of a proper dad figures a lot into it for me, complex situation but the lack of a proper structure growing up, with no underlying feelings of security or safety, I think factored in a lot into wanting a black and white world of certainty where things are what they appear to be, and not unnecessarily complicated. So therefore, If you cant touch it then it doesn't exist and the people that are saying these things, are just trying to muddy the waters and deflect from what is obvious to them (no different to when people use overly flowery words that aren't appropriate to a situation and it feels like they are playing a trick) - a desire not for 'simpler times' but for solidity and certainty. 'Just get things done and stop whinging about it'

Some crossover with the 'masculinity' thread maybe?, which I haven't even looked at, but in terms of solidity and structure in the house growing up, and what happens if thats not something you can rely on.

This is why sometimes the things that sound like somebody else's words being parroted, is true! They are someone else's words, tried and tested with 28 million views on youtube or twitter or whatever. Those words appear solid, they got a million likes, then they got attacked which led to a million more likes, the security and certainty of being on the right side of a battle, knowing where you stand. Discussion and debate, and talking about stuff - these are all things which weaken that worked-for certainty, not strengthen it, so why would they want to open the door to all that again?

anvil, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 08:18 (six years ago) link

there's a difference between productive conversation and changing worldviews. discussions can be productive in that they develop and reinforce views or give a sense of purpose or engagement to the participants without being agreeable or polite or whatever (obv you can also get some of this from singing hymns, watching the worst youtube videos, or engaging w all sorts of culture that involves language; debate is not a totally unique activity imo). this will always happen down fault lines bc that's how discourse works.

but yeah in terms of changing ppl's minds I think it's best approached obliquely initially. humour is important, not so much in terms of witty takedowns or w/e but more just being good humoured, being yourself and being relaxed. more than anything I increasingly think that just being open and visible about what you believe makes a difference. seeing ppl thoughtfully and good-naturedly espousing their views grounds and humanises things, esp if they seem more appealing than yr radgy online culture warriors

ogmor, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 08:20 (six years ago) link

As a general thing, people need to be reminded that the extent to which their own demographic info overlaps with that of a cisgender white Christian American male without some sort of physical or mental disability is the extent to which their problems are probably largely of their own making.

I know I know, the US, but the not seeing money/class in the list is very odd - Mark Zuckerberg's problems are more of his making than those of a coal miner - or those of the coal miner's teenage son, right?

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 10:30 (six years ago) link

Mo' money, mo' problems, iirc.

Yes, of course there are a myriad of other factors that open doors for people and allow them to create whole new sets of problems for themselves. And a lack of money, education, etc. definitely make for bigger hurdles, but the fact remains that those arenas are far more easily navigable for the demographics I mentioned.

aren't we talking a bit past each other when some ppl are mentioning problems like depression and addiction, but the comicsgate grievances are more "straight white men can't find jobs/representation in the comics industry any more"?

Like I can totally get being upset at anyone minimizing these issues, no matter how privileged the person affected, but when it comes to "discrimination" in the comics industry Old Lunch is totally OTM

Daniel_Rf, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 12:22 (six years ago) link

xp that's totally true, but it'd also be true for any smaller collection of those attributes. I just think that if you're going to say "the more you match this list the more your problems are largely of their own making" - which is both true and an important point - then money needs to be on the list.

Daniel OTM about Old Lunch being OTM!

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 12:31 (six years ago) link

When people who have (and particularly people who've inherited the gains achieved by those before them) fail to appreciate how they got what they have, they begin to take what they have for granted, to expect. Expectation is bundled with the notion of deserving what you have, of having earned it. Which suggests that people who don't have what you have must not deserve it. And if they want what you have, it must entail something being taken from you, something you've earned. If you're stuck in this mindset of victimhood, under siege by some undeserving other, and the privilege you've enjoyed is compromised for any reason, the tendency may be to start laying blame upon that other. Because if you deserve and have earned what you have and expect it to continue unabated, if you're the unquestioned hero of your own narrative, then someone else has to be the villain. And this entire complex is further complicated by the fallacy of viewing privilege as some finite resource, of thinking that you're going to suffer some great loss because someone who doesn't look like you insists on asserting their personhood.

(NB, It's early yet and that may not be entirely coherent.)

There's also the aspect where resource is some finite resource, and privilege is what gets you more resource (CF 500 media studies papers about the rise in popularity of zombie movies (including particularly "grimy" zombie mobs) in a world starting to think about serious resources shortages in the medium term)

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 12:37 (six years ago) link

It probably goes without saying here, but a lot of the butthurt defensiveness on the part of the privileged when they feel their privilege being compromised is probably informed by their understanding, on some level, that they in fact did not earn much of the privilege they enjoy, that the disparity that enables their privilege was gained through oppression, by generations of those in a position of privilege gaming the system in their favor. That's a tough pill to swallow, so many opt for the red pill instead.

the whole blame argument is one i've not much stomach for anyway. is it my fault i suffer from severe clinical depression? no, not really, and christ it doesn't fucking matter. i can whine all day about how unfair it is that i'm depressed and nothing is going to change. i am still responsible for what i say and do, no matter how many cognitive distortions and outright delusions i have to deal with. these right-wingers today seem to lack almost entirely any sense of personal responsibility. whenever something goes wrong for them it's always somebody else's fault. until and unless that changes there's nothing at all i, or anyone else, can do to help.

and yeah, the just world fallacy needs to die in a fire.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 12:51 (six years ago) link

on second thought, best bet is just hammering ppl over the head w generalised statements about privilege & responsibility, anyone that thinks this is useless has quit too soon

ogmor, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 12:54 (six years ago) link

xxp Also a fear that the pendulum will swing back, and an appeal that it shouldn't swing back further than fair, because that wouldn't be fair! I mean in practice that means pointing at any move to the centre as the necessary correction that we can stop with now, right?

"True feminists want equality, but these fake feminists want to subjugate men"

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 13:01 (six years ago) link

on second thought, best bet is just hammering ppl over the head w generalised statements about privilege & responsibility, anyone that thinks this is useless has quit too soon

― ogmor

hey if you want to spend your time giving alt-righters the soft sell about why they should be decent human beings be my guest, i agree with you that it's probably essential to give people an out. i'm not trying to change anybody's mind and i'm not handing out carrots.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 13:31 (six years ago) link

I read this in theroot yesterday and it seems applicable here. "Most people don’t want equality; they are simply seeking their opportunity to play the oppressor." I really hope that in the original post where lb is talking about his friend "owning sjw's" that only includes healthy debate and not, like, sending strangers rape threats.

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 13:43 (six years ago) link

i don't think that's true at all. i don't want to oppress anybody, i just have an insatiable desire for revenge based on real or perceived slights.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 13:51 (six years ago) link

here is some ComicsGate BS, right on cue:

Neil S, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:06 (six years ago) link

Oh, I totally have that too. But my basis for revenge is on specific people that I know.

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:07 (six years ago) link

I think there's something in the gulf between "these guys are just angry because people are paying attention to people who _aren't them_" and the anecdotes boxedjoy mentioned. All of those examples sound very familiar, but inherited attitudes and family dynamics or organically starting to absorb some political opinions from a new social group seem like a different animal from the mostly online gamergate/comicsgate groups.

There's something particular vicious about the pointed "punish the people we think are outliers" mentality when they're creating actual lists of names and attacking people. I guess it's completely on the table as opposed to glancing at a picture of women in an office and mumbling "oh, well you know how THEY got there" but honestly, the online mob is doing that, too. And that more insidious attitude, which occurs even in people who are otherwise reasonable, is where they gain ground.

mh, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:14 (six years ago) link

ugh, that article. I mean it shouldn't be a revolutionary thought that white men's stories have been centered in this world for so long that it's utterly boring to always have them as a protagonist/writer. I don't know when it subconsciously changed for me but I have very little interest in consuming culture from that viewpoint. In this world, and me not being a white man, it is not interesting in the slightest.

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:19 (six years ago) link

yeah apart from all the other nonsense that comic looks appallingly bland and boring

Neil S, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:20 (six years ago) link

Like, I am watching the second season of Billions right now and all these dudes are sooooo boring (granted I worked in finance for a decade so none of this is novel to me.) Thank goodness they put in a non-binary character to give it an interesting character.

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:23 (six years ago) link

I can only imagine that the industry's response will serve as a wake-up call to the creators of that comic, that they'll see this widespread repudiation of their viewpoint as a sign of its unacceptability, and that they will attempt to reign in their childish vitriol in the hope of being accepted as professionals that the industry will once again feel comfortable hiring.

Did u like my joke, y/n.

Or they can create graphics for dick supplements.

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:29 (six years ago) link

As a straight white cis American dude, I agree that pretty much all of the stories about people like me are unnecessary and played out.

At least like in Bojack, they had the good sense to make the depressed, alcoholic, ego/ennui-centric dude a horse.

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:35 (six years ago) link

Here's just one of the things about these Jawbreakers knuckleheads: you know they're going to have a massive tantrum over Antarctic cancelling their comic, but...fer chrissakes, you already raised $250 grand. Go self-publish your stupid, hateful little tract if you have to. I get the feeling they went through an established publisher in part to engineer a predictable situation they could then express butthurt about.

I do experience a mild enjoyment every time one of the idiots in this vein does something as a knee-jerk reaction that looks infinitely dumber than what they're protesting

mh, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:40 (six years ago) link

I mean it shouldn't be a revolutionary thought that white men's stories have been centered in this world for so long that it's utterly boring to always have them as a protagonist/writer. I don't know when it subconsciously changed for me but I have very little interest in consuming culture from that viewpoint. In this world, and me not being a white man, it is not interesting in the slightest.

this post resonated with me enough to pipe up even though talking about this topic is akin to jumping into a cesspool. i realized this when i realized that i wanted to read to understand the stories of people who were not like me. reading about myself is pretty boring since i have to be myself every day for the rest of my life. i would much rather read about someone whose experience i would have no way of knowing unless i read about it. i was probably 12? reading men's stories was part of that, since i am not a man and was curious for a while about what they thought. that phase lasted about as long as my indie snob phase, maybe 3-4 years. i don't have a problem reading stories written by men as much as stories centered around the experiences of men.

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:45 (six years ago) link

and even then, there are plenty of interesting stories about men's experiences.
specifically i definitely don't ever need to read another author like richard yates again

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:47 (six years ago) link

The Root got their own Gamergater in the comments the other day, which was interesting: - search for SeriouslyMike

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:47 (six years ago) link

The vast majority of my reading over the past several years has been very pointedly about exposing myself to perspectives different than my own and trying to understand the historical context that informs the power dynamics we experience today. I feel like I learn something revelatory every day, and many of the things I learn are almost certainly part of the daily lived experience of someone in a less privileged position than me.

I'm sure it's surprising no one to note that the vast majority of comics DC and Marvel publish are still from the perspective of straight white males. And that even when high profile characters get turned into Not That - Thor, Cap, Iron Man - this usually lasts a short period of time before the original characters return. So it's not like ComicsGate is a reaction to any kind of real attempt to radically alter the demographic make-up of superhero characters, it's just now it's 85% straight white male protagonists as opposed to 95%.

Daniel_Rf, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:57 (six years ago) link

i think a lot of it is being really, really mad that kamala khan ms. marvel is selling like gangbusters at barnes and noble, and there's nothing they can do about it.

noel gallaghah's high flying burbbhrbhbbhbburbbb (Doctor Casino), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:59 (six years ago) link

I think there's a shade of now that the high profile characters have reverted, the SJWs responsible for the original aberration should learn their lesson and resign in shame. NB this is not how any part of that works.

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 15:06 (six years ago) link

I think that comfort and defining the edges of identity are huge when it comes to how comfortable people are with a diversity of writers. When I was younger, and had a lot fewer life experiences, my ability to relate to nearly any writer was pretty low. Because I was young, not that outgoing socially, and it was all somewhat foreign. But I did gravitate to writers with backgrounds that weren't that dissimilar to my own because there's this baseline where, especially if you're a novice when it comes to fiction, you can start to delineate your own views within those of characters. This guy is like me, but I'm more vocal, less outgoing, less worldly, more cynical.

You get something completely different from fiction, especially first-person fiction, when you're reading from the perspective of someone who has a much different background. And it's both liberating and enlightening, and I really don't think a lot of readers or even writers get that. Especially the writers who write characters who are different from themselves that come off as a caricature of what the writer thinks they'd be like.

It's been mentioned before on ilx but comics writer (among other professional works) Christopher Priest has written about his experiences in comics and his years of turning down work because he was only approached to write black characters. Which makes absolutely no sense, because he's a good writer and I've never read anything he did with a white male character and thought "wow, he got white guys completely wrong." But it's a low key indictment of everyone else in the industry -- editors really can't expect other people to write black characters and get them right

mh, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 15:08 (six years ago) link

And this entire complex is further complicated by the fallacy of viewing privilege as some finite resource, of thinking that you're going to suffer some great loss because someone who doesn't look like you insists on asserting their personhood.

(NB, It's early yet and that may not be entirely coherent.)

― The lovely and talented Loretta Switt and the irascible Jamie Farr (Old Lunch), Tuesday, May 15, 2018 1:32 PM (three hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

As a straight white cis American dude, I agree that pretty much all of the stories about people like me are unnecessary and played out.

― The lovely and talented Loretta Switt and the irascible Jamie Farr (Old Lunch), Tuesday, May 15, 2018 3:31 PM (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

I think your second post here kind of explains the 'fallacy' you mention in the first post - I think these comicsgate ppl know that there are still plenty of comics (and other forms of media) about white males, for the most part it seems like what they get defensive about is the idea that stories about white males are inherently worthless? and they see the idea that white male stories are unnecessary and played out as implicit/explcit in the celebration of the (still a minority of stories) that aren't about white men (which it is in some of the celebrations). like, if you agree these stories are 'unnecessary and played out' then you are talking about a finite resource, in terms of what stories are meaningful?

when white guys cheerfully agree that stories about white guys are 'unnecessary' I guess I ... just don't buy it at some level? It feels disingenuous somehow, like it's a way of transmuting self-effacement into smugness. when white guys say things like 'the vast majority of my reading over the past several years has been very pointedly about exposing myself to perspectives different than my own' - if a white male reads a story it's filtered through his white male perspective just as much as when a white male writes a story, regardless of whether the protagonist is a white male or not - you literally can't get away from the white male pov! if you accept that white male stories are unnecessary and played out then that applies to both output and input? the logical endpoint of accepting these seems like accepting the worthlessness of everything you think, say and do, not just what you write?

soref, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 16:48 (six years ago) link

I think you are overthinking it, the bottom line is they are outraged by the existence of things that they personally do not want to read

aloha darkness my old friend (katherine), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 16:54 (six years ago) link

This is a good article an ilxor posted today. "We are as a culture moving on to a future with more people and more voices and more possibilities. Some people are being left behind, not because the future is intolerant of them but because they are intolerant of this future."

Yerac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:01 (six years ago) link

otm. All this also entirely disregards the fact that women in many genres are expected to empathise with male protagonists and POVs. There’s a plurality of male perspectives and protagonists in most genres, and giving the argument any oxygen ignores the fact that they are angry that women/poc/lgbt people are present at all or reminding them of their existence.

gyac, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:02 (six years ago) link

Reaching back to omar's post a good 100 posts ago:

rants about "benefits scroungers" (even though he was on the "rock'n'roll" himself for the best part of a decade)

I've encountered this one enough times to see a pattern and it strikes me that this is usually based in shame about their earlier self, who they outgrew and now reject with a certain amount of self-loathing. Then they project that earlier self, who they now loathe, upon everyone else getting benefits. The fact that they were once in a similar position, far from making them more sympathetic, just reminds them how much they dislike remembering themselves as they were then.

A is for (Aimless), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:06 (six years ago) link

"nobody came to help me when I was on food stamps!"

mh, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:17 (six years ago) link

id say yere awful close to solving it now folks

gneb farts (darraghmac), Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:25 (six years ago) link

Some people are being left behind, not because the future is intolerant of them but because they are intolerant of this future. White men, Protestants from the dominant culture are welcome, but as Chris Evans noted, the story isn’t going to be about them all the time, and they won’t always be the ones telling it. This country has room for everybody who believes that there’s room for everybody.

this is hard to square with

I don't know when it subconsciously changed for me but I have very little interest in consuming culture from that viewpoint. In this world, and me not being a white man, it is not interesting in the slightest.

As a straight white cis American dude, I agree that pretty much all of the stories about people like me are unnecessary and played out.

(obviously if you're not interested in these stories that's fine and you're not under any any obligation to - but this reads like you're saying that their redundancy more than just subjective. and I know this is all rhetorical and actually existing culture from a white male perspective is plentiful and not about to disappear any time soon, but I think a lot 'comicsgate' and similar is more about theory and principle rather than actual situation, both among supporters and detractors?

soref, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:29 (six years ago) link

almost namechecked you earlier, darragh

the flak you point in my direction is, to a fault, true when it comes to dealing with people one-on-one, in real life. I talk trash about people, I worry about friends without cutting them off or explaining the flaws in their beliefs, I do all that shit. talking about this stuff, the macro scale of why people adopt these attitudes... it's not always applicable to every person

but really you come off as if we're being condescending amateur social scientists and you expect we should just go "well, the lads are trash" and knock off to the pub or just not talk about this shit at all

I mean, that might not be what you're getting at, but it's how I usually take it. which, fair, you've got to draw a line somewhere

mh, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 17:33 (six years ago) link

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