The longest, freakiest conspiracy email yet. MUST READ! Opinions please!

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I don't know where I confused Judaism and Zionism or where anyone challenged the veracity of the Durban conference but keep tilting at those windmills, Nude Spock.

It's a lot easier to toss out red herrings than to explain why you felt it was so important that everyone read an article that argues, among other things, that the Mossad-controlled Kennedy-killing CIA bombed the WTC in order to hasten the arrival of the One World Government. Or why you've twice supplied ILM with anti-Semetic screeds and told us all that they were fascinating must-read material.

fritz, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I know you're going to argue that you don't accept that Jewish conspiracy angle, it is the other parts of the e-mail's argument that interest you. But if I read an essay saying,
"Black people deserved to be enslaved. Black people are lazy. The civil war was largely fought for economic reasons. Black people are probably conspiring to kill all the white people."

I could say, "Wow, that freaks me out. I mean, other than the stuff about black people, he made a really good point.", but I'd be more likely to say, "Why am I reading this crap?".

fritz, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

and yesyes vietnam section of article in particular was anti-semetic. and i suspect that mr. spock is a bit more of a floater above reality than many of us -- hence insensitivity to various things plus willingness to buy weird theories. (Altho... now enuf of the fix is in that i think it's outlandish, but... 1,2-5 hours after the WTC attack, even a v. v. shaken up day, i could imagine rouge mossad types having some relation to it.)

Sterling Clover, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

And also, there is no conspiracy theory however outlandish and bizzare and scary-wrong that could be less probable than Mr. Bush's conspiracy theory about people who "hate America because of our freedom."

Sterling Clover, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Fritz, it appears to me to be a conspiracy theory. What is interesting and coincidental is that the US could be seen to have benefitted from the destruction of it's own property. Forget your confusing Zionism and Israel with Jews in general.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ok. Spock, we'll forget my confusion. I was really out in space there, huh? jeez louise. The nerve of this guy.

fritz, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Mr. Bush is also the one who oversimplified the Durban conference as "everyone is picking on Israel" and "antisemetic and hateful" when, in fact, some very serious charges were signed and agreed on by an large organization that intends to wipe out racism, xenophobia, etc. Israel and America are the only two who pulled out.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes, you were, Fritz and you can't even figure out why.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

no I can't. show me, you patronising ignorant git.

fritz, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Re: 'He who benefits must be culprit' theory...

So if my next album, a dismal and gloomy opus, sells a million copies because the world has post-WTC blues, I become the new number one terror suspect? Makes sense...

Momus, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I have shown you repeatedly, you pompous ass. Go back and look. Better for you, find where I've said that I agree with this. Now, find out where you fucked up and said it was non-factual, when it actually is factual. Now, find out where I said, "It is factual" and "it is conjecture". From the beginning! It has both elements as do most conspiracy theories! Imagine that! You couldn't read from the beginning! You were too busy following your own agenda of proving this a jew-hating email to be concerned with any part of it that is factual. Yay! Take out all the subjective reasoning, and you will still be left with a long list of facts that are interesting, irrelevant to this email you find so insulting.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

uh... ns... that email, at least portions of it, is anti-semetic. and if the author or you or anyone thinks that that's just a theory, and "conjecture" then that's why fritz is worked up. because "conjecture" like that has been linked to many bad things happening to many jewish people over the past hundered or two years.

Sterling Clover, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Re: 'He who benefits must be culprit' theory...

It works for Enron, but I'm not so sure it work for someone staffed in the mail department at Enron who made an Enron blues album.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sterling, I do understand that! I'm not saying or supporting this conjecture and I never did!!

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What I want to know, Nude, is why you got this mailing in the first place? Nobody else seems to have got it. Did someone inscribe your name on some right-wing mailing list, perhaps linked to this mysterious 'American Freedom News' which gets cited several times in the (rabidly anti-semitic, ludicrously paranoid) text?

Momus, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

If only anti-semitism were just two hundred years old. Why is there no mention of the Nazi propaganda being handed out on the steps of the Durban conference? And why nothing about how what Israel and the U.S. were actually objecting to was presenting evidence about Israel's attack on the Palestinian but absofuckinglutely nothing about Palestinians attacking Israelis?

bnw, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Here's what the American Freedom News, cited several times in the doc, says about itself. Pretty clear where these guys are coming from...

'our mission...

American Freedom Net, Inc. provides the American people with an alternative source of information free from the propaganda and liberal bias of the national television network newscasts.  Proudly proclaiming our constitutional right to freedom of the press, American Freedom Net, Inc. is an independent news network dedicated to exposing corruption, foreign intelligence espionage, government tyranny, unconstitutional laws and regulations, socialism, political correctness, media bias, political propaganda, the erosion of American sovereignty and UN global governance.

our purpose...

American Freedom Net, Inc. is dedicated to upholding the noble Christian and patriotic heritage of our honorable Founding Fathers of the United States of America.  As a news reporting organization, we zealously guard the historic roots of this great nation under God.  We affirm our commitment to the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America.  We believe our rights come from God - not government.  We believe it is the duty and responsibility of all citizens to safeguard our freedoms and liberties from all forms of tyranny - including the tyranny of a national news media that has made an alliance with national and international political and corporate interests to abolish the sovereignty of the USA and force Old Glory to bow to a global governmental system based in the United States.

Momus, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

This is obviously not worth continuing for me and I really don't want to continue the degeneration of this argument into name-calling. I'm not calling you an antisemite. I'll accept you at your word that you are not.

I am just shocked at your ability to only see what's interesting to you and to disregard the context in which you find information. I don't see how you can find component parts of a deeply flawed argument to be fascinating. I don't understand how you can sift through bullshit that you acknowledge as bullshit and expect to find something revealing. I also don't see how you could post something with such a hateful undertone and not at least acknowledge this in your introduction.

Have you seen the documentary "Dr. Death"? Your logic reminds me very much of the subject of that film. Not so much hateful, but so eager to be part of a big discovery that you are willing to ignore the weakness of the methods which produce the results you seek. Good luck to you.

fritz, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

All I've been trying to say is some of these facts are freaky. I have no problem with people discrediting the jist of the message, but disregarding facts based on a tone that is offensive is just annoying to me, though I understand that the message's tone is annoying, also. I just hoped it to hear more opinions that just a blanket statement that this is antisemetic horseshit.

I agree that some guy has got ahold of a whole bunch of facts and factoids and created a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories generally have a conspiratorial spin on them. This email made me consider the possibility that the USA had a lot to gain from this war; strengthening ties with allies and destroying a common enemy, monetary gains, shuffling old problems under the carpet, etc. If anything, to me, this just read as an international governmental conspiracy, not a "Jews are ruining the earth conspiracy". But, that could be simply because I disregard that sort of thinking as idiotic. Governments aren't very trustworthy- that much is true. But, it's quite another thing to believe you can't trust "the jews".

I got this email because I have a hotmail account that apparantly belonged to someone named "Corey" at one point and I get about 80 spams in 2 or 3 days. I actually read this one because it's subject was "911, very interesting reading".

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

bweiss, the thinking about that is probably similar to if there was a war in America and the USA took up a program of ethnic cleansing of Mexicans to rid our country of them and we succeeded.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

that's it... i'm outa this thread, which is where i should have stayed from the start.

Sterling Clover, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

... Incidentally, I'm not saying that thinking would be correct. Mexicans aren't going around causing a crapload of trouble. I'm just saying ethnic cleansing is racism and that's the accusation, even if it is the pot calling the kettle black.

Fritz, thank you very much for saying that. That took a heapload of weight off my chest. Honestly, I blazed through the middle of that email the first time (the part about JFK didn't even stick to my ribs, as I'm sick to death of that conspiracy). I should have put a disclaimer at the beginning, but I thought we would all see this email for what it was and people would proceed into interesting point/counterpoint arguments about what is actually factual in the post. I really didn't think we'd get stuck on this antisemetic bent and I apologize to anyone who believes I am not sympathetic to this.

As for previous "antisemetic" posts I've been accused of making, this was in regards to an anti-RELIGION (all sorts) website. Ethan went to the website, found a page about zionist ethnic cleansing and offered it as proof that I was an antisemite. The website, in fact, was attacking all religions based on their cultural history and faulty scripture, fault beliefs, faulty leaders that lead to crimes against humanity.

I'm not a Christian right-winger or a bigot in the least bit.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

So, then, are we all relatively certain we have found the enemy in Islam fanatics? That's all I was really interested in hearing about. I haven't entertained the notion that the US was up to no good until yesterday. I actually did take this email w/ a grain of salt, but I also pointed out "I don't know what to think anymore".

In Queens, where I live, I've overheard all kinds of conversations from all sorts of people (not Muslims) that will murmur about how they feel the US bombed it's own buildings. I've heard it getting my hair cut, in a bar, at a diner, in a bagelry. It really made me mad each time, because shortly after 911 I really was convinced it was Bin Laden and Al Quaida and that these people just found it more exciting to be contrary and suspicious.

I am still fairly convinced, but I can also see this whole thing as some sort of set-up. What's scary about it to me is that things seem to have been set in motion for a NWO big brother planet. I am NOT scared that Jews are taking over the earth!!

Some of the things I'm talking about were presented in the email (i.e. new laws further infringing on our rights and internet rights), but also just weird things like implant ID chips with global satellite tracking systems that are supposed to prevent terrorism, nationwide banks have been loosening regulations to prevent illegal aliens from setting up accounts for some reason in the past 4 years, the eurodollar is invented. I know it's out there stuff that I shouldn't be overly-concerned with, but if I think about it from a different perspective, I realize that the world really is getting smaller and smaller. I can see a NWO actually happening in the next century and all the events that caused it will seem less coincidental as time marches on and the history books take one perspective on these issues. The winner gets to write the history books, right? Most believe what's "commonly believed", leaving those with contrary viewpoints to hang out with the Moonies and the loonies. I think a lot of people believe JFK was assassinated by our gov't, but most everyone else is content to think they're weirdos.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

nudo mio, my "tossah" was *meant* in a kind of friendly exasperated way, hence the millions of smileys and stuck-out tongues — but whatever

i still think if you'd taken ten minutes to format it and make yr position clearer at the outset then you might have got a bit quicker to the discussion YOU wanted to have about it, and not have to wade through ppl guessing

the channel four doc abt the structural reasons for the collapse of the WTC was very detailed and interesting. it felt like a britmade programme so maybe it hasn't shown in the US...

mark s, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

So basically, Marcello Carlin and Nude Spock are exactly the kind of people I would never show up at a party with, because girls won't even talk to me once they hear I came in the same car as those guys.

Ramosi, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Mark, you're right. I apologize for throwing some names back at you AND fritz. Everyone had a right to be irrate and I was at fault for not being crystal clear from the onset and then expecting people to know where I'm coming from. I often take it that the people I talk to on the net "know me" and therefore "know what I mean" and I often assume people attacking me just don't like me and are looking for any opportunity to do so.

Oh well, it would be nice if anyone had any further thoughts regarding 911, but I'm doubting this thread has much of a future. Sorry for the upset.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Explosions: of course there would be explosions at the WTC - the planes crashing would alone cause explosions, and fireballs...which could cause further explosions. There were explosions when elevator doors from the hotter stories opened onto the lower floors, etc..

The WTC was built to withstand the collision itself *physically*...but not the other compounding factors - distortion of steel, the fuel load, and fires.

Here is one perspective. There are differences of opinion as to the cause of the collapse itself, but not the cause of the attack on the building, i.e., not 'bombs'.

Kerry, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm not trying to say you're wrong, Kerry, I just want to point out they are talking about IMplosions which wouldn't be caused by a jet. A jet WOULD cause EXplosions. IMplosions are how they generally and safely get rid of buildings in big cities. Thanks for the link, i will check it now...

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oh, ok, I see what you're saying. Yeah, I believe that. It's a reitteration/reconfirmation of things I heard and read a month or two ago (but in more detail- thanks) that I had forgotten were convincing the first time through. Still, I'm no architect, but if architects agree that this is what should have happened, as they do, then, who am I to call "foul"? I remember people saying it pancaked just like it was supposed to. The only question this email raised in my mind was whether or not a jet would create enough heat to melt a floor and create the pancake effect. It seems the answer is "yes". I really wonder why echelon's report of the threat wasn't enough to stop this. Oh wait, I just remembered that the FBI would have had to lock down the whole country in order to stop the terrorists from hijacking any possible aircraft-- and now things are falling back into sensible place, I guess. Perhaps the whole thing has just left me utterly mindfucked, because frankly, whatever is it the truth of the matter, I can't see a peaceful end in site!

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

As a sort of final commentary on why I presented this post in this manner, when some obviously think I shouldn't have presented it at all, I'll quote myself: "So, I got this rather long thing that I at first felt was sensationalist but then realized it seemed pretty realistic and has many true insights". My computer crashed the first time I tried to post the thing as one post. After 10 minutes of restarting, re-entering hotmail, figuring out how much I could copy and paste at a time, etc., I worded the intro so that hopefully people would bother to read the lengthy email, despite it's flaws as a CONSPIRACY THEORY, which I described as "sensationalist", understanding I wasn't entirely smitten with it's contents. It wasn't fully thought out, but I know that I thought the contrast of "sensationalist" with "pretty realistic" and "MANY true insights" would be enough to see where I was coming from. I thought I was conveying that this was obviously not entirely true or entirely realistic, just a conspiracy theory. I see now, that it is not obvious which points I thought were "pretty realistic" and which insights were true. I thought that saying *MANY* true insights was enough to qualify the post, along with saying that it was "freaky" and "sensationalist". I should have been crystal clear, as I said. it still seems odd that certain people who responded (Geoff, Clover) seemed to know where I was coming from and others (fritz, mark, ethan) seemed to be content to cattleprod me as a racist. Ned always seems to be a model example and I really should take a lesson from him. Once again, sorry.

Would anyone like to talk about 911 as a conspiracy and the probabilities of each of the (quite possibly) unrelated coincidences? We could really go beyond this antisemetism thing if we tried.

Nude Spock, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I would also like to go on record as saying I've gathered Momus is completey boring and lame, his contribution to this thread being the least original response one could hope to get, similar to the feelings I had when I stupidly bought the "urban folk" album. It surprises me that anyone would be interested in this sort of mundane collegiate self-expression, especially the one who is wrongly self-absorbed enough to create it. Write another song about your penis.

Nude spock, Saturday, 2 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

(i didn't cattleprod you as racist, nude spock, just as being — i thought — a bit frustrating and unclear: "suspect" i admit was a poor word, because what i meant was i was pretty sure your deep theory couldn't redeem itself because you hadn't dealt with the central flaw in the first email; and i wasn't going to spend hours ploughing through unconnected anecdotal details when you weren't dealing with that central crippling problem...

NWO theories fall at the same fence, don't they?: is the US govt already secretly on board and enthusiastically for an NWO, or is it being blackmailed/tricked/bludgeoned into NWO-land against its will... because some of the evidence "points" one way and some the other, but the two cancel each other out.

mark s, Saturday, 2 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Gosh, bad record review launched as non sequitur from person who finds right wing conspiracy theory intermittently compelling, but can't spell 'anti-semitic'! Thank god he will never be employed by The Village Voice...

Momus, Saturday, 2 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Mark, I know, I meant I *thought* I was being cattleprodded as a racist. In the earlier posts I expressed that I understood where you and the rest were coming from. Momus, you're right, an anti-semite, would be anti-semitic. It's a word I don't use too often (except recently) and I'm sure I spell words wrong periodically. If I was employed by the village voice, I think I'd use spell-check. Spelling and grammar police are about the lamest of the lame and show a person for the kind of self-absorbed douche s/he really is. If someone truly has a major problem spelling even the simplest of things it might be a convenient attack to pick apart each sentence and tell them to go back to school, but spelling is still a fairly lame yardstick to measure with. Oh well.

Nude Spock, Saturday, 2 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Nude Spock you do have a point there - however - always commenting on Momus' album that would be lamest of the lame. I've been slowly digesting the post. Shall come up with any thoughts on it later.

sonny tremaine, Saturday, 2 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Spell-checking as the ultimate proof of self-absorption? Well, why not, in a world where the WTC implodes because Mossad got there with dynamite before the planes, the Federal Reserve is a weird private bank and the UN a sinister cosmopolitan threat to 'Old Glory'?

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Momus, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Nope, I'm too stoopit, ya asswipe.

Nude Spock, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Spell-checking as the ultimate proof of self-absorption?

Yeah, it's not much different than fashion judgements. It takes a little bit of thought to get this line of reasoning. I don't expect you'll "get it" anytime soon. Tell ya what, research "genius". You'll soon discover you ain't one regardeless of what that fop of a rag, the Voice, has to say regarding your lameass art.

Nude Spock, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

If you knew who I am you just might feel stupid. You never will, though. If I was as self-centered as you... I *would* give my id away as quickly as you do. "Look at me! I'm Momus!"

Certain people here know precisely who I am. Nude Spock is very knowable, in fact. Ask around. I've received big fancy awards for being this prick. Ned?

Nude Spock, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Something this massive is going to produce zillions of coincidences. You can spin almost any conspiracy theory you like (or you can concatenate several, like the quoted one does). I'm sending Sundar a video tape of his performance in Branca's "guitar army" at the bottom of the WTC last year. You know the next thing on the DV tape that was in the camera? The WTC burning, as shot from my roof. There was no conspiracy though. We didn't know the WTC was going to go down. It's just one of those things. You can spin whatever you want. I LOVE conspiracy theories, Spock, and I think a lot of people here do too. It's all about what KIND of conspiracy theory you go for - which one's most entertaining to discuss - since they are all bunk - that's why they're called what they're called - and I think people are a little het up at you for choosing one with such questionable race politics in it. Which you may not have entirely been conscious of when you first posted. You know that thing where you can put ANY piece of audio along with ANY piece of video and find all sorts of "meaningful" points of synchronicity? I think that's mainly what this stuff is, but with a big ol helping of conjecture-glue to string it all together. Like someone who'd edited Dark Side of the Moon to match EVERY SCENE of The Wizard of Oz.

I actually believe there MAY BE a Real Story which we will never know. But I don't think it involves a radically different story of what happened on 9/11. I think if anything, it might involve a different story of what happened BEFORE - what the Bushes' and Cheney's relationships were with the Saudis vis-a-vis their shell corps and investments. Real family history type stuff woven in with long-terms US plans in the region. Weapons manufacturers who own oil companies who want to build pipelines seem like much more plausibly boring villains to me. Either that or it's all the adulterers who are bringing damnation down upon us.

Occam's Hand, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Thanx, dude. I'm sitting here listening to The Yellow Balloon and this whole thread seems ridiculous to me, especially because I posted it.

"Life was just a downer till now and you turned me on and oh wow!!!"

Who knows me, personally, by the way? just curious. I just watched Waking Life again and would like to talk about it with real people (

Nude spock, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

If you knew who I am you just might feel stupid

I don't care if you're famous or who the hell you are. What exactly is your point?

electric sound of jim, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I've received big fancy awards for being this prick.

Let me guess, they gave you the Pulitzer prize? The Nobel peace prize? Maybe a waxwork replica in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Or perhaps, as a tribute to the unerring logic with which you confront a world of hate and irrationality, they named the world's most beloved Vulcan after you?

Momus, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Best thread ever.

adam, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Actually, Momus comes out the victor because of yer "You do not know who I am" - self absorbed people suggest that they are important - that comment folk should not be or could handle their "true" identities. Whereas Momus just comes on board as Momus. And interacts with the common folk - well you hide behind an identity and tell people that, yes, you should listen to me, you would be 'cited if you know who I am.

Which is just boring.

So, in fact, you destroyed your own argument but creating a sense of false importance about yourself. I mean - I emailed Momus as retrolover and asked him a question once whereas he replied.

I really do not think that Momus is self absorbed, well, as self absorbed as any artist (which you have to be to some extent).

Oh well - I am babbling - I regret now asking several of my "important" threads to look at your argument and contribute, Nude Spock. Cause you are a bit of a fathead, are you not?

sonny tremaine, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Actually, Momus comes out the victor because of yer "You do not know who I am" - self absorbed people suggest that they are important - that comment folk should not be or could handle their "true" identities. Whereas Momus just comes on board as Momus. And interacts with the common folk - well you hide behind an identity and tell people that, yes, you should listen to me, you would be 'cited if you know who I am.

Which is just boring.

So, in fact, you destroyed your own argument but creating a sense of false importance about yourself. I mean - I emailed Momus as retrolover and asked him a question once whereas he replied.

I really do not think that Momus is self absorbed, well, as self absorbed as any artist (which you have to be to some extent).

Oh well - I am babbling - I regret now asking several of my "important" friends to look at your argument and contribute, Nude Spock. Cause you are a bit of a fathead, are you not?

sonny tremaine, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sorry for the response Nude Spock but I have been a spectator to this thread for a few days and was enjoying the checks and balances between you, Momus and Mark S.

You let me down by bringing in irrationality and personal ego issues and then said that you thought everyone, including Momus was incredibly self absorbed!

Go back to arguing the original points of the argument. Otherwise you lose ground....and it gets weighted down.

sonny tremaine, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Who is Nude Spock then?

Luke, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The question is - who cares? "In the future everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame". You will. I will. Nude Spock's "celebrity" is no longer a matter of desirability. It is something that happens to everyone.

The question is - can he sustain an argument?

sonny tremaine, Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

one month passes...
A most interesting dialogue. Thanks, makes one think. I just have one question. What is a 'retrolover'?

Prof Interest, Monday, 4 March 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

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