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In 2006, Mortification released a new album. It was originally titled Impaling the Goblin, but after many complaints[citation needed] that in some cultures this term had a sexual connotation to it, they changed the name to Erasing the Goblin. The album, with a cover which features a warrior throwing a sword into a goblin sitting on a rocking chair in a cave, is said to be a take on their older death/thrash sound around the time of their first 2-3 albums.

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Saturday, 24 March 2018 04:13 (six years ago) link

what’s wrong with being sexy?

mookieproof, Saturday, 24 March 2018 09:52 (six years ago) link

i saw on the nintendo wiki that roy koopa is named after roy orbison, but weirdly that trivia nugget is absent from orbison's wikipedia page

Roberto Spiralli, Monday, 26 March 2018 17:24 (six years ago) link

The sandwich was the first non-hamburger menu item brought in by new McDonald's company owner Ray Kroc.[11] Kroc made a deal with Groen: they would sell two non-meat sandwiches on a Friday, Kroc's own Hula Burger (grilled pineapple with cheese on a cold bun) and the Filet-O-Fish, and whichever sold the most would be added to the permanent menu. The Filet-O-Fish "won hands down"[12] and was added to menus throughout 1963 until reaching nationwide status in 1965.[13]

Louis Jägermeister (jim in vancouver), Thursday, 29 March 2018 18:59 (six years ago) link

In this story, entitled "The Crate", a worker discovers an old crate that is chained shut and hidden in a university research lab. Hal Holbrook and Adrienne Barbeau take it from there.

explosion from DOOM courtesy of id software (Doctor Casino), Thursday, 29 March 2018 21:04 (six years ago) link

haha. thread for unusually succinct wikipedia details

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 29 March 2018 21:04 (six years ago) link

The Times once published an unintentionally humorous description of a Peter Ustinov documentary, noting that "highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector". This would still be ambiguous if a serial comma were added, as Mandela could still be mistaken for a demigod, although he would be precluded from being a dildo collector.

silverfish, Friday, 30 March 2018 16:30 (six years ago) link

Either way, put Nelson Mandela last and there’s no real trouble

valorous wokelord (silby), Friday, 30 March 2018 16:45 (six years ago) link

If you put Nelson Mandela last, that would imply that he is less noteworthy than a dildo collector

silverfish, Friday, 30 March 2018 16:47 (six years ago) link

Emmy Award winner Michael K. Leader (now President of Leader Cinema Systems, Inc) was the Recording Engineer of note for the album “ Ahmad Jamal Recorded Live at Oil Can Harry's . Gary Barclay, then the Jazz producer for CHQM-FM in Vancouver Canada, was the Producer of note for this album, and NOT Ahmad Jamal as plagiarized in the list of credits.

Michael Leader has not been credited as Recording Engineer, nor has he been financially compensated for a recording session. Producer Gary Barclay has not been compensated as Producer, nor does his name appear on any credits.

Mr. Jamal has been financially rewarded for plagiarized work, without compensation being paid to Leader or Barclay. The term “theft” or embezzlement fits with my dealings with Jamal.

I am attempting to upload the AFM contract between Jamal and Barclay and am awaiting permission from Wikipedia to do so.

Signed: Michael K. Leader

Scam jam, thank you ma’am (Sparkle Motion), Sunday, 1 April 2018 02:50 (six years ago) link

More "unusual details in wikipedia structure", but:

it turns out that "🏓" redirects to the "Table tennis" article.

anatol_merklich, Sunday, 1 April 2018 21:09 (six years ago) link

One of Gary Larson's Far Side cartoons shows two chimpanzees grooming. One finds a blonde human hair on the other and inquires, "Conducting a little more 'research' with that Jane Goodall tramp?"[58] Goodall herself was in Africa at the time, and the Jane Goodall Institute thought this was in bad taste, and had their lawyers draft a letter to Larson and his distribution syndicate, in which they described the cartoon as an "atrocity." They were stymied by Goodall herself when she returned and saw the cartoon, as she stated that she found the cartoon amusing.[59] Since then, all profits from sales of a shirt featuring this cartoon go to the Jane Goodall Institute. Goodall wrote a preface to The Far Side Gallery 5, detailing her version of the controversy, and the Institute's letter was included next to the cartoon in the complete Far Side collection.[60] She praised Larson's creative ideas, which often compare and contrast the behaviour of humans and animals. In 1988, when Larson visited Gombe[59] he was attacked by a chimpanzee named Frodo.[58]

silverfish, Wednesday, 4 April 2018 15:08 (six years ago) link

That's right. Funny how no one asked the apes what they thought about it.

pplains, Wednesday, 4 April 2018 15:11 (six years ago) link

lol! did not see the twist coming

Roberto Spiralli, Wednesday, 4 April 2018 15:19 (six years ago) link


Frodo's aggression was not limited to Colobus monkeys and other chimpanzees. In May 2002, he killed a 14-month-old human baby that the niece of a member of the research team had carried into his territory.[46] As a result, the Tanzanian National Parks Department considered killing Frodo.[46] In 1988, he attacked cartoonist Gary Larson, leaving him bruised and scratched.[46] In 1989, he attacked Goodall, beating her head to the point of nearly breaking her neck.[46]

Tempted to spend the rest of the morning reading chimp bios.

jmm, Wednesday, 4 April 2018 15:24 (six years ago) link

a simian who gave no fucks

mookieproof, Wednesday, 4 April 2018 15:27 (six years ago) link

On May 30, 2015, a woman reportedly dropped off boxes of electronics for disposal at an electronics recycling center in the Silicon Valley of Northern California, and they would now like to contact her. Included in the items removed from her garage after the death of her husband was an original Apple I computer, which the recycling firm sold for $200,000 to a private collector. It is the company's practice to give back 50% of the proceeds to the original owner when an item is sold, so they want to find the mystery donor.[36][37]

explosion from DOOM courtesy of id software (Doctor Casino), Monday, 9 April 2018 16:21 (six years ago) link

Powell was born in London / Belgium. She has a brother. When she was in secondary school she participated in theatre classes.

This is the entire first body paragraph of a wikipedia article. Aside from the wild vagueness of this, how can you be born in London and Belgium?

challops trap house (Will M.), Monday, 9 April 2018 17:25 (six years ago) link

very carefully

Number None, Monday, 9 April 2018 17:30 (six years ago) link


The election took place on November 4, and Obama was projected as the winner at 11:00 PM EST.[211] In his concession speech McCain thanked Palin, calling her "one of the best campaigners I've ever seen, and an impressive new voice in our party for reform and the principles that have always been our greatest strength."[211] While aides were preparing the teleprompter for McCain's speech, they found a concession speech written for Palin by George W. Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully. Two members of McCain's staff, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter, told Palin that there was no tradition of Election Night speeches by running mates, and that she would not be speaking. Palin appealed to McCain, who agreed with his staff.[212]

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Saturday, 14 April 2018 18:17 (six years ago) link

pplains, Sunday, 15 April 2018 00:06 (six years ago) link

Video nasty

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For the Only Fools and Horses episode, see Video Nasty (Only Fools and Horses).

Ward Fowler, Tuesday, 17 April 2018 10:15 (six years ago) link

George Raft starred in the 1969 Alka-Seltzer commercial "The Unfinished Lunch." It consists of Raft incarcerated and in the prison lunchroom. He takes a bite of the prison food and recoils. Suddenly he bangs his cup on the steel table. It ripples throughout the room. He starts intoning "Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Seltzer..." Soon, the other hundreds of inmates do the same. (The commercial was so popular that several weeks later Raft appeared as a guest on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Raft told Carson that it took more than 7 hours to tape the 30-second commercial. Raft was enraged by the end of the day, thus making his inmate portrayal that much more convincing for the final editing. The film crew gave Raft his crumpled tin cup, which he showed to Carson and the audience.)

explosion from DOOM courtesy of id software (Doctor Casino), Tuesday, 17 April 2018 12:50 (six years ago) link

The talk page for Alka-Seltzer, by the way, makes clear that the page has been burdened with in-depth descriptions of numerous commercials, and very little other information, for nearly a decade. The Wiki system in action.

explosion from DOOM courtesy of id software (Doctor Casino), Tuesday, 17 April 2018 13:20 (six years ago) link

broson, Saturday, 21 April 2018 22:56 (six years ago) link

in the 2017 TV movie The Saint. The scene had Adam Rayner as Simon Templar and Enrique Murciano as FBI Inspector John Henry Fernack. Yes, the producers do not know that the FBI has only Special Agents, not Inspectors.

mick signals, Sunday, 22 April 2018 22:14 (six years ago) link

Following his death, the BBC broadcast an hour-long tribute Mr Trebus: A Life of Grime.

la vache qui pleure (Noodle Vague), Monday, 23 April 2018 08:48 (six years ago) link

Amid a high level of success, the company's West German executives accidentally opened a store in Konstanz in 1973 instead of Koblenz.[26]

noel gallaghah's high flying burbbhrbhbbhbburbbb (Doctor Casino), Monday, 23 April 2018 23:19 (six years ago) link

The inclusion of "Easy Skanking" shows a meditative and laid-back Marley, partaking in Jamaica's most profitable cash crop during a spiritual time-out amidst the chaos of everyday life.

how's life, Sunday, 29 April 2018 12:41 (six years ago) link

The horse was made an honorary member of George Thorndike Angell's American Humane Association. He also got 2 million kids to gather to pledge never be mean to animals. Also, every animal he met he befriended them and tamed them.

mick signals, Monday, 30 April 2018 02:16 (six years ago) link

Heavy cream is best "when pert stable peaks are desired. Also used as a luxurious pourable garnish on fresh fruit and hot cereals."

mick signals, Monday, 30 April 2018 19:55 (six years ago) link


In 27 BC, a large earthquake reportedly shattered the northern colossus, collapsing it from the waist up and cracking the lower half. Following its rupture, the remaining lower half of this statue was then reputed to "sing" on various occasions – always within an hour or two of sunrise, usually right at dawn. The sound was most often reported in February or March, but this is probably more a reflection of the tourist season rather than any actual pattern.[9] The earliest report in literature is that of the Greek historian and geographer Strabo, who claimed to have heard the sound during a visit in 20 BC, by which time it apparently was already well known. The description varied; Strabo said it sounded "like a blow", Pausanias compared it to "the string of a lyre" breaking, but it also was described as the striking of brass or whistling. Other ancient sources include Pliny (not from personal experience, but he collected other reports), Pausanias, Tacitus, Philostratus and Juvenal. In addition, the base of the statue is inscribed with about 90 surviving inscriptions of contemporary tourists reporting whether they had heard the sound or not.

maybe not that unusual but i found this amusing in a timeless people-will-be-people kind of way.

Hazy Maze Cave (Adam Bruneau), Tuesday, 1 May 2018 00:06 (six years ago) link

Leading the investigation into the theft was trilby-wearing Chief Superintendent Jim "Spud" Murphy, who was the subject of much media coverage. His detection techniques were unconventional, and a variety of clairvoyants, psychics and diviners were called in to help. During one interview, Mr Murphy told reporters: "A clue... that is what we haven't got."

Non, je ned raggette rien (onimo), Friday, 4 May 2018 10:27 (six years ago) link

mick signals, Monday, 7 May 2018 23:44 (six years ago) link

On May 21, 2009, Judge Morrison England, Jr., of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California dismissed the case Sugawara v. PepsiCo, Inc.[27] The plaintiff, Janine Sugawara, claimed she had purchased the cereal Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries because she believed "crunchberries" indicated she was eating real fruit. Sugawara alleged that after four years of purchasing the product she had only recently discovered to her dismay that said "berries" were in fact simply brightly colored cereal balls. The judge commented "In this is simply impossible for Plaintiff to file an amended complaint stating a claim based upon these facts. The survival of the instant claim would require this Court to ignore all concepts of personal responsibility and common sense. The Court has no intention of allowing that to happen."[28]

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 14:23 (six years ago) link

Together with the Little Mermaid of Denmark and Manneken Pis of Belgium, the Singapore Merlion is ranked in Japan as the 'Three Major Disappointments of the World'[3][4][5][6]. This meme was played out in episode 6 of the anime series A Place Further Than The Universe, when two of the characters expressed to their chagrin that the Merlion was not as disappointing as they thought.

And also

Singaporeans often substitute the term "Merlion" in lieu of vomiting, in reference of the constant gushing of water from the Merlion's mouth.[20] It is now used by Singaporean medical staff as slang for a patient who has intractable vomiting.

emil.y, Monday, 14 May 2018 14:33 (six years ago) link

Good one!

mick signals, Wednesday, 16 May 2018 02:25 (six years ago) link

The IP from which he made the edit was tentatively traced to vandalizing the Wikipedia entries for African wild ass, The Bronx, The Sopranos, Ron Artest, Stacy Keibler, and Naugatuck, Connecticut.

mick signals, Wednesday, 16 May 2018 02:25 (six years ago) link

When joining English side Sunderland for a record £4 million soon afterwards, the club inserted a "Space Clause" that stated that if he were to travel into space his contract would become wholly invalid

cherry blossom, Sunday, 20 May 2018 21:38 (six years ago) link

mookieproof, Friday, 25 May 2018 19:18 (six years ago) link

LL was quoted as saying "This was my finest shark-related song ever. I can't believe it didn't chart."[citation needed]

noel gallaghah's high flying burbbhrbhbbhbburbbb (Doctor Casino), Tuesday, 29 May 2018 18:28 (six years ago) link

Electronic artist Joel Zimmerman, better known by his stage name deadmau5, owns a black-and-white bicolor cat whose full name is "Professor Meowingtons PhD", usually shortened to "Meowingtons".

mookieproof, Thursday, 31 May 2018 01:12 (six years ago) link

“Joel Zimmerman”?!

valorous wokelord (silby), Thursday, 31 May 2018 01:37 (six years ago) link


Somewhere in the primal wilderness near the Shadow Mountains in the year 1983, Red Miller (Nicolas Cage) has fallen deeply for the deceptively charming Mandy Bloom (Andrea Riseborough). However, the life he has made for himself comes crashing down suddenly and horrifyingly, when a vile band of ravaging cultists and supernatural creatures desecrate his idyllic home with vicious fury. A broken man, Red now lives for one thing only—to hunt down these maniacal villains and exact swift vengeance.

(Whoever tried to sound smart while writing this are just turning people away from this article. Not only do they sound redundant, but the vocabulary used sounds like they wrote it normally and replaced every adjective with synonyms they discovered for the first time with, and didn't double check to make sure the synonyms were close enough to use in the same context. Get a better editor.)

visiting, Thursday, 31 May 2018 04:39 (six years ago) link


noel gallaghah's high flying burbbhrbhbbhbburbbb (Doctor Casino), Thursday, 31 May 2018 11:39 (six years ago) link

One single, the tough "Outside Chance", written by Warren Zevon and featuring guitar work in the style of the Beatles' "Taxman", didn't chart at all.

El Tomboto, Saturday, 2 June 2018 10:35 (six years ago) link

Jeffrey Green contributed the drums and omnichord tracks for "The Maker". Jeffrey Green was not featured in the music video for the song, although his character was portrayed roughly by a man dressed like him. Willie Nelson never publicly accredited Jeffrey Green for his contributions to the song.

bernard snowy, Monday, 4 June 2018 23:03 (six years ago) link

Jeffrey Green later redressed this issue by editing the Wikipedia entry for "The Maker".

startled macropod (MatthewK), Tuesday, 5 June 2018 00:16 (six years ago) link

A.O. Scott of The New York Times considered Black Dynamite would be a better "five-minute clip on YouTube" than a feature film. Scott wrote, "A boom mike drifts down into the frame; an actor recites stage directions along with his lines. The camera zooms, pans and shifts focus as if it were being wielded by an optometrist on a cocaine binge. The acting is stiff, the dialogue painfully self-conscious, the action sequences choreographed and edited to look as cartoonish as possible. All of which is fun, for a while, in an academic kind of way." In a 2012 interview, "Black Dynamite" responded to Scott, saying "Well, obviously A.O. stands for 'asshole’s opinion,' ‘cause we here talking about it right now. Damn movie’s been tweeted about every two minutes since 2009."

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Tuesday, 5 June 2018 00:43 (six years ago) link

ID3v1 pre-defines a set of genres denoted by numerical codes. Winamp extended the list by adding more genres in its own music player, which were later adopted by others (though some are of dubious value: e.g. "Primus" is one specific band, not a genre, and "Negerpunk" appears to be a racist joke in Swedish).

lana del boy (ledge), Tuesday, 5 June 2018 13:10 (six years ago) link

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