Mourning in America - Trump Year One: November '16 to

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i'm not sure if that list of SC candidates he put out last summer had any anti-abortion/pro-gay-marriage advocates. xp

Supercreditor (Dr Morbius), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:31 (seven years ago) link

I don't know if it was something inherent to him that made him weather these controversies and succeed in manipulating the media to present a false equivalency picture, at least to un-discerning citizens. I think it was things he did. I think he said things that seemed horrible, but which had the effect of reframing issues to his benefit. I think he was involved in the false news disinformation campaign. The idea that he just won because "45 percent of the electorate always goes Republican" would only make sense if he didn't also win the Republican primary.

Treeship, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:33 (seven years ago) link

He seems to know the down the line ripple effect of certain words, actions and postures. I don't think he is a pure id or whatever.

Treeship, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:35 (seven years ago) link

I promise that all it takes (or, y'know, would have taken before he became the most powerful person in the country) to chip away at Trump's alpha shit is standing up to him. Having been raised by someone not terribly dissimilar in temperament (feel free to armchair psychoanalyze to your heart's content), I can tell you that refusing to be cowed and learning to tell people like Trump to just shut the fuck up goes a long way towards taking the bluster out of their sails. But everyone has been mystifyingly deferential to him for decades so he'll continue to throw his weight around.

Froyo On My Slacks (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:41 (seven years ago) link

Hillary Clinton treated him like the contemptible toad he is during the debates, I thought

Treeship, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:43 (seven years ago) link

xxp - Primary was a different phenomenon, and one I think he genuinely had some (accidental) political skill at - he got four times as much media coverage as every other candidate combined, and his "platform" was more extreme in a way that pandered hard to the GOP base - "it's not politically correct to say this, but...". Kinda similar to how Bernie was really far left, but Trump benefitted in that there was no Hillary on the GOP side - most all of his GOP competitors were awful in their own way and they all split votes, and the ones who were decent (like say Kasich or Rubio) couldn't compete because the media and the debate moderators let Trump dictate the rules, all the time

frogbs, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:44 (seven years ago) link

There have been disinformation campaigns in every election in history. I really don't think "fake news" is this new thing Trump discovered and that's why he won.

the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:44 (seven years ago) link

and I hate to say it but Trump's strategy of revoking credentials or refusing to do debates when he felt attacked absolutely worked. the media softballed him all the way to the presidency in part because they were hurting and Trump was nearly singlehandedly saving the industry.

frogbs, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:47 (seven years ago) link

Great for Ratings

Supercreditor (Dr Morbius), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 15:58 (seven years ago) link

This disinformation campaign seemed more insidious than ones in the past. Also Trump's penchant for lying straight to people's faces while knowing they know he is lying felt new to me.

Treeship, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:03 (seven years ago) link

OK so at what point do I print our findings here and fax (for obvious reasons) this thread to Podesta?

Evan, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:05 (seven years ago) link

maybe y'all can meet for pizza

frogbs, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:09 (seven years ago) link

It's worth noting that, since 1900, up until yesterday, there had been a total of five faithless Democratic electors. There were six yesterday. Six Democratic electors thought it terribly important to cast their votes against their party's candidate, who had already lost the election on paper. More than in the previous 116 years combined.

Lauren Schumer Donor (Phil D.), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:13 (seven years ago) link

nothing about the EC charade is "terribly important"

i bet Bill Clinton loved making the trip to Albany for the losing cause

Supercreditor (Dr Morbius), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:15 (seven years ago) link

(yes, that's right, Bubba was a fuckin' elector)

Supercreditor (Dr Morbius), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:16 (seven years ago) link

trump's good fortune in november has much less to do with his supposed 'strengths' (however we define them) and more to do with the fact that roughly half the voting public in america is human garbage.


will, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:21 (seven years ago) link

holy fuck you guys isn't it possible for something to have a long list of causes that can't be pithily summarized

slathered in cream and covered with stickers (silby), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:25 (seven years ago) link

sure. but in this case i'll stand by my assertion.

will, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:28 (seven years ago) link

Great. I'm glad y'all have solved our problems.

The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:31 (seven years ago) link

Lock thread

a Warren Beatty film about Earth (El Tomboto), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:32 (seven years ago) link

It's worth noting that, since 1900, up until yesterday, there had been a total of five faithless Democratic electors. There were six yesterday. Six Democratic electors thought it terribly important to cast their votes against their party's candidate, who had already lost the election on paper. More than in the previous 116 years combined.

― Lauren Schumer Donor (Phil D.)

it's almost as if the left's spending the past month and a half saying that people in the electoral college ought to vote their conscience instead of listening to their party had some effect

increasingly bonkers (rushomancy), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:32 (seven years ago) link

"German officials haven't even released details about this yet, right? So we don't even know for certain that this was ISIS or any other Islamist group?"
it is not even sure that it was a terrorist attack in berlin. the suspect the police has arrested does not seem to be the driver of the truck.

it's the distortion, stupid! (alex in mainhattan), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:37 (seven years ago) link

it's almost as if the left's spending the past month and a half saying that people in the electoral college ought to vote their conscience instead of listening to their party had some effect

― increasingly bonkers (rushomancy), Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:32 AM (seven minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

How is this "the left"? The people I know pushing the faithless elector thing are all mainstream democrats. The lefties I know are rolling their eyes at people for seeking deus ex machina solutions.

the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:40 (seven years ago) link

the left's spending the past month and a half saying that people in the electoral college ought to vote their conscience instead of listening to their party

this was the center, just like it's the center that's now screaming that the election was scripted in the kremlin. in their grief they seem determined to stamp out the last embers of public faith in democratic institutions at the precise moment all of them have been seized by fascists. i don't know what they think they doing. xp.

difficult listening hour, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:41 (seven years ago) link

they don't, and it fills me with SUCH confidence about the coming Resistance.

a nation turns its lonely eyes to HOOS

Supercreditor (Dr Morbius), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:43 (seven years ago) link

second "they" supposed to be "they're" xp

difficult listening hour, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:44 (seven years ago) link

afaict HOOS is unceasingly cultivating disciples

slathered in cream and covered with stickers (silby), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:44 (seven years ago) link

How is this "the left"? The people I know pushing the faithless elector thing are all mainstream democrats. The lefties I know are rolling their eyes at people for seeking deus ex machina solutions.

― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive)

ok, if it's important for you to draw sharp distinctions between the democratic party and the left, substitute "mainstream democrats" if you like. my experience is that the differences on this issue aren't necessarily drawn around how far left you are, and i was using "left" as a big tent term. it wasn't the main point in any event. i'm profoundly disinterested in assigning blame for perceived "failures" that in reality make no difference to anyone.

increasingly bonkers (rushomancy), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:45 (seven years ago) link

this was the center, just like it's the center that's now screaming that the election was scripted in the kremlin. in their grief they seem determined to stamp out the last embers of public faith in democratic institutions at the precise moment all of them have been seized by fascists. i don't know what they think they doing. xp.

― difficult listening hour

well, it's either that or spend a great deal of effort trying to salvage basically unsalvageable institutions. come on, people, are we really going to spend the next four years doing nothing but complaining about the rump of the democratic party while trump gets to do whatever the fuck he wants?

increasingly bonkers (rushomancy), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:47 (seven years ago) link

who has said that?

The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:48 (seven years ago) link

most of us are saying that subverting the anachronistic but constitutionally empowered Electoral College plays into the general decay of institutions that would delight the Grover Norquists and Koch Brothers.

The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:50 (seven years ago) link

The people I know pushing the faithless elector thing are all mainstream democrats.

the people i know pushing the faithless elector thing are all people who have been (understandably) tremendously psychically damaged by this election, they aren't necessarily "mainstream democrats"

Long post, yet important. (crüt), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:50 (seven years ago) link

Our institutions are not "unsalvageable" at all, that's silly. I mean Trump may damage them a lot further, maybe they'll get there, but acting like they're already there is pathetic defeatism.

the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:52 (seven years ago) link

most of us are saying that subverting the anachronistic but constitutionally empowered Electoral College plays into the general decay of institutions that would delight the Grover Norquists and Koch Brothers.

― The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:50 AM (two minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

This is also extremely silly. Hillary lost the states she needed to win the electoral college by very small margins. There is really no reason why Democrats can't win in the electoral college. The system is irretrievably broken because we don't like the result.

the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:53 (seven years ago) link

i'm profoundly disinterested in assigning blame for perceived "failures" that in reality make no difference to anyone.

i don't know what to tell you. there are different political factions in this country and they have different ideas about what is happening and what to do about it. in my own experience the people who spent the last couple weeks crossing their fingers republicans would inexplicably vote themselves out of power have not been marxists. i think the next four years look worse for us if those are the sorts of schemes we can expect from our leaders.

spend a great deal of effort trying to salvage basically unsalvageable institutions

the creepingly general idea that america's institutions are "unsalvagable" is terrifying in this climate.

difficult listening hour, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:54 (seven years ago) link

This is also extremely silly. Hillary lost the states she needed to win the electoral college by very small margins. There is really no reason why Democrats can't win in the electoral college. The system is irretrievably broken because we don't like the result.

Yes yes yes

a (waterface), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:59 (seven years ago) link

I agree with that! 2016 was not 1984 or 1988.

The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:02 (seven years ago) link

OMB Director is an anti-Fed Bircher. Should go well.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:03 (seven years ago) link

If we want to eliminate the electoral college, then work to generate enthusiasm for an amendment. People still too psychically damaged by the election should get a hobby if they don't intend to help .

The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:13 (seven years ago) link

don't think abolishing the EC is going to do much, but enforcing the actual Constitution might. we're about to bestow the highest office in the land to a known con man who has disclosed nothing about his many businesses, investments, or debts, who has no real plan to divest himself of any of it, and who is already using the office for self-enrichment.

frogbs, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:16 (seven years ago) link

Our institutions are not "unsalvageable" at all, that's silly. I mean Trump may damage them a lot further, maybe they'll get there, but acting like they're already there is pathetic defeatism.

― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive)

defeatism! i'm proposing the opposite of defeatism. i'm proposing that we let go of the delusion that our institutions are going to save us. i'm proposing that we look at what happened in north carolina, look at the fact that we live in a country where a police officer can shoot a black man in the back anywhere, at any time, for any reason, and not have to answer to the law for it.

the american system was designed, in large part, to prevent a fascist demagogue from taking office. that system hasn't failed since 1828, and the last time it failed it led to civil war. fixing the problems requiring acknowledging the full extent of those problems.

increasingly bonkers (rushomancy), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:17 (seven years ago) link

Has the imperial presidency (and its attendant undeclared wars of the last 70 years, with the Forever War bill of Sept 2001 as the cherry on top) officially ascended to "institution"?

Supercreditor (Dr Morbius), Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:21 (seven years ago) link

most of us are saying that subverting the anachronistic but constitutionally empowered Electoral College plays into the general decay of institutions that would delight the Grover Norquists and Koch Brothers.

― The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:50 AM (two minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

This is also extremely silly. Hillary lost the states she needed to win the electoral college by very small margins. There is really no reason why Democrats can't win in the electoral college. The system is irretrievably broken because we don't like the result.

― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:53 AM (twenty-six minutes ago)

eh gotta split with you here -- the system is broken because the EC is dumb and fundamentally unjust

k3vin k., Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:23 (seven years ago) link

dlh otm upthread tho

k3vin k., Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:24 (seven years ago) link

don't think abolishing the EC is going to do much

uh, you're aware that all the republican presidents of the past 25 years have won precisely because the EC exists?

k3vin k., Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:26 (seven years ago) link

Dems gotta be willing to fight fire with fire if they want anything to happen. Obama played nice and reached across the aisle and look where he wound up, with Republican FBI Director James Comey. They need to confirm Garland NOW - I'm glad they're trying to respect our institutions but those institutions reward those who are nasty. They can no longer assume good intentions out of anyone in the GOP.

frogbs, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:28 (seven years ago) link

it's not just bad luck that it happened to hurt us the last two times it's been an issue. the EC as constructed specifically hurts the democrats, and it will continue to do so for as long as we remain a predominantly urban party

k3vin k., Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:29 (seven years ago) link

Dems could also improve their messaging to the "flyover states" which consistently vote against their own self-interest, I suppose

don't get me wrong the EC is dumb but we all knew the game going in. complaining about it afterwards is the sort of thing Trump would do.

frogbs, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:32 (seven years ago) link

well yeah not getting out the vote in states like WI/MI/PA is specifically clinton's fault for sure

k3vin k., Tuesday, 20 December 2016 17:33 (seven years ago) link

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