should other people have different opinions?

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I love a good debate and I change my mind a lot so yes.

Some opinions definitely fall into the "dangerously wrong" category, though.

I don't fully understand what this thread is mocking.

Treeship, Friday, 3 June 2016 20:38 (eight years ago) link

it is a mystery [ghost]

each option refers to a specific ilxor

Mordy, Friday, 3 June 2016 20:42 (eight years ago) link

That would be amazing

Treeship, Friday, 3 June 2016 20:47 (eight years ago) link

thread is building a mystery

F♯ A♯ (∞), Friday, 3 June 2016 20:58 (eight years ago) link

I people have opinions different from mine, that's their problem, not mine. I imagine it must be awful to be wrong. I wouldn't know.

Frederik B, Friday, 3 June 2016 22:24 (eight years ago) link

This poll is a masterpiece. Please submit to ILX poetry comp

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Tuesday, 7 June 2016 00:01 (eight years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Wednesday, 8 June 2016 00:01 (eight years ago) link

three years pass...

forgot to include perrin option :(

lumen (esby), Wednesday, 4 March 2020 23:29 (four years ago) link

this was obviously started as a troll or a nose-tweak, but hear me out:

the stuff we talk about here all day every day is important stuff, some of it. some of it affects people's lives in very profound and powerful ways, and within that subset its clear that some people's lives are more likely to be affected than others.

i think it would be a great sign of maturity on the boards part to reclaim this thread and turn it into a serious conversation on the burning question:

what do we do about the important stuff that matters too much to allow people to be wrong about it on the internet, or god help us now, to actually form views on that might lead them to voting for a politician that you yourself know isnt the one you would vote for?

even tho we are a very clever bunch, it will be admitted (proven, if necessary) that there's posters IN OUR VERY MIDST that are harming (country x) and the very fabric of the world and reality itself by disagreeing with us about (politician x).

we can hardly even speak about the idiots that get to vote outside of ilx, who if anything are even more prone to being wrong about this stuff.

i realise that we wont all agree on the stuff thats to be included as "too important to be left to individuals to think about" and we'll also need to think carefully about a mechanism that would allow the right people who agree with (me) to register a valid preference or opinion while excoriating with appropriate vim those deplorable voices that must be made to feel the full shame of their error before appropriate subsequent action (banning and death prob decent opening suggestions?)

nb board is shite now, started with US politics threads, uk ones are now far worse obv except for the past few days where its kinda like orders of ten rather than the usual orders of millions

love ye all, hate ye all, discuss

BSC Joan Baez (darraghmac), Wednesday, 4 March 2020 23:41 (four years ago) link

an idiot will be elected president in november, we're all gonna die, so let's talk about something else imho

i will FP you and your entire family (rip van wanko), Wednesday, 4 March 2020 23:48 (four years ago) link

oh i was also going to suggest that it would be great to have all major uk AND us pol threads ppl in here, hands across the ocean and all that, because in the threads ye do get very ...... nationalist so ye do

but i think the two approaches to enforcement of the correct idea would be an interesting joint study venture

BSC Joan Baez (darraghmac), Wednesday, 4 March 2020 23:52 (four years ago) link

other people shouldn't have different opinions from mine, no

Swilling Ambergris, Esq. (silby), Thursday, 5 March 2020 01:13 (four years ago) link

people who have more money than i do have bad opinions imo

forensic plumber (harbl), Thursday, 5 March 2020 01:17 (four years ago) link

i think opinions are like assholes: gross, and i shouldn't have to see them

mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Thursday, 5 March 2020 01:18 (four years ago) link

j/k i'm pro-asshole

mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Thursday, 5 March 2020 01:18 (four years ago) link

preciate it

lumen (esby), Thursday, 5 March 2020 01:41 (four years ago) link

the people in power don't listen to, respect, or value my opinion, and then get all sniffy when i don't show them the proper deference to theirs. not really feeling hand-wringing about a LACK OF MUTUAL RESPECT rn.

Kate (rushomancy), Thursday, 5 March 2020 08:56 (four years ago) link

What is so bad about the politics threads?

nashwan, Thursday, 5 March 2020 09:03 (four years ago) link

I've been thinking tangentially about 'differences of opinion' for a while, mainly in connection to my right wing cousin (on the right wing brainworms thread). Difference of opinion is actually a red herring, it doesn't get as far as that. We're not disagreeing over something in front of us, we don't even see the same thing in front of us.

To some extent we see this online, performative misreadings of what someone else is saying with the idea of defeating them, and it can be easy to fall into. But I think this is only part of it. My cousin is something of an extreme case but he mischaracterizes most things I say, but I don't think its intentional. He has 'pre-heard' what I'm going to say. This makes any discussion almost impossible as I would have to continuously reframe positions attributed to me.

This isn't done out of disingenuousness, he genuinely thinks I think different things than I actually do. Its something I've accepted, it is what it is. I pulled him up on it once in an email, and he apologized - but its intrinsic. Despite having very different opinions on the world we never get as far as differences of opinion because he believes things which are demonstrably false (but emotionally true), so there is no shared context or framework for that to exist in. In some ways this is freeing, I just put my own opinions away and only state them when asked (which is never). This means I can just ask what he thinks, and thats interesting but can never really go beyond a surface level to find out more

anvil, Thursday, 5 March 2020 09:48 (four years ago) link

What is so bad about the politics threads?

― nashwan, 5. marts 2020 10:03 (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink

This should be it's own thread, imo...

Frederik B, Thursday, 5 March 2020 10:13 (four years ago) link

yes, start that

but would you need separate threads to ask it of each of the uk/us political cultures?


BSC Joan Baez (darraghmac), Thursday, 5 March 2020 10:17 (four years ago) link

the best thinkers who i know and like, they don't see the need for it

slept on imo

option needed for "ive already posted a tweet about this"

BSC Joan Baez (darraghmac), Thursday, 5 March 2020 10:30 (four years ago) link

On the one hand, the problem is the same both places: Voters getting too invested in their own candidates, and losing the ability to sort between facts and fiction. The solution is also the same: Both threads need more foreigners to keep it all calm and objective #votefredformod

Otoh, the American progressive movement just had a very bad week, and the Dem primary thread has 2200 new replies repeating the same arguments over and over and over. And yet I don't think it dissolved into personal abuse even once? So looked at from another angle, that might be the most impressive space on the internet, no?

Frederik B, Thursday, 5 March 2020 11:18 (four years ago) link

""nb board is shite now, started with US politics threads, uk ones are now far worse obv except for the past few days where its kinda like orders of ten rather than the usual orders of millions"

I respectfully disagree.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 5 March 2020 11:29 (four years ago) link

this thread is far too thatsbait.gif, so I am avoiding the chance to navel gaze (even if the notion that the UK threads need more foreigners is hilarious. Maybe we’re not the right kind!)

median punt (gyac), Thursday, 5 March 2020 11:36 (four years ago) link

the reason i avoid the political threads like - well, i'd say "like the plague" but i'm pretty sure i have the plague right now and i'm pretty ok with that - is that they do never get anywhere for me, it's people shouting opposing talking points at each other, nobody listens...

and that's not _other people's_ problem. if i say something and people start arguing with something i didn't say, or change the topic, or say "oh and you think you're so perfect and have all the answers?"

well maybe i didn't say what i thought i was saying, or maybe the person i'm talking to isn't in a place where they can acknowledge and accept that i am being honest, i am arguing from what i've seen and read. the stuff i'm saying, it's stuff that four years ago i would have argued with, argued vigorously with.

people gotta deal with what they're going through in their own time, in their own way, and when they can no longer hold on to beliefs that once served them but are now hurting them, well, i hope they will have the strength to let go, but that's not up to me. for people i don't know very, very well, nothing i say or do is going to have a predictable, measurable impact on that process.

i'm a wonk, sure, i can argue from historical analogy, blather on about the antonine plague or whatnot, and make wildly inaccurate predictions, but i'm more interested in providing emotional support, as best i can, because i know i need a hell of a lot of that right now and i assume other people have similar needs.

Kate (rushomancy), Thursday, 5 March 2020 14:35 (four years ago) link

I think it's fine in the abstract for people to have opinions that differ from my own, but when they voice those opinions all I hear is that WAH WAH WAH noise Charlie Brown's teacher makes so I dunno maybe tighten up your opinion game a little to include actual words and we'll talk.

Waifu-ed Around and Fell in Love (Old Lunch), Thursday, 5 March 2020 14:41 (four years ago) link

i think its ok for other ppl to have the wrong opinion as long as they have the wrong opinion for the right reason.

i should be the person who decides this, obv

BSC Joan Baez (darraghmac), Thursday, 5 March 2020 14:56 (four years ago) link

dont see any other workable way *shrug*

yeah, its actually going really well, why dyou ask?

BSC Joan Baez (darraghmac), Thursday, 5 March 2020 14:57 (four years ago) link

My initial response was more in general rather than about here but people having different opinions is good, especially when their opinion changes mine. This happens more than you might think, not so much on faster moving threads perhaps and obviously more likely the more loosely held my own opinion but I'm not sure its true that people aren't hearing or changing perspective (probably rarely in a binary sense, but certainly in a more nuanced sense)

anvil, Friday, 6 March 2020 09:25 (four years ago) link

Otoh, the American progressive movement just had a very bad week, and the Dem primary thread has 2200 new replies repeating the same arguments over and over and over. And yet I don't think it dissolved into personal abuse even once? So looked at from another angle, that might be the most impressive space on the internet, no?

― Frederik B, Thursday, 5 March 2020 bookmarkflaglink

You know what else is nice?

stories I read today: Supreme Court ruled border patrol isn’t legally responsible for killing a kid, cops beat the shit out of a guy in brooklyn, alabama executed a person, and someone waved a Nazi flag at a sanders rally. yet the discourse is about mean tweets

— Alex Press (@alexnpress) March 6, 2020

xyzzzz__, Friday, 6 March 2020 09:28 (four years ago) link

Yeah there’s an awful lot of “obviously I don’t mean all Sanders supporters”...36864 new replies. And of course phrasing your rudeness politely or with sufficient plausible deniability will never be construed as mean

median punt (gyac), Friday, 6 March 2020 09:32 (four years ago) link

people having different opinions is good, especially when their opinion changes mine. This happens more than you might think

I was tempted to start a 'when's the last time you changed your mind about something'...probably specific to politics. It's not so much having your mind 'changed' tho is it? More being...persuaded or convinced about something you previously were too ignorant about or unaware of to take a solid position on.

nashwan, Friday, 6 March 2020 11:06 (four years ago) link

I've changed my mind on the way Sanders has been running his campaign a couple of times over the last few months...

Frederik B, Friday, 6 March 2020 11:09 (four years ago) link

I was tempted to start a 'when's the last time you changed your mind about something'...probably specific to politics. It's not so much having your mind 'changed' tho is it? More being...persuaded or convinced about something you previously were too ignorant about or unaware of to take a solid position on.

Mostly yes, I think so, or about something specific, where its clear someone says something and you think oh yeah good point. But in a binary sense of "im going to completely change how i see things" then no thats much rarer and is more likely to be a gradual process taking years

I think the more fundamental differences aren't really that much to do with opinion but the worlds we see. My right wing cousin believes the 'Democrats support open borders', which is demonstrably false but only if you look at it through the lens of literal truth rather than 'underlying' truth. His definition of 'democrats support own borders' is much more flexible and malleable, he doesn't experience things in that way. I don't know what his definition of it is because he won't say, he can't put it into words, nevertheless he knows it to be true and to point out that it isn't is pedantry in his eyes

To put this another way in a contrived sense, if I knock a glass off a window sill but it hasn't hit the ground below, in a literal sense the glass is whole and isn't smashed, but in an underlying way its completely smashed. We're experiencing the world in different ways through different lenses

This has drifted over to brainworm thread territory, but the point is that we don't share a context enough to even have differences of opinion

anvil, Friday, 6 March 2020 11:25 (four years ago) link

The 'pre-hearing' thing I think is important too. The reason my cousin can never tell me what I've just said correctly is because he has pre-heard me. I try as much as possible not to factor in what people have said before but base it more on what they are saying right now. To try and un-pre-hear as much as possible. Does it always work, no of course not! Its an approach, which can succeed or fail like any other.

anvil, Friday, 6 March 2020 11:31 (four years ago) link

I don't really want to hear statements of opinion in general so much as ppl sharing some thinking. conclusions are meaningless otherwise, only the workings are worthy of respect

ogmor, Friday, 6 March 2020 11:38 (four years ago) link

not to suggest I don't enjoy meaninglessness, or things that aren't overdetermined

ogmor, Friday, 6 March 2020 11:39 (four years ago) link

I'm cool with different opinions as long as they're expressed in haiku or koan form (overlap is encouraged).

romanesque architect (pomenitul), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:14 (four years ago) link

Hi pomenitul
Romanesque architecture
is overrated

Frederik B, Friday, 6 March 2020 13:17 (four years ago) link

Nice. This is how you do it, people.

romanesque architect (pomenitul), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:18 (four years ago) link

What is the sound of one hand fapping?

Waifu-ed Around and Fell in Love (Old Lunch), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:18 (four years ago) link

I missed you pom and so did the guess the city thread

median punt (gyac), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:22 (four years ago) link

Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out, although I suspect it's not a game I'd be very good at.

romanesque architect (pomenitul), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:24 (four years ago) link

Welcome back Pom, missed you as well! You otoh only "missed" the usual US politics freak-out, trolling and crying, so I envy you.

Thew new Vladislav Delay album though, don't miss out on that one! :)

Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 6 March 2020 13:38 (four years ago) link


Some friends came to visit us from abroad right before our great leap back across the Atlantic, so playing host took precedence. That said, the drama appears to have been quite juicy even at a retrospective glance.

Will listen to the new VD today or tomorrow. I hope he'll resurrect some of his other monikers as well, especially Uusitalo.

romanesque architect (pomenitul), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:42 (four years ago) link

Please let us not call it 'the new VD'

Frederik B, Friday, 6 March 2020 13:47 (four years ago) link

Valentine's Day? Virtual Desktop? Vaginal Delivery?

romanesque architect (pomenitul), Friday, 6 March 2020 13:48 (four years ago) link

Ah shit, have I just revealed something unfortunate about my google history?

Frederik B, Friday, 6 March 2020 13:49 (four years ago) link


Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 6 March 2020 14:20 (four years ago) link

Anyway, I think we can all agree that different hipinions are always bad.

romanesque architect (pomenitul), Friday, 6 March 2020 14:30 (four years ago) link

four months pass...

foh 😂🤣

lumen (esby), Sunday, 12 July 2020 20:29 (four years ago) link

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