Depression and what it's really like

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I don't think I've ever explicitly talked about it here, but about five years ago, I moved back in with my mom for a year and change after a Job-like succession of bad shit happened within a shockingly short period of time and I pretty much lost the ability to properly take care of myself or care whether I could properly take care of myself. I have enough distance now to see that time as not just NBD but what I had to do in order to be well again, but at the time and for a good stretch afterward, I felt ashamed and guilty to have essentially reverted twenty years (back in the same house and room and bed as when I was in high school, with my mom having to take care of me again). Those feelings are probably perfectly natural, but aimless knows what he's talking about. The people who care about you will be there for you when you really need them the most. It comes with the gig. My mom was perfectly happy to be there for me at that time. If it helps alleviate the guilt, do like I did and provide a huge amount of free labor in the service of upgrading your parents' property value. But, coming from the master of masochism, try to take it easy on yourself. Everybody hits those emotional skids at one time or another, whether they're willing to admit it or not. You're just a human being like all the rest of us.

I am very inteligent and dicipline boy (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 5 April 2016 03:31 (eight years ago) link

that self-critical voice is always a liar, but depression is trying to alert you to something profoundly not right between you and the world. underneath the bullying voice i think is you trying to talk to yourself and depression is the opportunity to listen to that, if you can just get past the mean bullshit that's screaming for unwarranted attention

something about indulging your needs in the right way, i dunno

take care Treesh

disco Polo (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 5 April 2016 05:40 (eight years ago) link

the worst part of depression for me is the guilt. my parents are getting older and they shouldn't have to worry about me anymore.

my mother still worries that I will get into a serious car accident that is my fault, because I did this a few times as a teenager. We're talking 25 years ago. Your parents have agency, they will worry if they want to worry.

But in terms of "having to take care you now that you're an adult" ... obviously different parents have different degrees of emotional, financial, etc. resources to do so. I don't know enough about them to say, "no, it will be no hardship at all, they would be as gracious as Aimless is/was with his daughter." If you have a good relationship with them, talk to them about it. If they aren't assholes, they will probably tell you flattering, nice, hopeful things about yourself and your potential that could make you feel less depressed. Idk.

sarahell, Tuesday, 5 April 2016 18:41 (eight years ago) link

but most people are assholes, so...

Nhex, Thursday, 7 April 2016 01:33 (eight years ago) link

The guilt of some of my actions when unwell can't be alleviated. There's nothin I can do to make it up to them (my mother resuscitated me once, for example - I can't imagine the fear of that). And they say to forget about if, that it's not my fault etc. But
That guilt will always be there. I do use it as a way to motivate myself to not hurt myself. But you can't wallow in guilt, and the people you feel guilt towards wouldn't want that either.

inside, skeletons are always inside, that's obvious. (dowd), Thursday, 7 April 2016 13:36 (eight years ago) link

trapped in a box rapidly filling with water and there's fuck all outside the box anyway

disco Polo (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 10 April 2016 07:51 (eight years ago) link

been trying to juggle a lot of different things for a long time and feel like i'm headed for a huge crash. was supposed to graduate college last semester, but it didn't happen because of a paperwork fuckup. so this month i'm trying to graduate college, pass my professional cert exam (based on material i haven't even looked at in a year), manage two jobs, one of which is a kafkaesque nightmare and one of which is a ridiculously overtaxing ball of stress that leaves me incapable of doing anything at the end of the day but falling in bed and sleeping (and they're asking me to do overtime). on top of this trying to close out my dad's estate. everybody i talk to seems just as fucked up as i am, or more. have been doing massive amounts of stress eating, which has gone far past the point of being productive. am completely neglecting my loving and supportive spouse, and in fact have become so sexually alienated from everything over the last year i'm starting to think i'm genderqueer.

oh and i turned forty yesterday.

i've already had one nervous breakdown. i really don't want another.

diana krallice (rushomancy), Sunday, 10 April 2016 10:58 (eight years ago) link

Hello all, long-time poster/reader but under my real name and tbh I don't want to discuss mental health using my real name - hope no-one minds.

Hope everyone in the thread is doing ok at the moment, there's always something outside the box NV.

I find it hard to talk about how I feel, so little things become massive things and I can't see a positive outcome of any situation - I used to think I was just being a realist and preparing myself for the worst but all this catastrophising has been destroying me really. My current bout has just been a really slow slide down over about 18mths from my father (estranged) dying, some stressful things happening in my relationship (exacerbated by my inability to open up, as much as I wanted to) and a general collapse in my self belief and personality as a whole. I think I was in denial how bad it was. I found thinking about suicide a rational option when faced with trying to confront anything emotionally difficult - if I was going to go through with it I'd have done so by now.

Eventually I managed to start an email dialogue with the Samaritans, and eventually spoke to friends then my sister then went to the doctor (now got meds at a sustainable level, and after 4 months wait I have an appt for assessment with adult psych services this week) and started seeing a private counsellor. Ended up in tears on Christmas day trying to explain to my Mum. Relationship stuff came to a head not long after and although there's some contact we've not been in the same room for months.

So sometimes I'm pretty ok and other times just totally empty. I live on my own, and commute, neither of which help. I feel like I have nothing to be depressed about, so find it hard to look for help. Other people have real problems, mines are existential and the same shit that's been knocking me over for 20-odd years. I'm mostly less anxious, which is good, but definitely a bit lost. Not sure how the assessment will go, I'm worried about being told there's nothing wrong with me and to be on my way.

ova nova, Sunday, 10 April 2016 11:34 (eight years ago) link

i've already had one nervous breakdown. i really don't want another.

Oh, I know that one! I spent most of last year in fear of any sort of further breakdown! Which didn't help.

ova nova, Sunday, 10 April 2016 11:35 (eight years ago) link

Time is running out. Wish I could spend all my days alternating between shower and bed.

lute bro (brimstead), Sunday, 10 April 2016 18:22 (eight years ago) link

Gone from years feeling like I'm stuck in the "light my fire" organ solo to feeling like I'm floating through "when the music's over"

lute bro (brimstead), Sunday, 10 April 2016 18:43 (eight years ago) link

Big hugs to everyone <3

Ova nova, I think a lot of ppl with depression "don't have any reason" for it - that's the problem! I know my life looks pretty damn good from an outside perspective.

just1n3, Sunday, 10 April 2016 19:07 (eight years ago) link

I end up getting most depressed when everything sort of slots into place and feels settled in a way that everything is fine and there's no need or reason to change anything around. Like if job / family / finances / etc. all become stable and good I start to get sad and full of regret and feel overwhelmed by the permanence of it all.

joygoat, Sunday, 10 April 2016 21:44 (eight years ago) link

Yep just1n3, the massive guilt of being outwardly pretty together but a mess inside. I struggle with relativism - so many people have it much worse than me in the world.

joygoat, I've spent so much of my life wondering where / expecting things will go wrong that I can't actually enjoy anything I have achieved or any happiness that comes into my life. I thought I'd found a way to manage my depression by trying to make sure the peaks weren't so high so I didn't have so far to fall, but the troughs stayed as low if not lower and all I've done is rob myself of happiness / experiences / progress. I don't feel like I've progressed any since my late teens in many ways, and I'm so fed up of it. I just want to feel something other than this.

Hope today's been better for you, brimstead.

ova nova, Monday, 11 April 2016 18:42 (eight years ago) link

things have gotten pretty bad. i don't know where this self-critical/lacerating voice comes from. i don't remember my parents ever talking to me the way i talk to myself. i am starting with a new therapist and stuff so i guess i will be fine.

Knowing that it is a voice sounds like a good step imo

the worst part of depression for me is the guilt. my parents are getting older and they shouldn't have to worry about me anymore.

I think there's a false cultural narrative about perfect adult lives, tied up with a perfect bow, and parents after a certain age no longer being worried about their kids ... don't sweat it, just be ready to be there for any dependent relatives (yr own kids or nephews/nieces or older relatives) should the time come

Never changed username before (cardamon), Monday, 11 April 2016 23:24 (eight years ago) link

Technical question: if someone was pursuing a diet where they weren't getting any vitamin B12, and they were already depressed or suffering serious anxiety, would the lack of B12 exacerbate that?

This is regarding a tenant in my house who I have ... begun to have concerns about.

Never changed username before (cardamon), Monday, 11 April 2016 23:26 (eight years ago) link

Slip b12 supplements into their drink/cheerios/enema. I don't know if it's tied to any depression symptoms but there's a whole host of neurological problems that go with a b12 deficiency.

6 god none the richer (m bison), Monday, 11 April 2016 23:52 (eight years ago) link

I stayed in bed til like 2pm both Sat and Sun. Been getting 3-4 hours sleep at night. I'm definitely in a depression, but there's just not the acute psychic pain that I'm used to with depression. It's been so oddly benign. People around me are more concerned than I am.

Forever LXI (rip van wanko), Tuesday, 12 April 2016 00:05 (eight years ago) link

went to a new therapist today. i think he could be helpful -- seems insightful -- but jesus do i hate going to therapy.

Treeship, Tuesday, 12 April 2016 04:21 (eight years ago) link

I've spent so much of my life wondering where / expecting things will go wrong that I can't actually enjoy anything I have achieved or any happiness that comes into my life

This sums it up for me, just feeling like something can't be right if everything is working out because who am I to deserve good things or have people actually like me?

joygoat, Tuesday, 12 April 2016 05:25 (eight years ago) link

April is the cruelest month

never have i been a blue calm sea (collardio gelatinous), Tuesday, 12 April 2016 05:28 (eight years ago) link

add an "l" and stir

never have i been a blue calm sea (collardio gelatinous), Tuesday, 12 April 2016 05:29 (eight years ago) link

Thought i was doing a lot better but no, have run aground again. Just empty now, exhausted with myself and unable to see where I want to be. I hate my lack of motivation and ambition.

ova nova, Friday, 22 April 2016 22:18 (eight years ago) link

In my job, i feel like ive been making incredible strides. But i run it with my girlfriend, who has been going crazy recently trying to not overwork herself, easing her workload and then freaking out that stuff only she can do is not getting done. Its stressful and i dont know what to do about it, and its leading to arguments.

On top of this, our space isnt currently getting the trade we need (we are still paying the bills and every year at this time it slumps.)

Idk its not a big deal but im just stood here on a fucking shitty day and cant vent elsewhere. The record shop next to me is just playing shitty landfill indie all day too. I just want more to be positive about. (Well i do have that, first week of our asos has gone really well) but eeeeeeeeh, i wanna turn my fucking brain off. But then i drink too much, and its leading to more arguments. Ffs.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 30 April 2016 14:18 (eight years ago) link

happy to firebomb the record shop if it helps

some men just want to watch the world Bern (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 30 April 2016 15:18 (eight years ago) link

had a tpugh couple of weeks teetering on the brink of 'nothing fucking matters why do i even bother' but adjusted medication seems to have put me on more of an even keel the last couple of days. before i started taking medication i felt like using chemicals to get into a more positive frame of mind was cheating but now i feel like if my brain is going to play dirty pool with its own chemistry i should really take every opportunity to balance the scales from my side too

in the runup to the peak of bad feeling my brain felt a bit like HAL at the end of 2001 as bowman starts deactivating him, with all the good thoughts and feelings being steadily shut down one by one until all that was left was a monotonous robot voice telling me how over and over worthless i was

wario testino (bizarro gazzara), Saturday, 30 April 2016 15:34 (eight years ago) link

"a monotonous robot voice telling me how over and over worthless i was"

I don't know if I am afflicted with depression but I can definitely relate to this.

calzino, Saturday, 30 April 2016 15:41 (eight years ago) link

They are currently playinh stevie wonders greatest hits and my mood is improving.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 30 April 2016 16:15 (eight years ago) link

Soz to hear that biz, but yeah anything that helps improve your mood isnt cheating, its helping. I have some people in my life who get really caught up in thinking like this when there is definitely x that can help them, and by not accepting it just makes them so much worse. Just try and keep pulling through.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 30 April 2016 16:19 (eight years ago) link

hey, thanks - appreciate it

stevie wonder makes everything better tbh

wario testino (bizarro gazzara), Saturday, 30 April 2016 16:27 (eight years ago) link

Hey, bizarro, fwiw you are one of my fave ilxors. I hope you find that fact more uplifting than depressing (results may vary from ilxor to ilxor).

I am now back on meds for the first time in five years (just Ritalin for my case of the ADDs, but a low-grade depression is pretty much always comorbid with that shit). After <24 hours I already feel significantly less sleepwalky than has become my norm.

Your Ass Is Grass And I Will Mow It With My Face (Old Lunch), Saturday, 30 April 2016 16:51 (eight years ago) link

aw, right back at you man, thanks. always a pleasure to geek out with you

good luck with the meds!

wario testino (bizarro gazzara), Saturday, 30 April 2016 16:56 (eight years ago) link

good vibes to you biz.gaz and a hoy hoy, hope the meds keep doing you good OL

feeling the stressed other half and ADD-depresso things. have no official ADD diagnosis but seem to be totally not on top of basic day-to-day organisation and frequently spacing out/dropping the ball lately, which is totally setting off a feedback loop of stress and self-loathing

and bf is stressed/intermittently depressed which is also bringing me down, + also the powerless of not knowing how to help despite having been on the other side, taking it too personally, and if I'm honest a little emo voice keeps saying "why should I be understanding, whenever I'm down everyone else is just like 'hey, pull your socks up and stop whining'" (this part is not true, which I need to remember, plus of course it would be a dumb excuse even if it were true)

a passing spacecadet, Saturday, 30 April 2016 17:51 (eight years ago) link

yeah ive been with the gf 4 years, lived together and started a business together and... i still have no fucking clue* about her anxieties and anger. it makes me sad, but its not about me. its just fucking hard and idk how to deal. or whether its even something for me to deal with... but then i need to deal with backing off. argh.

*obviously an exagerration

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 30 April 2016 20:24 (eight years ago) link

sometimes the thing that worries me the most is knowing that the strongest will to keep going is knowing how much it would devastate my poor family if I died, but knowing that if that were no longer an issue...the concept of me peacing out wouldn't faze me as much, at least if I had a say in it as opposed to someone else or nature deciding it.

not that a lot of other people wouldn't be upset if i died, but it only seems the family folk are the one that make me begrudgingly keep trying.

i was doing so well at ages 30-31....fall of 2013 to now has been a nightmare comparatively speaking.

and i just lost my therapist of two years cos she stopped taking my insurance and I didn't wanna pay $150/a session as oppose dto $20 a session.

going to look for another soon.

i'll probably be aight - just picked up another theatre project, less because I miss it, more because I need something,a challenge to focus on that will distract me from me. and this is it.

Neanderthal, Monday, 2 May 2016 03:28 (eight years ago) link

because I need something,a challenge to focus on that will distract me from me. and this is it.

yeah, I do better when I have things like that. when the distraction ends, I fall apart for a while

sarahell, Monday, 2 May 2016 18:36 (eight years ago) link

Weekly bullshit update:

So we hired someone! It meant that it would take the stress off a little and give us opportunity to do other things. Most importantly it would mean my first day off trading (we are selling thurs-sun) in 11 months! Hooray! I fucking needed it.

Except after a second weekend of covering for my missus, came my day... and she was so full of anxiety she couldnt leave the house. And then when i got to work, the girl i hired started crying over problems she wouldnt tell me about and ran out. Not that it fucking matters, cos their is a tech recruitment fair using our entrance and we are empty so id be making no money anyway.

Its taking its toll. My gf is going through some weird thing that as our lives have dramatically improved, shes got really anxious and guilty about it and almost self sabotaging. And although it seems like we are getting better, shit like this just piles up. And the only course of action ive really got is to breathe heavily, remember the things i like that are going on and brush myself off. Oh and get fucking blind drunk when doors closed.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 7 May 2016 14:36 (eight years ago) link


the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 13:32 (eight years ago) link

just had my dad put the phone down on me cos i told him i wasn't happy with his relentless moaning and conspiracy bullshit but hey i'm only flesh and blood

Pope Is Dad is cucking Frapp tho (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 8 May 2016 14:21 (eight years ago) link

I haven't spoken to my dad in over 20 years and you know what? I don't feel depressed about that at all!

calzino, Sunday, 8 May 2016 14:27 (eight years ago) link

So now my gf has decided she just doesnt want to do this anymore, which leaves us fucked. Oh and any money i thought i make today, has been ruined by a fucking police blockade. 8 policemen cut off brick lane cos a woman broke her toe.

Nothing going on is because of me. Like the girl yesterday ran out because her stepdad got prostrate cancer and she had a panic attack and ive not been able to reach her since. The gf doesnt want to do it cos she hates customers and some people around us and they stress her out. Now i have tech fairs and broken toes meaning im having a shitter than shit week despite working harder than ever and investing loads of money into have my spaces be the best stocked they ever have?

I try more and i try and help people more and etc etc etc and it just leads to MORE money worries and more people being stressed? Fucking going home to read the book of job. Like wtf a broken toe gets 8 police officers.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 14:31 (eight years ago) link

Oh man. that sounds like a shitstorm of stress and bad luck. i'm sorry to hear about that. if the gf doesn't do it anymore, does that have you running the ship 24/7 w/ business?

Neanderthal, Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:13 (eight years ago) link

Basically i just have to get through today and find out where she stands.

To throw in some context we started a vintage clothes biz 2 years ago and trade on brick lane and online. Its pretty much tied into the fabric of our relationship, finances, interests, friendship group etc.

I think the reality will be that if she can divorce herself totally from the retail side and focus on stuff like getting stock and running our online stuff she should be cool. But yeah shes just been getting mega stressed and it only seems to get worse and worse atm to the point where im doing 95% and the stuff i cant do (for example she reworks a lot of items and i cant sew) she cant bring herself to do and its just losing us money not having that stuff, our most popular stuff, out. So even if she decides she wants out im gonna have to figure out how to deal with a missing skillset there too.

I just want a holiday.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:30 (eight years ago) link

hugs dude

Pope Is Dad is cucking Frapp tho (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:35 (eight years ago) link

Cheers man. And soz about yr dad.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:36 (eight years ago) link

ach he's always the same, i'm just v. short on tolerance and patience at the moment

Pope Is Dad is cucking Frapp tho (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:38 (eight years ago) link

Someone just, i shit you not, just offered her £10 and some travel toothpaste for a £25 shirt. I swear people have got more obnoxious just to fuck with her. Like they can smell blood. Toothpaste is a definite new low, usually people just pay on debit cards or in cash.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:43 (eight years ago) link

(Btw we are actually doing quite well and, other than struggling with debts from previous times, taking a handsome wage each. Sometimes when i complain about money i feel i have to qualify it with this. Its more of an issue that we generally have no control of when its a golden day or someone breaks their toe and 8 policemen essentially block the front door)

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:48 (eight years ago) link

(And day to day financial instability sucks even if its generally well worth it overall).

Fucking toothpaste for a tommy hilfiger shirt.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:50 (eight years ago) link

Thoughts Sam.

Daithi Bowsie (darraghmac), Sunday, 8 May 2016 15:58 (eight years ago) link

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