American politics 2016: Lawyers, Guns, and D-Money

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You can see some of it here, starting at 2:05:

The stats are on the convention screens, but not the news feeds. Peter Jennings' commentary on HD sets is pretty valuable too.

pplains, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:31 (eight years ago) link

Didn't Obama promise a different sort of SOTU? Was he talking about the power point, because otherwise it seemed pretty same ol'.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:33 (eight years ago) link

His rhythms were off for a lot of it; the jokes were better.

The burrito of ennui (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:40 (eight years ago) link

after the SOTU i expected that everyone else would have been freaked out by the accompanying visuals - the ones i posted above along with dozens of others. but (not just here but everywhere) i don't think anyone cared. which i sort of feel like a crazy person today! very twilight zoney.

i guess i'm not completely in the twilight zone yet because i understand no one would care. most people probably didn't even see it, to start, because they had something better to do on a tuesday night. or, if they did watch, most probably watched it on tv or some other stream other than the whitehouse/amazon/youtube version, and apparently the tv version was the "normal" one without the powerpoint visuals. it's possible that they've used the visual accompaniment in previous years so now it's just old news. and i guess the biggest thing is that for the charts and graphs and bullet points, at least, they were just supplementing the content of his speech. if a someone is trying to communicate an improvement in the economy and is citing stats via the spoken word, i can see why having a graph on the side supporting the point could be acceptable.

but man, it was not acceptable. it was fucking bizarre. it wasn't just charts and graphs, it was PR photos and inspirational messages and subtle attacks. it disturbed me even though i agreed with most of what he was talking about. it was just straight up propaganda, it just happened to be propaganda i mostly agreed with. i realize the argument is What do you expect when you tune in to to watch a speech? and the real purpose of the SOTU is to persuade, not to inform. but Amazon video and Youtube were also carrying the version of the speech (with all the splitscreen pictures of obama literally kissing babies), and neither one of them displayed a "WARNING: THIS IS A PROMOTIONAL VIDEO STRAIGHT FROM THE GOVERNMENT" disclaimer. i don't know. it's just creepy. and what a shitty precedent it sets. imagine cruz doing something like this in January 2016. it would be absolutely nauseating to watch. imagine him speaking while the splitscreen shows a group of elementary school children hugging him in a classroom and misleading overlaid text boasts about president cruz' education reform plan.

judging by the lack of any internet response to it, i'm alone in this, but if nothing else you'd think people would be creeped out by official whitehouse feed spilling out into other popular channels like youtube and amazon.

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:53 (eight years ago) link

sorry for many typos and poor reasoning but i just wanted to try to freak out the internet before my 10 am meeting

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:55 (eight years ago) link

It's never the wrong time to freak out on the internet.

If authoritarianism is Romania's ironing board, then (in orbit), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:56 (eight years ago) link

Repetitive, as always, but I thought the last four minutes, theatrical or not, was fantastic. (I watched the CNN repeat--glad I dodged the charts.)

clemenza, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:57 (eight years ago) link

Were you watching it on the WhiteHouse account on YouTube?

I don't know anything about what Amazon does except that they sell books.

pplains, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:57 (eight years ago) link

feel like ppl who are wont to freak out over obama WH propaganda have already freaked out enough over obama himself that doing so over the graphics would be a step down

Mordy, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:58 (eight years ago) link

Hoping the upcoming Obama roadshow features more zings and name-names. I expect good things from his transition to campaigner-in-chief.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 15:03 (eight years ago) link

I only read the transcript, but it seemed like pretty weak tea for a final SOTU. Although I did appreciate his implicit disavowal of Trump's worldview throughout.

Professor Bworlph (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 15:07 (eight years ago) link

I always scan SOTU as STFU.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 15:08 (eight years ago) link

The President should given an annual STFU address.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 15:08 (eight years ago) link

Were you watching it on the WhiteHouse account on YouTube?

started out watching it on amazon video, then checked to make sure and youtube were streaming the same version.

i mean, if you were watching it on TV on NBC or whatever and suddenly this happened

would you raise an eyebrow? would you think, 'i'm surprised NBC is so directly serving as a subordinate to the state right now'? again, maybe not. probably not. from what i can tell most lefties are like "but the media is ALREADY a subordinate to the state, maaaaaaan", everyone on the right already thinks that obama is the antichrist, and there are only two people in the "center", and they live in a cabin without the internet way out in the woods and weren't available for immediate comment on this post. but hypothetically, if you're in the twilight zone with me and you would think it was weird if NBC carried a version of the speech that included the PR visuals, why is it any less weird when the white house partners with youtube and amazon to do the same thing?

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:21 (eight years ago) link

"The rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better. There's no doubt a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide, and I guarantee I'll keep trying to be better so long as I hold this office."

I didn't watch it cuz I have shit to do in the evenings and this is really minor but what a weird thing to say - Lincoln presided over a civil war and was murdered, he was hardly a conciliatory figure. And the right-wing has always completely and utterly loathed (and continue to loathe) FDR, who was just better at outmaneuvering his opponents.

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:30 (eight years ago) link

i'm with you on this ZS, fighting this sort of mindcontrol marketing is a worthy cause

Copy rights, pleasing all star wars fans, hiring professionals. (forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:35 (eight years ago) link

lincoln presided over a civil war, but he may have been the only thing that kept the country together in the end. source: Lincoln by george lucas
i imagine by "Roosevelt" he was allowing some of the people in the room to think that he might have been referring to Teddy.

i was watching as he said that bit. it's hard to guess at his intentions but at the time he said it, the subliminal message to the audience (congress) seemed to be "even IF lincoln or roosevelt [insert presidential hero here] were president right now, they'd have difficulties bridging the divide too because all of you are insane"

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:36 (eight years ago) link

the white house partners with youtube and amazon to do the same thing?

I totally hear you, but I'm asking if you were watching the address on the White House channel on YouTube. If you were, then I think that's just as acceptable as it would be for Youtube/user/satansatansatan to show the video with goat horns superimposed on everyone.

pplains, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:36 (eight years ago) link

i feel you karl. that shit makes my skin crawl. complete lack of media literacy education here in the 21st fucking century doesn't help re: other people's lack of response.

powerpoint in general is a plague but that's for another thread.

home organ, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:37 (eight years ago) link

oh, i got you! sorry, i misunderstood. i'm not totally sure, i just clicked over to youtube and clicked the first thing that said State of the Union. i imagine it was probably on their white house channel, you're right. ok. so that's a little less creepy to me. i remain creeped out by the amazon video version of it, though.

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:38 (eight years ago) link

I dislike the incorporation of memes into the state of the union mainly in terms of aesthetics: I think they look ugly

rap is dad (it's a boy!), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:39 (eight years ago) link

charts look like they're playing to the vox media crowd

rap is dad (it's a boy!), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:40 (eight years ago) link

i have to admit i laughed when they put they made the chart fullscreen and hid obama behind it

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:48 (eight years ago) link

sorry I wasn't around last night but if you didn't think Nikki Haley was blasting Trump with both barrels during that speech, you need to listen to it again; you also need to read this:

Very selfish, and very ironic (DJP), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:52 (eight years ago) link

i have to admit i laughed when they put they made the chart fullscreen and hid obama behind it

"We've created so many jobs they're poking me in the nose!"

something totally new, it’s the AOR of the twenty first century (tipsy mothra), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:55 (eight years ago) link

karl i didn't see that but it certainly does look distasteful

basically because government still appears to exist in a no-frills-communication zone, rhetorically, so any steps outside that to what otherwise looks like a standard corpo voxpost infographic technique appear to be highly manipulative.

especially the photos.

j., Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:05 (eight years ago) link

damn just look at all those jobs

home organ, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:09 (eight years ago) link

basically because government still appears to exist in a no-frills-communication zone

see, that's the thing, because i think in other areas they've already made the leap. they have a social media presence and their communications team has clearly been trying to develop new ways to put the administration and their policies in the best light. and all of that seems...predictable and not too revolting. i mean, if you go to the white house website or their instagram or whatever you'll already find a bunch of that. and if you go to the websites of the more comm-savvy congresspeople you'll find the same thing.

so i'm not sure why it seems so creepy when they apply the same PR gloss to the STFU SOTU, which is an annually scheduled slice of PR from the govt. i guess, again, it's just that it spread out beyond the official white house channels and out into what i presumed would be a relatively nonpartisan source, Amazon. i guess the creepiest thing is the intuition that amazon would do the same exact thing to support a republican president. it's the cooperation of corporations and the state to deliver PR super weird, so obvious that they don't even bother to conceal or distract from it. yes yes, that's always existed but the audacity of it seems to herald a new era of sleaziness

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:24 (eight years ago) link

DJP otm. The idea that either speech was "all about Trump" is ludicrous. That whole line of thinking is just a way to deflect attention from Obama's points about political disfunction or to obscure the obvious racism in Haley's speech

Check Yr Scrobbles (Moodles), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:27 (eight years ago) link

I grant you that IF it were on NBC, that would be troublesome. But I watched NBC all evening and this is the first I'm hearing of it.

As pplains noted, lots of people put self-praising videos on YouTube. And lots of people use Amazon as a means of disseminating their stuff - Trump and Carson sell their books through Amazon, for example.

Everybody wants to present their policies and accomplishments in the best light; that's part of being a public official: tell us what you've been up to and what you're doing with our money.

Is the main objection that it's slickly produced? (So it wouldn't be creepy if it looked like shit?) Is the main objection that it looks like PowerPoint (so it would be okay if it looked like it was done in Illustrator?) Is the main objection that it's emotionally manipulative? Well, that's bound up with how humans try to persuade one another of stuff.

Government agencies' websites and newsletters typically talk about the good they're doing and minimize problems. Some of them look crappy, some don't. My congressperson sends me a mailer every once in a while that says "this is what I've been doing." It looks okay. Of course it's cherry-picked and of course it's biased in their favor. That the mailman delivered it to me does not imply government endorsement of every message therein (any more than the mailman delivering National Review, or whatever, would imply endorsement).

Is the main objection that it's emotionally manipulative? That it shows Obama hugging kids? Well, that's bound up with how humans try to persuade one another of stuff. Of course it's PR. Lots of things are PR; we shouldn't be mad at them for being done well as opposed to being done poorly.

it takes the village people (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:55 (eight years ago) link

erg, sorry for the repeating ramble

it takes the village people (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:56 (eight years ago) link

yeah but PR looks like a shortened form of propoganda

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:06 (eight years ago) link

Is the main objection that it's slickly produced? (So it wouldn't be creepy if it looked like shit?) Is the main objection that it looks like PowerPoint (so it would be okay if it looked like it was done in Illustrator?) Is the main objection that it's emotionally manipulative? Well, that's bound up with how humans try to persuade one another of stuff.

...Is the main objection that it's emotionally manipulative? That it shows Obama hugging kids? Well, that's bound up with how humans try to persuade one another of stuff. Of course it's PR. Lots of things are PR; we shouldn't be mad at them for being done well as opposed to being done poorly.

no on all of those. it's this:

I grant you that IF it were on NBC, that would be troublesome. But I watched NBC all evening and this is the first I'm hearing of it.

As pplains noted, lots of people put self-praising videos on YouTube. And lots of people use Amazon as a means of disseminating their stuff - Trump and Carson sell their books through Amazon, for example.

so you're implying that there's a difference between Amazon and NBC when it comes to whether or not they should be required to be nonpartisan. NBC has a journalistic responsibility to not be a loudhorn for the administration. but with amazon, it's ok, because they also sell stuff? see, that's where i get creeped out, because the lines between "journalism" and corporations selling shit have become so blurry. on one hand, streaming services like Amazon video (and other services like Netflix, youtube) is becoming the main way that a lot of people access media. imagine the parallel experiences of two people - one watching shows on NBC all day, the other watching shows on netflix/amazon all day. They have largely the same experience, they watch their shows and there are ads here and there. Then at 8pm, the president comes on. NBC shows the relatively nonpartisan version, while Amazon shows the propaganda version, without even stating that it's propaganda. see the problem? Amazon sells shit, but so does NBC, and they both have many, many other interests besides. streaming services are becoming more like standard news outlets for many people, while media conglomerates are starting to become more like the streaming services in some ways. everything is blurring together. and in the midst of it, you have some of the media outlets amplifying the administration's message. i dunno. this is weird to me.

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:09 (eight years ago) link

i don't think NBC has a responsibility to do anything really.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:10 (eight years ago) link

"then we've already lost..."


Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:13 (eight years ago) link

call me old fashioned, but i think major media outlets DO have the responsibility to uphold at least the barest threads of journalistic integrity. and if amazon is going to serve up video to millions of people and get more and more powerful every year, they should be held to the same standards.

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:15 (eight years ago) link

call me old fashioned, but i think major media outlets DO have the responsibility to uphold at least the barest threads of journalistic integrity.

Wake me up when they stop being an official propaganda arm of the Catholic Church every spring and winter.

the top man in the language department (誤訳侮辱), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:17 (eight years ago) link

The churlish part of me is thinking that anyone watching the State of the Union address on Amazon deserves all the propaganda in the world but I don't think you're raising any invalid points here.

Very selfish, and very ironic (DJP), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:18 (eight years ago) link

TV networks sell Washington as democracy. Period.

skateboards are the new combover (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:20 (eight years ago) link

sure, but i'd replace the 'period' with a 'period period period' because there's still a spectrum of wrongdoing, and it irks me to watch everything slide toward the awful direction. also, things can always get worse. until we're all sitting around watching our 1984 telescreens, they can get worse. (and even after that, things can get worse because what if those telescreens could spray bug spray in your eyes)

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:25 (eight years ago) link

the amount of room on the down side is only bounded by human extinction

a little too mature to be cute (Aimless), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:28 (eight years ago) link

things can always get worse, and do.

passed up the infomercial last night in favor of a western about amputations and cannibalism, which rather produced the same themes with more entertainment.

skateboards are the new combover (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:28 (eight years ago) link

I assume you mean Bone Tomahawk?

Very selfish, and very ironic (DJP), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:33 (eight years ago) link

They are both showing the propaganda version - it's the SOTU speech!

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:35 (eight years ago) link

xp yes, just a few walkouts at MoMA when the cannibals, well...

skateboards are the new combover (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:40 (eight years ago) link

I got enough of a rundown from jjj to realize that this movie isn't one I should seek out but it sounds great in the abstract

Very selfish, and very ironic (DJP), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:41 (eight years ago) link

it's fine if you hide your eyes for 20 seconds, just like with reaction shots of Mitch McConeell.

skateboards are the new combover (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:43 (eight years ago) link

that movie was directed by a guy who used to write for Metal Maniacs

tremendous crime wave and killing wave (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:44 (eight years ago) link

yes, he went into his metal history in Q&A and seems to be a John Ford hater, but i liked the film nonetheless

skateboards are the new combover (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:45 (eight years ago) link

also from a political angle, given that the antagonists are a Native "lost race" that might be politically queasy, he had two of the white principals condemn "manifest destiny" and "bigotry," which seems like a high proportion in a white-guy search party of four in the 1890s, but i understand it.

skateboards are the new combover (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 13 January 2016 18:48 (eight years ago) link

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