NRO's The Corner: Obamacare ‘like a house on fire’ with more flammable parts yet to come

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what else did WFB do besides inspire faux-intellectualism on the right.

ryan, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 17:48 (ten years ago) link

Well, this is just a gem:

Going from angry bitter nerd rant against Fake Nerds to angry bitter nerd rant against the left

Herbie Handcock (Murgatroid), Wednesday, 30 July 2014 18:12 (ten years ago) link

*clicks* not

mattresslessness, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 18:15 (ten years ago) link

Woe, that National Review comments section is some ninth circle of hell. Never again...

Both jaunty and authentic (Dan Peterson), Wednesday, 30 July 2014 18:29 (ten years ago) link

Years ago, I worked for a man who was a fairly high-flying lawyer. He went to three storied schools: Princeton, Oxford, and Harvard (in that order, I believe). One day, I got to asking him where he was from. West Virginia, he said. The family was poor. I don’t think there was a father. I believe it was a no-electricity, no-running-water situation. I believe he did not have a proper pair of shoes until 14 or something.

What I remember specifically is this: There were no books in the house, of course. But there was one guy in town who was well off — he was the banker, maybe — and he had books. He let Michael read pretty much all of them.

I remember thinking, “To much of the world, Michael is just another ‘privileged white male.’ Yet if he were of a different color — or even of the other sex — he would be hailed as a great bootstraps story.”

This brings me to Maine: and the governor, Paul LePage. He was born in Lewiston — no garden spot — in 1948. He was the first of 18 children. The family was Franco-American, and French-speaking. Paul’s father was a mill worker and drunk. A violent drunk. He beat the hell out of Paul, who escaped home at age eleven. Paul lived on the streets for two years — sleeping in stables and strip joints and the like. Eventually, a couple of families kept an eye on him. When he got to college age, he could not get in, because his English wasn’t good enough: He spoke French. But he finessed that — there’s a French word — and he worked his way up.

Okay, my point is this: LePage is a conservative Republican — and fantastically, sometimes thrillingly unpolished — but he if were a liberal Democrat, he would be a national celebrity as Horatio Alger incarnate. There’d be movies and songs and poems about him.

Am I expressing conservative paranoia and self-pity about the media and “the culture”? Or am I simply acquainted with reality?

By the way: If Clarence Thomas were a liberal Democrat, instead of a conservative Republican, his story would be taught to every child in the land, and his poster would be ubiquitous on kids’ walls. Hell, he might be on a coin already.

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 6 August 2014 15:09 (ten years ago) link

Imagine a world where our children all had posters of Clarence Thomas instead of Sonya Sotomayor.

Now you're messing with a (President Keyes), Wednesday, 6 August 2014 15:36 (ten years ago) link

if ifs and ands were pots and pans...

The beer was cold, but so was the glass, which drives me crazy. (stevie), Wednesday, 6 August 2014 15:39 (ten years ago) link

If Clarence Thomas were a liberal Democrat, instead of a conservative Republican, his story would be taught to every child in the land, and his poster would be ubiquitous on kids’ walls. Hell, he might be on a coin already.

or a Coke can ;-)

zombie formalist (m coleman), Wednesday, 6 August 2014 16:42 (ten years ago) link

The Monster Maims without Mercy
By Kathryn Jean Lopez
August 11, 2014 3:09 PM

Print Text

I just googled Christians in Iraq and a photo of President Obama playing golf was the first news item that came up.

I’m sorry, but that’s our problem. We act as if everything is the same old political bickering until someone gets hurt. We notice a difference when we are attacked — but here at home. That stops us, obviously.

We pay attention when Ted Cruz or Rand Paul take to the floor of the Senate and read the phone book or otherwise talk until we’re sick of them and/or the news coverage. We notice a difference when Eric Cantor loses when few saw it coming. But everything’s pretty much same-old otherwise. Cynical, yawning, back to our hardened sides or indifference.

But when people are suffering and dying how can we be so comfortable ignoring it – whether they be innocent unborn children or elderly in the hospital or clinic closest to us or families hoping for a better life or Christians refusing to surrender to intolerance or militant Islamic tyranny?

Is this who we are?

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 11 August 2014 19:59 (ten years ago) link

News flash: K Lopez contemplates becoming Mother Theresa long enough to write a column. Later drops the idea as likely to interfere with her current compassionate lifestyle of pointing our attention at innocent unborn children, elderly in the hospital or clinic closest to us, families hoping for a better life, and Christians refusing to surrender to intolerance or militant Islamic tyranny.

dustups delivered to your door (Aimless), Monday, 11 August 2014 20:07 (ten years ago) link

kevin d. williamson's latest anti-illinois article begins "Hey, hey craaaaaacka!"

♪♫ teenage wasteman ♪♫ (goole), Monday, 11 August 2014 21:43 (ten years ago) link

Nordlinger has a post about the knockout game and Jonah has a post about bringing back the Vatican army

Matt Armstrong, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 02:12 (ten years ago) link

the primate thing you could maybe get away with, maybe, but 3/5 ffs

they can't help but be 'clever' in their straight-up racist shit-eating assholedom

mookieproof, Thursday, 14 August 2014 03:15 (ten years ago) link

In Impromptus today — the first part of a “Salzburg Journal” — I say something about the word Polizei: which has a stigma for me. The German word for police sounds more sinister than words for police in other languages — to me. This is a personal thing, though I bet others share it.

You remember the Volkspolizei in East Germany, abbreviated to VoPo. You did not want to be caught in the snares of the VoPo, any more than you wanted to be caught in the snares of the KGB (or the Gestapo).

Here in the Corner, I thought I’d mention some other German words: schnell, raus. These words always remind me of Hogan’s Heroes, so help me (though schnell is a fairly common marking in music).

How about Führer, an innocent word, or formerly innocent word, meaning “leader”? You will find it and related words throughout the Bible, as in “er führet mich auf rechter Strasse” — “he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness.”

Are these words to be . . . verboten (speaking of German)? It’s all in the ear, and probably the age and the nationality, of the listener.

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 25 August 2014 15:22 (ten years ago) link

Is 'Fuhrer' used as a known in modern German Bibles? Honestly curious.

Spaceport Leuchars (dowd), Monday, 25 August 2014 16:13 (ten years ago) link

first sentence in

bnw, Friday, 29 August 2014 13:13 (ten years ago) link

Just a little over a month after being fired for at least 41 instances of plagiarism, former BuzzFeed viral politics editor Benny Johnson has been hired as The National Review’s first-ever social-media director.

curmudgeon, Monday, 8 September 2014 15:04 (ten years ago) link

fits the profile

the other song about butts in the top 5 (forksclovetofu), Monday, 8 September 2014 15:36 (ten years ago) link

Benny made a terrible mistake. But he has owned up to it and learned from it," said National Review editor Rich Lowry. "He's a talented journalist, with obviously a lot to contribute. He knows he's joining a storied institution at NR, and we look forward to his helping us carry on our mission across all platforms."

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 8 September 2014 15:38 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Kevin Williamson has words for those vermin who participated in yesterday's climate change rally:

The streets of Manhattan are teeming with hippie filth this afternoon as the People’s Climate March (and Rally Against Personal Hygiene on General Principles) rolls through town like an addled occupation force. One particularly loopy-looking couple of well-seasoned veterans of the protest circuit, little signs reading “Divest from Fossil Fuels” pinned to their shirts, were desperately trying to hail a taxi. New York City taxis, as everybody knows, run on magic. I offered them a ride in my invisible solar-powered unicorn chariot; they did not take me up on it. I assume Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore shared a unicycle to get here.

But Grover and Moonbeam were far from the strangest or most ironic sight in the city today. Across town, the section of Park Avenue fronting the Waldorf was a sea of Communist banners, as if that kid from Rolling Stone had finally had all his dreams come true. It was some sort of China rally. The Chinese have good cause to be proud of their civilization, but not of that flag, and the government it represents, the so-called People’s Republic.

People’s March. People’s Republic. Listen to the Left, and they’ll always tell you who they really are.

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 22 September 2014 15:44 (ten years ago) link

"teeming with hippie filth"!!!!

the other song about butts in the top 5 (forksclovetofu), Monday, 22 September 2014 16:56 (ten years ago) link

That reads like he wrote it using a Mad Libs pad.

Welcome to my spooooooky carnival! Hope I don't... blow your mind! (Phil D.), Monday, 22 September 2014 16:58 (ten years ago) link

^This guy knows the power of sarcasm to sway the unreflective mind.


Aimless, Monday, 22 September 2014 16:58 (ten years ago) link

"hippie filth"? haha the protestors I saw were mostly well-scrubbed college kids. kw channeling spiro agnew or rabid hippie-baiting TV host joe pyne

zombie formalist (m coleman), Tuesday, 23 September 2014 00:16 (nine years ago) link

ludicrous, crusty, Morton Downey Jr-esque dullardry is the only kind of machismo these feebs can even slightly convincingly approximate.

A college wearing a sweater that says “John Belushi” (stevie), Tuesday, 23 September 2014 09:16 (nine years ago) link

right wing journos' MO is always to go to a protest and search for the weirdest outliers, then say "The left reveals itself!"

Now you're messing with a (President Keyes), Tuesday, 23 September 2014 12:30 (nine years ago) link

our favorite NRO denizen loved it:

I would like to add something quick to Kevin’s post. (I’m too nervous to watch every pitch of the Tigers versus the Royals.) I spent some time near the crowd today — and that crowd was more like a mob, in my view. Swarms of zealots, screaming — literally screaming — against a devil they call “fossil fuels.” These people did not seem to me democrats assembling in support of a cause (however misguided). They struck me as ideologues, people in the grip of a negative passion, the kind of mob that would be wowed by Hugo Chávez.

I hope I do them an injustice. (But I doubt it.)

P.S. I have never much liked the recent expression “on steroids” — that got old within a year of its regular use, to me. But Manhattan today has been Ann Arbor on steroids. (Some readers know that Ann Arbor is my hometown and a frequent punching bag of mine.)

P.P.S. If only people felt as passionately against dictatorship and human-rights abuses — in China, Cuba, the Arab world, and elsewhere — as they do against fossil fuels. There are real enemies in the world, but oil and natural gas aren’t one of them (or two of them). And against what is the people’s fury directed? Against what do the schoolteachers preach? Of course.

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 23 September 2014 12:57 (nine years ago) link

Those of us who have been working against various mandates imposed by the Affordable Care Act are as a matter of fact attempting to extricate ourselves from involvement in Lena Dunham’s sex life, the details of which we would gratefully leave to her own idiosyncratic management. It is the so-called Affordable Care Act that has involved us in subsidizing birth control, abortifacients, surgical abortions, and who knows what else, for the strong, powerful, self-actualized American woman who cannot figure out how to walk into Walgreens, lay down the price of a latte, and walk out with her own birth-control pills, no federal intervention necessary. The very conservative editors of this magazine are in fact trying to make it easier for them to do so with over-the-counter birth control. I suspect that Miss Dunham does not know very many conservatives, so allow me to pass along the message: We really, truly, sincerely do not wish to be involved in your sex life.

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 14:05 (nine years ago) link

...which is why i wrote this paragraph.

the other song about butts in the top 5 (forksclovetofu), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 16:57 (nine years ago) link

nothing like kevin williamson straight up lying about what justice RBG said about abortion and non-rich women. and then the next day saying women who've had an abortion should be hanged.

goole, Tuesday, 30 September 2014 17:02 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Okay, I mean, she knows, right?

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 14 October 2014 19:43 (nine years ago) link

the comments are hilarious

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 19:44 (nine years ago) link

I wonder if that one son of hers just kinda shrugs at the drunk texts at 2 am.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 14 October 2014 19:45 (nine years ago) link

the comments seem to confirm that 90 percent of NRO's traffic is hate reading

u2 removal machine (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 19:53 (nine years ago) link

They probably checked their subscriber numbers and realized "Wait, the only people who actually support us financially are the ones who take our damn cruises."

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 14 October 2014 19:56 (nine years ago) link

Gary Thomas Byrne-McIntire • an hour ago

Interesting music selection.. R.E.M. --Stipe stated, "I don’t. I think there’s a line drawn between gay and queer, and for me, queer describes something that’s more inclusive of the grey areas."

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 19:56 (nine years ago) link

would really like to know exactly how she interprets that song and video

Free Me's Electric Trumpet (Moodles), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 20:52 (nine years ago) link

that was just a dream?

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 21:03 (nine years ago) link

amazing that the lol @ maggie havent been deleted (yet)

zombie formalist (m coleman), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 23:24 (nine years ago) link

^ comments I mean. earlier k-lo posted her usual lukewarm oatmeal about the catholic synod and got her ass handed back by the corner's reliably homophobic professional catholics. they're incredible, literally "more catholic than the pope" and utterly lacking what the nuns used to call the virtue of humility.

zombie formalist (m coleman), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 23:30 (nine years ago) link

heard George Weigel on NPR today in the car and underneath his usual condescending bluster he sounded worried.

zombie formalist (m coleman), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 23:31 (nine years ago) link

I had to mention George Will's column

One of the wonders of this political moment is feminist contentment about the infantilization of women in the name of progressive politics. Government, encouraging academic administrations to micromanage campus sexual interactions, now assumes that, absent a script, women cannot cope. And the Democrats’ trope about the Republicans’ “war on women” clearly assumes that women are civic illiterates.

it gets better

guess that bundt gettin eaten (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 19 October 2014 19:54 (nine years ago) link


goole, Friday, 24 October 2014 20:17 (nine years ago) link

Gourd Opinion Haver ‏@SeanRMoorhead 17h17 hours ago

.@reihan I am a licensed sexual orientation reparative therapist in Provo. Put me on the reverse racism beat and you'll never regret it.

A Question of the Hour
By Jay Nordlinger

In recent years, I’ve had several occasions to go to Norway, and a visit to that country will make you think about immigration, assimilation, and all that jazz. So will a visit to Holland, for example. Anyway, I returned from Norway a couple of days ago.

While there, I thought of something Mark Steyn said — one of his greatest Broadway analogies ever. Some people think that a new Europe will be essentially like a cast change of Hello, Dolly! You may remember the “black Hello, Dolly!” (starring the great Pearl Bailey). Sure, the cast was of a different color. The show had a different flavor. But it was still Hello, Dolly!

Will Europe be that way? Will Norway still be Norway, only in hijab?

Matt Armstrong, Saturday, 25 October 2014 21:50 (nine years ago) link

How fucking dumb are these guys

u2 removal machine (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 25 October 2014 22:25 (nine years ago) link

You may remember the “black Hello, Dolly!”

Actually, no, since I'm not obsessed with maintaining our culture's racial purity, I do not remember that.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Saturday, 25 October 2014 22:52 (nine years ago) link

greatest broadway analogies

schlump, Saturday, 25 October 2014 23:29 (nine years ago) link

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