New York City is for sellouts

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I didn't say that I can't afford the bandwidth, or that my pipe isn't big enough to handle the puny load imposed by your message board...

It's the principle of the matter. I clearly say I don't want to serve my images for other web sites or users. Ally has created a post that is attempting to steal from me.... I know you clever people on this thread are capable of wrapping your well developed minds around the concept of theft -- especially since so much of it is going on around here...

If someone removes the illegal and unauthorized link to my site, I'll happily go away. if the next time I happen to browse my web logs I see evidence of continued theft, I'll throw together a little perl script to collect a bunch of image tags from your various message threads and send email to the owners of those domains to be sure they are aware of the theft of bandwidth and possible copyright violations. The fact that many copyrighted images, including mine, have embedded comments indicating a copyright should make it easy to find some stolen images on your site...

I don't have a legal team, and I'm sure folks reading this don't have a legal team. I know Disney has a legal team. Have you ever seen how rabid Disney is about protecting their copyrights and trademarks? Got any pictures of Mickey Mouse around here? I'm sure you friendly message board types don't have assets worth going after, but what about those companies that make *this* message board possible?

Of course I would send a copy of any evidence of illegal activity on this board to the folks at keypoint ( who so kindly provide your little message board a home. And let's not forget those nice people at Labyrinth Connections that host your DNS. They should be made aware of any potential legal liabilities arising from their apparent charitable hosting of this site. I'd somehow feel guilty if I didn't also look into who the upstream providers are for your netblock...

Yes, I'm a prick. Yes, I'm pissed off. and YES, what you guys are doing is WRONG. Make all the jokes you want, but remove the link to

I don't have any illusions about how effective my actions may be, but I know that I wouldn't want some prick pointing out to everyone and anyone (especially those people nice enough to host my site) how I was breaking the law... I'd just take the fucking link down and be done with the matter...



Mr Steve, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:00 (twenty years ago) link

ModJ (ModJ), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:08 (twenty years ago) link

did you ever stop to think you stole stevem's name, fucktard??! I'm calling the FCC.

Allyzay, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:14 (twenty years ago) link

Ha ha ha ha, what a ponce!

Jon Williams (ex machina), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:16 (twenty years ago) link


RJG (RJG), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:20 (twenty years ago) link

Ally sold us all out.

bnw (bnw), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:23 (twenty years ago) link

He's going to get GWB to invade Australia to remove those links!

Jon Williams (ex machina), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:24 (twenty years ago) link

It was always my plan to destroy ILX. THRU MASSIVE BANDWIDTH DESTRUCTION.

Allyzay, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:27 (twenty years ago) link

Take off every zig!

bnw (bnw), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:30 (twenty years ago) link


RJG (RJG), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:31 (twenty years ago) link

I guess you guys aren't as smart as I thought....

Funny that I mentioned Disney. A simple glance at the image tags on this page reveals:


it's from:

espn is a Disney company....

I'd suggest that you read:

If you are smart, you'll simply shut up and remove the offending link from your site. You guys are in the wrong. Period.

Disney hasn't bothered with you because you haven't hit their radar. Yet. Your providers haven't been bothered by your rampant casual THEIVERY because it hasn't appeared on their radar. Yet. While you may or may not get shot down, I can make sure you show up on several radar screens like a freaking 747...

Mr Steve, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:34 (twenty years ago) link

ModJ (ModJ), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:35 (twenty years ago) link

Jon Williams (ex machina), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:38 (twenty years ago) link

It's like my logic professor got really bored and decided to come on ILX or something.

Allyzay, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:44 (twenty years ago) link

Jon Williams (ex machina), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:47 (twenty years ago) link

WTF picture is he even on about? Just delete the damn thread, all it is is Nick hating on Yancey anyway.

Allyzay, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:49 (twenty years ago) link

This is a first for me.

Jon Williams totally OTFM.

donut bitch (donut), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:57 (twenty years ago) link

And here I thought it was N.W.A. reviving this thread talking about how much Ice Cube is a New York sellout.

donut bitch (donut), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 06:57 (twenty years ago) link

Mr. Steve, in the amount of time it took to post here a couple times, you could have easily edited your .htaccess file

Details here:

Elvis Telecom (Chris Barrus), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 07:00 (twenty years ago) link

their plants selection is pretty awesome as well (though i bought a venus flytrap there once for like $3 and it was the saddest venus flytrap ever, i had to force-feed it bugs)

omg geeta, thats so cute.

phil-two (phil-two), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 07:03 (twenty years ago) link

I know about .htaccess files.

Instead of flipping me shit, one of the knowledgeable users of this board could have indicated how I could request a moderator to remove the offending link. Somone could have said, "Oh, we're doing something illegal that pisses you off? I'm sorry, we'll stop." I know, that's asking entirely too much... But come on guys, there is so much petty thievery going on around here that it seems like this site must be run by the government... If someone complains the smart thing to do is point them to a moderator, or even better, make a request for moderation of the offending link, apologize politely and be done with it.

But since you guys have chosen to not do the "smart thing", you've *really* pissed me off, and I will be satisfied with nothing less than removal of the offending material.

Hopefully someone will have the good sense to rectify this situation. Trust me, it'll be a lot more difficult to deal with the fallout from a few well placed emails from a pissed off prick than it would to do the "right thing".



Mr Steve, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 07:21 (twenty years ago) link

there's a Moderation Request link near the bottom of the page

oops (Oops), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 07:22 (twenty years ago) link

every fifth post on this board today has read like a marissa marchant monologue.

jody (Jody Beth Rosen), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 07:31 (twenty years ago) link

steve, linking to images on remote servers is one of the ways that the web "works." it's built into the spec. it's NOT illegal and it's NOT "thievery," no matter how much you would like it to be. if you tell us who the photographer is we'll credit him or her, but if you want the image gone from this thread, please just edit your .htaccess file! damn!!

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 13:35 (twenty years ago) link

I've edited Ally's post so that it doesn't directly link to Mr Steve's site. Hopefully he will now shut up and go away.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 13:36 (twenty years ago) link

You'd think, but I have this hunch.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 13:41 (twenty years ago) link

Steve, while I realise that bandwidth and fair-use issues are important to you, that politeness thing works both ways in that a simple, polite request to a moderator to remove your link would have been preferable to flaming like a BK Broiler. You may be right, but that doesn't excuse any rudeness. I also like the bit where you tell us to read your page carefully - although if your pic came from Google images, that might not have happened because of how it works - and then cannot be bothered to scroll down far enough to see a moderation request link when you pay us a visit.

Also, if there is any whiff of abuse or slander on the part of someone puroprting to be considering legal action, it doesn't look very good for the complainant. It could, in fact, be seen as extortion based on certain precedents.

suzy (suzy), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 13:58 (twenty years ago) link

WTF picture is he even on about? Just delete the damn thread, all it is is Nick hating on Yancey anyway.

-- Allyzay (notthatyanceydoesntdeservei...), February 18th, 2004 1:49 AM. (later)


NA (Nick A.), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 14:22 (twenty years ago) link


RJG (RJG), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 14:23 (twenty years ago) link


You (and the others) just don't get it. That's what pisses me off. You say, 'Linking to images on remote servers is one of the ways that the web "works." it's built into the spec. it's NOT illegal and it's NOT "thievery," no matter how much you would like it to be.'

When there is a specific notice, specific language forbidding linking to images on my site, and cleary requiring my permission before using any of my images, it IS wrong to do so, and it is a copyright violation. Copyright violations are "intellectual property theft". I'm not just blowing smoke, it's true.

'if you tell us who the photographer is we'll credit him or her'

Please pluck a clue off the tree. simply giving a photo credit doesn't relieve you of responsibility to ask PERMISSION before using someone elses property. My images, yes I'm the photographer, are my property. You couldn't take my car and then defend yourself against car theft charges by saying, "well, I put a sign on the car door saying it belonged to Stevem" Taking without permission is theft.

'but if you want the image gone from this thread, please just edit your .htaccess file! damn!!'

No. Simply ask permission before using someone elses work. It's really not that hard. If Ally would have dropped me an email and asked to use the image, my standard response is, sure, go ahead. But that didn't happen. It's not my responsibility to prevent you from breaking the law. It is your responsiblity to obey the law.

Since you guys have finally removed the offending link, I"ll be leaving you all alone to your own little game. However, I hope that this ugly episode will at least make you think about asking for permission before helping yourself to the work and bandwidth of others.. And gawd, if someone complains about copyright/bandwidth issues, be nice. remedy the situation and apologize...

Oh, one last thing, when you do a google image search, pay attention to the line that says, "This image may be subject to copyright."



Mr_Steve (Mr_Steve), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:41 (twenty years ago) link

stevem, you've changed.

RJG (RJG), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:42 (twenty years ago) link


suzy (suzy), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:44 (twenty years ago) link

Well, it's been a pleasure chatting with you folks. Thank you very for removing the offending link. I'll be on my way now. But before I go, I'll give you an example of the right way to point to content in the absence of usage permission:

Yup, it's that simple, post the link. Now I could have cut and pasted the content from that page right here in this little text window, but that would have been a no-no.

By the way, any admins paying attention to this thread. It would demonstate a modicum of due dilligence if you were to have a readily available link to your policy regarding complaints of copyright violation. A somewhat murky "moderation request" will likely not provide you with anywhere near the protection (and ease of use for victims) that the above reference link would provide to you... Just a thought, and a demonstration of how to be a good Netizen...



Mr_Steve (Mr_Steve), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:50 (twenty years ago) link

'but if you want the image gone from this thread, please just edit your .htaccess file! damn!!'

No. Simply ask permission before using someone elses work. It's really not that hard. If Ally would have dropped me an email and asked to use the image, my standard response is, sure, go ahead. But that didn't happen. It's not my responsibility to prevent you from breaking the law. It is your responsiblity to obey the law.

This is like, say, owning a nice home with lots of nice things in a sketchy neighborhood, but refusing to lock the doors because you think people should know better than to steal things because, after all, stealing is obviously wrong. Once you've been relieved of your car, VCR and jewelery, sure, the theft is the robber's fault, no question. But you'll still look pretty silly -- perverse, even -- for not locking your damned doors.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:57 (twenty years ago) link

what the bloody hell

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:58 (twenty years ago) link

i've been referred to as Mr Steve before as well, on mainstream radio no less.

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:59 (twenty years ago) link

This thread needs more

Matt DC (Matt DC), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:59 (twenty years ago) link

Haha yeah, "Moderation Request" is a pretty confusing way of putting forth the concept of how one would find a moderator. "I thought if I clicked it, my desktop would suddenly have a scooter on it and my start up noise would be a...a...Faces song!!"

You still haven't apologized for stealing stevem's name.

Allyzay, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 15:59 (twenty years ago) link

i feel so violated

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:00 (twenty years ago) link

Better a bandwith thief than an oxygen thief.

suzy (suzy), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:01 (twenty years ago) link

I hope to god never finds this place.

Allyzay, Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:02 (twenty years ago) link

Stevem if I were you I'd stop fannying around on ILE and check he hasn't moved into your house or cleared out your bank account in the process.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:03 (twenty years ago) link

What is it with all these irate Googlers today anyway? I've a good mind to go and revive the B4ngbus thread just for a laugh.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:03 (twenty years ago) link

it's like i said to my man Tracer in Le Swimerama, 'move it or lose it buddy, we can take this all the way to Coney'

mr stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:03 (twenty years ago) link

i still don't get why there are two stevems with the same e-mail on the ILE statsc0ck now either

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 18 February 2004 16:04 (twenty years ago) link

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