Magic: The Gathering C/D

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revelation's probably still good enough though in any deck

ciderpress, Friday, 26 October 2012 19:23 (eleven years ago) link

also keep in mind that if you're splashing you're either not an aggro deck or not a good aggro deck. aggro wants to be 2 colors in order to cast all their creatures on curve every game

ciderpress, Friday, 26 October 2012 19:27 (eleven years ago) link

seance deck is really fun. i am a couple temple gardens off this build right now. it's still been OK. the key is to mill effectively. i think BG mill is too slow, personally, but would love to run black for the ability to sacrifice my tokens for profit. i'm mainly in blue for armored skaab and mirror-mad, which seem tailor-made for the seance deck. the key is seancing them from the grave to get your mill engine going, then drop a turn 6 craterhoof.

angel of serenity is actually not too amazing in the seance deck. it's ok, but i almost prefer sphinx of uthuun. populate in general is good but almost overkill. you can win effectively without populating stuff. although, in my experience so far, people are so scared of the V-G guildmage that they waste good removal on it. i'll take it.

4 Séance
4 Detention Sphere
2 Growing Ranks
2 Supreme Verdict

4 Avacyn's Pilgrim
3 Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage
2 Dawntreader Elk
1 Armada Wurm
4 Armored Skaab
3 Mirror-Mad Phantasm
1 Acidic Slime
2 Thragtusk
1 Angel of Serenity
1 Sphinx of Uthuun
2 Craterhoof Behemoth

4 Temple Garden
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Sunpetal Grove
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Hinterland Harbor
1 Plains
2 Forest
1 Island

SB: 3 Sundering Growth
SB: 2 Angel of Glory's Rise
SB: 3 Slayer of the Wicked
SB: 2 Witchbane Orb
SB: 2 Pithing Needle
SB: 2 Feeling of Dread

fennel cartwright, Monday, 29 October 2012 00:19 (eleven years ago) link

I think I'm joining mtgo tonight :|

iatee, Monday, 29 October 2012 00:23 (eleven years ago) link

one of us! one of us!

webber, Monday, 29 October 2012 01:19 (eleven years ago) link

make sure you learn the interface a bit before you start playing real events because some things are not super intuitive. i think they give a free new player practice m13 draft now though which should help with that.

ciderpress, Monday, 29 October 2012 01:24 (eleven years ago) link

yeah I may not even play beyond the practice drafts but there's a hurricane and I'm bored so

iatee, Monday, 29 October 2012 01:25 (eleven years ago) link

so guys, i'm thinking of starting a bot franchise :3

fennel cartwright, Monday, 29 October 2012 06:45 (eleven years ago) link

fennel - you should run mirror-mad combo there. the idea is you play one mirror-mad, get it into play with Seance (on your opponent's turn), then use its ability, which shuffles the token into your deck and mills, effectively milling your whole deck out. play one lab maniac, Seance it into play on your turn, bingo gazingo

this is definitely something I want to work on - Seance is my favorite card in type and I took a Seance deck to a top 4 finish at a big local cash tournament, but losing Merfolk Looter kinda sucks. I agree that Sphinx of Uthuun is great, I'd run two. When Seance is giving you Fact or Fictions or 5 life + 3/3 tokens twice a turn (if you count the activation on your opponent's turn) you're pretty much unbeatable.

frogbs, Monday, 29 October 2012 13:20 (eleven years ago) link

anyway. just wanted to offer a few thoughts on some RTR cards for Limited:

Perilous Shadow - nobody ever seems to want to take this. think of it this way. if his ability was 1: +1/+1 until end of turn, I think it would probably look better. but effectively, that's what it is. compared to other shades, the Shadow is better because A) it has the magical 4 toughness and B) half its mana requirement is colorless, so you can sink all your mana into this to swing for 8+ as the same goes on.

Voidweilder - I'm not finding it quite as good as the article above did, but vs. Selesnya this is incredible.

Insperia's Skynight/Skyline Predator - outside of Azorius's best uncommons (Skymark Roc, Lyev Skynight), there are almost no other creautres with flying and more than 2 power. so the 3/3 flying body on Skynight is actually very relevant.

Stealer of Secrets - I have drafted more of these than any other card and will continue to nab these so long as they're cycling throughout the table the way they have been online. Both Izzet and Azorius have plenty of ways to abuse this and I've had matches where I'd drop one of these turn 3 and just play like an old-school Ophidian deck. In addition to one-time effects like detain, Tratorious Instinct, and bounce, he's really great with Persuit of Flight. Also, with Rakdos and unleash, a lot of creatures may not be blocking anyway.

Cobblebrute - Similar to Stealer, but with +3 damage instead of the draw. Good vanilla creatures are always underrated.

Chorus of Might - Forget the mana cost; this is only really played late-game anyway. I love to pack one of these in any green deck because it punches through so much late-game damage when needed. Imagine it as "+5/+5 and trample" and it suddenly looks a lot better; I've rarely casted it for less.

Knightly Valor - I think webber is right about this card. It's so insane on any flying creature and the 2/2 vigilant is not only populate bait but a little safeguard in case your guy gets removed right away.

Trostani's Judgement - you know "removal is removal" but I really wouldn't take this unless you're sure you can use the populate. Otherwise it's simply too expensive.

Eyes in the Skies - early on I predicted this to be one of the best commons in the set. Turns out the 1/1 flyers are usually never relevant, so the only way this card really gets good is if you have a Centaur or big Ooze out already.

Thrill-Kill Assassin - this guy is seriously good. while lots of creatures have the "magic" 4 toughness, many of those don't have the 3 power needed to kill an unleashed one of these.

Zanikev Locust - I feel Scavenge is a bit understated in draft, particularly this guy and Sewer Shambler. If you have Grisly Savages you can get card advantage up the wazoo with these. Plus as mentioned 3/3 for 6 ain't so bad.

Annihilating Fire - not as good as I initially thought; double colored cards are very hard to cast unless you're based in red, which only leaves R/B/U, which is not one of the better 3-color archetypes

Centaur's Herald - just remember, without populate, this is kinda just a 3/3 vanilla for 4 mana that is very bad vs. bounce

The Charms - these can be kind of a trap, since they seem to fit so well into a guild plan. They're made specifically for them! But only the Izzet one is really *good* - the others are okay (Selesnya, Azorius), situational (Golgari) or unplayable (Rakdos)

The Guildmages - all are first pick worthy, even Nivix. once you get 6-8 mana and can start doubling spells like Inaction Injunction, Tratorious Instinct, Annihilating Fire, Inspiration, etc., it becomes very dangerous. just remember you need to hold down the Control key to hold priority.

Heroes Reunion - the Ars Arcanum article is totally right about Izzet - it really has trouble vs. any lifegain strategy. they'll gladly burn a card and 6 mana to hit you for five, so I'm always glad to side this in against them. trust me on this.

frogbs, Monday, 29 October 2012 19:00 (eleven years ago) link

selesnya and golgari charms are both great!

iatee, Monday, 29 October 2012 19:03 (eleven years ago) link

i think you're too down on Centaur's Herald, i think it's the best mono-green common. being able to pay the 4 mana over 2 turns, make the 3/3 on turn 3, and/or potentially get a free chump block are all relevant, and it's the cog that makes the populate engine work.

i don't think this card is weaker because of the bounce spells, it's more like Dramatic Rescue and Voidwielder are better because of this card.

also Selesnya Charm is much stronger than Izzet Charm in limited, it's the best one by a fair margin

ciderpress, Monday, 29 October 2012 19:33 (eleven years ago) link

it would be a strong card even if it only have two of the abilities

iatee, Monday, 29 October 2012 19:34 (eleven years ago) link


iatee, Monday, 29 October 2012 19:35 (eleven years ago) link

also i'm glad you've come around on Knightly Valor, that card legitimately wins games. Pursuit of Flight is really good too and people are just starting to pick up on it now.

Chemister's Trick is a card that has played a lot better for me than the 12th pick i get it at every draft and I'd like to try it out more to see exactly how often it's good.

ciderpress, Monday, 29 October 2012 19:42 (eleven years ago) link

Well I think Selesnya Charm is 2nd best, but IMO the Izzet one plays much better. The "counter target noncreature spell" ability is exactly the sort of ability that will save your ass from time to time that you'd never play on its own. Plus I'd argue that cheap removal is key for Izzet. Selesnya and Golgari are ones that I'll always play but I'm not super happy to take them early. Selesnya's third ability (exile power 5 or greater) almost never seems to come into play. That's a very small subset of creautres. The 2/2 token is nice if you have early populaters I guess. Golgari is one that *can* be very powerful in certain situations. I've had it bail me out a couple of times. The problem is that it oftentimes just sits in your hand.

One thing I'm noticing about populate is that it seems to come into play less than I thought it would. I kind of thought that G/W's whole gameplan would be focused on abusing Rootborn Defenses and Eyes in the Skies to just blow up incoming attacks. But it seldom seems to wind up working that way. In a populate deck I love the Herald, but without 3+ populate spells I'd pick a Gatecreeper Vine over it. Towering Indrik also has a case. That card can be very hard to get through.

as for Chemister's Trick - this card is insane vs. Azorious. Especially since they rarely have creatures with power above two and a lot of their creatures don't want to attack anyway. Against other decks it's more of a glorified Fog. But man does it wreck U/W. On a similar note I'm finding Downsize surprisingly playable.

frogbs, Monday, 29 October 2012 20:25 (eleven years ago) link

the ars arcanum data is p interesting, i was arguing with some other players abt draft archetypes last week that izzet splash black was the best underdrafted archetype because it allowed you to make better use of black's removal and izzets tempo cards

ive struggled a fair bit w/this format tho the only decks i seem to win w/outside of lucking into a nuts populate deck or pack rat are the blue-based tempo decks. i have more inaction injunctions, stealer of secrets and runewings than like any green common. im really p high on blustersquall and mizzium skin because of this - ive found blanking removal to be an outsized benefit and the squall is way more effective for me than sleep was in M13, maybe because the format is slower and more prone to gross broad stalls. also essence backlash is p much terrible maindeck but cancel/dispel are really good well 'really' is a stretch but theyre typically p useful - i'll take syncopate p high if i think im going tempo as well.

for me the non-rares im happiest to see are one of the guildmages, one of the removal suite (price/wound/spree/fire), one of the populate staples (herald, healer, charm, call, ooze) or a staple izzet card (lobber crew, guttersnipe, electromancer, frostburn weird). kinda dont care about the bomb u/w creatures like the roc or the knight.

Eyes in the Skies - early on I predicted this to be one of the best commons in the set. Turns out the 1/1 flyers are usually never relevant, so the only way this card really gets good is if you have a Centaur or big Ooze out already.

idk i think its still up there w/the best g/w cards just cuz its instant

Lamp, Monday, 29 October 2012 22:53 (eleven years ago) link

Yeah, I'm actually the opposite on Eyes in the Skies - I originally thought of it as a really bad Midnight Haunting with marginal upside, and now see it as a fairly strong card that doesn't require other tokens to be pretty good.

Also disagree strongly with frogbs on Izzet vs Selesnya Charm. Selesnya Charm just does more of what that deck wants to be doing than what Izzet Charm does in the izzet deck (which, I've found, is mostly a worse Shock - still good though, don't get me wrong!). Pump spells just so often absolutely wreck people in RTR (especially when they grant trample; see frogbs's comments about Chorus of Might), and having a token maker (essential for the Selesnya deck) AND a very efficient removal spell tacked on to that is just insane.

Agree on Perilous Shadow though. I quite like the midrangey Rakdos strategies, and in that deck the Shadow's a lot like Lobber Crew in that it's exactly what I want to be doing on turn 4-6 after playing some unleashed dudes to make it more difficult for them to race me, and then after the board stalls out it provides some great reach.

I'm really glad that I'm still not entirely sure what's going on in this format after 10+ drafts; I was worried that in attempting to follow up both Ravnica and Innistrad, R&D would either play it safe and end up with a bland format, or go in some crazy direction and give us AVR 2.0. I'm still figuring stuff out and having fun, and I can already see how some card evaluations may change in full-block drafting (the mill cards suddenly becoming valuable for the Dimir deck, which I'm guessing will be quite dominant in limited; the 1-drops like Bellows Lizard which some people are already starting to catch on to being exactly what Boros wants to be doing).

webber, Monday, 29 October 2012 23:55 (eleven years ago) link

hmmph. i thought it was +2/+2 and vigilance. still I'm big on Izzet Cham because first of all, two mana shocks are fine, and secondly, the counter ability comes into play a lot more often than you'd think. as for Selesnya Charm's removal ability, that really hits almost nothing you'll encounter in limited outside of Cobblebrute. Even at uncommon the only real playables w/ 5 power are Risen Sanctuary and the 4/3 unleash trample giant. Either way I guess maybe I am underrating it. Like Izzet Charm it's mostly card for a card, but Izzet tends to give you the benefit right away. The Knight's instant speed is obviously a good thing.

Eyes in the Skies - I dunno, it can take out Daggerdromes, but outside of that the 1/1s just don't matter. Concordant Pegasus is a 2-drop that eats them. Azorius and Izzet should both have better flyers down early. Rakdos is not exactly worried about 1/1 flyers on turn 4. Golgari has Tresle Troll which more or less blanks it. Midnight Haunting is a card I like a lot (in general, any card that gives you multiple fliers is worth playing) but Eyes is just not good by itself. I'm learning the same about playing Singer of Songbirds in Azorius. Both are good in Selesnya because Eyes has populate and Songbirds gives you something to populate, but by themselves it's usually underwhelming.

Perilous Shadow I actually like more in Golgari. Blocks early and turns into a monster late. But yes midrange Rakdos with clearly defined attackers/blockers is nice. I just tend to usually make those into 3 color decks. I'm really liking late-pick Grisly Savages especially with late-pick Treasured Finds.

Xerox of Fate, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 04:25 (eleven years ago) link

im really p high on blustersquall and mizzium skin because of this - ive found blanking removal to be an outsized benefit and the squall is way more effective for me than sleep was in M13, maybe because the format is slower and more prone to gross broad stalls. also essence backlash is p much terrible maindeck but cancel/dispel are really good well 'really' is a stretch but theyre typically p useful - i'll take syncopate p high if i think im going tempo as well.

Blustersquall type effects are always great but this isn't as good as Sleep, Sleep gave you one extra turn to kill them

I'm not big on Dispel at all, nearly everything it counters is removal and for that effect I'd much rather have Mizzium Skin, which feels like deck filler already (that said, I've had good results with it)

as far as best commons, I can't stress enough how great Frostburn Weird is vs. everything. honestly I think even Doorkeeper is playable since there are so many 3/x's that come down fast but this one can swing for up to 4 and it trades up easily. also like many Izzet creatures it's great with Persuit of Flight. one more thing - don't sleep on Hover Barrier, it's basically Fog Bank but harder to kill.

frogbs, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 04:33 (eleven years ago) link

Played in the Philly Grand Prix this weekend, which was a blast, though tiring. It was pretty disappointing to start 6-0 and then lose three straight rounds, but my round 9 loss was definitely because of misplays and not bad luck, and I think my opponent probably deserved the win.

I've been liking Eyes in the Skies more and more - I too thought it was a bad Midnight Haunting at first. It's never great unless you're populating something large, but it does a lot of different things. It can give you two chump blockers (this is what I use it for the most in Azorius), it lets you play a threat while holding up countermagic, it can dissuade your opponent from attacking with 1 or 2 toughness dudes. It reminds me of a weak Charm, and I love the versatility. Haha speaking of which, I've been unimpressed by Golgari Charm and don't understand why people take it as high as they do.

Vinnie, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 14:00 (eleven years ago) link

Oh and I should mention that Pack Rat is one of the stupidest limited cards they've printed, a big reason why I was able to start 6-0. I won a game this weekend by playing turn 2 Pack Rat and then NO OTHER CARDS.

Vinnie, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 14:02 (eleven years ago) link

yeah pack rat is a broken card in limited - there's been some talk about this on the various article websites, but people calculated the expected win rate of pack rat + 39 lands and it's about the same as the very best non pack rat decks.

ciderpress, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 14:07 (eleven years ago) link

Well I'd gladly trade a 1- or 2-toughness dude for a 4-mana spell. also you don't want to be playing too many counterspells. that said I have liked the recent wave of 5-mana counters with upside because they work well as a top-of-the-curve spell that can counter key late-game stuff. for example Fall of the Gavel is really not the 14th pick I've often seen it as. that card just kills Izzet. but back to Eyes in the Skies. I don't really know why this card is better than say, Runewing (itself kind of a marginal card) unless you can abuse the populate. In Innistrad there were decks that just can't deal with flyers; in RTR the only real "flying-lite" deck is the Rakdos one, which just blows through tiny creatures.

Golgari Charm - I can give or take this card, but the -1/-1 ability can be nasty vs. Azorius, regen all a generally useful trick, and you can blow up Stab Wound, which is also the main reason Keening Appiration is playable

frogbs, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 14:13 (eleven years ago) link

eyes is good because a) its both a token producer and a populate card and b) its instant speed. i mean its not a good card on its own but its just a really necessary card in that deck imo and a v high pick once youve settled on that as your startegy. its kinda like a dual land in that it just smooths out your draws by making a higher # of your cards live/more valuable while also opening up more lines of play

Lamp, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 16:54 (eleven years ago) link

right. what I'm arguing is that it's not good on its own. instant speed 3/3's are a world of difference.

to be fair though I haven't been drafting much Selesnya - it seems like everything good gets gobbled up early (hence why I probably underrate the Charm) while good Izzet stuff remains. I've actually been having a fair amount of success with Golgari with a white or red splash; I think it's in the "everyone realizes to stay away, hence it's way underdrafted" stage

frogbs, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 18:25 (eleven years ago) link

it seems like a drafting selesnya has the highest risk because if you end up splitting the good stuff w/ a lot of people you don't have much flexibility

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 18:48 (eleven years ago) link

but once you've hit a certain # of selesnya bombs you're guaranteed a fairly strong deck

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 18:49 (eleven years ago) link

i think rakdos has that same risk but amplified since the 2-drops and 3-drops are critical to the unleash deck working. selesnya has more depth and has 2 fleshed out strategies (aggro with lots of pump spells vs midrange populate) with a fair amount of overlap so that if you're not getting the cards for one, a slide into the other still produces a fine deck. but rakdos's slow deck is not nearly as powerful as the fast one and it wants a more disjoint set of cards from the fast deck.

ciderpress, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 20:44 (eleven years ago) link

that's a good point

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 20:45 (eleven years ago) link

yeah i actually think g/w tends to be the most consistent archetype because as ciderpress says it has the deepest pool of playable cards. whereas the nut deck (barring pr obv) is probably the very fast rakdos deck w/great removal but thats just so much harder to find even when rakdos is open

ive also found u/w to be p swingy too or maybe i just dont like the slow version of that deck enough so im trying too hard to force the fast/tempo build.

but yeah izzet is starting to get drafted the 'right' amount again at least in my last couple of drafts and now golgari cards tend to wheel quite a bit - not sure that theres really a 'good' golgari deck but i mean ill take all the dreg manglers you want to pass me i guess

Lamp, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:33 (eleven years ago) link

I feel like including a handful more cheap 'pretty good' scavenge dudes would have balanced things a lot

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:36 (eleven years ago) link

like how many 'good' golgari decks really play like some scavenge machine? there just aren't enough playables

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:37 (eleven years ago) link

or just make dreg mangler common. if frostburn and centaur healer are justifiable commons, why not.

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:40 (eleven years ago) link

yeah in theory the slow defender ramp deck should be p good at both stalling out the early game with cheap X/4s and then overwhelming the other decks late w/superior threats and card advantage from scavenge creatures but i mean mostly i just end up losing to tempo plays or my walls are too expensive or ineffective. and the fast golgari deck seems p reliant on uncommons to happen all that often? idk

Lamp, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:45 (eleven years ago) link

I think the prob is that the B removal gets scooped up by rakdos decks too

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:49 (eleven years ago) link

like lets say stab wound was GB - not that that's particularly more logical color-wise - but it shifts the card into golgari stall decks

iatee, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:50 (eleven years ago) link

golgari does get better use out of launch party already, i think the real problem is that axebane isnt an 0/4 and that there arent enough good golgari uncommons compared to the other guilds.

Lamp, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 21:58 (eleven years ago) link

or just make dreg mangler common. if frostburn and centaur healer are justifiable commons, why not.

mangler is better than either of those honestly. but outside of that the Guildmage is really the only premium uncommon. anyway the way I get Golgari to really work is this - pick up Axebane Guardians, which produce extra mana with Gatecrepper Vines and Trestle Troll. once you get enough mana you can play Terrus Wurm (which nobody ever picks) or Scavenge it on say, a Kurozda Monitor or Daggerdrome Imp. And so on. Grisly Savage is the engine that really makes this all work. Basically the deck has to really be defense first and it's a good candidate to get Blustersquall'd out of the game but I've seen it work. For all the talk about the best and worst guilds, I actually find this format to be fairly balanced. I've lost with good Selesnya and won with okay Golgari decks. I think every guild has the tools to beat every other guild.

frogbs, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 22:58 (eleven years ago) link

my advice for Azorius is to take Insperia's Skywatch. I know he looks godawful next to Lyev Skynight but the +2 to toughness is better than you think. first of all games are going to go longer with Azorius no matter what you do. so many of their cards stall things and your "kill cards" are usually 2/x's so you can't win fast. so you'll get to 6 mana. as I mentioned above, 3/3 is almost always going to be the biggest flyer and Detain is an ability that tends to become more important later on in the game (especially since your opponent shouldn't have too many things to block flyers). Also you probably don't need to be told this but Archon of the Triumvariate is a ridiculous card in Limited. Never landed one and lost.

frogbs, Tuesday, 30 October 2012 23:15 (eleven years ago) link

welp, finally got to ride the Pack Rat express. This is one of the most bonkers limited cards I've ever played with. I mean I've played with Bonfire, Entreat, and several ridiculous Planeswalkers but those are mythics. I mean there were ridiculous combos in the past like Invisible Stalker + Butcher's Cleaver but this is basically a one-card combo that gives you exactly one turn to stop it.

frogbs, Wednesday, 31 October 2012 03:57 (eleven years ago) link

I can't believe Pack Rat didn't cost 2B and force you to create new tokens only as a sorcery. Those two changes would have gone a long way to making it a lot less frustrating in limited while still being an exciting bomb, and it has the benefit of being flavourful. The only explanation to why the card is not like this I can come up with is that Development pushed it hoping to make it constructed playable?

webber, Wednesday, 31 October 2012 05:12 (eleven years ago) link

yep. I actually drafted one of the best draft decks I've ever gotten - it was G/W/B super with 6 populate cards, Armada Wurm, Centaurs, Knights, five removal spells, 2 Grisly Savages, four gates, and 2 of the landsearch Vines - it became ALL about playing Pack Rat and just going to town. Eyes in the Skies populating Pack Rat token is awesome too because it gives you a chump blocker for flying. Wound up losing a game to overloaded Cylconic Rift though :(

frogbs, Wednesday, 31 October 2012 13:41 (eleven years ago) link

Well, the silly thing is I don't think it is constructed playable. It's too slow, and with sweepers and Detention Sphere around, it's not very hard to deal with. It might have been an 11th hour addition to the set that they didn't have time to cost properly (which is how Jace the Mind Sculptor happened). Think it would be fine if the activation cost was bumped up to 4 or 5.

Vinnie, Wednesday, 31 October 2012 13:46 (eleven years ago) link

I survived a turn 2 Pack Rat! I feel like I deserve a T-shirt.

Granted, I went first (lost to turn 2 Pack Rat in game 2). Played Vine, Axebane Guadian, Jailbreaker (which still gives you mana with Axebane, Gate or no), Smile Molding for 7, then Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage and populated the hell out of it. So it took a nuts draw but still.

If Pack Rat were uncommon this format would be absolutely ruined. I can only think of a handful of cards that dominated Limited like this. Jitte in particular was stupidly powerful (and ruined Constructed for a while as a bonus). Bonfire and Entreat from AVR were instant "win target game" as well. But you couldn't get them in your opener nor draw them early, plus they were Mythic. Maybe Gideon? Again, Mythic Rare. I wonder how much R&D tested this thing.

frogbs, Friday, 2 November 2012 18:30 (eleven years ago) link

Jitte is the strongest limited card of all time, it completely invalidates creature combat for your opponent as a way to stabilize or win the game, which means 99% of limited decks are drawing dead against it.

Gideon in ROE is probably #2 since there were so few answers to him, fewer than answers to Pack Rat in RTR I think. Same reasons as Jitte here, cards that invalidate your opponent's combat step are disgusting in limited (This is also why I was scared of Vault of the Archangel when it got spoiled but it turned out to play fair due to the tempo loss of activating it).

Pack Rat could certainly be top 5 though I'm sure there's a few I'm forgetting. Bonfire/Entreat are not close.

ciderpress, Friday, 2 November 2012 19:20 (eleven years ago) link

also note that Gideon was a lot less overpowered in M12 so context is pretty important here too

ciderpress, Friday, 2 November 2012 19:23 (eleven years ago) link

The Rat stands apart from most bombs in that you would almost always keep 6 lands + Rat as your starting hand. Gideon + 6 lands in ROE is a bit harder decision, though I guess keepable depending on the matchup; in M12, definitely a mulligan. (And Entreat the Angels + 6 lands is your deck giving you the finger.) Most bombs need at least some minor support to win, but the Rat wins on its own. That said, I agree Jitte was a more broken card in its block. It was kind of the perfect storm for it - slow underpowered format that had lots of stalls, not much artifact removal. Much harder to answer than Rat.

Masticore probably in the top 5 based on stories, but I wasn't playing at that time.

Vinnie, Friday, 2 November 2012 19:43 (eleven years ago) link

Exactly! I've heard stories of how, if you get TWO Pack Rats, you can play 38 Swamps and just mull until you find one, and STILL win most of the time even if you're going to 3-4 cards. I can't think of ANY other card like that (not even Jitte!)

Bonfire/Entreat are not close.

Yes and no. Without Miracle they still feel bomby but are very mana intensive obviously (you really need 7+ mana for a *big* effect). But with Miracle, they're among the most powerful effects ever to hit Limited. Playing against one of those cards, the feeling is pretty much ALWAYS "I have to race here because if they draw it, I'm dead". But as a whole, yes, not as good, because as Vinnie mentioned you can draw Entreat in your opener where it's either a worse Serra Angel or a 7 mana bomb that you may not be alive for (and I highly doubt you'd wait for 9 mana).

cards that invalidate your opponent's combat step are disgusting in limited

This + cards that are insane without mass removal. Pack Rat is no good in constructed because they can all get Supreme Verdicted away. In general anything that creates creatures every turn is going to be insane in Limited. Phyrexian Processor was another card that would just win the game right away. But at least you could Disenchant that.

frogbs, Friday, 2 November 2012 20:43 (eleven years ago) link

Like a "Limited all-stars" list would be something like this:

Pack Rat
Loxodon Warhammer
Oblivion Stone
Phyrexian Processor
Basilisk Collar

Of these, I'd say Jitte and Pack Rat are easily #1 and #2. Interesting how many are artifacts. I hesitated to put Basilisk Collar on here, but the thing really is insane in basically any style of deck. With the exception of Pack Rat these were all good Constructed cards too. Can anyone think of a card with a bigger disconnect in Limited/Constructed value than that? Can you even imagine one?

Also, honorable mention to the following format warping commons:

Rancor, Pestilence, Rolling Thunder, Armadillo Clock, Sparksmith, Sprout Swarm

frogbs, Friday, 2 November 2012 20:51 (eleven years ago) link

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