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It's probably better for her that she's NOT that person.

Beth Parker, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:50 (sixteen years ago) link


nabisco, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:50 (sixteen years ago) link


deeznuts, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:51 (sixteen years ago) link

The cocktail hour.

Beth Parker, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:51 (sixteen years ago) link

michael white, what do you feel about the guy she told to meet in sf? the guy that spent his last dime and she promised to meet him?

chaki, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:51 (sixteen years ago) link

tuomas - pic me plz!

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:52 (sixteen years ago) link

MW, I would really really like for you to not leave.

Possibly you and others of us could just ... agree to disagree on this point.

nabisco, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:52 (sixteen years ago) link

This is all a cunning ploy by Enrique jhøshea to get sent nude photos of random hot girls captioned 'lots of love, BIG HOOS aka the Steendriver', isn't it?

-- Matt DC, Tuesday, October 16, 2007 1:02 PM (9 hours ago) Bookmark Lin

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:52 (sixteen years ago) link

if someone would just teel me where to find nude pix of hot girls on the interent...

jhøshea, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:53 (sixteen years ago) link


jhøshea, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:54 (sixteen years ago) link


Jon Lewis, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:54 (sixteen years ago) link

please don't leave over this, michael

bell_labs, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:54 (sixteen years ago) link

dude why the fuck do you write like that? are you serious??

and what, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:55 (sixteen years ago) link

thoughtful, urbane, insane

jhøshea, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:55 (sixteen years ago) link

lol he thinks he is above all those that were duped. dude, you're being duped still.

also dont punch me if you see me on the muni.

chaki, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:56 (sixteen years ago) link

I have heard other ‘facts’ which I’m not at liberty to divulge.

jhøshea, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:57 (sixteen years ago) link


People will perceive according to their priorities, I think that's clear.

Laurel, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:57 (sixteen years ago) link

Good lord, who's the next punching bag?

stevienixed, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:57 (sixteen years ago) link

michael white, what do you feel about the guy she told to meet in sf? the guy that spent his last dime and she promised to meet him?

I was told he was going to SF anyway and she said she'd drive up to meet him and then couldn't and her phone was lost not locked away or whatever. I'm also told that they still talk. I don't know but I know I would never take this public without confronting someone in private. If anybody ever did this to me and people were doig inane stuff like doubting I had cats or wore bowties or drank too much rosé, I would be absolutely mortified. I've been online friends with Luna for a while now and she's never been anything (well, she's occasionally moody and cross) but sweet and candid and generous to me.

Michael White, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:57 (sixteen years ago) link

michael, have a think lad, even tuomas is wise to this now. aren't you kind of embarrassed?

tuomas, fill him in son, hes a bit slow on the uptake

Miners Welfare, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:58 (sixteen years ago) link

ILXors in being batshit fucking insane shockah!

jon /via/ chi 2.0, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:59 (sixteen years ago) link

do you know what an 'unreliable narrator' is

and what, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:59 (sixteen years ago) link

dude why the fuck do you write like that? are you serious??

It's my style, always has been, always will be and if you don't like it, I cordially invite you to ignore me, you comformist ass-polyp.

Michael White, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:59 (sixteen years ago) link

there is so much crazy on this thread

jhøshea, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 21:59 (sixteen years ago) link

i'm told theres no worth to any of this and youre all just jealous so who's embarrased now suckaz

and what, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link

"flirting must always end in sexual conquest"

michael does it honestly not seem suspicious to you that neither you nor anyone you know personally has met the chick? you seem to be denigrating the desires of whoever she's fucked with down to the the lowest common denominator, making light of their feelings & whatever they suffered when she somehow failed to show.

i know yr a smart dude so im kinda wondering wtf yr on about.


deeznuts, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link

If Michael wants to leave, why shouldn't he? If I were on Luna's side in this thing, I wouldn't stay here either.

I do think this line is an awesome way to go out, though:

If anybody ever did this to me and people were doig inane stuff like doubting I had cats or wore bowties or drank too much rosé, I would be absolutely mortified.

HI DERE, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link


Dom Passantino, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link

her son should be 12 in a couple of months

he'll be legally drinking in about 18 months

Miners Welfare, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link

louis jagger in the year 2014

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link

dont sweat it homie you just write like a 16 yr old who gets his ass kicked alot

and what, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:00 (sixteen years ago) link

haha dan beat me to it

deeznuts, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:01 (sixteen years ago) link

Michael, I understand you wanting to take Luna's side, but there several ILXors who have no reason to lie or to personally attack Luna have basically told the same stories over and over. I'm sure here kid and dogs are real, but that's not the point here. It seems she didn't just colour the truth a bit or leave some details out, but actively mislead several people, causing them a lot of shame. If there's a her side to the story, I'd definitely like to hear it, but why can't she post it here, or why doesn't she want even you to tell it?

Tuomas, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:02 (sixteen years ago) link

Michael, people are not claiming that she is not nice/pleasant, or that she is not an extant woman who probably has dogs and a kid.

I really hope you won't leave over this. If you believe she's been completely honest and forthright, then enjoy your friendship with her. Others will disagree, and chances are no one will even be discussing it a few weeks from now.

nabisco, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:02 (sixteen years ago) link

I am the wondrous wizard of Latin! I am a dervish of declension and a conjurer of conjugation, with a million hit points and maximum charisma!

and what, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:03 (sixteen years ago) link

Spot the gigantic lie in nabisco's last post! People still reference IRM and his mom, ffs.

HI DERE, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:03 (sixteen years ago) link

haha aw, mw's persona totally fits his prose. i dont think their's anything being affected, other than his entire life.

deeznuts, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:04 (sixteen years ago) link

MWhite has a point. If I were real luna i wouldnt want to be on this thread defending myself.

not that i wouldn't post here 24 hours ago, or keep my myspace, LJ, and flickr active

gr8080, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:05 (sixteen years ago) link

ian riese moraine wouldve been 8 in 2003...

and what, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:05 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm disappointed in the way a lot of folks are ascribing these motives to chaki and gear that I really doubt exist besides perhaps chaki being a little ornery that she stalked him at work which is totally acceptable and would frankly have freaked me the fuck out.

SOME PEOPLE have taken this as an opportunity to collect some imagined potshot dues from the old tittwis crowd and crow about crap and they keep getting lumped in with the rest. chaki is not ethan and ethan is not gear and gear is not the london zingers and the london zingers are not jon williams. nabisco is definitely a puppy though.

El Tomboto, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:06 (sixteen years ago) link

dont sweat it homie you just write like a 16 yr old who gets his ass kicked alot

I had a witty retort but why should I waste it on you.

Tuomas, she's humiliated too, and kind of scared and she's not had a particularly happy couple of months and I think she doesn't think she can get a fair hearing but she did invite people to write to her, privately, if they had questions and no-one has.

Michael White, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:06 (sixteen years ago) link

A man is not a piece of fruit.

blueski, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:07 (sixteen years ago) link


xp x2

deeznuts, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:07 (sixteen years ago) link

Sorry to see you go, Michael.

James Redd and the Blecchs, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:07 (sixteen years ago) link

Michael, I don't want to seem like I'm pilling on here - I'm don't even want to seem like I'm trying to argue with you because I'm not. i just want to ask some questions; more out of curiosity than anything.
Have you ever:
• seen a face that you knew to be hers and no one else's (in person, chatting online, video maybe)?
• actually met her in real life?
• received anything from her - snail mail or anything?
• sent her anything (mail gifts cards cash)?
• read/heard anything about her outside of ilx/lj?

big time xposts oh this thread!

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:08 (sixteen years ago) link

No one really knows for sure either way, but I'm trying to work out whether, if 100% conclusive proof that Luna was exactly who she said she was appeared in the next couple of days, it would be tragic or hilarious or cause the whole of ILX to implode upon itself.

I'm also wondering whether it would make the blindest bit of difference to the main thrust of the arguments both attacking and defending here.

Matt DC, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:08 (sixteen years ago) link

Michael, if you leave, can you please e-mail me with places you haunt? I really like your ideas and writing and I think this site would be poorer in your absence, even though we've rarely spoke.

Will M., Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:10 (sixteen years ago) link

Michael, if the issue here is that she may have been greatly misrepresenting herself -- i.e., lying -- perhaps you can see why writing to her for explanations and justifications would not really help anyone?

nabisco, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:10 (sixteen years ago) link

MWhite has a point. If I were real luna i wouldnt want to be on this thread defending myself.

if you look at how it went down chronologically (as i have done wasting two hours of a work day that i actually was supposed to get stuff done in) chaki goes yr fake and she was all omg im so out of here!!! - almost everything happened after she quit.

this along w/every other point in the thread has been repeated like 1mx. except of course no one has posted the pix. im beginning to think that there never was any fake luna at all.

jhøshea, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:10 (sixteen years ago) link

if she came on here and reasonably explained herself and explained why we are wrong with what we have said then everyone would shut the fuck up.

chaki, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 22:11 (sixteen years ago) link

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