Just when you thought it was safe - OK CUPID PART 3: The Return of the WOO!

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yeah to be honest there was a period of time for about a year and a half where i was miserable with myself, was not treating my depression or anxiety, and dating was just a nightmare - i would always end up being either rejected or faded out and it would always be excruciatingly painful. of course it would mean that i must be a worthless human being. since i got on a better medication/therapy regimen and have pretty much kicked my depression's ass (and working on anxiety) i am both much more easy going about dating - i let things roll off my back, if something doesn't work out it doesn't work out and it doesn't make me a horrible person just because one specific person doesn't realize how awesome i am. it's so amazing to be at this point where my relationship ended and the person treated me pretty crappily and is probably already dating the model he was hitting on at the party and i'm not feeling down on myself about it. this would not have happened a year ago.

bene_gesserit, Monday, 21 May 2012 01:11 (twelve years ago) link

i'm actually optimistic about being single, for a change.

i feel like i have nothing to be worried about. i don't really see myself getting married or having children ever so it's ok for things to fail - there's no deadline for me.

bene_gesserit, Monday, 21 May 2012 01:14 (twelve years ago) link

I've become so cynical that I've started to believe that a lot of people get married to make it harder for their partner to leave them.

you finally figured it out

Lee971 (Lee626), Monday, 21 May 2012 03:34 (twelve years ago) link

A small part of me wonders if I was against kids not because I didnt want any (tho thats also true) but because I knew I'd end up a single mum if I had've. And I would have, so.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Monday, 21 May 2012 05:22 (twelve years ago) link

Are you just trying to jinx it with this "didn't" and "would have" stuff?

mh, Monday, 21 May 2012 14:20 (twelve years ago) link

I'm not sure if I follow you but am I inferring rightly that you think I may still change my mind on children? Because hahahahahaaaaaaaaa no.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Monday, 21 May 2012 23:20 (twelve years ago) link

So I'm trying this and I think I'm not very good at it bcz all I've got is stupid-ass neg messages which I've replied to with total scorched earth ripostes, Abbott don't play that game, you know???

Word of Wisdom Robots (Abbbottt), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:03 (twelve years ago) link

I did have a nice talk w/a guy about PRINCE tho

Word of Wisdom Robots (Abbbottt), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:05 (twelve years ago) link

I'm even worse, I never reply to any messages I get even when the guy is just trying to be nice, cos I think "ehhhh". I'm useless and too fussy :(

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:14 (twelve years ago) link

I guess I just cant do half assed stuff.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:14 (twelve years ago) link

thats not a bad thing on a dating site. i did swing a 2nd date btw :D (that's probably the last i will post about it.)

bnw, Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:31 (twelve years ago) link

I totally think I might want a kid, eventually. It does seem to add a level of stress.

homosexual II, Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:39 (twelve years ago) link

I'll usually reply to a message if it's at all clear that someone has actually read my profile beforehand but not so much when it's from someone I don't seem to have anything in common with who's all like, "OOH, WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON!" I mean...yeah, I guess we're both breathing and survive largely thanks to the consumption of food, so I guess it's all a question of perspective at the end of the day...

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:46 (twelve years ago) link

I've met and wasted time on more than enough "THANK GOD, ANOTHER WARM BODY!" low-expectation ladies in my time, thank you very much.

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:48 (twelve years ago) link

Yeah thats another thing that puts me off a bit, is ppl who you cant work out *why* they messaged you. I got one the other day from a rather normal, country-lookin feller, nothing offensive.... he said he'd been looking at my profile heaps and his curiosity was "peeked" (aaaargh), but DIDN'T SAY WHY. Our match was low, I couldnt see anything in HIS profile that caught my eye, and I was left baffled.

Oh also, I think he had kids.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Tuesday, 22 May 2012 03:55 (twelve years ago) link

"I noticed you were female..."

nickn, Tuesday, 22 May 2012 05:12 (twelve years ago) link

2 years.. still havent met anyone from this stupid fucking thing

billstevejim, Tuesday, 22 May 2012 07:22 (twelve years ago) link

And people wonder why I have given up on OKC....

"you prefer young men and I prefer old. Where have you been?"


Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 04:46 (twelve years ago) link

- if you meant old men, I think yr barking up the wrong tree
- if you meant old women, WHO YOU CALLING OLD, SMARTARSE?!


Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 04:47 (twelve years ago) link

I think the biggest problem with OKC is that the user base can be (very roughly) divided into two camps: a) people who are generally functional but just have trouble meeting potential dating partners and b) people who specifically frequent online dating sites because they're offputtingly dysfunctional and know that delaying face-to-face interaction is the only chance they have at dating. And then, of course, there's a good number of people in group b) who can't even make it past the online pre-interview without setting off all kinds of alarms.

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Friday, 25 May 2012 04:53 (twelve years ago) link

Short of living in the boonies, I don't get why the first camp would have trouble meeting potential dating partners IRL. Meeting people IRL and striking up conversations >>> flipping through carefully-honed online profiles methinks.

The best three relationships I've ever had in my life were all with women I wouldn't have given a second glance to if I'd only known them from an online description. It's only after getting to know them IRL that I realized how amazing they were.

Lee971 (Lee626), Friday, 25 May 2012 06:48 (twelve years ago) link

Short of living in the boonies, I don't get why the first camp would have trouble meeting potential dating partners IRL

...seriously? I mean, I'm a single, reasonably laid back gal with plenty of friends and social connections and fucked if I've been able to find any dates in about a year now. I mean everyone male and single is "potential" I guess but that doesnt help much when you constantly think "well Im not going to ask this person I know out because it will ruin our friendship/they will think I'm a creep/they really dont lke me much probably/etc etc

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 06:56 (twelve years ago) link

I mean my social life, such as it is (and it hasnt been much which admittedly is my own fault lately) is the same group of people all the time, there isnt much new blood in the mix when you hit 40 and your friends groups have become fairly established.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 06:57 (twelve years ago) link

I dunno, I kinda appreciate Lee's "meet people IRL" suggestion. I've never tried it myself, but it's kind of ingeniously straightforward. Like, if it gains steam, it could really put all of these dating sites out to pasture overnight. I'll try it and let everyone know how it works!

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Friday, 25 May 2012 07:19 (twelve years ago) link

It just fits my real-life experience and that of my friends. Dating sites try to match you up with ppl who you think you'll like, who have most of the attributes you're looking for. But IRL, I've found such people make great friends but dull romantic partners. There's something intrinsically unromantic about meeting someone you already know has the same interests, likes the same music, and is as close as possible to your imaginary man or woman of your dreams. Real romance is unexpected, unscripted, and occurs when you last would have dreamt it would happen. How many dating-site profiles have you passed by because s/he was "not your type"? Show me two people who are madly in love, and I'll show you two people who aren't each other's type. It's even true in fiction, whether we're talking Romeo and Juliet or Jack and Rose or anyone else. How interesting would these have been if the latter's families were friendly cohorts and the latter were both wealthy first-class passengers?

I learned all this the hard way, or at least after too much time. Falling in love isn't about finding someone who most closely fits what you think is your ideal mate; it's about finding a seemingly ordinary person whom only after spending some time with you discover how amazing they really are. They'll probably be nothing at all like you, but that only serves to make getting to know them more interesting, as you find yourself becoming fascinated with walks of life you had completely ignored before you met your new bf/gf, and never would have dreamed you'd ever care a whit about. You can't get that flipping through match.com profiles.

Lee971 (Lee626), Friday, 25 May 2012 10:03 (twelve years ago) link

I mean my social life, such as it is ....... is the same group of people all the time, there isnt much new blood in the mix when you hit 40 and your friends groups have become fairly established.

So you join or strike up conversations at the coffee shop, the pub, waiting in line for a concert, at luncheons, parties, or any vaguely social occasion. If you only go places with your friends and only talk with them, you won't meet many new people.

Lee971 (Lee626), Friday, 25 May 2012 10:09 (twelve years ago) link

That involves being at the coffee shop, pub, concert, party... (getting in saying this before sic or S- do)

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 10:50 (twelve years ago) link

PS dont mind me I'm just being self-deprecating as usual ;)

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 10:52 (twelve years ago) link

It's my job to deprecate other people!

FTR, I've met several dates online, but not on dating-specific sites. Some were from reading blogs, and thinking, "wow, this person seems interesting", then messaging her that I'd like to meet her in real life. (downside to this approach: I've had way too many long-distance relationships). I met one woman on forums discussing psychological maladies we were both inflicted with, divorce law (I love irony), and appliance repair. It can happen anywhere.

Lee971 (Lee626), Friday, 25 May 2012 11:01 (twelve years ago) link

Oh dont get me wrong thats how Ive met most of my partners actually! But that comes from being heavily online since BBS days in my mid 20s.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 25 May 2012 11:35 (twelve years ago) link

oh i'm not.... (should've italicized "my" - it's so easy to be misconstrued if you leave out the emphasis in online discourse; I was being facetious, or at least somewhat so...)

Lee971 (Lee626), Friday, 25 May 2012 11:41 (twelve years ago) link

Lee, you do realise that your experience is not universal, nor is it necessarily the ideal? It might be how it works for you, but believe me, it is not how it works for everybody (unless you want to turn around and tell me that I'm not really in love because my partner is too similar in attitudes and interests, in which case, uh, fuck off).

emil.y, Friday, 25 May 2012 12:31 (twelve years ago) link

Lee, FTR: 95% of my social life revolves around people whose internet presence consists of updating Facebook every other week. And while I was still in school/living in my college town, 95% of my dating pool was just people I'd met IRL under a variety of circumstances. However, in a twist of fate that I know is not in any way unique to me, once I was living in a new city and spending a large chunk of my time in a relatively asocial environment (i.e. working an office job vs. bumming around campus and running into familiar people all the time) and had to find a whole new series of activities and routines and hangouts independent of the huge network of people I'd grown accustomed to, it suddenly became much harder to meet new people. Not to mention that I suffer from mild social anxiety that really only affects me wrt meeting new people (specifically when I'm doing it on my own, without having the comfort of people I know around me). So once it became clear that I wasn't meeting many people with whom dating was an option (lots of platonic-type people, though), I warily turned to online dating. Which I've admittedly had limited success with (to the extent that I've dated and been in LTRs with a number of those people but clearly none of those things have lasted).

BUT (and here's the part you maybe wanna pay real close attention to) I have continued to date (and make attempts at dating) people I've met IRL, with the same degree of limited success. Which, yeah, might seem to suggest that the problem lies with me or my choice of dating partner...but that's all beside the point. When you go into a thread where people are talking about listening to music and suggest that people might be more fulfilled if they actually played music, you run the risk of offending by just assuming that there aren't some people in the thread who do play music and some others who are perfectly happy just listening. Now think about how suggestions like that are likely to go over in a thread about how people are managing their romantic life. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'm very happy to hear that everything is going swimmingly in your IRL dating life, but an important thing to realize as you walk through this world is that your life experiences are not universal, and you will go a long way with other people by not expressing incredulity towards the fact that their experiences are different.

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Friday, 25 May 2012 13:15 (twelve years ago) link

There's something intrinsically unromantic about meeting someone you already know has the same interests, likes the same music, and is as close as possible to your imaginary man or woman of your dreams. ]

What?! Fuck that, no way. Please weed out people who like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and long walks in the park as quickly as possible, that's the ticket. In person, people's clothes and speech modes and stuff can tell you a lot about them and how they identify. You don't get those cues online, necessarily, but you get other stuff instead, and I like getting that stuff. I think that's valuable.

What is wrong with walking in the park, Laurel? I thought I knew you ;_;

mh, Friday, 25 May 2012 14:16 (twelve years ago) link

You clearly never read all my question answers while my profile was up, because I hate walking so much. Will do almost anything not to walk a few extra blocks.

Just pretend you are doing a really boring dance through the park that mostly involves one foot in front of the other. Or go skipping, that'd be fun.

mh, Friday, 25 May 2012 14:20 (twelve years ago) link

o i c how u roll


Mad God 40/40 (Z S), Friday, 25 May 2012 14:21 (twelve years ago) link

You are not kidding, I will get my bike down from the 2nd floor to go three blocks. Lee may have been right in this one respect: my now-bf doesn't bike at all. It's awfully inconvenient, but still worth it for the time being. That's a day-by-day arithmetic, though. Which I guess everything is, really.

If he just didn't like bikes I would bully him mercilessly into it anyway, but he's actually epileptic, so his safety is more important. Still, I has sad, whiny face.

One of the people I know who seems to be most enthusiastic about biking now is epileptic! I think she has it well under control and hasn't had issues for years, though.

mh, Friday, 25 May 2012 14:31 (twelve years ago) link

emil.y otm. some similar interests gives you a nice starting point. also this notion that chatting girls up at bar is a more natural and holy experience is straight bullshit.

bnw, Friday, 25 May 2012 15:48 (twelve years ago) link

I can offer many anecdotes of that working horribly, too

mh, Friday, 25 May 2012 15:57 (twelve years ago) link

emil.y, yes i realize my experience isn't universal. No experience is; indeed, whenever I hear someone say "everyone likes ......" or "nobody wants ......" I'm quite to point out that somewhere, someone does like and doesn't want. I was expressing an <i>opinion</i>, just one, what I've observed looking at myself and several others, but certainly not everybody's. If you find something else works better, go for it. Please do whatever works best for you; I was not trying to veto your way of thinking and my apologize if if came out that way.

Deric, I am very aware that everyone's experiences are different, and sometimes very different than mine (I know, I've been dinged for suggesting others' supposedly universal experiences didn't apply to me given my upbringing and experiences). As it turns out, my own dating life has mostly hit the skids of late, so maybe I should try other avenues.

Laurel and others, it wasn't my intent to blast people who like online dating. I was just posting my own opinion and experiences, and those of my friends (one who met her husband on a dating service). But <i>amongst my friends</i>, amongst my friends there have been more online-dating disaster stories than successes. But my tiny sample isn't even close to scientifically valid given the millions involved.

I'm not set in my ways, and if most of you think I should give online dating another chance, I'll reconsider. I just find it a difficult adjustment, and quite disconcerting, when I meet someone interesting and they refuse to want anything to do with me until they stalk me on Google and FB. What happened to discovering new people in real time and in real life? I know I'm old fashioned about this, but "social networking" for me is shooting the breeze with real, 3-dimensional people, not sitting in your bedroom behind a computer screen updating profiles and posting status updates. The latter is becoming more amenable to me thanks to mobile phones though.

Hope I'm explaining myself adequately...

Lee971 (Lee626), Friday, 25 May 2012 17:37 (twelve years ago) link

Well, I'm glad you didn't intend to, and it's cool that you have the good grace to explain yourself (and well), but there were definitely a good number of sentences where what you wrote was very much universalising your specific experience. This, in particular, struck me as kind of rude: Show me two people who are madly in love, and I'll show you two people who aren't each other's type. It basically says 'people who are each others' type can't be madly in love'. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, maybe you just meant to refer to the trope, but that's what it logically means. As someone who is madly in love with their partner who DOES share interests and attitudes that I'd naturally look for, maybe I'm just taking it too personally.

And yeah, some people just aren't socially confident enough to approach others in bars or coffee shops or whatever, which you seem to take for granted as an ability. To say nothing of such approaches often being unwanted, particularly by women who are far too often seen to be fair game for street hassle.

But again, thanks for explaining yourself. I'll leave it up to the guys who are actually OKC users to defend that aspect...

emil.y, Friday, 25 May 2012 17:49 (twelve years ago) link

And yeah, some people just aren't socially confident enough to approach others in bars or coffee shops or whatever, which you seem to take for granted as an ability. To say nothing of such approaches often being unwanted, particularly by women who are far too often seen to be fair game for street hassle.

This x 1,000,000. So much of my social anxiety can be chalked up to my hyperawareness of just this sort of thing. A lot of guys are real effing creeps anymore, and although I'd like to think I don't fall on the wrong side of that line, I know that most women have had to deal with a lot creepers, and, with people I don't know in general, I tend to overcorrect in an attempt to be respectful of peoples' space and boundaries in relation to their degree of trust towards me and my motives. That's led to a lot of people I later became friends with telling me that I seemed standoffish before they knew me. Which, in my head, doesn't really jibe with who I am and is something that I'm trying to work on but I'll take that over being thought of as actively creepy, I guess.

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Friday, 25 May 2012 18:04 (twelve years ago) link

Lee, I understand and sympathize with your concerns that people are becoming too walled-off and reliant on technology as a buffer for having IRL interactions with one another, but this isn't really a black and white 'luddite vs. technophile' argument at the end of the day. There are shades of grey, and sometimes you have to make due with less-than-ideal circumstances (i.e. just dealing with this increasingly-wired world).

As I've said elsewhere in this thread, I haven't had the greatest luck with OKC, and I'm currently at the one year mark of refraining from dating altogether (after the devastating end of my last OKC-derived LTR), so I'm certainly not the person to ask about whether online dating is worth your time.

Quiet Desperation, LLC (Deric W. Haircare), Friday, 25 May 2012 18:11 (twelve years ago) link

But amongst my friends, amongst my friends there have been more online-dating disaster stories than successes.

It's probably more common now, but there was once a sort of stigma attached to admitting you met on a dating site so it's completely possible you know people who did but don't talk about it.

mh, Friday, 25 May 2012 18:13 (twelve years ago) link

like your parents

Mad God 40/40 (Z S), Friday, 25 May 2012 18:17 (twelve years ago) link

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