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it had me laughing

anthony, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What do you call a gingerbread man with only one leg?

Limp biscit.

Two geriatric old dolls out walking in the park when a flasher passess. What happened?

ONe had a stroke...... the other god bless her wasn't quick enough

nic, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

In the same vein...

Hans is a big burly German who is an apprentice chef working in a kitchen of big hotel. He's placed on washing up duty as part of his induction to all the compenent parts of managing a good kitchen.

He's busily scrubbing away when there's a commotion behind him. A customer has ordered some squid, and like lobster, this restaurant have a tank of live squid to be killed to order. This responsibility falls the fish preparer, Gervais. Unfortunately, Gervais had been considering a career change, so often did he find this task too upsetting. This one was no different. He looked at the lime coloured little creature, and started to anthropomorphise. He was sure he could see human features on the squid. He could even see what looked to him for all the world like a little moustache. He just couldn't do it, and so cleaver in mid air, decided to make a break for it, and quit on the spot.

The head chef, incandescent with rage remonstrated with all and sundry. His eyes fell upon Hans who had been paying little attention. 'Hans,' says the chef, 'you come here and replace Gervais.

Hans dutifully walks over, picks up the cleaver, grabs the squid's body and raises his arm in the air ready to administer the fatal chop. But he too notices something with the squid, and he just can't do it. He composes himself, but to no avail.

The moral of this tale?

Hans that does dishes is as soft as Gervais, with mild green, hairy lip squid.

Nathan Barley, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Queen Mother arrives in Heaven. She's flitting about when into view hovers Diana, Princess of Wales.

QM: What a delightful halo, dearie!

Diana: It's not a halo, it's a fucking steering wheel.

suzy, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Rachmaninov is to perform with the London Symphony Orchestra. Word spreads that Rachmaninov is insisting that his piano in London be tuned by an old Italian man who lives on the East End, Luigi Apernakiti, and by no one else. The conductor himself tracks down what he thinks is the address, walks up to the door, and knocks. A stooped old man appears. "Yyyes?" he says, adjusting his spectacles. "Luigi Apernakiti?" asks the conductor hopefully. "Yes, that's me." "The great Rachmaninov requests the skills that he says you alone possess! Come with me at once!" and the old man does, bringing his bag of tools along with him. When they arrive at the recital hall, the old man seems to shed 30 years, and expertly ratchets around the piano with ease. After what seems like just a few minutes, he's done. "I suggest you see if it is to the maestro's liking." "Yes, yes of course! We are in your debt! Please ask of us whatever you'd like." So after negotiating a deal the old man goes home.

The night of the concert arrives. But one of the stagehands, while putting up a backdrop, leaves a beer on the strings of the piano! When Rachmaninov shows up an hour prior to the performance he is incensed. "I thought I told you! I will accept no substitute for the best!" he roars. "Unless this piano is fixed, I will not play." The conductor almost faints, but gathers himself and his first violinist and dashes out into the rain to get the old man to come back and save the performance. They arrive at his door, breathless and wet and very cold, and bang on it with all their strength. It finally opens, the same little old man. "Yyyes?" he says, pushing his spectacles to the top of his nose. "Something's happened to the piano. The great Rachmaninov needs you back to fix it. Come with us immediately!"

"I'm sorry boys, but Apernakiti only tunes once!"

Tracer hand, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

A leprechan walks into a bar. The bartender gives him a cursory glance, then does a double-take because the poor guy has a steering wheel stuck on the end of his dick. Rather gingerly, the leprechan makes his way to the bar, eases himself onto a seat and orders a pint.

As he's pouring, the bartender asks, "Did you know you have a steering wheel on the end of your dick?"

The leprechan sighs. "Yes. It's drivin' me nuts!"

Dan Perry, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link


Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

tracer i don't get your joke at all.

ethan, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I don't get Nathan Barley's joke. British TV something?

matthew m., Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Also, the majority of these jokes have to do with the piecing together of given words from a long setup all at once to make a pun. This is really interesting. Is this a current trend in jokery?

matthew m., Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

oh okay i get tracer's joke.

ethan, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

should i have spelled the guys name "Opporknockity"? oh god it's terrible.

Tracer hand, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

matthew m: no we have kept our secret council for years

Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

A man drives up a steep mountain road. A woman drives down that same road. As she passes him she rolls down her window and shouts: "PIG!"

Instantly this man leans out of his window and screams: "BITCH!" at her.

As this man rounds a corner he crashes into a pig right in his path.

Brave Ulysses, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

a woman in a supermarket brings her basket to the checkout and the cashier proceeds to scan the following items:

a container of yougurt a can of soup one microwave dinner one cucumber a pint of ice cream an apple

the cashier glances up smiling at the woman and says "you must be single"

she replies coyly "how did you know?"

he says "cos your ugly"

ernest, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What are two Gay men named bob called ?
oral robots

anthony, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Off topic a bit, and allegedly a true story, prompted by the gag starting "Rachmaninov is to perform with the London Symphony Orchestra". This may be a forum where at least some people will get the punchline.

Yehudi Menuin (sp?) is to perform with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. He arrives at his hotel, with a violin case. The clerk glances at it and mutters, "No fiddle playing in here." Yehudi says, "But I have to practice." "No fiddle playing in here." "But I'm going to play with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra!" "I don't care. No fiddle playing in here." "But - but I'm Yehudi Menuin!" "I don't care if you're Bob Wills, there's no fiddle playing in here."

For those frowning in puzzlement, Bob Wills was the biggest star of western swing, very big in Texas, and a great fiddler.

Martin Skidmore, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

That's a great story!!

Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

ten months pass...
Who's the patron saint of e-mail?

St. Francis of a CC.

MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 19 February 2003 15:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

What do you get when you cross onions with donkeys?

Mostly you just get lots of onions with big ears but occasionally you get a piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes!

Minky Starshine (Minky Starshine), Wednesday, 19 February 2003 15:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

What sort of bees make milk?


phil-two, Thursday, 20 February 2003 06:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

Tony Blair is visiting a multi-denominational school in Belfast and asks the class if anyone knows what a tragedy is.

A Protestant girl puts her hand up and says "if a kid was playing up a tree and fell out and died, that would be a tragedy".

"No" said Tony, "it would be very sad, but that would be an accident, not a tragedy. Anyone else".

So a little Muslim boy puts up his hand and says "what if a busload of schoolchildren went over a cliff?"

"Good answer" said Tony, "but that wouldn't be a tragedy, just a great loss".

"Mr Blair" shouts a little Catholic boy, "what if you were in a helicopter over Ireland and it crashed, would that be a tragedy?".

Tony is flattered and says "yes, thank you, it would. But how did you know".

"Well", said the boy "it wouldn't be a great loss and it certainly wouldn't be a f***king accident".

ailsa (ailsa), Thursday, 20 February 2003 18:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

A midget walks into a bar...

He says "ouch".

nickalicious (nickalicious), Thursday, 20 February 2003 18:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

why not?

Horace Mann (Horace Mann), Thursday, 20 February 2003 20:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

Guy: my dog's got no nose

Tanita: how does it smell?

Guy: it doesnt, it just sits there in the corner whimpering and sinking slowly but surely into an abyss of nasal depravity and canine angst

stevem (blueski), Thursday, 20 February 2003 20:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

one month passes...
Mahatma Ghandi walked barefoot everywhere, to the point that his feet became quite thick and hard. He also was quite a spiritual person. Even when he was not on a hunger strike, he did not eat much and became quite thin and frail. Furthermore, due to his diet, he wound up with very bad breath.

he came to be known as a Super calloused fragile mystic hexed with halitosis.

minna (minna), Sunday, 23 March 2003 08:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

A group of chess enthusiasts had checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the hotel manager came out of his office and asked them to disperse. "But why?" they asked, as they moved off. "Because," the manager said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."

minna (minna), Sunday, 23 March 2003 08:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

i will spare you the boll weevils!

minna (minna), Sunday, 23 March 2003 08:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

three months pass...

Dada, Sunday, 13 July 2003 20:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm not sure I get stevem's joke.

Aaron A., Sunday, 13 July 2003 21:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

five years pass...

What are two Gay men named bob called ?
oral robots

-- anthony, Monday, April 8, 2002 8:00 PM (6 years ago) Bookmark Link

and what, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 18:37 (sixteen years ago) link

This is one my boyfriend told me...

Boyfriend: How does Hitler tie his shoes?
Me: I don't know...he makes someone do it for him?
Boyfriend: No!! Into little Nazis!!

my god it's so stupid

Aja, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 22:51 (sixteen years ago) link

nine months pass...

Has anyone else looked through ?

This is such a great, non-frivolous, and well-assembled thing to use the internet for -- some of the longer story-type jokes are just terrific. (Cf "Drobkin" and "The Pope")

nabisco, Wednesday, 27 May 2009 21:02 (fifteen years ago) link


Bathtime at the Apollo (G00blar), Wednesday, 27 May 2009 21:06 (fifteen years ago) link

five years pass...

why did the coastguard fail to save the drowning hippie?

cos he was too far out

dive inside water and you will know (dog latin), Monday, 8 December 2014 12:35 (nine years ago) link

eleven months pass...

When's the best time to go to the dentist?


rap is dad (it's a boy!), Friday, 20 November 2015 15:37 (eight years ago) link

How do you change a lightbulb in Vietnam?


doing my Objectives, handling some intense stuff (LocalGarda), Friday, 20 November 2015 15:41 (eight years ago) link

haha wtf

rap is dad (it's a boy!), Friday, 20 November 2015 15:42 (eight years ago) link

How do you make an octopus laugh?

rap is dad (it's a boy!), Friday, 20 November 2015 15:42 (eight years ago) link

something to do with tentacles

doing my Objectives, handling some intense stuff (LocalGarda), Friday, 20 November 2015 15:44 (eight years ago) link

something to do with ten tickles

― doing my Objectives, handling some intense stuff (LocalGarda)


rap is dad (it's a boy!), Friday, 20 November 2015 15:45 (eight years ago) link

one year passes...

Welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous.

I see there are a lot of new faces here this week, and I have to say I'm very disappointed.

Neptune Bingo (Michael B), Friday, 2 December 2016 18:33 (seven years ago) link

Di you hear the one about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac who lay awake at night wondering if there really was a Dog?

Neptune Bingo (Michael B), Friday, 2 December 2016 18:34 (seven years ago) link

I saw my doctor yesterday. He told me I was at death's door, but not to worry, because he'd pull me through.

^My dad's favorite joke after he reached age 80.

a little too mature to be cute (Aimless), Friday, 2 December 2016 18:50 (seven years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Knock knock
Who's there?
Broken pencil
Broken pencil who?
Oh never mind. There's no point.

calstars, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 20:42 (seven years ago) link

two years pass...

Why do landlords hate cats?

They won't stop going "mao"

calzino, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 13:39 (four years ago) link

five months pass...

“Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything.”

calstars, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 22:44 (four years ago) link

A man is on a train journey and he sees a beautiful woman in the dining car. He consults with the conductor and finds out that they're bunking in the same sleeping car. He runs back there and gets into bed to wait for her.

She arrives, turns the lights down and begins to undress. She takes off her dress and she's got a false leg, which she unsnaps and puts under the bed. Then she pulls off her wig, takes out false teeth, and finally pops out a glass eye before sliding under the covers. As she does so, she spots the man goggling in amazement/horror from the other side of the room, and snaps, "What do you want?"

He says, "You know what I want - take it off and throw it over here!"

but also fuck you (unperson), Thursday, 9 April 2020 12:42 (four years ago) link

What kind of jokes are you still allowed to tell during lockdown?


doorstep jetski (dog latin), Thursday, 9 April 2020 12:43 (four years ago) link

Three beekeepers are chatting at a beekeeper convention.

The first one says "I've not been in the business long, got ten hives, about 100,000 bees, sold five thousand jars of honey last year."

The second beekeeper says "I'm pretty well established now, thirty hives, half a million bees, I average about thirty thousand jars a year."

The third guy says "You people seem over resourced. I've got five million bees, one hive."

The first two beekeepers look at the third incredulously. "How the hell do you keep five million bees in one hive?" asks one of them.

The third beekeeper shrugs and says "fuck 'em".

a slobbering sombrero moment (Noodle Vague), Thursday, 9 April 2020 12:57 (four years ago) link

What kind of jokes are you still allowed to tell during lockdown?


calstars, Thursday, 9 April 2020 14:52 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

Best knock knock joke I've heard in a while

Who's there?
To who?
To *whom*

cerebral halsey (rip van wanko), Sunday, 5 September 2021 03:09 (three years ago) link

Scotland's expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make is taking a stroll down Sauchiehall Street.
As he passes by the record shop, a sign catches his eye - "Just Released: New LP - Wasps of the World & the sounds that they make - available now!"
Unable to resist the temptation, the man goes into the shop.
"See me, ah'm Scotland's world expert oan European wasps an' the sounds that they make. I'd very much like tae listen tae the new LP you huvv advertised in the windae."
"Aye, nae borra" says the young man behind the counter. "Get yersel intae the booth and put oan the headphones, I'll put the LP oan furr ye."
Scotland's world expert on European wasps goes into the booth and puts on the earphones.
Ten minutes later, he comes out of the booth and announces, "Ah might be Scotland's world expert on European wasps an' the sounds that they make, but ah didnae recognise wan of thae wasp sounds."
"Affy sorry sir" says the young assistant. "If ye want take pap yerr erse back intae the booth, I can let you huvv another 10 minutes."
Scotland's world expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make steps back into the booth and replaces the headphones.
Ten minutes later, he comes out of the booth shaking his head.
"Naw, ah dinnae get it," he says, "I am Scotland's world expert on European wasps an' the sounds that they make, an' yet I still cannae recognise wan of those!"
"**** me sir" says the young man, "If ye want, I could gie ye 5 mair minutes furra right good listen."
Sighing, the Scotland's expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make steps back into the booth.
Five minutes later, he comes out again, clearly agitated.
"I am the Scotland's world expert on European wasps an' the sounds that they make an' I didnae recognise a single wan of thae wasps on that LP."
"Och **** sir, ah'm really, affy, terribly sorry," says the young assistant. "I've jist realised I was playing you the Bee side."

sleeve, Sunday, 5 September 2021 03:18 (three years ago) link

I came home tonight, and my wife said, "I made pizza, and I also cooked ahead".
I replied, "I don't want to eat a head!?"

Halfway there but for you, Sunday, 5 September 2021 03:43 (three years ago) link

(I'm vegan)

Halfway there but for you, Sunday, 5 September 2021 04:33 (three years ago) link

My wife and I were talking about vacations
She said she wants to go somewhere she’s never been before
I said how about the kitchen?
- dangerfield

calstars, Sunday, 5 September 2021 12:15 (three years ago) link

If i had my way that wasp record joke wouldve stayed in its sleeve

fix up luke shawp (darraghmac), Sunday, 5 September 2021 23:57 (three years ago) link

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