RFI: Current Art Exhibitions in London

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Must See: Paul Klee at the Hayward!! While browsing Klee's diaries the other day I found this jaw-dropping early entry: "My first impressions of the beauty of little girls were very precocious yet extremely intense. I was sorry I was not a girl myself so I could wear ravishing, lace-trimmed white panties."

Andrew L, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

YAY I can tell you all about The National Gallery who do MUSICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF PAUL KLEES' WORKS!!!!!

Apologies as always if apostrophe is in wrong place.

Sarah, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

'Can you truly paint yourself, when so affected by unrelated matters'?

That song is GRATE! I used to have it but it was again lost in the Great Computer Death of... whenever it happened, I dunno, I wasn't THERE. I didn't bluddy do it GRRRR ARRGHH. That song can be downloaded in RM format for you lucky buggers who can download freely...

Sarah, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ah yes, the above lyric, I forgot to mention is from the song 'Self Portrait'.

Sarah, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

And see also the short story 'Engineer-Private Paul Klee Misplaces an Aircraft Between Milbertshofen and Cambrai, March 1916' by Donald Barthelme.

Andrew L, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Blimmin' 'eck, The National Gallery, my new favourite band!

A British Os Mutantes smitten by everybody's favourite Swiss doodler!

Momus, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

kaffe matthews played the toon last saturday - gomorrah were k-bettr

, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Tyson at SLG fabulous. You may well tie yrself in knots (ho-ho) trying to establish the workings of the Random Tangler game (wasn't entirely sure whether gallery visitors could actually play the thing). Handful of visitors to Camberwell space Friday mid-afternoon seemed charmed and delighted, as I was. Sign of good art show = foax erupt in idiot glee upon walking through foreboding double-doors at cornucopia of Good Stuff on offer.


Michael Jones, Friday, 1 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Mike: imagine what a *great* Christmas could be spent with some booze and the Random Tangler.

Tim, Monday, 4 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I have that National Gallery album. I discovered it on Frank's site. Do you have it, Momus?

Kerry, Monday, 4 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Now I remember why I stopped listening to it: Chuck Mangione's name on all the credits ruined it for me.

Kerry, Monday, 4 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Went to the Tyson: Supercollider and Nan Goldin yesterday. Enjoyed both, although I'm not sure I entirely got the broader point of the Tyson. Liked the line that went something like "The memories lost in a railway disaster" - reminded me of Richard Brautigan. As for the Goldin, I'd been a bit worried because a lot of the press coverage ran with the same shots I seem to have seen constantly in London over the last couple of years: Nan beaten up, the two trannies in the back of a cab. But there turns out to be loads of new stuff, and I liked most of it. Went on Tuesday, when it was free, and it was crowded, so I didn't stay the whole way through the slide shows with music, and entirely missed the purpose-written Bjork/John Travener score - although missing that is probably a good thing, all told.

Mark Morris, Wednesday, 6 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Langlands and Bell show I've been going on about was every bit as good as I'd hoped. Effortlessly cool / clean / blank / problematic, I am almost waiting for it to get a FAC number (perhaps a FACT number because the show's not huge).

Michael Stubbs at the Entwistle (across the road from Alan Cristea) was the thing I couldn't remember the name of. It's POP! It's kinda abstract! Are those pork chops?

Unexpectedly terrific is the Wood and Harrison thing at the Chisenhale: twenty six absurd / unselttling set pieces. And convenient for those of you who go on about how nice it is round there (what do you call that neck of the woods, BTW? Globe Town? Bow? Old Ford?

Tim, Monday, 11 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

i liked the klee exhibition bestest

sean, Friday, 15 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I hesitate to exhibit my conservative taste in art here BUT I visited Tate Britain last week for the first time in months & found much good stuff in the Collections 2002-1500: BP Displays at Tate Britain:

3 rooms of beautifully hung Constables including several normally resident in the hopelessly cluttered V&A

3 staggering paintings by John Martin of heaven & the Last Judgement

and this Canaletto on loan from The Yale Collection Of British Art that pulled me in so close that the frame disappeared from my peripheral vision & the artist's draughtsmanship & rendering of the light & perspective swept me back 250 years to stand beside him as he made the sketch. I had to tear myself away before I started to hear the conversations of the people in the foreground.

Peter Miller will say it was just another flashback

David, Friday, 15 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I seem to be trailing Tim around with an appropriate time lapse: got to Langlands And Bell and Michael Stubbs on Cork St, both of which were as good as Tim says. While in Cork St I also puzzled over why Pauline Boty's Cuba, Si! had just been sold for £13,000 and a Tom Wesselmann Great American Nude cost nearly half a million when they are second division Pop of similar vintage and quality. That's the market for you. Also made it to the Warhol, have failed to remember that it's half-term. Am trying to write something more substantial about that, though, so I won't say any more here.

Mark Morris, Friday, 15 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I can highly recommend the Martin Parr exhibition at the Barbican, which is outrageously expensive at seven quid but has some of the best photos I've ever seen, better even than the Nan Goldin exhibition, which I thought was damn fine too.

chris, Tuesday, 19 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think wessleman is vastly undrerated and quite adept at parsing politics , in fact while most cannonical pop artists did not view thier message as politcal at all , i find that wessleman ( and esp. his nudes) find the woman as commdity arguements fallow fields . Plus they look camp and sexy, they claim to be art historically correct ( nude) but are pornographic ( naked) Hes fuckign brillant .

anthony, Tuesday, 26 February 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Just to get this on the new answers pg cos I'll be leaving for England in a week...

PS When I checked last night, anthonyeaston was the newest subscriber to sinister! (Hope I'm not giving anything away.)

youn, Tuesday, 12 March 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Head East for contemporary art, the place is also less touristy and has real people living in proper interesting streets: head left from St Pacras Station... Go along main road... Victoria Miro Gallery down a side street by the petrol station (not exactly east end but for those who want to play safe it's a safe bet... Head for Hoxton Square... includes white cube 2, have a drink at local art cafe (where art dudes and art hang), loads of little art galleries and artist studios around this area in Shoreditch (there's even a web site for this Shoreditch), sometimes u can see stuff throgh barred windows that look like art but yiu don't know if its an artist studio or a place the puts stuff on for the public, don't let that put you off, be nosey and visit, if only to see some pompous t*@t look at you like you should b dead.

Visit Shoreditch town hall cuus you're there, head towards Whitechapel gallery along Bethnal Green or Flowers East (look like you're comfortable with the streets or you'll attract gun toting muggers believe!), check out the art shop on the left if you're heading towrds Whitechapel gallery. Somewhere near the film studios (e1) there's a great pub where film people, budding actors etc hang, interesting looking people and good atmosphere, spitfires and mescherschmits models hanging form ceilings.

Head towards E1

Rubens..., Sunday, 24 March 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

eleven months pass...
New Candice Breitz show at Asprey Jacques: http://www.aspreyjacques.com/home.html

They've carpeted the gallery for this one, and furnished one room like a living room and the next like a bedroom. There are bunches of TVs scattered around and each is showing cut up bits of footage of characters from Dallas. It's noisy and the cut-ups make odd, changing rhythms. I found it quite uncomfortable and also the best thing EVER.

Tim (Tim), Monday, 10 March 2003 09:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

I went to the Days Like These show at Tate Britain yesterday, which I loved. Can't remember most of the artists' names offhand, but all those stripes on the floor of the main hall, the wall painting with syringed lines of paint run down it, the meticulous and muted council estate landscapes, and especially the titular vid, by I think Mike Marshall, of plants getting sprayed with water. A real thing of beauty. I sat through it twice and a bit more.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 10 March 2003 18:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

did you like the drawings?

Ed (dali), Monday, 10 March 2003 18:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

gah i got two-thirds down this thread with joy in my heart before realising it was a year old

the candice breitz is indeed terrific

zemko (bob), Monday, 10 March 2003 19:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

i still wanna see the piranesi at the brit museum

zemko (bob), Monday, 10 March 2003 19:01 (twenty-one years ago) link

but i'd rather have a jobbe

zemko (bob), Monday, 10 March 2003 19:01 (twenty-one years ago) link

Thought that the bits in the main hall of Tate Britain - the taped up floors, the tower lightboxes, the huge Whitereads - work better than most of the stuff in the gallery bit of Days Like These. Also the tape of the woman tunelessly singing Please Please Let Me Get What I Want, which was playing in the shop, was pretty startling. Although I may have ruined the effect by mentioning it.

Mark Morris, Monday, 10 March 2003 19:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

Which drawings were those, Ed? I can't seem to call any to mind except a Hamilton or two that I'd seen before. I'm not terribly knowledgeable about contemporary art, and I don't pay enough attention to the names of the artists when I go to shows - besides Richard Hamilton, there were only a couple of others in this whose names I knew at all, and I didn't know their work at all well.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 10 March 2003 19:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

Paul Noble stuff. I just ask because he's a friend and I like to know what you think.

Ed (dali), Monday, 10 March 2003 19:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

You'll have to remind me what they looked like. It was a quick tour of a fairly broad show rather than a detailed study, and I am ignorant so I don't suppose I'll have anything useful to say.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 10 March 2003 20:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

five months pass...
anything good about? seems a bit thin lately

tim i am maybe writing about janetcardiff@whitechapel 4 brown wedge, kay?

there must be better art listings than timeout surely, can anyone point me inna righter direction

Chip Morningstar (bob), Friday, 29 August 2003 08:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

there's a good one coming up at the Oxford Moma soon, Candice whatshername, the one who did double whitney has her own big show.

chris (chris), Friday, 29 August 2003 08:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

Video Actis. the single channel video installation show at the ICA (first seen at PS1 in NYC) is really good, set aside at least an hour and sit with the headphones, I particularly liked the Wegman improvised stories and Vito Acconci's tour of his own work.

Also fantastic is the four screen piece at White Cube Hoxton Square by Christian Marclay, a mesmerising collage / parallel projection of musical moments from familiar old Hollywood films which becomes a visual sample collage. And upstairs there's an interesting slideshow by Kyoichi Tsuzuki (best know for his 'Tokyo Style' book) of Tokyo pink salons, sex parlours which mimic the mise en scene of tube trains and clinics so that customers can indulge their fantasies with cosplay hostesses.

Momus (Momus), Friday, 29 August 2003 09:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Is "A Private Passion" still on at the National? Archel and I went there the day it opened, and it was pretty sweet.

Mark C (Mark C), Friday, 29 August 2003 09:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

marclay is urgent and key for those that have not seen, you have til sunday i think. runrunrun

heh i thought momus might mention the tsuziki! did you see the masakatsu kondo thing at david risley perchance, unheimlich verdant VR, bit corny but not uninteresting

anyone seen the paradise thing at...er. big gallery. about paradise.

Chip Morningstar (bob), Friday, 29 August 2003 09:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

the thing about kondo was that he had made really twee but mo'waxy flyers and he was a he and not a she as i had inexplicably assumed. this kinda ruined it

Chip Morningstar (bob), Friday, 29 August 2003 09:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'll see the marclay tomorrow.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Friday, 29 August 2003 10:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

seven years pass...

Canaletto at Nat Gall is fantastic.

e.g. delete via naivete (ledge), Monday, 13 December 2010 15:00 (thirteen years ago) link

would love to see this thread bumped regularly

did anyone see Christian Marclay's the Clock at the White Cube? and was anyone lucky enough to blag a slot in Bindu Shards?

(+) (+ +), Monday, 13 December 2010 18:06 (thirteen years ago) link

five months pass...

Not sure if this is an appropriate thread for this or if I'm gonna get hated on for self promotion. BUT!

This will be a current art exhibition in London at the start of next month (7th July - 10th July) which is called the Streatham Festival which will involve art and also music and food and rolling London walks and all sorts of things that London ILX0rs are generally interested in.


On page 5 of that programme you may notice that someone has foolishly allowed yours truly to exhibit some of my sketchies! The opening is on 3rd July, and on Saturday 9th July 11am to 7pm I will be doing that "artist in residence" sitting in the glass box drawing like a monkey in a zoo thing that terrifies me so much. But they are going to allow me to DJ some music so if you felt like coming down and pointing and laughing - I mean, keeping me company and seeing some lovely London art (I'm a rank amateur obviously but Jiro Osuga is GR8) in beautiful downtown Streatham. That would be nice.

Karen D. Tregaskin, Friday, 10 June 2011 10:42 (thirteen years ago) link

Whose is the giant pig? That's awesome.

Matt DC, Friday, 10 June 2011 10:46 (thirteen years ago) link

I've no idea, to be honest. When random fabric art-things appear round our parts, we tend to just blame the Ninja Knitters.

Karen D. Tregaskin, Friday, 10 June 2011 10:51 (thirteen years ago) link

is it just the 9th that you'll be there? will try to make it.

the smoke cloud of pure hatred (lex pretend), Friday, 10 June 2011 12:18 (thirteen years ago) link

I may be around on the 3rd as well but running out to go to various other Festival events.

The 9th is the only day that I've committed to being in the gallery all day.

Would be nice to see you, tho! Really easy to get there, train from London Bridge to Streatham Station, the gallery is pretty much right across the road from the station.

Karen D. Tregaskin, Friday, 10 June 2011 13:46 (thirteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

anyone going to Bold Tendencies in Peckham multi-storey car park? opening party tonight, with sculpture spread out over the top 4 floors, and a bar set up on the roof. looks like a great spot for a summer evening, provided the weather behaves.

also, not sure if he's sneered at in some kind of lol streetart kinda way, but there's a new Barry McGee show opening tonight. his last one on vyner street was pretty amazing. you had to enter the gallery space by crawling through an upturned van that filled the doorway. even without the gimmicks, i really like his pen and ink dudes.

+ +, Wednesday, 29 June 2011 12:57 (thirteen years ago) link

So, this is now tomorrow, and I have taken the unprecedented step of sourcing some PLONK in the flavours of red and white and pink so there will be DRINK if that helps persuade anyone to venture down to the wilds of South London.

Train from Kings X or London Bridge to Streatham Station (just plain Streatham, not Streatham Common or Streatham Hill, though you can bus from either of those) and it is literally across the road from the train station, well, just a little to the left. 227 Streatham High Street and there is a big blue banner on the storefront.

Did I mention there will be wine?

Karen D. Tregaskin, Friday, 8 July 2011 14:49 (thirteen years ago) link

seven years pass...

Anything recommended? On a soggy staycation, having worked through the hot weather. What's the best guide for exhibitions these days?

I've seen the Lee Bul exhibition at the Hayward and traipsed round Tates Modern and Britain so far.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 16 August 2018 09:55 (six years ago) link

On a mid-century tip, and depending on where you are, the Edward Bawden in Dulwich and the Gertrude Hermes in the recently re-opened Gunnersbury are both marvellous in their different ways.

Tim, Thursday, 16 August 2018 10:03 (six years ago) link

Thanks ! The Gertrude Hermes looks really interesting and an opportunity for first visit to Gunnersbury.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 16 August 2018 10:12 (six years ago) link

This remains the most comprehensive listing, if you can stand to dig through the interface for what looks interesting to you:


I don't have a current favourite filter / source for recommendations, hence I've fallen horribly out of touch with what's going on.

Tim, Thursday, 16 August 2018 10:16 (six years ago) link

I'm so glad I got to the Hermes: I have a book of her woodcuts but seeing the real things up close was a whole new thing. It's only one room but I thought it was amazing and the closer I looked to more amazing it got. Worth the hour and a half each way to get there.

Also I do like pictures of fish.

Tim, Thursday, 16 August 2018 10:18 (six years ago) link

Talking of fish, and Lee Bul:

“Majestic Splendour” was first shown in 1997 at New York’s MoMA, but the smell was so offensive that museum-goers complained that it made them feel unwell, which resulted in MoMA pulling the work from the exhibition entirely. In subsequent showings of the work, the fish were encased in plastic baggies filled with potassium permanganate in an attempt to minimise the stench. Described as “a strong oxidiser similar to chlorine”, the chemical is neither toxic nor flammable, however, when combined with other combustible materials its flammability increases. After receiving expert chemical advice and deciding that the risk was too big to take – particularly given that this was just the second show of its newly opened space – the Hayward and the artist made the decision to withdraw the fish. But not before they spontaneously combusted and caused a small fire to break out in the gallery that the fire service attended.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 16 August 2018 12:07 (six years ago) link

Haha wow!

Did you like the Lee Bul?

Tim, Thursday, 16 August 2018 12:23 (six years ago) link

It was good, though a bit sparse. The stand out piece being is the Tardis-like lightbulbs and mirror-maze ‘Via Negativa II’, which has an incredible understanding of space. Difficult to shake off a feeling of grey depression with her other work, for me at least.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 16 August 2018 13:20 (six years ago) link

Enjoyed the Gertrude Hermes exhibition a lot. It was good that it included examples of her sketchbooks and typical tools used in woodcut engravings. I also explored the largely deserted palatial mansion in which it was set as well, and Gunnersbury Park itself.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 16 August 2018 20:13 (six years ago) link

Carlos Cruz-Diez at Phillips in Berkeley square is good. Check and see if Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Bonhams have anything on but I thing they shut up for August.


American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Thursday, 16 August 2018 20:20 (six years ago) link

one year passes...

A quick recap of recent exhibitions I've visited:

Picasso and Paper, Royal Academy : Opened today. It's really more a good display of a selection of Picasso's works from throughout his career than specifically being about his use of paper. Very enjoyable, and interesting to learn just how many preparatory sketches he did for his major works. Slightly exhausting and crowded exhibition

Brigid Riley, Hayward Gallery: To be honest I think she's completely over-rated, and ploughing quite a narrow boring furrow, painfully obvious when you compare her to someone like Picasso. But the Hayward's a great space, the paintings are displayed well, and it was interesting to see early works.

William Blake, Tate Britain: I'm not sure if I just wasn't in the mood for this, but I didn't really enjoy it much at all. There's something about Blake's graphic works that gives me the creeps, in the same that reading about the Old Testament does, and I felt the need to head out of the exhibition and see some art without mythical overtones.

Rembrandt's Light, Dulwich Picture Gallery: Again, a very crowded exhibition. I guess I'm glad I saw it, but my estimation of Rembrandt actually went down. Maybe the wrong collection of pictures for me.

Tim Walker, Wonderful Things, V&A : A fantastic exhibition, taking you into its own world, creating works with unique atmospheres, and a fascinating insight into how fantastical photography is created.

Leonardo Exhibition, National Gallery: Embarrassingly bad for £15 (apart from the main painting)[. One main large room is Leonardo quotes in mirror writing on the wall. I felt so bad for them when staff asked what I thought of it that I bought a poster for another £15.

Olafur Eliasson, Tate Modern : It was really good to see so many people really enjoying this one. LOts of creative ideas and surprises.

Luna Schlosser, Saturday, 25 January 2020 23:00 (four years ago) link

Thanks for this - I need to see the Tim Walker one before it closes.

steer karma (gyac), Saturday, 25 January 2020 23:12 (four years ago) link

A few I forgot:

Lucian Freud, Royal Academy : Really enjoyed this. I hadn't realised just how small some of his self-portraits are...Really transporting to look at - there's something magical about the painting of flesh.

Dora Maar, Tate Modern : Well curated, but mostly disappeared from memory the moment I left the exhibition.

Dahn Vo, South London Gallery : Apparently this was in the Guardian's top 5 exhibitions for 2019. Didn't resonate with me at all, and I found the SLG's excellent and very radically inclined bookshop of much more interest.

Luna Schlosser, Saturday, 25 January 2020 23:21 (four years ago) link

...and ahem -oh dear - of course it's Bridget Riley....

Luna Schlosser, Saturday, 25 January 2020 23:31 (four years ago) link

I like Bridget Riley but the Hayward was such an uninterestedly curated blockbuster show. Saw it at the weekend surrounded by children called Poppy and Holly and their awful parents and it was just a magic eye posters for people who went to university. Saw a very good show of her drawings once at least ten years ago in Paris that stuck with me for a long time.

I hated the Dahn Vo exhibition as well, felt like he was just smugly displaying his huge social capital. The only bit I enjoyed was the selection curated by Julie Ault.

plax (ico), Sunday, 26 January 2020 13:43 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

Unearthed: Photography's Roots, Dulwich Picture Gallery: enjoyed it a lot. An interesting way of covering the early years of photography and a well chosen selection of photos. It is quite pricey for a small show unless you have a concession.

Epic Iran, V&A: Really enjoyed this one as well. Entry was delayed by an hour or so by a security alert - so felt a bit foolish fretting over that and then coming face to face with item no. 1: a pot made from before the time of Stonehenge. Different time perspective. Good coverage across various art forms: textiles, persian miniature watercolours, calligraphy and also brings you up to date with modern artists. If you're appetite is not sated, you could then take in the V&A's excellent middle easter gallery afterwords.

Alice: Curious and Curiouser, V&A: Enjoyed it overall, but with some reservations about the way it covered wider influences of Alice which I though was a bit empty and uninventive in places.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:18 (three years ago) link

one month passes...

Stretching the definition of London a bit to include Oxford (less than a hour from Paddington, I enjoyed the Ashmolean's new "Tokyo: Art and Photography" exhibition.

Despite the dubious garish publicity photo/flyer, this doesn't just concentrate on the Tokyo nightlife scene, but uses a wide variety of artworks to illustrate the development of Tokyo as a mega-city.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 19 August 2021 12:11 (three years ago) link

three months pass...

Two exhibitions at the National Gallery are both well worth seeing.

Durer - a good assemblage of works covering his travels to the Alps, Italy, Venice and Netherlands. The oil paintings were something of a revelation as I was unaware of them, and I preferred them to the etchings (though of course appreciate the incredible craftsmanship involved in his etching). Exhibition space is slightly dark.

Poussin - a smaller exhibition illustrating Poussin's fascination with antiquities and how he portrayed dance in his paintings. Really nice done, with plenty of space to admire the paintings/artwork , and a very good film included as well. Really liked this exhibition.

Luna Schlosser, Saturday, 11 December 2021 18:57 (two years ago) link

Ty for this - I might miss the Poussin cos I’m only briefly in before end of year but I’ll certainly check out the Durer

mardheamac (gyac), Saturday, 11 December 2021 19:00 (two years ago) link

Love Poussin & Durer, shame I won't be able to make it to these :(

Wonder if it has Poussin's filthy satyr paintings?

namaste darkness my old friend (ledge), Saturday, 11 December 2021 19:03 (two years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Satyrs do feature - but nothing explicitly filthy.

Just a quick plug for the refurbished Courtauld Gallery at Somerset House. Already an outstanding collection, they've done an amazing refurb job and the lighting in particular is fantastic, enabling you to really see paintings. The art cafe just opposite is also very good. I will be making return visits.

One of my bugbears about the National Gallery is that a lot of the paintings in their exhibitions are hung in gloomy basement spaces that don't bring out the colours, and where you struggle to see details properly. This was particularly evident in the recent Gauguin exhibition, which it looks like I forgot to review, and where the paintings didn't look nearly as colourful as they did in the accompanying film and catalogue.

Luna Schlosser, Thursday, 6 January 2022 12:48 (two years ago) link

two months pass...

The Kawanabe Kyosai exhibition at the Royal Academy was sold out yesterday, so I visited their Whistler's Woman in White Exhibition:Joanna Hiffernan instead.

It is quite interesting but only 3 rooms - and I'm not really sure it justifies the £17 charge in this cash-constrained times. Main findings: I don't enjoy Whistlers etchings or sketches much (so that's one room mostly wasted); I like his use of 'japonisme' - so preferred Symphony in White No. 2 to the main featured No. 1., and enjoyed the small series of Hiroshige woodblock prints that make an appearance. Finally I preferred some of the paintings by other artists featured - though I wasn't sure how directly related to Whistler and his model they were (I didn't read the exhibition catalogue).

Can recommend the free Jock McFadyen - Tourist without a Guidebook exhibition in the same Royal Academy building. Really good rooms to display the art with the space it needs and enable you to absorb it. You need to hurry if you want to catch it though - it's on until 10 April.

Luna Schlosser, Sunday, 3 April 2022 11:56 (two years ago) link

Visited the David Hockney at The Fitzwilliam exhibition in Cambridge yesterday (50 minutes from Central London).

Liked it a lot. There's isn't a huge amount of Hockey content but it's mixed in with the regular Fitzwilliam exhibits in a way that works really well. It was great to have a rare opportunity to see a few of the early 70s large scale canvasses, including Les Parc des Sources, Vichy. Free entry - worth booking a ticket in advance if you're travelling any distance to it.


Luna Schlosser, Sunday, 10 April 2022 18:26 (two years ago) link

I was thinking of going to see this album covers exhibition at the Photographers' Gallery but it does just sound like they've mounted a selection of reasonably well-known sleeves in a gallery space - I think I'd rather see prints of the original photos, at least in combination with the sleeves.


Ward Fowler, Sunday, 10 April 2022 19:55 (two years ago) link

Oh that looks good anyway, plus it's cheap lol.

xyzzzz__, Monday, 11 April 2022 14:49 (two years ago) link

Think I'll wait to see the reviews of that one.

Luna Schlosser, Monday, 11 April 2022 15:23 (two years ago) link

Admirable ambition for the new Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster exhibition (free) at the Serpentine South Gallery:

Alienarium 5 is a proposal for freedom and interspecies connection. It is an experimental place in which to discover new forms of love and to imagine possible encounters with visitors from outer space.

Luna Schlosser, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 07:14 (two years ago) link

The album cover exhib was very small and well random. But still, I wasn't ever sure I'd ever live to see a physical copy of Nommo by Milford Graves and Don Pullen, so that's one off the bucket list, and the curator's small collection of commemorative May 1968 7 inch singles were again something I'd never seen assembled before, and definitely brought out the collector scum in me, which is I guess one sign of curatorial success.

And as xyzzz said, it was only a fiver and there were also the four Deutsche Börse Photography nominees on another floor, all of them worth a look at lovely big print sizes. If I had a vote, I would be torn between the Anastasia Samoylova and Gilles Peress portfolios.

The bookshop has some tempting things. Not an uninteresting selection of 'music' books to accompany the exhib, but I genuinely felt they'd missed a trick by not stocking A Hidden Landscape Once a Week - unless it's OOP?

Pretty sure I'd never been down Ramilles Street before either, and even now I found it a bit of a thrill to uncover a hidden landscape once in a blue moon in central London.

Ward Fowler, Monday, 25 April 2022 22:01 (two years ago) link

I really like The Photographers' Gallery, it's somewhere you can pop in for 30 minutes and always see something that's interesting or even good

TWELVE Michelob stars?!? (seandalai), Tuesday, 26 April 2022 01:32 (two years ago) link

Totally agree, when I worked in Wardour St I would pop around there all the time during my lunch break, always something interesting and the little bookshop is fantastic.

Maresn3st, Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:27 (two years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Found out about this upcoming Cezanne exhibition when idly thinking “where can I go to see Klee in London?” Might put links to stuff I’m interested in in here.

gyac, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:33 (two years ago) link



gyac, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:36 (two years ago) link

there was a Munch exhibit in Glasgow a few years ago which was amazing and it was nowhere on the scale of that, I am very jealous

boxedjoy, Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:22 (two years ago) link

four months pass...

Lucian Freud: new perspectives - National Gallery

Visited today. Well worth seeing (I’ll spare my own personal views on Freud).

Not sure that the exhibition discovers new perspectives, and is very similar to the last Lucian Freud exhibition I saw at the Royal Academy (2019 I think).

But, really good large rooms and lighting, though some of the later large paintings are hung quite high up.

Luna Schlosser, Sunday, 9 October 2022 14:21 (one year ago) link

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