Matrix Revolutions

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I meant Internet funny.

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:56 (twenty years ago) link

Yes, that makes all the difference.

Nicolars (Nicole), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:57 (twenty years ago) link

They're saying that about the new Matrix movies as well, Rob! Hell, on this thread they're saying it!

Ha ha, good point Ned. I think even the major detractors from the nu-Matrices will acknowledge that they're trying to do *something*, either with the CG or large-form story or expanding this tenaciously balanced conceit that worked well for one film into five more hours. Even the biggest Star Wars fans have trouble figuring out what the nu-Star Wars films are trying to do beyond shift merchandise.

And I say that as someone who still has a primal reaction to Jedi fights!

rob geary (rgeary), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 17:59 (twenty years ago) link

The funny thing is that a good slew of these positive arguments remind me of the defense of the recent Star Wars films in ways.

so otm it isn't even funny!

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:03 (twenty years ago) link

the difference between the two is that the new Star Wars are more aimed at CHILDREN, and pretty good kids films they are too I reckon.

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:06 (twenty years ago) link

"I don't wanna be a Jedi!!"

s1utsky (slutsky), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:08 (twenty years ago) link

the new Star Wars are more aimed at CHILDREN

bah. I call bullshit on this. This is lucas' attempt to dodge or deflect criticism over how his movies finally came out.

Kingfish (Kingfish), Tuesday, 4 November 2003 18:28 (twenty years ago) link

Hey steve I'm not going to make it til 7 at the earliest so sadly I can't make the pre-FX drinkies! Unless it's a shot of Jameson. Email me your # and I'll call you in case by some miracle I can make it over there sooner.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 12:59 (twenty years ago) link

Useful Matrix timeline, although I suppose there might be spoilers if you haven't seen animatrix? (I haven't, and none of the information seemed like spoilers, just nice background.)

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:03 (twenty years ago) link

Star Wars was ALWAYS aimed more at children, irrespective of incestuous subplots and plagiarism of Kurosawa. Of course I was annoyed by several things in the prequels but I still enjoyed them very much.

Tracer i have mailed you, am unlikely to get there before 7.15 anyway so see you there.

thanks for that link btw Teeny. i watched bits of Matrix Reloaded again last night and I am still wondering who is that guy who glances forlornly at Neo as he is marched past Merovingien's table in the restaurant as Neo and co approach?

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:14 (twenty years ago) link

I'll probably be able to make this now, so see you out front at 7:20-ish. Then of course beers afterwards.

I can't give you my number because I haven't got one.

Pete (Pete), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:18 (twenty years ago) link

excellent (except for lack of digits)

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:20 (twenty years ago) link

Delving into the underground to rescue Neo, Trinity must first battle the Merovingian (Lambert Wilson) and his consort Persephone (Monica Bellucci) in their Eurotrash disco of death. Fans will not be deprived of Trinity's bird kick, Persephone's perfectly spherical breasts, or Merv's snidely villainous "quel bon surprise!"

In short, the movie is something of a bull session until Zion's defenders strap themselves into their galumphing robo-battle machines and begin to rock and roll with the invading mindless metallic insect horde. There's a hint of Burroughsian grandeur to this cyborg-against-cyborg ballet mécanique and, at this point too, my notes began to resemble an undergraduate Burroughs imitation: BX cable squid spaghetti static electricity! Machine-gun machine-hell Armageddon!! Infernal orange and blue orgone-light tentacle vortex!!!

J Hoberman, Village Voice

The J-Hoba is the best film critic alive innit. I want his two recent books. Hardly anywhere stocks em but they all have that poindexter Anthony Lane

Enrique (Enrique), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:21 (twenty years ago) link

That Tony lane book is holding up remainder bookstores as we speak.

Pete (Pete), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:22 (twenty years ago) link

good move watching reloaded last night--I hear this one starts precisely where the last one ended, no recap whatsoever.

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:26 (twenty years ago) link

The last one ended with Jack Sparrow escaping right?

Pete (Pete), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:37 (twenty years ago) link

no it ended by zooming out from Bain's table far enough to reveal that the whole thing is taking place within a goose's mind

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:45 (twenty years ago) link

It has geese in it? Are they cod philosophising geese or tasty dinner geese?

Ricardo (RickyT), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 13:54 (twenty years ago) link

oh man I'm reading some of the early reviews and they're awful. I'm talking soon to someone who saw it at a critics' preview; any questions you want me to ask them?

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:04 (twenty years ago) link

What did they dress up as for Halloween?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:07 (twenty years ago) link

Red or blue pill?

Girolamo Savonarola, Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:29 (twenty years ago) link

i don't want no spoilers. i read the first sentence of Harry Knowles review and that's enough for me (amazingly, he loved it!)

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:54 (twenty years ago) link

Harry Knowles like this geek-magnet studio-fest, huh? There's a turn-up for the books.

Enrique (Enrique), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 14:57 (twenty years ago) link

if he loves it there's a good chance i will. then again it could just be some kind of cheap trick.

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 15:03 (twenty years ago) link

By the way, the timeline linked above has some obviously glaring errors - like the fact that it doesn't account for the fact that there actually were five Ones before Neo - which would mean a good few more centuries tacked on. And I think I heard the Reloaded/Revolutions is supposed to be six months after the original, not two years. Not that the difference really matters that much.

Girolamo Savonarola, Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:26 (twenty years ago) link

like the fact that it doesn't account for the fact

I love my diction! < /sarcasm>

Girolamo Savonarola, Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:27 (twenty years ago) link

I just saw it. I liked it, but then again I would.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:36 (twenty years ago) link

coming out of a movie at 9:15am is surreal.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:38 (twenty years ago) link

I know, I go to early morning screenings all the time and actually I find 'em to be kind of a kick.

s1utsky (slutsky), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:47 (twenty years ago) link

the 'behold: sunlight!' when you exit is k-classic

cinniblount (James Blount), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 17:51 (twenty years ago) link


Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 18:21 (twenty years ago) link

plus, it had the fuck scene with the metal spine holes!

Ludwig Van Kingfish (Kingfish), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 19:40 (twenty years ago) link

early-morning screenings are especially great when it's a slow-moving or otherwise languorous movie. sipping on a coffee, it's a great way to wake up.

s1utsky (slutsky), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 19:42 (twenty years ago) link

I saw it too. I liked it. Can we declare a spoiler zone from here on down?

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:20 (twenty years ago) link

fuck it, from whom am I asking permission?

SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********SPOILER ZONE***********

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:21 (twenty years ago) link

there's that other thread, but I don't like that Donald Sutherland pic.

This is now an official SPOILER ZONE!

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:23 (twenty years ago) link

oops, sorry, missed the other thread. Just got back, so excited, etc.

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:24 (twenty years ago) link

Fine then spoilinator. T-minus 6 minutes and counting 'til I can leave work, eat this big fat ganja browny, and go see this fucker...later I'll come back and tell Teeny she's OTM.

nickalicious (nickalicious), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:25 (twenty years ago) link

discussed it at lunch with coworkers who saw it - I've decided it's a great film and I'm mystified by the reviews.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:26 (twenty years ago) link

dude! nza! I had to come back to work! And I got no brownie!

Okay, I saw that other thread, and boy, I think it was doomed anyway.

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:26 (twenty years ago) link

Seriously, there was less wrong with this movie than the other one. My only (v minor) complaints are that it was a little sappy at parts and the symbolism was a little heavy-handed. I'm really dense about getting symbolism, though, so it was probably gag-worthy to a more perceptive person. and/or perhaps to a christian; I swear there's so much shit that I think is so cool and original and someone lets me in that it's just the story of Cain and Abraham or whatever, I mean I wasn't raised Christian, so step off, mister master race, I probably learned all that shit by playing Vampire anyway.

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 5 November 2003 21:30 (twenty years ago) link

I believe Geoff L. on Metacritic say it best:

"I'm going to say something about this movie that is my choice to say. Something that I've wanted to say and will say after I say this. Before I say it it is important to understand that I choose and know why I choose to say what I want to say. I believe I know why I choose to say what I am going to say but what matters is why you beleave that you understand why you choose. It is also important that you understand that I do not use the word 'choose,' only the meaning behind the word...the word that does not mean anything to me--except fot the meaning associated with the word. So now I'm going to say it.... Take the above said add in some kick'n FX and two hands full of corn. Mix it all together and bake it with some hype and you'll have enough Matrix Revolutions for 8 - 10 soft headed guests."

Kenan Hebert (kenan), Thursday, 6 November 2003 06:19 (twenty years ago) link

Well that's the dialogue style down pat. I like the bit where Neo says to Trinity ""I'm going to say something now" AND DOESN'T EVEN SAY IT.

Not as terrible as I thought. Bad enough for me to be laughing all the way through.

Pete (Pete), Thursday, 6 November 2003 10:44 (twenty years ago) link

i laughed a lot too but not as much as Pete The Cynic. funniest lines of the film:

Oracle: You really are a bastard
Smith: You'd know Mom

Neo: You're gonna have to drive

The majority of the reviews disgust me. This is a hugely entertaining movie as were the last two. As many great lines as bad ones, far more great ideas than bad ones. Strange stilted slow moving first half balanced bravely by exhilirating second half. Best fantasy war scene in cinematic history. Playfully and RIGHTFULLY referencing countless anime and sci-fi of the past. Neo/Smith battle was a bit too drawn out for me but the ending just about saved it. Neo's battle with Bain was far better tho. The new Oracle was better than I expected her to be though not quite matching the previous one. Merovingien and Persephone were under-used/under-exploited perhaps. We find out very quickly who that guy in the restaurant was (aha). Morpheus did bugger all but that's a good thing. The Kid was kinda cute. The Captain's sentinel-slashed face was NOT cute (fucking ew). The CGI for the machines and the APU battle scenes was superb. The dialogue was adequate and true to form. Keanu wasn't THAT bad. Robot insects are the best thing ever. Hugo Weaving is super as ever (you'll say his duplication was pointless because only one of him fought Neo - well, he's a nihilist, get over it). Interesting notions raised (why is it the machines seem to value and honour concepts such as 'trust' and 'trade' more/better than humans? as both the Machine Godhead and The Architect demonstrate)...several annoyances I really can't be bothered raising because I'm too busy thinking about and enjoying all the good stuff (maybe some critics should try that some time).

Neither better or worse than the other two for me. I like them all. A lot.

stevem (blueski), Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:14 (twenty years ago) link

I saw Reloaded again a few weeks ago on Imax and it was much better the second time around - although it made the Zion tribal shindig scenes even more ridiculous.

But I don't think even Imax can save Revolutions... I came away not hating it, but bemused. I kept finding myself rolling my eyes at the hokey dialogue. And the leader in machine city made me giggle - he looked like one of those toys made out of pins that you press onto your face.

They should have left it at the first one...

elisabeth k, Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:17 (twenty years ago) link

Never forget that 'revenger' and 'reporter' begin with the same letter.

Lemmy Caution (Enrique), Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:18 (twenty years ago) link

why do some people care so much more about the dialogue than the aesthetic quality and execution in other areas?

he looked like one of those toys made out of pins that you press onto your face.

this is a good thing

stevem (blueski), Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:27 (twenty years ago) link

It's irrelevant whether many Smiths or a single Smith fought Neo, because Smith technically won the fight only as one. Had he been about to lose, the others surely would have jumped in. He eventually lost overall (even though he won the fight) because winning meant absorbing Neo, which quite clearly destroyed the Smiths.

Andrew (enneff), Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:49 (twenty years ago) link

I await Neo's 'Suedehead'

Enrique (Enrique), Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:53 (twenty years ago) link

ARF! I'm quite proud of that.

Enrique (Enrique), Thursday, 6 November 2003 11:57 (twenty years ago) link

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